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View Full Version : Should escorting be legalized

08-23-2007, 04:56 AM
hookers are useless, paying someone to "like" you is useless, save money and masturbate

08-23-2007, 05:33 AM
Actually, in the States at least, escorting is perfectly legal. Exchanging money for sex is not. So whatever happens between two consenting adults after one pays for the other's time....

....will be challenged in court if prosecuted, lol.

08-23-2007, 05:35 AM
He's got to be young. He doesn't understand the concept of prositution.

The definition of prostitution = paying for an hour of bliss without being expected to paint the house afterward.

08-23-2007, 05:52 AM
I think it absolutely should be.

I mean come on, with non escorts you are paying for it anywa (probably alot more if you add it up) the sex isnt as good alot of times, and you dont have to ever fight about anything lol

08-23-2007, 06:01 AM
I personally think that spending tax payer money to police and prosecute prostitution is a total waste of money. Who cares if John Doe goes to Jane Doe's apt and get a blowjob for $100?? Who is hurt by this act?? Why is it anyones business? With the exception of "girls on the street". Its a victimless "crime"?

08-23-2007, 06:42 AM
If Lot had God’s blessing to prostitute his daughters, it would seem to follow that the daughters also would have had God’s blessing to prostitute themselves. I just don’t think a lot of Bible readers have the comprehension skills to read and understand the great work.

As far as who’s hurt by prostitution, it depends. Basically it’s a public health concern. If prostitution were legal, it could be regulated and the spread of diseases and health conditions could be held in check. Now I know a certain segment of the population has a politically principled stand against regulation of businesses, but some of those Typhoid Mary’s out there are as dangerous to the public as a compound full of automatic weapons in Waco, Texas. Some things are just begging to be banned or regulated. In the case of prostitution, I opt for legal but regulated.

08-23-2007, 08:11 AM
Actually, in the States at least, escorting is perfectly legal. Exchanging money for sex is not. So whatever happens between two consenting adults after one pays for the other's time....

....will be challenged in court if prosecuted, lol.

It's about as useful as the 'war on drugs'.............useless.....just fills jails that SHOULD be holding the real criminals, ya dig.

Only reason it's illegal is cause, just like drug, the feds can't make money over it, simple. :roll:

Shit, each time that douche, Donald Trump, gets married, it pretty much IS prostitution. :P

08-23-2007, 08:13 AM
hookers are useless, paying someone to "like" you is useless, save money and masturbate

Might be a shock, but some people don't want to masturbate.

08-23-2007, 03:05 PM
a ho is a ho, if your such a looser you cant get it free and have to pay then your ass should be locked up with the ho, punishment should be harsher.

08-23-2007, 04:26 PM
a ho is a ho, if your such a looser you cant get it free and have to pay then your ass should be locked up with the ho, punishment should be harsher.

Some people would pay extra for that! 8)

08-23-2007, 04:26 PM
I say NO......Cause if its legal it would drive the price way down.

08-23-2007, 04:33 PM
Well, they do not call it the world's oldest profession for nothing. They cannot eradicate it so they might as well regulate it.

08-23-2007, 04:53 PM
I say NO......Cause if its legal I would drive the price way down.

And that would be bad because.... ?

Never mind, I understand where you're coming from, but for us menfolk, lower prices would be really, really good.

I agree with Trish. It should be legal, but regulated. Sex workers should have to get, and periodically renew, sex worker licenses. And you should have to be tested negative for STDs to get one. (Not to say this absolves anyone of their responsibility to have safe sex; after all you could catch something the day after your test; but it would help)

08-23-2007, 05:03 PM
I say NO......Cause if its legal I would drive the price way down.

And that would be bad because.... ?

Never mind, I understand where you're coming from, but for us menfolk, lower prices would be really, really good.

