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Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-31-2007, 06:08 AM

Senator's Bathroom Bust Caught On Tape

here's more bad news for Idaho Republican Sen. Larry Craig.

A recording of his arrest at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport on charges of lewd behavior in a bathroom has been made public. CNN aired portions of the tape on Thursday.

"I need to make this quiet," Craig is heard saying, before the officer reads him his Miranda rights. Craig tells the officer he understands his rights, and then the two engage in a sometimes heated discussion about events leading up to the arrest.

"I don't seek activity in bathrooms," he says at one point on the tape.

The officer who arrested Craig in a police undercover operation at an airport men's room accused the senator of lying to him during the interrogation.

On the tape, the Idaho Republican senator, in turn, accuses the officer of soliciting him for sex.

"I'm not gay. I don't do these kinds of things," Craig told Sgt. Dave Karsnia minutes after the two men met in a men's room at the airport on June 11.

"You shouldn't be out to entrap people," Craig told the officer. "I don't want you to take me to jail."

Karsnia replied that Craig wouldn't be going to jail as long as he cooperates.

At one point during the interrogation, the officer told Craig: "You're not being truthful with me. I'm kind of dissapointed in you, senator."

Police: Pattern Followed

Craig's alleged conduct closely followed the pattern described in several of the arrests. In his report, Sgt. Dave Karsnia said he went into a stall shortly after noon on June 11 and closed the door. Minutes later, the officer said he saw Craig peering into his stall through the crack between the door and the frame.

After a man in the adjacent stall left, Craig entered it and put his luggage against the front of the stall door, "which Sgt. Karsnia's experience has indicated is used to attempt to conceal sexual conduct by blocking the view from the front of the stall," said the complaint.

The complaint said Craig then tapped his right foot several times and moved it closer to Karsnia's stall and then moved it to where it touched Karsnia's foot. Karsnia recognized that "as a signal often used by persons communicating a desire to engage in sexual conduct," the complaint said.

Craig then passed his hand under the stall divider into Karsnia's stall with his palm up and guided it along the divider toward the front of the stall three times, the complaint said.

The 40 others caught up in the sting, according to the police reports, included airport and airline employees, an account executive with Revlon, an IT consultant for Ernst & Young, a 3M executive and a Lands End employee.

Support Waning

News of the tape comes the same day that a member of the Senate Republican leadership suggested Craig resign in the wake of his guilty plea to the charges.

Nevada Sen. John Ensign, who chairs the party's senatorial campaign committee, told The Associated Press that it's a different situation between pleading guilty and "just being accused of something."

Ensign stopped short of calling on Craig to resign his seat, but said that's what he would do if he were in Craig's position. He said that Craig will have to make that decision on his own, but said he thinks the pressure "will continue to build."

Craig has agreed to step down from his committee posts.

"Sen. Larry Craig has agreed to comply with Leadership’s request that he temporarily step down as the top Republican on the Veteran Affairs Committee, Appropriations Subcommittee on the Interior, and Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests. This is not a decision we take lightly but we believe this is in the best interest of the Senate until this situation is resolved by the Ethics Committee," said a statement by Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, Republican Whip Trent Lott, Conference Chairman Jon Kyl, Policy Committee Chair Kay Bailey Hutchison, and Senatorial Committee Chair John Ensign.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., the state where Craig was arrested, became the first senators to join Rep. Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich., urging Craig's resignation.

McCain, a candidate for the presidency, told CNN the decision was Craig's to make, "but my opinion is that when you plead guilty to a crime, you shouldn't serve. That's not a moral stand. That's not a holier-than-thou. It's just a factual situation."

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, another GOP presidential hopeful, in whose campaign Craig was playing a prominent role until he quit amid the scandal, told CNBC, "He's disappointed the American people." But he stopped short of calling for Craig's resignation.

Craig's "I'm not gay" declaration is not sitting well with some gay activists, either, some of whom view Craig, a family-values conservative, as a classic hypocrite tragically imprisoned by the "homophobia" he helped to create.

Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, said Craig contributed to his own problems by living in denial. Foreman said most people living in the closet, particularly those in power, dig themselves in so deeply "they can't see a way out."

