View Full Version : Coming to America

08-17-2007, 11:22 AM
Hello all. I will be heading over the water near the end of september, starting in SF, then down to San Jose.

I was trying to find some good stuff to do in each. I thought the obvious in SF would be to catch a cabaret/burlesque show, but have been having trouble finding anything, as everytime i go on line the articles seem to be 3 years old. Have found places called The Odeon, AsianSF bar, Va Va Voom Room etc, but not sure if they still exist.

Does anyone know of good places to go? Looking for a fun night out in town, not sleaze. If I meet some nice ladies on the way, so much better :)

Same sort of question goes for San Jose, will be in the area for most part of a working week, and would appreciate any suggestions of stuff to do.

Cheers for any help.