View Full Version : Ops .... It's me

09-11-2007, 10:58 PM
Hi guys,

I know you usal see tons of pics of wonderful creature ....

This is you 'll see a special girl .... me :oops:

I know that I' dont look pretty and the pics are not so good.

But I'd like to here with you !!!



09-11-2007, 11:11 PM
I'll give ya credit for actually gathering enough courage to post. Most gurls have GREAT difficulty posting.

Are you in transition?

In any case,

Welcome to the club girlie.

Gotta crawl before ya walk!

09-11-2007, 11:54 PM
tks, i'. not in transition-

I'm only a old boy that sometimes like to be a butterfly .....

Do you think that I look so bad? :?:

I'd like to go out but its hard ...

I admire every girl here that since they are born fight every day to be them self.

T-girl POWER !!!!


Floyd R
09-11-2007, 11:58 PM
no comment

09-12-2007, 08:40 AM
hey, sir.

09-12-2007, 10:28 PM
I have other pics but I guess is better that they stay in my pc.....

Iggy Zee
09-12-2007, 10:30 PM
Please just go away and stay away

09-12-2007, 10:34 PM
Yeah....if your umm..not in transition i dont think this is quite the board your looking for.

Wearing a dress doesnt get you into the transgirl club, sorry chap!

09-12-2007, 11:23 PM
thank god, for a minute there I thought I had clicked the wrong chanel. scary

09-13-2007, 12:12 AM
Hi guys,

I know you usal see tons of pics of wonderful creature ....

This is you 'll see a special girl .... me :oops:

I know that I' dont look pretty and the pics are not so good.

But I'd like to here with you !!!


DesireeYou ever see this movie?

09-13-2007, 06:26 AM
Is someone going to add the "hot hung angel" designations or what??

Felicia Katt
09-13-2007, 06:52 AM
You guys should be ashamed of yourselves . What part of "I know that I' dont look pretty and the pics are not so good" did you not get? or take as an invitation to pile on the abuse. If you can't say something nice....


09-13-2007, 10:02 PM
Were there pictures? I didn't see any pictures!! I didn't even see a link to any pictures. What did I miss? Do I really wanna know?

Felicia Katt
09-14-2007, 12:46 AM
Dontcha think he should have tried to look the best he possibly could?

It seemed like a joke post to me. :? If it wasn't a joke and he was serious then you girls need to PM him ASAP and give him some much needed beauty tips.

The very least he could have done was get rid of that 5 oclock shadow before snapping those pictures.
I don't think it was a joke, and if it was, I saw more punches than punchlines. Whether that was the best they could do or not is irrelevant, posting pics showed bravery and sniping at them, the opposite. Is " Do unto others as you would have them do unto" you really that easy to forget or ignore, just because its online and anonymous?


09-14-2007, 01:30 AM
When the guys who in this topic attempt to login and get the "banned" message, just remember the negative comments made to the original poster.

09-14-2007, 06:53 AM
"One more thing. Why are you and others who complain about so called "negativity" never offended by TGs and their ass kissers, running all up and down this forum calling guys chasers, fags or cutting down new TGs who have just joined the forum? Is this a case of selective outrage? I have a pretty thick skin and don't let that kind of childishness personally bother me but still...

Same question can be posed to the administrator and mods. Seems like there are bans being passed out in this forum lately like it was candy. Yet it's all one sided and the Misbehaving TGs (and the ass kisser Brigade) never get called for their Indiscretions. Just an observation....I'm a big boy and can take care of myself so i don't go crying to the admin/mods to have people banned. (Like i know others do) But it would be nice if there were no double standards and everyone were treated with the same fairness. Be it a guy, TG, newbie, or 5000 poster. "

Yeah seriously....You transgirls have been granted some amazing leeway lately in this regard.

09-14-2007, 07:56 AM
"One more thing. Why are you and others who complain about so called "negativity" never offended by TGs and their ass kissers, running all up and down this forum calling guys chasers, fags or cutting down new TGs who have just joined the forum? Is this a case of selective outrage? I have a pretty thick skin and don't let that kind of childishness personally bother me but still...