William Leap, an anthropology professor at American University, said his research indicates that up to half of those who engage in male bathroom sex would consider themselves heterosexual.

SOURCE: http://www.wnbc.com/news/14015119/detail.html?rss=ny&psp=nationalnews
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What do you guys think? LOL



08-31-2007, 06:24 AM
Nice to see you, especially your rear bumper! The guy is as guilty as they come. The cop had no idea whom he was nailing, didn't care, didn't have the time for harassing anyone. No doubt, he stays pretty busy, anyway.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-31-2007, 06:27 AM

I know he is guilty and gay but now he is denying everything!?! WTF is that? LOL



08-31-2007, 06:35 AM

I know he is guilty and gay but now he is denying everything!?! WTF is that? LOL



I think he lives near that river in Egypt...da Nile...Sorry, bad joke...he's built a life where he can say he is a good christian conservative, keeping his 'urges' confined to public restrooms, never examining what he really is. I voted guilty...Nice to see you again HJTG.

08-31-2007, 06:39 AM
The tape is illrelevant in my opinion he pleaded guilty and signed the papers.

08-31-2007, 06:43 AM
he's a bad boy...a naughty boy...and a hypocrite to boot. here's another question: is he secretly aroused by his public humiliation?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-31-2007, 06:49 AM
he's a bad boy...a naughty boy...and a hypocrite to boot. here's another question: is he secretly aroused by his public humiliation?

That could be correct! I know alot of gay men are aroused by public bathroom tryst. Look at George Michael! LOL



08-31-2007, 06:51 AM

Senator's Bathroom Bust Caught On Tape

here's more bad news for Idaho Republican Sen. Larry Craig.

A recording of his arrest at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport on charges of lewd behavior in a bathroom has been made public. CNN aired portions of the tape on Thursday.

"I need to make this quiet," Craig is heard saying, before the officer reads him his Miranda rights. Craig tells the officer he understands his rights, and then the two engage in a sometimes heated discussion about events leading up to the arrest.

"I don't seek activity in bathrooms," he says at one point on the tape.

The officer who arrested Craig in a police undercover operation at an airport men's room accused the senator of lying to him during the interrogation.

On the tape, the Idaho Republican senator, in turn, accuses the officer of soliciting him for sex.

"I'm not gay. I don't do these kinds of things," Craig told Sgt. Dave Karsnia minutes after the two men met in a men's room at the airport on June 11.

"You shouldn't be out to entrap people," Craig told the officer. "I don't want you to take me to jail."

Karsnia replied that Craig wouldn't be going to jail as long as he cooperates.

At one point during the interrogation, the officer told Craig: "You're not being truthful with me. I'm kind of dissapointed in you, senator."

Police: Pattern Followed

Craig's alleged conduct closely followed the pattern described in several of the arrests. In his report, Sgt. Dave Karsnia said he went into a stall shortly after noon on June 11 and closed the door. Minutes later, the officer said he saw Craig peering into his stall through the crack between the door and the frame.

After a man in the adjacent stall left, Craig entered it and put his luggage against the front of the stall door, "which Sgt. Karsnia's experience has indicated is used to attempt to conceal sexual conduct by blocking the view from the front of the stall," said the complaint.

The complaint said Craig then tapped his right foot several times and moved it closer to Karsnia's stall and then moved it to where it touched Karsnia's foot. Karsnia recognized that "as a signal often used by persons communicating a desire to engage in sexual conduct," the complaint said.

Craig then passed his hand under the stall divider into Karsnia's stall with his palm up and guided it along the divider toward the front of the stall three times, the complaint said.

The 40 others caught up in the sting, according to the police reports, included airport and airline employees, an account executive with Revlon, an IT consultant for Ernst & Young, a 3M executive and a Lands End employee.

Support Waning

News of the tape comes the same day that a member of the Senate Republican leadership suggested Craig resign in the wake of his guilty plea to the charges.

Nevada Sen. John Ensign, who chairs the party's senatorial campaign committee, told The Associated Press that it's a different situation between pleading guilty and "just being accused of something."

Ensign stopped short of calling on Craig to resign his seat, but said that's what he would do if he were in Craig's position. He said that Craig will have to make that decision on his own, but said he thinks the pressure "will continue to build."

Craig has agreed to step down from his committee posts.

"Sen. Larry Craig has agreed to comply with Leadership’s request that he temporarily step down as the top Republican on the Veteran Affairs Committee, Appropriations Subcommittee on the Interior, and Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests. This is not a decision we take lightly but we believe this is in the best interest of the Senate until this situation is resolved by the Ethics Committee," said a statement by Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, Republican Whip Trent Lott, Conference Chairman Jon Kyl, Policy Committee Chair Kay Bailey Hutchison, and Senatorial Committee Chair John Ensign.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., the state where Craig was arrested, became the first senators to join Rep. Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich., urging Craig's resignation.

McCain, a candidate for the presidency, told CNN the decision was Craig's to make, "but my opinion is that when you plead guilty to a crime, you shouldn't serve. That's not a moral stand. That's not a holier-than-thou. It's just a factual situation."

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, another GOP presidential hopeful, in whose campaign Craig was playing a prominent role until he quit amid the scandal, told CNBC, "He's disappointed the American people." But he stopped short of calling for Craig's resignation.

Craig's "I'm not gay" declaration is not sitting well with some gay activists, either, some of whom view Craig, a family-values conservative, as a classic hypocrite tragically imprisoned by the "homophobia" he helped to create.

Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, said Craig contributed to his own problems by living in denial. Foreman said most people living in the closet, particularly those in power, dig themselves in so deeply "they can't see a way out."

William Leap, an anthropology professor at American University, said his research indicates that up to half of those who engage in male bathroom sex would consider themselves heterosexual.

SOURCE: http://www.wnbc.com/news/14015119/detail.html?rss=ny&psp=nationalnews
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What do you guys think? LOL


HTGTHis is fucking bullshit. What the fuck he's human he has needs. A man is a man and we are all (well most of us anyway) are horndogs. I wish one day someone would come out and just say "hey fuck you i was horny!" All these politicians all all guilty of deviant sex acts. They should shut the fuck up unless they are using my tax money for getting laid.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-31-2007, 07:00 AM
If he was being honest then that might have been another thing. But now he is denying everything..so who's the butt of the joke on late night telly and america? LOL

Just be out, gay and proud and stick a cock in his mouth would have gone alot easier on the public! Lmao



Mister Uptempo
08-31-2007, 07:13 AM
The newspaper that has been following the Craig story closest has been the Idaho Statesman, from Craig's home state. In its coverage, which can be found here...


the Idaho Statesman has uncovered a great many other incidents, which seems to point to a long history of denials by Craig. What follows is a truncated article that highlights several of these incidents

In an interview on May 14, Craig told the Idaho Statesman he'd never engaged in sex with a man or solicited sex with a man. The Craig interview was the culmination of a Statesman investigation that began after a blogger accused Craig of homosexual sex in October. Over five months, the Statesman examined rumors about Craig dating to his college days and his 1982 pre-emptive denial that he had sex with underage congressional pages.

The most serious finding by the Statesman was the report by a professional man with close ties to Republican officials. The 40-year-old man reported having oral sex with Craig at Washington's Union Station, probably in 2004. The Statesman also spoke with a man who said Craig made a sexual advance toward him at the University of Idaho in 1967 and a man who said Craig "cruised" him for sex in 1994 at the REI store in Boise. The Statesman also explored dozens of allegations that proved untrue, unclear or unverifiable.


The Page Scandal

Until the Mike Rogers report in October and the Roll Call story on Monday, rumors about Craig were grounded in the 1982 congressional page scandal. Craig denied involvement in 1982, but the timing of his statement fueled rumors that lasted decades. Among them were that Craig married shortly after the scandal to cover up his alleged homosexuality.

Craig and the then-Suzanne Scott had their first date on Valentine's Day 1980, when Craig was making his first run for Congress. Craig proposed six months after the scandal, on Suzanne's birthday, Dec. 28, 1982. They married in July 1983.

About a year before the marriage, on June 30, 1982, 13.3 million viewers of CBS News heard page Leroy Williams allege he had sex with three House members when he was 17.

