View Full Version : Time to break the ice........................

09-03-2007, 06:29 AM
What I am about to type might offend some of you, so if you know you get sensitive when reading things here in Gen. Disc. on HA you should go back to the forum and pick something else to read..............I'm just giving fair warning now, out of respect.............

I need to break this imaginary wall down that has been put up IMO mainly to keep things peaceful on the forum. By that I mean many of us men tread lightly here thinking that things we say will immediately cause the deletion of another transgendered woman's account due to her disgust in our opinions.

I want to say this flat out. Some chicks are fucking idiots, and should be avoided at all costs. I'm not talking about the women currently honoring us men with their presence on HA. For the most part you all seem to have your heads screwed on straight, or at the very least know when to make it appear that way..........

BUT YOU ALL KNOW at least one or two chicks that you just HAVE TO shake your heads at, the ones you say "I'm glad I don't have to be around that crazy bitch!!!!" when you're in the cab/car driving elsewhere.

Turns out that most of the time those are the chicks that come to the bars, the events, the social gatherings, and those are the ones that the guys (some from this very forum) meet, believe are normal, then have a RUDE AWAKENING occur days/weeks/or months later................

For example:
and this is truly hypothetical..........

A chick sits next to a guy in a bar and tells him she's been looking at him for some time now. She passes him the telephone # and says to call whenever he wants. He doesn't call...............he throws the # in the trash after she walks away and proceeds to talk to the chick he's had HIS EYE ON at the bar. Now in a typical bar this would mean nothing, it would just play out as "oh well, he wasn't interested...." BUT IN A TRANNY BAR!!!!!!!!! Let me explain what would happen:

Chick would befriend the other chick and get her to believe that the guy hit on her and made all kinds of plans to date her, etc......... just to be fucked up. 2 interesting things would happen: a. you wouldn't hook up with the chick you wanted
b. the wack ass chick whose # you threw out would win

My point in all this is simple.................

MAKE SURE the chick(s) you are interested in dealing with are somewhat normal. Spend some time watching their behavior at whatever spot you see them. Don't just rush in unless of course you're running from the wife who's at home with the kids ala AMC's drama 'Mad Men'. In that situation, do you. To the rest of you guys that aren't in that situation please do what I said. In the past year I've seen dudes get scarred emotionally and physically from unstable chicks in this community who are on quite possibly their last thread of sanity.


09-03-2007, 06:38 AM
No fuckin doubt.

"MAKE SURE the chick(s) you are interested in dealing with are somewhat normal"

Being TS is no exception to being a decent human being.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
09-03-2007, 06:46 AM
LOL Funny story JWBL! Unfortunately, that's really how it really is in the "tranny world". Cock-blocking is rampant at any tranny bar you go :lol:



09-03-2007, 06:49 AM
agreed, I just WISH that most of the chicks outside of this forum acted like the ones ON THIS FORUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hara some of these broads are really mentally unstable. What I witness and hear about from dudes is unreal. Not to mention shit I've seen 1st hand due to dealing with some wackos.

09-03-2007, 06:57 AM
I can relate...unfortunately I can relate all too well.

The "hypothetical" scenario you had above is not the only way. There's the lies about the girl you do like that conveniently make their way to your ears. There's the self-loathing/hatred that gets passed on to you as emotional and physical abuse. And so much more.

Will it ever change? Yes. As transgender women become more and more accepted in the mainstream, it will change. And I'll leave it at that.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
09-03-2007, 06:59 AM
agreed, I just WISH that most of the chicks outside of this forum acted like the ones ON THIS FORUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hara some of these broads are really mentally unstable. What I witness and hear about from dudes is unreal. Not to mention shit I've seen 1st hand due to dealing with some wackos.

I hear you. I seen girls fight inside a tbar and grab on each other's hair! Wigs, extesions and acrylic nails come flying off! LOL It's funny! :lol: Well there is only one "trick" to remedy the backfighting..and that is to grab the girl "away" from the rest of the pack of vultures! LOL :lol:




09-03-2007, 08:13 AM
the horror,the horror............................................ ......

09-03-2007, 08:38 AM
You disappoint me, Johnny. Your example is that of an extreme, and extremes exist everywhere and not just the TS world. ...I thought you'd be talking about the phony, disingenuous ones. The ones that stayed covered under the radar. You know, the ones who have no decency or shame for the myriad of fronts they present to the world. It's one front here, and who knows what somewhere else. The extreme ones can be spotted right away by most, as they generally show their hand off right away, but it is the manipulative, underhanded, dishonest, two faced, disingenuous ones that guys should be wary of and on the lookout for also.

09-03-2007, 08:47 AM
...dude, smoke a bowl on that, man...had a few of those run-ins recently, too...

