View Full Version : Apparently I'm late to the party..Still this shit ain't cool

09-08-2007, 04:42 AM

Trickin guys into "falling in love" with a TS girl....and then makin fun of him all out on TV in front of everyone.

Didn't this kind of similar shit happen with JENNY JONES? Not exactly the same, but sorta.


09-08-2007, 05:25 AM
I can't believe that you are just discovering this. People have been talking about this show, made in England since 2003(?). It was recently posted that this show will be broadcast in the US. Its star Miriam has been the subject of many discussions here, even in the last week.

Still, I feel that people are so quick to jump on tv for money and fame. I feel they partially deserved what they got. In the end they got what they deserved, they asked for more money and got it.

09-08-2007, 05:36 AM
Yeah this is old and has been discussed here so many times i don't know how you missed it,the concept of that show was dangerous and gave the wrong message that tricking guys is ok.In the end it was a complete failure all the contestants sued the company and won.

09-08-2007, 05:51 AM
Yeah this is old and has been discussed here so many times i don't know how you missed it,the concept of that show was dangerous and gave the wrong message that tricking guys is ok.In the end it was a complete failure all the contestants sued the company and won.

Oh please. Any transsexual that want's a man who is not simply into transsexuals will do what Miriam did. Just not on television. I know of a number of TS's who did that, for months or years before telling the guy, married the guy, had post op sex with the guy, all without him knowing. What Miriam did on that show is just standard operating procedure.

I mean what should we girls do? Walk around with a sign that says "I am a transsexual,"? Just in case any random guy gets a stiffy from seeing one of us waiting for a bus or rinding the L? :roll:

09-08-2007, 06:16 AM
Any transsexual that want's a man who is not simply into transsexuals will do what Miriam did

Yeah if she doesn't value her life maybe because that is dangerous if you want a prime example look the gwen araujo incident.Maybe if she didn't get that impression from other transsexuals who think that's the only way to get a guy she probably would still be alive.

I mean what should we girls do? Walk around with a sign that says "I am a transsexual,"? Just in case any random guy gets a stiffy from seeing one of us waiting for a bus or rinding the L? :roll:

Be yourself,there are guys who like transsexual and not because they have a penis but what is truly sad is that most transsexuals consider guys gay because they like them for being a transsexual and shun them off.

09-08-2007, 06:30 AM
Yeah this is old and has been discussed here so many times i don't know how you missed it,the concept of that show was dangerous and gave the wrong message that tricking guys is ok.In the end it was a complete failure all the contestants sued the company and won.

Oh please. Any transsexual that want's a man who is not simply into transsexuals will do what Miriam did. Just not on television. I know of a number of TS's who did that, for months or years before telling the guy, married the guy, had post op sex with the guy, all without him knowing. What Miriam did on that show is just standard operating procedure.

I mean what should we girls do? Walk around with a sign that says "I am a transsexual,"? Just in case any random guy gets a stiffy from seeing one of us waiting for a bus or rinding the L? :roll:You should always be upfront with a guy. There are alot of guys who are homophobic and would totally flip out if they found out they were being lied to and especially if they already introduced you to friends and family. If a guy is really into you he wont care what you are or what you used to be, If you tell him as soon as you meet him and he walks away than obviously he isnt meant for you. Im not saying all TG's should go around and advertise what they are, im just saying that when you meet someone that you have an interest in you should be upfront with them. When my girlfriend was single she would always tell any guy hitting on her what she is. You have to be safe, there are alot of dickheads out there.

09-08-2007, 06:37 AM
That get's into a whole other topic.

The reason that TS's avoid chasers for LTR's is because many of us have tried LTR's with chasers and they almost never work out.

The idea that a TS, especially a post/non op, can tell a guy and all will be well is a pure fantasy

You guys will belive what you will belive. The realpolitik of the situation is that most TS's who are into men do not want a chaser for an LTR and so are put in a position where....not telling a man right off the bat is the way to go.

I personally know of TS's who waited, weeks, or months to tell then the guy enede up marrying them anyway. I know of NO marriages where a chaser got with a TS. We are like GG's in the respect of wanting, hoping for a stable loving man who will love, and respect us as he would XX woman. It is not logical but it is true.

09-08-2007, 06:59 AM
Yeah this is old and has been discussed here so many times i don't know how you missed it,the concept of that show was dangerous and gave the wrong message that tricking guys is ok.In the end it was a complete failure all the contestants sued the company and won.

Oh please. Any transsexual that want's a man who is not simply into transsexuals will do what Miriam did. Just not on television. I know of a number of TS's who did that, for months or years before telling the guy, married the guy, had post op sex with the guy, all without him knowing. What Miriam did on that show is just standard operating procedure.

I mean what should we girls do? Walk around with a sign that says "I am a transsexual,"? Just in case any random guy gets a stiffy from seeing one of us waiting for a bus or rinding the L? :roll:You should always be upfront with a guy. There are alot of guys who are homophobic and would totally flip out if they found out they were being lied to and especially if they already introduced you to friends and family. If a guy is really into you he wont care what you are or what you used to be, If you tell him as soon as you meet him and he walks away than obviously he isnt meant for you. Im not saying all TG's should go around and advertise what they are, im just saying that when you meet someone that you have an interest in you should be upfront with them. When my girlfriend was single she would always tell any guy hitting on her what she is. You have to be safe, there are alot of dickheads out there.

I'm inclined to agree with Brenda.

Just because some guy is sweating you, doesn't mean that you need to
tell him your situation.

Now if you're mutually interested in the guy I'd prefer to get to know him
better, and then as I got a sense of him as a person I would confide in

We women get hit on everyday, and if we told everyone that we met that
we were transsexual, that actually would cause more problems, than it

As a pre op, and as a post op, my policy has always been to get to know
the guy to see if he was worth sharing such sensitive information.

But having said all of that, when I was pre op, I wouldn't be sexually
intimate with someone without confiding, you know none of that 'preop

Now that I'm post op, and mostly do LTRS, I will share my 'herstory',
but if we're just a fling, I might not confide.

09-08-2007, 07:18 AM
That get's into a whole other topic.

The reason that TS's avoid chasers for LTR's is because many of us have tried LTR's with chasers and they almost never work out.

The idea that a TS, especially a post/non op, can tell a guy and all will be well is a pure fantasy

You guys will belive what you will belive. The realpolitik of the situation is that most TS's who are into men do not want a chaser for an LTR and so are put in a position where....not telling a man right off the bat is the way to go.

I personally know of TS's who waited, weeks, or months to tell then the guy enede up marrying them anyway. I know of NO marriages where a chaser got with a TS. We are like GG's in the respect of wanting, hoping for a stable loving man who will love, and respect us as he would XX woman. It is not logical but it is true.

Brenda again I must agree with you. :wink:

And to the guys, off course I am aware of the Gwen A. scenarios, but
as Brenda and other women have pointed out, that is the reality of the

Chasers are not to be trusted, they are only in it for the sex, for the thrill
of the hunt. They will cheat on you with your friends, you're just another
notch in their bed post.

It may sound strange and or dangerous to the guys, but just about any
woman that you ask on this or any other board, or in the real world, will
tell you that it's best to wait before you tell the guy the 'T'.

Get to know each other, see how he reacts to difficult and or stressful
situations. Is he argumentative, hot tempered. Ask him about an article
in the news about someone who is gender variant, see how he reacts.
Don't meet someone in the bar, and in a drucken state hook up with him.

Hell, make him wait a few weeks or a few months for the coochie. If he
passes all of those tests, then he might be a keeper.

09-08-2007, 09:30 AM
Is he argumentative, hot tempered. Ask him about an article
in the news about someone who is gender variant, see how he reacts.

Or for that matter and related back to the original post. Show him a TV show that features a transsexual, heck even TSAM. If he says something like "I'd ax murder that faggot" then he isn't the right guy.

09-08-2007, 10:23 AM
The reason that TS's avoid chasers for LTR's is because many of us have tried LTR's with chasers and they almost never work out.

The idea that a TS, especially a post/non op, can tell a guy and all will be well is a pure fantasy

peggygee said,

Brenda again I must agree with you. Wink ..........

Chasers are not to be trusted, they are only in it for the sex, for the thrill
of the hunt. They will cheat on you with your friends, you're just another
notch in their bed post.

__________________________________________________ ____________________________________

It's recently (as in right now) become painfully obvious and clear to me that pretty much every TS girl on the planet is just plain fucked up.

Painful because I hold both you, Peggy and Brenda in high regard based on you 2 bearing such strong wit and intel. on a plethora of different matters.

Never, never in a million years would I have even attempted to catagorize either of you into the box of "narrowmindedness" and "pessimism"...........Never.

To sum up what I have gathered from this, You BOTH believe that a man....ANYMAN basically...anyman who likes transsexuals, right off the bat......any man who assumes to have any passing interest in TS's, They are fuckin TS chasers and they are NOT to be trusted.

I'm at a loss for fuckin words right now.

I wear this bag for you 2 and in fact all of you.


09-08-2007, 10:24 AM
so what about guys that aren't into ts but slept with 100gg's... is that ok as long as the girls didn't have a penis ....to be honest the guys im friends with in this community are more tamed than my friends that don't like ts...unlike most i wont lie about the girls i have dated and/or slept with ...when u are genuine and sincere and not in hiding it shows...if I didn't date a lot or have frequent sex I would figure there was something wrong with me ...I think what happens in my situation is that girls dont like a strong confident guy that cant be phased by lame comments and always knows the score in the ts scene..im not some one that can be molded and fit into someones little box fantasy..

just like u girls out there , i am not for everyone....