The following day, Craig issued a statement saying he'd received calls from reporters saying they were going to publish his name in connection with the scandal. His statement called the allegations "part of a concerted effort at character assassination."

"I have done nothing that I need to be either publicly or privately ashamed of. I am guilty of no crime or impropriety, and I am convinced that this is an effort to damage my personal character and destroy my political career."

Craig alone — among 535 members of Congress — issued such a statement. In the news vacuum of the July 4 recess, the freshman Republican was thrust into the national spotlight.



The guy seems to have spent much of his life denying that he is gay, even when no one asked him whether he was or not.

When he got busted, he tries whipping out his Senate business card, in an attempt to impress his way out of the charge. He doesn't tell ANYONE that he was facing charges, including his wife and family. He didn't consult a lawyer, didn't appear in court, and chose to plead guilty to disorderly conduct, and pay a fine, in an attempt to keep the whole thing as quiet as possible.

Is that the way that a person who feels that he/she has been unfairly entrapped acts?

Is he guilty? Well, he already admitted guilt to the charge before him. He's also guilty of being a sneak. He's guilty of not being honest with his family, and those who have spent their time in support of Craig.

Is he guilty of not admitting to himself and his loved ones that he is gay? Only he can answer that question. But I do know that either way, Craig is clearly guilty of homophobia, as evidenced by the hateful legislation he has been a party to.

If the example of the Rev. Ted Haggard is any indication, those in the greatest denial seem to do everything in their power to foster a hostile atmosphere towards homosexuality, which, in turn, makes denial all that more important to them.

08-31-2007, 07:13 AM
He's a politican!!! Deny everything and admit to nothing!!! And people think car salespeople are bad!

Felicia Katt
08-31-2007, 07:47 AM
gay and guilty legally. He is so full of self loathing tho, that I seriously doubt he feels any real remorse, except that he got caught and is humiliated. He is the worst kind of hypocrite. He supported an anti-gay agenda while hiding a furtive gay sex life. It would be one thing if he hid in his closet in his glass house, but he was one of the chief stone throwers.


08-31-2007, 07:50 AM
He's a politican!!! Deny everything and admit to nothing!!! And people think car salespeople are bad! well his career just went down the shitter in more ways than one lol

08-31-2007, 07:51 AM
Here is a link to the entire police interview at the airport.



08-31-2007, 03:17 PM
Of course he's guilty--- never thought otherwise. But what sealed it was his admission that he was just using a "wide stance" in the stall.
That's hilarious!
More insanity from someone seeking the cock experience.

08-31-2007, 04:14 PM
Here is a link to the entire police interview at the airport.



I've listened to the tape in it's entirety. I am familiar with the previous
allegations of sexual improprieties by Senator Craig.

In addition that there were 40 others caught in the undercover sting
leads me to be believe that this was a well known 'crusing' spot.

Thus based upon the preponderance of evidence, I find Senator Larry
Craig guilty as charged.


08-31-2007, 04:28 PM
Minneapolis sure has been in the national spotlight lately, and not in a good way. Our bridges are collapsing and gay senators are cruising our airport.

What I don't get is this whole "cruising" culture. The newspaper said that there are websites where guys network and tell each other about bathrooms and whatever to hook up in.

WTF? It must be the "danger" element or something. I understand many/most of these guys are probably closeted and married, but couldn't they all pool there cash and just get a hotel room or something? Anonymous sex in a public bathroom. . . How low can ya go? Good grief.

Oh, and I vote: Guilty.

08-31-2007, 04:47 PM
i agree..must be something psychological about mens rooms and bath houses when you could just go on craigslist.../shrug

My problem with the guy is that he was a big big anti-gay supporter...and ummm...was sucking cocks off in truckstop bathrooms....grrrr..

08-31-2007, 04:53 PM
What I don't get is this whole "cruising" culture. The newspaper said that there are websites where guys network and tell each other about bathrooms and whatever to hook up in.

WTF? It must be the "danger" element or something. I understand many/most of these guys are probably closeted and married, but couldn't they all pool there cash and just get a hotel room or something? Anonymous sex in a public bathroom. . . How low can ya go? Good grief.

Oh, and I vote: Guilty.

Way back when "cruising" was one of the few ways gay men could meet. Gay bars were few,far between,and subject to police raids. It was common thing when the Senator was young,and has carried over today as more of a fetish thing.

The thing that has kind of surprised me was that there was a cop there at all? I thought "gloryhole patrol" was a thing of the past for most police departments? Unless a particular bathroom becomes an open air sex show,generating a lot of complaints,cops today normally don't give a shit what goes on in them.

08-31-2007, 05:03 PM
Of course he's not guilty...and neither were Tom Foley, Ted Haggard and the rest of their hypocritical GOP bible-banging butt buddies... :roll:

08-31-2007, 05:03 PM
on cnn last night the cop said he was there specifically because he had recieved numerous complaints about this particular restroom.

08-31-2007, 05:23 PM
Satan's in the Stall Beside Me
Nina Burleigh

The demise of mountain state Republican Senator Larry Craig amuses those of us who enjoy watching right-wing heroes crash to the ground, spiked on their own hypocrisy. It further confirms my theory: prick any conservative and the kink oozes out. The rockier the rib, the more likely you'll find pink lingerie under the trousers or a bullwhip and manacles in the bedside drawer. You can bet those Beltway dominatrices, madams and escorts (gay and straight) have been able to buy second homes -- maybe even in Sun Valley! -- with their haul during W's reign.

However, because we are people of compassion, we should also feel a little horrified by this tortured man's sad, humiliating demise. He's obviously lived his whole life afflicted by the religious psychobabble and outright bigotry of people who say homosexuality is a sickness and a lifestyle decision instead of an innate state of being that has nothing to do with illness or choice.

The sickness, of course, is in the suppression, which is why closeted men seek love in rank public bathroom stalls.

The Republican Party got Bush re-elected in 2004 by playing the homophobe card. In Ohio, their minions went door-to-door in Amish country and warned the historically non-secular inhabitants that if they didn't get out and register Republican, gay marriage would be the law of the land. Tens of thousands of Amish men and women hitched horses to buggies, cracked their whips, and raced to the nearest polling place to vote to repel the Sodomites. With their unprecedented help, Ohio, that crucial state, slid ever so narrowly into the red column, sending the Bush regime back to the White House with four more years to plot how to bomb Tehran.

The trouble with this wedge issue, as everyone now knows, is that it's Republican suicide. The hateful public stance of the party has driven its many gay members into ever more contorted acts of self-loathing excess, driving the disease of suppression out in the open and subjecting men to public stoning by their own frenzied followers.

Foley, Haggard and Craig are only the most famous. There's Florida Rep. Bob Allen, also caught lurking for sex in a public bathroom, Corporal Matt Sanchez, gay porn star and -- for a shining moment -- Fox News channel's right wing Marine of the moment. And who can forget Jeff Gannon, the right-wing faux journalist with a secret life as a gay escort favored with a hard (yes!) White House press pass by the Bush administration communications department.

Yesterday, Republicans were sprinting away from shiny-shod, crisply cuffed mountain man Larry. Craig "represents the Republican Party," Rep. Pete Hoekstra, Republican of Michigan, said. You got that right, Pete! And then: "I think it's important for Republicans to step out right now and say, 'No, this behavior is not going to be tolerated.'"

"Tolerated." Now there's a word Republicans should meditate on for a long moment.

When I was covering Capitol Hill just before Clinton's impeachment, every other young, spiffily manicured male staffer I met in Republican Congressional offices was at least androcentric, if not obviously gay. I don't have a sensitive gay-dar, but there was something about them. Ties never askew, hair immaculately groomed, cuffs gleaming, they usually knew more about my shoes than I did.

Bill Clinton's voracious heterosexuality had as much to do with drawing their rabid hatred as any of his other attributes. He loved women too much, and if only he'd given equal time and effort to seducing those beautiful men, he might have saved himself some trouble.

Republicans in Washington know there are probably more gay men in their ranks than there are on Castro Street.

Still, against all logic and sense, they won't utter a word about tolerance.