I agree with Trish. It should be legal, but regulated. Sex workers should have to get, and periodically renew, sex worker licenses. And you should have to be tested negative for STDs to get one. (Not to say this absolves anyone of their responsibility to have safe sex; after all you could catch something the day after your test; but it would help)

Well there is no way to completely regulate STD's, you have to watch out for yourself and give no one the benefit of the doubt and always practice safe sex, then there will be no worry and little risk. I could never understand some guys who are like "cum in my mouth". They dont know where the girl has been, how often she gets tested or if she was positive do you think she would come out and tell you, lol. I get tested often, not for the concern of my clients but for the concern I have for myself. I do always practice safe sex so there for when I get tested I am not sitting there sweating before hand, lol.

08-23-2007, 05:13 PM
It wouldn't necassarily drive prices down. The laws of supply and demand still apply and even if all the escorts were available, the ratio of John to provider would still be like 1000:1 or more. With legalization wouldn't come mass floods of Johns, as there are still moral stigmas and health concerns for the majority of citizens to think about. Basically, escorts still could provide a service at an appreciable rate, as well as specializing in services and extra's like any business that wants to make their product stand out from the rest. Starbucks charges a hell of alot more for coffee than Winchells donuts...thats because you can get a fresh ground cup of espresso that has all the bells and whistles and tastes the same at each Starbucks, and they've created an environment where people want to come back. Same thing would be with providers.

08-23-2007, 06:24 PM
a ho is a ho, if your such a looser you cant get it free and have to pay then your ass should be locked up with the ho, punishment should be harsher. :roll:

Master_A :roll: You're only a master of idiocy, padawan.

08-23-2007, 06:26 PM
I say NO......Cause if its legal I would drive the price way down.

"Jules"...you beat me to it. It's a matter of economics. Legalization would bring more competition, which would spawn lower pricing (or pricing wars), Things would become less safe, as organized crime decided to break in (for protection purposes, you know), and unsafe sexual activity increased.

So, I agree with 'NO', but also think maybe you gals could consider the sevices you provide for the fee to spend time with you. Not many of you have very positive reviews. If you don't like ecsorting (questionable term), and will not provide a pleasant, lasting experience for the person you have engaged, please consider getting out of the business. Sometimes, a clear and concise understanding of what will or won't happen could alleviate some of the poor CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index)

08-23-2007, 08:43 PM
Things would become less safe, as organized crime decided to break in
yeah, like organized crime has no current interest in prostitution.

...and unsafe sexual activity increased.

just like the field of medicene is less safe because it's practices are watched and regulated.

08-23-2007, 09:47 PM
I say NO......Cause if its legal I would drive the price way down.

"Jules"...you beat me to it. It's a matter of economics. Legalization would bring more competition, which would spawn lower pricing (or pricing wars), Things would become less safe, as organized crime decided to break in (for protection purposes, you know), and unsafe sexual activity increased.

So, I agree with 'NO', but also think maybe you gals could consider the services you provide for the fee to spend time with you. Not many of you have very positive reviews. If you don't like escorting (questionable term), and will not provide a pleasant, lasting experience for the person you have engaged, please consider getting out of the business. Sometimes, a clear and concise understanding of what will or won't happen could alleviate some of the poor CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index)

Yes there would be price wars. New girls would enter the business and to compete with the others they would lover their price. Then in return the other girls would lover their price also. Before you know it you could get a hell of a time for 50 bucks. The good girls would leave the business cause they are not gonna turn tricks for that low. Next thing you know the bottom of the barrel girls would be back on the streets tricking again.

I remember back when I lived in MN and I had an agency. This was before Eros and girls on the web. I had a monopoly on the TS escort business there. All the trannys in the city worked for me. I had ads in papers and I kept the rate at 250.00, no if ands or buts. The clients paid and had no problem cause they knew that was the rate and there was nothing cheaper. Then when Eros came around I dissed my agency and went on the road touring. After a few years time you could get full service in MN for 100-150 bucks sometimes even less.

Also the of the reason the price is high today is because of the risk, and without the risk the price would be lowered. Look at places where its legal, Amsterdam for example I am sure you can get ur rocks off a lot cheaper.