09-08-2007, 02:36 PM
That get's into a whole other topic.

The reason that TS's avoid chasers for LTR's is because many of us have tried LTR's with chasers and they almost never work out.

The idea that a TS, especially a post/non op, can tell a guy and all will be well is a pure fantasy

You guys will belive what you will belive. The realpolitik of the situation is that most TS's who are into men do not want a chaser for an LTR and so are put in a position where....not telling a man right off the bat is the way to go.

I personally know of TS's who waited, weeks, or months to tell then the guy enede up marrying them anyway. I know of NO marriages where a chaser got with a TS. We are like GG's in the respect of wanting, hoping for a stable loving man who will love, and respect us as he would XX woman. It is not logical but it is true.

And of course since you go into any potential relationship with that kind of attitude, it's just a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I love it how you're all for lying to a potential mate right off the bat. And as everyone knows, the basis for any lasting relationship is not to be honest with each other. :roll: Finally, just because you know don't of any marriages between TSs and admirers, that doesn't mean there aren't any. Mahalo


09-08-2007, 03:13 PM
The idea that there are some TS's that really want a guy, but not one who likes TS's, is just plain irrational.

09-08-2007, 03:41 PM

Were not for "lying" just not telling a guy everything about us on the first meeting. I mean when is soon enough? The first meeting? (hello I'm a transsexual.) The first date? (I'll have the chicken primavera oh and by the way i'm a transsexual)

There really is no easy time to tell.

I can't say that there are no marriages between a TS and a former admierer/chasser. Well let me put it this way...in all the years of my life I have never heard of one. The community of transsexuals is very small so if such marriages were common I think I would know about them. I can only say it's not very likely.

As a matter of fact when it comes to getting that ultimate LTR, marriage, the ladies I know and kn of who did get married did so while they were away from the TS community and undercover.

im not some one that can be molded and fit into someones little box fantasy..

It's not that. I just don't want to form a LTR with a man come to love him and mabey years down the line I get SRS and he leaves me for someone younger and hung or even a man.

09-08-2007, 04:26 PM
Oh please. Any transsexual that want's a man who is not simply into transsexuals will do what Miriam did. Just not on television. I know of a number of TS's who did that, for months or years before telling the guy, married the guy, had post op sex with the guy, all without him knowing. What Miriam did on that show is just standard operating procedure.

I mean what should we girls do? Walk around with a sign that says "I am a transsexual,"? Just in case any random guy gets a stiffy from seeing one of us waiting for a bus or rinding the L? :roll:

No one said hold up a saying but as has been stated before here, doing this is playing with fire. Not to mention that starting a relationship on a lie is a recipe for disaster.

09-08-2007, 04:36 PM
That get's into a whole other topic.

The reason that TS's avoid chasers for LTR's is because many of us have tried LTR's with chasers and they almost never work out.

The idea that a TS, especially a post/non op, can tell a guy and all will be well is a pure fantasy

You guys will belive what you will belive. The realpolitik of the situation is that most TS's who are into men do not want a chaser for an LTR and so are put in a position where....not telling a man right off the bat is the way to go.

I personally know of TS's who waited, weeks, or months to tell then the guy enede up marrying them anyway. I know of NO marriages where a chaser got with a TS. We are like GG's in the respect of wanting, hoping for a stable loving man who will love, and respect us as he would XX woman. It is not logical but it is true.

And of course since you go into any potential relationship with that kind of attitude, it's just a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I love it how you're all for lying to a potential mate right off the bat. And as everyone knows, the basis for any lasting relationship is not to be honest with each other. :roll: Finally, just because you know don't of any marriages between TSs and admirers, that doesn't mean there aren't any. Mahalo


1+ Deception is not a good base.

09-08-2007, 05:10 PM
To sum up what I have gathered from this, You BOTH believe that a man....ANYMAN basically...anyman who likes transsexuals, right off the bat......any man who assumes to have any passing interest in TS's, They are fuckin TS chasers and they are NOT to be trusted.

so what about guys that aren't into ts but slept with 100gg's... is that ok as long as the girls didn't have a penis ....

No one said hold up a saying but as has been stated before here, doing this is playing with fire. Not to mention that starting a relationship on a lie is a recipe for disaster

I would be open to dating a man that has been with other transwomen.
Actually some times it can be a good thing, he will be knowledgeable
about 'the life', and he may be empathetic to our plight in general.

My ideal mate is someone who is willing to potentially be with me in a
LTR irregardless of my previous 'herstory'. I prefer a partner who looks
at the totality of who I am, and isn't attracted to me because I 'once upon
a time' had a penis between my legs.

I also couldn't be in a relationship with a man who has traditionally been
a bottom, because this is a need that I can not fulfill for him, and there is
a high probability that he will seek to have those needs met elsewhere.

The same applies to the man who sleeps around with dozens of natal
females, he isn't to be trusted. And it's not about Suzy's , or Tanisha's
pussy being better than mine, cause my pussy can stand the 'Pepsi

The problem is the a man who sleeps around whether it is with pre ops,
post ops, gg, men, is not to be trusted, he is promiscous, and a nut is a
nut. And there's nothing wrong with people having casual sex, if that is
something they both want and agree to, and some people are still
sowing their wild oats.

But I'm a mature, middle aged woman, I've sown my wild oats, I know
what I want in a relationship, and that would be a committed, long term
monogamous relationship.

And finally as to being honest about your transtatus: This week I have
had two cab drivers, a bus driver, the cable guy, a few guys in a store
that I frequent, hit on me, just to name a few.

Should I tell those guys that I 'used' to have a dick?


We're not fucking, there's barely any convo going on.

Now if I've gone on a date with one of them, and feel that our
relationship is going somewhere, if they are capable of handling
that type of information, then I will confide. I am a very honest, and
forthright person, and expect the same from the other person, thus I
don't believe in having a relationship based on lies and deception.

But just because someone is interested in me, does not mean that I need
to divulge sensitive and confidential aspects of my life.

09-08-2007, 09:20 PM
It's not that. I just don't want to form a LTR with a man come to love him and mabey years down the line I get SRS and he leaves me for someone younger and hung or even a man.

hmm, sometimes I do really think some of the beloved T-chicks on this board see the Straight world (regarding sex, love and romance) to be a happy and idyllic La La Land, where there are no cheaters, liars and crooks.

if I got one dollar for any 40/50 year old STRAIGHT fucker who left his wife/family/kids for a 25 year old hottie I`d drive a Rolls Royce by now.

same as with "chasers" - there are some serious straight serial phuckers out there who will fuck different pussies on a (nearly) daily basis.

In fact, the so much desired "straight" world has become a true Babylon the last couple of years (at least thats what I seem to notice)

oh btw brenda, conrats on 500 posts!

09-08-2007, 09:21 PM
The bottom line,

Tryin to kiss and fool guys into a love interest with them unknowing is dangerous......DEADLY dangerous.

09-08-2007, 09:38 PM
Any transsexual that want's a man who is not simply into transsexuals will do what Miriam did

Yeah if she doesn't value her life maybe because that is dangerous if you want a prime example look the gwen araujo incident.Maybe if she didn't get that impression from other transsexuals who think that's the only way to get a guy she probably would still be alive.

You know what's dangerous? Dating is dangerous, I don't care if someone is trans or a GG, the fact remains you just never know if the person you're seeing, the person you're bringing home, whatever isn't going to rape you, beat you to a pulp, stalk you or become otherwise abusive.

There are ways someone can lower the risk, but there is always that gamble. Not every girl out there (trans or gg) with an order of protection against some dangerous guy had to do it as a result of risky behavior or promiscuity.

To assume all straight guys whom are not desiring a relationship with someone who is trans, would suddenly become uncontrollable violent barbarians if their date/sex interest ends up being trans is to do a disservice to all the straight guys out there. Do we really want to perpetuate that stereotype? All that argument does is help with the proliferation of the gay panic defense.

09-08-2007, 09:45 PM
I love it how you're all for lying to a potential mate right off the bat. And as everyone knows, the basis for any lasting relationship is not to be honest with each other.

What constitutes a lie? A lack of full disclosure? Sorry, not buying that.

Take a less... controversial situation.

A normal GG and a guy whom don't yet know each other are on a first date.

Should this GG, in a public restaurant/movie theatre/where-ever else suddenly, before they order/movie starts/etc jump up on the table and shout:
-how many sexual partners she has had
-if she's ever been pregnate
-if she has any stds
-if she snores in bed
-how she disposes of pads

I mean come on, even if such information is relative to the relationship, there is common sense as to when and how such issues should be brought up (IF ever...). To say "well, because the girl is trans she needs to shout it from the rooftops in front of as many people as possible before the first date truly starts and failure to do so = lying" is a load of crap.

09-08-2007, 09:54 PM
^ That's WAY off of the point. That information is not important and don't dare go saying not telling them you are a TS isn't important either. I'm not sayin spill the beans on the first date but from what I've read you girls like to spring it after months of dating and that's a lot of wasted time.

09-08-2007, 09:59 PM
^ That's WAY off of the point. That information is not important ...

Not necessarily true. What if, on the std issue in my example, the GG in question had AIDs and didn't "tell the guy until after months of dating"

If the guy is clean and its a deal killer, isn't it "wasted time" ?

How many dates does a couple of individuals have to go on before, if it fails to go anywhere, it becomes "wasted time"? Should GGs who fail to disclose information which could prove to be a deal killer be freely beaten to a pulp or killed when their dates "find out" ?

There is quite a double standard going on here.

