View Full Version : Why Men piss me off!!!!

07-30-2007, 01:36 AM
Why do men think sex is all a ts wants? Why does having a dick swinging between your legs make you Gods Gift to transexuals? I am so fed up already! And guys wonder why most ts escort. As I stated before. I don't even do it for the money anymore. I do it because its a proven fact men only will use you to get a nutt, with no concern about a girls feelings at all. And guys please, don't start jumping in and saying that you are that one guy who wouldn't, because 99% of you guys on this board only look at pic of us and jack off. Never having even dated or even seen a ts in real life. Now the conversation i am about to post happen between me and a "friend" I ddeal with every so often, only because he lied to me saying he wanted to spend time with me, and get to know me as a person. So HA here goes:
kevshit: hows it going
kevshit: u back in town i assume
tsvanessa69: k
kevshit: whats going on
tsvanessa69: nuthin
kevshit: so how u been
tsvanessa69: ok
kevshit: u want a lil fun?
tsvanessa69: yea
tsvanessa69: lets go to the movies
kevshit: not what i had in mind
tsvanessa69: thats fun
kevshit: ok more specific u want have sex together
tsvanessa69: fuckin me and running out is work
tsvanessa69: i charge for that
tsvanessa69: $250
kevshit: u used let me come over
tsvanessa69: look
tsvanessa69: u offer me nothing in life
tsvanessa69: u fuck and run
tsvanessa69: and you don't even last that long
tsvanessa69: now what the fuck is fun about that
kevshit: thought u liked my cock
kevshit: at least thast what u said
tsvanessa69: there is more to life than 2 minutes of a dik in my ass
kevshit: well im not wanting to be in realtionshpi
tsvanessa69: get back to me when you reach my level

Rod la Rod
07-30-2007, 01:45 AM
Good for you. What a jerk.

07-30-2007, 02:23 AM
Vanessa, I love your response. :wink:

He's not willing to take you to a movie or dinner,
he just wants to hit it and quit it.

Yeah, I'd say treat him like a trick.

And for the guys that are gonna chime in and say
that wouldn't do that, if they talk the talk, but
don't walk the walk, well then they're a:


07-30-2007, 02:23 AM
Vanessa, You didn't have to post our chat like that. I would appreciate it if you black out my name for anonymity. :roll:
thats not his real name, he uses a different name to IM with.
But he is a tranny chaser

07-30-2007, 02:35 AM

And the rest of us get shit for it. :roll:

07-30-2007, 02:35 AM
He really hurts my feelings. He seems like a nice guy. Young, very good looking, loves his car, he drove me and dropped me off to do a show once. But we go back and forth for 4 years. I had it already. He even got an attitude because one time I made him buy bath gel, razors for my legs, lube and condoms. I told him thats the least he could do, shit he was fuckin prime pussy for free, he had to contribute something. So I been cutting him off, and he still comes back beggin. But he not the only one. They are all the same. So they ALL got cut off. So for the last 5 months, NYC included I have only had sex with paying gentleman. With the minor exceptions of my special Papi in NYC, and a 19 year old Cuban here in Chicago. (No gal could have resisted those 2, and they are both well hung and versatile, more into pleasing me than the average guy.sorry to be petty, but they were exceptions to anyones rules. The 19 year old Cubano is considering doing a shoot with me for my site!!) But that aside, I am not gonna be used for sex anymore. I demand more, I deserve more. And if that means I become old and bitter, so be it! :twisted:

07-30-2007, 02:48 AM
hmmmmm some people :?

07-30-2007, 03:13 AM

And the rest of us get shit for it. :roll:
That's the problem. We all get tarred with the same brush...

Vanessa, I'm sorry to read of your disappointment. I am sure there are plenty of guys who just want to get laid and then run off. But equally there are plenty of us who are looking for a little more than just sex and are willing to give a little more to a girl. There are plenty who are willing and want to stay for the long haul. I hope you find someone like that someday.

07-30-2007, 03:37 AM

And the rest of us get shit for it. :roll:
That's the problem. We all get tarred with the same brush...

Vanessa, I'm sorry to read of your disappointment. I am sure there are plenty of guys who just want to get laid and then run off. But equally there are plenty of us who are looking for a little more than just sex and are willing to give a little more to a girl. There are plenty who are willing and want to stay for the long haul. I hope you find someone like that someday.
I used to believe that too.
Just reality has proven that thery wrong.
Every time I let the guard down, same shit.
I didn't post this for pity
just so guys can get an insite into how we are treated.
I have thousands more. I was lied too all last week by another guy, who promised me we were more than sex. All week, then Friday comes, and 2 hours before he was to pick me up for our date, he shut his phone off. He still hasn't turned it back on. I feel like posting his pics and number on craigslist in the men for men section. Fuck it, I still might. :twisted:

07-30-2007, 03:52 AM
U simply desire two different things
I don't condamn the guy...at least he's honest.
U talk about relationship and then what u make?
Sex for money or for free= no relationship.
It's not that different

07-30-2007, 03:58 AM
go for it i say vanessa. he deserves it. i can agree, that alot of men are pigs. i am a man too but i know the statement to be true.

i can honestly say i have ever had sex with 2 girls. both of which was relationship based. the first broke my heart as well as screwing my head up so much i didnt think i could cope with another relationship, but i met the 2nd and im still with her. love her to bits, we are engaged and have been together for just over 4 years.

there are men out there like me who actually care about a person. sure we are all sex crazy but testosterone doesnt help lol. if you wan proof of me and my fiancee go to www.myspace.com/subliminal_trauma. that is me and im not lying. to prove it i have added "HA rules" to the bottom of the about me section.

sorry to babble about mmyself, but people like him will be very lonely in life and not amount to anything

07-30-2007, 03:58 AM
Not for nothing it happens to all girls. Ironically that could be seen as your "welcome to womanhood" moment. Girls have it rough these days. But it's not everybody, just most of the more aggresive types. Thats why you always run into them, they're always the first ones to talk to you.

07-30-2007, 04:00 AM
U simply desire two different things
I don't condamn the guy...at least he's honest.
U talk about relationship and then what u make?
Sex for money or for free= no relationship.
It's not that different
You are an idiot. I treated him as a friend. He acts like a trick.
:roll: Escorting is a job fool.
You must be a bitter trick.

07-30-2007, 04:04 AM
Not for nothing it happens to all girls. Ironically that could be seen as your "welcome to womanhood" moment. Girls have it rough these days. But it's not everybody, just most of the more aggresive types. Thats why you always run into them, they're always the first ones to talk to you.
I know it does. And more girls should speak out.
I have been a woman for all my life.
My moment was the first time my mother called me "mija" in normal conversation.
I have literally thousand of the same conversation, all ages, all races.
Just today was my moment to say how pissed off I am.

07-30-2007, 04:10 AM
Not for nothing it happens to all girls. Ironically that could be seen as your "welcome to womanhood" moment. Girls have it rough these days. But it's not everybody, just most of the more aggresive types. Thats why you always run into them, they're always the first ones to talk to you.
I know it does. And more girls should speak out.
I have been a woman for all my life.
My moment was the first time my mother called me "mija" in normal conversation.
I have literally thousand of the same conversation, all ages, all races.
Just today was my moment to say how pissed off I am.I feel you. Sometimes you have to let it out. At least your open about it. No need to be old and bitter. We all get old, don't let them make you bitter.

07-30-2007, 04:34 AM

And the rest of us get shit for it. :roll:
That's the problem. We all get tarred with the same brush...

Vanessa, I'm sorry to read of your disappointment. I am sure there are plenty of guys who just want to get laid and then run off. But equally there are plenty of us who are looking for a little more than just sex and are willing to give a little more to a girl. There are plenty who are willing and want to stay for the long haul. I hope you find someone like that someday.
I used to believe that too.
Just reality has proven that thery wrong.
Every time I let the guard down, same shit.
I didn't post this for pity
just so guys can get an insite into how we are treated.
I have thousands more. I was lied too all last week by another guy, who promised me we were more than sex. All week, then Friday comes, and 2 hours before he was to pick me up for our date, he shut his phone off. He still hasn't turned it back on. I feel like posting his pics and number on craigslist in the men for men section. Fuck it, I still might. :twisted:

Do like other women do, don't give up the nookie until you know he's emotional attentive and attached to you. People value something they have to work hard for much more than something that comes to them on a silver platter.

07-30-2007, 04:50 AM
What pisses me off the most are people painting broad brushes on groups of people and people unfairly lumping me in with people you don't like.

07-30-2007, 05:07 AM

And the rest of us get shit for it. :roll:


What pisses me off the most are people painting broad brushes on groups of people and people unfairly lumping me in with people you don't like.

HEHE Again

So for the last 5 months, NYC included I have only had sex with paying gentleman. With the minor exceptions of my special Papi in NYC, and a 19 year old Cuban here in Chicago. (No gal could have resisted those 2, and they are both well hung and versatile, more into pleasing me than the average guy.sorry to be petty, but they were exceptions to anyones rules. The 19 year old Cubano is considering doing a shoot with me for my site!!) But that aside, I am not gonna be used for sex anymore.

Contradiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

IF you say you are only having sex with paying gentlemen based on mistreatment from one individual who upset you then there should be NO EXCLUDED FROM THAT MENTALITY FUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And to be honest women do shit like this to men all the time. Sorry, it's a fact. Sure you may have a few sympathizers replying praising you for this contradictory behavior but let's face the facts. WOMEN in general can jump in bed with a guy and go home and act like it never happened, and IF the guy they are interested in finds out they can DENY the shit and the guy is caught between a rock and a hard place because let's face it he's invested man hours into that pussy and she's seconds away from killing all that work.

So what if you got shitted on by someone for 3 years and 11 months, that's 3 years and 11 months that you KNEW he was not there mentally for a relationship YET YOU decided to stick with him, thinking he'd break or change. Puhlease........................ you did that to yourself. And now you're bitter with rage because he's giving you nothing, but the joke is if he called right now and said let's sit down and talk 20 minutes later you'd be stripping and trying to fuck him on the couch, dining room table, kitchen sink, etc. so cut the shit.

I'm not trying to come off mean or uncaring I'm just tired of WOMEN (GG or TS) saying men ain't shit when it takes two people to make a relationship work.......................

07-30-2007, 05:16 AM
That's very true. Some people don't want to compromise any part of themselves, and they shouldn't. There's nothing wrong with a person just being content in not having a relationship.

A person could rule the world. . . but then what would you do?

07-30-2007, 05:18 AM
go for it i say vanessa. he deserves it. i can agree, that alot of men are pigs. i am a man too but i know the statement to be true.

i can honestly say i have ever had sex with 2 girls. both of which was relationship based. the first broke my heart as well as screwing my head up so much i didnt think i could cope with another relationship, but i met the 2nd and im still with her. love her to bits, we are engaged and have been together for just over 4 years.

there are men out there like me who actually care about a person. sure we are all sex crazy but testosterone doesnt help lol. if you wan proof of me and my fiancee go to www.myspace.com/subliminal_trauma. that is me and im not lying. to prove it i have added "HA rules" to the bottom of the about me section.

sorry to babble about mmyself, but people like him will be very lonely in life and not amount to anything

is your fiancee transgendered? if not, does she know of your interest in transgender women?

07-30-2007, 05:20 AM
So what if you got shitted on by someone for 3 years and 11 months, that's 3 years and 11 months that you KNEW he was not there mentally for a relationship YET YOU decided to stick with him, thinking he'd break or change. Puhlease........................ you did that to yourself.

This is precisely what I thought when I first read the initial post, only I was too lazy to type a lengthy response. With all due respect, TsVanessa69, it seems like you are working very hard to avoid personal responsibility in this matter. Frankly, all of this says far more about your judgment than anything else.


07-30-2007, 05:20 AM
At least give the man credit for saying exactly what he wanted. He could've jerked you around.

07-30-2007, 05:23 AM
LOL, the chatroom is open for business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-30-2007, 05:33 AM

And the rest of us get shit for it. :roll:
That's the problem. We all get tarred with the same brush...

Vanessa, I'm sorry to read of your disappointment. I am sure there are plenty of guys who just want to get laid and then run off. But equally there are plenty of us who are looking for a little more than just sex and are willing to give a little more to a girl. There are plenty who are willing and want to stay for the long haul. I hope you find someone like that someday.

I used to believe that too.
Just reality has proven that thery wrong.
Every time I let the guard down, same shit.

All of the above is true.

A lot of guys are dicks or only think with them. Whether you're a ts or a gg, it's the same.

And on the flip side, there are just as many guys that want a relationship...but the girls don't give them a chance because they've been hurt so much by the guys who are dicks.

So, the girls get bitter, don't trust, and treat the good guys like shit (lying, cheating, scamming) and the guys get bitter and blahblahblah...a neverending story...

btw, i'd like to give a shoutout to all the closeted and married lurkers out there! grow a pair!

07-30-2007, 05:39 AM
'm not trying to come off mean or uncaring I'm just tired of WOMEN (GG or TS) saying men ain't shit when it takes two people to make a relationship work.......................[/b]


07-30-2007, 06:27 AM
... 99% of you guys on this board only look at pic of us and jack off. Never having even dated or even seen a ts in real life.

Hi Vanessa.

I'm proud to be in the 1% who have seen a TS in 'real life' :wink:

I have also had the wonderful experience of falling madly in love with a TS girl, spending countless hours with her, talking about life and love etc, while her phone stayed "off the hook" to escape the endless monotony of callers looking for quick bang.

Alas, the wonderful creature broke my heart :cry: ... She ended our relationship because she didn't feel she could be my partner and still escort. I didn't ask her to stop, mind you. She just felt it wasn't fair to me. I was completely contented to spend time with her... kissing, talking, laughing and playing. Her smile, her voice, her eyes, her words... (I promised myself I wouldn't cry).

I suppose all I'm saying is that not all men are pigs, Vanessa. We don't all fall in love with a body.

Added this after seeing the following post: Obviously I can't speak for anyone but myself, and I don't wish to offend anyone for their posts or opinions. I am comfortable and confident enough to be emotionally attached to a working girl, and I know other men exist who feel the same; we're just not everywhere you look. I believe that being in a relationship with someone does not give me any right to expect my partner to modify their behaviour to satisfy my insecurities or my validate my self-constructed ideologies.

07-30-2007, 06:29 AM
You're so right JWBL, but must the obvious always be stated in these cases? If I hear one more woman talking about how she's looking for a "good" man, meanwhile she's nowhere near deserving of that which she's looking for, I'm going to go off. Not that that's what this thread is about really, but it kind of is in a way...

I have nothing against any girls who escort, and have been a client on a number of occasions. However, I would never, ever, ever, under any circumstances try to have an actual relationship with an escort. That's just too much to have to deal with on a psychological and emotional level, and while I know escorts, being people, would like the companionship of a person who truly loves them the same as most anybody, I think it's asking way too much of most people to expect them to be able to deal with the baggage being brought to their door, personally. But that's just me. Good luck and best wishes on finding those people who don't give a shit what you do for a living...

07-30-2007, 06:39 AM
The thing for me about dating an escort is if they ever wanted to talk about their job or customers - and women I've been with always need their man to listen to them get things off their chest from work - and I wouldn't want to hear it. Too much information. Next thing you know, you'd be accused of not caring about them.

07-30-2007, 07:07 AM
For the most part guys treat women the way the deserve to be treated. You don’t see guys running up to nuns hitting on them trying to get laid. Vanessa your and escort with a porn site so that’s how guys are going to treat you. Of course they are going to try to get sex for free why pay for it if they can get it for free. How can you expect any guy to want to be in a relationship with and escort that’s just crazy. You get what you deserve.

07-30-2007, 07:38 AM
Why do men think sex is all a ts wants? Why does having a dick swinging between your legs make you Gods Gift to transexuals? I am so fed up already! And guys wonder why most ts escort.

They are all the same. So they ALL got cut off. So for the last 5 months, NYC included I have only had sex with paying gentleman. With the minor exceptions of my special Papi in NYC, and a 19 year old Cuban here in Chicago. (No gal could have resisted those 2, and they are both well hung and versatile, more into pleasing me than the average guy.sorry to be petty, but they were exceptions to anyones rules. The 19 year old Cubano is considering doing a shoot with me for my site!!) But that aside, I am not gonna be used for sex anymore. I demand more, I deserve more. And if that means I become old and bitter, so be it! :twisted:

Are you listening to yourself Vanessa? I thought your point has some legitimacy, then you go on about not be able to resist some well-hung Cuban dude barely out of high school. C'mon! You also talked about this guy having to give you something, because he's getting "primo pussy". Give me a break! I also have to agree with the points the other guys have been making about men's willingness to become romantically involved with a women who makes her money in the sex trade, be it stripping, escorting or pornos. The psychology of a man can't deal with that, so you will get treated accordingly. I personally do not agree with lying and deception, to get a women into bed. I remember an escort getting mad at me, at one of Allanah's parties, for not wanting to take things in a normal romantic direction. Funny thing, she wanted me to spend the night with her and I declined, then she asked to met me at my workplace the next day for lunch or something, I declined again, then she cursed me out and stormed off. Say if I had sex with her that night, knowing how she felt, I would have been foul right? However, I declined her offer, then still caught the wrath. Sure, maybe she was mad that I didn't want her coming to my place of work and she's right. She was passable, but I'm a private person and don't even give GG's too much access, until I can see our relationship going to the next level. I don't need a psycho in front of my job, cursing me out and exposing my sex life for all to see. When women are pissed at you, some can get downright vindictive and I have to know your character well enough, before I give you access to my coworkers, friends and family.

In conclusion Vanessa, I think you need to do some self-evaluation and stop making this just the man's issue. I have a women at my job who is always bitching about men, yet she only likes thug types who can fuck her all night. So, it's no suprise you end up with cheating MF's with no character. I do my thing in the bedroom, but I'm not thugged out enough for her and to be honest, she's a confused, drama queen so I wouldn't go there anyway. I have never had problems in serious relationships, because I don't allow beauty, a banging body or good sex to cloud my judgment unlike most people.

07-30-2007, 07:41 AM
For the most part guys treat women the way the [sic] deserve to be treated.

Tommy, perhaps you could rephrase by saying, "guys treat women the way guys *think* women should be treated. If guys treated women the way they *deserve*, then women would be respected regardless of ethnicity, culture, religion, or sexuality.

You don’t see guys running up to nuns hitting on them trying to get laid.

Maybe *you* don't see that happen, Tommy, but that doesn't make it reality.

Vanessa your and [sic] escort with a porn site ...

I disagree, Tommy. There is a vast distinction between Vanessa and her occupation. A person's occupation doesn't define the person. Ppl choose occupations based on a range of variables. If you were a labourer in a sheet-metal factory, would you feel offended if you were constantly perceived to be of limited intellect? Why should a sex-worker be perceived as promiscuous?

How can you expect any guy to want to be in a relationship with and escort that’s just crazy. You get what you deserve.

That's a harsh judgment, Tommy. There are many people in this world who can draw distinctions between occupation and personality. You again imply that a person should be judged by their profession.

I can't speak for Vanessa, but I can't imagine her promising her love (and heart) to every client she sees. Surely a person's identity emerges from more than how they earn income? Vanessa is a person like you and I and everyone else on this forum; as such, she deserves the same respect I (and everyone else on this forum) afford you.

Having said all this, Tommy, I respect your opinion and am interested in your response, should you be willing to offer.

07-30-2007, 08:12 AM
I also have to agree [...] about men's willingness to become romantically involved with a women [sic] who makes her money in the sex trade [...]. The psychology of a man can't deal with that, so you will get treated accordingly.

Hi beatmaker. I'm seeing a lot about the psychology of men as it relates to sex-workers on this thread. I am a man, yet I don't share this 'manly' trait. Therefore, the argument that men can't deal with sex-working partners is not founded in truth.

In conclusion Vanessa, I think you need to do some self-evaluation and stop making this just the man's issue.

Indeed. We *all* need self-evaluation, beatmaker. Most of all, we need to accept that opinion is personal. Vanessa has expressed hers, and we could more easily say "thanks Vanessa", than we could object to her ideology in defence of our own.

I have never had problems in serious relationships, because I don't allow beauty [...] or good sex to cloud my judgment [...]

A wise philosophy, beatmaker. :wink:

07-30-2007, 08:34 AM

A little piece of advice from someone who has been through all of that- this and more.

Value yourself for what you are worth and don't sell yourself short. Being who we are, it is a given that most men are just going to want to have sex with us and that's it- escort or not. It's a lesson we learn at a very young age in transition. It's just the reality of being a ts-but it is your duty to use that to your advantage.

Throughout the years of misleading myself and expecting more from men than they were capable of giving me-I have learned a lot. Believe you me- there was a time when I thought that getting sexual attention from a guy or giving it to them meant that they really liked me for me or meant that they were going to really like me and would want something more. Boy was I WRONG!

Now, you have a chance to stop the viscious circle we all can end up in by setting your boundaries and giving yourself more worth. If you feel that you just want to escort GREAT. If you feel that you want to escort and have fuck buddies GREAT. If you feel you want to give it for free to anyone that is GREAT to- just make sure that you are getting as much as you give and that you do no expect more than another person can give you. Always be clear and just ASK. Respect what you want and the choices you make- also respect others for that want and be able to walk away if it does not meet your expectations.

That does not mean that you will get an honest answer- but in life we get clues all the time. It is our job to read them and follow our instinct.

Don't let some guy who only wants sex from you get you down- move on.
There are much better things in life and much better men. It's better to be alone than in bad company.

Just because you are an escort, does not mean that you are not worthy of love, good things, a boyfriend, and all the things that everyone deserves. Don't let jaded people tell you any different.

In short, just make better choices.

07-30-2007, 08:46 AM
Just because you are an escort, does not mean that you are not worthy of love, good things, a boyfriend, and all the things that everyone deserves. Don't let jaded people tell you any different.

I didn't express myself as eloquently as Allanah has. Please read Allanah's post guys. Vanessa may not appear the girl *you* are after, but she is worthy of everything we consider ourselves worth of.

07-30-2007, 09:13 AM
Yeah that situation is messed up. But I have a question for you vanessa and any other girl on here that wants to answer: Now that this has happen to you how can a guy convince you that he is different and not like the guy you where talking to? In other words how can a guy get you to let him in without paying for the mistakes of others?

07-30-2007, 09:45 AM

And the rest of us get shit for it. :roll:


What pisses me off the most are people painting broad brushes on groups of people and people unfairly lumping me in with people you don't like.

HEHE Again

So for the last 5 months, NYC included I have only had sex with paying gentleman. With the minor exceptions of my special Papi in NYC, and a 19 year old Cuban here in Chicago. (No gal could have resisted those 2, and they are both well hung and versatile, more into pleasing me than the average guy.sorry to be petty, but they were exceptions to anyones rules. The 19 year old Cubano is considering doing a shoot with me for my site!!) But that aside, I am not gonna be used for sex anymore.

Contradiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

IF you say you are only having sex with paying gentlemen based on mistreatment from one individual who upset you then there should be NO EXCLUDED FROM THAT MENTALITY FUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And to be honest women do shit like this to men all the time. Sorry, it's a fact. Sure you may have a few sympathizers replying praising you for this contradictory behavior but let's face the facts. WOMEN in general can jump in bed with a guy and go home and act like it never happened, and IF the guy they are interested in finds out they can DENY the shit and the guy is caught between a rock and a hard place because let's face it he's invested man hours into that pussy and she's seconds away from killing all that work.

So what if you got shitted on by someone for 3 years and 11 months, that's 3 years and 11 months that you KNEW he was not there mentally for a relationship YET YOU decided to stick with him, thinking he'd break or change. Puhlease........................ you did that to yourself. And now you're bitter with rage because he's giving you nothing, but the joke is if he called right now and said let's sit down and talk 20 minutes later you'd be stripping and trying to fuck him on the couch, dining room table, kitchen sink, etc. so cut the shit.

I'm not trying to come off mean or uncaring I'm just tired of WOMEN (GG or TS) saying men ain't shit when it takes two people to make a relationship work.......................You made no sense whatsoever in your comments.So what if you got shitted on by someone for 3 years and 11 months, that's 3 years and 11 months that you KNEW he was not there mentally for a relationship YET YOU decided to stick with him, thinking he'd break or change. Puhlease........................ you did that to yourself. And now you're bitter with rage because he's giving you nothing, but the joke is if he called right now and said let's sit down and talk 20 minutes later you'd be stripping and trying to fuck him on the couch, dining room table, kitchen sink, etc. so cut the shit. That was my point, he did try to get some and he DIDN"T get it, Please go and read what i posted again

07-30-2007, 09:50 AM
So what if you got shitted on by someone for 3 years and 11 months, that's 3 years and 11 months that you KNEW he was not there mentally for a relationship YET YOU decided to stick with him, thinking he'd break or change. Puhlease........................ you did that to yourself.

This is precisely what I thought when I first read the initial post, only I was too lazy to type a lengthy response. With all due respect, TsVanessa69, it seems like you are working very hard to avoid personal responsibility in this matter. Frankly, all of this says far more about your judgment than anything else.

What language do you guys read? where did it say I was in a relationship with him for 3 yearsand 11 months? We were never in a relationship, I never said we were. Please before you make ridiculous responses take the time to read the post. I may be Puerto-Rican, but I speak english very well, and the responses from you 2 guys makes no sense whatso-ever. GO BACK AND READ!!!!!

07-30-2007, 10:00 AM
For the most part guys treat women the way the deserve to be treated. You don’t see guys running up to nuns hitting on them trying to get laid. Vanessa your and escort with a porn site so that’s how guys are going to treat you. Of course they are going to try to get sex for free why pay for it if they can get it for free. How can you expect any guy to want to be in a relationship with and escort that’s just crazy. You get what you deserve.
Funny I was in a prior relationship for 3 years as an "escort". So I know it can happen.
Now what the fuck do you mean by I get what I deserve??
No matter what I do for employment, I feel I am still a loving and caring human being. I hold my own, I am not looking for a man to pay my bills, I am not looking to use anybody, I just want respect. Now just so that we are clear here. I don't live off escorting, many days I turn down business because I don't want to be bothered. I am a well established showgirl and model, so no there is more to me than turning a trick or making a porn. If I never turned another trick in my life, I have a job, so it would not effect me in the least. My escorting money goes to luxury items, ie, purses and shoes, trips and treating and pampering myself. Some of you guys read what they want to read. Shows you guys level of intelligence

07-30-2007, 10:04 AM
For the most part guys treat women the way the [sic] deserve to be treated.

Tommy, perhaps you could rephrase by saying, "guys treat women the way guys *think* women should be treated. If guys treated women the way they *deserve*, then women would be respected regardless of ethnicity, culture, religion, or sexuality.

You don’t see guys running up to nuns hitting on them trying to get laid.

Maybe *you* don't see that happen, Tommy, but that doesn't make it reality.

Vanessa your and [sic] escort with a porn site ...

I disagree, Tommy. There is a vast distinction between Vanessa and her occupation. A person's occupation doesn't define the person. Ppl choose occupations based on a range of variables. If you were a labourer in a sheet-metal factory, would you feel offended if you were constantly perceived to be of limited intellect? Why should a sex-worker be perceived as promiscuous?

How can you expect any guy to want to be in a relationship with and escort that’s just crazy. You get what you deserve.

That's a harsh judgment, Tommy. There are many people in this world who can draw distinctions between occupation and personality. You again imply that a person should be judged by their profession.

I can't speak for Vanessa, but I can't imagine her promising her love (and heart) to every client she sees. Surely a person's identity emerges from more than how they earn income? Vanessa is a person like you and I and everyone else on this forum; as such, she deserves the same respect I (and everyone else on this forum) afford you.

Having said all this, Tommy, I respect your opinion and am interested in your response, should you be willing to offer.
I came to the conclusion that Tommy is a looser and an idiot. Thats just my opinion, as he has spoken his, I spoke mine. As we can see there are some hateful, ignorant people on this board.

07-30-2007, 10:11 AM

A little piece of advice from someone who has been through all of that- this and more.

Value yourself for what you are worth and don't sell yourself short. Being who we are, it is a given that most men are just going to want to have sex with us and that's it- escort or not. It's a lesson we learn at a very young age in transition. It's just the reality of being a ts-but it is your duty to use that to your advantage.

Throughout the years of misleading myself and expecting more from men than they were capable of giving me-I have learned a lot. Believe you me- there was a time when I thought that getting sexual attention from a guy or giving it to them meant that they really liked me for me or meant that they were going to really like me and would want something more. Boy was I WRONG!

Now, you have a chance to stop the viscious circle we all can end up in by setting your boundaries and giving yourself more worth. If you feel that you just want to escort GREAT. If you feel that you want to escort and have fuck buddies GREAT. If you feel you want to give it for free to anyone that is GREAT to- just make sure that you are getting as much as you give and that you do no expect more than another person can give you. Always be clear and just ASK. Respect what you want and the choices you make- also respect others for that want and be able to walk away if it does not meet your expectations.

That does not mean that you will get an honest answer- but in life we get clues all the time. It is our job to read them and follow our instinct.

Don't let some guy who only wants sex from you get you down- move on.
There are much better things in life and much better men. It's better to be alone than in bad company.

Just because you are an escort, does not mean that you are not worthy of love, good things, a boyfriend, and all the things that everyone deserves. Don't let jaded people tell you any different.

In short, just make better choices.
Thank you sister, being someone I admire, and having been through what I am going through and then some your words mean alot to me. As you said and I will take to heart, I just have to make better choices. And you are so right. Just because we as transexuals may escort, it doesn't mean we are not worthy of love, good things and one day a good man. Love ya lots!! Besos!

07-30-2007, 10:52 AM
For the most part guys treat women the way the [sic] deserve to be treated.

Tommy, perhaps you could rephrase by saying, "guys treat women the way guys *think* women should be treated. If guys treated women the way they *deserve*, then women would be respected regardless of ethnicity, culture, religion, or sexuality.