Also you mentioned something pertaining to most of us have poor reviews, lol go read mine. A++++++


08-23-2007, 10:10 PM
I believe it should be decriminalized, but I don't want the government regulating it for a myriad of reasons. Licensing and testing will drive up prices. More agencies or houses will evolve, bringing more overhead, cost will be passed along to the consumer. Have your ever been to one of the legal brothels in Nevada? It's regulated to death, rules, rules and more rules, can't do this, can't do that. I don't want politicians telling me what I can do with a sex parnter, let the individual take responsibility.

I do believe the sex rings where workers are forced into prostitution should be pursued and prosecuted vigorously.

08-23-2007, 11:21 PM
hahaha, its a sad world when people have to pay to get laid......... look in the mirror after you pay a hooker and say this ... " i am a loser, i can not get laid for free"

08-23-2007, 11:53 PM
hahaha, its a sad world when people have to pay to get laid......... look in the mirror after you pay a hooker and say this ... " i am a loser, i can not get laid for free"

a lot of married guys with hot wives (and others with hot girl friends) frequent escorts. a lot of men are just hot on the idea paying for it. hey, why drink water from the tap when you can pay for water bottled from the tap and dressed up with a sexy logo?

08-24-2007, 01:25 AM
a ho is a ho, if your such a looser you cant get it free and have to pay then your ass should be locked up with the ho, punishment should be harsher. :roll:

Master_A :roll: You're only a master of idiocy, padawan.

i wondered how long it would be till one of the diseased riddled hos had a bitch.

08-24-2007, 03:42 AM
Bitches have pups,
Ho’s have children,
But it’s only paper cups
That you’ve been fillin’.

08-24-2007, 04:09 AM
I'd love to somehow find out what percentage of pre-op/non-op girls in NYC have never taken money for sex.

08-24-2007, 04:54 AM
a ho is a ho, if your such a looser you cant get it free and have to pay then your ass should be locked up with the ho, punishment should be harsher.

Man, you're funny. When you get it for free, you really think it's for free.
Come back when you're a Master_M for mature.

Just wait. Just wait. Someday you'll understand..........

And then it will be too late.

And you will slap yourself in the forehead and say "Fuck they were right!" :lol:

08-24-2007, 05:05 AM
Just my .02 worth-
If it's legalized - it will improve the product and drive down the cost - capitalism at it's best. The cream (yum) will rise to the top (more $$ to the best - but that is decided by the buying customer base) and it will motivate the marginal service to improve. The others will simply fall by the side.
I own a business and I love competition - I usually win-

08-24-2007, 05:27 AM
a ho is a ho, if your such a looser you cant get it free and have to pay then your ass should be locked up with the ho, punishment should be harsher.

Man, you're funny. When you get it for free, you really think it's for free.
Come back when you're a Master_M for mature.

Just wait. Just wait. Someday you'll understand..........

And then it will be too late.

And you will slap yourself in the forehead and say "Fuck they were right!" :lol:

wow the stupidity of you yanks is mind blowing, clearly your one of the losers who have to pay ugly ho's like trish to get any.

08-24-2007, 05:30 AM
.......depends, as long as uncle sam does not find out,,,lmaoo

08-24-2007, 05:33 AM
a ho is a ho, if your such a looser you cant get it free and have to pay then your ass should be locked up with the ho, punishment should be harsher.

Man, you're funny. When you get it for free, you really think it's for free.
Come back when you're a Master_M for mature.

Just wait. Just wait. Someday you'll understand..........

And then it will be too late.

And you will slap yourself in the forehead and say "Fuck they were right!" :lol:

Aw, leave 'im alone, he's just a bit a cranky...They're going back to school soon.

08-24-2007, 06:31 AM
We are all ho's in one way or another!

08-24-2007, 06:35 AM
Having gotten to know ezed from his posts, I find him insightful, intelligent and charming. He’s one guy I wouldn’t charge. (ezed, you sweet man, could you come over and paint my house…I did just give you a nice compliment after all).

08-24-2007, 06:54 AM
hookers are useless, paying someone to "like" you is useless, save money and masturbate

Trans Lover and Master A I'm just curious how old are you guys? Have either of you ever actually met or dated a TS? Grow up.

You won't pay to date a girl, but you will pay money to watch her have sex on film while you whack off? So what's the difference? Either way you pay.