09-08-2007, 10:03 PM
^ Uh yea.. lol But really I would say three dates maybe a few more is more than enough of him getting to know you and telling him then, wouldn't be any different than waiting months. It kills your concept of beating around the bush. That's wasted time.

09-08-2007, 10:03 PM
I love it how you're all for lying to a potential mate right off the bat. And as everyone knows, the basis for any lasting relationship is not to be honest with each other.

What constitutes a lie? A lack of full disclosure? Sorry, not buying that.

Take a less... controversial situation.

A normal GG and a guy whom don't yet know each other are on a first date.

Should this GG, in a public restaurant/movie theatre/where-ever else suddenly, before they order/movie starts/etc jump up on the table and shout:
-how many sexual partners she has had
-if she's ever been pregnate
-if she has any stds
-if she snores in bed
-how she disposes of pads

I mean come on, even if such information is relative to the relationship, there is common sense as to when and how such issues should be brought up (IF ever...). To say "well, because the girl is trans she needs to shout it from the rooftops in front of as many people as possible before the first date truly starts and failure to do so = lying" is a load of crap.I guess you dont get the point do you? What your saying has nothing to do with the big picture. If your gonna date a straight guy who has know idea about who you are and you wait to the last minute to tell him how do you think he will react? im not saying all straight men will have the same reaction but some can get violent, and aside from that it isn't right to mislead a person. Suppose some guy is dating you and doesn't bother to tell you that he already has a girlfriend or is married? its a little different but i think you can see the point i'm making and if you can't then your not living in reality. If you are truly confident in yourself than it shouldn't be a problem telling someone that you plan on dating what you are, nothing to be ashamed of.

09-08-2007, 10:05 PM
Wow, there's no coming back on that example.

09-08-2007, 10:12 PM
I guess you dont get the point do you? What your saying has nothing to do with the big picture.

It has absolutely everything to do with the big picture. Finding out that your date has a characteristic, disease, whatever that you don't find to be desirable is NO justification for violence- especially murder.

If your gonna date a straight guy who has know idea about who you are and you wait to the last minute to tell him how do you think he will react?

And what constitutes "last minute"? Use subjective terms here... we talking before having sex, before making out? These things are rarely predictable moments in a relationship.

Who starts a relationship going "well, let's see, it is the first date so we won't be frenching until... lemme check my date planner.... next Thursday at 5:37 PM"

im not saying all straight men will have the same reaction but some can get violent

Someone can get violent for any number of reasons. That doesn't mean it is right, and that doesn't mean the legal system should excuse them for it!

Hell, look at the idiots that stab or shoot each other in road rage after a minor fender bender. Depending on what you drive, you can justifiably be pissed off by a fender bender, but that doesn't mean you get to empty a clip in the other driver for it.

and aside from that it isn't right to mislead a person.

Again this is back to subjective terms. What constitutes misleading someone, lack of full discloser? We're back to a full circle here again.

Suppose some guy is dating you and doesn't bother to tell you that he already has a girlfriend or is married?

I wouldn't react violently, let alone resort to murder. And if I did i'd certainly at least hope the courts would punish me for it. Going and saying "I panicked and responded violently because... : gasp : he didn't tell me he was married before we made out!" is illogical, unethical, immoral, and just not right.

09-08-2007, 10:19 PM
^ No way can you speak for all the psycos out there. That's just your opinion. Others wouldn't hesitate to resort to violence.

09-08-2007, 10:22 PM
I guess you dont get the point do you? What your saying has nothing to do with the big picture.

It has absolutely everything to do with the big picture. Finding out that your date has a characteristic, disease, whatever that you don't find to be desirable is NO justification for violence- especially murder.

If your gonna date a straight guy who has know idea about who you are and you wait to the last minute to tell him how do you think he will react?

And what constitutes "last minute"? Use subjective terms here... we talking before having sex, before making out? These things are rarely predictable moments in a relationship.

Who starts a relationship going "well, let's see, it is the first date so we won't be frenching until... lemme check my date planner.... next Thursday at 5:37 PM"

im not saying all straight men will have the same reaction but some can get violent

Someone can get violent for any number of reasons. That doesn't mean it is right, and that doesn't mean the legal system should excuse them for it!

Hell, look at the idiots that stab or shoot each other in road rage after a minor fender bender. Depending on what you drive, you can justifiably be pissed off by a fender bender, but that doesn't mean you get to empty a clip in the other driver for it.

and aside from that it isn't right to mislead a person.

Again this is back to subjective terms. What constitutes misleading someone, lack of full discloser? We're back to a full circle here again.

Suppose some guy is dating you and doesn't bother to tell you that he already has a girlfriend or is married?

I wouldn't react violently, let alone resort to murder. And if I did i'd certainly at least hope the courts would punish me for it. Going and saying "I panicked and responded violently because... : gasp : he didn't tell me he was married before we made out!" is illogical, unethical, immoral, and just not right.Well your not a straight guy are you? And your probably going to tell me you do this all the time and the men never react in a bad way and they tell you that they are still interested in you right? And you know why they react that way? Its because they already know that your a TS. Look you always here about TGs getting beat up for doing stuff like this and it sucks that guys are dickheads, But if you dont want to be upfront with someone and mislead them than thats on you, and the points you brought up don't hold a candle to what im saying. You are living in a fantasy world. Thats all i'm going to say because i feel that i made my point quite clearly. Good luck with your ways.

09-08-2007, 10:22 PM
^ No way can you speak for all the psycos out there. That's just your opinion. Others wouldn't hesitate to resort to violence.

So why perpetuate the stereotype that all straight guys are psychos who will resort with violence?

Why perpetuate that such violence is ok... so long the girl is trans... and so long she waited more than some random length of time to tell him?

There are all kinds of psychos out there that could be set off by all kinds of madame things.

09-08-2007, 10:31 PM
And your probably going to tell me you do this all the time and the men never react in a bad way and they tell you that they are still interested in you right?

All the time? No, I wouldn't say so... I have been in relationships where the guy knew everything about me ahead of time from online.

Some of the time, sure. Were they still interested, sometimes yes, sometimes not. Sometimes unrelated things are a deal killer. Just because someone is trans doesn't mean every relationship they have had (that lasted beyond initial dating) was "because the guy was into trans girls all along" or conversely, just because someone is trans doesn't mean that every time a relationship fails, it is because of that trans status.

And you know why they react that way? Its because they already know that your a TS.

That's quite the assumption to make. :roll:

Look you always here about TGs getting beat up for doing stuff like this and it sucks that guys are dickheads,

People always hear about it because they NEVER hear about the straight guys that don't react violently, they don't hear about when those relationships work out, they don't hear about when those relationships continue and end for different reasons.

Its a sensationalizing thing. People will talk about, read about violence, crimes, murders... people don't pay the same attention to "relationships that are completely uneventful"

09-08-2007, 10:40 PM
To pretend as if you do not understand the dynamic and physical risk of NOT telling someone you are a TS is egregiously foolish of you Sarah.

09-08-2007, 10:40 PM
To sum up what I have gathered from this, You BOTH believe that a man....ANYMAN basically...anyman who likes transsexuals, right off the bat......any man who assumes to have any passing interest in TS's, They are fuckin TS chasers and they are NOT to be trusted.

welcome to Planet-T Armanixxx

thats how they do it on there, live with it or leave it....

09-08-2007, 10:44 PM
To pretend as if you do not understand the dynamic and physical risk of NOT telling someone you are a TS is egregiously foolish of you Sarah.

I am not saying there are no risks. I have never said that there were no risks.

But are there things someone can do to hieghten or decrease these risks? Of course.

Going to KKK conventions as a preop to pickup dates without them knowing your status probably is not a good way to increase one's chances of living to an old age.

The opposite holds true as well.

09-08-2007, 10:44 PM
And your probably going to tell me you do this all the time and the men never react in a bad way and they tell you that they are still interested in you right?

All the time? No, I wouldn't say so... I have been in relationships where the guy knew everything about me ahead of time from online.

Some of the time, sure. Were they still interested, sometimes yes, sometimes not. Sometimes unrelated things are a deal killer. Just because someone is trans doesn't mean every relationship they have had (that lasted beyond initial dating) was "because the guy was into trans girls all along" or conversely, just because someone is trans doesn't mean that every time a relationship fails, it is because of that trans status.

And you know why they react that way? Its because they already know that your a TS.

That's quite the assumption to make. :roll:

Look you always here about TGs getting beat up for doing stuff like this and it sucks that guys are dickheads,

People always hear about it because they NEVER hear about the straight guys that don't react violently, they don't hear about when those relationships work out, they don't hear about when those relationships continue and end for different reasons.

Its a sensationalizing thing. People will talk about, read about violence, crimes, murders... people don't pay the same attention to "relationships that are completely uneventful"Well good luck. I'm glad you see my point, let me know when you decide to come back down to reality. I guess in your perfect world its okay to deceive people. So if i decide to dress like a women and pick up a guy and then he finds out i have a penis
without me telling him and he get mad, then he really doesnt have the right to get mad because its none of his business. How dare he be upset!

09-08-2007, 10:48 PM
I love it how you're all for lying to a potential mate right off the bat. And as everyone knows, the basis for any lasting relationship is not to be honest with each other.

What constitutes a lie? A lack of full disclosure? Sorry, not buying that.

Take a less... controversial situation.

A normal GG and a guy whom don't yet know each other are on a first date.

Should this GG, in a public restaurant/movie theatre/where-ever else suddenly, before they order/movie starts/etc jump up on the table and shout:
-how many sexual partners she has had
-if she's ever been pregnate
-if she has any stds
-if she snores in bed
-how she disposes of pads

I mean come on, even if such information is relative to the relationship, there is common sense as to when and how such issues should be brought up (IF ever...). To say "well, because the girl is trans she needs to shout it from the rooftops in front of as many people as possible before the first date truly starts and failure to do so = lying" is a load of crap.

Sarah, I agree with your logic and analogy. I also knew that this
discussion would come down to the men saying there should be full and
immediate disclosure, and the women saying that timing was the key.

I've known my fair share of men intimately, over the last few decades.
Some we just flirted, and or chit chatted amicably, some were short term
relationships, some were longterm, one I was married to.

When I was preop and I would meet a guy, I would tell him fairly quicky,
in a matter of days, if I felt we were going somewhere. If it was just
somebody that i would say hi and bye to, but thought 'he's a maybe', I
would wait and see if we were going to another level beyond platonic.

The vast majority of the men that I have known have been fine with my
gender status, those that weren't went their way and I went mine. No
violence, no drama, I would say that's true with the many treanswomen
that I have known as well.

Now as a post op, when I tell a guy about my past, the usual question
is "you don't have a dick now do you", and they treat me like any other
woman. It's the same as when I tell them I used to be an addict and
alcoholic, they ask "is it still a problem now", and I say no, and we move
on from there.

I actually get more grief from the so-called admirers, if they don't
understand what a post op is they treat me like a red head step child
with leprosy, cause I don't have a dick.

I will say it again for the umpteemth time, most of you guys don't have
a clue what our lives are like, you don't how we socialize, interact with
people, or deal with the world in general, many of you have never been
with a transwoman, some haven't even seen one in the real world.

Don't believe everything you read in this forum, don't believe everything
you see in your porn movies, don't believe everything you read in the

Don't believe the hype.

Believe the words and experiences of the women who live 'the life'.

09-08-2007, 10:53 PM
Well good luck. I'm glad you see my point, let me know when you decide to come back down to reality. I guess in your perfect world its okay to deceive people. So if i decide to dress like a women and pick up a guy and then he finds out i have a penis
without me telling him and he get mad, then he really doesnt have the right to get mad because its none of his business. How dare he be upset!

You can try to insult me all you want but honestly, all it is going to do is remove legitimacy from your argument and make your position look irrational.

What is this, 2nd grade... your argument doesn't fly for everyone so its time to start calling girls on here guys just throwing dresses on to get guys? :roll:

Don't believe everything you read in this forum, don't believe everything
you see in your porn movies, don't believe everything you read in the

Don't believe the hype.

Believe the words and experiences of the women who live 'the life'.

Finally, someone gets it!

It is easy to impose one's perspective of how others should act, when they have no idea what it is like to actually live that reality and what encompasses it.

EDIT/ADD: The ironic part is I am the one that's here defending straight guys by saying they're not all irrational, violent barbarians enslaved by their own impulses. Definitely not something I woke up expecting to argue, lmao.

09-08-2007, 10:55 PM
I love it how you're all for lying to a potential mate right off the bat. And as everyone knows, the basis for any lasting relationship is not to be honest with each other.

What constitutes a lie? A lack of full disclosure? Sorry, not buying that.

Take a less... controversial situation.

A normal GG and a guy whom don't yet know each other are on a first date.

Should this GG, in a public restaurant/movie theatre/where-ever else suddenly, before they order/movie starts/etc jump up on the table and shout:
-how many sexual partners she has had
-if she's ever been pregnate
-if she has any stds
-if she snores in bed
-how she disposes of pads

I mean come on, even if such information is relative to the relationship, there is common sense as to when and how such issues should be brought up (IF ever...). To say "well, because the girl is trans she needs to shout it from the rooftops in front of as many people as possible before the first date truly starts and failure to do so = lying" is a load of crap.

Sarah, I agree with your logic and analogy. I also knew that this
discussion would come down to the men saying there should be full and
immediate disclosure, and the women saying that timing was the key.

I've known my fair share of men intimately, over the last few decades.
Some we just flirted, and or chit chatted amicably, some were short term
relationships, some were longterm, one I was married to.

When I was preop and I would meet a guy, I would tell him fairly quicky,
in a matter of days, if I felt we were going somewhere. If it was just
somebody that i would say hi and bye to, but thought 'he's a maybe', I
would wait and see if we were going to another level beyond platonic.

The vast majority of the men that I have known have been fine with my
gender status, those that weren't went their way and I went mine. No
violence, no drama, I would say that's true with the many treanswomen
that I have known as well.

Now as a post op, when I tell a guy about my past, the usual question
is "you don't have a dick now do you", and they treat me like any other
woman. It's the same as when I tell them I used to be an addict and
alcoholic, they ask "is it still a problem now", and I say no, and we move
on from there.

I actually get more grief from the so-called admirers, if they don't
understand what a post op is they treat me like a red head step child
with leprosy, cause I don't have a dick.

I will say it again for the umpteemth time, most of you guys don't have
a clue what our lives are like, you don't how we socialize, interact with
people, or deal with the world in general, many of you have never been
with a transwoman, some haven't even seen one in the real world.

Don't believe everything you read in this forum, don't believe everything
you see in your porn movies, don't believe everything you read in the

Don't believe the hype.

Believe the words and experiences of the women who live 'the life'.most of the men who are okay with you are the ones who are into TGs in the first place. And what is the big deal to tell a guy that you are interested in or who is interested in you that you are a TG? What are you worried about?

09-08-2007, 10:56 PM
most of the men who are okay with you are the ones who are into TGs in the first place. And what is the big deal to tell a guy that you are interested in or who is interested in you that you are a TG? What are you worried about?

The question is not IF, it is when and how.

It is a debate over timing.

09-08-2007, 10:57 PM
The guy may like you for you. But he likes the person who you pretend to be and not who you really are, until he is told.

09-08-2007, 11:03 PM
Any transsexual that want's a man who is not simply into transsexuals will do what Miriam did

Yeah if she doesn't value her life maybe because that is dangerous if you want a prime example look the gwen araujo incident.Maybe if she didn't get that impression from other transsexuals who think that's the only way to get a guy she probably would still be alive.

You know what's dangerous? Dating is dangerous, I don't care if someone is trans or a GG, the fact remains you just never know if the person you're seeing, the person you're bringing home, whatever isn't going to rape you, beat you to a pulp, stalk you or become otherwise abusive.

There are ways someone can lower the risk, but there is always that gamble. Not every girl out there (trans or gg) with an order of protection against some dangerous guy had to do it as a result of risky behavior or promiscuity.

I've dated people without them knowing right away, for those which were set up with me by their friends or relatives, I really don't see it as being particularly dangerous.

To assume all straight guys whom are not desiring a relationship with someone who is trans, would suddenly become uncontrollable violent barbarians if their date/sex interest ends up being trans is to do a disservice to all the straight guys out there. Do we really want to perpetuate that stereotype? All that argument does is help with the proliferation of the gay panic defense.

Of course there is a risk of a gg or trans getting rape and/or hurt on a date but when a tgirl doesn't tell a guy her situation right away it puts her in a bad predicament to get hurt,i'm just saying why take the extra risk as you did when you dated those guys without telling them.

Prime example of taking a extra risk

I'm not saying all straight guys will act violently just the ones who don't wanna date transsexuals,you know the ones who have slashed up girls faces and even killed yeah thats the straight guy i'm referring too.Of course there are straight guys who aren't going to act violently but those are the guys who probably know they are transsexuals and they are put into the gay category by tgirls and shunned off.

09-08-2007, 11:04 PM
most of the men who are okay with you are the ones who are into TGs in the first place. And what is the big deal to tell a guy that you are interested in or who is interested in you that you are a TG? What are you worried about?

I'm not sure that you have read my previous statement upthread, I am
for disclosure, it's just a matter of when. The reason I don't tell everyone
that is interested in me, my status is that I may not be mutually interested
in them, and now another person unnecessarily knows my status.

It's on a need to know basis, if they don't need to know, they won't know.

Your other point about guys that are interested in transwomen being
interested in me doesn't apply often either.

When guys are interested in transwomen they usually are seeking the
ones with penises.

I am post op, I don't have an outie, I have an innie. :shrug

09-08-2007, 11:09 PM
The guy may like you for you. But he likes the person who you pretend to be and not who you really are, until he is told.

Pretends to be? Suppose it were that situation with a gg infected with aids dating a clean guy I mentioned earlier. He could like her for her, they could be doing well dating... then she reveals her status, it is a deal killer, and he runs away.

He still liked her for who she was, just mitigating circumstance made him want to leave, and that is his provocative. But if he had reacted with a fury of violence for having his "time wasted" by someone who didn't "reveal they had aids right away"- then the guy would have reacted improperly.

Lots of relationships end due to all kinds of things even when the two people like each other for who they are.

With trans being in the mix, it is no different. Not jumping on that table in the restaurant to proclaim one's status as being trans is not equivalent to pretending to be something one way or an other. The girl is simply being herself.

You wouldn't be accusing that gg with aids for "pretending to be clean" just because it wasn't mentioned right away.

09-08-2007, 11:15 PM
I'm not saying all straight guys will act violently just the ones who don't wanna date transsexuals...

So now every straight guy who isn't attracted to tgirls is supposedly going to react violently if they find that their date is trans?

Really not buying that at -all-

Of course there are straight guys who aren't going to act violently but those are the guys who probably know they are transsexuals and they are put into the gay category by tgirls and shunned off.

That's a bit of an assumption to make. So lemme get this straight (pun somewhat intended... sorry, had to)

If a straight guy dates a tgirl, and finds out she is trans after some random length of dating time... he will suddenly, uncontrollably react with violence.

If this reaction is not present, he musta been a chaser all along, and knew she was trans from the beginning! /sarc.

Not buying that argument either, not even close.

09-08-2007, 11:20 PM
The guy may like you for you. But he likes the person who you pretend to be and not who you really are, until he is told.

Pretends to be? Suppose it were that situation with a gg infected with aids dating a clean guy I mentioned earlier. He could like her for her, they could be doing well dating... then she reveals her status, it is a deal killer, and he runs away.

He still liked her for who she was, just mitigating circumstance made him want to leave, and that is his provocative. But if he had reacted with a fury of violence for having his "time wasted" by someone who didn't "reveal they had aids right away"- then the guy would have reacted improperly.

Lots of relationships end due to all kinds of things even when the two people like each other for who they are.

With trans being in the mix, it is no different. Not jumping on that table in the restaurant to proclaim one's status as being trans is not equivalent to pretending to be something one way or an other. The girl is simply being herself.

You wouldn't be accusing that gg with aids for "pretending to be clean" just because it wasn't mentioned right away.Suppose its guy guy who is really into being straight and likes women, Then he finds out that you have a penis or used to have a penis. Well maybe he wont be violent but how will this effect him emotionally? Do you ever consider that? His feelings? You are selfish and just don't get the point.

09-08-2007, 11:24 PM
This arguement wouldn't even be, had it not been for you transwomen not liking guys that admire you and not for just sexual reasons. That says things about you and I'm gonna leave it at that.

09-08-2007, 11:27 PM
This arguement wouldn't even be, had it not been for you transwomen not liking guys that admire you and not for just sexual reasons. That says things about you and I'm gonna leave it at that.What he said.

09-08-2007, 11:28 PM
Well maybe he wont be violent but how will this effect him emotionally? Do you ever consider that? His feelings? You are selfish and just don't get the point.

Which brings me to a point of this debate I have been waiting for:

When to tell.

We've been dancing around this issue (using subjective terms) by playing these games over how guys react in terms of violent impulses, social political ethical questions over the judicial system...

As I have said in the past, the question is always when, NOT if. To say it before the first date does not make much sense... because honestly, I have no idea the relationship will even work for one date let alone several.

Why bring it up, outmyself, etc etc if, that very same night, I get a "well, it was nice but we don't seem to have much in common/etc." There is nothing to gain in such a situation.

I am going to bring it up if I feel there might be a connection, if it could go somewhere... but until then it isn't an issue. I will make an effort to tell more than a few minutes before things get heated, but that isn't always possible (since it is so hard to predict that). Even the heated issue is arbritrary. What constitues heated to one person seems mandame to others.

What does "heated" mean?
-holding hands?
-french kissing?
-oral sex?
-full intercourse?

09-08-2007, 11:31 PM
Pretends to be? Suppose it were that situation with a gg infected with aids dating a clean guy I mentioned earlier. He could like her for her, they could be doing well dating... then she reveals her status, it is a deal killer, and he runs away.


__________________________________________________ ____________________

Please stop trying to insult our intelligence and rationalization.....or, is it instead you wish to insult your own?

Equating and HIV carrier to that of someone born with a penis is 2 EXTREMELY different apples SarahG.

09-08-2007, 11:32 PM

Yes....if you've kissed that man and you HAVEN'T told him, you are flagrant....PERIOD.

09-08-2007, 11:34 PM
Well maybe he wont be violent but how will this effect him emotionally? Do you ever consider that? His feelings? You are selfish and just don't get the point.

Which brings me to a point of this debate I have been waiting for:

When to tell.

We've been dancing around this issue (using subjective terms) by playing these games over how guys react in terms of violent impulses, social political ethical questions over the judicial system...

As I have said in the past, the question with me is always when, NOT if. To say it before the first date does not make much sense... because honestly, I have no idea the relationship will even work for one date let alone several.

Why bring it up, outmyself, etc etc if, that very same night, I get a "well, it was nice but we don't seem to have much in common/etc." There is nothing to gain in such a situation.

I am going to bring it up if I feel there might be a connection, if it could go somewhere... but until then it isn't an issue. I will make an effort to tell more than a few minutes before things get heated, but that isn't always possible (since it is so hard to predict that). Even the heated issue is arbritrary. What constitues heated to one person seems mandame to others.

What does "heated" mean?
-holding hands?
-french kissing?
-oral sex?
-full intercourse?Yes okay you win. You are absolutely right. Keep doing what you do, i'm sure all the guys will be okay with that. The best time to tell him would be after he sucks your dick i guess.

09-08-2007, 11:43 PM
Equating and HIV carrier to that of someone born with a penis is 2 EXTREMELY different apples SarahG.

If you don't like my example I apologize, it wasn't my intention with that example.

The best time to tell him would be after he sucks your dick i guess.

lmao. I don't mind people who are into tgirls as a fetish (see past posts in this thread) but, I gotta be honest here... I am a bottom and that really wouldn't do anything for me. I wouldn't end the relationship if someone asked to (I know some people use guys wanted to suck or wanting to be topped as a litmus test for when to bail), but I just don't have an interest in that. It would really take alot to get me to go along with that.

09-08-2007, 11:48 PM

09-08-2007, 11:56 PM

__________________________________________________ ________________________

The point is, as you can plainly read here,

There are some people that think it's perfectly fine to parade themselves as a genetic woman and fool a man into thinking so.

That show perpetuated that thought......imo.

People have been beaten to death for that thought Yasmin.

09-08-2007, 11:56 PM

09-09-2007, 12:01 AM
To sum up what I have gathered from this, You BOTH believe that a man....ANYMAN basically...anyman who likes transsexuals, right off the bat......any man who assumes to have any passing interest in TS's, They are fuckin TS chasers and they are NOT to be trusted.

welcome to Planet-T Armanixxx

thats how they do it on there, live with it or leave it....

__________________________________________________ _____________________________

And it's fucking sad....very sad.........

mostly for the girls.

09-09-2007, 12:19 AM
According to this girl any guy who likes transsexuals for being transsexuals are chasers and no i'm not gonna rick roll you.I can care less about a transsexual's penis,i hate being put into a catergory that consists are of scumbags.Funny how people who considers themselve the norm puts transsexuals into a gay catergory and they turn around and do the same to the people who like them.


09-09-2007, 01:19 AM
According to this girl any guy who likes transsexual for being transsexuals are chasers and no i'm not gonna rick roll you.I can care less about a transsexual's penis,i hate being put into a catergory that consists are of scumbags.Funny how people who considers themselve the norm puts transsexuals into a gay catergory and they turn around and do the same to the people who like them.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UVVw4OLDzgJust curious, how did you become attracted to transsexuals in the first place? If it wasn't for there penis then what was it? There Adams apple? Again stop trying to be different from everybody here. You like the cock. In your mind you think one of the TG's are gonna read what you say and think "wow he is so different than everyone else here, He doesn't care about penis, I'm gonna date this guy for sure" Get real dude no one falls for your bullshit.

09-09-2007, 01:28 AM
To sum up what I have gathered from this, You BOTH believe that a man....ANYMAN basically...anyman who likes transsexuals, right off the bat......any man who assumes to have any passing interest in TS's, They are fuckin TS chasers and they are NOT to be trusted.

welcome to Planet-T Armanixxx

thats how they do it on there, live with it or leave it....

__________________________________________________ _____________________________

And it's fucking sad....very sad.........

mostly for the girls.

I am by now really wondering.....as for a genuine guy, who is sincere, who has come to terms with his sexuality and/or preferences...what would he think if he reads stuff comin from some T-chicks like "oh, if a guy has been with a trans before i will certainly NOT date him" and similar stuff...

I wonder, why should he care if he is beeing disrespected for beeing honest?

I am in fact inclined to assume that this "Any guy who is into trans IS chaser-material" - and lets cut the BS thats simply the prevelant stance among the girls on here - has driven away most genuine NON players and tricks, at least in the long run.

just my two .....

09-09-2007, 01:32 AM
This post is part of the reason why i don't waste time trying to date a TS. Too much drama. I thought women were bad but their far less complicated.

09-09-2007, 02:10 AM
This post is part of the reason why i don't waste time trying to date a TS. Too much drama. I thought women were bad but their far less complicated.

__________________________________________________ _______________________

I feel you may really be on to somethin.....for real.

09-09-2007, 02:13 AM
According to this girl any guy who likes transsexual for being transsexuals are chasers and no i'm not gonna rick roll you.I can care less about a transsexual's penis,i hate being put into a catergory that consists are of scumbags.Funny how people who considers themselve the norm puts transsexuals into a gay catergory and they turn around and do the same to the people who like them.


__________________________________________________ ________________________

Yeah I read it and I again got pissed off again.

So, I responded.

here's what I said, and her name is Erin by the way:

Erin, Your broad stroked definition of a "TRANNY CHASER" is offensive. Just because a guy has an interest and likes transsexuals, that DOESN'T make him a "chaser". Your label, as you've defined it, is inflexible and condescending to say the least. How about if these same "chasers", as you call them, how about if they started labeling you as a "FREAK FAGGOT", "MAN", "SHEMALE", "HE-SHE QUEER", "TRANNY HOMO".

Do you like any of those, because I've got a shitload more of em....and guess what, lots of the world would have no problem dealing some of those terms your way.

The point I'm making Erin, is the same beforementioned terms I'm sure you loathe with a passion, and rightfully so, you just pushed onto someone else.