>>>>Nope when women who act a certain way or who are involved in porn and escorting can expect to get treated like sex objects and deserve it. Vanessa doesn’t have any problem when guys buy memberships at her website. well guys treating her like a sex object comes along with what she does. I think it is pretty silly for her to expect to be treated other wise.

You don’t see guys running up to nuns hitting on them trying to get laid.

Maybe *you* don't see that happen, Tommy, but that doesn't make it reality.

Vanessa your and [sic] escort with a porn site ...

I disagree, Tommy. There is a vast distinction between Vanessa and her occupation. A person's occupation doesn't define the person. Ppl choose occupations based on a range of variables. If you were a labourer in a sheet-metal factory, would you feel offended if you were constantly perceived to be of limited intellect? Why should a sex-worker be perceived as promiscuous?

>>>>>>Women judge men by what they do all the time. They always ask when meeting a man for the first time what he does so they can size him up financially and then they treat him how ever they fell like it depending on what the answer is. Why should it be any different for women? I was a metal worker and welder until I went back to school and got judged by women constantly for it. Not the women know anything about how smart you have to be to run different machines and be able to weld they mostly just think that you don’t have much money. So why is it women get to judge men for what they do but men can’t do that to women?

How can you expect any guy to want to be in a relationship with and escort that’s just crazy. You get what you deserve.

That's a harsh judgment, Tommy. There are many people in this world who can draw distinctions between occupation and personality. You again imply that a person should be judged by their profession.

I can't speak for Vanessa, but I can't imagine her promising her love (and heart) to every client she sees. Surely a person's identity emerges from more than how they earn income? Vanessa is a person like you and I and everyone else on this forum; as such, she deserves the same respect I (and everyone else on this forum) afford you.

>>>>>>>>Like I said before women judge men by there professions all the time. Women deserved to be judged the same way that’s equality. I know Vanessa is a person and deserves some measure of respect but if she thinks most guys aren’t going to treat her like a sex object then she is not being realistic. No sane woman would ever want to have a real relationship with a male escort. Why the hell do women think a man would want to?

being an escort involves having sex with strangers and if your in a relationship your also having sex with that person. You can’t transmit a disease from doing metal work or some other job to your partner in a relationship so that is why escorting makes things different.

Having said all this, Tommy, I respect your opinion and am interested in your response, should you be willing to offer.

07-30-2007, 11:35 AM
For the most part guys treat women the way the deserve to be treated. You don’t see guys running up to nuns hitting on them trying to get laid. Vanessa your and escort with a porn site so that’s how guys are going to treat you. Of course they are going to try to get sex for free why pay for it if they can get it for free. How can you expect any guy to want to be in a relationship with and escort that’s just crazy. You get what you deserve.
Funny I was in a prior relationship for 3 years as an "escort". So I know it can happen.

>I don’t think it is really possible to have a “real” relationship with an escort. Being involved with some one for 3 years and a “real” relationship are 2 different things.

Now what the fuck do you mean by I get what I deserve??

>I mean that if your going to be a sex worker being treated like a sex object is the down side of that and you should expect it to happen rather than expecting it not to happen. It shouldn’t be a surprise.

No matter what I do for employment, I feel I am still a loving and caring human being. I hold my own,

>Being a sex worker and expecting to not get treated like a sex object is just naive. Would you get into a relationship with a male escort? I seriously doubt it. And what would you think of a male escort? You wouldn’t make judgements about him?

I am not looking for a man to pay my bills, I am not looking to use anybody, I just want respect.

>I love it when women say this because it is a total lie every time they say it. In this society the over whelming majority of women want the man in there lives to make more than them and expect a man to be a provider. I am sure there are plenty of guys who would love to be with you but don’t have enough money to get the time of day from you. If all you really want is respect and love then why don’t you go find a guy who makes very little and support him and give that a try. Maybe that will work out better for you.

Now just so that we are clear here. I don't live off escorting, many days I turn down business because I don't want to be bothered. I am a well established showgirl and model, so no there is more to me than turning a trick or making a porn.

>there are plenty of GG porn stars that don’t escort and are only thought of as sex objects by most of there fans. When they tour strip clubs do you think there fans want to take them out to dinner, talk about politics, and try to have a relationship with them or just get a lap dance? If you work in the sex industry at any level being treated like a sex object is going to happen. I am sure there is more to you or any escort or pornstar but most people don’t care.

If I never turned another trick in my life, I have a job, so it would not effect me in the least. My escorting money goes to luxury items, ie, purses and shoes, trips and treating and pampering myself. Some of you guys read what they want to read. Shows you guys level of intelligence

>It doesn’t matter to what degree you escort the fact is men know about it so that is how they are going to treat you. Right or wrong that is what is going to happen and thinking it wont or it shouldn’t isn’t realistic.

I hope the extra purses are worth it.

07-30-2007, 11:35 AM
i have so many IM convos archieved on yahoo full of this exact same BS... you do the same stuff i do.

im here for business not a boyfriend and youre here for sex not a commitment.... thats the only way our paths will cross

is what i tell 'em

07-30-2007, 11:37 AM
and just ignore tommy ... his lengthy responce only points out clearer how he doesnt know anything about women period.

07-30-2007, 12:13 PM
I can't help but notice that the men seem to be on one side of the fence on this, and the women on the other. What a surprise...

The thing about you ladies, with all due respect, is that you are never, ever wrong. When the contradictions in your own statements are pointed out (JWBL did a good job of that in this particular case), instead of realizing your error, you resort to insulting the person who pointed out the mistake you made! Typical.

Tommy has made some good points, but unwilling to even consider the facts in what he's saying, he's labelled as a "looser" and dismissed, while the rest of us are called "jaded". Then you wonder why you have so many issues with men... How about learning to listen? How many men have to say the same damn thing for you to get it through your head that what we're saying is what most men think about this issue?

If I was your man, and told you that I was fucking other women, but only loved you, would that work for you? There are men who wouldn't care if you escort or not, but they're the minority for sure, and even less of them would actually really care about you at all. It's the sex thing, ladies. The escorting is a problem for most guys, period. Like it or not, those are the facts. Please believe it.

07-30-2007, 12:16 PM
I came to the conclusion that Tommy is a looser and an idiot. Thats just my opinion, as he has spoken his, I spoke mine. As we can see there are some hateful, ignorant people on this board.[/quote]

So you come on here and complain about how men prejudge you and treat you like a sex object but then you make judgements about me who you have never met, seen, or spoken to. You’re a hypocrite.

How could you come to any conclusions about me you don’t know anything about me.

I didn’t personally attack you or call you names but its ok for you to do it?

I don’t hate you. I was trying to make a point that you expecting to not get treated like a sex object by most guys is naive.

I am far from ignorant having dated or been involved with tgirls that weren’t escorts, some that were, two that had xxy chromosomes, and a post-op that I had a six month relationship with who was not an escort.

I am friends with several girls were I live and am a nice guy which doesn’t really help me out very much since women don’t typically respect men who are nice to them. I don’t treat the girls like sex objects and I have been told this by a few.

The reason I commented on your post is I hear this same complaint about men over and over again. Wake up guys like sex and most are going to do what ever they can to get it and if you work in the sex industry your going to get treated a certain way. That’s just reality.

By the way women aren’t just helpless victims who only have good intentions. I have been used, lied to, and fucked over by G-girls and T-girls and so have most other guys. Women are just as shallow and self serving as men are when it comes to getting there needs met.

07-30-2007, 12:29 PM
funny how my response was understood by men & women thus leading to their replies, yet to you it made no sense..................

and it's one thing to lie to me but to yourself is a no no
you knew this guy for 4+ years, you had sex more than once, even if you denied it to him once you got fed up, that's still a ton of times you GAVE it to him thinking he'd change, and guess what he ain't change...........

if you're going to be BUSINESS be BUSINESS, but don't contradict YOURSELF and say oh well I'm only fucking paying clients EXCEPT dick in STATE A and dick in STATE B

07-30-2007, 12:33 PM
and just ignore tommy ... his lengthy responce only points out clearer how he doesnt know anything about women period.

You couldn’t be more wrong. I have been coming here for a while but I mostly lurk. It just pisses me off when women complain about how men act when women do the same things 10 times worse. Which is why I decided to comment plus I am bored with not much better to do at the moment.

Women constantly judge men by what they do, what car they drive and treat them like shit but then complain when it happens to them. Women trans or not are just plain crazy. I am pretty sure estrogen is a psychotropic drug. I am also fairly certain that this is why men don’t live as long as women because we can only take so much craziness and nagging.

07-30-2007, 12:49 PM
I dunno Vanessa --but I sense a touch of hypocricy in your vent ------you say that dudes wanna only be interested in sex -----but then you fully state that the two dudes (the Cuban and some guy from NY) --are only sex for YOU! ----sounds like you are subject to your own exhaust ----

07-30-2007, 01:52 PM
You know maybe I should put my flame suit on (poor tommy :D ) but I cannot see many women ever taking a partner seriously if he was a male escort. She might like the freebies but knowing the women I have met they wouldn't be able to handle their man fucking other women to bring the bread in.

I am going to be honest and say I could never ever be in a serious relationship with an escort . I wouldn't bin her if she gave it up right at the moment I fell for her but I couldn't deal with it for two reasons.

1 her safety ,worrying that some nutter had done a sutcliffe on her or worse. :(

2 I could not handle my partner having sex with other men. It would do my head in.

I do think though some of the guys have quite a jaded view of women on here.As does vanessa have a certain view about men. It is all very sad. There are women who only care about a mans bankbalance but I have never had that problem because although i love what I do I am totally underpaid so if a woman wants me I know it isn't my wealth!!

Vanessa I'm sorry you think all men are bastards. Some of us do want partners but I do think your occupation is possibly attracting a certain type.There is nothing wrong with basing a relationship on sex if both partners know that is all there is to it. I could tell you about the high court judges daughter I was shagging I felt so used as I knew there was no way the relationship could go anywhere as I felt totally out of place with her and her dad could not stand me. I had the faint hope she would fall for me as I kind of fell in love but nah . I got my fingers burnt there but I couldn't stand horses anyway so perhaps it was a good thing.

So I can understand a bit of what you are feeling even if Iam a nasty man :D .Hope your luck improves and all that.

07-30-2007, 02:43 PM
some more general statements here

TsVanessa69: i dont get what you want. a long term, committed relationship?

then my advice is, stop escorting. ive been down that road as a guy, i used to be BF of an escort, and its a dead end street. any guy who tells you he hasnt got a problem that you have sex with other men is a friggin pretender that just wants a free flight on orgasms airways. and, as someone else in another htread pointed out, if he has the means to put you out of the sex business - and doesnt - hes in the same cathegory. and remember, not everybody out there is white collar, making enough money to that kinda thing.

a further note: i have seen too many guys beeing burned, used, dumped by chicks to buy in the "all men are crap" diatribe.

the following statement is NOT whining, just stating the truth:

in nine out of ten cases its the GIRL having all the power in her hands wether to have a one night stand/fuck-buddy/long term relationship with any given guy. we, the poor guys (*sniff) are supposed to get dumped and rejected - and go back, sit in the corner and shut the fuck up.

but - GOD FORBID, its the guy that rejects a girl or doesnt jump when she says so, then its AUTOMATICALLY "all guys are shit ...." - and sorry to say TsVanessa69, thats the feeling i ot when i read that initial post of yours.

that said i am sure theres way too many tricks out there without a doubt, and i wish u all the best to find a caring, nice and interesting man.

07-30-2007, 03:55 PM
Well at least he was honest. Better honest than not, right. Maybe he's just cheap.

Not saying I agree with this type of thinking but not all guys out there are looking for relationships or anything past sex, and this goes for GGs too. it's not just a TS thing, at all. I guess it would be more of an issue for TS women though, considering....not sure what to tell you other than to just steer clear of these kind of guys if you don't like being treated as just a sex object.

07-30-2007, 06:58 PM
Here's my thing. We're all adults here, part of being an adult is learning from your mistakes. The way I see it she got fed up with a relationship that was based on sex. That's cool especially if you want something more, that's human nature. This seems to be a repeating pattern though, because girls do it too.

I'm not pointing fingers though. The blame game is never productive. So where does this go from here? Learn from the mistake.

I'm sure there are plenty of guys that would be willing to take Vanessa out, it's all about discussing it. If the guy doesn't want to take you out....to hell with him, you know where he stands already.

If you want more than sex, you have to ask for more than just sex. There's an old adage "A relationship ends up where it starts off." So for the next guy tell him, "I want to go to XYZ." If he's not ok with that, you're not ok with that. On to the next guy.

07-30-2007, 07:13 PM
You are an idiot. I treated him as a friend. He acts like a trick.
:roll: Escorting is a job fool.
You must be a bitter trick.

So for the last 5 months, NYC included I have only had sex with paying gentleman. With the minor exceptions of my special Papi in NYC, and a 19 year old Cuban here in Chicago. (No gal could have resisted those 2, and they are both well hung and versatile, more into pleasing me than the average guy.sorry to be petty, but they were exceptions to anyones rules. The 19 year old Cubano is considering doing a shoot with me for my site!!) :twisted:

And u are looking for serious relationships?

07-30-2007, 07:57 PM
funny how my response was understood by men & women thus leading to their replies, yet to you it made no sense..................

and it's one thing to lie to me but to yourself is a no no
you knew this guy for 4+ years, you had sex more than once, even if you denied it to him once you got fed up, that's still a ton of times you GAVE it to him thinking he'd change, and guess what he ain't change...........

if you're going to be BUSINESS be BUSINESS, but don't contradict YOURSELF and say oh well I'm only fucking paying clients EXCEPT dick in STATE A and dick in STATE B

"So what if you got shitted on by someone for 3 years and 11 months, that's 3 years and 11 months that you KNEW he was not there mentally for a relationship YET YOU decided to stick with him, thinking he'd break or change. Puhlease........................ you did that to yourself. And now you're bitter with rage because he's giving you nothing, but the joke is if he called right now and said let's sit down and talk 20 minutes later you'd be stripping and trying to fuck him on the couch, dining room table, kitchen sink, etc. so cut the shit."
1. I was never in a relationship with him, ever.
2. I met him on a personal level, not a business level. I don't mix business with my personal.
3.He was trying to come over, and if you fuckin read what i said, it was that he wanted to come over, and I wasn't having it.
So where the fuck did that comment about the joke is that I would want to be fucking him? Bitch I said we didn't fuck, that we weren't gonna fuck, learn to read what the fuck people write, and not what you want to see.

07-30-2007, 08:04 PM
You are an idiot. I treated him as a friend. He acts like a trick.
:roll: Escorting is a job fool.
You must be a bitter trick.

So for the last 5 months, NYC included I have only had sex with paying gentleman. With the minor exceptions of my special Papi in NYC, and a 19 year old Cuban here in Chicago. (No gal could have resisted those 2, and they are both well hung and versatile, more into pleasing me than the average guy.sorry to be petty, but they were exceptions to anyones rules. The 19 year old Cubano is considering doing a shoot with me for my site!!) :twisted:

And u are looking for serious relationships?
Good question. Now in order for a relationship to get serious, you would have to get to know a person, thus you have to date. So I would say casual dating first to see where it leads. You guys fail to see, guys don't "date" transexuals.I guess thats what I'm looking for. Dating. Movies, dinners, fun stuff, like watching fireworks in the park, maybe bike riding, dancing, normal shit guys do with girls. Sex is not even all that important, sometimes somebody to listen to you and be there for you. All the above stuff that I mentioned I do with my girlfriends cuz we all in the same boat.Escorts orr not, there are a lot of good ts out here, where are the good men?

07-31-2007, 12:03 AM
i have so many IM convos archieved on yahoo full of this exact same BS... you do the same stuff i do.

im here for business not a boyfriend and youre here for sex not a commitment.... thats the only way our paths will cross

is what i tell 'em
That nailed it sis, thanks!

07-31-2007, 12:09 AM
Thanks guys and gals for the feedback. I posted that cuz I was pissed off, and needed to vent and it worked. I know that post won't change anything, or make men change, I just needed to blow off some steam. Then I went last night to do a drag show, woke up this morning and vented a lil more. Then I went to the Chanel Boutique on Michican Ave, and treated myself to a lovely Chanel tote bag, the beige one. Now I feel FAB_U_LUZ!!! I am resting up and gonna do my usual Monday nite drag show and life goes on. Thanks HA, for the support and love. Till my next outburst! :twisted: :soapbox :twisted:

The Guardian
07-31-2007, 01:37 AM
Like all personal interactions, it works both ways. If you are lucky enough to find a person that is in sync you will be amazed. You are in a tough spot
and I don't envy your position. Just open your heart and you may be surprised to find some people that you would never expect to be interested knocking at your door.

The toughest part is honesty and trust.

Good luck to you, I wish you all the luck in the world. :D

The Guardian
07-31-2007, 01:38 AM
Like all personal interactions, it works both ways. If you are lucky enough to find a person that is in sync you will be amazed. You are in a tough spot
and I don't envy your position. Just open your heart and you may be surprised to find some people that you would never expect to be interested knocking at your door.

The toughest part is honesty and trust.

Good luck to you, I wish you all the luck in the world. :D

07-31-2007, 03:02 AM
1. I was never in a relationship with him, ever.

But we go back and forth for 4 years.

2. I met him on a personal level, not a business level. I don't mix business with my personal.

kevshit: u want a lil fun?
tsvanessa69: yea
tsvanessa69: lets go to the movies
kevshit: not what i had in mind
tsvanessa69: thats fun
kevshit: ok more specific u want have sex together
tsvanessa69: fuckin me and running out is work
tsvanessa69: i charge for that
tsvanessa69: $250
kevshit: u used let me come over
tsvanessa69: look
tsvanessa69: u offer me nothing in life
tsvanessa69: u fuck and run
tsvanessa69: and you don't even last that long

Excuse me, I'm no escort but someone that's in your life personally suddenly gets a price of $250 for something he was getting for free seems like mixing personal with business...............

3.He was trying to come over, and if you fuckin read what i said, it was that he wanted to come over, and I wasn't having it.

You weren't having it AFTER how long????

But we go back and forth for 4 years.

So where the fuck did that comment about the joke is that I would want to be fucking him? Bitch I said we didn't fuck, that we weren't gonna fuck, learn to read what the fuck people write, and not what you want to see.

tsvanessa69: fuckin me and running out is work

tsvanessa69: u fuck and run
tsvanessa69: and you don't even last that long

Those are your words, and let's get something perfectly clear. Don't EVER get out of character and start calling me names because your mad at your mistakes. All I did was copy & paste what YOU said in this thread. Did I retort to insulting you with childlike name calling? No..............

07-31-2007, 03:32 AM


I feel for you. It has been said best by Allahna. It was said by a young man, my younger nephew, when he looked at a picture of one TS here and said "That's something you do and don't tell your homies about." That was his honest spontaneous reaction that he said right in front of my face. I held this kid in my arms when he was a baby. That is what most men think of us, no matter how well they know one of us. That's life.

:-) I'm glad you told him off the way you did. The things you do like that are why I respect you.



You know allot about this subculture, probably more than me. But this is one of those things you will not quite get. You could know 1000 times more TS's than I, or have been to more hip parties and all that. You are not one of us. I am so I know what I am about to say.

So the woman does not want to be treated like a sex object, that does not mean she has to act like she has no sex drive.

$250 in that situation... That's probably a nice way of telling the guy to go to hell. She's just to nice to say so bluntly.

@The rest of you guys.


07-31-2007, 03:36 AM
... guys don't "date" transexuals. I guess thats what I'm looking for. Dating. Movies, dinners, fun stuff, like watching fireworks in the park, maybe bike riding, dancing, normal shit guys do with girls.

Their *are* guys that would date a transsexual, Vanessa. Although they're not common at the moment, I believe the situation will change with time. I ended a r'ship with a GG about 5 years ago to look for a TG partner. Unfortunately, all the TGs I encountered were working girls and not looking for a partner. That's not to say all TGs are escorts; I don't believe that for a second.

There was a time in my country (Australia) when gay men had to keep hidden, and would deny their sexuality (and even marry GGs and have children) because they felt that was what society expected of them. However, we now recognise that same-sex partnerships are just as valid as heterosexual partnerships.

I truly believe, with time, transsexual people and their partners will be afforded the same recognition and respect.

where are the good men?

I think most ppl are 'good', Vanessa, whatever 'good' means; I suppose that's rather pedantic of me. I guess you're asking, "where are the men who see that transsexual people (M-to-F or F-to-M, pre-op or post-op) deserve the same rights afforded to GGs or GMs (genetic males). Well, we're here... we just don't know where to go to find you.

07-31-2007, 03:51 AM
Ok. about 4 years ago I met said guy as a friend not a client.
We chatted online
he came over
we chatted
there was chemistry
we fucked.
Then he makes lame excuse and runs out
never calls
few months later, he call again.
we talk
we dont fuck
he gets mad and leaves.
few more months pass, he calls again.
This time is his B-day
we fuk
we start to talk more online
I explain the fuck and leave thing is not for me. I told him that is what tricks do, hit and run. That if thats how he was going to treat me, then he should just pay me, and we could be kool. I also explained that I wanted somebody to hang out with. He said he understood.
months and months pass.
then he comes by one day, we talk, we fuck.
he runs out again.
I get over it and begin to ignore his IM's. more time passes, he says he changed.
then the incident with him and buying bath products.
he relutantly buys what i ask, we fuck
then thats it. so i cuss him out.
last month he comes by cuz he bought a new car.
we don't fuk
he drops me off at The Baton
then yesterday, this convo.
the one I posted.
Thats the story.
he was a friend not a client. Now the convo is self explanitory.
I told him many times before
If he was going to fuck and leave
then he could be a client. pay, fuck and leave.
if he was going to be my friend he was going to act like one.
As you can see he choose neither.
So he is blocked and ignored.
Now does everybody understand? the comment about if he called , I would have him over and fuck all over the house was funny, cuz if I was that desperate to fuk or that tacky, as soon as he said he just wanted to fuck, wouldn't I have said "shure, come over" :roll:

07-31-2007, 03:52 AM
That is what most men think of us, no matter how well they know one of us. That's life.

Hi Brenda. I'm sorry that most men are so callous. I'm not apologising for them, as that's for them to do. But, as a man, I'm often ashamed by the way men treat transgender, lesbian and gay people.

@The rest of you guys.


I hope I wasn't included in that eye-roll... :oops:

07-31-2007, 04:07 AM


I feel for you. It has been said best by Allahna. It was said by a young man, my younger nephew, when he looked at a picture of one TS here and said "That's something you do and don't tell your homies about." That was his honest spontaneous reaction that he said right in front of my face. I held this kid in my arms when he was a baby. That is what most men think of us, no matter how well they know one of us. That's life.

:-) I'm glad you told him off the way you did. The things you do like that are why I respect you.



You know allot about this subculture, probably more than me. But this is one of those things you will not quite get. You could know 1000 times more TS's than I, or have been to more hip parties and all that. You are not one of us. I am so I know what I am about to say.

So the woman does not want to be treated like a sex object, that does not mean she has to act like she has no sex drive.

$250 in that situation... That's probably a nice way of telling the guy to go to hell. She's just to nice to say so bluntly.

@The rest of you guys.

Yea, see I told him many times the same thing. If you are my friend, act like it. If you are gonna ACT like a trick, I'm going to treat you like a trick, that way there will be no feelings involved. You get in the mood to fuk a ts, you like this ass, so pay up. Now if he came over, hung out, watched a movie, maybe order pizza and then sex, that could be cool. But come over and fuck, then run out? come on now, thats bullshit. As u said: $250 in THAT situation was the nice way of telling him to fuck off. I'm glad somebody read and understood what i was saying. :frustrated

07-31-2007, 04:15 AM
He was a fucking grot, Vanessa. You're better off without that shit in your life.

Shining Star
07-31-2007, 04:20 AM
As the song says "When A Man Loves A Woman".....

The two most powerful emotions to that motivate a man to do anything for a female, are love and respect. For those things men have built temples, invaded other lands, laid down their lives or taken others. Pure sex, on the other hand rarely inspires such actions.

Most all real women learn quite early on how to "deal" with men. If they want a "relationship" beyond just sex with a man (such as marriage and or love), they normally do not have sex. For sadly even in these modern times, men still have a thing for girls who give sex easily. The "Madonna/Whore" syndrome is still very much alive, and influences relationships.

If you look at how a man behaves towards/with a female he is in love with/wants a relationship with that is not based purely on sex, it is totally different than how the same man will treat a woman he just sleeps with. Human males have this remarkable capacity for separating sex from love. For many sex is something that is part of their lives, like going to the bathroom; only it feels much better and is not quite so fragrant! *LOL*

IMHO trans girls have a unique problem in that many still (weather they will admit it or not), have a male type sex drive,or at least are more highly sexed than your average female. This kind of makes saying "no" and sticking to it rather difficult.

The other problem, and sorry if this sounds blunt/cruel, many men have totally no respect for someone who escorts. Or, at the very least they have the same respect they would for a girl that is a tramp. Yes, they will kick it with such girls, but they rarely establish any sort of loving relationship with them.

Many men probably consider the act of having sex a mutual pleasure with someone who initially offers sex without any strings attached. To turn around and make demands and or remind a man that he is getting something for free that others have paid vast sums for, only reinforces in his mind what sort of girl they are with. His previous actions have already shown the basis of the relationship is mainly sexual, so trying to turn it into something else at this stage rarely works. Nor will it long as there are plenty of other women/trannies around. Love making between two people who are "in love"/care for each other is a natural escalation of their emotions. OTHO pure sex rarely if ever grows into love.

Another problem faced by trannies is that few men are willing to face facts, even to themselves about their sexuality. This translates into their dating TSs as something done on the down low. Yes, they will lay with a TS, but taking her out in public is not going to happen. Now there are guys who don't give a rat's butt about what anyone thinks, and are looking for that certian TS they can be happy with, however it usually is the case these men are not the ones most girls want. Maybe they aren't built like Mr. Universe, and or look like a GQ model. Maybe they don't earn two million dollars an hour, or some such nonesense.

Allanah has the right idea. If one loves oneself, and is secure in who they are, just say "no" to casual sex and hold out for the person who by deeds shows he is after more than tapping that ass. OTHO if ass tapping is what you are after, then ....

07-31-2007, 04:35 AM



You know allot about this subculture, probably more than me. But this is one of those things you will not quite get. You could know 1000 times more TS's than I, or have been to more hip parties and all that. You are not one of us. I am so I know what I am about to say.

So the woman does not want to be treated like a sex object, that does not mean she has to act like she has no sex drive.

Brenda no offense but as a MAN I have to say this because in this thread no man has stepped up to say it.

I don't ever claim to know anything about how you as women feel due to a man treating you badly. I don't wish bad things relationship wise on any of you, BUT............................

Let's cut the shit. Nightly I see women (not GG's) treat men like shit who are not clients. A guy that frequents Allanah's monthly parties dated a chick from Queens, they were together for a year. One night I go to a club for an event and I arrive just in time to see her slapping him for saying hello to an ex. A few weeks later he's asking me to watch the chick at one of Allanah's parties because he was up in the VIP section and he saw her enter. Then he lifts up his hat to show me a permanent scar on his forehead he got from the chick. For what? Saying hello to an ex?!?

Last year I witnessed a very good friend here on HA get into a screaming match with an ex of his who came in from out of town, told him she was coming as if to make plans, then ran out of the party they were both attending to jump in some clients car.

Both of those fellas felt there was something there. Some type of relationship, regardless of what the current status of it was. Did they get shitted on? HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Were their feelings taken into account? HELL NO. Yet every time one of them posts a thread sharing their experience on here it's mainly greeted by repliers kissing the girls asses saying "dude you got what you deserved, etc. etc. etc."

So now the shoes on the other foot and I'm saying the same shit but to a woman, and look what the response is..................... "JW you don't know what it's like........................"


Actually I do

I've gone through a few moments in life with chicks in this scene that were ready to hang out (non sexually) one minute then (typically through peer pressure from idiotic friends) changed their minds..................
What'd I do? Nothing, I walked away and if I saw them I did the 'Allanah move' politely said hello and kept it moving................... didn't bitch about it, didn't sulk about it, just moved on to better things and people........... that's my main point.

07-31-2007, 04:39 AM
Allanah has the right idea. If one loves oneself, and is secure in who they are, just say "no" to casual sex and hold out for the person who by deeds shows he is after more than tapping that ass. OTHO if ass tapping is what you are after, then ....

Well you know this is what happened to me-

I was never one to really habe A LOT of one night stands or pick up a guy every time I went out, I would lie and say that I never did it- but It was not something I would do often.

Same with my parties- after doing parties for three years I can say that there have been so very few times that I have ever gone home with anyone.

What happened was that I would end up taking some guy home and when we got home, I just wanted to eat a cheeseburge and fall asleep. Seriously- it was more fun just flirting and hanging out. So when it came down to the nitty gritty it was usually horrible and I could not wait for them to leave.

SO I started thinking to myself- how exactly am I benefiting from this behaviour? What good is it doing me? Why do I usually regret it afterwards and wish I was making love to a cheese burger instead?

SO I just stopped. I figured booty calls or hooking up were just not worth my time. I can have sex anytime as many times as I want to daily but at this point in life there has to be something more.

I am an escort and I am very good at knowing what is work and what is my personal life. My boyfriend gets parts of me that clients never will because this is special to me and I only share it with a person I love.
That would be intensity, passion, bare back sex- I.E. why I do not bareback in films. Those are things you can't buy- at least not from me.

As a sex worker, I have to have that reserve for my personal life- If not I would go crazy.

I have been monogamous many times in my life while in the adult business because if I am involved I don't cheat, I don't fuck around, and I dont do hook ups or any of that because I respect the person I am involved in and our relationship.

Yes, it is very hard for a man to deal with an escort girlfriend but I am really a different kind of girl and the man who has my heart has something no one can buy.

You really have to make a descion and stick to it-this is important.
As I age, I find that conviction is really important.

07-31-2007, 04:41 AM
why are you guys giving her shit bc she got tired of putting herself out there for ONE guy??

so what if she gave it to him nightly for 20yrs? if she got tired of it... she got tired of it! the night she gets tired of it, it becomes a whole new ballgame, all the stuff that happened prior to the night she said NO is irrelevant...

if youre dating or married to a woman and she puts out every night and one night shes not in the mood for your BULLSHIT and she tells you NO... if you fuck her anyway b/c "every other night she said yes" will not stick... and you just raped her... its the same thing....

her telling him that if he wants bad enough he can pay for it like every other chump was her saying basically that she is no longer enjoying his "company" and that if he enjoys hers so much he should buy "stock" in her "company" ... he has the right to say "No" just like she does... shes not saying "ill never fuck you ever again" shes just telling him shes not willing to do it for free anymore...


07-31-2007, 04:52 AM
Can we hear more about making love to the Cheeseburger?

07-31-2007, 05:13 AM
Allanah's words made me think back to a time when a girl who escorted tried to convince me that what she felt for me was different than any interactions she had with clients, and the truth is that even back then, I completely understood what she meant.

The thing is, it didn't matter. What she didn't understand, and what you ladies don't seem to understand, is that if I could have bareback sex with her, but her clients couldn't... If she'd kiss me, but not her clients... If I had her heart, but her clients had only slices of her time here and there, as a MAN, it made NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE! As I've said before, not every man will have a problem with dating an escort, but most clearly will, as should have been most evident given the comments made by men in this thread thus far. However, once again this is ignored by you ladies, apparently because you would rather not hear the truth. Oh, well...

On another note, I'd love to know how one remains monogamous while remaining in the adult industry, as Allanah says she has done a few times. Can someone please explain that to me?

07-31-2007, 05:24 AM

So now the shoes on the other foot and I'm saying the same shit but to a woman, and look what the response is..................... "JW you don't know what it's like........................"


Actually I do

That's some fucked up shit, what happened to your friend. Physical abuse is never excuseable.

JWBL it's different for a [i]woman[/]. In Vanessa's situation she was being treated like a piece of meat. Treated like she's such a sex fiend that she should always be up for it. I guess you have to be a TS erotic entertainer to get it.

You will know what it's like when you have a man call you up in the wee hours and demand to screw you as if it is his right. Then have that giuy send you message after message.

07-31-2007, 06:40 AM
Allanah has the right idea. If one loves oneself, and is secure in who they are, just say "no" to casual sex and hold out for the person who by deeds shows he is after more than tapping that ass. OTHO if ass tapping is what you are after, then ....

Well you know this is what happened to me-

I was never one to really habe A LOT of one night stands or pick up a guy every time I went out, I would lie and say that I never did it- but It was not something I would do often.

Same with my parties- after doing parties for three years I can say that there have been so very few times that I have ever gone home with anyone.

What happened was that I would end up taking some guy home and when we got home, I just wanted to eat a cheeseburge and fall asleep. Seriously- it was more fun just flirting and hanging out. So when it came down to the nitty gritty it was usually horrible and I could not wait for them to leave.

SO I started thinking to myself- how exactly am I benefiting from this behaviour? What good is it doing me? Why do I usually regret it afterwards and wish I was making love to a cheese burger instead?

SO I just stopped. I figured booty calls or hooking up were just not worth my time. I can have sex anytime as many times as I want to daily but at this point in life there has to be something more.

I am an escort and I am very good at knowing what is work and what is my personal life. My boyfriend gets parts of me that clients never will because this is special to me and I only share it with a person I love.
That would be intensity, passion, bare back sex- I.E. why I do not bareback in films. Those are things you can't buy- at least not from me.

As a sex worker, I have to have that reserve for my personal life- If not I would go crazy.

I have been monogamous many times in my life while in the adult business because if I am involved I don't cheat, I don't fuck around, and I dont do hook ups or any of that because I respect the person I am involved in and our relationship.

Yes, it is very hard for a man to deal with an escort girlfriend but I am really a different kind of girl and the man who has my heart has something no one can buy.

You really have to make a descion and stick to it-this is important.
As I age, I find that conviction is really important. Thanks Allanah, you see where I am coming from, I guess where I'm going. You've already been there. Like I said I vented, now I'm over it. I was just cleaning out the people who were in my life and served no purpose. Now it seems I'm alone. Its sad to realize that. But I will eventually adjust.

07-31-2007, 06:52 AM
Allanah's words made me think back to a time when a girl who escorted tried to convince me that what she felt for me was different than any interactions she had with clients, and the truth is that even back then, I completely understood what she meant.

The thing is, it didn't matter. What she didn't understand, and what you ladies don't seem to understand, is that if I could have bareback sex with her, but her clients couldn't... If she'd kiss me, but not her clients... If I had her heart, but her clients had only slices of her time here and there, as a MAN, it made NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE! As I've said before, not every man will have a problem with dating an escort, but most clearly will, as should have been most evident given the comments made by men in this thread thus far. However, once again this is ignored by you ladies, apparently because you would rather not hear the truth. Oh, well...

On another note, I'd love to know how one remains monogamous while remaining in the adult industry, as Allanah says she has done a few times. Can someone please explain that to me?

What you are not understanding- or are uncapable of understanding because of your conditioning is that to ME- seeing a client or doing a movie scenes is WORK- just like it might be for someone going to the office or any other job. There is no emitonal attatchment, its simply a job. A very personal one, but nonetheless a JOB. Nothing more and nothin less. Like in any business you develop friendships and business relationships but what no one who is not in the industry seems to understand that when you finish a sex scene everyone says- thanks it was great working with you and they go back to their lives. Just like you do when you finish YOUR job.

How does one remain monogamous? One remains monogamous by not seeing, dating, or sleeping with other people on a personal intimate level.

LOOK- what you are doing is trying to impose YOUR standards on me and every sex worker. It's great to have standards- as long as you don't impose them on other people. You don;t have to date an escort or understand how anyone could. That;s grand- IT"S YOUR CHOICE.

So if I can understand and respect YOU for what you choose- then YOU should be able to understand and respect people that have relationships that you might consider unsual.

The bottom line darling is setting boundaries and talking about what is OK and what is NOT right away when you get involved. That's really it.
I lay all my cards on the table when I am really interested in someone and then I let them decide wether they want to play them or not. And let me tell you- all of my relationships have ended because I caught the other person doing shady stuff, I was always upfront about what I do and did.

As I have said many times- what I do and WHO I am are two very different people. You only know me as Allanah Starr.
My personal life is not Allanah Starr.

07-31-2007, 06:58 AM
Allanah has the right idea. If one loves oneself, and is secure in who they are, just say "no" to casual sex and hold out for the person who by deeds shows he is after more than tapping that ass. OTHO if ass tapping is what you are after, then ....

Well you know this is what happened to me-

I was never one to really habe A LOT of one night stands or pick up a guy every time I went out, I would lie and say that I never did it- but It was not something I would do often.

Same with my parties- after doing parties for three years I can say that there have been so very few times that I have ever gone home with anyone.

What happened was that I would end up taking some guy home and when we got home, I just wanted to eat a cheeseburge and fall asleep. Seriously- it was more fun just flirting and hanging out. So when it came down to the nitty gritty it was usually horrible and I could not wait for them to leave.

SO I started thinking to myself- how exactly am I benefiting from this behaviour? What good is it doing me? Why do I usually regret it afterwards and wish I was making love to a cheese burger instead?

SO I just stopped. I figured booty calls or hooking up were just not worth my time. I can have sex anytime as many times as I want to daily but at this point in life there has to be something more.

I am an escort and I am very good at knowing what is work and what is my personal life. My boyfriend gets parts of me that clients never will because this is special to me and I only share it with a person I love.
That would be intensity, passion, bare back sex- I.E. why I do not bareback in films. Those are things you can't buy- at least not from me.

As a sex worker, I have to have that reserve for my personal life- If not I would go crazy.

I have been monogamous many times in my life while in the adult business because if I am involved I don't cheat, I don't fuck around, and I dont do hook ups or any of that because I respect the person I am involved in and our relationship.

Yes, it is very hard for a man to deal with an escort girlfriend but I am really a different kind of girl and the man who has my heart has something no one can buy.

You really have to make a descion and stick to it-this is important.
As I age, I find that conviction is really important. Thanks Allanah, you see where I am coming from, I guess where I'm going. You've already been there. Like I said I vented, now I'm over it. I was just cleaning out the people who were in my life and served no purpose. Now it seems I'm alone. Its sad to realize that. But I will eventually adjust.

Darling this is a GREAT thing to do. Get rid of all the negative people in your life- clean house and move on! Best thing I have done.

07-31-2007, 07:17 AM
After all the back and forth, something good came of all this. A gentleman who shall remain nameless, who respondede here to my post has decided to show me that all men are not assholes. This gentleman has invited me to a nice dinner and good conversation when I get back to NYC. Now thats something that means alot to me. OMG, a date. its been so long! what do I wear? what hair do i wanna use? gosh, I feel like a school girl again. I won't reveal who he is, but if he chooses too, then thats up to him. I don't kiss and tell.

07-31-2007, 07:32 AM
This is just my opinion but wouldn't you expect those type of guys when you are advertising as an escort/prostitute,it may not be respectful but what do you expect from tranny chasing scumbags,if you really wanted more maybe you should change your environment and job occupation.

07-31-2007, 08:07 AM
This is just my opinion but wouldn't you expect those type of guys when you are advertising as an escort/prostitute,it may not be respectful but what do you expect from tranny chasing scumbags,if you really wanted more maybe you should change your environment and job occupation.
I did not meet him in an "escort" enviroment.
There is more to me than escorting

07-31-2007, 08:14 AM
This is just my opinion but wouldn't you expect those type of guys when you are advertising as an escort/prostitute,it may not be respectful but what do you expect from tranny chasing scumbags,if you really wanted more maybe you should change your environment and job occupation.

like i said in the chat room... yall are focussing on this about being escorts or sex workers... ITS NOT

for 4yrs i was just a normal girl trying to survive and date and have friendships... every guy i met, whether he was blunt about fucking me or lied and tricked me into thinking i was special by taking me somewhere nice, ONLY wanted to fuck me... thats it. i was nothing more except for one person ive met in 4yrs... so i got tired of it and THEN i started escorting... so my point is... you dont have to be a whore to be treated like one... show vanessa and other girls on here some fucking respect and stop trying to make it HER fault or any ts womans fault that men only want to use us for their own personal sexual gain. we are all products of our enviroment and tho i cant speak for others, i can say that for me, i started selling my services after i felt that i had seen the light of truth and that was that MOST guys only want one thing from a girl like me and the only reason they called me more was because i was free... i changed that and apparently vanessa did the same thing w/ this one guy... big deal... until you have had hundreds of PPL WEEKLY trying to fuck you and nothing more dont speak on topics you know NOTHING about. :!:

07-31-2007, 08:23 AM

07-31-2007, 10:01 AM
Well that is disappointing I thought I wrote some good responses to mofungo and vanessa but got nothing back. Oh well thanks to those who stuck up for me or at least the points I was trying to make.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings vanessa I was just trying to tell you the truth from a guys point of view.

Now back to lurking

07-31-2007, 10:14 AM
I was just trying to tell you the truth from a guys point of view.

Tommy, you don't know truth, and you can't speak for all men.

Lady Angela
07-31-2007, 10:59 AM
You just need to meet gentlemen who are into transexual women as people who they love and respect and not just for sexual activity.
You need to meet a guy you are compatible with. Who is complientary to you and visa versa
My man loves me, respects me and treats me as a lady.

Lady Angela
07-31-2007, 11:00 AM
I know several transexual women who are with wonderful guys in monogomous relationships.

07-31-2007, 11:48 AM
This is just my opinion but wouldn't you expect those type of guys when you are advertising as an escort/prostitute,it may not be respectful but what do you expect from tranny chasing scumbags,if you really wanted more maybe you should change your environment and job occupation.

like i said in the chat room... yall are focussing on this about being escorts or sex workers... ITS NOT

for 4yrs i was just a normal girl trying to survive and date and have friendships... every guy i met, whether he was blunt about fucking me or lied and tricked me into thinking i was special by taking me somewhere nice, ONLY wanted to fuck me... thats it. i was nothing more except for one person ive met in 4yrs... so i got tired of it and THEN i started escorting... so my point is... you dont have to be a whore to be treated like one... show vanessa and other girls on here some fucking respect and stop trying to make it HER fault or any ts womans fault that men only want to use us for their own personal sexual gain. we are all products of our enviroment and tho i cant speak for others, i can say that for me, i started selling my services after i felt that i had seen the light of truth and that was that MOST guys only want one thing from a girl like me and the only reason they called me more was because i was free... i changed that and apparently vanessa did the same thing w/ this one guy... big deal... until you have had hundreds of PPL WEEKLY trying to fuck you and nothing more dont speak on topics you know NOTHING about. :!:

I have nothing but respectful for you jen and other girls on wait except one but i don't understand the philosophy well if i'm getting hit on for sex i meant as well become an escort,i'm sure thousands of girls get hit on does that mean they become escorts but from that kind of statement it just seems like you expect that type of person to hit on you but why then complain if he asks you something disrespectful just ignore him.I just think when you make that kind of statement your setting yourself up to attract that type of loser.Jen i've always thought of you as being very intelligent and articulate but to hear you say you've become a escort because you have been hit on for sex comes to an utter suprise to me but it doesn't change the way i precieved you.I'm not saying anything to piss you off i just don't get the reasons why you and vanessa escort,i would understand if it's to survive but for the reasons you two stated it doesn't make sense to me.

07-31-2007, 07:05 PM
This is just my opinion but wouldn't you expect those type of guys when you are advertising as an escort/prostitute,it may not be respectful but what do you expect from tranny chasing scumbags,if you really wanted more maybe you should change your environment and job occupation.

like i said in the chat room... yall are focussing on this about being escorts or sex workers... ITS NOT

for 4yrs i was just a normal girl trying to survive and date and have friendships... every guy i met, whether he was blunt about fucking me or lied and tricked me into thinking i was special by taking me somewhere nice, ONLY wanted to fuck me... thats it. i was nothing more except for one person ive met in 4yrs... so i got tired of it and THEN i started escorting... so my point is... you dont have to be a whore to be treated like one... show vanessa and other girls on here some fucking respect and stop trying to make it HER fault or any ts womans fault that men only want to use us for their own personal sexual gain. we are all products of our enviroment and tho i cant speak for others, i can say that for me, i started selling my services after i felt that i had seen the light of truth and that was that MOST guys only want one thing from a girl like me and the only reason they called me more was because i was free... i changed that and apparently vanessa did the same thing w/ this one guy... big deal... until you have had hundreds of PPL WEEKLY trying to fuck you and nothing more dont speak on topics you know NOTHING about. :!:

I have nothing but respectful for you jen and other girls on wait except one but i don't understand the philosophy well if i'm getting hit on for sex i meant as well become an escort,i'm sure thousands of girls get hit on does that mean they become escorts but from that kind of statement it just seems like you expect that type of person to hit on you but why then complain if he asks you something disrespectful just ignore him.I just think when you make that kind of statement your setting yourself up to attract that type of loser.Jen i've always thought of you as being very intelligent and articulate but to hear you say you've become a escort because you have been hit on for sex comes to an utter suprise to me but it doesn't change the way i precieved you.I not saying anything to piss you off i just don't get the reasons why you and vanessa escort,i would understand if it's to survive but for the reasons you two stated i doesn't make sense to me.
Do u want to know something funny. I could ask a guy for $300 or $400 for sex and get it, yet I can't get a guy to take me to the fuckin McDonalds around the corner and buy me an ice cream cone. :frustrated

07-31-2007, 07:24 PM
I find it very disturbing that guys would pay THAT MUCH for just a few minutes with a person for sex. Then after orgasm they wonder why the fuck that happened. Money wasted just because they were horny. I take the stand point of the previous poster i don't want to kiss ass and feel sorry for everyone here that posts a sob story about them being abused. Abuse happens on both sides of the field wether we like it or not. I'm sure there are guys that get shat on by women. Hell we all do but in different ways not always from love affairs. Some of you transwomen get treated like sex objects. So what else is new?! Women get the same treatment and so do men. Get over it you're not alone.

07-31-2007, 07:24 PM

07-31-2007, 08:01 PM
Do u want to know something funny. I could ask a guy for $300 or $400 for sex and get it, yet I can't get a guy to take me to the fuckin McDonalds around the corner and buy me an ice cream cone. :frustrated

That's kind of hard to comprehend.

07-31-2007, 09:14 PM
Do u want to know something funny. I could ask a guy for $300 or $400 for sex and get it, yet I can't get a guy to take me to the fuckin McDonalds around the corner and buy me an ice cream cone. :frustrated

That's kind of hard to comprehend.
Typical male response

07-31-2007, 09:22 PM
I find it very disturbing that guys would pay THAT MUCH for just a few minutes with a person for sex. Then after orgasm they wonder why the fuck that happened. Money wasted just because they were horny. I take the stand point of the previous poster i don't want to kiss ass and feel sorry for everyone here that posts a sob story about them being abused. Abuse happens on both sides of the field wether we like it or not. I'm sure there are guys that get shat on by women. Hell we all do but in different ways not always from love affairs. Some of you transwomen get treated like sex objects. So what else is new?! Women get the same treatment and so do men. Get over it you're not alone.
Well too bad. The going rate on Eros is $250 for the hour. Now being that I am a little known in the industry with the work that I have done, most guys just give me $300. Now some of these guys are really nice guys. They just are honest about the fact that they "indulge ocassionally" into the ts world, then they go back to the wife and kids. Like I said before, I didn't post this for pity, I moved on, I just wanted you guys who know nothing about a ts but the porn that you jack off too, that we are real, we are human, we deserve to at least be respected

07-31-2007, 09:49 PM
I definetly agree that you girls deserve respect, but respect is earned and never just extended. Thats how it works here at least.

You might be the best girl in the world vanessa, but ive gotta say that alot of girls pass up the nice guys and go for the jerks. Thats pretty much all there is too it.

Some girls learn there lesson and some dont...I know I personally would much rather take you to the movies and dinner then pay your for an hour of sex....Its all in the mentality though......Goddamn!! Im a rambling mess lol.. I blame the heat baking my brain cells.

Okay, ill be quiet now.

07-31-2007, 11:38 PM
This is just my opinion but wouldn't you expect those type of guys when you are advertising as an escort/prostitute,it may not be respectful but what do you expect from tranny chasing scumbags,if you really wanted more maybe you should change your environment and job occupation.

like i said in the chat room... yall are focussing on this about being escorts or sex workers... ITS NOT

for 4yrs i was just a normal girl trying to survive and date and have friendships... every guy i met, whether he was blunt about fucking me or lied and tricked me into thinking i was special by taking me somewhere nice, ONLY wanted to fuck me... thats it. i was nothing more except for one person ive met in 4yrs... so i got tired of it and THEN i started escorting... so my point is... you dont have to be a whore to be treated like one... show vanessa and other girls on here some fucking respect and stop trying to make it HER fault or any ts womans fault that men only want to use us for their own personal sexual gain. we are all products of our enviroment and tho i cant speak for others, i can say that for me, i started selling my services after i felt that i had seen the light of truth and that was that MOST guys only want one thing from a girl like me and the only reason they called me more was because i was free... i changed that and apparently vanessa did the same thing w/ this one guy... big deal... until you have had hundreds of PPL WEEKLY trying to fuck you and nothing more dont speak on topics you know NOTHING about. :!:

I have nothing but respectful for you jen and other girls on wait except one but i don't understand the philosophy well if i'm getting hit on for sex i meant as well become an escort,i'm sure thousands of girls get hit on does that mean they become escorts but from that kind of statement it just seems like you expect that type of person to hit on you but why then complain if he asks you something disrespectful just ignore him.I just think when you make that kind of statement your setting yourself up to attract that type of loser.Jen i've always thought of you as being very intelligent and articulate but to hear you say you've become a escort because you have been hit on for sex comes to an utter suprise to me but it doesn't change the way i precieved you.I not saying anything to piss you off i just don't get the reasons why you and vanessa escort,i would understand if it's to survive but for the reasons you two stated i doesn't make sense to me.
Do u want to know something funny. I could ask a guy for $300 or $400 for sex and get it, yet I can't get a guy to take me to the fuckin McDonalds around the corner and buy me an ice cream cone. :frustrated


legend: it has nothing to do w/ me getting hit on ... it had to do w/ me getting tricked into thinking i was w/ someone who wanted more then sex and then after they got it they never called back or they only called me for sex after that... getting hit on no... getting used for sex repeatedly yes... dont judge me less you want to make an enemy real quick... you dont know me.

08-01-2007, 12:36 AM
Ill take you to get an ice cream cone Vanessa

08-01-2007, 01:25 AM
Ill take you to get an ice cream cone Vanessa
And it would mean alot to me if somebody did. :P

08-01-2007, 01:44 AM
Dammit! :x

This thread is moving much faster than my brain can follow. :?

>> It's better to be alone than in bad company. <<

From the point of view of this particular hermit, Alannah has spoken a painful, yet accurate truth.

mofungo, welcome to the fray and good points of view, however...

Why should a sex-worker be perceived as promiscuous?

Not sure about Down-Under, but here there is the prevalence of belief that if you do the nasty with more than one person in the course of a week (And two more next week), you are promiscuous, whether you're paid for it or not. Not all see it this way, but it is a widely held opinion.

1 her safety ,worrying that some nutter had done a sutcliffe on her or worse.

Jezzus, I read that whole damned story (About Sutcliffe). :shock:

I guess thats what I'm looking for. Dating. Movies, dinners, fun stuff, like watching fireworks in the park, maybe bike riding, dancing, normal shit guys do with girls.

Except for bike riding (I have balance issues) and dancing (I have coordination issues) I could go for something like this and can't begin to count the number of women I've approached who thought "a walk in the park" was just lame-ass bullshit and blew me off.

Go figure. :shrug

Then I went to the Chanel Boutique on Michican Ave...

I've only ever bought a bacon double cheesburger at the BK at Michigan and Wacker. :P

I hope I wasn't included in that eye-roll...

We all are, and will be, until the one they seek and need redeems us all.

Now if he came over, hung out, watched a movie, maybe order pizza and then sex, that could be cool.

I actually spent a rather wonderful day with a gurl that was much like this. Though it was a commercial venture (Pay-for-play), we spent much of the day just chatting and watching goofy shit on the gawddamnednoisybox in the hotel suite. I s'pose we would have ordered a pizza, but our tastes vary and after eight hours she was pretty much done with me (I tend to wear on one's nerves after a while, I'm sure).

Can we hear more about making love to the Cheeseburger?

Yah, I'm up for that too! :shock:

On another note, I'd love to know how one remains monogamous while remaining in the adult industry, as Allanah says she has done a few times. Can someone please explain that to me?

Monogamy is a concept I've never been able to understand. In part because I am bisexual, and in part because I am poly in nature. I cannot truthfully say that I understand how a sex worker can have a 'monogamous' relationship with their 'lover', but I do have some vague idea of the construct of the logistics. Personally, I have been in a relationship with a sex worker and I can say as fact that it isn't easy. There is an incredible amount of trust required on your part and honesty on their part to get over the smallest hurdles.

Even with 'lovers', it's not always bareback. :?

OMG, a date. its been so long! what do I wear? what hair do i wanna use? gosh, I feel like a school girl again. I won't reveal who he is, but if he chooses too, then thats up to him. I don't kiss and tell.

:claps :claps :claps :claps

Well, good for both of you (Lucky bastich!). :D

This is just my opinion but wouldn't you expect those type of guys when you are advertising as an escort/prostitute,it may not be respectful but what do you expect from tranny chasing scumbags,if you really wanted more maybe you should change your environment and job occupation.

I've worked with the public. It was once said "The greatest problem with the public is thast there are too damned many of them!". This is so. If it's in one's power to do so, change your occupation. If not, get a bigger stick! :x

...yet I can't get a guy to take me to the fuckin McDonalds around the corner and buy me an ice cream cone.

I'd take you to Quag's for a burger or ice cream cone. But then, this could just as well be some wise-ass aside to the general topic.

I find it very disturbing that guys would pay THAT MUCH for just a few minutes with a person for sex. Then after orgasm they wonder why the fuck that happened. Money wasted just because they were horny.

Some of us don't fit that model. The gurls I've been with were probably just as annoyed that I spent 3/4 of the time telling them silly-ass jokes or talking about my cats. Some of us actually treat our time with the gurls as a true "date". As for "THAT MUCH", I do management consulting and bookkeeping and have determined that I've spent far less on the occasional pleasant fling than I did on the long term, dead-end disaster.

And so I wrap this up with the best relationship advice I can think of, based on my experience:

Not all women are schizophrenic, game-playing psychos and not all men are inattentive, heartless, bastards.

Just the ones you meet.

08-01-2007, 02:45 AM
Do u want to know something funny. I could ask a guy for $300 or $400 for sex and get it, yet I can't get a guy to take me to the fuckin McDonalds around the corner and buy me an ice cream cone. :frustrated

That's kind of hard to comprehend.
Typical male response

I didn't say that to sound like a jerk but on the lines that's obviously someone like that is out for one thing and could care less about what you liked it's just not anything i would do thus why i can't understand it.

08-01-2007, 03:01 AM
This is just my opinion but wouldn't you expect those type of guys when you are advertising as an escort/prostitute,it may not be respectful but what do you expect from tranny chasing scumbags,if you really wanted more maybe you should change your environment and job occupation.

like i said in the chat room... yall are focussing on this about being escorts or sex workers... ITS NOT

for 4yrs i was just a normal girl trying to survive and date and have friendships... every guy i met, whether he was blunt about fucking me or lied and tricked me into thinking i was special by taking me somewhere nice, ONLY wanted to fuck me... thats it. i was nothing more except for one person ive met in 4yrs... so i got tired of it and THEN i started escorting... so my point is... you dont have to be a whore to be treated like one... show vanessa and other girls on here some fucking respect and stop trying to make it HER fault or any ts womans fault that men only want to use us for their own personal sexual gain. we are all products of our enviroment and tho i cant speak for others, i can say that for me, i started selling my services after i felt that i had seen the light of truth and that was that MOST guys only want one thing from a girl like me and the only reason they called me more was because i was free... i changed that and apparently vanessa did the same thing w/ this one guy... big deal... until you have had hundreds of PPL WEEKLY trying to fuck you and nothing more dont speak on topics you know NOTHING about. :!:

I have nothing but respectful for you jen and other girls on wait except one but i don't understand the philosophy well if i'm getting hit on for sex i meant as well become an escort,i'm sure thousands of girls get hit on does that mean they become escorts but from that kind of statement it just seems like you expect that type of person to hit on you but why then complain if he asks you something disrespectful just ignore him.I just think when you make that kind of statement your setting yourself up to attract that type of loser.Jen i've always thought of you as being very intelligent and articulate but to hear you say you've become a escort because you have been hit on for sex comes to an utter suprise to me but it doesn't change the way i precieved you.I not saying anything to piss you off i just don't get the reasons why you and vanessa escort,i would understand if it's to survive but for the reasons you two stated i doesn't make sense to me.
Do u want to know something funny. I could ask a guy for $300 or $400 for sex and get it, yet I can't get a guy to take me to the fuckin McDonalds around the corner and buy me an ice cream cone. :frustrated


legend: it has nothing to do w/ me getting hit on ... it had to do w/ me getting tricked into thinking i was w/ someone who wanted more then sex and then after they got it they never called back or they only called me for sex after that... getting hit on no... getting used for sex repeatedly yes... dont judge me less you want to make an enemy real quick... you dont know me.

I apologize if i offended you jen but you are more then sex to me and i'm sure alot of other people on here feel the same way,why would a person want to stop knowing a cool person i mean it's your personal interest and the way you think that makes you such a unique person to me and to give up knowing that person just to get laid is not an option in my book.

08-01-2007, 04:18 AM
This been said millions of tymes But it is so true
gay or str8
black or white it doesn't matter all guys(4 the most part) think with their dick
hell even I do this that's why men do alot of silly shit, I'm not makin no excuses or nothin I'm just sayin wat I think

08-01-2007, 05:37 AM
I really didn't know whether to touch this thread with a 30 foot pole, hmmm....

08-01-2007, 05:56 AM
i dnot no how mtost of yooz gyz can karry a conbersayshun... You fwits cant speell wotht a damm.

08-01-2007, 06:15 AM
[What you are not understanding- or are uncapable of understanding because of your conditioning is that to ME- seeing a client or doing a movie scenes is WORK- just like it might be for someone going to the office or any other job. There is no emitonal attatchment, its simply a job. A very personal one, but nonetheless a JOB. Nothing more and nothin less. Like in any business you develop friendships and business relationships but what no one who is not in the industry seems to understand that when you finish a sex scene everyone says- thanks it was great working with you and they go back to their lives. Just like you do when you finish YOUR job.

How does one remain monogamous? One remains monogamous by not seeing, dating, or sleeping with other people on a personal intimate level.

LOOK- what you are doing is trying to impose YOUR standards on me and every sex worker. It's great to have standards- as long as you don't impose them on other people. You don;t have to date an escort or understand how anyone could. That;s grand- IT"S YOUR CHOICE.

So if I can understand and respect YOU for what you choose- then YOU should be able to understand and respect people that have relationships that you might consider unsual.

The bottom line darling is setting boundaries and talking about what is OK and what is NOT right away when you get involved. That's really it.
I lay all my cards on the table when I am really interested in someone and then I let them decide wether they want to play them or not. And let me tell you- all of my relationships have ended because I caught the other person doing shady stuff, I was always upfront about what I do and did.

As I have said many times- what I do and WHO I am are two very different people. You only know me as Allanah Starr.
My personal life is not Allanah Starr.

I hear what you're saying Allanah, and I understand it. What I am saying is that while you and other women who escort may be able to separate work from your personal life, it is difficult at a minimum, and impossible for most men from what I've gathered, to see that separation. So, while I understand what you are saying, I can't do the math and come up with the same conclusion. That's all I'm saying.

I am not trying to impose my values on anyone, simply saying, along with several others, that we arrive at a different place than you ladies do with respect to this issue. What you do is, of course, your business... and I have said that I've been a client, so I surely wouldn't try to put down escorting. However, I wouldn't try to have a relationship with an escort beyond a business transaction, as it would be too much emotionally for me to deal with. But that's just me... And I meant no disrespect to anyone with what I've said.

08-01-2007, 09:04 AM
[What you are not understanding- or are uncapable of understanding because of your conditioning is that to ME- seeing a client or doing a movie scenes is WORK- just like it might be for someone going to the office or any other job. There is no emitonal attatchment, its simply a job. A very personal one, but nonetheless a JOB. Nothing more and nothin less. Like in any business you develop friendships and business relationships but what no one who is not in the industry seems to understand that when you finish a sex scene everyone says- thanks it was great working with you and they go back to their lives. Just like you do when you finish YOUR job.

How does one remain monogamous? One remains monogamous by not seeing, dating, or sleeping with other people on a personal intimate level.

LOOK- what you are doing is trying to impose YOUR standards on me and every sex worker. It's great to have standards- as long as you don't impose them on other people. You don;t have to date an escort or understand how anyone could. That;s grand- IT"S YOUR CHOICE.

So if I can understand and respect YOU for what you choose- then YOU should be able to understand and respect people that have relationships that you might consider unsual.

The bottom line darling is setting boundaries and talking about what is OK and what is NOT right away when you get involved. That's really it.
I lay all my cards on the table when I am really interested in someone and then I let them decide wether they want to play them or not. And let me tell you- all of my relationships have ended because I caught the other person doing shady stuff, I was always upfront about what I do and did.

As I have said many times- what I do and WHO I am are two very different people. You only know me as Allanah Starr.
My personal life is not Allanah Starr.

I hear what you're saying Allanah, and I understand it. What I am saying is that while you and other women who escort may be able to separate work from your personal life, it is difficult at a minimum, and impossible for most men from what I've gathered, to see that separation. So, while I understand what you are saying, I can't do the math and come up with the same conclusion. That's all I'm saying.

I am not trying to impose my values on anyone, simply saying, along with several others, that we arrive at a different place than you ladies do with respect to this issue. What you do is, of course, your business... and I have said that I've been a client, so I surely wouldn't try to put down escorting. However, I wouldn't try to have a relationship with an escort beyond a business transaction, as it would be too much emotionally for me to deal with. But that's just me... And I meant no disrespect to anyone with what I've said.

WORD! and it hasnt got to do with "imposing ones standards on anyone" - its a depply human sentiment that you dont wanna see the person you love beeing intimate with a lot of other people. you can say a hundred times "its just a job" - but from my perspective as a guy, it ISNT THE SAME. ive been down that road, and its a dead end street.

would i date an escort again? yes, but i would NOt try to get in her pants. sounds strange but thats the only way to avoid getting scarred emotionally.

08-01-2007, 09:40 AM
I have only read like the first six pages so far, but Vanessa was correct in her original reason for the thread. The guy wanted sex but was offering nothing in exchange. He should have been willing to take her out, to let her have a good time or something. I think she said he once refused to buy her some small items at the drug store. That's something you might do for a friend. So he wasn't even a real friend but wanted sex for free.

You can like a woman but not be interested in an exclusive relationship. But a man will eventually give something of value to a woman he wants to sleep with, if nothing else quality time not just a late night booty hit. Young women go through that all the time with someone they like, at first.
Then they come to realize they are just being used for sex.

It makes no difference gg's or ts, if you want sex from one over a period of time you are going to have to shareyourself and some of your wealth.

08-01-2007, 12:52 PM
the nerve of some boys :)

08-03-2007, 06:34 AM
Ill take you to get an ice cream cone Vanessa
And it would mean alot to me if somebody did. :P
how bout that cone?

08-03-2007, 07:55 AM
Chap stick, Mofungo? You kissed a whole lot of ass in this thread. Must be one of those guys who thinks by cosigning the ladies, it'll somehow result in you getting laid. You're wrong... and all around too.

08-03-2007, 10:36 AM
At some point the woman has to take some responsibility.

This "relationship" had been going on for 3-4 years and nothing changed. Sure, you voiced your concerns and let it be known that you weren't happy with what was going on between you two. But your actions were saying something totally different.

I think its really unfortunate that you were treated badly, but you have to hold yourself accountable for allowing it to continue for so long. "Relationships" are two-way streets. You can just lay all the blame at his feet.

08-04-2007, 05:44 AM
1. At some point the woman has to take some responsibility.

2. You have to hold yourself accountable for allowing it to continue for so long.

3. "Relationships" are two-way streets.

1. As a man, you are wrong, both on this issue, and on everything.
2. Refer to number 1.
3. Refer to number 2.

08-04-2007, 06:00 AM
At some point the woman has to take some responsibility.

This "relationship" had been going on for 3-4 years and nothing changed. Sure, you voiced your concerns and let it be known that you weren't happy with what was going on between you two. But your actions were saying something totally different.

I think its really unfortunate that you were treated badly, but you have to hold yourself accountable for allowing it to continue for so long. "Relationships" are two-way streets. You can just lay all the blame at his feet.

Accept any degree of personal responsibility??? Now you're just being silly.


08-04-2007, 06:15 AM
[What you are not understanding- or are uncapable of understanding because of your conditioning is that to ME- seeing a client or doing a movie scenes is WORK- just like it might be for someone going to the office or any other job. There is no emitonal attatchment, its simply a job. A very personal one, but nonetheless a JOB. Nothing more and nothin less. Like in any business you develop friendships and business relationships but what no one who is not in the industry seems to understand that when you finish a sex scene everyone says- thanks it was great working with you and they go back to their lives. Just like you do when you finish YOUR job.

How does one remain monogamous? One remains monogamous by not seeing, dating, or sleeping with other people on a personal intimate level.

LOOK- what you are doing is trying to impose YOUR standards on me and every sex worker. It's great to have standards- as long as you don't impose them on other people. You don;t have to date an escort or understand how anyone could. That;s grand- IT"S YOUR CHOICE.

So if I can understand and respect YOU for what you choose- then YOU should be able to understand and respect people that have relationships that you might consider unsual.

The bottom line darling is setting boundaries and talking about what is OK and what is NOT right away when you get involved. That's really it.
I lay all my cards on the table when I am really interested in someone and then I let them decide wether they want to play them or not. And let me tell you- all of my relationships have ended because I caught the other person doing shady stuff, I was always upfront about what I do and did.

As I have said many times- what I do and WHO I am are two very different people. You only know me as Allanah Starr.
My personal life is not Allanah Starr.

I hear what you're saying Allanah, and I understand it. What I am saying is that while you and other women who escort may be able to separate work from your personal life, it is difficult at a minimum, and impossible for most men from what I've gathered, to see that separation. So, while I understand what you are saying, I can't do the math and come up with the same conclusion. That's all I'm saying.

I am not trying to impose my values on anyone, simply saying, along with several others, that we arrive at a different place than you ladies do with respect to this issue. What you do is, of course, your business... and I have said that I've been a client, so I surely wouldn't try to put down escorting. However, I wouldn't try to have a relationship with an escort beyond a business transaction, as it would be too much emotionally for me to deal with. But that's just me... And I meant no disrespect to anyone with what I've said.

Darling I would not have a relationship with you either so we are on the same page

08-04-2007, 07:21 AM
Allanah, was that comment really necessary? I espouse an opinion, only for you to turn it into a personal attack when it was nothing of the sort, and despite the fact that I said I meant no disrespect to anyone. From you more than any of the ladies here, I might have expected better than that.

I don't post here insulting the transgendered, and yet as a man who does not kiss the ass of whatever transwoman have you simply because she is a transwoman, I have myself been insulted, this just the latest example. And you ought to be ashamed of yourself for that Allanah, all the more so because you are held up as the epitome of class around these parts, while there was none in that response whatsoever.

Baron Of Hell
08-04-2007, 08:52 AM
You really shouldn't let it get to you. This is such a poorly moderated forum it foster such behavior. This is definitely not the forum for civil discussion between adults. Its more the forum for name calling between children.

08-04-2007, 09:03 AM
You're right of course, Baron, but I cannot indefinitely abide being insulted by those who would continuously deny the fact that other people are going to have a different opinion on things than they do. These same people who sit on a high horse when it comes to dispensing wisdom on issues of transgenderism, but who have no understanding of what it is to be a human being...

No, as much as these ladies have their pride, men do not have any less, and by the fact that many of us come here and support them, we deserve better than to be shit on by them. Of course, not all the ladies, do this, and I want to be clear on that. But more than a handful do, and it's time somebody said enough to this kind of bullshit. So... enough.

08-04-2007, 09:22 AM
Darling I would not have a relationship with you either so we are on the same page

Allanah, was that comment really necessary? I espouse an opinion, only for you to turn it into a personal attack when it was nothing of the sort, and despite the fact that I said I meant no disrespect to anyone. From you more than any of the ladies here, I might have expected better than that.

I don't post here insulting the transgendered, and yet as a man who does not kiss the ass of whatever transwoman have you simply because she is a transwoman, I have myself been insulted, this just the latest example. And you ought to be ashamed of yourself for that Allanah, all the more so because you are held up as the epitome of class around these parts, while there was none in that response whatsoever.

TJ I believe that you should not be insulted. You said that you would not have a relationship with an escort. Apparently Allanah considers herself to be one, so it means that you would not have a relationship her. She simply said that she would not have one with you. That's nothing more than reflecting your statement.

For me, if Allanah were to beg me for one, and tell me how great I am, I would consider having a relationship with her. That is unless, she becomes one of Bush's cabinet members, that's where I draw the line.

08-04-2007, 09:34 AM
You know, you're right... I shouldn't be insulted. I shouldn't be insulted, because I've long known the character of some of the folks I'm dealing with here in this thread, and shouldn't have had such high expectations of them. At the end of the day, previous threads let me know that this was a likely end to what increasingly became, on my part, a more serious discussion, and you know what? I forgot where I was, and tried to have an adult conversation. That was my mistake. So, I'm not insulted... just angry with myself for having greater expectations than I had any right to.

08-04-2007, 10:08 AM
Allanah, was that comment really necessary? I espouse an opinion, only for you to turn it into a personal attack when it was nothing of the sort, and despite the fact that I said I meant no disrespect to anyone. From you more than any of the ladies here, I might have expected better than that.

I don't post here insulting the transgendered, and yet as a man who does not kiss the ass of whatever transwoman have you simply because she is a transwoman, I have myself been insulted, this just the latest example. And you ought to be ashamed of yourself for that Allanah, all the more so because you are held up as the epitome of class around these parts, while there was none in that response whatsoever.

Insult? Where did I insult you or attack you? I was merely replying to what you said about NOT dating an escort and since I do escorting work then you would not date me and I would not date you because of your views. In fact, I am involved with someone so I dont have intentions of dating ANYONE.

It was hypothetical darling...lighten up.

08-04-2007, 10:11 AM
You really shouldn't let it get to you. This is such a poorly moderated forum it foster such behavior. This is definitely not the forum for civil discussion between adults. Its more the forum for name calling between children.

Then why are you here if this is such a hell hole?

08-04-2007, 10:12 AM
Darling I would not have a relationship with you either so we are on the same page

Allanah, was that comment really necessary? I espouse an opinion, only for you to turn it into a personal attack when it was nothing of the sort, and despite the fact that I said I meant no disrespect to anyone. From you more than any of the ladies here, I might have expected better than that.

I don't post here insulting the transgendered, and yet as a man who does not kiss the ass of whatever transwoman have you simply because she is a transwoman, I have myself been insulted, this just the latest example. And you ought to be ashamed of yourself for that Allanah, all the more so because you are held up as the epitome of class around these parts, while there was none in that response whatsoever.

TJ I believe that you should not be insulted. You said that you would not have a relationship with an escort. Apparently Allanah considers herself to be one, so it means that you would not have a relationship her. She simply said that she would not have one with you. That's nothing more than reflecting your statement.

For me, if Allanah were to beg me for one, and tell me how great I am, I would consider having a relationship with her. That is unless, she becomes one of Bush's cabinet members, that's where I draw the line.

Thank you for the correct assesement of my comment.

08-04-2007, 10:27 AM
To be fair, most men probably think that TS girls love sex with anybody.

08-04-2007, 10:31 AM
TJ I believe that you should not be insulted. You said that you would not have a relationship with an escort. Apparently Allanah considers herself to be one, so it means that you would not have a relationship her. She simply said that she would not have one with you. That's nothing more than reflecting your statement.

For me, if Allanah were to beg me for one, and tell me how great I am, I would consider having a relationship with her. That is unless, she becomes one of Bush's cabinet members, that's where I draw the line.

No offense, yoda... but being so enamored, your interpretation is always going to be favorable, yes? That's a joke... sort of. Let's move on. This can't last long...

08-04-2007, 10:43 AM
Well it's good to know you have retained your sense of humor-as I believe he was joking. I am far too high maitenance for most men- he would not want me as a gf :)

08-04-2007, 11:53 AM
Look, I'm sorry that you were disappointed by that guy. I understand what it's like to have faith in someone and then it kind of dies once you realize that your ideal was untrue. However, I don't believe this should scar your view on all men. Such a stereotype is unfair to both sides. Not all men are horny 24/7, just like there are transsexuals who are one-night stand types. There are bad guys on both sides; it's really somewhat selfish to believe that your side is completely right. There are good guys out there. I hope you find him one day.

08-04-2007, 01:57 PM
just want to make this point clear...jerking off to ts porn doesnt make u an expert on dating ts and other issues..oh and dating a girl in your mind doesnt count either ,lol...i feel some of the most opinionated people are the people that have no clue or experience....shit its almost the same as the wannabe wine buffs, lmfao.....they use other peoples opinions instead of forming their own .... :?

08-04-2007, 04:29 PM
just want to make this point clear...jerking off to ts porn doesnt make u an expert on dating ts and other issues..oh and dating a girl in your mind doesnt count either ,lol...i feel some of the most opinionated people are the people that have no clue or experience....shit its almost the same as the wannabe wine buffs, lmfao.....they use other peoples opinions instead of forming their own .... :?


Baron Of Hell
08-04-2007, 06:12 PM
You really shouldn't let it get to you. This is such a poorly moderated forum it foster such behavior. This is definitely not the forum for civil discussion between adults. Its more the forum for name calling between children.

Then why are you here if this is such a hell hole?
Entertainment Its great in its own way. Just when you think someone has said the stupidest thing in the world, someone else comes alongs and events and a whole new type of stupid. Its almost as fun as watching the republicans testify before congress.

Oh yeah and the porn is good also.

08-04-2007, 06:25 PM
It's likely that the type of man you are attracted to is the type most likely to be a player and not see you beyond your sweet curves and lovely pee pee. You describe aggressive, young, hung, good looking when describing the men you are not charging for sex. Two of the men are into pleasing you - why not get romantically involved with one of these. I'm guessing you go for players and in your market – they are more likely to be players than in the bigger world. You get played. I'm sure that you feel that a pretty thing like yourself should be with a young, hot, hung, macho guy who will treat you like a lady. Fact is - it's hard to find an available girl or guy with all those goods who can give as much as they take. Maybe you should make a list of your criteria for a relationship and then make a list for your criteria for an escort customer. I think you may have "gentleman" on the wrong list. Lastly, I’m not sure that the right punishment to a relationship that does not treat you right is to make him pay for sex. I think that you have to separate the two. If a guy you like does not treat you well – cut him off - don’t make him a trick. You are just complicating things. You may sell it – you may give it away, but only one of those is a business. Anyway, sound like you are doing great - just trying to find a diamond in a huge rock pile

08-04-2007, 06:30 PM
It's likely that the type of man you are attracted to is the type most likely to be a player and not see you beyond your sweet curves and lovely pee pee. You describe aggressive, young, hung, good looking when describing the men you are not charging for sex. Two of the men are into pleasing you - why not get romantically involved with one of these. I'm guessing you go for players and in your market – they are more likely to be players than in the bigger world. You get played. I'm sure that you feel that a pretty thing like yourself should be with a young, hot, hung, macho guy who will treat you like a lady. Fact is - it's hard to find an available girl or guy with all those goods who can give as much as they take. Maybe you should make a list of your criteria for a relationship and then make a list for your criteria for an escort customer. I think you may have "gentleman" on the wrong list. Lastly, I’m not sure that the right punishment to a relationship that does not treat you right is to make him pay for sex. I think that you have to separate the two. If a guy you like does not treat you well – cut him off - don’t make him a trick. You are just complicating things. You may sell it – you may give it away, but only one of those is a business.

Lone Wolf
08-04-2007, 06:44 PM
If men piss you off so much, cut your cock off and be a complete woman

08-04-2007, 07:09 PM
just want to make this point clear...jerking off to ts porn doesnt make u an expert on dating ts and other issues..oh and dating a girl in your mind doesnt count either ,lol...i feel some of the most opinionated people are the people that have no clue or experience....shit its almost the same as the wannabe wine buffs, lmfao.....they use other peoples opinions instead of forming their own .... :?

best said yet

08-04-2007, 07:33 PM
just want to make this point clear...jerking off to ts porn doesnt make u an expert on dating ts and other issues..oh and dating a girl in your mind doesnt count either ,lol...i feel some of the most opinionated people are the people that have no clue or experience....shit its almost the same as the wannabe wine buffs, lmfao.....they use other peoples opinions instead of forming their own .... :?

best said yet

make that a +2! :)

08-04-2007, 07:36 PM
If men piss you off so much, cut your cock off and be a complete woman

There is just so much 'fuckeupedness" in that single sentence i don't even know where to begin. No offense to you, but have you ever thought about why you have so much anger towards women?

08-04-2007, 07:43 PM
I understand how you feel we've all bean used before,but dont say thats why you hate men because by doing that you put all us men in line with that prick.Im sure guys can tell stories about a Ts that did/does the same thing to them.What i suggest is you start giving other kind of guys a chance,look past looks and try to see the hart of a man.Try it you may find a beauty gift in a ugly package.And if that fails try GIRLS LOL.

08-04-2007, 08:02 PM
If men piss you off so much, cut your cock off and be a complete woman

There is just so much 'fuckeupedness" in that single sentence i don't even know where to begin. No offense to you, but have you ever thought about why you have so much anger towards women?

Seriously, that comment was both uninformed and unnecessary.


08-04-2007, 08:09 PM
If men piss you off so much, cut your cock off and be a complete woman

There is just so much 'fuckeupedness" in that single sentence i don't even know where to begin. No offense to you, but have you ever thought about why you have so much anger towards women?

Seriously, that comment was both uninformed and unnecessary.


You mean, Lone Wolf's comment, correct?

08-04-2007, 08:10 PM
As a rule... people piss me off. But then I find, once I get to know someone, they don't anymore. Which leads me to think... well, y'know, everybody is different and to make arbitrary, blanket statements like the OP does is, while cathartic, kinda silly.

Men don't piss you off. Some of the men you have met do. There is a difference.

08-04-2007, 08:46 PM
just want to make this point clear...jerking off to ts porn doesnt make u an expert on dating ts and other issues..oh and dating a girl in your mind doesnt count either ,lol...i feel some of the most opinionated people are the people that have no clue or experience....shit its almost the same as the wannabe wine buffs, lmfao.....they use other peoples opinions instead of forming their own .... :?

There are two sides to everything in the universe. On the other everyone is an expert when it comes to dating, because it is there own feelings about who they will or won’t date. Of course someone like yourself, who hangs out on the set, will have greater expertise, but everyone’s opinion has some validity, maybe just not as important as they think.

My relationships, beyond one night stands, with ts women have been limited to a few dates with the same woman and a friendship that was based upon stage performance. She was a singer and I played behind her.
However I had a close friendship with a gg, who was an exotic dancer, at the time. I see many similarities in the discussions here related to dating escorts, because they are related to the sex industry. We could have been closer, but I listened to the negative comments of some of those opinionated people you refer to. I made up my mind that I would not have ‘that type of woman’ for a ltr, but I came to regret it. That is why I consistently speak up on behalf of women who work in the sex industry.

So for me, more important than experience has to do on whether the comment is negative or positive. Every man made object have in this material world was made because someone had a positive idea and did not listen to the nay Sayers. I guess we could say the same for relationships.

Going back to the original posting of this thread: Now that she has gotten rid of the bum, she'll have time for a real man. Or more time to love herself. She can't lose.

08-04-2007, 08:54 PM
If men piss you off so much, cut your cock off and be a complete woman

There is just so much 'fuckeupedness" in that single sentence i don't even know where to begin. No offense to you, but have you ever thought about why you have so much anger towards women?

Seriously, that comment was both uninformed and unnecessary.


You mean, Lone Wolf's comment, correct?



08-04-2007, 09:34 PM
this post is absurd ! humans are animals , doesn't matter the gender , many people are just like pigs !

08-04-2007, 10:53 PM
im not an expert..i just treat people the way i want to be treated...i also give that person a fresh slate and dont judge them on a bad experience with a previous girl..i met Vanessa when she was visiting and she was a pleasure to talk to and hang out with ....maybe your dudes need to kill the anxiety and beat off enough till you numb your horny brains b4 u head out the door , lmfao...

08-04-2007, 11:04 PM
Three pages of comments and not one from the author of the original post. This thread has officially become its own entity! Just in time for the elections!

08-05-2007, 12:36 AM
Pages and pages and pages, it says a lot about how we feel about ourselves and others. I saw the post and didn't feel attacked at all. But I think it was clearly born of frustration. We all have conflicts. I personally believe that a person's problems are meaningless, it is how they deal with them (if they do at all) that holds meaning.

P.S. 'Whereever you go, there you are!' Think about it.

Returning to the grind.

08-05-2007, 01:36 AM
If men piss you off so much, cut your cock off and be a complete woman

There is just so much 'fuckeupedness" in that single sentence i don't even know where to begin. No offense to you, but have you ever thought about why you have so much anger towards women?

Seriously, that comment was both uninformed and unnecessary.


well, check ot that guys messege history (yeah i was bored...) and u wont be surprised why hes a "lone wolf" :roll:

08-05-2007, 06:30 AM
P.S. 'Whereever you go, there you are!' Think about it.

Returning to the grind.

True indeed, And very interesting.

08-06-2007, 11:35 AM
Hi Vanessa,

Nice to meet you.

I'm sorry that your view of ALL men is so jaundiced .. though,in truth .. given your experiences,I really can't blame you ..

You say not to "jump in" claiming to be the one man who is different ...

Well ... the attached image is a scan from the flyleaf of a book given to me by a recent TS girlfriend (I've simply edited my name out) .. I think it speaks for itself ..

Please,please don't treat us as being all alike .. we're as different in our personalities,outlook,needs,desires & behaviour as you are .. most TG women would,quite rightly be highly offended if men said "T-Girls ? .. they're all the same" ..

I hope that one day you're fortunate enough to meet a decent man .. there are still plenty of us around .. :wink:

Bye for now,

Poacher xx

08-06-2007, 06:00 PM
Three pages of comments and not one from the author of the original post. This thread has officially become its own entity! Just in time for the elections!
Sorry guys, I been workin. Gotta pay bills too.

08-06-2007, 06:04 PM
If men piss you off so much, cut your cock off and be a complete woman
Maybe because i would love to shove my cock down your throat and wattch you choke :twisted:
No matter whats between my legs, I don't think men will ever change.

08-06-2007, 06:10 PM
Ill take you to get an ice cream cone Vanessa
And it would mean alot to me if somebody did. :P
how bout that cone?
Great idea! when??? :P

08-06-2007, 09:06 PM
Okay, I've been here sitting quietly, minding my business, having a good old time, taking in the sights, then I see this.

First let me get this out of the way. I am sincerely sorry for any mishaps or hardships you may have faced when dealing with men. I can't speak for the ones you encountered, because I don't know the gentlemen in person, so as far as I know, you're hating them for good reason. This much I accept. It's not uncommon.

But to then condemn all of us just because we find your type attractive and arousing... okay, lemme think of something to say in response to this...

... uhh, okay, so lots of us like the idea of being with shemales. So we get off on this type of thing. Okay, maybe we do. That's probably why we're on this site. Well, you're here too... so what does that say about you? But that instantly gives you the right to lump us in with the assholes you've had the unfortunate luck of being involved with.

This next comment will be delivered with much restraint. My dear, unless you met US in person... HOW THE HELL WOULD YOU KNOW WHAT WE'RE REALLY LIKE?!?!? I've had co workers that have done the same damn thing, and it pisses me off to no end. Try as I might to be a fine upstanding, playa-HATIN' gentleman, someone who actually wouldn't MIND giving someone a shoulder to cry on, someone who firmly believes that sex is much better if you just wait until your partner wants it, someone who strives to be, dare I say it... a "nice guy to know", and here I am, being hated on because I'm a man... nevermind the fact that I would just as soon stomp the ever living hell out of the guy that wronged you if it came to physical violence...

But I'm a man... I get off on this stuff, I'm just like them... you know what, 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Yes, I'm a man, yes I like this kind of stuff... no I am NOT like him. And I bet if you took some more time to look around, you'd find some more guys who aren't like him. Someone once told me after I got my heart ripped out to just keep on going. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Just dip your pole in the water and keep trying, sweetheart.

And finally, don't assume anymore about something like that... it just makes an ass out of you and me. I'm not saying this to be mean, dear, I'm just defending myself. I am a MAN after all.

08-06-2007, 09:34 PM
*applauds zodiac* :D

08-07-2007, 01:20 AM
Well said Zodiac ...

Without wishing to cause offence to anyone & accepting that everyone is entitled to their own point of view .. I think you've hit the nail fairly & squarely on the head .. :wink:

Bye for now,


08-07-2007, 03:29 AM
If men piss you off so much, cut your cock off and be a complete woman

Why do I suddenly get the feeling that YOU'RE the son of a bitch that got this whole mess started? You're probably not, but you're an ass, nonetheless...

There, I fixed it for ya. :wink:

08-07-2007, 03:33 AM
It's "nonetheless"... one word. But you're right, irregardless.

08-07-2007, 03:43 AM
In advance...

Pronunciation[ir-i-gahrd-lis] –adverb Nonstandard. regardless.

[Origin: 1910–15; ir-2 (prob. after irrespective) + regardless]

—Usage note Irregardless is considered nonstandard because of the two negative elements ir- and -less. It was probably formed on the analogy of such words as irrespective, irrelevant, and irreparable. Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis. Irregardless first appeared in the early 20th century and was perhaps popularized by its use in a comic radio program of the 1930s.

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Now back to the show...

08-07-2007, 04:41 AM
In advance...

Pronunciation[ir-i-gahrd-lis] –adverb Nonstandard. regardless.

[Origin: 1910–15; ir-2 (prob. after irrespective) + regardless]

—Usage note Irregardless is considered nonstandard because of the two negative elements ir- and -less. It was probably formed on the analogy of such words as irrespective, irrelevant, and irreparable. Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis. Irregardless first appeared in the early 20th century and was perhaps popularized by its use in a comic radio program of the 1930s.

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Now back to the show...

Oh shut up. :P

08-11-2007, 09:53 PM
Ill take you to get an ice cream cone Vanessa
And it would mean alot to me if somebody did. :P
how bout that cone?
Great idea! when??? :P
I work the next few days maybe next weekend or friday not 100% sure message or instant message me to talk tho get a plan banged out.

Fetish Fanatic
08-11-2007, 11:51 PM
Women... TG or GG whatever... All talk about how men only want sex(which is true) But yet you wouldn't give the average guy the time of day unless he had money or a nice car.. So both sides are fucked in my opinion... *leaves topic*

08-12-2007, 01:13 AM
Women... TG or GG whatever... All talk about how men only want sex(which is true) But yet you wouldn't give the average guy the time of day unless he had money or a nice car.. So both sides are fucked in my opinion... *leaves topic*

i cant speak for every girl but um... bullshit.

i make my own money and i have a nice car... i dont need yours for myself... i just dont want to have to finance your needs and drive you every where.

sure others feel the same.

08-12-2007, 11:12 PM
Women... TG or GG whatever... All talk about how men only want sex(which is true) But yet you wouldn't give the average guy the time of day unless he had money or a nice car.. So both sides are fucked in my opinion... *leaves topic*

Of course, this isn't true of all women, but I think (hope) we're all smart enough to know that. Anyway, to vastly increase your chances of finding a good woman, I'd say there were three steps you should follow:

First off, be about something... Get a haircut, brush your teeth, get a job, put on something other than a white t-shirt, jeans and a pair of sneakers every now and again, set some goals for your life and get after them.

Secondly, aim higher when it comes to the women you pursue... Having done everything I mentioned previously, why would you want a woman who hadn't done any of that?

Thirdly, and no less important... If you approach a woman and she expresses no interest in you, move on. I can't tell you how many women I sweated back in the day who weren't interested, but now come up to me, their looks having started to fade, once trim bodies having ballooned after those three kids they popped out... and the realization of what the difference is between a man and a boy finally having hit them. So, when that hottie with the bangin' body isn't trying to hear you, remember that some things just aren't meant to be, whether we know the why of it all or not. Accept it, appreciate it and move forward and you'll be better off. Keep pushing the issue, and you'll get played. Simple as that.

08-13-2007, 03:00 AM
Ill take you to get an ice cream cone Vanessa
And it would mean alot to me if somebody did. :P
how bout that cone?
Great idea! when??? :P
I work the next few days maybe next weekend or friday not 100% sure message or instant message me to talk tho get a plan banged out.
ok cuz i need that ice cream cone now!