View Full Version : 7 Black Muslims Arrested in Death of Newspaper Editor

08-04-2007, 05:09 PM
7 Arrested in Death of Oakland Newspaper Editor

OAKLAND, Calif., Aug. 3 — A day after a prominent newspaper editor was shot to death downtown, the police here on Friday arrested seven men and seized several weapons that they suspected were used in his killing and those of two other men.

Oakland police officials said they suspected that the men were part of a group operating “a very violent criminal enterprise” out of a neighborhood bakery.

The arrests came after a predawn raid by SWAT teams at the bakery, the Your Black Muslim Bakery, and three bakery-owned properties, where the police found several firearms, including the gun they believe was used to kill the editor, Chauncey Bailey, of the weekly Oakland Post.

Mr. Bailey, 57, was shot several times at close range on Thursday morning at a busy intersection near the Alameda County courthouse here. He had been working on an article for the newspaper about possible links between the bakery and several killings in the area, said Walter Riley, a lawyer for the newspaper’s publisher, Paul Cobb.

Efforts to reach a lawyer for the bakery were unsuccessful. The phone at the bakery was disconnected.

One of seven men arrested on Friday was Yusef Bey IV, the son of the bakery’s founder, Yusef Bey, a well-known local black Muslim leader who died in 2003. The six other men arrested on Friday were not identified by the police, nor were two suspects who were still being sought.

The police said the raid came after a lengthy investigation of other crimes, including two kidnappings on a single day in May, and two killings in July that occurred in the same north Oakland neighborhood where the bakery is located. The police had connected those crimes and put the bakery under surveillance before Mr. Bailey was killed.

“During our investigation, Chauncey Bailey was murdered, and it turns out that the evidence in that case also linked the same individuals we were looking at in the other two prior murders to that case,” said Lt. Ersie Joyner of the Oakland Police Department.

Asked whether there were any regrets about not moving faster to arrest the suspects before Mr. Bailey was killed, Assistant Chief Howard Jordan said that the Oakland Police Department’s resources were “very thin” and that the long-term investigation involved the cooperation of neighboring departments.

“Today was the best day we had, that we could have done this with the coordination of our allied agencies,” Mr. Jordan said. “We weren’t just kind of waiting around.”

Mr. Jordan said it was “very disheartening” to hear about Mr. Bailey’s killing, “and it was particularly disheartening to know it was connected to our investigation.”

The bakery’s operators had been investigated by the police in the past. In 2002, the founder, Mr. Bey, was charged with rape, sodomy and lewd acts with a child under 14, stemming from accusations that he had fathered a child with a 13-year-old girl in 1982. Mr. Bey died of cancer in 2003 before his trial began.

In late 2005, several members of the group that operates the bakery, including the younger Mr. Bey, were charged in an attack at a small neighborhood grocery store, in which liquor bottles were smashed and other merchandise was destroyed. The attack was treated as a felony hate crime, the police said, because the store, which is owned by Muslims, had sold goods forbidden by Islamic law.

Lieutenant Joyner said that many residents of the neighborhood surrounding the bakery had been afraid of the Muslim group, whose members sometimes shot automatic rifles in the air in a show of intimidation. Other members of the group, the police said, flaunted their defiance of outstanding warrants on assault and gun charges.

The incident that prompted the investigation, Lieutenant Joyner said, occurred last November. The police suspect that members of the group shot up a local car; no one was injured. The gun used in that shooting was linked to the recent killings, the police said.

“They carried themselves in ways that were very disrespectful to the community, to society as well as law enforcement,” Lieutenant Joyner said.

By midafternoon, the bakery had been boarded up and closed by the city’s health department.


08-04-2007, 07:34 PM
I certainly hope that it doesn't cause any controversy. Far be it from me...

08-05-2007, 02:10 AM
Is somebody supposed to give two shits and a squirt of piss about this?