09-03-2007, 01:35 PM
I hear you. I seen girls fight inside a tbar and grab on each other's hair! Wigs, extesions and acrylic nails come flying off! LOL It's funny! :lol: Well there is only one "trick" to remedy the backfighting..and that is to grab the girl "away" from the rest of the pack of vultures! LOL :lol:




well, thats just another bit of the attraction :twisted:

09-03-2007, 03:16 PM
As transgender women become more and more accepted in the mainstream, it will change.

When they start acting like most of the GG/3G women I know, I will get more cats and move to Wyoming.

:shock: :shock:

09-03-2007, 03:33 PM
it's just like you say JW.
about 7 years ago, I hooked up with a girl I met at Nowbar. I had a pretty nice time, but never called her again. Now, she's out every freakin time I go to a party. She hates me and is totally nasty. She yelled at me once cause she thought I was blocking the doorway. Of course she's friends with all the other girls and I'm sure she tells them I'm an asshole. I just try to stay as far away as possible from her, but sometimes it's unconfortable.

09-03-2007, 04:26 PM
i have my own hater at the party..i never tried to talk to her and i am always nice to her...whenever i am talking to a girl she seems to go over and talk shit to her in spanish about me...i may not speak spanish but i am not stupid...bitch needs to get dicked down.... :twisted:

09-03-2007, 04:36 PM
That's whacked out but, I gotta tell ya, GG's aren't any better. They are just more clandestine about it. They don't want to get even, or back... they want to get over, and over, and over, and over, and....you get the idea!

09-03-2007, 04:46 PM
it's worse with t's cause they all seem to know each other.

09-03-2007, 05:45 PM
Flabbybody, you've hit the nail squarely there: they do all know each other; it's a very, very, very small world, especially in a given scenario (NYC, Boston, whatever). I've seen this go on at Jacques in Boston, which is a rather small scene compared with NY. But there's a lot of sane girls too, as JWBL says. Maybe guys need to pay less attention to "who's bigger" and more to "who's saner."

09-03-2007, 06:14 PM
You disappoint me, Johnny. Your example is that of an extreme, and extremes exist everywhere and not just the TS world. ...I thought you'd be talking about the phony, disingenuous ones. The ones that stayed covered under the radar. You know, the ones who have no decency or shame for the myriad of fronts they present to the world. It's one front here, and who knows what somewhere else. The extreme ones can be spotted right away by most, as they generally show their hand off right away, but it is the manipulative, underhanded, dishonest, two faced, disingenuous ones that guys should be wary of and on the lookout for also.

I didn't disappoint you, I got you to do exactly what this thread was meant to enable readers to do, speak out. And I thank you for it, you just stood next to me with an ice pick and started hitting another section off the wall.

That's whacked out but, I gotta tell ya, GG's aren't any better. They are just more clandestine about it. They don't want to get even, or back... they want to get over, and over, and over, and over, and....you get the idea!

I deal mainly with GG's and I have to tell you wackjobs can come in all different sizes, shapes and colors. While it is true that there are some silly GG's out there I've yet to come across the level of drama produced by some TS' I see locally at the club(s) with any of them.

Flabbybody, you've hit the nail squarely there: they do all know each other; it's a very, very, very small world, especially in a given scenario (NYC, Boston, whatever). I've seen this go on at Jacques in Boston, which is a rather small scene compared with NY. But there's a lot of sane girls too, as JWBL says. Maybe guys need to pay less attention to "who's bigger" and more to "who's saner."

True indeed Ecstatic, to a point. I'm not a size king, and I know others who aren't size king's either. Having seen the chick Flabby is talking about and her behavior 1st hand I can understand where he is coming from. And having watched her get her ass kicked a few weeks ago outside the club because she couldn't watch her mouth just iced the cake for me, wish you were there for that Flabster...........

I've also seen the situation with Woods, and I agree the chick DOES need to get dicked down, which brings me to another point. A few of you bastards are NOT DOING YOUR JOB in the sack. Well let me rewrite that: a few of you guest members who are too pussy to sign up to HA are NOT DOING YOUR JOB IN THE SACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know who you are, you've pm'd me on aol or yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!! These are the guys that supposedly 'date' a TS/TV full time, live with them, etc. and give them enough stress that they go to the bar(s) and act a fool with the guys, resulting in many of you suffering............... lol, and while they are at the club you are home on their laptop or out at some local bar making attempts to get your knob polished by one of their so called girlfriends who's been giving you the eye..................................

digging my ice pick in a bit deeper, we're making progress

09-03-2007, 07:40 PM
This is an excellent thread, and it reminds me of:


09-03-2007, 08:23 PM
May the force be with you Honda
you know I just realized you could be Han Solo in one of the storm trooper outfits?


09-03-2007, 08:40 PM



09-03-2007, 08:46 PM
lol, I know who that is on the other end of that gun, I'll be seeing her soon...................

getting back to the topic

keep the replies coming guys, it's good to know some backbones haven't been completely shattered on here

09-03-2007, 08:55 PM
Tell her she's a goofball.

