View Full Version : How Lazy Are You?

Dino Velvet
07-31-2007, 02:58 AM
I admit that I am very lazy, so lazy that I brag to my friends about it and almost take pride in it. I own my own business and make pretty good money but I have a lot of extra time for nonsense.

A normal day I wake up at the crack of noon after going to bed around 4AM. When I first get up I go to the can to drop a deuce. After that strenuous activity, I barely have the motivation to start up the coffee maker and make some breakfast. After breakfast, I sit around for a few hours watching the tube or surfing the net. Now I must get ready to go to the gym so I crank out another log and jump in the shower, in that order. I like to work out at the gym so I am not lazy there. After that, I go back home and do the same thing before I went to the gym(eat, shit, tv).

I go out from time to time and have lady friends but usually I am too comfortable and lazy to get ready and leave my house. Also, the sound of the telephone usually annoys me so I don't answer it.

I don't smoke pot now but I used to. I would get so high and lazy that I would be too lazy to pack another bong hit to get higher.

I try to have some sort of daily quota for jerking off. On a good day where I might have seen some hotties at the gym or walking past my house, Punishing Percy 5 times is doable. But if I don't have at least 3 sessions, I feel like such a slacker. So, in this department, I might not be so lazy either.

The worst, most outrageous example of my lazyness is that I sit through the entire Carson Daly show because I'm too lazy to grab the remote to see what else is on.

Where are the other lazy peeps on this board?

07-31-2007, 03:20 AM
Too lazy to read the whole post.
That lazy enough? :wink:

07-31-2007, 04:18 AM
I think you have hit the jackpot on lazy...maybe getting a job would help. I noticed im less lazy when im working than when im laid off.

07-31-2007, 04:46 AM
on a side-note, Dino Velvet...great screenname! ^^

07-31-2007, 05:15 AM
pffff....do you say that and feel a sense of irony, M77? ^^

on a side-note, Dino Velvet...great screenname! ^^

Disturbing avatar though...