Same question can be posed to the administrator and mods. Seems like there are bans being passed out in this forum lately like it was candy. Yet it's all one sided and the Misbehaving TGs (and the ass kisser Brigade) never get called for their Indiscretions. Just an observation....I'm a big boy and can take care of myself so i don't go crying to the admin/mods to have people banned. (Like i know others do) But it would be nice if there were no double standards and everyone were treated with the same fairness. Be it a guy, TG, newbie, or 5000 poster. "

Yeah seriously....You transgirls have been granted some amazing leeway lately in this regard.

I think it's about creating a more, and I hate this word, supportive environment. While I totally see your point and the fawning and sniping can be a bit much, I can also see that HA is going through a sort of transformation that mirrors outside societal transformations in relation to transsexuals.

Ok, that came off as kind of insipid, but I hope you get the point.

09-14-2007, 08:14 AM
some of y'aLL are plain cruel ...if the girl isn't the one of your dreams u decide to bash...this site is meant for everyone , not just the one you might j/o to in her video...so next time just hit the x ...

Felicia Katt
09-14-2007, 08:22 AM
How you go from being rude and cruel, to trying to minimize it, then attemtping to justify it, to blaming the victim, and then blaming the structure of the board, before claiming, somehow you are actually the victim here is really amazing.

I try to treat everyone with the same fairness, in the hopes that I will be treated fairly. Thats the golden rule, and its not a religious thing so much as a moral and ethical one with me. Doing unto others before they do unto you is a really crappy personal philosophy, and it basically means every one should hurry to crap first, before they get crapped on, but which really results in everyone being covered in crap. I'm not saying there is a heaven, but that sounds like hell to me.

no thanks


09-14-2007, 08:39 AM
Typed Words are not punches. Punches are punches. ...

I disagree because many times people are hurt more by words than punches.

Yeah some of the girls get more leeway, but they also draw some people here, and make this place more special.

I have seen some amazing transformations over time, so that's why I don't criticize girl's looks.

Excellent post above, Felicia! (again)

09-14-2007, 09:11 AM
One more thing. Why are you and others who complain about so called "negativity" never offended by TGs and their ass kissers, running all up and down this forum calling guys chasers, fags or cutting down new TGs who have just joined the forum? Is this a case of selective outrage? :roll: I have a pretty thick skin and don't let that kind of childishness personally bother me but still...

Same question can be posed to the administrator and mods. Seems like there are bans being passed out in this forum lately like it was candy. Yet it's all one sided and the Misbehaving TGs (and the ass kisser Brigade) never get called for their Indiscretions. Just an observation....I'm a big boy and can take care of myself so i don't go crying to the admin/mods to have people banned. (Like i know others do) But it would be nice if there were no double standards and everyone were treated with the same fairness. Be it a guy, TG, newbie, or 5000 poster.

just one thing: i noticed too that there were a few peeps banned lately. and I have to say in my eyes ANY of those was justified. It hapened only to obnoxious brain-midgets that never posted anything positive. thats not contributing to the board at all therefore those bans were needed.

regarding obnoxiousness and negativity in general: look, if you are a guy and have a thick skin thats perfect. I cant be really bothered by what is beeing written on here either, yet it should be clear there are more sensitive souls out there who might take offence.

for dumbos who show much negativity and ONLY that, there are other boards out there. those folks should go there to boost their minortiy complex via ridiculing people.

09-14-2007, 05:53 PM

Anyone who aims insults at those who plainly have muchos more balls than themselves are massive wankers...end of.

If you feel you need to do someone down to that extent then you have many problems of your own, my friend.

Kudos to the OP is what I say.

so there.

09-14-2007, 06:04 PM
Yah boo sux.

seriously, you are wrong to have a go at someone who posts pics of themselves, for very ADULT reasons ( i.e in the adult world, we have such values as respect and consideration for others, chum)

09-14-2007, 06:31 PM
and this thread keeps growing even with deleted pics

09-14-2007, 06:48 PM
But you never addressed the point i was making about a double standard. Guys have to constantly be careful about what they say and yet certain TGs and their admirers/ass kissers are all over this forum being constant assholes with impunity!

Why is it ok for them? You and i may not be that sensitive but it doesn't mean that others aren't.

I say if we're gonna have forum rules, then apply them equally. But hey, it's not within my power to decide.

Another great idea which has been mentioned before, is to make a fight club or Thunderdome folder. This could be a place where everything, and i do mean everything & anything goes without worrying about being banned.

If TGs or any other "sensitive souls" can't stand the heat then they would need to stay out because they would not be protected by the Mods in that folder. (If it were done right) So if y'all thought this lame thread was cruel....then you ain't seen nuthin yet! :D (I probably wont be around to enjoy it if they make it though. :lol: )

yes, he girls get away with MORE obnoxiousness than the guys. Its unfair to some extent, but thats their prerogative. THEY are a minority on here, and if one gets really unbearable her (white fattening ooops*) ass is and was beeing banned. no one gets banned for occasional fighting or the use of swear words - heck I was in some fights on here as well and werent exactly gentleman-like.

and why do you care vfor the ass-kissers at all? (btw we both know who you mean...) let him be the ass-kisser, no one takes him seriously anyways.....

regarding looks: yes, I dont commend on chicks I dont think are pretty. and you know very well there are - usually the faceless cowards - out there who will talk shit bout ANY ts-woman who is to be found in the pictures beeing posted.

I support banning of CONSTANTLY OBNOXIOUS ASSHOLES - thats it. for those there is always the totally ts-free shemalerev***.net

Felicia Katt
09-14-2007, 06:57 PM
Speak your mind, but mind your speech.

I have always said that and tried to follow it. I have stepped up in defense of some of the men posters here and have stepped on some of the women posters here, but always over their conduct or character and always with civility. I never saw Vala being persecuted for her looks. I did see and chose not to comment on, a lot of posts about various objects being applied into varying orifices. That does invite negative comments and I am not going out on a limb for that (especially since I'm not sure where that limb may just have been).

Same with the threads about fags and chasers. Thats about what people do and the people talking about it are the ones affected by it. If you post your pic and someone says you look gay, I will ride to your defense, trust me. Since you are anonymous and apparently just here for the porn, I won't saddle up my white horse just yet, ok?

I don't have to defend my conduct here. And you can't defend yours despite all your efforts to twist and spin and deflect the situation. It was wrong to make all those comments about someone's looks. And worse, it was gratuitous. if you had said nothing, they would have gotten the message just as well.


09-14-2007, 07:29 PM

Anyone who aims insults at those who plainly have muchos more balls than themselves are massive wankers...end of.

If you feel you need to do someone down to that extent then you have many problems of your own, my friend.

Kudos to the OP is what I say.

so there.

My first post on this matter. I've been on HA for a brief period. This is what I pick up: Men will reply with positive comments if they like a pic, that's obvious.

99% of the men who do not care for a tg's pic will choose to remain silent and move on to another thread. Sure they could comment, but that's like running across the street to tell a woman you do not like her looks.

It's fine if you don't what to be kind, but why go out of your way to be cruel? I've been on HA for a brief period.[/quote]Come on legend you have been on hung angels for quite a long time now. So when are you going to give up this Braveman alias? Maybe you should go and try one that would be more convincing because everyone here knows Braveman is legend. Accept defeat.

09-14-2007, 09:11 PM
Come on legend you have been on hung angels for quite a long time now. So when are you going to give up this Braveman alias? Maybe you should go and try one that would be more convincing because everyone here knows Braveman is legend. Accept defeat.

could yo ustep up your detective skills pls? bravemans grammar and vocabulary usage is way better than legends

and a second thing: coul you, T5000, pls stop highjacking any thread braveman is posting to simply accuse him of beeing another "legend"-ID and actually contribute to the main ideas in this thread.

thank you

09-14-2007, 09:45 PM
First off, kudos to M77 and mbf for expressing themselves in the way that they each respectively do.

Moving on, as I said in the TS Dream thread:
With regard to negative comments regarding different girls, I don't see the problem here. For example, I find Marianna Cordoba absolutely hideous, while many others here find her (or at least her member) positively mesmerizing. I have voiced my opinion, and they have voiced theirs. I think it's only right that we are able to speak our minds on this matter, as we are not all going to find the same people attractive.

For someone to remain silent because it might annoy fans of whomever, or because they fear a possible ban, is ridiculous. True, they might wish to consider the way in which they express their opinion, but then again, if they throw caution to the wind and put things bluntly... So what? Fans of the girl deride them as morons and life goes on. Big deal. I've noticed this very thing happen here on at least one occasion, I would note. A guy criticized a girl, her fans defended her, the girl thanked them and ridiculed the heckler, and HA went humming right along.

HA would be boring if everyone said what they thought other people wanted to hear, and if that's the way we're going to go, then don't wait for me to post a response reflective of how I actually feel about something. Just ban me now and get it over with.

That said, I understand fully what Felicia's saying, but if we expect everyone to behave as we behave, we are guaranteed to be disappointed early and often on that front. Should one not comment on a picture if he/she doesn't like it? You might say yes, but that's YOUR opinion, and you cannot speak for anyone other than yourself. Therefore, if someone else says "Damn! That's one fugly bitch!", while you wouldn't have said it and would prefer that they hadn't either, they aren't bound by your rules of conduct. Now, if they're banned by the mods for that, then they are, but as individual posters, if we don't like something, what can we do about it? As has already been said, I will express myself in the way that I do for as long as I am here, without regard for how others express themselves in this forum. And that is as it should be, in my opinion at least.

09-14-2007, 10:13 PM
Some guys who liked to comment on the appearance of others they're not attracted to:

09-14-2007, 11:50 PM
I don't usually comment on this kind of thread but feel compelled to defend some of those who had the courage to express themselves honestly, I saw the photos that were posted and frankly I don't think this was a TS/TG, a person in transition or even a CD being serious, rather, another guy putting on a dress and posting to see what kind of response he could generate. If a guy puts on a dress, has 5 o'clock shadow and is wearing a regular mens hairstyle, I sure as hell am not going to consider him a tgirl, not by a long shot (and for those who may not have seen the shots, that's what I saw being posted). There are CD forums on the web where all levels of cross dressing are appreciated. Had this person taken the time to go through the process of cleaning up the body hair, put on some make-up, a wig and in general made an effort, this thread would consist of the original post with a couple favorable comments and would be forgotten in a couple days. There are, after all, CDs on this forum who do have lots of fans, CDs who have made an effort to look feminine.

I know some here consider all forms of gender expression to be equal but I also know there are those of us who do not. After all, if I decide to put on a dress, some stockings to cover my hairy ass and legs, a bra with my chest hair sticking out the sides, does that make me a tgirl? I don't think it does. If I further decide to grab a camera, snap a few shots and post them on HA, do I feel that simply dressing in women’s clothing should afford me the same consideration as a tgirl? Again, I don't think it does. Compare that with the girls that enjoy the adoration and appreciation of many in this forum, there are many here who may not be considered classically beautiful but have the respect of most of the people in this forum because they are honestly Ts (or a CD making some kind of effort).

If the situation was different I would be on the other side of the issue, but speaking as one who has spent way too much time viewing photos of tgirls and who actually saw the photos posted in this thread, I honestly believe this was a guy screwing around.

Felicia Katt
09-15-2007, 08:26 AM
all I have to say is to repeat that you guys who take anonymous pot shots at anyone over how they look should be ashamed of yourselves. That you aren't is your problem, and not mine. I never said you or anyone should should be banned. I just suggested in this one area you should shut up, not that you be shut up.

I certainly never said you shouldn't have opinions. But opinions are like assholes. Every one has one, some really stink, and some should really be kept to themselves.



PS, the reason I doubt I would ever have to defend you was because I doubt you would ever have the balls to show your pic online. If you do and anyone tries to bust those balls, I'll be the one on the white horse :)

TrueBeauty TS
09-15-2007, 08:33 AM
Speak your mind, but mind your speech.

If one is to be honest, then sometimes this isn't possible. Though i do try to be tactful in most situations, it's just impossible sometimes. This is a public forum, we don't come here to keep our opinions to ourselves or to be stifled. :smh

I have stepped up in defense of some of the men posters here

Perhaps i missed it, would you link me to some examples? I know that you have backed your male friends up on this forum as they often back you up. but that's about all the male defending i have seen you do....but maybe i just missed it?

and have stepped on some of the women posters here, but always over their conduct or character and always with civility.

So you are the final judge of everyone's conduct and character? I guess stepping on people is fine if done with civility? Come on!!! Listen to yourself here...but like i said, i hate seeing people banned for honest opinions, civil or not. The difference between us is that i don't want to stifle anyone's opinion just because of incivility, but i am sure you do. :o
Free speech can't ALWAYS be civil. I still say bring on the fight club. 8)

I never saw Vala being persecuted for her looks.

Then i guess i will have to accept that though i am not sure that i believe it.

How about when you all piled on Melissa Carter in her intro thread? You personally were civil, but that doesn't mean that there weren't "Hurt feelings" just the same. Since you want there to be a "Hurt feelings" police, i just thought that i should point that out.

Same with the threads about fags and chasers. Thats about what people do

It seems like people are often being giving these labels before anyone actually knows what they're doing....besides the fact that these labels seem to break your personal "civility requirement". But since personal bias and selective outrage is involved then i guess that's ok.

If you post your pic and someone says you look gay, I will ride to your defense, trust me.

That would be far from their minds if they ever met me in person, trust me. :wink:

Since you are anonymous and apparently just here for the porn, I won't saddle up my white horse just yet, ok?

See Felicia? You can be funny sometimes. :D

But seriously, you're basically saying that porn seekers are unworthy of defending because once again you're being the final judge of peoples "conduct and character", correct? I just think it's hilarious considering that people like you are always accusing conservatives of being this way....too funny. :lol:

I don't have to defend my conduct here.

I wonder why?

And you can't defend yours

On the contrary, i can and have effectively. But this is just an internet forum so who cares? :lol:

despite all your efforts to twist and spin and deflect the situation.

Site some examples? I know i haven't lied once in this exchange.

It was wrong to make all those comments about someone's looks.

Incorrect in this situation.

And worse, it was gratuitous.

Oh come off it Felicia, he looked REALLY BAD! Didn't even qualify as a TV as far as i am concerned. Most would probably agree if they had seen the pics. I didn't call him any names BTW....i just said that he had a 5 oclock shadow and it wasn't right. During our exchange, I also advised to take steps to look more passable before snapping pics in the future. But never name calling, just useful advice. If he follows it, he'll probably be better off in future attempts. But how will he ever know if all constructive criticisms are stifled? Think about it....

if you had said nothing, they would have gotten the message just as well.

And if no one had said ANYTHING (as you would have) then he would probably still be gracing us with his lovely pictures. :lol:

Do you think it would be kinder to not tell him and we all just laugh behind his back instead? He remains clueless and continues to keep making the same mistakes as we all just keep snickering? If you ask me, that would be worse!

I think that i am pretty much done arguing with you on this Felicia, as i will be working 30-32 hours in the next two days, i won't have time to keep coming back and responding to 5 people at once. Or even one person for that matter. So you'll probably get to have the last word, even though you're wrong. I won't be around again until Monday. (If i don't get banned) Hopefully by then this silly thread will be on page 8. :lol:

Holy shit..... I've never seen anyone work so hard at defending their right to be a douchebag in my life! Look dude, if you're a douchebag, then that's what you are, but at least have enough shame that you don't brag about it and try to justify it.

