View Full Version : would you girls sooner date a gent or a bad boy?

08-19-2007, 12:48 AM
i ask the question has i have dated RG in the past and when i have been really good to them they have always done the dirty on me(well there has only been 3)now another one who i admit i was a bit non fussed about was all over me,wanted marrige everything,but i was not in love with her so i could not do it.
i guess i fall into the gent role,very romantic and can surprise now and again.
i"m not with my wife now(too many reasons to go into)and its that long since i had sex ,i guess i"m a virgin again lol.i could go out and get laid but pretty fussy.
so is it bad boy or gent?

08-19-2007, 04:47 AM
Girls will always say they will date a gent, but will really prefer bad boys only because they won't admit it.

TrueBeauty TS
08-19-2007, 08:00 AM
Girls will always say they will date a gent, but will really prefer bad boys only because they won't admit it.

I'm calling B.S. on this, with one exception.....

Stupid, young, uneducated girls may want bad boys. But once they get any brains, they learn that the gents are the ones to keep.


08-19-2007, 08:08 AM
Girls will always say they will date a gent, but will really prefer bad boys only because they won't admit it.

I'm calling B.S. on this, with one exception.....

Stupid, young, uneducated girls may want bad boys. But once they get any brains, they learn that the gents are the ones to keep.


What she said.

I'm a lady, thus I expect a gentleman.

08-19-2007, 08:28 AM
well you speak a lot of sense peggy,
so i wont change :)

08-19-2007, 09:49 AM
Though I am very tempted to change,

That of take my frustration out on some of the bad boys. *cracks knuckles* Cause this is one disgruntled gent, I tell you what.

And lemme tell you something, most of these girls only wise up, they already lost their looks from genting beat up and knocked up by their rebel boyfriends, and for these girls to consider you or me as a 'back up plan' is not flattering, so I'll slam the door in their face if they even THINK about trying with me, thay had their chance, and they blew it.

08-19-2007, 09:49 AM

TrueBeauty TS
08-19-2007, 10:43 AM
Though I am very tempted to change,

That of take my frustration out on some of the bad boys. *cracks knuckles* Cause this is one disgruntled gent, I tell you what.

And lemme tell you something, most of these girls only wise up, they already lost their looks from genting beat up and knocked up by their rebel boyfriends, and for these girls to consider you or me as a 'back up plan' is not flattering, so I'll slam the door in their face if they even THINK about trying with me, thay had their chance, and they blew it.

Maybe you are scaring off all the girls. I sense a little anger in you. :roll:


08-19-2007, 11:06 AM
Though I am very tempted to change,

That of take my frustration out on some of the bad boys. *cracks knuckles* Cause this is one disgruntled gent, I tell you what.

And lemme tell you something, most of these girls only wise up, they already lost their looks from genting beat up and knocked up by their rebel boyfriends, and for these girls to consider you or me as a 'back up plan' is not flattering, so I'll slam the door in their face if they even THINK about trying with me, thay had their chance, and they blew it.

Maybe you are scaring off all the girls. I sense a little anger in you. :roll:


Nope, just saying that those chicks tend to use the guys they ignored for years as a 'last resort', you know when these chicks start loosing their looks and the bad boys go after something better, and they say, "Well, I got a problem now....I KNOW! That nice gentleman I knew who liked me alot.....I'll go to him, he'll still want me after all these years!"

And I am saying those chicks are going to be in for a hell of a disappointment if they try, they'll be eating fiber when I slam the door in their droopy faces.

Seems that when a guy starts to complain about how girls do this shit, we get looked upon as freaks.....nope, just us telling the truth. This ain't The View, ya know. :roll:

08-19-2007, 03:04 PM
well you speak a lot of sense peggy,
so i wont change :)

I've known good love, and I've known bad love.
I am worthy of only good love.

I do not, and will not put up with the trauma
and drama of a bad boy. (http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=12416&highlight=boy)

08-19-2007, 03:21 PM
agree peggy
i think the problem with me i have been closing myself off a bit becasue of being hurt.
but thier is one girl on this site i would open up to,given half a chance.

