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View Full Version : Guys or Girls would you date a TS who had a Orchiectomy

07-28-2007, 12:42 AM
Here's a Question I was thinking about while I was drinking a few margaritas today. Is the abilty for a preop ts to orgasm and maintain erection important enough that you would not date a TS LTR if she had her testes removed. Is the cock more important to you than the girl.
do you need both, or is it irrelavant and you don't care. Ive noticed that first question I get asked is can you get hard or cum....

Yes I had Orchiectomy, (testes surgically removed) but i still do get erect, but no visable orgasm... are we now out even less desirable that total fuctional TS
does that make me untouchable to guys that like Transexual females.

Kira Harden


07-28-2007, 01:03 AM

"Is the abilty for a preop ts to orgasm and maintain erection important enough that you would not date a TS LTR if she had her testes removed."

It is not.

"Is the cock more important to you than the girl."

No is not.

Does that mean I would date GG, or a fully functional TS, or a TS with testes removed, or a post op?

Yes it does..... it is not about the functionality, it is about the girl.

it's just my opinion.

07-28-2007, 01:04 AM
absolutely yes.

it doesnt make you less desirable, maybe to the guys more on the "bottom" side.

but, a great number of guys are on the other spectrum and for those i dont see where there is a problem

07-28-2007, 01:08 AM
Ok ... I jump in on this.

I think you're mixing apples and pears. Everyone has preferences. I prefer rich over poor. I prefer Ralph Lauren over Hugo Boss. I prefer beef over pork. I prefer a total girl over someone with the parts.

All this being said. There are times I could be in the mood for pork. So I can understand the desire to see an erection or to see an ejaculation. The desire to be with a person in a relationship of any value, I believe overcomes any small item and most preferences are just that - small items. I would rather be with a caring, supportive, honest person who may not meet all of my preferences, than be with a over-bearing witch of a woman - who happens to tap every sensory button I have. That's the apple - pretty basic stuff.

Now, the pear is the issue of people getting exactly what they want when they want it and how they want it. If I am renting a car for a business trip - I want V8 power, luxury and size. The best car humanly built could be a 4 banger econo-box. It would not matter to me ... I want what I want. But in the world of car rentals.... you can get exactly what you want. So too in the escort world ... you can pretty much get what you want. I think that is fair and expected.

So if you are running into suitors who have decided that they want certain things in an escort or in an experience, then I understand that they expect to be able to receive what they want. But if you are encountering suitors in the everyday world, I would venture to guess that they may have ideas as to what they like. But having hard and fast rules as to what a person must come with (physically I guess is your main issue) to be considered for a long term relationship (once you're past the requirements of a heart, mind and soul) seems to be a bit ridiculous.

As always ... that's just my :2cent and its probably worth exactly what you paid to get it. lol

07-28-2007, 02:12 AM
Hi Kira, I'm a Captain Coke guy myself, but I like margaritas too. Crushed ice with lime and tequilia (lots of salt around the rim) is one of my favorites. And no, there were no sexual inuendos intended there.

I've enjoyed reading your posts, and your pictures are nice. You've even educated me on a few terms too. I've never heard of "Orchiectomy," but now I know!

I can't pretend to be a biology expert, I guess I'm a guy that likes attractive women, orchiectomy or not. That being said, it takes a unique woman to even claim that she has had an orchiectomy.

You are actually quite far from being "less desirable than a total functional TS." If I were attracted to genetic girls, I wouldn't have replied.

Rod la Rod
07-28-2007, 02:15 AM
Kira, If you work at it you can have multiple oragasms just
like a GG. It is a wonderful gift.

Yes I would date you.

07-28-2007, 02:37 AM
Well one other thing also, I forgot to add. I would love to get into adult films but the orchiectomy will limit or even prevent me from getting involve and damn it i wanna fuck on cam......

07-28-2007, 05:51 AM
Well one other thing also, I forgot to add. I would love to get into adult films but the orchiectomy will limit or even prevent me from getting involve and damn it i wanna fuck on cam......

