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View Full Version : My Story 7

09-24-2007, 09:52 AM
I was fairly lucky, in that since I was a fairly regular customer, The owner of the Restaurant, let me go with the promise to pay him back when I came through on my return trip home. I readily agreed.

I finished my route and payed him back plus a little extra for his kindness. I went home throughly depressed. I felt betrayed by Deanna as well as Lana, so I chalked it up to a life renewing experience and decided to get on with my life.

A few weeks later deanna showed up on my doorstep,much to my suprise, wearing these huge sunglasses . I asked her what she wanted in a rather cold voice. She just stood there for a moment, then she asked if she could stay over tonight since it was cold out and she had no place to go. My first instinct was to tell her that wasn't my problem and slam the door in her face. But still I knew I cared for her. And so I was caught in a moment of indecesion.

She took my silence the wrong way and said she was sorry to bother me, and turned around and started to leave.

Again there was the moment of choice. I knew my life would be much simpler with her and her friends out of it, I could go back to my nice simple life. A simple life of isolation, and lonliness.

Ah hell you folks should know by now that I'm pretty much a sap and an easy mark. I sighed to myself and KNEW that I was going to regret this sooner or later, hell knowing me, I knew it would be much sooner.

I called out to Deanna to wait a moment. She stopped but didn't look back. I asked her to come inside so we could talk. She asked me if I was sure, and a little exasperated I said yes now will you please come inside!?

She came back into the apartment. I told her to go sit on the couch. And she quietly did so. I walked over and stood over her, not really knowing myself what to say or do. She just sat there quietly, and then she asked if I was going to say something or what?

I knelt down to her and asked her to truthfully answer one question, and IF I believed her we would see what would happen. And so I asked her if she had taken those things that had gone missing from my apartment. She never looked up at me but said yes. And they I just simply asked her why?

As she told me the answer I knew was coming, that she needed the money, to buy drugs. Since I had “made” her give up streetwalking she hadn't been making enough to cover her daily habit, and so she took things with the full intention of paying me back somehow. And that she was sorry.

I asked her where she had been staying these few weeks. She simply said “here and there” so I decided not to push.

All the while she talked to me she never looked up at me. I gently cupped her chin and lifted her head up and took off those damn sunglasses of hers. She said don't and tried to grab for them but I got them off and saw a huge blackened eye staring up at me.

“Who did this” I thought I asked calmly, but she shrank back from my voice hearing the anger in it. She said no one. I told her I know a black eye when I see one. And she didn't get it from walking into a door!

She said the other night a guy picked her up and realized later that she was “a Guy” and had gotten upset. She said stuff like this happens and that it's not a big deal.

Not a big deal... I asked her why she didn't tell her Johns she was a Transsexual? She said being thought of as a real girl got her more dates, besides she said she usually only gave them head or a handjob and never let them get there hands down there. But this guy had been to quick for her and she didn't get his hand away from her crotch before he “felt” her.

Exasperatedly I told her that she could be killed for shit like that. And that an extra 20 bucks wasn't worth her life. She reached into her pocket and quickly flicked open a pocketknife and said that wasn't going to happen.

She quietly put the knife away and asked if she could stay or what, cuz if not then she would have to go out to make enough for a hotel room for the night. I shook my head and said she was welcome to sleep in my bed and that I would take to couch tonight. She asked why I was staying on the couch, and I simply told her that I didn't think a relationship would work out between us and that she was my friend but that would probably be it.

Deanna pressed herself tightly against me and kissed me passionatly, But I quickly broke away from her and simply said “don't” and told her to go to bed as I had to be up early and she would have to leave when I did.

She got a little huffy at this and said fine and went into the bedroom and closed the door. I didn't tell her real reason I wanted her in the bedroom though, it was because I simply didn't trust her anymore. And that besides my alarm clock there was nothing of any value in there. All of my “expensive” stuff was here in the living room and I would be sleeping here to keep an eye on it.

I went and got undressed and grabbing a spare blanket crawled into bed on the couch. And as a last measure I put my wallet under my pillow so no one could get at it without waking me up.

And so I went to sleep kind of sad that I had to do this to protect my stuff...

End Part 7