View Full Version : Ten Things Never To Be Said In Bed

08-27-2007, 10:26 PM
Found this on a website, pretty funny IMO

1) Who's Your Daddy.

Whether you subscribe to the evolutionary theorist's school of thought that believes the idea of sex with one's father is found repulsive as a natural means of achieving genetic diversity, or you subscribe to the school of thought that says incest is gross. No girl in her right mind wants to think about her father during sex.

Now you can try and lay some Freudian bullshit on me about how all girls secretly want to fuck their fathers and thus explain how the comment is a subconscious turn on... To which I respond: next time you're fucking her, ask her to talk about your mom and see what happens. Nuff said no?

So from now on "who's your daddy" should only be used when beating your friend's asses in John Madden Football games.

Exception: Latinas – They can say "Fuck Me Papi" all they want during sex, oddly enough, it's a turn on for both parties.

2) Racial Slurs.

Guess this probably only applies to interracial couples, however after watching a few mixed race gangbangs on efukt.com one might accidentally conclude that racial slurs are a turn on. Nobody wants to be someone else's bitch, so a racial slur can lead to only one of two scenarios: 1) You get your ass kicked out of bed, 2) Your partner loses all respect for you and themselves and nobody gets laid in the near future.

Exception: White Guys – It don't matter who is fucking me, if they want to smack my cracker ass and call me "whitey", it ain't offensive, it's kinky!

3) Derogatory Terms.

Go back and read over the racial slurs paragraph. Bitch, slut, whore, or anything on that wavelength is out.

Exception: S&M anyone?

4) Creepy Shit You Should Keep To Yourself.

Telling a girl you want to kiss every inch of her ethereal body is definitely a turn on. However telling her you want to smear grape jelly on your nut-sack, and, as her dog licks it off, you want her to sit on your face butt-stamping your forehead – Well it isn't the crowd pleaser you might expect it to be.

Now that was a rather extreme example, but the idea is don't go too far with the crazy talk. If she keeps fingering your butthole, maybe through dirty talk you can tell her you want to do the same. But if she's afraid of a finger, maybe you should neglect to mention the 14 inch buttplug you have in your closet. Got the idea? Good… Moving on.

Exception: You're doing a girl you know is into some kinky shit (the iron maiden in the bedroom may give it away)… but be careful, the rumors aren't always true.

5) Sexual Fantasies With Others.

Some girls love the idea of a threesome, in fact one magazine polling readers found up to 20% of woman fantasize about other women during sex. However just cause the odds may be in your favour, doesn't mean it's ok to say them in bed. If you say "maybe your friend can join us" it will almost always piss your girl off (unless the friend is already in the room watching). Girls want to be your only focus during sex, they don't want you watching TV, eating a sandwich, or thinking about their friends. Don't believe me? Well this is along the same lines as your girl telling you she wants to try having sex with someone with a bigger dick… See if that doesn't kill the mood.

Exceptions: As previously mentioned, unless her friend is already in the room with you, you better wait until the next time or at least till you're out of bed.

6) Narration.

A little bit of in bed narration never hurt anybody. "Oh baby, I'm so horny", "your soooo wet", "your tits feel great" – all are possible turn ons for your lover. However that doesn't mean you should deliver the entire play-by-play like you're hosting ESPN.

"Oh I'm unzipping your tight sexy pants", "oh I'm rubbing your thigh", "oh I'm sliding off your underwear", "oh I'm licking your navel", "oh I'm touching your clit", "oh I smell fish", etc., etc., – all quickly become turn-offs after 5 seconds.

In the days of phone and internet chat sex, some guys have began thinking narration is a good thing. However, unless your girl is blind and paralyzed from the neck down, narration isn't needed because she is more than aware of what you are doing.

Exception: I already mentioned the blind quadriplegic… Can't think of any others.

7) Scientific or Medical Jargon.

Great so you read how to give head 101, now go rent yourself a porno and find out what the actual hot names of the female anatomy are. Saying you're going to "fondle her mammary" as you "caress her labial minor" and "provide cunninglingus to the dermal flap below her clitoral hood" isn't just a turn off it's creepy… Hanibal Lecter creepy!

Exception: You're doing a girl who speaks another language and might only be familiar with the more "professional" names.

8) Chauvinistic Vocabulary.

If you are ever in doubt, the words "pussy" or "down there" are probably your safest bets. Avoid using terms that you might also use when she cuts you off in traffic, or accuses you of sexual harassment. Terms like: twat, cunt, cum dumpster, etc., are terms that are rarely appreciated by the opposite sex, and this goes double when you are referring to the most treasured part of their body. You should worship the pussy, leave the word twat to the guys who aren't getting any.

Exception: Hookers who cost under $5.00 (sorry that was mean but I couldn't resist).

9) Penile Pet Names.

I guess pet names for your penis used to be cute, but then you turned 5 years old and found out where babies really come from. There are absolutely no girls that want to here their guy refer to his schlong as "little mike", and if you say "Mikey likes it!" one more time she's probably gonna force feed you coke and pop rocks. So Doc Johnson, Little Mike, and Mr. Tiny, I'm said to say but it's time for retirement. Again, just rent an American porn to find out words you can use, or just stick to "dick" or "cock".

Exceptions: "Oh man but I've got the coolest name for my cock that all the girls think is so cute"… No, you really don't… No Exceptions!

10) Everybody Is A Critic.

Contrary to popular belief, criticizing your partner during sex and telling her or him that they should do something better or different is not going to result in better sex. So unless something is hurting you or feeling uncomfortable, don't tell your partner to stop cause you don't like it, but instead over exaggerate what you do like. Also a very quick way to stop something you don't like without hurting your partners feelings is to say "that tickles".

Example: She is sucking your toes, which you don't particularly care for, and one hand grazes your boys. Once your boys are touched, quiver and say "that felt so good". If your girl takes the hint, she'll quickly understand what you really want her to suck on.

Problematic Example: "Why the hell are you sucking my toes?" "That's so gross!" "You got some sort of foot fetish? Or did you just fail biology".

Exceptions: She is using TEETH! That is self-explanatory.

08-27-2007, 10:35 PM
11. What did you say your name was?

08-27-2007, 10:37 PM
Are you done yet?

(best when said by a girl who's talking to her next client on the phone... or watching TV)

TS Jamie :-)

08-27-2007, 10:38 PM
Heh. What's killed me many times has been "You know, this reminds of this one time. . ."

I think the best idea is for us guys to just keep quiet in bed. Saying anything generally doesn't work in our favor.


08-27-2007, 10:40 PM
since when do people talk in bed?

some heavy breathing and screaming is more than enough

08-27-2007, 10:43 PM
1# thing.Wow you're better than my sister!!

08-27-2007, 10:44 PM
times up.

08-27-2007, 10:47 PM
or im sure the sound most guys here hate to hear...

-the sound of an inflatable object deflating

-doors unlocking/ keys jingling

-"honey im home"

-"please insert more money"

08-27-2007, 11:21 PM
12. Your sister was better.

13. Your mother was even better than your sister.


08-28-2007, 12:13 AM

08-28-2007, 12:55 AM
12. Your sister was better.

13. Your mother was even better than your sister.


i wonder, wheres grandma in that scenario :?: :?: :?:

Dino Velvet
08-28-2007, 01:15 AM
I had this girlfriend when I was in my 20s. When we would have sex and she got close, every once in awhile I would do my impersonation of Dennis Hopper from Blue Velvet yelling at her while fucking her pretending to be huffing nitrous though a mask. She didn't like it one bit. We're not together anymore.


08-28-2007, 01:25 AM
times up.
OOOO, I hate that one! ( Usually followed by dissertation on how you
should pay for the FULL hour )

08-28-2007, 01:41 AM
times up.
OOOO, I hate that one! ( Usually followed by dissertation on how you
should pay for the FULL hour )

who lets you pay AFTER?

08-28-2007, 02:51 AM
times up.
OOOO, I hate that one! ( Usually followed by dissertation on how you
should pay for the FULL hour )

who lets you pay AFTER?

I do know a girl who lets you pay after (she's in Tx too), but what I was speaking of above was after you pay for a half hour and time runs out, you get the "you guys always do that, go for the half hour when you should just spend the extra on a full hour" speech.
'Course this is all hearsay, since I personally would never pay for sex.....

08-28-2007, 02:51 AM
12. Your sister was better.

13. Your mother was even better than your sister.


More appropot to this particlular culture:

"Your sister's dick is bigger!"



08-28-2007, 02:58 AM
What's that smell?

08-28-2007, 03:21 AM
9) Penile Pet Names.

I guess pet names for your penis used to be cute, but then you turned 5 years old and found out where babies really come from. There are absolutely no girls that want to here their guy refer to his schlong as "little mike", and if you say "Mikey likes it!" one more time she's probably gonna force feed you coke and pop rocks. So Doc Johnson, Little Mike, and Mr. Tiny, I'm said to say but it's time for retirement. Again, just rent an American porn to find out words you can use, or just stick to "dick" or "cock".

Exceptions: "Oh man but I've got the coolest name for my cock that all the girls think is so cute"… No, you really don't… No Exceptions!

"I just call mine Mr. Happy" - Robin Williams

08-28-2007, 03:27 AM
What's that smell?

08-28-2007, 07:01 AM
12. Your sister was better.

13. Your mother was even better than your sister.


More appropot to this particlular culture:

"Your sister's dick is bigger!"



LOL... Nice...


08-28-2007, 07:36 AM
times up.
OOOO, I hate that one! ( Usually followed by dissertation on how you
should pay for the FULL hour )

who lets you pay AFTER?

I do know a girl who lets you pay after (she's in Tx too), but what I was speaking of above was after you pay for a half hour and time runs out, you get the "you guys always do that, go for the half hour when you should just spend the extra on a full hour" speech.
'Course this is all hearsay, since I personally would never pay for sex.....

i guess some girls opperate that way, trying to upsize you after the fact... but if you take the full half hour and only paid for the half hour... the speech is desereved -j

08-28-2007, 07:46 AM
12. Your sister was better.

13. Your mother was even better than your sister.


i wonder, wheres grandma in that scenario :?: :?: :?:

14. And your grandma's getting a handle on working those new hips!

08-28-2007, 07:58 AM
One time I was in bed with a teacher and yelled 'Duck, Duck, Goose' right when I came.

Killed the moment.

08-28-2007, 05:24 PM
13. Damm, your asshole is tighter than your brothers.

14.Oh Mulva, I love you (special to Seinfeld fans)

15. Is it in yet?

10-12-2007, 07:37 AM
heres a few:

Ive got a terrible case of the taco shits

i think my water just broke

Hi Mom

that? oh its just a rash i think.

honey, im home!

you seem looser than usual.


10-12-2007, 07:56 AM
:You certainly look a lot less pretty now I've bust a nut.

:Thanks that was nice, by the way you might need to purchase some rash cream in the next couple of days.

:It's not like I haven't done it for a long time it's just your actually the first human being I've been with for quite a while.

:OK bitch that will be 100 dollars, now fuck off.

Felicia Katt
10-12-2007, 07:57 AM
are you in? really?
mine is bigger than yours. really :)



10-13-2007, 02:07 AM
*Was it as good for you as it was for me?

Had it better.(Liar,Liar)

*Oh,baby.You are so tight!

Wrong hole,idiot!(Hip Hop Hood)

Night Rider
10-13-2007, 02:35 AM
*u take after ur mother

*u dont mind std's do u?

*do u mind if we turn the lights out?

*have u ever heard of a razor?

*when was the last time u brushed ur teeth?

10-13-2007, 03:50 AM
Have you ever done this before?

10-14-2007, 05:57 AM
What did you say your name was?


10-14-2007, 06:25 AM
Can't say I find many of these humorous, but here's what Cosmo says:

10 things you should never say in bed
Never, ever ladies...

"Awww! Look at that little beer belly. Do you think you've put on weight?"

I do think your friend James is attractive, I mean, he's not as fit as your boss, but I still don't understand why he's single."

"How many kids did you say you wanted again?"

"Oh my God! Is that hair attached to you?"

"I read this interesting story in the paper today about how premature ejaculation is a really common problem for twenty-something men."

"So, I was talking to your mom last night..."

"How many man have I slept with? Five....six, you were seven...eight? No it's nine."

"How strict do you think the use-by dates on condoms are?"

"I haven't washed these sheets since last October. Grey really hides the dirt doesn't it?"

"And this is Big Ben, my favourite vibrator..."

10-14-2007, 06:30 AM
50 more...

1. But everybody looks funny naked!

2. You woke me up for that?

3. Did I mention the video camera?

4. Do you smell something burning?

5. Can you please try breathing through your nose.

6. A little rug burn never hurt anyone.

7. Darling, did you lock the back door?

8. But whipped cream makes me break out in a rash.

9. person 1: This is your first time...right? person 2: It is....... today

10. Can you pass me the remote control?

11. Do you accept Visa?

12. On second thoughts, let's turn off the lights.

13. And to think- I was really trying to pick up your friend.

14. So much for mouth-to-mouth

15. Hope you're as good looking when I'm sober...

16. Try not to smear my make-up, will you'?

17. But I just brushed my teeth...

18. Smile, you're on candid camera!

19. I thought you had the keys to the handcuffs?!

20. I want a baby!

21. So much for the fulfilment of sexual fantasies!

22. (in a menage a trois) Why am I doing all the work?

23. Did you know the ceiling needs painting?

24. When is this supposed to feel good?

25. Did I remember to take my pill?

26. Are you sure I don't know you from somewhere?

27. But my cat always sleeps on that pillow.

28. Did I tell you my aunt Martha died in this bed?

29. If you quit smoking you might have more endurance.

30. No, really.. I do this part better myself.

31. This would be more fun with a few more people.

32. You're almost as good as my ex!

33. You look younger than you feel.

34. Perhaps you're just out of practice.

35. Now I know why she dumped you...

36. Does your husband own a sawed-off shot-gun?

37. Have you ever considered liposuction?

38. And to think, I didn't even have to buy you dinner!

39. What are you planning to make for breakfast?

40. I'll tell you I'm fantasizing about if you tell me who you're fantasizing about..

41. Does this count as a date?

42. I think biting is romantic - don't you?

42. When would you like to meet my parents?

43. Have you seen "Fatal Attraction"?

44. Sorry about the name tags, I'm not to good with names.

45. Don't mind me... I always file my nails in bed.

46. Don't worry, my dog's really friendly for a Doberman.

47. Sorry, but I don't do toes.

48. You could at least act like you're enjoying it!

49. Keep the noise down, my mother is a light sleeper.

50. I've slept with more women than Casanova!

09-12-2012, 06:30 AM
I fell on this thread by chance. I love it. Very funny! I couldn’t find anything else to add to it, but I think it’s worth being resurrected, even if only for a day…

09-12-2012, 06:40 AM
..I personally advise against leaning close to your lover and whispering '...giggity' into her ear. especially if you both watch family guy a lot.

09-12-2012, 07:50 AM
"Your sister's better."

09-12-2012, 08:13 AM
I guess it’s not a very good idea for a woman to show a precise knowledge of the time at which the mailman or the milkman comes. And not a subject of discussion in bed.

Or how about: “How do you like me now?”
The Heavy - How You Like Me Now (Lyrics and Song) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXdhKyIEQpM)

09-12-2012, 10:34 AM

There are no rules in bed. Whatever. Whoever. Whenever. As long as the feeling is good.

Although saying: "If you ever want to see your kids alive again" can result in a moderately unsuccessful experience.

09-12-2012, 12:46 PM
Well of course there is the ever so unpopular:

1. Can you go wash that thing?
2. I hope you don't mind if I shower as soon as I'm done.
3. - The picture says it all...EEEEWWWWW!!!!!

09-12-2012, 01:13 PM
"i just saw one scurry across the bed"

09-12-2012, 05:09 PM
I like to scream when I cum "MOTHERRRRRRR!!!"
That ususally freaks people out.

09-12-2012, 05:19 PM
Let me just go get my Viagra...And a case of beer...And a paper bag! :hide-1: