View Full Version : Honda's Pursuit of Vicki

08-07-2007, 06:38 PM
This is intended for forum members that have followed the situation over the years. If you don't know, then please read up first.


FYI - I decided to stick my nose in because I'm a member of Vicki's forum.
I arrived late to the situation, but the gist of it was Honda gets mean when he drinks. He threatened another member, and has called Vicki a bitch among other things...all resulting in his being banned from her forum.
I have a sister. I'm very close to her, and have gotten her perspective on what it's like being harassed by guys that think they're being charming. I also used to be an activist, and learned the concept of silence equals complicity. In other words, I speak up here because I think the guy has crossed the line of acceptable behavior. So what do you think?

To me, Vicki is entertaining because she's smart and playful. But for years her attempts to interact here have been marred by this guy adding his two cents to her every post. This is a place where the girls can come to socialize and promote themselves. I say ban him.

08-07-2007, 06:58 PM
Take away his bus pass!

Harrys Boy
08-07-2007, 07:02 PM
Agree with what you say but this place would just not be the same without Honda's posts

08-07-2007, 07:17 PM
Agree with what you say but this place would just not be the same without Honda's posts

That's just as well.

08-07-2007, 07:44 PM
Suckseed, Chefmike, and now phxguy all after me. This is it, I can not survive this massive attack.

Thanks Harry's Boys. I agree, I do bring a certain unique flair to this forum. But, ya know, with Suckseed all riled up, I'm sure my days are numbered.


08-07-2007, 08:46 PM
All this time I though Honda was Vicki......

Hannibal Lecter
08-07-2007, 09:12 PM
Something tells me that you both are stalkers, it's just that you've chosen different stalking strategies:
While he strongly believes that she's his wife, you are always there for her acting as her eternal defender..
Who's gonna win, I wonder.. Funny, isn't it?

08-07-2007, 09:29 PM
I'm just hoping Suckseed isn't super mad now and no longer willing to play guitar at the wedding.


(and no, I do not imagine Vicki Richter is my wife. Good grief, you people).

08-07-2007, 09:34 PM
Something tells me that you both are stalkers, it's just that you've chosen different stalking strategies:
While he strongly believes that she's his wife, you are always there for her acting as her eternal defender..
Who's gonna win, I wonder.. Funny, isn't it?

X2 I reckon we have a delusional freakoid on one side and a white knight on the other trying to earn some brownie points and get a bumming.

I propose a twelve round fight and both of them can beat each other to death with giant rubber cocks.The winner can be the offcial stalker.

Seriously though there is stalking and stalking. Honda comes across as a tad obsessed with Richter but as far as I know he just seems a bit of a throbber thats all. Iam not belitting stalking. I myself was stalked by a girl who became obsessed with me after she dumped me and saw me with another girl. I foolishly fucked her it was a grudge fuck and she never left me alone. I was still living with my parents at the time.And she made constant phone calls and even would come round and stand outside crying. or just sit in her car.

She was partly why I joined the army :D :D

In my view viki should speak to the mods if she has an issue with honda and I don't see how this thread will help bar being a kind of poke the monkey in the cage with sharp sticks if you see what I mean.

08-07-2007, 09:46 PM
For the record - Not only do I not expect anything from Vicki, I don't want anything from her or anyone. I've stated that my fascination with TS's has waned considerably. In fact I'm rather sad to say my interest in porn in general has also faded. I'm sure it's party because I'm in a relationship and partly because I just became desensitized to porn from looking at it too much...and also because of my feelings after actually seeing a TS escort. I was convinced it was going to be this sex-to-end-all-sex, and while it was fun and exciting, I rarely feel the impulse to repeat the experience. Indeed, as I grow older, what's first among my concerns is finding a relationship with someone who doesn't drive me up the wall after a few months. My current lady friend is also a divorcee who just wants a friends with benefits situation.

Trust me, when Honda took a break from his stupid remarks, I was nothing but relieved. And Vicki and I haven't communicated in months. I wish her well, and that's it. If this was Allanah, Jennifer or anyone else my reaction would be the same. It's just irritating and stupid to me that he persists in acting like she wants anything to do with him. I actually wrote to her months ago to just check on whether there was any reason why he would feel like they have some sort of bond. There isn't.

08-07-2007, 10:34 PM
I'm sure Vicki Richhter and everyone else is releaved you do not, in fact, want anything from them. I'll keep bumping your little poll here, though. I'm hoping to get at least 20 "stalker" votes by tomarrow. I think I'm at 12 now.

08-07-2007, 10:35 PM
Long time Lurker-First time poster.

He is without a doubt, a stalker. Suckseed provided 2 threads but there are many more both here and on Vicki's forum to prove it. im just glad that HR doesnt know where Vicki lives or there is no odubt in my mind that he would be paying her an unwanted/unexpected visit one of these nights. :roll:


08-07-2007, 10:43 PM
I'm sure Vicki Richhter and everyone else is releaved you do not, in fact, want anything from them. I'll keep bumping your little poll here, though. I'm hoping to get at least 20 "stalker" votes by tomarrow. I think I'm at 12 now.

Of course you're too chickenshit to say anything in your defense. But then what could there possibly be to say? Better to focus the attention elsewhere, right? After all, in your world No just means Not yet.

Let me ask you something. If Vicki publicly asks you to leave her alone and not attempt to communicate with her ever again, would you? I swear to god, if she does, and you abide by it, I'll never mention it again. Hell, I'd be willing to leave the forum for good.

08-07-2007, 10:51 PM
In my own defense? I'm posting on an open internet forum, your entire thinking doesn't make sense to anyone familiar with actual social skills and experience.

But yes, if Vicki Richter was to post "I never want to hear from Honda again", then that's what would happen. I'm not leaving this forum, but there's no reason for me to do that. When I don't belong to any of her sites, don't attempt to email or msg her, have her phone number but do not call her, how am I stalking her? You people need to get out of the house more.


08-07-2007, 11:15 PM
But yes, if Vicki Richter was to post "I never want to hear from Honda again", then that's what would happen.

You recently complained that she doesnt answer your emails. http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=23247&highlight=lets+tattoos

On top of that she banned you from her forum.


You people need to get out of the house more.

Im a construction worker you buffoon, which means i am always out of the house working outdoors.

08-07-2007, 11:34 PM
I think Vicki should end this ridiculous thread.

Rod la Rod
08-07-2007, 11:51 PM
I feel for the guy. I also find these running battles fairly entertaining. I think VR can probably take care of herself.
I vote not to ban him. Banning him from this board will do nothing to protect our Princess Vicki.
These interpersonal situations are what makes this HA forum so unique and fun.

08-07-2007, 11:59 PM
Im not calling for the banning of HR from these forums, i just want him to quit stalking Vicki. When that happens i will happily return to Lurk mode.

08-08-2007, 12:08 AM
Im not calling for the banning of HR from these forums, i just want him to stop stalking Vicki. When that happens i will happily return to Lurk mode.

I've never heard vicki complain about this "stalking" why is it you guys are getting more upset over this then she is,she probably doesn't even care either way because she is getting her name brought up thus promoting her.All this drama is unnecessary when she doesn't even give a fuck.

08-08-2007, 12:14 AM
Im not calling for the banning of HR from these forums, i just want him to stop stalking Vicki. When that happens i will happily return to Lurk mode.

I've never heard vicki complain about this "stalking" why is it you guys are getting more upset over this then she is,she probably doesn't even care either way because she is getting her name brought up thus promoting her.All this drama is unnecessary when she doesn't even give a fuck.

If you look at the last link i passed, you yourself mentioned that he wasnt being "sane".

Its also no secret that your under age trolling ass has had nothing but bad things to say about Vicki because you personally dislike her, and you keep reminding her in every thread that her name comes up in. :roll:

08-08-2007, 12:17 AM
All this time I though Honda was Vicki......


08-08-2007, 12:22 AM
Agree with what you say but this place would just not be the same without Honda's posts

and thats bad? :roll:

Vicki Richter
08-08-2007, 12:28 AM
You did not think Honda was me! I swear on all that is good and right in this world I never have created a fake ID to pump myself in any way on any forums. The same can't be said for others, but it can be said for me.

08-08-2007, 12:34 AM
I've wanted to have a secret identity for awhile now, then I could be friends with Chef Mike.

Oh, and ha ha Suckseed. And thank you, Blondie.


08-08-2007, 12:46 AM
Vicki you could easily put an end to all this drama by addressing issues directly instead of saying unintelligent gibberish but i guess anything to put your name out there and promote your dvds right.

08-08-2007, 12:49 AM
I'll have you know that unintelligent gibberish makes the internet,young man. That and porn.

Vicki Richter
08-08-2007, 12:53 AM
Vicki you could easily put an end to all this drama by addressing issues directly instead of saying unintelligent gibberish but i guess anything to put your name out there and promote your dvds right.

I don't post here to promote anything Legend. I think that is in very poor taste. I simply look at HA to share with the fans of the Transsexual genre about the life of a prominent shemale porn girl. Why not right? I've done this since before I had anything to sell, and I will do it after I am sure.

08-08-2007, 12:57 AM
Im not calling for the banning of HR from these forums, i just want him to stop stalking Vicki. When that happens i will happily return to Lurk mode.

I've never heard vicki complain about this "stalking" why is it you guys are getting more upset over this then she is,she probably doesn't even care either way because she is getting her name brought up thus promoting her.All this drama is unnecessary when she doesn't even give a fuck.

ure the one obsessed with vickie richter. u always post in her threads or threads about her lmao

Vicki Richter
08-08-2007, 01:00 AM
Im not calling for the banning of HR from these forums, i just want him to stop stalking Vicki. When that happens i will happily return to Lurk mode.

I've never heard vicki complain about this "stalking" why is it you guys are getting more upset over this then she is,she probably doesn't even care either way because she is getting her name brought up thus promoting her.All this drama is unnecessary when she doesn't even give a fuck.

ure the one obsessed with vickie richter. u always post in her threads or threads about her lmao

I thought Vicki Richter was Kelly Shore, Legend and Hondarobot.