Take your bigotry elsewhere OK. You come on a porn site thats full of some of the best escorts and TS porn stars in the world and you insult us.

And YES - prostitution should be legalized. It would keep men like these two from taking advantage of women.

And yes the rates probably would go down. That's what's happened in Germany and as someone else posted - girls are getting out of the business because it's not worth it.

Hugs to all but TL and MA.

TS Jamie

08-24-2007, 07:03 AM
I voted yes but with limitations. Something along the lines of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada is what i had in mind. Not a bunch of low priced, Drug addicted, Diseased Escorts littering up the streets.

M77 - have you ever been to a brothel in NV?

There is no GFE - you get upsold for every little thing. There is virtually no personal involvement. It's just go in fuck a girl and leave. You can do the same thing in TJ for $20.

The ownership is seriously abusive of women. There are many stories - it's not the panacea you'd expect.

Next are you aware that in Nevada the govt WON'T even LICENSE Transsexuals for escort work - and the Ranchs WON'T HIRE US even if we did get licensed.

And are you aware Nevada is one of the most negative states in the country toward transsexuals? There are absolutely NO civil rights. We can be refused hotel rooms (though I've never found that). And god forbid you get arrested.

So while I agree that nobody wants street action to resume at former levels, internet connections SHOLD be legalized.

And you guys need to have a little more respect toward transsexuals in your posts - we aren't pieces of meat for you to abuse and take advantage of. We are people, in many cases really NICE people, who really LIKE taking care of men sexually.

To me having the ability for my body to bring pleasure to another human is really special. But no, it doesn't come free.

TS Jamie

08-24-2007, 08:06 AM
i see a lot of young gg hookers down here on the strreets near this old 50's motel district wandering up and down the blvd..working for the pimp..who is hovering-cowering behind a bus stop or mail box nearby..i always wonder why dont the girls just walk around the block and run from the pimps and become free-lance entrepeneurs...some of them are so yound too like 17 -18 and skinny ...if it where legal maybe the girls could get the pimp out of the picture..those bunny ranches and escort rings are so mobbed up..how much of the actual cost of the service goes to the "provider"?.........secondly if costs went down thru legalization would the girls have to make money like wal-mart on the fast nickel versus the hard buck???wal-mart is the biggest retail outlet....

08-24-2007, 08:08 AM
M77 - have you ever been to a brothel in NV?

There is no GFE - you get upsold for every little thing. There is virtually no personal involvement. It's just go in fuck a girl and leave. You can do the same thing in TJ for $20.

The ownership is seriously abusive of women. There are many stories - it's not the panacea you'd expect.

Next are you aware that in Nevada the govt WON'T even LICENSE Transsexuals for escort work - and the Ranchs WON'T HIRE US even if we did get licensed.

And are you aware Nevada is one of the most negative states in the country toward transsexuals? There are absolutely NO civil rights. We can be refused hotel rooms (though I've never found that). And god forbid you get arrested.

So while I agree that nobody wants street action to resume at former levels, internet connections SHOLD be legalized.

OK, I hav e to admit that this post embarrassed me a little. Earlier, I had to hold myself back from posting "Great, another thread about this subject where nobady who has a clue is going to post anything, and everyone is going to spew gibberish". But this post is absolutely correct.

However, I do have to add that it is similar to legalizing things like cocaine: it may not really be a "crime" but it is not totally "victimless": It is almost impossible for a person to become a prostitute for any reasonable length of time and not have meaningful long term harm to various parts of their psyche. (not that there aren't a bunch of fucked up things that happen to cumpulsive Johns as well).

08-24-2007, 08:24 AM
Abusive how? Could you link me to some evidence of this abuse?

Try hanging out with Dennis Hof and a bunch of his girls for an evening and listening to all the shit they say about him when they think he isn't listening, and then when a few of them ditch they party later go back and hang out with them in their room at the Waldorff and listen to what they have to say when the know he can't hear.

08-24-2007, 09:24 AM
Not a bunch of low priced, Drug addicted, Diseased Escorts littering up the streets.