08-19-2007, 04:21 PM
Ah Andy Andy Andy.

Let me speak the truth to you.

women say they want a gentlemen but want a bad boy, the women who want gentlemen and mean it are passed their prime for looks, had a life time of being abused verbally and in some cases physically, and by the time they get the brains to stop dating assholes they are a waste, they are just too damaged to even bother, and will have major trust issues, and tgirls are worse still.

if you are a real gentlemen, and treat women well, want a wife, a good sex life, and kids, its really simple, OPEN YOUR EYES, western women are stuffed, if your in good shape, a good listener, can hold a conversation, then stop wasting your time, and go looking for a EU girl, Russia and Ukraine are the best place to look, women from there are like night and day compared to western women, they are smart and proud to be smart, sweet, kind, want to get married, they are slim figured not cos they starving them selves but cos of the economy most of them walk instead of drive.

Now granted there are scammers, all you need to do is read the websites on Russian brides and use common sense and you can avoid them.

If you take the time you will be amazed at the difference, Russia and Ukraine don't have all that feminist crap so the women are still women, the best way to put it, western girls want to be your competiter and Ru/Ukr want to be your equal, the men there often treat them poorly and they don't want that so they look else where.

Most of the rumours you hear a bs, they are smart, often at uni, or in trained professionals, such as nurses, doctors, teachers ect, from my experience yes they do want to please their man, but by no means are they submissive slaves.

Do yourself a favour, google for penpals, and join a site you will notice the difference, Ru/UKr just want to be treated like your equal, and want to be happy with no stupid games cos they haven't been stuffed up by bullshit feminist crap.

I mean look at western women, especially from the usa, under 30 they just about all the same, Bi, only into hot guys who treat them like shit cos they know they can, all so wrapped up in looking hot, being with hot friends, they are proud to be mindless stupid bimbo sluts who put out like broken vending machines, too busy being bitchy and competitive, and too busy acting like they going to conquer the world.

now i know that will prolly ruffle the asshairs on the man hating lard ass feminist nazi's, but hay as the old saying goes, truth hurts and of course their are a handful of women not shallow bimbos, but most under 30 are exactly as i said.

trust me mate, im a gentlemen (maybe not so much on this site), i have spoken and seen women from all over the world, and EU girls are the best, i am 27 and i have been contacted by girls 18 years old from the EU and west, and you notice the difference, EU 18 year old girls are like 40 year old west girls, miles and miles more mature, and for girls in Ru/Ukr they actually prefer to talk with and even marry guys upto 15 years older then them.

Andy, even if you think im full of it, you said it yourself, your not having much luck with girls in your country, so why not just look elsewhere and see for yourself.

08-19-2007, 04:27 PM
It’s a tired discussion that’s been done to death. Men come on here and complain about women; women come on here and complain about men. If you’re looking for that “someone special” and can’t find them in a lasting sense, it usually boils down to two things:

1) You are making bad choices and aren’t smart enough to recognize –
Let alone break – your particular pattern;
2) You aren’t bringing enough to the table to secure what you seek.

Like most things, it all boils down to personal responsibility. If you are alone, and don’t wish to be, it’s your own fault.


08-19-2007, 06:21 PM
It’s a tired discussion that’s been done to death. Men come on here and complain about women; women come on here and complain about men. If you’re looking for that “someone special” and can’t find them in a lasting sense, it usually boils down to two things:

1) You are making bad choices and aren’t smart enough to recognize –
Let alone break – your particular pattern;
2) You aren’t bringing enough to the table to secure what you seek.

