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View Full Version : Do you care about transwomen?

09-17-2007, 08:53 PM

Do you care about transwomen?

I mean beyond thinking they're hot, or
besides the TS you might be in a
relationship with.

Do you feel they are treated fairly.

Are you just passing through the
community, and it doesn't matter
to you one way or another..

Is there too much talk in the media
about transsexuals and their rights,
is there too much on this forum.

Do you care about their rights,

El Nino
09-17-2007, 09:03 PM
Human Sexuality is evolving. All should be treated equal

09-17-2007, 09:13 PM
I realy care about trans womans and their rights peggy. I guess you know that.
No I dont think they are treated fairly.

09-17-2007, 10:21 PM
Do you feel they are treated fairly.

Are you just passing through the
community, and it doesn't matter
to you one way or another..

unfair treatment of anybody always matters to me. I am a liberal and - so god will - will always be one. my political "instincts" tell me I can not NOT care.

Is there too much talk in the media
about transsexuals and their rights,
is there too much on this forum.

Do you care about their rights,

there is not too much talk about those things on this forum. regarding (mainstream)media I dont know much. I ceased to care for those.

yet, I see a big problem with transsexuals and their rights: in a "transcommunity" beeing so fragmented and diverse, you will see goals promoted by one fraction or the other, and some are even contradictory.

09-17-2007, 10:34 PM
I voted for the 7th option, though I also think that the 5th holds true for me. As you know, Peggy, I want to eventually become a transsexual advocate myself one day and help to change some unfair laws against them (such as bathroom use, marriage and the prison system just to name a few).

But yes, I generally find myself caring for the plights of the transsexual community now and wish to help them in any way that I can...that is, when I'll be able to. I think that transsexuals will eventually be accepted into society. But for that to happen, action must be taken. Gays and lesbians--while still not wholly accepted--are beginning to crack the wall, so to speak, and I can see transsexuals doing the same. Blacks fought for their freedom during both the Civil War as well as during the Civil Rights movement of the late 50s and 60s. So I think that transsexuals must do the same if they wish to be recognized in our society.

09-17-2007, 10:36 PM
As a member of 'society', i voted 5.
7 is too ambiguous.

09-18-2007, 12:47 AM
Wow, a poll of substance on HA! ;)

I voted for 7, as I am not only willing, I actually do what I can when I can to further the cause. I also think 5 is a valid point: 7 goes further in accepting personal responsibility and commitment to the cause, but it leaves out the governmental part, which I think is essential: we need appropriate legislation and enforecement alongside personal commitment to change. However, it's not "up to society" (the other half of 5) because the rights of individuals should never be subject to general concensus (the fundamental flaw in the anti-gay marriage movement's failed attempts to repeal the Massachusetts law allowing same sex marriage by putting the issue up as a referendum in the general election).

09-18-2007, 12:53 AM
Too many damn options IMO. But you know racism still and will probably always exists so they will always have problems too. :(

09-18-2007, 01:00 AM
I'd pretty apathetic, and don't really a shit about anything, but as far as the law goes, transwomen have more rights than gays or lesbians. The way society treats them seems to depend on passability, so I guess that's open for debate.

09-18-2007, 01:00 AM
Too many damn options IMO. But you know racism still and will probably always exists so they will always have problems too. :(

"targets" in society come in & out of style. Going by people I have talked to, in the area where I grew up, the klan was more vocally hostile towards italians than blacks.

09-18-2007, 01:06 AM
...as far as the law goes, transwomen have more rights than gays or lesbians...

Huh? How do you figure that one?

The vast majority of the discrimination laws out there, along with hate crime laws- cover gays and not trans people. Gender expression is routinely shot down from such legislation.

09-18-2007, 01:14 AM
...as far as the law goes, transwomen have more rights than gays or lesbians...

Huh? How do you figure that one?