That is the sentence I referred to dear, I think from your post on page 1 of this thread. If I misquoted I sincerely apologise.

I didn't mean to imply that "you" were abusing women - unless you own a brothel... in which case I don't have any specifics.

As for general reports of what goes on in Nevada brothels, just do an interent search. Check out sex worker sites like SWOP, etc.

I'm not saying brothels are bad - I'd work in one tomorrow if I could.

But yes - they will not hire transsexuals - mainly I suspect because there isn't enough business. I heard of one instance where a girl worked or tried to work, I can't recall the specifics - maybe someone else knows?

Someone tried to open a gay brothel I recall but I think it went under or never opened.

If someone had lots of lawyer money the NV licensing laws could probably be changed. And NV has a huge need for TG civil rights issues. But the problem is the people who LIVE there, as opposed to those who visit, are extremely conservative and they are the ones who vote.

I agree with you about testing. That should happen regardless go read my post on the Pandemic HIV thread for my dissertation on that.

If rapid oral or blood tests were made readily available partners could test before sex and we could stop sexual hiv transmission almost overnight. But the government WANTS us to die.

TS Jamie

08-24-2007, 09:30 AM
I say NO......Cause if its legal I would drive the price way down.


08-24-2007, 09:38 AM
i see a lot of young gg hookers down here on the strreets near this old 50's motel district wandering up and down the blvd..working for the pimp..who is hovering-cowering behind a bus stop or mail box nearby..i always wonder why dont the girls just walk around the block and run from the pimps and become free-lance entrepeneurs...some of them are so yound too like 17 -18 and skinny ...if it where legal maybe the girls could get the pimp out of the picture..those bunny ranches and escort rings are so mobbed up..how much of the actual cost of the service goes to the "provider"?.........secondly if costs went down thru legalization would the girls have to make money like wal-mart on the fast nickel versus the hard buck???wal-mart is the biggest retail outlet....

The pimp usually gets the hooker to fall for them in some way. I use the word hooker because most escorts dont have pimps. The pimp is just hustling the hooker. In most causes she doesn't have family, and he breaks her down emotionally so she wont leave and his free ride doesn't end.

You see the same thing with some escorts though. Eros girls and most likely even a few girls on this board. They date thugs or bad boys, guys who dont have jobs and feed off of the girls income. They will go on tour with the girl and travel around the country with her and she supports him with her cock sucking skills.

08-24-2007, 09:42 AM
I say NO......Cause if its legal I would drive the price way down.


I just looked at my original post, "I say NO......Cause if its legal I would drive the price way down", I didnt mean to say I, it was supposed to read "I say NO......Cause if its legal it would drive the price way down"

08-24-2007, 09:42 AM
My feeling is it should be legalized, if only for the girls protection. In amsterdam, there is a bouncer on site in the brothel houses all the time and if a customer gets rude or abusive he is quickly ejected. It is the Street level transsexual prostitute who suffers the most. I am friends with three TS street prostitutes and the horror stories I would hear from them would curdle the blood or make you want to go looking for some people with a bat.

08-24-2007, 09:50 AM
My feeling is it should be legalized, if only for the girls protection. In amsterdam, there is a bouncer on site in the brothel houses all the time and if a customer gets rude or abusive he is quickly ejected. It is the Street level transsexual prostitute who suffers the most. I am friends with three TS street prostitutes and the horror stories I would hear from them would curdle the blood or make you want to go looking for some people with a bat.

Now you dont see many street girls once cell phones and the Internet became available. I remember when 14th street and 8th would be packed with girls. Now you wont see one in sight. Do they still work the streets here in NYC, if so where????

08-24-2007, 10:09 AM
And YES - prostitution should be legalized. It would keep men like these two from taking advantage of women.

I think their personalities have got that one covered. :wink:

08-24-2007, 10:26 AM
I'd love to somehow find out what percentage of pre-op/non-op girls in NYC have never taken money for sex.

i know one really beautiful TS who is not an escort, but jumps from sugardaddy to sugardaddy :twisted:

but on a sidenote, today "escorting" seems so ubiquitious, there are so many good looking chicks (ts and natural born women alike) doing it on the side its unbelievable. maybe that phenomenon (if its really there and i am not over-emphasizing due to my very own idiosyncracies) has really got to do with the (over-)commercialisation of todays life.