08-08-2007, 01:10 AM
I told Legend to shut up a couple days ago. He doesn't seem to have taken the message to heart.

Shut up, Legend. Now you have a double shut up.

Vicki Richter
08-08-2007, 01:20 AM
For the record, I voted stalker.

08-08-2007, 01:29 AM
But yes, if Vicki Richter was to post "I never want to hear from Honda again", then that's what would happen.

For the record, I voted stalker.

is that clear enough HR? or do you think its just another encrypted message? :roll:

08-08-2007, 01:34 AM
It's an encrypted message. Thanks for the votes, everyone. I'm currently 4 votes away from becoming a level 20 stalker, and it's still early yet.


08-08-2007, 01:49 AM
It's an encrypted message. Thanks for the votes, everyone. I'm currently 4 votes away from becoming a level 20 stalker, and it's still early yet.


your smug sarcasm wont deflect from the fact that youve been pursuing her for 2 years now, even though its been clear for many months that your attention is unwanted. every time youre called on it, you either change the subject or crack jokes instead of confronting the problem. :roll:

08-08-2007, 02:23 AM
This is intended for forum members that have followed the situation over the years. If you don't know, then please read up first.


FYI - I decided to stick my nose in because I'm a member of Vicki's forum.
I arrived late to the situation, but the gist of it was Honda gets mean when he drinks. He threatened another member, and has called Vicki a bitch among other things...all resulting in his being banned from her forum.
I have a sister. I'm very close to her, and have gotten her perspective on what it's like being harassed by guys that think they're being charming. I also used to be an activist, and learned the concept of silence equals complicity. In other words, I speak up here because I think the guy has crossed the line of acceptable behavior. So what do you think?

To me, Vicki is entertaining because she's smart and playful. But for years her attempts to interact here have been marred by this guy adding his two cents to her every post. This is a place where the girls can come to socialize and promote themselves. I say ban him.

ok, now that ive made my way through those two threads suckseed provided.... i have to say, i am a relative newbie. i see hondarobots posts every now and then, they make not much sense to me.

but, yeah, what hondaobot does regarding vickie richter is stalking. i dont get it, why not leave her alone. doesnt that guy have no self-respect? if i get the finger from a girl i just walk away.....

i am too proud to beg and/or stalk......

08-08-2007, 02:45 AM
w00t! I hit 19, not quite 20, but we shall see tomorrow.

Keep those votes coming, I'm interested in what the level cap is.

08-08-2007, 03:50 AM
He's definitely a stalker, but shouldn't be banned because of it. To do that would only cause suffering for other people in his town, as police officers would soon be called out to talk him down from the roof of some tall building, creating a traffic nightmare that could have easily been avoided were he simply allowed to keep posting idiotic comments.

08-08-2007, 04:05 AM
Heh. You guys are really kicking my ass here. This is brutal.

Keep it coming, I bet I can hit Stalker 30 tonight.

08-08-2007, 04:19 AM
About two weeks ago, I think Vicki posted a message how she was leaving the forum.

Therefore, Vicki's HA account has been hijacked and its an imposter (Honda Robot) who's posting messages from from her.

Yes, Honda and Vicki are the same person... HA Fight Club.

08-08-2007, 04:31 AM
Well, that didn't really make any sense, and it wasn't even amusing. That was just stupid.

Join the Legion Of Doom that's chasing me around. If you all worked together, you could possibly pull something off. I'm not sure what that would be, but keep trying.


08-08-2007, 05:33 AM
Im not calling for the banning of HR from these forums, i just want him to stop stalking Vicki. When that happens i will happily return to Lurk mode.

I've never heard vicki complain about this "stalking" why is it you guys are getting more upset over this then she is,she probably doesn't even care either way because she is getting her name brought up thus promoting her.All this drama is unnecessary when she doesn't even give a fuck.

ure the one obsessed with vickie richter. u always post in her threads or threads about her lmao

I thought Vicki Richter was Kelly Shore, Legend and Hondarobot.

Yah, I posted in regards to Kelly Shore. Who cares? Good night. What the hell does that have to do anything? Goofball.

08-08-2007, 05:48 AM
This is stupid. I'm done. I don't give a shit one way or the other.

08-08-2007, 05:50 AM
It's because you can't compete, and you shouldn't have tried.


08-08-2007, 06:56 AM
It's because you can't compete, and you shouldn't have tried.


For a guy that had to take a fucking bus, spent all his money and still couldn't get laid, you're pretty smug. What have you won? The ability to continue to make a fool of yourself. Yay, Bonzo!! :claps

08-08-2007, 07:00 AM
I won you as a toy.


08-08-2007, 07:17 AM
For a guy that had to take a fucking bus, spent all his money and still couldn't get laid, you're pretty smug. What have you won? The ability to continue to make a fool of yourself. Yay, Bonzo!! :claps

Imagine getting his resume and reading:

1999-2007- Chief Cum Swabber for Minneapolis gay night club. Never sought advancement, loved the job, and the hours it kept me from drowning in whiskey and beer.

2006- Moonlighted as a Ninja for a Crack Whore. Didn't get laid for my troubles, but at least local pimps know my address.

