View Full Version : 10 fucking years in the game............................

09-08-2007, 12:57 PM
Today marks 10 fucking years in the tranny scene for me. I just realized it as I was pulling stuff out of storage in one of my closets and came upon the Screw™ magazine I purchased that day. I'll never forget it because somewhere near the back of this old ass newspaper was a description of everything that was anything Adult going on here in NYC and Edelweiss was one of the items.

I drove down to Edelweiss that night and parked in their packed parking lot. This is when Edelweiss was next to the infamous Greek Diner for all of you old schoolers. Paid my $20 and proceeded in. The spot was wild for me and downstairs is where everyone seemed to be hiding. I should mention this is the 1st time I saw Mega, what a cool ass dude we just hit it off laughing at some post-op stripping down to her bday suit then walking away.

I should also mention this is the same night I ran into some of the ladies that might not grace this board with their presence but always seem to end up in BigGuy or Klikk's pics: such as Lady Porsche and Eibby.

I can't believe it's been 10 long years, shit seems like yesterday, although I don't miss Edelweiss or (ugh) Gloria Wholesome's Now Bar events at all.

09-08-2007, 02:11 PM
Congratulations, JWBL. Get ready for the next 10 years :)

09-08-2007, 03:26 PM
It's been about 20 years for me JW, but I was dl until about 6 years ago. I would drive past Nowbar and never had the balls to go in. thought it meant I is was gay.
Then I got fired from my job 6 months before 9/11. My former company was on the 101st floor of 1 World Trade Center.
life is way too short to think about nonsense.

09-08-2007, 04:41 PM

26 years for me. I remember when Edelweiss first opened up on 26th Street...before it moved to 43rd and 11th.

That parking lot you parked in? It's a garden place now. They sell a different kind of bush.

I remember doing the Sally's/Edelweiss Shuffle. Back and forth. Back and forth. Some very, very crazy times hanging out in the old Times Square.

And so many of those girls are no longer with us. Many of them very close friends, people I loved and cared for. Taken out by AIDS, drugs, violence.

Surprised I escaped with my health and life. Anyone that was around during those times should consider themselves very lucky if they're still with us today.

09-08-2007, 04:54 PM
Ten years ago, I was sitting in my apartment in Kenwood smoking pot with a friend of mine. She said "We need someone to work a spotlight for the drag show at the Gay 90's, easy part time job, 10pm to close". I said, sure, why not? Could be interesting.

A decade later, and I'm in charge of all the clubs equipment now. It's been a strange trip, but I don't regret a minute of it.

09-08-2007, 05:47 PM
Thirty three years ago in May, I went full time.

I have been in this 'thing of ours' for decades. I am a 'made' woman, and
I know where the bodies are buried, because, sadly I helped bury them.

I've known moments of blissful euphoria, and times of utter despair.

In the late Summer of my life I am much like a consiglierre, an advisor.

Been there, done that, have the physical and emtional scars to prove it,
thankfully most have healed, I need to stop picking at the scabs though.

Vicki Richter
09-08-2007, 05:53 PM
Today marks 10 fucking years in the tranny scene for me. I just realized it as I was pulling stuff out of storage in one of my closets and came upon the Screw™ magazine I purchased that day. I'll never forget it because somewhere near the back of this old ass newspaper was a description of everything that was anything Adult going on here in NYC and Edelweiss was one of the items.

I drove down to Edelweiss that night and parked in their packed parking lot. This is when Edelweiss was next to the infamous Greek Diner for all of you old schoolers. Paid my $20 and proceeded in. The spot was wild for me and downstairs is where everyone seemed to be hiding. I should mention this is the 1st time I saw Mega, what a cool ass dude we just hit it off laughing at some post-op stripping down to her bday suit then walking away.

I should also mention this is the same night I ran into some of the ladies that might not grace this board with their presence but always seem to end up in BigGuy or Klikk's pics: such as Lady Porsche and Eibby.

I can't believe it's been 10 long years, shit seems like yesterday, although I don't miss Edelweiss or (ugh) Gloria Wholesome's Now Bar events at all.

;-) Tranny chaser!!! lol - I'm just playin.


09-08-2007, 06:13 PM
ah for me it was around 2000 -2001 ...this girl i dated would take me to this place jeckyl and hyde's ...it was right next to nowbar..i would see the girls walking around outside..i was like wtf...rest is pretty much history...

09-08-2007, 06:17 PM
slightly off topic, it's fucking sad how NowBar got so many of us into this, I mean I met Allanah there so I can never really be that ticked at the location, but with her excluded the place was a shitspot for me to visit, it just happened to be where all the girls were......until the real party began, hehe

09-08-2007, 06:52 PM
i had never been to any of those parties...for starters i would of never been able to find nowbar on my own back then ...my first party was that sandy michelle party where allanah was the guest host ...that was an interesting night to say the least.. :lol:

09-08-2007, 07:03 PM
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sandy Michelle


09-08-2007, 09:08 PM
Hey Johnny - we're the same age!

09-08-2007, 09:09 PM
you are getting oldschool JWBL!!!!

09-08-2007, 10:14 PM


I don't mean to disrespect anyone, but I feel like a kid around yall 8) I wonder what kind of stories I will have in ten years?

09-08-2007, 10:46 PM
I´m always surprised how many old school guys hang around here. I´m 22, wtf. Sorry, I got no 80´s stories for you :lol:

As E said, you should be glad that you´re healthy and alive.

09-08-2007, 10:53 PM
I first went to Edelweiss in 2001 and was impressed by what I saw. So much better than the second floor of Show World. The only thing that turned me off about Edelweiss was the constant hustle of the girls who worked the bar trying to hustle any out of towners.

09-09-2007, 01:51 AM
Hey Johnny - we're the same age!



dude who's this Greg that got busted in College Point for selling ROIDS???
I know you know who it is

I first went to Edelweiss in 2001 and was impressed by what I saw. So much better than the second floor of Show World. The only thing that turned me off about Edelweiss was the constant hustle of the girls who worked the bar trying to hustle any out of towners.

I met the infamous Octavia at Show World, when both of her ass-plants were still in the set configuration, ah those were funny days

09-09-2007, 01:59 AM

26 years for me. I remember when Edelweiss first opened up on 26th Street...before it moved to 43rd and 11th.

That parking lot you parked in? It's a garden place now. They sell a different kind of bush.

I remember doing the Sally's/Edelweiss Shuffle. Back and forth. Back and forth. Some very, very crazy times hanging out in the old Times Square.

And so many of those girls are no longer with us. Many of them very close friends, people I loved and cared for. Taken out by AIDS, drugs, violence.

Surprised I escaped with my health and life. Anyone that was around during those times should consider themselves very lucky if they're still with us today.

I remember that shuffle between Sally's/Edelweiss as well. One huge plus was Sally's opened at 4pm and the girls showed up early...and the direct connection to the Milford. Lots of heavy partying! I miss Jesse Torres, Cindy, Sloan and the others. I have not been to one of Allanah's parties, but I am way overdue.

09-09-2007, 02:04 AM
slightly off topic, it's fucking sad how NowBar got so many of us into this, I mean I met Allanah there so I can never really be that ticked at the location, but with her excluded the place was a shitspot for me to visit, it just happened to be where all the girls were......until the real party began, hehe

This makes 30 years for me. I'm still good friends with the owner of NowBar (we were out just last night). I took somehwat of a hiatus from hanging out for a number of years and just came back to the NYC nightlife part of the scene and have to give sincere thanks to both Allanah and Sunny for treating me so nicely at their events.

JWBL - see you tonite???????

09-09-2007, 02:05 AM



09-09-2007, 02:13 AM
So much better than the second floor of Show World. .

I don't remember it that way: I remember Show World being in the basement on 8th Ave, with the big 2nd floor place around the corner on the North side of The Duece? there were a few others, but that was the biggest one I remember. Is old age clouding me?

09-09-2007, 02:14 AM
he NEVER picks up his phone
and if you're going I guess I'll go, I hate parking on Saturdays but the NYC HA Crew comes 1st so.............

09-09-2007, 05:19 AM
Hey Johnny - we're the same age!
I met the infamous Octavia at Show World, when both of her ass-plants were still in the set configuration, ah those were funny days

LMAO @ "Show World." Truly an NYC institution if ever there was one. I owe my first serious promotion to said den of iniquity. Not surprisingly, my then boss's husband didn't think it was such a good idea that I brought her there. Time, however, has shown that I was the wiser man – since she is now my wife and all. Damn, I just love flesh and the temptations it brings. Hell's Kitchen really was the best thing NYC ever produced.

My first TS woman was 11 years ago, at the age of 25. What a journey.


09-09-2007, 05:50 AM
Congrats, JW and everyone else, however long you've been "in the game" or "on the scene". Let's see, my very first brush with the scene was in DC in 1972, when I met the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, only to find out she was in drag. Then in '76 my future wife and I hit the clubs on Bourbon St in New Orleans and made the TS show with a half-dozen girls known, iirc, as the "cocky ladies of Bourbon St" (Papa something-or-other I think the club was; someone here I'm sure knows).

In the 80s and early 90s I hit a few clubs around Times Sq on rare visits to the city; I don't remember the names except Show World sounds familiar. I'm sure they must've been the clubs you mentioned. Had a very brief brush with a Tgirl behind glass, one of those partitions with two holes for hands or other body parts, heh. Likewise, made a couple of seedier stops in the ole Combat Zone in Boston.

But it wasn't until 2001 or 2002 that I had my first full-on intimate encounter with a stunning tgirl with the initials CP. Awesome girl, told my wife about it that day, and received her blessing to occasionally see girls (love ya, babe). Since then, I haven't looked back (except in fond memory).

09-09-2007, 09:54 AM
Today marks 10 fucking years in the tranny scene for me...

Congratulations, your player card has been renewed for one more year.

I first hit the bars many years ago when I was in the service. Young and dumb, I caught something half the time in pre AIDS days. Woke up one morning after a weekend with painful urination. The sargeant walks in with these big cups and says we had to fill the half up becuase take a piss test for drugs!

09-09-2007, 07:28 PM
I have not posted much but when you bring up "Show World" and "NowBar" in the same thread I feel compelled. It's funny... I have been having Show World flashbacks this past week. I am a delivery guy and I kept having packages for this storage place that I swear uses the same air freshener (if you can call it that). It was hard for me not to start jerking while I was waiting for a signature :P

But NowBar was the smelly basement where it all started for me. After the Paul Mcartney concert in ... I think it was 2002.
After 911 and before the blackout.

09-09-2007, 09:23 PM
I remember driving into Manhattan on Sept. 12th and chillin in the basement of Edelweiss, it was eery, people were out but everyone was nervous as fuck..........

09-09-2007, 11:35 PM
I didn't get out of town til the 12th. I remember my walk from the WTC to St. Vincent's hospital. Once I got off Bowery, it seemed like the city stood still. Everyone was gathered around store windows with TV's or cars with the radio up loud. I felt like a ghost wandering through the neighborhoods of lower Manhattan.
It is hard to believe it will be 6 years tuesday.

09-14-2007, 09:13 PM
Maybe it wasn't Show World. It was on the second floor in a peep show place on the east side of 8th ave, on the north side of 42nd street, about 4/5 stores in from 8th. Some of the friendliest women, all beautiful. Wow what a rush of memories!!

09-15-2007, 02:36 AM
I'm pretty sure we're talking about the same place. Show World still is on the West Side of 8th between 42nd & 43rd.

There were actually a few other places that had an occasional TS thrown in with the GG's.

07-23-2008, 04:56 AM
I remember the two times square peep booths. The one with the second floor (which I think was on 8th Ave immeiately east if 42nd St) had this funny sounding dj who kept on saying "walk it on, walk it on out" whatever that meant.

Then I found out about Sallys actually Sallys II) which was cool because i could stop by there after work before my 2 hr train trip up the hudson river.

I only found out about eidelweiss my last six months in NY in early 95 (while it was on 11th next to the greek diner). That place was wilder than Sallys, but it required either a train trip in (and subsequent 'curfew" to make the lat train back) or a drive in with the cost and hassles of finding a place to park, not to mention the possibility of smokey stopping me on the long drive back home.

Then in 2002 I got back to nyc for a couple days. Eidelweiss was gone, the building was still there, but empty. Someone referred me so some place that turned out to be the Now bar.

Man that place stunk of smelly basement, reminded me of korean juice bars basements. but at the time it was the only place where the TSs could be found gathered in a club. Is it still there??

I haven't been back to NY since then, I'm missing all the Sunny D and allanah parties!!!

07-23-2008, 05:04 AM
congrats JW

doing anyone special to commerate?

07-23-2008, 05:13 AM
Old post bruh

07-23-2008, 05:43 AM
I am 32 now and I remember the first time going out in public dressed as a woman. I was 16 and went with a friend from high school to Club USA. They didnt check for ID's and we headed in. I started hormones around 18. I been to them all Edelweiss, Sally's and the NowBar. I worked at the Tunnel and the Limelight for a short while. My best friend at the time owned the Cheetah Club and I spent most of my time there.

07-23-2008, 06:03 AM
I remember Edelweiss too well
Screw magazine ads in the middle of the paper
59th bridge to Northern Blvd. to Roosevelt Avenue hit the 70's and girls were men hit the 80's girls were girls, hit junction and girls were men again

I still cant get "play with my pussy" by Gloria Wholesome out of my fuckin head or the Madonna impersonator doing bad imitations on Saturday nights @ NowBar


07-23-2008, 07:42 AM

Skwisgarr Skwigelf
07-23-2008, 09:56 AM
It's been about 20 years for me JW, but I was dl until about 6 years ago. I would drive past Nowbar and never had the balls to go in. thought it meant I is was gay.
Then I got fired from my job 6 months before 9/11. My former company was on the 101st floor of 1 World Trade Center.
life is way too short to think about nonsense.

Truer words may never have been spoken

07-23-2008, 02:54 PM
Wow! This thread is a revelation. I had assumed I was the only one here old enough to remember Edelweis on 26th St.
That must have been the original site because the wall paintings were sort of Tyrolian. I guess Dino just carried the name with him when he moved up to 43rd.

I miss that place, and Sally's. Those were the days. Someone should organize an old farts reunion, although except for Octavia it might be an all male affair. Great memories.

07-23-2008, 03:32 PM
I think its been at least a decade or so for me as well... but I started my adventures in the Bay Area. I can tell you it was a hell of a wild time out there.

I think relevant to age, a lot of us stumbled into this about as young as the girls were when they started.