08-25-2007, 01:44 AM
Yeah, you're right. Unless someone has a videotape of it happening, it doesn't exist.

08-25-2007, 02:40 AM
Now you dont see many street girls once cell phones and the Internet became available. I remember when 14th street and 8th would be packed with girls. Now you wont see one in sight. Do they still work the streets here in NYC, if so where????

Sorry, I used to live in Alberta Canada and knew three transgendered girls there although there alot more than those three. I knew of 4 others casually. Their problems were that of drug and alcohol abuse, and they were homeless as well. I tried to help them as best I could, but until they realized they needed help there was really little I could do. So in the end I would make sure they had a place to shower occasionally, a warm bed on really cold winter nights, (and believe me It gets FUCKING cold in Alberta) and made sure they had food in there bellies as best I could.

08-25-2007, 05:32 AM
a ho is a ho, if your such a looser you cant get it free and have to pay then your ass should be locked up with the ho, punishment should be harsher.

Man, you're funny. When you get it for free, you really think it's for free.
Come back when you're a Master_M for mature.

Just wait. Just wait. Someday you'll understand..........

And then it will be too late.

And you will slap yourself in the forehead and say "Fuck they were right!" :lol:

wow the stupidity of you yanks is mind blowing, clearly your one of the losers who have to pay ugly ho's like trish to get any.

You yanks? You must be from England. You know in my entire life of traveling to England and communicating with you Brits, I must say I've never run into a British dickhead. And now I have. Shit. I've held your country in such high regard.

You're not British, are you? You're an import. A regular cock's man.

Calling trish an ugly ho, is what I'd expect from a twelve year old dick wanker. Why don't you at least indicate you're from England under your avatar.

I bet you've never been laid. Or you came in your pants when a hooker unzipped them and she went "tee-hee". Pull up your pants, walk away from the keyboard and go out and get laid.

Again, you're funny. Keep posting you silly juvenile! It's like slow pitch softball, or Cricket in you case. :lol:

08-25-2007, 05:38 AM
Having gotten to know ezed from his posts, I find him insightful, intelligent and charming. He’s one guy I wouldn’t charge. (ezed, you sweet man, could you come over and paint my house…I did just give you a nice compliment after all).

:oops: Awwww, thanks Trish. But I hate painting and am scared of heights but I would be glad to do a room if you move all the stuff out. But I don't do ceilings. :lol: :wink:

08-25-2007, 06:57 AM
It needs to be legalized for a whole bunch of reasons...
>Increased safety for all participants
>Better public health enforcement
>TAXES!!! Yes, the government wants to PIMP 'yer assets!
>Better tracking of Service provider performance...

08-25-2007, 07:49 AM
He's got to be young. He doesn't understand the concept of prositution.

The definition of prostitution = paying for an hour of bliss without being expected to paint the house afterward.


Shining Star
08-26-2007, 01:48 AM

Risk has very little to do with pricing, at least in major cities such as NYC and LA, more based upon what the market will pay. Making prossing legal wouldn't change much in that the income would be easier to tax. Note said "eaiser" not just taxed as under current US tax laws all earned income is taxable. The IRS does not care where or how you earn your money. Rather like most cash businesses it is hard to collect without a paper trail. Al Capone murdered, maimed and did god only knows what else, but was sent to prison for tax evasion.

Prices for trannies in the major areas used to be rather "low" when the newspapers (Screw et al), were the main sources of advertisements, and most girls worked for a madam. Pepole like Simone in NY and others. The old agency structure suited many girls since they didn't want to be seen going down to Screw and paying adverts, and dealing with all that setting up dates entails. However little by little girls began doing just that, however rates still for the most part remained "low".

It was not until Internet advertising took over and some girls quickly realised they could make more money from dates off the Web than in print. It was then and still is not uncommon for girls to have several rates, with those calling from say an Eros or Exotics advert paying more than those calling from the Village Voice.

