View Full Version : Name games

09-13-2007, 10:20 PM
Are Barbi Woods and Buddy Woods related? If not, they should be.

If you were trying to break into the industry as new male talent, wouldn't Ricky Vichter be a cool name to have?

With a twinge of sadness we note that Khloe Hart is off to follow her bliss. Her name always reminded me of a delightful combination of the 1980's porn stars, Veronica Hart and Chloe Nicholle. Yeah, yeah, I know there were lots of Harts and Chloes sprinkled through the years but these were the 2 I think of.

Anyone know the origin of the stage names of various Thai T-girls... Golf, Apple, Beer, Cartoon, Few, Film, Guess, Organ, Rabbit, Sale. Who started the trend of assigning these girls conventional english words as names?

09-13-2007, 10:46 PM
Anyone know the origin of the stage names of various Thai T-girls... Golf, Apple, Beer, Cartoon, Few, Film, Guess, Organ, Rabbit, Sale. Who started the trend of assigning these girls conventional english words as names?

Brings to mind the old joke about the Indian (As in Native American) warrior that approaches the Chief of his tribe and asks how the tribal warriors get their names.

The Chief replies "When child is born, Chief close eyes and when eyes open Chief sees name that spirits send to him. If Chief sees wolf, then child named 'Running Wolf', if Chief sees eagle, then child named 'Flying Eagle'."

The warrior nods in understanding as the Chief asks,

"Why you ask, Two Dogs Fucking?" :lol:

I sometimes wonder if that is how many of the ladyboys recieve their names. Perhaps Mint was discovered at an upscale hotel in Pataya where sweet mints were on the pillows each nite. Perhaps Sale was first sighted standing in front of a Marshall Field's outlet. Cartoon came to fame on a Saturday morning. Beer...Well, self-explanatory. :wink:

Really? That's funny. "Hello my name is dictionary and this is my girlfriend asphalt."

Be careful what you wish for. :shock: