View Full Version : Is it bad to swallow?

09-10-2007, 01:13 AM
can you get sick from swallowing?

09-10-2007, 01:21 AM
Oh course it is dangerous very dangerous especially from an escort....I can't believe how many reviews I have read on the escort review sites where some guy swallows a load???

09-10-2007, 01:33 AM
While it's certainly "safer" to swallow than to let someone cum inside of your ass, it's still not safe or smart to swallow. Especially if you have any cuts or open wounds in your mouth.

If you want to give someone a blowjob, just make sure that they pull out before they come. Or use a condom during the deed.

09-10-2007, 01:40 AM
Why does this subject keep coming up!? Swallowing is not the dangerous part, the danger is not being protected in the first place! You can catch STD's through precum or even just the skin of the penis itself. So doing anything unprotected is a risk and don't think that when getting cum in your mouth, spitting is safer because swallowing will kill the STD with the stomach acids and when spitting, there's still some left in your mouth and you wind up swallowing that part anyway. There's no safe way to dodge catching an STD once the precum, sperm, enters your mouth because it will enter microscopic sores that are in your mouth that you don't know is there. No wonder there are so many STD's out there because people don't take time to research. But to answer your question, I've never read where a person got sick from doing this.

09-10-2007, 01:41 AM
It depends on whether or not you just had the burrito special for dinner. :wink:

So far, I vote along with the earlier advice.

09-10-2007, 01:46 AM
While it's certainly "safer" to swallow than to let someone cum inside of your ass, it's still not safe or smart to swallow. Especially if you have any cuts or open wounds in your mouth.

If you want to give someone a blowjob, just make sure that they pull out before they come. Or use a condom during the deed.

Giving a blowjob period, wether its to completion or not can lead to catching a STD. Pulling out before they cum won't change anything. STD's are even present on the skin of the organ. As long as there's bodily fluids being transfered, you can catch something. That's just like saying you can prevent a STD by pulling out when having anal sex. Its all the same when it comes to STD's. If there's no condom, then you can catch whatever the other person has. Even down to fingering, if you have even a small cut on your finger, you can catch something. Its all the same.

09-10-2007, 03:44 AM
swallow your own and call it a day

09-10-2007, 04:48 AM
yeah...once its in your mouth theres no sense in spitting..totally agree..

09-10-2007, 05:04 AM
yeah...once its in your mouth theres no sense in spitting..totally agree..

well i agree and thats always been my moto... but if you dont care about the person why would you want it in your mouth? thats something that should be more special then something youd do w/ just anyone.

09-14-2007, 06:10 AM
swallow your own and call it a day

we should hang out some time :D

09-14-2007, 06:14 AM
Only if you dont chew first.

09-14-2007, 06:42 AM
I totally agree Jen...that and kissing are two of the most intimate things you can do....why the fuck would you do it with a stranger???? I dont kiss strangers...hell, i dont even kiss my friends lol, let alone take there come in my mouth!!

wait.....somewhere this post has gotten off track....

09-22-2007, 05:00 PM
swallowing is a real turn on for me. ive never tried it but probably would with the right tgirl

09-22-2007, 05:17 PM
swallow your own and call it a day

is that what you do???

09-22-2007, 08:08 PM
if yo are eating breakfast,lunch'dinner or a midnight snack ,or if you are having a few beers while watching football on sunday afternnon ,then swallowing is a must.

but if you are engaging in oral sex ,it is only suggested if you are in a long term monogamous relationship with the person with whom you are have sex

in any non-LTR sexual encounters protection should always be used,and thusin such a situation swallowing (or even barebacking)in a definate no-no.

09-22-2007, 08:57 PM
Why does this subject keep coming up!? Swallowing is not the dangerous part, the danger is not being protected in the first place! You can catch STD's through precum or even just the skin of the penis itself. So doing anything unprotected is a risk and don't think that when getting cum in your mouth, spitting is safer because swallowing will kill the STD with the stomach acids and when spitting, there's still some left in your mouth and you wind up swallowing that part anyway. There's no safe way to dodge catching an STD once the precum, sperm, enters your mouth because it will enter microscopic sores that are in your mouth that you don't know is there. No wonder there are so many STD's out there because people don't take time to research. But to answer your question, I've never read where a person got sick from doing this.

And the award for Best Answer to "What should be the abvious" goes to 62des

Runner up is


For great use of satire.!

09-22-2007, 09:40 PM
I dont care if its bad, its just gross. Its like trying to swallow elmers glue, it dont go down easy.

09-22-2007, 09:46 PM
And the award for Best Answer to "What should be the abvious" goes to 62des

hey, after all this is HA, and sometimes NOTHING here is obvious to some people.....

09-22-2007, 10:59 PM
Why does this subject keep coming up!? Swallowing is not the dangerous part, the danger is not being protected in the first place! You can catch STD's through precum or even just the skin of the penis itself. So doing anything unprotected is a risk and don't think that when getting cum in your mouth, spitting is safer because swallowing will kill the STD with the stomach acids and when spitting, there's still some left in your mouth and you wind up swallowing that part anyway. There's no safe way to dodge catching an STD once the precum, sperm, enters your mouth because it will enter microscopic sores that are in your mouth that you don't know is there. No wonder there are so many STD's out there because people don't take time to research. But to answer your question, I've never read where a person got sick from doing this.

And the award for Best Answer to "What should be the abvious" goes to 62des

Runner up is


For great use of satire.!

:peanutbutter :google

09-23-2007, 12:26 AM
Why does this subject keep coming up!? Swallowing is not the dangerous part, the danger is not being protected in the first place! You can catch STD's through precum or even just the skin of the penis itself. So doing anything unprotected is a risk and don't think that when getting cum in your mouth, spitting is safer because swallowing will kill the STD with the stomach acids and when spitting, there's still some left in your mouth and you wind up swallowing that part anyway. There's no safe way to dodge catching an STD once the precum, sperm, enters your mouth because it will enter microscopic sores that are in your mouth that you don't know is there. No wonder there are so many STD's out there because people don't take time to research. But to answer your question, I've never read where a person got sick from doing this.

And the award for Best Answer to "What should be the abvious" goes to 62des

Runner up is


For great use of satire.!


It is amazing that in this day and age people still ask about this. Sex is dangerous if you're not in an LTR/monogamous relationship with the person. So play safe. Always.

09-23-2007, 12:21 PM
Recently I was reading a response on another forum about deep throating
and swallowing.

Unprotected oral sex can lead to chlamydia, gonorrhea, hpv, herpes of
the throat, which is hard to diagnose and treat. There also is the risk of
hpv on the tongue, palate, uvula, back of the throat and in the vocal
chords and upper windpipe.

Also chronic deep throating for transwomen could affect the quality of their
voice due to all the trauma and swelling that the vocal cords are expossed

Most peopple are only thinking about the monster - HIV. They are only
thinking about the sperm entering their stomach, when actually as 62des
has said just having the dick in your mouth, whether your partner comes,
or even emits pre cum can put you at risk for a host of STDs. By the time
sperm has made it to your stomach, and the acids in your stomach have
acted on it, that would be a moot concern.