Finally rates have sky rocketed because way too many guys pay $400/hour for an incall for which they receive almost absolutely nothing, or at least not what was agreed upon. Or, the few top girls that do provide good service and charge accordingly get reviewed and all the girls figure if "that bitch can get $300, I'm going to charge $500).

Also because of the Internet girls can reach a wider market, including booking dates from overseas. Right now $400 USD is half or a little more than half (give or take) when converted to British pounds or Euros, so it isn't that much money to those men.

Problem also with legalising prossing is that there would have to be some sort of central registry/database for workers, along with health records. In Europe attitudes towards sex workers vary, but few if many in the United States want to be known as prossies. What if you worked say for a few years to get through college, then left the business. If the thing is legalised your name would still be in the registry for all to see, and you would forever been known as a pros. Again in the United States, many people are kind of funny about knowing prossies, former or current, so your life might very well be ruined.


France amoung some other European countries at one time or another had male brothels, but they usually were run along differnet lines than the ones for females. The men had more freedom to come and go as they pleased and there was less heavy "enforcement" the way one often finds with female workers.

One old time trannie madam told me that female brothels in the US don't want trannies because most are still too "male" in that they won't bend to authority. That is to say if one works in a house, and madam sets you up with a fat/ugly client who wants you to do major stunts, then you damn well better do it or else. Unlike many trannie prossies who think the business is about a personal dating/pleasure service, professional madams are concerned with the satisfaction of their clients. Afterall if clients stop coming she has no business. And it is much eaiser to depend upon a flow of regular known clients then to constantly advertise for new ones.

For the most part the escort scene, trannies and otherwise has gone too far towards independent workers to favour brothels anyway. Escort services still survive, especially for high end clients as there are men out there who want to make sure a girl is carefully vetted before she is sent to see them. Know service girls (GGs) that see MAJOR men, we're talking names one sees in the media and such, for which they are paid in thousands per call. However these men know the girl sent to them is going to be what they want, will do what they wish and is the right sort that will not raise eyebrows as she passes the lobby staff/servants.

09-08-2007, 09:17 PM
Per the waco reference from earlier... I think the bigger issue there was the self serving, overzealous, religious fanatic they had as a leader whom was taunting law enforcement by molesting & raping his minors in captivity...

Getting back on topic, our own historical expierence shows that in the preHIV days, legalized prostitution was easily feasible. The Union forces tried such an expirament in Tenn during occupation and the licensing system they used brought in enough revenue to fund specialized hospitals for both girls suffering from stds... and soldiers/civilian men who had contracted it from prostitution. I don't see that being too particularly easy today given the climate in which pharmaceuticals rape Americans over the cost of prescription drugs...

Why is it illegal here, religious factions? They have a part, but I doubt they could be solely responsible for it. At the end of the day America is filled with and run by prudes. Even aside from the whole religious perspective on the issue you have nimby, you have all these parents that are so adamantly opposed to anything even minorly violent or sexual in the name of over protecting their children... the reason why politicians go after things like this is because its so easy to win over people in all segments of the voting population by doing so. I am sure everyone here is more than familiar with how American citizens react to adult stores and clubs... and how so many would go so far to use local and state legislation to unconstitutionally violate their property rights, freedom of speech, and due process using a cocktail of zoning laws, ordnances and restrictive regulations.

Legalization isn't necessarily a solution... someone can use a licensing system for several things; raising money, encouraging people to switch behaviors, or discouraging a behavior (think sin taxes here). Legalization isn't going to do a whole hell of alot if, what follows, is a licensing system so abrasive, intrusive, and expensive that it could not possibly ever be in anyone's self interests. Am I off base here? I don't particularly think so... anyone fimilar with the licensing system for merely being a dancer in Philly and all the horror stories that have come from it?

I could see America getting rid of the death penalty before allowing legalized prostitution... hell I could see America being the last civilized (I am being sarcastic using that term) country in the world to outlaw it....

09-24-2007, 10:07 PM
in a nutshell....yes