It's time for Republicans to embrace their own gay wing and stop fueling the sickness of suppression that drives men like Larry Craig into airport bathroom stalls. Until they do, they're headed straight for the toilet with him -- not that they shouldn't jump right in anyway.

08-31-2007, 05:29 PM
We're the Republicans. And We're Looking for a Few Good Men.
Ellis Weiner

Maybe you've heard the news lately: The Republican Party -- the party of Lincoln, of Ike, of the Gipper, yes, that Republican Party -- has gone homo.

The party of God, guts, and guns has become a soiree of poufs, pansies, and pederasts.

Well, it ends here. It ends now.

It ends with you -- if you've got what it takes.

Think you do? Think you can cut taxes for billionaires by day and by night have regulation, procreative sexual intercourse with an actual woman -- in the missionary position; no unguents; no "oral;" no diapers -- and not fantasize about some Panamanian pool boy from that in-room video last week?

Think you can undergo the demanding, life-changing rite-of-passage we call "marriage" (to a woman), and not secretly yearn for the understanding touch of that sweet, crew-cut Congressional aide from Liberty U. on the Ways and Means staff? And then get up the next day and work to gut environmental rules and regs?

Think you can manage to get through a single lifetime without wearing women's clothing? In public, at least?

If you can, then we'd like to speak with you.

If thinking about women gets you physically aroused, however sporadically, and thinking about men doesn't, or doesn't all that much, there's a place for you in today's Republican Party. If you're a man, that is.

Because we want you on our team. We want you to be part of a new tradition -- a tradition of Republican men who are proud to stand up and say, when asked by anyone, from a newspaper reporter to a vice cop to a Senate Ethics inquiry, "That's right -- I'm married. To a woman. What do you think of that?"

Join our team, and you'll learn what "discipline" means. Not the discipline of ordinary conservative men -- the recreational kind, the kind they refer to when the cloak room chatter turns to talk of state-of-the-art gear, and weapons, and "equipment."

We mean real discipline. The kind that trains the whole mind, the whole body, and the whole system of genitalia and so forth. The kind of discipline that separates ordinary men from Republican men, and Republican men from each other, God willing.

Join our team, and you'll learn what "courage" means. Because courage doesn't mean, not being afraid of a naked woman. Real courage means being afraid of a naked woman but doing what you have to do -- what you've been trained to do, or paid to do, or maybe hypnotized to do -- anyway.

Succeed, and you'll find resources you never knew you had. Institutes. Slush funds. "Consultancy positions." Lobbyist jobs that ask only that you eat lunch. And foundations with fellowships that can last a lifetime.

See your RNC recruiter and hear what he has to offer. Be straight with him and he'll be straight with you. We can all but guarantee it. Usually.

Join our team and, if you've got what it takes, you'll learn what the Republican motto means, and has meant for generations, or, rather, will have meant for generations, generations from now: Semper Hetero. Forever Straight.

The Few.
The Straight.
No, really.
The Republican Party.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-31-2007, 05:49 PM
Being in politics, anti gay and then being caught doing just that is never a good combination. What a douche bag senator Craig is! :evil:

I wonder how soon after these incidents would any politician be busted for being with transexuals? Hmm..LOL



Willie Escalade
08-31-2007, 06:24 PM
He went out like Georgios Panayiotou. Guilty, and a hypocrite at that.

Nice avatar, Hara! :shock:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
08-31-2007, 06:37 PM
Thanks Will. I like your 'toon sig! ;)



Solitary Brother
09-03-2007, 05:11 AM
I predicted this long ago.
I told all of you that many republicans are closet cases of the WORSE order!
Now the chickens have come home to roost.

I have had SO much fun with this at work.
Drunkie is a vocal republican so of course I was extra vocal and dogmatic last week.
I went on and on and on about it......he he.
Drunkie had very little to say for once other than they were "entraping" the republicans.
I listened to the number one homophobe Michael Savage and funny how cat got his tongue too.......he is another closet case in my opinion.

Religion is the number one enemy of the advancement of the human race.

Most of you think I am extreme in my views but USUALLY I am proven correct.

Have a good holiday.