Maybe you should think about the idea's you subscribe to with greater empathy because as of now, your hypocrisy is beyond astounding babe.

09-09-2007, 02:29 AM
According to this girl any guy who likes transsexual for being transsexuals are chasers and no i'm not gonna rick roll you.I can care less about a transsexual's penis,i hate being put into a catergory that consists are of scumbags.Funny how people who considers themselve the norm puts transsexuals into a gay catergory and they turn around and do the same to the people who like them.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UVVw4OLDzgJust curious, how did you become attracted to transsexuals in the first place? If it wasn't for there penis then what was it? There Adams apple? Again stop trying to be different from everybody here. You like the cock. In your mind you think one of the TG's are gonna read what you say and think "wow he is so different than everyone else here, He doesn't care about penis, I'm gonna date this guy for sure" Get real dude no one falls for your bullshit.

lol@ "stop being different" i can't help it if that's the way i come across,i'm not that type of guy who only thinks about sex.My purpose is to find a girl that i can truly say i love and possibly be with not look at her as some sexual trophy or conquest.I tend to find a women's personality and interest more intriguing and could care less about her penis,as long as she is a good person i'm ok.

"In your mind you think one of the TG's are gonna read what you say and think "wow he is so different than everyone else here, He doesn't care about penis, I'm gonna date this guy for sure" Get real dude no one falls for your bullshit."

First off a guy like you could never anticipate what's going in my head to begin with because we are two different people with different goals here.I honestly don't care how anyone views me on here i will continuing being myself.

09-09-2007, 02:36 AM
According to this girl any guy who likes transsexual for being transsexuals are chasers and no i'm not gonna rick roll you.I can care less about a transsexual's penis,i hate being put into a catergory that consists are of scumbags.Funny how people who considers themselve the norm puts transsexuals into a gay catergory and they turn around and do the same to the people who like them.


__________________________________________________ ________________________

Yeah I read it and I again got pissed off again.

So, I responded.

here's what I said, and her name is Erin by the way:

Erin, Your broad stroked definition of a "TRANNY CHASER" is offensive. Just because a guy has an interest and likes transsexuals, that DOESN'T make him a "chaser". Your label, as you've defined it, is inflexible and condescending to say the least. How about if these same "chasers", as you call them, how about if they started labeling you as a "FREAK FAGGOT", "MAN", "SHEMALE", "HE-SHE QUEER", "TRANNY HOMO".

Do you like any of those, because I've got a shitload more of em....and guess what, lots of the world would have no problem dealing some of those terms your way.

The point I'm making Erin, is the same beforementioned terms I'm sure you loathe with a passion, and rightfully so, you just pushed onto someone else.

Maybe you should think about the idea's you subscribe to with greater empathy because as of now, your hypocrisy is beyond astounding babe.

Wow, some folks are sure taking the term tranny chaser to heart.

The tone of the thread is getting kind of testy

I would think if the shoe doesn't fit, that it wouldn't bother
people so much.

Funny thing is there are some people who I had heretofore not
lumped into that category.

Gee if the worst term they have for you guys is tranny chaser,
you're getting off pretty light.

Just look at all the cool terms we transwomen have above.

You may want to walk in our Feragammos and Payless shoes, go
through all the surgeries, body modifications, risk your lifes, lose
your families, be discriminated upon by society.

You must be the guy who felt bad about his shoes till he saw the
woman with no feet.

09-09-2007, 02:47 AM
According to this girl any guy who likes transsexual for being transsexuals are chasers and no i'm not gonna rick roll you.I can care less about a transsexual's penis,i hate being put into a catergory that consists are of scumbags.Funny how people who considers themselve the norm puts transsexuals into a gay catergory and they turn around and do the same to the people who like them.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UVVw4OLDzgJust curious, how did you become attracted to transsexuals in the first place? If it wasn't for there penis then what was it? There Adams apple? Again stop trying to be different from everybody here. You like the cock. In your mind you think one of the TG's are gonna read what you say and think "wow he is so different than everyone else here, He doesn't care about penis, I'm gonna date this guy for sure" Get real dude no one falls for your bullshit.

lol@ "stop being different" i can't help it if that's the way i come across,i'm not that type of guy who only thinks about sex.My purpose is to find a girl that i can truly say i love and possibly be with not look at her as some sexual trophy or conquest.I tend to find a women's personality and interest more intriguing and could care less about her penis,as long as she is a good person i'm ok.

"In your mind you think one of the TG's are gonna read what you say and think "wow he is so different than everyone else here, He doesn't care about penis, I'm gonna date this guy for sure" Get real dude no one falls for your bullshit."

First off a guy like you could never anticipate what's going in my head to begin with because we are two different people with different goals here.I honestly don't care how anyone views me on here i will continuing being myself.So if i can repeat myself and im not trying to give you a hard time, What got you interested in transsexuals in the first place? If it isn't about there penis then What? So why not be with a GG? And as far as looking at them in a sexual way... This site is mostly about that, Thats why you have to be 21 to enter.

09-09-2007, 02:52 AM
The reason that TS's avoid chasers for LTR's is because many of us have tried LTR's with chasers and they almost never work out.

The idea that a TS, especially a post/non op, can tell a guy and all will be well is a pure fantasy

peggygee said,

Brenda again I must agree with you. Wink ..........

Chasers are not to be trusted, they are only in it for the sex, for the thrill
of the hunt. They will cheat on you with your friends, you're just another
notch in their bed post.

__________________________________________________ ____________________________________

It's recently (as in right now) become painfully obvious and clear to me that pretty much every TS girl on the planet is just plain fucked up.

Painful because I hold both you, Peggy and Brenda in high regard based on you 2 bearing such strong wit and intel. on a plethora of different matters.

Never, never in a million years would I have even attempted to catagorize either of you into the box of "narrowmindedness" and "pessimism"...........Never.

To sum up what I have gathered from this, You BOTH believe that a man....ANYMAN basically...anyman who likes transsexuals, right off the bat......any man who assumes to have any passing interest in TS's, They are fuckin TS chasers and they are NOT to be trusted.

I'm at a loss for fuckin words right now.

I wear this bag for you 2 and in fact all of you.


Armanixxx, you are one of my favorite posters, I hold you and a number
of others in the highest regard both for your intelligence, sense of humor,
and integrity.

But it is on issues like this, and at times like this, that I thank my God, my
surgeons, and all those that made my transition possible. I am so glad
that I do not have a penis, and that I am not constrained to be restricted
to a potential dating pool of people that have such hateful views of the
women that they purport to be enamored with.

As I stated 9/15/2006 when I came through the portal, I am here for
the women.

Again I thank my God that I am not trapped in trannyville.

09-09-2007, 03:03 AM
According to this girl any guy who likes transsexual for being transsexuals are chasers and no i'm not gonna rick roll you.I can care less about a transsexual's penis,i hate being put into a catergory that consists are of scumbags.Funny how people who considers themselve the norm puts transsexuals into a gay catergory and they turn around and do the same to the people who like them.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UVVw4OLDzgJust curious, how did you become attracted to transsexuals in the first place? If it wasn't for there penis then what was it? There Adams apple? Again stop trying to be different from everybody here. You like the cock. In your mind you think one of the TG's are gonna read what you say and think "wow he is so different than everyone else here, He doesn't care about penis, I'm gonna date this guy for sure" Get real dude no one falls for your bullshit.

lol@ "stop being different" i can't help it if that's the way i come across,i'm not that type of guy who only thinks about sex.My purpose is to find a girl that i can truly say i love and possibly be with not look at her as some sexual trophy or conquest.I tend to find a women's personality and interest more intriguing and could care less about her penis,as long as she is a good person i'm ok.

"In your mind you think one of the TG's are gonna read what you say and think "wow he is so different than everyone else here, He doesn't care about penis, I'm gonna date this guy for sure" Get real dude no one falls for your bullshit."

First off a guy like you could never anticipate what's going in my head to begin with because we are two different people with different goals here.I honestly don't care how anyone views me on here i will continuing being myself.So if i can repeat myself and im not trying to give you a hard time, What got you interested in transsexuals in the first place? If it isn't about there penis then What? So why not be with a GG? And as far as looking at them in a sexual way... This site is mostly about that, Thats why you have to be 21 to enter.

Why is it so hard for you to understand i base my liking of any gg or tg on personality and if they share the same interest as me.You really sell this forum short if you think its all about sex there are dicussions about news,transgendered issues all the time.You need to start thinking outside the box dude,not everyone here post about sex.

09-09-2007, 03:08 AM
wow this thread has really taken off ,lol... i will give a more clear example that shows my frustration....u get these girls yelling i only date str8 guys and goto str8 clubs...like they are rubbing something into our faces like aliens and writing us off , lol ..... just like i told my ex as i left her in cali...im like go find your str8 guy to put up with your shit.....hmmm lemme ask u this ...if the formula is so perfect why are you still looking....why aren't u married yet..why do u call me every time u end up in NYC ?

with that said i am not that ignorant also...there are a lot of weird dudes fronting on here and in the scene in general...i would say the majority of guys here don't know what they are talking about...basing who they want for a wife by a joey silvera video...thats real funny and stupid...at least
i will be honest..i don't know if i want her as a wife but wouldn't mind fucking her though, hehe :wink: ..

now do what Yasmin said immediately,lol... i actually have a date in a bit so maybe i will have to hold on to that thought..or i could always go the route of "THERES SOMETHING ABOUT MARY "...

09-09-2007, 03:11 AM
According to this girl any guy who likes transsexual for being transsexuals are chasers and no i'm not gonna rick roll you.I can care less about a transsexual's penis,i hate being put into a catergory that consists are of scumbags.Funny how people who considers themselve the norm puts transsexuals into a gay catergory and they turn around and do the same to the people who like them.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UVVw4OLDzgJust curious, how did you become attracted to transsexuals in the first place? If it wasn't for there penis then what was it? There Adams apple? Again stop trying to be different from everybody here. You like the cock. In your mind you think one of the TG's are gonna read what you say and think "wow he is so different than everyone else here, He doesn't care about penis, I'm gonna date this guy for sure" Get real dude no one falls for your bullshit.

lol@ "stop being different" i can't help it if that's the way i come across,i'm not that type of guy who only thinks about sex.My purpose is to find a girl that i can truly say i love and possibly be with not look at her as some sexual trophy or conquest.I tend to find a women's personality and interest more intriguing and could care less about her penis,as long as she is a good person i'm ok.

"In your mind you think one of the TG's are gonna read what you say and think "wow he is so different than everyone else here, He doesn't care about penis, I'm gonna date this guy for sure" Get real dude no one falls for your bullshit."

First off a guy like you could never anticipate what's going in my head to begin with because we are two different people with different goals here.I honestly don't care how anyone views me on here i will continuing being myself.So if i can repeat myself and im not trying to give you a hard time, What got you interested in transsexuals in the first place? If it isn't about there penis then What? So why not be with a GG? And as far as looking at them in a sexual way... This site is mostly about that, Thats why you have to be 21 to enter.

Why is it so hard for you to understand i base my liking of any gg or tg on personality and if they share the same interest as me.You really sell this forum short if you think its all about sex there are dicussions about news,transgendered issues all the time.You need to start thinking outside the box dude,not everyone here post about sex.Well i see that the Naruto movie is over so now your back. Why cant you answer a simple question? Why are you attracted to Transsexuals? And dont tell me personality, What attracted you to them in the first place and why are you here? Is it that hard of a question to answer? And yeah i did think outside of the box and thats why im with a TG.

09-09-2007, 03:17 AM
Well i see that the Naruto movie is over so now your back. Why cant you answer a simple question? Why are you attracted to Transsexuals? And dont tell me personality, What attracted you to them in the first place and why are you here? Is it that hard of a question to answer? And yeah i did think outside of the box and thats why im with a TG.

I've explained that to you and if you don't undestand thats your ignorance.

09-09-2007, 03:23 AM
Well i see that the Naruto movie is over so now your back. Why cant you answer a simple question? Why are you attracted to Transsexuals? And dont tell me personality, What attracted you to them in the first place and why are you here? Is it that hard of a question to answer? And yeah i did think outside of the box and thats why im with a TG.

I've explain that to you and if you don't undestand thats your ignorance.No actually you didn't explain anything. What got you interested in transsexuals? How are they different from GG? If you cant answer that question honestly than you are the ignorant one.

09-09-2007, 03:35 AM
Well i see that the Naruto movie is over so now your back. Why cant you answer a simple question? Why are you attracted to Transsexuals? And dont tell me personality, What attracted you to them in the first place and why are you here? Is it that hard of a question to answer? And yeah i did think outside of the box and thats why im with a TG.

I've explain that to you and if you don't undestand thats your ignorance.No actually you didn't explain anything. What got you interested in transsexuals? How are they different from GG? If you cant answer that question honestly than you are the ignorant one.

I don't look at them being different i look at them as girls/women because thats how i think they want to be preceived so i do it respectfully.


I tend to be "interested" in people who i share interest with and i like their personality so if any gg or tg fits that bill them i'm interested at them.Now can you please move on.

09-09-2007, 03:44 AM
Well i see that the Naruto movie is over so now your back. Why cant you answer a simple question? Why are you attracted to Transsexuals? And dont tell me personality, What attracted you to them in the first place and why are you here? Is it that hard of a question to answer? And yeah i did think outside of the box and thats why im with a TG.

I've explain that to you and if you don't undestand thats your ignorance.No actually you didn't explain anything. What got you interested in transsexuals? How are they different from GG? If you cant answer that question honestly than you are the ignorant one.

I don't look at them being different i look at them as girls/women because thats how i think they want to be preceived so i do it respectfully.


I tend to be "interested" in people who i share interest with and i like their personality so if any gg or tg fits that bill them i'm interested at them.Now can you please move on.Still didnt answer me. Do you think its respectful to be on a website like this one that posts hardcore pics of transsexuals? So again... How did you get interested in transsexuals? Why is that so hard to answer? are you not secure about yourself? When you started to have an interest in girls did you have an interest in transsexuals at the same time? All you do is deflect the question with that personality crap, Yeah personality is important but what got you interested
in Transsexuals in the first place? Be a man and answer.

09-09-2007, 03:49 AM
Well i see that the Naruto movie is over so now your back. Why cant you answer a simple question? Why are you attracted to Transsexuals? And dont tell me personality, What attracted you to them in the first place and why are you here? Is it that hard of a question to answer? And yeah i did think outside of the box and thats why im with a TG.

I've explain that to you and if you don't undestand thats your ignorance.No actually you didn't explain anything. What got you interested in transsexuals? How are they different from GG? If you cant answer that question honestly than you are the ignorant one.

I don't look at them being different i look at them as girls/women because thats how i think they want to be preceived so i do it respectfully.


I tend to be "interested" in people who i share interest with and i like their personality so if any gg or tg fits that bill them i'm interested at them.Now can you please move on.Still didnt answer me. Do you think its respectful to be on a website like this one that posts hardcore pics of transsexuals? So again... How did you get interested in transsexuals? Why is that so hard to answer? are you not secure about yourself? When you started to have an interest in girls did you have an interest in transsexuals at the same time? All you do is deflect the question with that personality crap, Yeah personality is important but what got you interested
in Transsexuals in the first place? Be a man and answer.

Sounds like your trying to question your own sexually.

09-09-2007, 03:58 AM
Well i see that the Naruto movie is over so now your back. Why cant you answer a simple question? Why are you attracted to Transsexuals? And dont tell me personality, What attracted you to them in the first place and why are you here? Is it that hard of a question to answer? And yeah i did think outside of the box and thats why im with a TG.

I've explain that to you and if you don't undestand thats your ignorance.No actually you didn't explain anything. What got you interested in transsexuals? How are they different from GG? If you cant answer that question honestly than you are the ignorant one.

I don't look at them being different i look at them as girls/women because thats how i think they want to be preceived so i do it respectfully.


I tend to be "interested" in people who i share interest with and i like their personality so if any gg or tg fits that bill them i'm interested at them.Now can you please move on.Still didnt answer me. Do you think its respectful to be on a website like this one that posts hardcore pics of transsexuals? So again... How did you get interested in transsexuals? Why is that so hard to answer? are you not secure about yourself? When you started to have an interest in girls did you have an interest in transsexuals at the same time? All you do is deflect the question with that personality crap, Yeah personality is important but what got you interested
in Transsexuals in the first place? Be a man and answer.

Sounds like your trying to question your own sexually pal.I already know my own sexuality pal but you obviously don't know yours or you do but your not man enough to admit it pal. So go about your insecure ways. Cant even answer a simple question. I'm now convinced that you are not that bright of a person. Less cartoons More reality, Try it.

09-09-2007, 04:10 AM
I already know my own sexuality pal but you obviously don't know yours or you do but your not man enough to admit it pal. So go about your insecure ways. Cant even answer a simple question. I'm now convinced that you are not that bright of a person. Less cartoons More reality, Try it.

Someone got pissed real quick guess i struck a nerve with that post,listen dude there is nothing wrong with being gay,if you like penises you just like then dude.Being undercover can cause massive problems just be yourself and you will be a better person.

BTW naruto is a japanese anime not a cartoon.

09-09-2007, 04:15 AM
wow this thread has really taken off ,lol... i will give a more clear example that shows my frustration....u get these girls yelling i only date str8 guys and goto str8 clubs...like they are rubbing something into our faces like aliens and writing us off , lol ..... just like i told my ex as i left her in cali...im like go find your str8 guy to put up with your shit.....hmmm lemme ask u this ...if the formula is so perfect why are you still looking....why aren't u married yet..why do u call me every time u end up in NYC ?

with that said i am not that ignorant also...there are a lot of weird dudes fronting on here and in the scene in general...i would say the majority of guys here don't know what they are talking about...basing who they want for a wife by a joey silvera video...thats real funny and stupid...

A voice of moderation from a moderator. :wink:

I will admit that there are many of us women who have hardened hearts,
or are jaded to a certain extent, and I would count myself in that number.

Then like you said, there are guys who need to buy a clue from Pat and


I think some respectful dialouge would go a long way in closing the
communication gap.

09-09-2007, 04:22 AM
I already know my own sexuality pal but you obviously don't know yours or you do but your not man enough to admit it pal. So go about your insecure ways. Cant even answer a simple question. I'm now convinced that you are not that bright of a person. Less cartoons More reality, Try it.

Someone got pissed real quick guess i struck a nerve with that post,listen dude there is nothing wrong with being gay,if you like penises you just like then dude.Being undercover can cause massive problems just be yourself and you will be a better person.

BTW naruto is a japanese anime not a cartoon.Well i never said nothing was wrong with you being gay. I'm glad you finally came out of the closet, at least you answered my question this time. Yeah im familiar with anime and anime is japanese animation = cartoon. Also Naruto is for teenagers. You are a walking contradiction of yourself. You are a moron as well. And no you did not strike a nerve.

09-09-2007, 06:41 AM
There are no rules in relationships. And if there are, they tend to be ignored. It's between two individuals. Every individual is what they is, no matter what is thought they should be.