2005- Bus passenger accross the Great Plains to the desert Southwest to meet my dream girl. We drink to much, and I attempt to blow a passed out TS. Didn't suckseed ( :D ). She was embarrassed and left, I was in my glory.

Hey Honda, is this clear enough-

For the record, I voted stalker.

08-08-2007, 07:27 AM
A pretty odd timeline. What was up with the ninja part? That was bizarre.

I give you an C+ for effort. That was interesting that you would put some effort into something like that. Good job.

08-08-2007, 07:38 AM
Anybody else want to take a shot at me? Do it.

I'm going to bed in five minutes.

08-08-2007, 07:42 AM
A pretty odd timeline. What was up with the ninja part? That was bizarre.

Let me refresh that booze-soaked BB inside your skull, stalker

Soooo, I go out drinking yesterday with my buddy Weebo around 3pm. We hung out on the patio at the Monte Carlo with a mutual friend who is currently making a small fortune on ebay. We drank and told stories and had a great time, but after six beers it was time to move on.

We made our way to the Hilton hotel, Weebo is seeing a girl at the moment who's a waitress there. She hooked us up with food, whiskey and beer and we had fun, talking too loud and irritating the people in the bar. We left eventually, and this is where memory fails me for a brief time.

I ended up back in my apartment with a hooker. Not an escort or anything fancy, just a reasonably attractive, early 20's, kinda nervous street hooker. I don't pick up hookers at all, actually, so this was somewhat odd, but what the hell? I don't remember meeting her either, but these things happen. I got us both some drinks and we sat and talked on my couch, then there was a knock on my door.

This goofy guy with glasses walked in and did just what a person would expect him to do, and I laughed at him. He was getting tough, talking shit, and I told him "Shut the fuck up! You're not talking to Joe Lunchbox here. I know this fuckin game and you've been on at least three security cameras just coming up here. I'm going to hang out with your girl, have some drinks, and you're going to walk the fuck away or I'm going to stick a fucking sword in your eye and the cops will call it self defense."

I showed him the sword that I intended to use if things got ugly.

He didn't have anything to say in response, and he left. So I hung out with the girl, although right now I have no idea what we talked about. At the moment half of my bottle of whiskey is gone, and there is an empty can of Miller Genuine Draft next to my sink (she must of had it in her pocket), so I imagine we blabbed for quite awhile. I asked her what her rate was at some point, and she said $30 for a blowjob. I gave her $40, kissed her on the forehead, and told her to stay away from that dipshit pimp, and that I thought she was a very sweet girl. And no, there was no sex (although I did play with her tits for awhile, she had nice tits).

And then she left.

Somewhat strange evening.

I don't know why I'm posting this. It's a true story, and it happened last night. Just one of those things.

The moral: Guys, always be nice to girls, even if they drink Miller Genuine Draft. Cute girls are good people. And if a pimp tries to shake you down, it's good to have a weapon nearby (although, in my case, it's not even a real sword, but work with what you have).

Huh? It's actually a 100% true story. Since these little chapters of my life irritate you so much, he's what happened yesterday (and I admittedly have a pretty odd life, but as I said it's all true):

So I go and eat breakfast, and am walking home when I hear a girl yell my name. It's the hooker. She says she left her cigarettes at my place and wanted to get them. Great.

We walk back to my apartment and she doesn't seem to be too keen on leaving, so I be a nice guy and offer her a drink. We talk about this and that, she want's to buy some crack. I tell her I'll give her $40, but she has to promise to try and kick the habit after that. She agrees and starts calling up dealers. She runs outside, scores when one of her connections gets in the neighborhood, and comes back up.

So I spent most of yesterday with a hooker, drinking whiskey, while she told me about her life and smoked crack on my couch. Once again, no sex, no desire for any, but she left and said she was going into treatment (hey, maybe she will) and was going to turn her life around.

I read this stuff myself and think "what the hell! That shit is complete crap!" but it's honestly all true. I live a strange life, and from now on (although she was a nice enough girl and we had some decent conversation) I will be avoiding certain parts of my neighborhood.

And holy hell, am I hung over right now. Drinking with a street hooker is a little bit of a challenge. . .

08-08-2007, 07:45 AM
That was great, Oli.

You kicked alot of ass there.

08-08-2007, 11:37 AM
I almost went and voted Stalker, then I thought about it:

his antics seem more like Jr. High first time Puppylove..... so i went with the love choice...

funny thread

08-08-2007, 02:17 PM
You know, the thing about the intermowed is that there's a certain level of anonymity involved which allows some folks to act online in a manner that they wouldn't dream of in real life.

Hondarobot isn't the only person on here that acts in a less than decorous manner - given the right opportunity, I'd probably post something that comes across as completely delusional, combative, idiotic or whatever.

Vicki seems completely capable of handling whatever silly shit is directed her way and I see no need to vote on a ban.

That said, some of HR's past threads have a level of surrealism about them that really makes me question his assumptions of other folks' gullibility.

Still, it beats reading another "w00t!! Trannies R hawt!" post.

08-08-2007, 03:05 PM
im just glad that HR doesnt know where Vicki lives or there is no odubt in my mind that he would be paying her an unwanted/unexpected visit one of these nights.