Some people are decent human beings and others aren't. If you aren't, or can't even see that you aren't, it's nothing to be proud of. :roll:


TrueBeauty TS
09-15-2007, 08:51 AM
Holy shit..... I've never seen anyone work so hard at defending their right to be a douchebag in my life! Look dude, if you're a douchebag, then that's what you are, but at least have enough shame that you don't brag about it and try to justify it.

Some people are decent human beings and others aren't. If you aren't, or can't even see that you aren't, it's nothing to be proud of. :roll:


You just take your time and keep thinking really hard about it. And don't worry, Charlie.... you'll beat that darn mouse some day. LOL


09-15-2007, 09:11 AM
Some people are so damned self-righteous...

You don't like people's opinions on things? BOO-FUCKING-HOO. You don't run the world. Accept it and move the hell on. This is all going nowhere. :idea:

09-15-2007, 09:46 AM
I don't usually comment on this kind of thread but feel compelled to defend some of those who had the courage to express themselves honestly, I saw the photos that were posted and frankly I don't think this was a TS/TG, a person in transition or even a CD being serious, rather, another guy putting on a dress and posting to see what kind of response he could generate. If a guy puts on a dress, has 5 o'clock shadow and is wearing a regular mens hairstyle, I sure as hell am not going to consider him a tgirl, not by a long shot (and for those who may not have seen the shots, that's what I saw being posted). There are CD forums on the web where all levels of cross dressing are appreciated. Had this person taken the time to go through the process of cleaning up the body hair, put on some make-up, a wig and in general made an effort, this thread would consist of the original post with a couple favorable comments and would be forgotten in a couple days. There are, after all, CDs on this forum who do have lots of fans, CDs who have made an effort to look feminine.

I know some here consider all forms of gender expression to be equal but I also know there are those of us who do not. After all, if I decide to put on a dress, some stockings to cover my hairy ass and legs, a bra with my chest hair sticking out the sides, does that make me a tgirl? I don't think it does. If I further decide to grab a camera, snap a few shots and post them on HA, do I feel that simply dressing in women’s clothing should afford me the same consideration as a tgirl? Again, I don't think it does. Compare that with the girls that enjoy the adoration and appreciation of many in this forum, there are many here who may not be considered classically beautiful but have the respect of most of the people in this forum because they are honestly Ts (or a CD making some kind of effort).

If the situation was different I would be on the other side of the issue, but speaking as one who has spent way too much time viewing photos of tgirls and who actually saw the photos posted in this thread, I honestly believe this was a guy screwing around.

I have to respect the way you have expressed yourself Big Joe. And I see what you are saying. It's ok for people to express themselves, but I was responding to the comments that some were cruel in their comments. There are consequences to the atmosphere when meaness is the rule rather than the exception. Still, to me your post shows that a person can express an opposing, or critical, view point without insults and name calling.

09-19-2007, 12:50 AM
Come on legend you have been on hung angels for quite a long time now. So when are you going to give up this Braveman alias? Maybe you should go and try one that would be more convincing because everyone here knows Braveman is legend. Accept defeat.

could yo ustep up your detective skills pls? bravemans grammar and vocabulary usage is way better than legends

and a second thing: coul you, T5000, pls stop highjacking any thread braveman is posting to simply accuse him of beeing another "legend"-ID and actually contribute to the main ideas in this thread.

thank youI beg to differ. His grammar is about the same. If anything "Braveman" takes a little more time when typing just so he can convince people with no detective skills. But you are right about the highjacking and i'll stop doing that.

09-19-2007, 01:18 AM
Come on legend you have been on hung angels for quite a long time now. So when are you going to give up this Braveman alias? Maybe you should go and try one that would be more convincing because everyone here knows Braveman is legend. Accept defeat.

could yo ustep up your detective skills pls? bravemans grammar and vocabulary usage is way better than legends

and a second thing: coul you, T5000, pls stop highjacking any thread braveman is posting to simply accuse him of beeing another "legend"-ID and actually contribute to the main ideas in this thread.

thank you

MBF: Told you so! Sigh. Moving right along.....Sure Legend whatever you say, lets move along now. Is Naruto on tonight?