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View Full Version : Excessive Cameras.............................

07-29-2007, 04:16 AM
I can understand everyone wanting to take photos at events but I had to tell someone to turn off their video camera last night. Definately, NOT COOL. Problem is these recorders are getting so small that you can literally fit one in your sweat pants pocket and no one will know.

Example of what I had to tell someone to turn off last night:

Example of what will get by future screenings no matter what

Luckily for us few people are willing to drop $700 on a video recording cell phone, but as most of us know, when technology is deemed ancient, store owners cut prices. I expect some wise individuals to pick one of these up in the next couple of years for $200-300 bucks.

I remember a few years ago when camera phones began appearing on just about every handset how I would walk into a few stripclubs and see the infamous http://incolor-inc.com/shop/images/no-cameras-sign-decal-sticker-label.jpg

Now you are near the point that you can't buy a phone without one.

07-29-2007, 09:29 AM
it was so annoying that i only snapped like 2 pics ,lol....im still seeing flashes

07-29-2007, 04:03 PM
I had to tell someone to turn off their video camera last night. Definately, NOT COOL.
Hey that was my camera you smashed and threw in the trash,LOL.
But really, I was the one with the video cam. Been bringing it to Allanah's B-day parties since forever, but mostly at the other venue ( I forget the name). I was shocked that people were shooting video,but I was like "cool, I will too". Last year I brought a friend who performed and I filmed that. What's more so did someone else, insider or not, and the video is on the internet.My friend doesn't mind but it's kinda like she's promoting someone's site without compensation.For the record it's too dark to shoot vids without lights in vapor, I was just trying.Basically, I have some nice audio recordings!! My rule of thumb is "if they don't say anything at the front door, it must be ok".Thanks for not being a dick about it though, much appreciated.
Oh but cams are outta control. Every time I stay in a hotel a shoot a rod at the mirror cause I know someone's watching!!