(And I wouldn't have shot her, maybe just winged her a bit. . .)


09-04-2007, 04:02 AM
It's not just the girls. It's the guys, too. And not just the ones living with/dating a tg.

Look at this board, for example. I mean, I have never seen such grossly distorted views of reality as I've seen on this board. 90% of the guys on here think transsexuals shit roses, sweat gold, and sprout wings and fly home at the end of the night. Cripes, I'm sure 80% of the guys think transsexuals are some mystical beings. Look, I didn't ask to be saddled with my sexuality, but this is who I am and I'm sick of the pseudo-celebrity status given to some people who need serious professional help, not false adulation because they have a big dick and breasts. This is not all the girls. Some are smart and well-adjusted enough to see through the bullshit. And this is not all of the guys. Some are smart and well-adjusted enough to see beyond the outer package. And that's not an addendum to cover my ass. It's the truth.

09-04-2007, 04:14 AM
I guess I'm having a bad day.

09-04-2007, 04:22 AM
I guess I'm having a bad day.

Hold on a minute. TS girls don't shit roses? That fucks up my entire future business plan. Now what the hell am I gonna do?

"TS Butt Roses" is pretty much dead now. Thanx WUWT.


09-04-2007, 04:27 AM
I guess I'm having a bad day.

Hold on a minute. TS girls don't shit roses? That fucks up my entire future business plan. Now what the hell am I gonna do?

"TS Butt Roses" is pretty much dead now. Thanx WUWT.


tulips. they shit tulips, not roses.

09-04-2007, 04:30 AM
No argument there.


09-04-2007, 04:52 AM

09-04-2007, 05:28 AM
It's not just the girls. It's the guys, too. And not just the ones living with/dating a tg.

Look at this board, for example. I mean, I have never seen such grossly distorted views of reality as I've seen on this board. 90% of the guys on here think transsexuals shit roses, sweat gold, and sprout wings and fly home at the end of the night. Cripes, I'm sure 80% of the guys think transsexuals are some mystical beings. Look, I didn't ask to be saddled with my sexuality, but this is who I am and I'm sick of the pseudo-celebrity status given to some people who need serious professional help, not false adulation because they have a big dick and breasts. This is not all the girls. Some are smart and well-adjusted enough to see through the bullshit. And this is not all of the guys. Some are smart and well-adjusted enough to see beyond the outer package. And that's not an addendum to cover my ass. It's the truth.

best reply ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-04-2007, 05:29 AM
i will also say this..i have had a few dates meet me there..the same girl knows better not to try anything...she will get her face mushed in...just another sad cokehead...

09-04-2007, 05:34 AM
MAKE SURE the chick(s) you are interested in dealing with are somewhat normal. Spend some time watching their behavior at whatever spot you see them. Don't just rush in unless of course you're running from the wife who's at home with the kids ala AMC's drama 'Mad Men'. In that situation, do you. To the rest of you guys that aren't in that situation please do what I said. In the past year I've seen dudes get scarred emotionally and physically from unstable chicks in this community who are on quite possibly their last thread of sanity.


I feel I need to add this to my own thread

say for example you get one of those 'pushy' trannies at the bar who comes up to you and throws their hand wherever on your body and attempts to talk to you, and you aren't interested

here's a way out:
"Oh I'm sorry, I'm waiting on my girlfriend, she's in a cab..............." I don't givafuck if you have to keep using that bullshit for the next 2 hours, use it


if another chick that you do like comes up to you and the pushy chick comes back up and tries to play herself simply say "oh I know her"........... I guarantee you that will work


09-04-2007, 08:00 AM
why not just say "not interested"

and if that shit dont work say "im a cop"

09-04-2007, 08:27 AM
you could play extremely gay....going even further than the tranny chaser scourage...........

09-04-2007, 12:08 PM
why not just say "not interested"

and if that shit dont work say "im a cop"

Heh, the cop idea reminds me of a funny story when I went to Atlanta. Good advice though with the "not interested". Sometimes honesty actually is the best policy.

09-04-2007, 01:53 PM
I've ran into a few off-duty cops on the dl at the parties.
don't think that line would deter an aggressive girl.

09-04-2007, 02:31 PM
Mine!!!! That's my little Precious, it is!!!

12-10-2007, 12:35 AM
I'd like to support the events, come through meet some of the
people I've been talking with.

But I don't drink, I'm 'not working', not looking for a hookup.

And quite frankly there's too much motherfuckin drama at some
of those parties.

So maybe if y'all are having a bowling party, or even something
like the 'T' release party, I might come through.

Other than that I'm too old and too cute to be messing with them

I ain't trying to catch a case, legal or STI. :smh

12-10-2007, 12:48 AM
try saying IMMIGRATION !!!!!!

12-10-2007, 01:32 AM
Hahaha, nice thread. 8)

12-10-2007, 01:43 AM
Good thread....where to begin?