View Full Version : "Friends" List

08-11-2007, 08:47 PM
Its a boring day here in Chicago so I was looking through my yahoo and AIM messenger lists. And I had hundreds of people on both lists. Then this gross fat guy who always IM's me for an appointment sends me a message and, as usual fat old nasty bastard didn't call to confirm his appointment. now I went through my list and actually I deleted everbody from my lists, except for 5 people. Do any other guys and girls find these messengers more of a hassle then they are worth?

08-11-2007, 08:59 PM
I rarely use it unless someone asks me to get on it. I have people on there, I don't even remember talking to.

08-11-2007, 09:01 PM
i need to delete most of mine... the only ppl, minus a few, only msg me to ask if i wanna fuck... and i dont usually know who they are bc they only ask me once a year and i always say no.

08-11-2007, 09:06 PM
I think there is something kind of creepy about a guy, or girl, who wants to IM all the time with any and every one. And these obsessions are always sexual in nature so it probably defines some type of fetish.

It reminds me some of the character Frank played by Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet. "I'll fuck anything that moves!" With people like this there is no discrimination. It's only their broad obsession that matters.

08-11-2007, 09:09 PM
Neither have been a hassle to me,how did the gross fat guy get your screen names?

08-11-2007, 09:18 PM
The only plus side is copy and paste. See in Chicago there are some shady ts
the guys chat with all of us
so they copy and paste the convos they have with about you so you know what another bitter bitch is saying about you.

08-11-2007, 09:19 PM
I rarely use mine. They're more fuckin' trouble then they are worth. Usually
I just send emails back and forth.In fact this girl lately whos one of those
"I was in NYC,my car broke down,myparents dropped by"excuses. Uses those ims messenger boards for cyber sex.She'll then say,"Baby I promise
I'll be over tonite". Well....she got terminated about 3 hours ago.I don't have
time for the nonsense.

Good Post Vanessa!

08-11-2007, 09:20 PM
oh, i have AIM and yahoo messenger. the AIM i havent used for years.
i like to use yahoo messenger tho, since i enjoy chatting and prefer typing instead of talking over the phone.

i never had more than ten to fifteen people on because i usually dont add people i dont talk to, at least on a semi-regular basis.

i lost many contacts tho when my former yahoo id didnt work anymore one day :(

but i am sure for the girls its a different thing, i bet u get messenges out of the blue by some guys who found your id somewhere.

so, generally, messengers are fun for me, no hassle at all.

08-11-2007, 09:37 PM
Yes. I used to use IM allot but have found them to be a only worth as much as the people sending the messages.

Bored? I'm going to the beach. Not sure which one. This could be one of the last good days to do so. :-)

08-11-2007, 10:23 PM
chi_broke_guy: how are you vanessa
tsvanessa69: ok
tsvanessa69: bored
tsvanessa69: on my way to a fest
chi_broke_guy: why bored ?
chi_broke_guy: are you not excited ?
tsvanessa69: excited about what?
tsvanessa69: when are we meeting
chi_broke_guy: going to the fest
chi_broke_guy: now ?
chi_broke_guy: I wish
tsvanessa69: when
chi_broke_guy: did you have lunch ?
tsvanessa69: i am tired of my time being wasted with chit chat
tsvanessa69: u taking me to lunch?
chi_broke_guy: sure
chi_broke_guy: where and when ?
tsvanessa69: today
chi_broke_guy: I will need to take a shower and shave
tsvanessa69: ok
tsvanessa69: kool
chi_broke_guy: I dont have my car with me .. I parked it in the burbs
tsvanessa69: can u take the redline?
chi_broke_guy: I think so
tsvanessa69: great
tsvanessa69: i haven't eaten yet
tsvanessa69: we can meet at the redline
tsvanessa69: by the fest
chi_broke_guy: can you wait like an hour ?
chi_broke_guy: what fest ?
tsvanessa69: i still gotta shower too
tsvanessa69: its a silly fest
tsvanessa69: but good food
chi_broke_guy: where is it ?
tsvanessa69: whats your number?
chi_broke_guy: 765 586 XXXX
tsvanessa69: u are in the city?
chi_broke_guy: you are turning me horny now with your seriousness
chi_broke_guy: yes
tsvanessa69: ok
tsvanessa69: well i gotta shower too
chi_broke_guy: where is the fest at ?
tsvanessa69: then we can meeet by belmont
tsvanessa69: the redline stop
chi_broke_guy: ok
chi_broke_guy: you want to go some nice restaurant ?
chi_broke_guy: I dont want to take risk first time
chi_broke_guy: I dont want to be rejected with the food
tsvanessa69: don't be silly
chi_broke_guy: tell me the plan in detail
tsvanessa69: well
tsvanessa69: we can meet
tsvanessa69: go to the fest
tsvanessa69: hang out
tsvanessa69: lets have a little fun
chi_broke_guy: are you serious ?
chi_broke_guy: damn lets make it fast b4 you change your mind
tsvanessa69: well be for real
tsvanessa69: cuz i am
chi_broke_guy: I am too but I have never been with a ts and I am a closeted ts admirer
chi_broke_guy: and I really like ts women
tsvanessa69: just consider me a woman
chi_broke_guy: are you going there by yourself ?
tsvanessa69: yea
chi_broke_guy: 3 o clock I can at thr belmont red line
tsvanessa69: ok kool
tsvanessa69: 773-412-XXXX
chi_broke_guy: thats the cutest thing that happened to me
chi_broke_guy: lemme take a shower and go
tsvanessa69: ok
chi_broke_guy: see you soon
Now after the convo, he called me, and we talked and finalized the meeting. Now if u noticed in the convo he said he didn't have his car, it was in the burbs. So I showered, got dressed and then I get a text message. Unknown person. Its him. Said he can't meet cuz he needs to go pick up his brother, but he tolfd me he didn't have his car, so how could he be picking up his brother. Now I have his pics and his phone number. I think craigslist needs a new M4M ad! :twisted: :smoking
I got fucked over twice in 1 day on Messenger :smh
Well thanks for letting me vent.
I'm dressed and on my way to Market Days Fest
Get ready bitches!