Couldn't agree more. Apart from the odubt bit ;-)

A ban seems harsh though, if for no other reason than that the "Joe Lunchbox" line has given me plenty of laughs :-D Is there any way of banning Honda just from threads authored by Vicki? But leaving him otherwise free to participate in the rest of the forum?

It seems that Vicki has a real knack for starting interesting topics, e.g. the Sperm Sucking one, etc., but they invariably get hijacked by Honda (and then Suckseed) and go quickly off topic.

08-08-2007, 03:28 PM
Level 23. I have to admit, I was hoping for at least 30 this morning.


08-08-2007, 04:33 PM
Insanity...Pure Insanity!!!!! But, I'm sure Crimson Raider would have you drawn, quartered, gutted and your head displayed on a pole on London bridge(the one in AZ), HR. This attack seems kinda lame. :smh

08-08-2007, 05:25 PM
Crimson Raider already did that. He banned me until the year 1974 rolls around again (last time I checked). Naturally, I could get my hands on a Klingon Bird Of Prey, fly rapidly around the sun, and thwart his efforts, but I am morally opposed to messing with the time/space continuum.

Honestly, people should cut him some slack over there. He's had to deal with jackasses such as myself in the past. I can't imagine it's an easy job.

Hannibal Lecter
08-08-2007, 05:39 PM
Insanity...Pure Insanity!!!!! But, I'm sure Crimson Raider would have you drawn, quartered, gutted and your head displayed on a pole on London bridge(the one in AZ), HR. This attack seems kinda lame. :smh


However, I think that those "protectors" are even worse kind of stalkers
then the other kind. They are "protecting" their victims all the time
in hope to someday and somehow grab her. And the day you want to get rid of them, that day
you realize how serious the hidden threat from them really is. With HR you at
least know what the deal is. And even that guy, Crimson is probalby one of those
sick protectors, spending all of his free time on her site, etc.. Pure obsession.
The day Vicky is going to try to get rid of those "friends", that day I would like
to wish her a good luck. And the biggest mistake You can do is to come closer to such
individuals, reveal info about your address, phone number, etc.. Not smart at all..

Believe me, the worst stalker is a stalker who really cares about you, who's like a parent to you..

08-08-2007, 06:06 PM
Insanity...Pure Insanity!!!!! But, I'm sure Crimson Raider would have you drawn, quartered, gutted and your head displayed on a pole on London bridge(the one in AZ), HR. This attack seems kinda lame. :smh


However, I think that those "protectors" are even worse kind of stalkers
then the other kind. They are "protecting" their victims all the time
in hope to someday and somehow grab her. And the day you want to get rid of them, that day
you realize how serious the hidden threat from them really is. With HR you at
least know what the deal is. And even that guy, Crimson is probalby one of those
sick protectors, spending all of his free time on her site, etc.. Pure obsession.
The day Vicky is going to try to get rid of those "friends", that day I would like
to wish her a good luck. And the biggest mistake You can do is to come closer to such
individuals, reveal info about your address, phone number, etc.. Not smart at all..

Believe me, the worst stalker is a stalker who really cares about you, who's like a parent to you..

And what does that make you, Superman? You're f'in pathetic, you come back again and again under...how many names now?

Corvette Dude, you're something else yourself. You make this about Crimson when I'm trying to help Vicki? When you've read Honda's old posts and know the side that the others here never get to see? Because you have a bone to pick with Crimson? Classy.

If Vicki chooses not to confront Honda, that's her decision. I am utterly sick of the whole situation. I'm embarrassed that I've involved myself this much. She has never asked me to or encouraged me - this was all my doing. I'm done.

Furthermore, I'm coming to the realization that I've only been hanging out here in spite of the theme of the board. I'm freaking tired of the subject matter. And that does a disservice to those who truly care. Good luck to most people here. Bad vibes to the haters and flakes. Actually...hope you evolve.
Honda...this picture's for you.

Hannibal Lecter
08-08-2007, 06:31 PM
Insanity...Pure Insanity!!!!! But, I'm sure Crimson Raider would have you drawn, quartered, gutted and your head displayed on a pole on London bridge(the one in AZ), HR. This attack seems kinda lame. :smh


However, I think that those "protectors" are even worse kind of stalkers
then the other kind. They are "protecting" their victims all the time
in hope to someday and somehow grab her. And the day you want to get rid of them, that day
you realize how serious the hidden threat from them really is. With HR you at
least know what the deal is. And even that guy, Crimson is probalby one of those
sick protectors, spending all of his free time on her site, etc.. Pure obsession.
The day Vicky is going to try to get rid of those "friends", that day I would like
to wish her a good luck. And the biggest mistake You can do is to come closer to such
individuals, reveal info about your address, phone number, etc.. Not smart at all..

Believe me, the worst stalker is a stalker who really cares about you, who's like a parent to you..

And what does that make you, Superman? You're f'in pathetic, you come back again and again under...how many names now?

Corvette Dude, you're something else yourself. You make this about Crimson when I'm trying to help Vicki? When you've read Honda's old posts and know the side that the others here never get to see? Because you have a bone to pick with Crimson? Classy.

