View Full Version : Middle Age Angst (question for the guys)

08-30-2007, 06:21 AM
As I approach 40 (not there yet) I'm finding it harder to get it up. Wacking off has become serious exercise these days. Used to take just a minute. Now it takes a good half hour and that's not fun, but my right bicep is getting huge. What do you do if you're losing your mojo (short of taking erectile dysfunction drugs?).

Should I enter early retirement and be grateful that I am less preoccupied with sex?

08-30-2007, 06:25 AM

08-30-2007, 06:28 AM

It's not the loss of the erection that concerns me most. It's the loss of the desire. I have heard that those pills give you great erections but do nothing for enhancing your desire. Is that true?

08-30-2007, 06:31 AM
lift weights.

08-30-2007, 06:33 AM
lift weights.


I'm in great shape. I'm a personal trainer. Bench, Squat, run...all of that stuff.

08-30-2007, 06:34 AM
Which of the prescription drugs should I ask the DOC for?

08-30-2007, 08:08 AM
Which of the prescription drugs should I ask the DOC for?

None...desire comes from your mind, not your balls...find someone attractive that you like to talk to as much as look at...flirt, date, make out...the desire will return.

Oh yeah, stop jerking off at least for a while.

08-30-2007, 10:33 AM
Any new meds,say for blood pressure or diabetes? Those can put desire in neutral.

You might need a testosterone supplement. Some men have what is known as "male menopause" where hormone levels drop drastically and testosterone pills help.

Get a physical and talk to your doc about it.

09-05-2007, 12:40 PM
Stop stressing on it dude, worrying about shit that hasn't even happened yet, if you might lose your desire? Please? Maybe it is just that you are wise enough to see that sex isn't as much of a priority as it was when young or physically you just are not going to perform at the level you did when you were 25 (common sense) but if you are always thinking about it for sure you will start striking out more and more often. If a beauty was in front of you right now naked as a newborn, and sexy as hell would you get wood...well? Would You? of course you would....stop head fucking yourself dude, but on the other hand if you do take a ED pill and you are hard and she wants it isn't that desire enough? Cmon you took the pill cuz you wanted to get some right, your hard she's there and you know you are gonna be hitting it faster than she can unzip her skirt......Problem solved

09-05-2007, 01:31 PM

It's not the loss of the erection that concerns me most. It's the loss of the desire. I have heard that those pills give you great erections but do nothing for enhancing your desire. Is that true?

You might have low testosterone then. As testosterone is responsible for sexual desire mainly. Get a full mot at the docs . As it is quite common in men of your age now.

It is quite possible to get a stiffy with a low level of test.

I say this because I myself got a floppy dick while shagging this bird regular like. And she weren't a minger or anything so I went to the docs and they done loads of tests. Turned out though at my age low test is quite uncommon and I was just worrying my tits off about something at work. And I have the tests levels of a fuk off rhino.Just so everyone knows like!

09-06-2007, 06:34 AM

It's not the loss of the erection that concerns me most. It's the loss of the desire. I have heard that those pills give you great erections but do nothing for enhancing your desire. Is that true?

It's nature's way of keeping you slim. Keep jerking even if it takes three hours and do sit ups while you do. If you still can't get off, you'll still lose a few pounds. A no lose proposition.

09-06-2007, 07:04 AM
Which of the prescription drugs should I ask the DOC for?Ask your Doc for Noassatall, No more worries.[/img]

09-06-2007, 07:33 AM
Yeah, don't ask for a pill, go & explain fully whats happening to a good doc....it could be a myriad of things physical or psychological. We will all go through this one way or another.
I'm quite a bit older than you & my experience, which is less common, is that I've never had any prob getting it up, YET,.... no boast just fact, in fact I can stay hard for quite a while. My issue is it's almost impossible to come any more unless it's been a looong stretch between. Then I can only come once.....I can get hard again, but forget about coming. And I'm content for several days then unless my partner gets really agressive about it. (I've actually faked orgasms with women who were on top & who had come after a long time & I was getting bored/stressed about not coming. Great for her, not so much for me.)
And that's the other thing that goes: stamina. Foreplay,variety, experimentation, communication, touching all become more important in time & I find that pleases my partners a lot too.
Best advice: try not to stress too much, have fun. & see a MD.
Good luck

09-06-2007, 07:36 AM
Switch hands!!! I'm 60 (and not almost), I don't have the problem. have you had your prostate checked?

09-06-2007, 06:01 PM
can't tell you all how relieved I am to hear I'm not the only "oldie" on this board. I'm 50 (and not almost) and I have the exact same "problem" as you El_hefe...plus when I do come, its a small teaspoon full, whereas it used to be say half an eggcup full...oh yea, and i had my prostate checked and it is still ok...

09-06-2007, 06:15 PM
If you're under 40 strait male and having problems getting turned on my women, and even t-girls...maybe you should try the test patch...but if that fails it could be something more serious...Maybe you should be going all the way to the other side..you know with guys?

09-06-2007, 10:50 PM
I've heard that you should serioiusly cut back on caffeine consumption cause it can deplete or lower your testosterone levels.

Do yourself a favor and take a trip to Bangkok and mingle with the ladyboys. That'll get you goin again!! lol! :2cent

09-07-2007, 12:08 AM
Even though I started this thread I avoided reading your responses. I thought I would get fried and laughed at by you. Then I realized "hey, these people don't know me and my real name isn't Chuck anyway."

But your responses have been amusing and informative. HA is the best.

I'll take all of your advice. First I'll try jerking off while doing situps. Then I'll work on it with my left arm. Then I might try the "other side".

You guys and gals are the best. THANKS!

09-07-2007, 12:48 AM
Talk to me in 15 years when you're closer to my age (though I'll be...god, I don't even want to think about that). I have no problem getting it up. Getting it out, maybe....

09-07-2007, 01:00 AM
Talk to me in 15 years when you're closer to my age (though I'll be...god, I don't even want to think about that). I have no problem getting it up. Getting it out, maybe....

G'wan, you! The gurls have you on speed-dial ferchrissakes. :roll:

09-07-2007, 01:15 AM
G'wan, you! The gurls have you on speed-dial ferchrissakes. :roll:
Yah, it's true. It's so nice to be solid in the friend zone.... :wink:

09-07-2007, 02:36 AM
When I was in my late twenties I had trouble getting to orgasm. Coincidentally, I gave up smoking at that time. Very gradually my sex drive recovered and on my fortieth birthday I managed to shag my wife six times. It still didnt register why, it's only now (three years later, and having done a little reading) that I realise just how much smoking dented my sex drive.
So if you smoke, what better reason can there be to give it up?

09-07-2007, 02:40 AM
KEGALS. Research kegals and learn how to do them. Too complicated for me to explain but they will have your erections like you were a teenager if done daily.