Rod la Rod
08-05-2007, 02:12 AM
I don't see the controversy here;
Child rape and sodomy, 13 year olds, yes why not? Multiple Murder, yes absolutely. Kidnapping, theft, extortion, come on guys we have all done it, yes of course.

Alcohol, hell no it is forbidden by "Islamic Law".
Seems reasonable to me.

Solitary Brother
08-05-2007, 03:11 AM
These guys are scum.
They are an offshoot of the Nation of Islam but are NOT affiliated with Minister Farrakahn.
They killed this reporter in broad daylight.
Just was muslims need right now.....more bad publicity.

08-05-2007, 03:52 AM
human behavior would be funny if it wasn't so revolting, but the reactions never cease to amuse. Today a white christian dropped a bomb on a muslims house, killed him and his whole family, shit they even got his dog and gave all his neighbors cancer from the depleted uranium.

Welcome to planet earth.

08-05-2007, 06:28 AM
what the hell happened to that other guy's responses?

Maybe he left the building by request...it's been known to happen...

08-05-2007, 06:37 AM
These guys are scum.
They are an offshoot of the Nation of Islam but are NOT affiliated with Minister Farrakahn.
They killed this reporter in broad daylight.
Just was muslims need right now.....more bad publicity.

Speaking of Farrakahn, isn't it pretty much common knowledge that he had Malcolm X iced? He's just as full of shit as the bible-bangers that own the GOP, anyway...just another latter-day Elmer Gantry fleecing the foolish....shearing the sheep...there's a sucker born every minute...and two to take him...

08-05-2007, 06:43 AM
They need to leave us alone. I personally don't give a shit what my neighbors religion but I have no desire to kill him....We have to do something and we won't for about 10 years until its gets so bad...

08-05-2007, 07:20 AM
I am a liberal or I wouldn't be on this site but I am getting fucking tired of these people hating me and killing people over religion! I personally think, fuck them all and I know that is not right but if you have so many that think that, you need to wipe out the entire religion. I went to public schools and graduated from college and never did we have a class on killing other people or building bombs.....Imagine that....I personally don't believe in the war in IRAQ. We will acomplish nothing there, just like Nam, I was there......We need to publically state that they need to leave us the fuck alone and if they don't agressively attack them. We didn't start this shit. We did not bomb their country. We need to either leave or occupy not just try to control....We never had this problem when we conquor a country as opposed to trying to babysit it...

08-05-2007, 07:56 AM
I am a liberal or I wouldn't be on this site but I am getting fucking tired of these people hating me and killing people over religion! I personally think, fuck them all and I know that is not right but if you have so many that think that, you need to wipe out the entire religion. I went to public schools and graduated from college and never did we have a class on killing other people or building bombs.....Imagine that....I personally don't believe in the war in IRAQ. We will acomplish nothing there, just like Nam, I was there......We need to publically state that they need to leave us the fuck alone and if they don't agressively attack them. We didn't start this shit. We did not bomb their country. We need to either leave or occupy not just try to control....We never had this problem when we conquor a country as opposed to trying to babysit it...

Bullshit. Our (the west's) handprints are all over the middle east, and I'm not just talking about just the last 60 years. Geez, could oil be the reason we are there?
Which country invaded Iraq killing over 650,000 of its people and currently prompting a huge refugee crisis not being reported by the mainstream press, and completely ruining the pisspoor country they had to begin with? It wasn't Iraq that was responsible for what happened on 9/11, and yet up to half of Americans think that it was or had a role in it. We make a big deal about some psycho shooting up Virginia Tech or a bridge falling, and yet that kind of carnage happens in Iraq EVERYDAY. Our own intelligence knew there were no Al Queda cells in Iraq, and now look at what has happened since Dubya's assinine unwarranted illegal invasion? What this country needs to do is get off its fuckin' high horse and stop treating the world like its backyard. If anyone needs to apologize it's the United States.

So their people over there wake up everyday to learn how to bomb us, huh? What a bunch of shit. Are they learning to bomb, destroy, and kill with our numbers yet?