If Vicki chooses not to confront Honda, that's her decision. I am utterly sick of the whole situation. I'm embarrassed that I've involved myself this much. She has never asked me to or encouraged me - this was all my doing. I'm done.

Furthermore, I'm coming to the realization that I've only been hanging out here in spite of the theme of the board. I'm freaking tired of the subject matter. And that does a disservice to those who truly care. Good luck to most people here. Bad vibes to the haters and flakes. Actually...hope you evolve.
Honda...this picture's for you.


Well, I'm honored, my friend. Thanks for the compliments.
But please, do not care about me too much, it's kind of scarrrrry..

08-08-2007, 07:20 PM
Another dramatic exit from HA. Did anybody ever find out what band that guy use to be in? I'll head over to First Ave on my lunch break and deface their star.


08-08-2007, 09:55 PM
Insanity...Pure Insanity!!!!! But, I'm sure Crimson Raider would have you drawn, quartered, gutted and your head displayed on a pole on London bridge(the one in AZ), HR. This attack seems kinda lame. :smh this thread has nothing to do with crimson raider so maybe you need to take it up with him?

Crimson Raider already did that. He banned me until the year 1974 rolls around again it wouldnt be due to incidents like this would it? http://www.vickirichter.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=409&hl=

However, I think that those "protectors" are even worse kind of stalkers
then the other kind. They are "protecting" their victims all the time
in hope to someday and somehow grab her.it sounds like youre describing HR. he's defended her countless times. (often against Legend) im very much a realist and know that i wont be scoring those type of brownie points with VR and i dont expect anything from her. HR on the other hand believes that VR will someday "come around" to his way of thinking no matter how much she ignores him. the point is that this type of obsessive delusional thinking often can lead to violence. hopefully it never will in this case.

RunsWithScissors wrote:
im just glad that HR doesnt know where Vicki lives or there is no odubt in my mind that he would be paying her an unwanted/unexpected visit one of these nights.

Couldn't agree more. Apart from the odubt bit Wink

A ban seems harsh though i didn't call for his banning though i wouldnt lose any sleep over it either. before you feel too sorry for him, know that he has called for the banning of others. :wink:



here are some more fun links


page 7-9 of this thread


secret trasmissions & encrypted messages :wink: http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=20944&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=hondarobot+tardbot&start=0

i think im pretty much done with this thread since i feel the point has been made. ill let the poll result speak for itself. the majority agree that he is a stalker. the 2nd highest majority feel he should be banned.

enough said.

08-08-2007, 10:09 PM
Make it stop!

08-08-2007, 10:56 PM
Insanity...Pure Insanity!!!!! But, I'm sure Crimson Raider would have you drawn, quartered, gutted and your head displayed on a pole on London bridge(the one in AZ), HR. This attack seems kinda lame. :smh this thread has nothing to do with crimson raider so maybe you need to take it up with him?

Crimson Raider already did that. He banned me until the year 1974 rolls around again it wouldnt be due to incidents like this would it? http://www.vickirichter.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=409&hl=

However, I think that those "protectors" are even worse kind of stalkers
then the other kind. They are "protecting" their victims all the time
in hope to someday and somehow grab her.it sounds like youre describing HR. he's defended her countless times. (often against Legend) im very much a realist and know that i wont be scoring those type of brownie points with VR and i dont expect anything from her. HR on the other hand believes that VR will someday "come around" to his way of thinking no matter how much she ignores him. the point is that this type of obsessive delusional thinking often can lead to violence. hopefully it never will in this case.

RunsWithScissors wrote:
im just glad that HR doesnt know where Vicki lives or there is no odubt in my mind that he would be paying her an unwanted/unexpected visit one of these nights.

Couldn't agree more. Apart from the odubt bit Wink

A ban seems harsh though i didn't call for his banning though i wouldnt lose any sleep over it either. before you feel too sorry for him, know that he has called for the banning of others. :wink:



here are some more fun links


page 7-9 of this thread


secret trasmissions & encrypted messages :wink: http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=20944&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=hondarobot+tardbot&start=0

i think im pretty much done with this thread since i feel the point has been made. ill let the poll result speak for itself. the majority agree that he is a stalker. the 2nd highest majority feel he should be banned.

enough said.

Wow. Yup, your lengthy and obsessive post has definately proven that I am deranged. This thread is, at times, the most unitentionally hysterical thing I've seen posted here in a Loooooong time.

I am disappointed that I have yet to ding level 30 in stalking, though. Maybe you guys could give me some pointers.


08-08-2007, 11:19 PM
I remember 1974. Cheap weed,loose women,it was a good year.

08-09-2007, 01:16 AM
Make it stop!

Yah, now we're all getting goofy. It must be the heat.

I dunno, I was going to pick the fool-in-love option, but then I voted "Stalker" just to see what kind of prize he wins when it tips thirty votes (I may earn this dubious distinction someday, so it is useful research).

There's been a couple of times when I asked HR to cool his jets in relation to ongoing threads here in HA but they were as effective as any virtual bitch-slapping could be. We then did the bear-hug, gotcha-noogie, slurring "Iluvyamannn" grabitch and moved on to our next mug-o-whatever.

