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09-16-2007, 08:45 AM
I went to work regularly for the next week, and Deanna and I behaved like a normal regular couple, (well as normal as we could be anyway.) She kept the place clean and made me my meals, she would go out and “service” her regular customers, but other than that she kept close to home. And I didn't mind. I'd been alone for a long time and it was nice to try and do the normal thing for once.

She would however bring some of her street friends over when it got cold. I didn't say much as i wouldn't let someone stay outside in -10C weather but It did make things a little crowded. But I didn't mind, as Deanna was with me.

And it was one of those night when she introduced me to another TS Hooker friend of hers. Her name was Lana. She would be the one who would spend the most time over at my place.

So I would go to work and come home, and things were going pretty well. Except...

I started to notice things of mine were disappearing. My Portable DVD player, Some DVD's and finally my digital camera. Things that didn't really matter to me too much but still it was more about the trust issue than anything. I talked to Deanna about it. And she said it was probably her friends doing it. So I told her that from now on her friends weren't allowed over anymore. She readily agreed.

A few weeks past and I still noticed the occasional DVD still going missing, and Deanna wasn't spending as much time in the apartment either. And when I would ask her where she was off to she would simply reply “out” and when I would ask her when she would be back, she would say “soon”

So I was getting upset at this, and so I took back the apartment keys from her, and told her if she left, she would have to wait for me to come back from work for me to let her back in. Needless to say this sparked a big argument and she stormed out of the apartment.

A few days went by and I didn't hear from her, I was getting worried a little as we were now solidly into an Alberta winter with nighttime temps dipping to lows of -35C! I would go and look for her when I had the time, but never found her.

Then one night Someone buzzed up from downstairs and I thought it was Deanna and so I buzzed them up.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door, and there stood Lana

Now Lana was and still is a bit of an enigma to me. From what little I had heard about her, she was more of a rip off artist that anything else, she would promise sex/drugs/booze for money up front and then disappear on her mark. I had later learned that a few of the times she had been over she was hiding out from some irate “clients” who wanted to stomp her hard.

So I invited her in and asked her is she had seen Deanna lately. She said she hadn't seen her for a few days but the last time had been at a crack house getting high. I shook my head sadly and asked her what she wanted. Lana simply said that it was very cold out and she was wondering if she could stay over that night. She said she would be more than happy to help me warm my bed. I smiled at this and simply said that me and Deanna still had an understanding and until she said we were off definately I would stay faithful to her. So at this Lana turned around and bending over ground herself against me. And asked if i was sure. I just smiled and said i was sure.

To this she replied even though she stole all that stuff from me? And right there Lana confirmed what I had suspected all along, that it was Deanna doing the stealing. I had suspected as much, since I would more than happily buy her whatever she wanted. I bought her a large assortment of clothing, Make-up and the like but would not give her any money at all, as i knew she would simply go out and spend that money on crack. And I'm sure that it was that little thing that drove the wedge between us.

At any rate knowing Lana's history I knew it would be madness to even remotely get involved with her. I had no problem helping her from time to time, but i knew if I left her in my place alone overnight I would be lucky to have the electrical wall plugs left when I got back. So I backed away from her and told her she was welcome to the couch and that I would be going to work early next morning, and she would have to leave then.

Lana Readily agreed and so I went to bed. I got up the next morning and woke Lana up I told her she had to get dressed and get going even though it was 5AM. I went into the shower, and when i got out Lana had made me some breakfast. I smiled at her and thanked her. She asked if she could please stay while I was at work, to which I told her that I was sorry, but wasn't allowing anyone to stay over in my apartment anymore while i was gone. So while i ate I surreptitiously checked the apartment out to see if anything small and of value was missing, but nothing seemed to be. So I finished breakfast and escorted Lana from the apartment building, I asked her if there was anyplace I could drop her off and she said that she could walk to where she had to go.

So I went to work and got ready to head to Saskatoon, which had sort of become my defacto route. I was on the road for awhile and as it got around noon I pulled into a truck stop I frequented for some lunch.

Now this truck stop is a bit old fashioned in that it didn't have a debit machine where you could use your bank card to pay for lunch so i always made sure i had 40 bucks one me when i went out this way since i usually stopped here for a hot meal. I went in ordered, and had my Lunch and when it came time to pay my bills I went for my wallet and upon opening it up found it completely devoid of cash!

Looks like Lana struck again...

In some small way I was a little impressed as I'm usually a very light sleeper and usually wake to the sound of my bedroom door opening, but she managed to get in and out with me none the wiser.

But that didn't matter as the waitress was standing there waiting for me to pay for my meal...

End Part 6

09-16-2007, 08:47 AM
to those who may have been following this small series I apologize, as I have become onceagain gainfully employed and don;t have as much free time available as I did when I first started posting these stories. I;ll try to be a bit more regular but can truthfully make no promises. anyways I hope you find this new chapter "facinating"

09-18-2007, 08:24 AM
I am following your interesting story. I am not surprised at how it is developing now, but I am interesting to see things turn out. Thanks for the story so far.