The vast majority of the discrimination laws out there, along with hate crime laws- cover gays and not trans people. Gender expression is routinely shot down from such legislation.
Exactly, most states consider "transwomen" actual women, which is why hate crime legislation wouldn't cover them. Anyway, being designated protected under a hate crime isn't exactly a right.

But they are allowed to marry, which carries with it many different rights that gays and lesbians aren't entitled to.

09-18-2007, 01:21 AM
Exactly, most states consider "transwomen" actual women, which is why hate crime legislation wouldn't cover them. Anyway, being designated protected under a hate crime isn't exactly a right.

It maybe true that they see POSTOPs as women but VERY few states ever view preop or nonop girls as women in the eyes of the law.

Which prison is a preop or nonop girl going to be sent to by any given state in our union?

Beyond this reality, postops maybe covered as women under these statues, but that doesn't make that the case in practice. A postop facing job discrimination for being trans is typically not going to go very far in a discrimination case over wrongful termination. The courts typically view any discrimination issues with trans people -regardless of surgery status- as being an issue of gender expression and that is specifically excluded from these statues to appease our religious factions.

09-18-2007, 02:15 AM
Good post Peggy. I admit that most of my actvities are in helping my GF specifically, but I do support the larger TS community in terms of political goals.

09-18-2007, 04:43 AM
There's definitely no equality where the transgendered are concerned, but this is the same for any number of other groups, as we all know.

As for whether or not I would be willing to do anything to help the transgendered community, yes... though the reality is that community itself makes attracting support difficult, due to "outsiders" being viewed with extreme suspicion and even hostility, in addition to widespread animosity within the community itself, making efforts to move acceptance and social justice forward virtually impossible.

09-18-2007, 08:07 AM
Do you feel they are treated fairly.

Are you just passing through the
community, and it doesn't matter
to you one way or another..

unfair treatment of anybody always matters to me. I am a liberal and - so god will - will always be one. my political "instincts" tell me I can not NOT care.

Is there too much talk in the media
about transsexuals and their rights,
is there too much on this forum.

Do you care about their rights,

there is not too much talk about those things on this forum. regarding (mainstream)media I dont know much. I ceased to care for those.

yet, I see a big problem with transsexuals and their rights: in a "transcommunity" beeing so fragmented and diverse, you will see goals promoted by one fraction or the other, and some are even contradictory.

Pretty much what he said. I will add that we need to counter the talking point, which reframes the concept of people not being discriminated against, into being called giving those same people, special priviledges.
I too voted that I want try to help. I also feel that the government should try to protect people from discrimination.

09-18-2007, 08:32 AM
Society and goverenment should insure that they are treated fairly.
However, it is up to us to vote for those that would implement laws to see that Transsexuals and all people are treated fairly. At this time, the only Transsexuals that are treated fairly are the ones that can fly totally under the radar.
I have been e-mailing a girl that I used to date a long time ago, and she is still having a really tough time. She still has not really had a good job since her transition and that was a long time ago. She had SRS a couple of years ago, which I knew nothing about until last week. She thought that would make her complete, but it did not. For the most part people are nice to her, but every once in a while she runs into some real assholes. You know, the kind that will say sir instead of ma'am. And although she is not 100% passable, it is still pretty obvious that she is a woman. I guess that is just some bullshit passive agressive behavior that a lot of people use with Transsexual women. Maybe I am wrong, so maybe some of the girls here can comfirm that.
She is now going in for more surgeries. She is going to have implants and FFS. Hopefully this will help her and give her the confidence boost that she needs.

09-18-2007, 08:39 PM

Thanks to everyone who has commented,
and voted so far, and to those that I
anticipate will vote.

I will reserve my comments for just a bit,
but I do have some thoughta on the thread
and poll results.

09-19-2007, 01:33 AM
I care, but on a certain level like you would care when you see someone in the newspaper that got killed, but not enough to be concerned about it because I know I can't change anything. Besides, WHO IS treated completely fair?