I've been the obsessed stalker route at times and look back on it with one of those "Ewrg! That wasn't me, was it?" reactions. Took me about ten years to shake one loose and see, in the clearness of hindsight, that she was a heavily addicted psycho (Though an incredibly =GORGEOUS= heavily addicted psycho).

Um...<Thinking>...This is not to say that Vicki is one of those (Except for the gorgeous part), just that, when looking back, it was pretty clear that we weren't meant for each other. Had I possessed the reason to buy a clue and see that she was clearly not interested from the start, it would have saved me a lot of time, aggrivation, and heartache and, most certainly would have made me appear far less of an ASS in the eyes of my friends and associates at the time.

So, Honda (And I'm saying this in the friendliest way I can), you ASS, here's your twenty-eighth and a tip-o-the hat to your coming thirtieth. Good luck, buddy. :roll:

08-09-2007, 01:59 AM
OK, let's just end this current nonsense. I do not stalk Vicki Richter, never have. I'm not obsessed with her, nor am I imagining that we have some sort of secret relationship. I have known her, online, for 3 years this October. I have had extensive communication with her on forums, via email, via msg, via phone, and in person. I was a major contributor to her Yahoo site, was the 88th member on her forums, ran a lengthy blog (that I deleted regularily, heh). We had one date, not a "date", but a date. I do not visit any of her sites or attempt to communicate with her in any way currently. I generally don't even post in her threads here anymore.

I do not understand why I'm seemingly getting attacked out of the blue, almost constantly, when if anyone was to have paid attention, they'd see I've always been one of the most positive members of this forum.

I luv VR a bunch, always have. Do I think I'll be in an actual relationship with her someday? Very unlikely. We're very different people, live half a country apart, and she can honestly do much, much better then me as far as men go. That's just the truth. I hope the best for her in life. She's a porn superstar and a beautiful girl, I'm just some guy.

I do find it funny when a bunch of HA members seem to smell blood in the water, and turn on me to try and curry favor with her. Hypocrites and phoneys, I can't stand 'em. That's all there is to it. If the opportunity presented itself for me to ask her out again, yes I'd do it. But who knows if that's ever going to happen? I don't, and I'm not going to do anything crazy to pursue that.

Oh, and thanks B1, one more to go til stalker lvl 30!

08-09-2007, 02:06 AM
That's the exact kind of verbiage I would expect a stalker to use.

08-09-2007, 03:33 AM
That's the exact kind of verbiage I would expect a stalker to use.

I continue to get my ass handed to me. Another brutal and effective attack.


08-09-2007, 06:17 AM
Well, HR, I didn't read all seven pages...got better things to do...and I don't think any of the options fits. Annoying? Maybe on ocassion, but who isn't? A stalker? Well, I think that distinction would be Vicki's to make (has she gone to court for a restraining order?). A fool? Nah. In love? Maybe, but so what? Ban him? Whatever for?

08-09-2007, 06:33 AM
Thanks, E. That was cool.

08-09-2007, 06:42 AM
You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Don't make me call your mothers! Leave the boy alone.

08-09-2007, 06:49 AM
You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Don't make me call your mothers! Leave the boy alone.

Don't worry about these guys, Aly. I've had a nail stuck in my head, been punched in the face by a golden gloves boxer, all kinds of crazy shit.

You're a sweetheart. I will deal with these fuckers.

08-09-2007, 07:18 AM
Nobody wants to hear the "nail stuck in the head" story? That's a good one. It didn't pierce my skull, but it was still pretty interesting.


08-09-2007, 08:14 AM
I do.

As for the Golden Gloves they let in anyone who signs up and passes the physical. Hell,I was in the Golden Gloves and I couldn't hit the ground with a bucket of rocks.

I did once wrestle a bear for 25 bucks. Top that.

08-09-2007, 03:45 PM
I do.

As for the Golden Gloves they let in anyone who signs up and passes the physical. Hell,I was in the Golden Gloves and I couldn't hit the ground with a bucket of rocks.

I did once wrestle a bear for 25 bucks. Top that.

Yeah, the Golden Gloves guy was fast, but he didn't hit very hard. I vote for hearing the bear wrestling story.

08-09-2007, 10:50 PM
honda is no more annoying than many other posters..

and stalker is a harsh word to use, especially if the "stalked" have the means to put a stop to it at any given time

im sure we all have one person or another that we "admire"....honda just admires in his own way...

and if we took the nail out his head, he just wouldn't be the same...kinda like when homer got the crayon from his brain removed..

i say ban him

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/CCIfZ77owno"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/CCIfZ77owno" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

08-09-2007, 10:58 PM
There appears to be a whole lot of upset, spoiled little children flapping their lips in this thread. Based on what I've read posted by many of you, I hope you don't live in glass houses.

08-10-2007, 12:26 AM
There appears to be a whole lot of upset, spoiled little children flapping their lips in this thread. Based on what I've read posted by many of you, I hope you don't live in glass houses.

Technically, they'd be wiggling their fingerbones.

And I DO live in a glass house.... well MOSTLY glass anyway.