08-11-2007, 10:39 PM

08-11-2007, 10:42 PM

im sure by posting it here the closet cases like him will flag the ad in hopes hed do it for them but w/e i think you guys should make this guy wallow in his own hole that he dug for himself

no i didnt post the ad but i wanted to... asshole was flagging me and blowing my phone up at all hours too and since the ads went up calling him out... he stopped his bs w/ me too -j

08-11-2007, 10:51 PM
I don't even have an IM list, don't want one, I'm not a fan of online chatting personally. The only online interaction I honestly have with anyone is just posting here once a day or so. That works fine by me.

This frees up time for me to do things like check out collapsed interstate highway bridges, which I did today. Freaky deal. There's still cars on sections of the damn thing. It's not easy to get a good look at the whole scene because the police have huge areas locked down still, but that was weird. It looked like Godzilla had gone rampaging down the river. I'm amazed so few people got seriously hurt or killed in that situation. That was a big bridge, and nobody has figured out exactly what happened yet as far as I know.


08-11-2007, 10:53 PM
I have a data base in my yahoo group
i post all info I can get on these asshole
before my old group was deleted I had saved over 200 guys info
numbers and all. then when i was board i would prank call the guys at 2 am. It happens to alot of us. most guys are on every girls list. NYC guys are the worst.
it pissed them off
:twisted: :peanutbutter

08-11-2007, 10:56 PM
Well, at least you caught him out there by asking him to take you to that fest. It was pretty clear what his intentions were when he said he was a closeted TS lover.

Funny thing is, you gave him a lot of chances to redeem himself.

08-12-2007, 06:39 AM
Well, at least you caught him out there by asking him to take you to that fest. It was pretty clear what his intentions were when he said he was a closeted TS lover.

Funny thing is, you gave him a lot of chances to redeem himself.
See I try to be nice, even on here, how many guys are asking to meet a ts on a non-pro level. Well we do give guys chances
they always fuck up.
So then we go back to charging. I said it before and its true.
I can get a guy to give me $250-$300 for an hour of my time before they take me around the corner to the McDonalds for an ice cream cone.
Pathetic huh?
By the way Chicago guys and gals, the fuckin Market Days fest is a BLAST!!!!
Tons of ts, staright men and woman and gays.
Great mix.
A few guys were Vanessa "fans" and I posed for tons of pics, everybody wanted pics with me and my friend Mimi. We got charater drawings too. i dunno if thats how u say it, but those cartoon drawings you see of celebertys, I got a beautiful one of myself. i LOVEIT!! Funny I was thinking of Allanah when they finished mine. The guy had a great eye for bone structure and cleavage. My breast look huge, but in a tasteful way. He kept complementing me on my bone structure of my face. he was the deal. Now I know what my new nose will look like when I get it redone in Febuary.

08-12-2007, 06:56 AM
few chat to me, so i have a small list