Entering into a relationship, each individual is on their own. If they assume there are rules then they are unarmed. They must rely on their insticts, experience..... What do they see and hear. Act accordingly.

You can talk this subject to death, but it doesn't mean a hill of beans, when individual A meets individual B in real life. Utopia doesn't exist. You can roll up in ball or take your chances. Do you have faith in your instincts. If you don't you'll become an accomplished typist.

As an aside, Legend, I want to take this opportunity to say...Your avatars really SUCK! Every time I see them I think "Pikachu " or "Hello Kitty".

09-09-2007, 07:14 AM
Dude how can you confuse my naruto avatars to anything pokemon or hello kitty,naruto is an adult anime,when was the last time in hello kitty or pokemon that someone was assassinated

09-09-2007, 07:18 AM
Dude how can you confuse my naruto avatars to anything pokemon or hello kitty,naruto is an adult anime,when was the last time in hello kitty or pokemon that someone was assassinatedRelax junior its just a cartoon.

09-09-2007, 07:21 AM
Dude how can you confuse my naruto avatars to anything pokemon or hello kitty,naruto is an adult anime,when was the last time in hello kitty or pokemon that someone was assassinatedRelax junior its just a cartoon.

That was said in a jokingly manner old man,only talk when spoken too.

09-09-2007, 07:22 AM
Dude how can you confuse my naruto avatars to anything pokemon or hello kitty,naruto is an adult anime,when was the last time in hello kitty or pokemon that someone was assassinatedRelax junior its just a cartoon.

That was said in a jokely manner old man,only talk when spoken too.
Yeah jokely. What the fuck is jokely???

09-09-2007, 07:24 AM
Dude how can you confuse my naruto avatars to anything pokemon or hello kitty,naruto is an adult anime,when was the last time in hello kitty or pokemon that someone was assassinatedRelax junior its just a cartoon.

That was said in a jokely manner old man,only talk when spoken too.
Yeah jokely. What the fuck is jokely???


09-09-2007, 07:26 AM
Dude how can you confuse my naruto avatars to anything pokemon or hello kitty,naruto is an adult anime,when was the last time in hello kitty or pokemon that someone was assassinatedRelax junior its just a cartoon.

That was said in a jokely manner old man,only talk when spoken too.
Yeah jokely. What the fuck is jokely???

fix'dThanks that much better. What the fuck if fix'd? Fixed!!!

09-09-2007, 10:19 AM
The way I see it this thread has two main themes: 1.When to tell. 2.a Are all men who like transsexuals chasers? 2.b Are any men who like transsexuals any good?

When to divulge information in a relationship is an art they every person must use. When do I tell dates that I have been married and divorced 5 time and have 14 children by nine different relationships? This not me, it just a hypothetical situation.

Oh please. Any transsexual that want's a man who is not simply into transsexuals will do what Miriam did....

The reason that TS's avoid chasers for LTR's is because many of us have tried LTR's with chasers and they almost never work out....

The realpolitik of the situation is that most TS's who are into men do not want a chaser for an LTR ...

I know of NO marriages where a chaser got with a TS. ...

I think it was Brenda, who threw gasoline on the fire when she said that all men who like transsexuals are chasers and that none of the relationships ever workout. This is an insult to any male here who has participated in a discussion, though I don’t think she intended to do so. Some men who visit this site only do so to look at sexy pictures or share information about exploits or escort services. But many others also join discussions to share of themselves and to interact with others sharing themselves. I personally feel that any man who does this is not just a ‘chaser’. So (2.a) all men who like transsexuals are not chasers.

I think that real issue is that is it is difficult to find good relationships period. Besides all the early deal breakers, there are global issues like timing and location. I believe that are a higher percentage of player types among those who like transsexuals, but that is no reason to write off everyone. All it takes is one, at the right time and place. And sometimes even time and place issues can be worked out.

Everyone loves great sex, but the real deal sealer in a ltr, includes someone who can share the deeper parts of yourself with, plus just chill and have a good time. Liking transexuals does not prevent someone from wanting to have a stable caring relationship. Besides the majority of men who like t-girls are straight enough to love gg's. (2.b) Some men who like transexuals are 'good' men.

09-09-2007, 03:21 PM
The TG's that do this are dellusional and this thread will go on forever as long as you guys reply to it. You'll never convince them and get a final decision on this debate. If you ask me, I think we lost respect the minute we joined this forum from some of our TG members who thinks like this. But who really cares this is the internet. i come here to pass time. Not like I'm lookin for a TG soulmate or somethin. I'm more into GG's anyway so couldn't care less. I guess I'm just a chaser since i look at them as a fetish, so what? Seems like you guys that are lookin for a relationship with a TG would have better luck joining the "TG Haters Club" and maybe then you can ACT like you don't have interest in them and pretend to fall for the "I'm a GG" trick and act surprised when she decides to spring the secret on you. Some TS on here actually are good people and the rest expect the male members here to kiss their asses and suck up to them. Well, not me.

09-09-2007, 07:22 PM
Dude how can you confuse my naruto avatars to anything pokemon or hello kitty,naruto is an adult anime,when was the last time in hello kitty or pokemon that someone was assassinatedRelax junior its just a cartoon.

That was said in a jokely manner old man,only talk when spoken too.
Yeah jokely. What the fuck is jokely???


Legend and others, you may find this amusing. I'm being accussed of being you. Or should I say, you Legend are suspected of creating me and posting under my name?

Here's the thread from you "friend" Realgirls4me. Does not sound like you guy's are about to kiss and make up.

http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=24572&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=70Well your grammer is just as bad as legends.

09-09-2007, 09:11 PM
someone should award yodajazz the "honourable poster" award real quick:D

09-09-2007, 09:15 PM
The way I see it this thread has two main themes: 1.When to tell. 2.a Are all men who like transsexuals chasers? 2.b Are any men who like transsexuals any good?

When to divulge information in a relationship is an art they every person must use. When do I tell dates that I have been married and divorced 5 time and have 14 children by nine different relationships? This not me, it just a hypothetical situation.

There are no rules in relationships. And if there are, they tend to be ignored. It's between two individuals. Every individual is what they is, no matter what is thought they should be.

Entering into a relationship, each individual is on their own. If they assume there are rules then they are unarmed. They must rely on their insticts, experience..... What do they see and hear. Act accordingly.

You can talk this subject to death, but it doesn't mean a hill of beans, when individual A meets individual B in real life. Utopia doesn't exist. You can roll up in ball or take your chances. Do you have faith in your instincts. If you don't you'll become an accomplished typist.

I tend to concur that the credo of dating should be caveat emptor.

I also agree with Claire's logic upthread and Yoda's in the present:

When do you tell someone your previous marital history, any criminal
justice involvement,your current or past STD history, substance abuse
issues, mental health concerns, the list goes on and on.

Admittedly gender is a basic one, and you should know the the gender
status of the person that you are with.

As an aside, I tend to advertise on mainstream dating sites, when I do so,
I make mention of the fact that I am a post operative woman, thus I am
very upfront and forthcoming, as is the rest of my ad about what I'm
looking for and bringing to the table.

However in the real world I adopt a wait and see policy, to ascertain if the
individual and I are simpatico.

09-09-2007, 09:54 PM
Dude how can you confuse my naruto avatars to anything pokemon or hello kitty,naruto is an adult anime,when was the last time in hello kitty or pokemon that someone was assassinatedRelax junior its just a cartoon.

That was said in a jokely manner old man,only talk when spoken too.
Yeah jokely. What the fuck is jokely???


Legend and others, you may find this amusing. I'm being accussed of being you. Or should I say, you Legend are suspected of creating me and posting under my name?

Here's the thread from you "friend" Realgirls4me. Does not sound like you guy's are about to kiss and make up.

http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=24572&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=70Well your grammer is just as bad as legends.

My "grammer?" LOL. This is a thread on a chat board, not the N.Y. Times. Anyways, I'm not fighting with the guy who thinks I'm Legend, not fighting with Legend, and not fighting with you. C-Ya.Okay legend, Have a great day then legend. Funny that legend likes using LOL everytime too. LOL (Loser On Line?)

09-09-2007, 10:29 PM
Well your grammer is just as bad as legends.


09-10-2007, 02:00 AM
Well your grammer is just as bad as legends.


Gramma? Izzat you? :lol:

Love that sig gif of yours, uncutlove. :)

09-10-2007, 06:27 AM
Well your grammer is just as bad as legends.


Gramma? Izzat you? :lol:

Love that sig gif of yours, uncutlove. :)

It's like a trained snake, isn't it.

09-10-2007, 06:40 AM
naruto is an adult anime

adult anime? Similar to "jumbo shrimp"? You want adult anime see below.

"I say, this boy reminds me of Paul Revere's ride... a little light in the belfry".


09-11-2007, 04:43 AM
LOL The only post worth reading for many pages of this. The reason people do shows like that are money and vanity....then whatever the show is about.

All I ever said was that what Miriam actually did was not unusual. Honestly why do you guys think we take hormones and get implants and FFS and SRS...only to tell every Tom Dick and Harry we are transsexual?

I personally reserve the right to date cute guys who may not be totally into TTS's .

09-11-2007, 04:51 AM
Yo yall gone done stupid if yall cant tell dat da girl you with is a transsexual, Yo its basic instinct, Yo we can sense it jus like a da other animals know da difference between male and female. Those men jus in denial...Yeahyah!!!

09-13-2007, 09:00 AM
I didn't even realize this hit 100.


101 now ;)