08-10-2007, 12:35 AM
For God's sake, would somebody lock this thread! It's been on the first page for two fuckin days now. The poll stands at 31 votes for "stalker". I accept the opinion of the majority.

I am sick of seeing this damn thread, though. Anybody who had anything further to say on this topic, I am sure, has by now said it.

08-10-2007, 02:16 AM
honda is no more annoying than many other posters..

and stalker is a harsh word to use, especially if the "stalked" have the means to put a stop to it at any given time

im sure we all have one person or another that we "admire"....honda just admires in his own way...

and if we took the nail out his head, he just wouldn't be the same...kinda like when homer got the crayon from his brain removed..

i say ban him

lmao That was the funniest post of all. :lol:

08-10-2007, 02:17 AM
For God's sake, would somebody lock this thread! It's been on the first page for two fuckin days now. The poll stands at 31 votes for "stalker". I accept the opinion of the majority.

I am sick of seeing this damn thread, though. Anybody who had anything further to say on this topic, I am sure, has by now said it.

Don't know VR. Don't care to.

Dont know Honda. Don't care to.

Read just enough of this history between the 2 of them to to clearly see that Honda stalks VR and she friggin loves it. If she didn't she would have stopped it. She's not stupid nor unable to put the cabash on any issue that truly troubles her.

THey both do it because it provokes response, then sit back and laugh while the feeding frenzy continues.

I didn't vote. Don't give a rat's ass.

08-10-2007, 02:36 AM
For God's sake, would somebody lock this thread! It's been on the first page for two fuckin days now. The poll stands at 31 votes for "stalker". I accept the opinion of the majority.

I am sick of seeing this damn thread, though. Anybody who had anything further to say on this topic, I am sure, has by now said it.

Don't know VR. Don't care to.

Dont know Honda. Don't care to.

Read just enough of this history between the 2 of them to to clearly see that Honda stalks VR and she friggin loves it. If she didn't she would have stopped it. She's not stupid nor unable to put the cabash on any issue that truly troubles her.

THey both do it because it provokes response, then sit back and laugh while the feeding frenzy continues.

I didn't vote. Don't give a rat's ass.

lol,give this man a prize.

08-10-2007, 04:58 AM
I do.

As for the Golden Gloves they let in anyone who signs up and passes the physical. Hell,I was in the Golden Gloves and I couldn't hit the ground with a bucket of rocks.

I did once wrestle a bear for 25 bucks. Top that.

Yeah, the Golden Gloves guy was fast, but he didn't hit very hard. I vote for hearing the bear wrestling story.

I played football for little piss-ant college. A nearby town had televised "Big Time Rasslin' " on Saturday nights. They had a muzzled black bear in a cage you could wrestle for money between matches. You got 25 bucks for every 30 seconds with the bear,who's name was "Clarence". If you lasted 3 minutes with Clarence you got 500 bucks.

Everybody on the team had to wrestle the bear. The team record was a hair over two minutes.

Felicia Katt
08-10-2007, 05:08 AM
and I thougt wrestiling the bear was a euphemism for masturbation LOL



08-10-2007, 05:13 AM
You wrestled a bear, that's an interesting story. I don't find the way you told it interesting, though. I'm not being a jerk. I just think a story like that could use some more detail.

What did the bear look like? What were you thinking? What exactly happened? What were the surroundings? Things like that.

I'd like to hear this tale again, but with some gusto. It sounds like it could be a great story.

08-10-2007, 06:02 AM
Imagine being Rosie O'Donnell's prom date. That'd be close.

08-10-2007, 06:11 AM
Imagine being Rosie O'Donnell's prom date. That'd be close.

Oh, come on. Now I'm going to have to post either the Nail In The Head story, or the Golden Gloves Boxer one, just to show ya how to tell a good story. Maybe Saturday.

I would like to hear a good bear wrestling story, though. That sounds pretty funny.

Solitary Brother
08-10-2007, 06:25 AM
I like honda.
Fuck Vicki and the rest of the girls!
They owe their existence on guys like Honda.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Besides.......you cant blame a guy for trying to tap that VERY VERY phat ass.
I mean her ASS is so GREAT.............
Even I could be hypnotized by an ass like that.
PLUS she not a motor mouth like most trannies.......a big PLUS in my book.
You girls kill me though...........but im not hatin' or nothing like that.

08-10-2007, 06:31 AM
Nobody owes me anything. Nobody ever will. That's a absurd statement.

Solitary Brother
08-10-2007, 06:32 AM
Nobody owes me anything. Nobody ever will. That's a absurd statement.
NOT really

08-10-2007, 06:53 AM
Aww, come on give the guy a break.

Besides, if you ban Honda who else is gonna have 2200+ posts and just be considered a "5 Star Poster" ??

08-10-2007, 07:23 PM
Here's me being run off by Honda

08-10-2007, 07:55 PM
Here's me being run off by Honda


08-10-2007, 08:18 PM
Here's me being run off by Honda

TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL :!: :!: :!: :!:

Actually, I just had pizza. Welcome back SS. Behave yourself.

08-10-2007, 08:27 PM
Head like a watermelon.