Like most things, it all boils down to personal responsibility. If you are alone, and don’t wish to be, it’s your own fault.
1)i might have mad bad choices in the past.
2)not being big headed but i bring quite a lot to the table,faithful romantic,not to bad in bed lol,ok looking, and kind
maybe it is my own fault i"m alone ,i"m very fussy.like i say there has only ever been 4 girls that i have actully gone the whole way with,lots i have just not felt comfortable with.
seen a girl on here who i really like(but i think she knows who she is)
and she is the first ts girl i have ever really fancied both mentally and physchilly(sorry to use the word ts just have to explain,as to me she is more of a girl than any of my exs)
thanks for the advice master a.
i did actully marry a girl from abroad but she got homesick and she was quite violent,
jeez i disclose to much info lol.


08-19-2007, 08:27 PM
Ah Andy Andy Andy.

Let me speak the truth to you.

women say they want a gentlemen but want a bad boy, the women who want gentlemen and mean it are passed their prime for looks, had a life time of being abused verbally and in some cases physically, and by the time they get the brains to stop dating assholes they are a waste, they are just too damaged to even bother, and will have major trust issues, and tgirls are worse still.

Thank you. These chicks only wake up once they've become train wrecks and past the point of no return. And who wants damaged goods?

If you are a real gentlemen, and treat women well, want a wife, a good sex life, and kids, its really simple, OPEN YOUR EYES, western women are stuffed, if your in good shape, a good listener, can hold a conversation, then stop wasting your time, and go looking for a EU girl, Russia and Ukraine are the best place to look, women from there are like night and day compared to western women, they are smart and proud to be smart, sweet, kind, want to get married, they are slim figured not cos they starving themselves but cos of the economy most of them walk instead of drive.

Plus they don't stuff their faces with McDonalds and Fritos.
~Homer voice~ Mmmmmmm, Russian gymnisssssst......

Now granted there are scammers, all you need to do is read the websites on Russian brides and use common sense and you can avoid them.

What ya expect from mail order? :lol: :wink:

If you take the time you will be amazed at the difference, Russia and Ukraine don't have all that feminist crap so the women are still women, the best way to put it, western girls want to be your competiter and Ru/Ukr want to be your equal, the men there often treat them poorly and they don't want that so they look else where.

See, girls? They are trying to get away from their jerks and punks over there. Over there jerks are just that....jerks.

Most of the rumours you hear a bs, they are smart, often at uni, or in trained professionals, such as nurses, doctors, teachers ect, from my experience yes they do want to please their man, but by no means are they submissive slaves.

Do yourself a favour, google for penpals, and join a site you will notice the difference, Ru/UKr just want to be treated like your equal, and want to be happy with no stupid games cos they haven't been stuffed up by bullshit feminist crap.

Yep, one can still be an equal, yet not be a cast-iron fem-nazi bitch. :claps

I mean look at western women, especially from the usa, under 30 they just about all the same, Bi, only into hot guys who treat them like shit cos they know they can, all so wrapped up in looking hot, being with hot friends, they are proud to be mindless stupid bimbo sluts who put out like broken vending machines, too busy being bitchy and competitive, and too busy acting like they going to conquer the world.

now i know that will prolly ruffle the asshairs on the man hating lard ass feminist nazi's, but hay as the old saying goes, truth hurts and of course their are a handful of women not shallow bimbos, but most under 30 are exactly as i said.

Once again, thank you. I like the Bi-ness, though none of the girls near me are. :x
Though over here in Michigan, I don't see any of them looking hot or anything. But yea, they'll be all love-dovy for any gangbanger and bad-ass who think they are Eminem or Kid Rock wannabes. I've seen alot over 30 still being like that.

Very few I know are under 30 too, though those cute, smart ones often turn out to be dyed in the whool lesbians. :cry:

Trust me mate, im a gentlemen (maybe not so much on this site), i have spoken and seen women from all over the world, and EU girls are the best, i am 27 and i have been contacted by girls 18 years old from the EU and west, and you notice the difference, EU 18 year old girls are like 40 year old west girls, miles and miles more mature, and for girls in Ru/Ukr they actually prefer to talk with and even marry guys up to 15 years older then them.

Andy, even if you think im full of it, you said it yourself, your not having much luck with girls in your country, so why not just look elsewhere and see for yourself.

Yea, I'd scratch off girls from USA, Canada and UK as well, since I've seen many similarities. Dude, if ya traveled around the world, how were the Asians like, hmmmm? Just curious :?: :D

I'm about ready to do the same thing here and give up on western chicks as well. I'm gonna try one more time with a girl in Hawaii, ( She's of Japanese decent, though she was born and rasied in Hawaii there and spent the last 6 or 7 years in Japan.) and if I crash and burn with this, no more American chicks for me anymore, getting tired of this bitchshit......hell, I'm about ready to call quits on GG's all togather as well.

:idea: So guys, let's do what apparantly American workmanship is doing now, and go outsource, in our case some cuties.

TrueBeauty TS
08-19-2007, 08:48 PM
It’s a tired discussion that’s been done to death. Men come on here and complain about women; women come on here and complain about men. If you’re looking for that “someone special” and can’t find them in a lasting sense, it usually boils down to two things:

1) You are making bad choices and aren’t smart enough to recognize –
Let alone break – your particular pattern;
2) You aren’t bringing enough to the table to secure what you seek.

Like most things, it all boils down to personal responsibility. If you are alone, and don’t wish to be, it’s your own fault.


:claps :claps :claps :claps :claps

Trogdor, Master A, please read the above.

08-19-2007, 08:55 PM
Quinn nailed it.

It's all you. In everything you do. Blame is just an excuse for your own failings and issues.

08-19-2007, 09:00 PM
i read it.
dont agree i"m not bringing enough to the table has he puts it.
how can someone make that statement without knowing me?
as for being alone dont ageee with that either ,i wont just go with someone just for sex,or use someone who i dont intend having a full on relationship with because i"m lonley.maybe i have made bad choices in the past but you live and learn.

08-19-2007, 09:04 PM
Quinn nailed it.

It's all you. In everything you do. Blame is just an excuse for your own failings and issues.
who have i blamed?
and to say its all me is pretty stupid

08-19-2007, 09:10 PM
think you miss took me, i have dated girls all over the world, not traveled much.

well lets see, Korea girls are nice, China girls are a little up tight, Phillipians and Thai, i know will prolly ruffle feathers, but to me, i have seen allot of them under 30, who look more like under 18.

And yes, as you have a cock want to know the real question, and yes, from my experience everything you have heard (well depends on what) is true about Japanese girls.

I love the Ru/Ukr girls, they all seem to have a sexy tan, are fit, and so happy, and they dont seem to mind taking control, not really S&M stuff, more will push you on your back, and ride you, if you ask, oh and even though they are not as wealthy as the west, they always seem to look very classy and fashionable.

Japanese girls are my 2nd favourite, shy, sweet, some are submissive others are passive, often when you meet have a rain forest between their legs, but every girl i have dated shaved it all off when i asked, most importantly (for me) Japanese girls, they are cock lovers not cock suckers, they really understand the word oral sex, unlike western who seem to think wanking is oral sex.

One thing for sure, with Ru/Ukr you are pretty much 99% sure even with out seeing them naked that their big tits are theirs, not a doctors like in the west.

depends on what you like, both are passive compared with west, both want to be treated well, dont want games, want to please you, both know the meaning of the word loyality.

of course not all are the same, and yo may cop flak for being with a passive/submissive girl, but let me tell you, to hell with what people think, passive women are better, i have never had a Asian girl yell and slam things just cos i left a wet towel on the floor, i at 4 in the am didnt wipe the piss that hit the floor, or any of the bs west women do, none of that crap guys hate that west women do cos they retarded, i mean hello, so we get pee on the floor, if we still do it after u told us, a dozen times, whats the point getting mad.

Japanese are the best at that, no fighting over nothing like west women, as i say, women make life harder than it has to be, well west women do.

08-19-2007, 09:12 PM
Quinn nailed it.

It's all you. In everything you do. Blame is just an excuse for your own failings and issues.
who have i blamed?
and to say its all me is pretty stupid

ignore them, especially any ts who agrees with them, always the same thing, blame the guy.

same as these stupid bitch who blame men for making them lez, when if they had of stopped being only into pretty boys they wouldnt be lez.

08-19-2007, 09:16 PM
Well lets see, Korea girls are nice, China girls are a little up tight, Phillipians and Thai, i know will prolly ruffle feathers, but to me, I have seen allot of them under 30, who look more like under 18.


*Looks to see the travel schedules for the Phillipians & Thailand. *


08-19-2007, 09:23 PM
yeah they also have the most passable tgirls, and have the least girls with real big tits.

get with the girl dude, Japanese girls rock, they give best head, tighter pussies, willing to please, and yeah they do that sqeeling thing in you see in pornos too, and they love cum.

08-19-2007, 09:32 PM
yeah they also have the most passable tgirls, and have the least girls with real big tits.

get with the girl dude, Japanese girls rock, they give best head, tighter pussies, willing to please, and yeah they do that sqeeling thing in you see in pornos too, and they love cum.

Well, boob size is a bit irrelevent to me. :shrug

And this one's into stuff I am into, so I am hoping this one goes well, if not, as I said, I'm tossing in the towel with GG's for good.

Which other countries has awesome TG's, if I may ask? :D

08-20-2007, 12:54 AM
My ideal would be a boy who is bad to everyone but me.

08-20-2007, 07:00 AM
I'm a lady, thus I expect a gentleman.

I'm a whore, so I only date gentlemen! Nice, affluent, financially appreciative gentlemen.

No bad boys, no losers, no dopers, no smokers, no alcoholics. Bikers welcome. Married a plus!

TS Jamie

08-20-2007, 07:06 AM
yeah they also have the most passable tgirls, and have the least girls with real big tits.

get with the girl dude, Japanese girls rock, they give best head, tighter pussies, willing to please, and yeah they do that sqeeling thing in you see in pornos too, and they love cum.

Well, boob size is a bit irrelevent to me. :shrug

And this one's into stuff I am into, so I am hoping this one goes well, if not, as I said, I'm tossing in the towel with GG's for good.

Which other countries has awesome TG's, if I may ask? :D

mostly Thai and Phillipins has the best, but dude you shouldnt give up on gg all together, try what i said and try girls else where.
Depends what you into, if you kinky then go try a alternative sex dating site, find exactly what you want.

08-20-2007, 07:13 AM
Quinn nailed it.

It's all you. In everything you do. Blame is just an excuse for your own failings and issues.
who have i blamed?
and to say its all me is pretty stupid

I was talking in general. Not "you", you know...the proverbial you, as in we, all of us.

08-20-2007, 07:16 AM
Another hijack.... the topic is BAD BOYS not boob size of Japaneese girls...

TS Jamie :-)

08-20-2007, 07:20 AM
Quinn nailed it.

It's all you. In everything you do. Blame is just an excuse for your own failings and issues.
who have i blamed?
and to say its all me is pretty stupid

ignore them, especially any ts who agrees with them, always the same thing, blame the guy.

same as these stupid bitch who blame men for making them lez, when if they had of stopped being only into pretty boys they wouldnt be lez.

I'm not blaming the guy. I'm saying we all (guys and girls) have issues and faults and the relationships we have or the lack of them are like holding up a big giant mirror to those faults.

But I will take issue to the second part of your quote above..wtf is that all about?

08-20-2007, 07:25 AM
Quinn nailed it.

It's all you. In everything you do. Blame is just an excuse for your own failings and issues.
who have i blamed?
and to say its all me is pretty stupid

I was talking in general. Not "you", you know...the proverbial you, as in we, all of us.
fair enough,i apologise.
i checked out your myspace by the waythe video kinda reminded me of scissor sisters lol.
seemed good fun

08-20-2007, 05:55 PM
Plus they don't stuff their faces with McDonalds and Fritos.
~Homer voice~ Mmmmmmm, Russian gymnisssssst......

this sums it up.

TrueBeauty TS
08-20-2007, 07:45 PM
Plus they don't stuff their faces with McDonalds and Fritos.
~Homer voice~ Mmmmmmm, Russian gymnisssssst......

this sums it up.

Dude, you're an idiot. Everything you said putting down women could also be said of men. Grow up.

What I want to know is, why do some men really hate women? Why does the thought of a woman who is your equal scare you shitless?

Or is it a Buffalo Bill thing? You really want to be a women so bad, but you know you'd never make a good one, that you hate the thing you covet and can not be?

Weird. :?


08-20-2007, 07:56 PM
dont like what i say, dont read it, not too hard to grasp.

not even going to waste my time with the 2nd thing you said cos you too lazy to read everything i said.

TrueBeauty TS
08-20-2007, 08:06 PM
dont like what i say, dont read it, not too hard to grasp.

not even going to waste my time with the 2nd thing you said cos you too lazy to read everything i said.

I love how you tell me not to read your posts, then say I'm too lazy to read them. LOL Nice try. :roll:

Since you are too lazy, stupid or scared to answer my other questions, maybe you will answer this one. How old are you? You seriously sound like you are 16.


08-20-2007, 09:34 PM
True Beauty, I think you're playing that classic game of "Let's put words in such & such's mouth"

Him and I are all for equal right, that's no biggie. What is the problem is what I seen many women become lately. Cast-iron fem nazi's

Pretty much man bashers that are only out for power and money, and I met some guys who married chicks like that and told me they changed so much upon marrying them. One of these guys one night was all flirty, trying to have a good time in the sack with his wife, shortly after they wed and the woman said, "Hey, what's with that nonsence, we're married now, there's no need for this anymore." :shock:

Not to mention these chicks pretty much are men they way they act.....and looks also sometimes.

The fem-nazi's in America really hate it when foreign girls meet american guys and win them over. :slimer

I think the site where Master A has this information, I remember seeing it once, and it could better describe the situation better than I might perhaps.

Master A, mind if you post the site ya got the picture from, I remember it having the info I am trying to discuss here, with getting myself killed or maimed in the process. :shrug

08-20-2007, 09:48 PM
my best friend sent it to me in a email, so no cant give the site i dont know it.

and just ignore her.

08-20-2007, 11:22 PM
I didn't read this thread, but it seems like an interesting subject. Girls obviously want "bad guys" who turn into gentlemen. Guys who start out as "gentlemen" probably don't have any interesting stories to tell, and they don't have to go through the process of learning to be a refined and disciplined man.

Sorry to break it to ya, "gentlemen". You probably should have spent some time being bad.

I will say the road from "bad guy" to "gentleman" is not an easy one, though.


TrueBeauty TS
08-20-2007, 11:24 PM
True Beauty, I think you're playing that classic game of "Let's put words in such & such's mouth"

I'm not playing any games. I'm NOT a game player at all.

You can marry anyone you want as far as I'm concerned. But you only see things one way, that is, any woman that uses her brain is a "fem-nazi". (And isn't it supposed to be "" feminazi (also spelled femi-Nazi or femme-nazi) as Rush says?) Any woman that has brains must not be good looking. And I think that's wrong.

As Quinn said - and he nailed it - each person has to take responsibility for their relationships, or LACK of relationships.

If all the women you meet are too strong for you, then you are sending out the wrong signals. If you want a supermodel to throw herself at your feet, then you better have a heck of a lot to bring to the table.

If you can't meet the "right" kind of woman, you need to look at yourself to see what the problem is.


Hannibal Lecter
08-20-2007, 11:48 PM
Are You talking about GG's in this thread?

Probably, because as far as TG's are considered in this context,
there's only one (golden) rule that applies:

"Tranny wants money".

That's it, and that's all. GG's however might be a bit more
sofisticated in their choice.

08-20-2007, 11:59 PM
Are You talking about GG's in this thread?

Probably, because as far as TG's are considered in this context,
there's only one (golden) rule that applies:

"Tranny wants money".

That's it, and that's all. GG's however might be a bit more
sofisticated in their choice.

Eh, all girls want to be provided for. Guys should be able to provide for their girl. It's a source of frustration for many people on both sides of the equation I'm sure, but it's a rule.

Oh, and you spelled sophistication incorrectly.

What the hell is your bitter ass deal, Hannibal?

08-21-2007, 01:49 AM
True Beauty, I think you're playing that classic game of "Let's put words in such & such's mouth"

I'm not playing any games. I'm NOT a game player at all.

You can marry anyone you want as far as I'm concerned. But you only see things one way, that is, any woman that uses her brain is a "fem-nazi". (And isn't it supposed to be "" feminazi (also spelled femi-Nazi or femme-nazi) as Rush says?) Any woman that has brains must not be good looking. And I think that's wrong.

As Quinn said - and he nailed it - each person has to take responsibility for their relationships, or LACK of relationships.

If all the women you meet are too strong for you, then you are sending out the wrong signals. If you want a supermodel to throw herself at your feet, then you better have a heck of a lot to bring to the table.

If you can't meet the "right" kind of woman, you need to look at yourself to see what the problem is.


Once again, my foolish & mistaken friend, thou art wrong. :slimer

You're the one saying that I want a submissive women with no brains and so on.

~clear throat~

I'll say this to you real slow in order for you to understand me, mmmmkay?


am looking


a sexy woman

who has

the looks of

a model

and the

brains of

a person

with their

head skrewed

firmly on

their shoulers

who can

take care

of themselves

mentally and


yet still

not be

a ball mashing

fem-nazi who

think all

men are

slime and

be a sweet

femine woman,

not a jerk off

dude with

a vagina.

The description above if my deffinition of strong.
Strong does not mean being a fem-nazi or a cast member of "The View"

08-21-2007, 01:52 AM
Are You talking about GG's in this thread?

Probably, because as far as TG's are considered in this context,
there's only one (golden) rule that applies:

"Tranny wants money".

That's it, and that's all. GG's however might be a bit more
sofisticated in their choice.

Eh, all girls want to be provided for. Guys should be able to provide for their girl. It's a source of frustration for many people on both sides of the equation I'm sure, but it's a rule.

Oh, and you spelled sophistication incorrectly.

What the hell is your bitter ass deal, Hannibal?

If they want to be provided for, I got the perfect answer to their problem.

*hands the girls a job application*

If girls want equal rights, then I would strongly suggest they use their equal right. :idea:

TrueBeauty TS
08-21-2007, 02:00 AM

am looking


a sexy woman

who has

the looks of

a model

and the

brains of

a person

with their

head skrewed

firmly on

their shoulers

who can

take care

of themselves

mentally and


yet still

not be

a ball mashing

fem-nazi who

think all

men are

slime and

be a sweet

femine woman,

not a jerk off

dude with

a vagina.

Yeah.... good luck with that.

I will say this slowly....


Judging by your posts, you are a hate filled, damaged dude that confuses the term "gentleman" with "loser". They are not the same. Sheesh.... what's so hard to understand? :roll:

Stick with porn. Your DVD's will always love you.


Felicia Katt
08-21-2007, 02:23 AM
If girls want equal rights, then I would strongly suggest they use their equal right. :idea:
The one equal right we have, that all your third world, war bride, geisha concubines types don't, is to expect respectful treatment and to call you on it when its withheld. In other words, if we are with you, its because we want to be, not because we need to be or are forced to be because of our financial or social circumstances or inequalities.

I may be wrong on this, but I don't think there are too many smart supermodels with big trust funds and low expectations out there looking for anonymous gamers on shemale boards. But best of luck to you in your quests.


08-21-2007, 03:22 AM
you don't have to be a perfect guy to bag a hot girl...im just an average dude...there is this hot trainer that was in playboy in 03 at my gym ...we have known each other for awhile and never gave me the time of day...i start trying to help my mother at the gym and now she is like stalking me.i have her asking if i have a gf and if i want to go out sometime...personally i don't need all that stress that comes with this type of girl ..its not that i cant handle the situation but i am trying to keep my life more stress free these days...

girls like guys for the weirdest reasons...back when i was in college i worked at home depot over in the lumber dept . this hot new girl started to ring right in my department..i was real shy back then but for some reason i had no problem asking her out....she always kinda shrugged me off..then one day i see my friend that i bowl with in her line...we start talking about bowling and my friend is telling her how good i am..

right after he left she asked me out the next day...i come to find out that her father was also a bowler and i was also going to the same school her dad went to for engineering ..we ended up dating like 6 months..
so i guess my point is that anyone can bag a hot chick ..or the opposite where a girl can bag a hot guy..u just need the right situation.

08-22-2007, 12:44 AM
you don't have to be a perfect guy to bag a hot girl...im just an average dude...there is this hot trainer that was in playboy in 03 at my gym ...we have known each other for awhile and never gave me the time of day...i start trying to help my mother at the gym and now she is like stalking me.i have her asking if i have a gf and if i want to go out sometime...personally i don't need all that stress that comes with this type of girl ..its not that i cant handle the situation but i am trying to keep my life more stress free these days...

girls like guys for the weirdest reasons...back when i was in college i worked at home depot over in the lumber dept . this hot new girl started to ring right in my department..i was real shy back then but for some reason i had no problem asking her out....she always kinda shrugged me off..then one day i see my friend that i bowl with in her line...we start talking about bowling and my friend is telling her how good i am..

right after he left she asked me out the next day...i come to find out that her father was also a bowler and i was also going to the same school her dad went to for engineering ..we ended up dating like 6 months..
so i guess my point is that anyone can bag a hot chick ..or the opposite where a girl can bag a hot guy..u just need the right situation.

you could well be right.
all about fate

08-22-2007, 03:01 AM
My ideal would be a boy who is bad to everyone but me.

Bingo. And this is why women love jerks. Because women think they can be that special someone the jerk will be nice to. When that guy is nice to her, it's a real power trip on her part. When he's mean to her, it's just the usual so it's no big deal.

08-22-2007, 03:23 AM
My ideal would be a boy who is bad to everyone but me.

Bingo. And this is why women love jerks. Because women think they can be that special someone the jerk will be nice to. When that guy is nice to her, it's a real power trip on her part. When he's mean to her, it's just the usual so it's no big deal.

:?: Is that before or after the jerk pulls an Ike Turner and knocks a few teeth out? :?:

:arrow: Like I always said, once a hoodlem, always a hoodlem. :roll:

08-22-2007, 03:25 AM
you don't have to be a perfect guy to bag a hot girl...im just an average dude...there is this hot trainer that was in playboy in 03 at my gym ...we have known each other for awhile and never gave me the time of day...i start trying to help my mother at the gym and now she is like stalking me.i have her asking if i have a gf and if i want to go out sometime...personally i don't need all that stress that comes with this type of girl ..its not that i cant handle the situation but i am trying to keep my life more stress free these days...

girls like guys for the weirdest reasons...back when i was in college i worked at home depot over in the lumber dept . this hot new girl started to ring right in my department..i was real shy back then but for some reason i had no problem asking her out....she always kinda shrugged me off..then one day i see my friend that i bowl with in her line...we start talking about bowling and my friend is telling her how good i am..

right after he left she asked me out the next day...i come to find out that her father was also a bowler and i was also going to the same school her dad went to for engineering ..we ended up dating like 6 months..
so i guess my point is that anyone can bag a hot chick ..or the opposite where a girl can bag a hot guy..u just need the right situation.

So, what happend with the bowler chick after those 6 months?

08-22-2007, 03:34 AM
we broke up , but she is still one of my best friends....she lives out in sf now...