View Full Version : VH1'S THE PICK UP ARTIST

08-16-2007, 05:09 AM
wow this is the worst show ever...word of advice is to not take advice from a guy with a peacock on his head...

08-16-2007, 05:54 AM
ha. i said the same thing when i saw the promo awhile back. of course, it could be some sort of post-ironic comment on the eternal quest of guys to get laid....nah.

08-16-2007, 05:56 AM
Damn, that sux, I was gonna watch that show...... I guess I will have to look somewhere else for advice. AAArrrggghhhhhhh

08-16-2007, 07:46 AM
Mystery... ah I remember him

That's what I used to think. Until he came to an MIT lecture that I attended for the hell of it. Well, during the lecture I thought the guy was full of shit and so did pretty much everyone else. After the show he invited the entire stadium to go bar hopping with him, of course only like a few us went though to call bullshit or for comedic value.

It's funny that you mention the peacock hat(I haven't watched the show) because he was wearing some black and yellow magician hat when we went out. First bar we went into he successfully picked up 2 girls who were SMOKING hot. Making out, and they were handing him their numbers. We thought it was luck or staged. Bar after bar after bar, this guy was pulling ass like it was his job. He may look funny and gay, but that guys shit works and it works well.

08-16-2007, 07:51 AM
Mystery... ah I remember him

That's what I used to think. Until he came to an MIT lecture that I attended for the hell of it. Well, during the lecture I thought the guy was full of shit and so did pretty much everyone else. After the show he invited the entire stadium to go bar hopping with him, of course only like a few us went though to call bullshit or for comedic value.

It's funny that you mention the peacock hat(I haven't watched the show) because he was wearing some black and yellow magician hat when we went out. First bar we went into he successfully picked up 2 girls who were SMOKING hot. Making out, and they were handing him their numbers. We thought it was luck or staged. Bar after bar after bar, this guy was pulling ass like it was his job. He may look funny and gay, but that guys shit works and it works well.
If he dresses nicer im pretty sure msot guys would be praising him as a God other than a douche.

08-16-2007, 07:59 AM
Mystery... ah I remember him

That's what I used to think. Until he came to an MIT lecture that I attended for the hell of it. Well, during the lecture I thought the guy was full of shit and so did pretty much everyone else. After the show he invited the entire stadium to go bar hopping with him, of course only like a few us went though to call bullshit or for comedic value.

It's funny that you mention the peacock hat(I haven't watched the show) because he was wearing some black and yellow magician hat when we went out. First bar we went into he successfully picked up 2 girls who were SMOKING hot. Making out, and they were handing him their numbers. We thought it was luck or staged. Bar after bar after bar, this guy was pulling ass like it was his job. He may look funny and gay, but that guys shit works and it works well.
If he dresses nicer im pretty sure msot guys would be praising him as a God other than a douche.

From what I recall of his theory-- he calls it peacock theory. He was dressed like a Magician when we went out, but he still looked ridiculous. It was really funny though, because there was this guy who called himself Mystery dressed like a total clown but the chicks digged him. So what gives?

Well, for one he obviously stands out. He didn't look like all of the other Abercrombie and Fitch gym rats. He gets away with it because he has good conversation skills and a strange ability to frame the girls to try to PICK HIM UP instead of the other way around. Chicks were buying HIM drinks. I'm not kidding. Once he'd get the first chick it was all over because he'd use that first chick, to get all the other chicks, because the scene was a really odd looking guy walking around with a 10-like model and everyone else at the bar was like who the fuck is this guy?

08-16-2007, 09:14 AM
THe guy is like a cross between David Copperfeld and one of those late night infomercial sales talkers... He's got a formula for getting womens attention..but the dude probably couldnt keep a woman happy for more than a few days before she gets tired of his crap.