Hi Kira,

While it may not be standard in the industry, there are many girls who have had orchie's. Yes we cannot ejaculate like other girls can, but so what? Who says you have to make the same damn porn as every other girl.

Do something interesting, something unique, and it will sell. To be crass: If jizz were the necessary ingredient in porn, then there would be no lezzy porn.

Maybe we should make a movie of girls who have all had orchie's and we can call it something silly like 'Fucked by a Eunuch', or 'She has no balls and her dick is still bigger than mine'

Rod La Rod: Do you think that the multiple orgasms has to do with the orchiectomy? I've been able to have multiple (in fact unlimited) orgasms since I was 11 years old.

07-28-2007, 05:54 AM

07-28-2007, 05:57 AM
Non issue for me. I don't "bottom" anyways, so it makes no difference to me.

I just want a lady, don't care what your "arrangement" down there is.

07-28-2007, 06:16 AM
personally speaking It's got more to do with compatibility as individuals rather than whether someone has balls or not :)

07-28-2007, 06:35 AM
Part of the attraction to TS ladies is their dangling participle. I personally don't care if you can or can't ejaculate, but the ability to gain a functional erection is of importance. Even if you were a GG, the attraction comes from more than the exposed skin, facial features, shapelyness of legs, etc. The pussy she's carrying around is, and always will be a major characteristic. Like it or not, we live in a material world (that should be in a song...HaHa!). Unfortunate as it may be for some of you, many of the guys attracted to TSs, want Dicks on their Chicks....working, erect, load blowing DICKS!

That being said....Although you are 6'3", and I a meager 5'6", I would jump your bones in a New York heartbeat!

07-28-2007, 06:40 AM
Part of the attraction to TS ladies is their dangling participle. I personally don't care if you can or can't ejaculate, but the ability to gain a functional erection is of importance. Even if you were a GG, the attraction comes from more than the exposed skin, facial features, shapelyness of legs, etc. The pussy she's carrying around is, and always will be a major characteristic. Like it or not, we live in a material world (that should be in a song...HaHa!). Unfortunate as it may be for some of you, many of the guys attracted to TSs, want Dicks on their Chicks....working, erect, load blowing DICKS!

That being said....Although you are 6'3", and I a meager 5'6", I would jump your bones in a New York heartbeat!

07-28-2007, 06:43 AM
I have to say I'm more on the bottom side... but not fully. For a LTR the most important part is compatibily, mixed with love, communication, respect, loyalty. Although it would be awesome to be with a TS that was fully functional. That in and of itself would not determine LTR cabablity!

Then I'm wierd. I try to be a gentleman, and am kinda a "nice guy"....

07-28-2007, 07:02 AM
i plan to have orchi done, and if people arent interested in me just because of that, then they arent right for me. although i am not looking to meet new partners since i am happy with my gf.

i dont know much of anything about the industry. i did want to get more into it when i was single, but even with my functioning testicles i didnt seem to get much work. maybe there is more to it than being able to cum.

07-28-2007, 11:48 AM
Nice Car! CorvetteDude...

Now there's as Idea a vid with all TS with an Orchiectomy.

I do Orgasam like a use too, but the sex is more enjoyable now, so
more more :wink: :wink:


07-28-2007, 11:56 AM
Damn Im a shitty Typer..... It should say " I dont"


07-28-2007, 12:03 PM
Yes,why not? That's a personal decision that had been-or was about to be-made by the the T/S I Was Dating.Not that big a deal.
Your quite the hottie BTW.

07-28-2007, 04:17 PM
I prefer non-functional pre-ops. Missing testes are a plus for me.

I'm Cursed, I'm Irish
07-28-2007, 04:31 PM
"Guys, would you date a TS who had a Orchiectomy?"

No, and no offense intended.

07-28-2007, 04:47 PM
Why can't you cum if you get the orchioctomy done? Isn't the semen from the postate, not your testicles?

And another question, do they perform the operation for any TS who wants it or do you have to have a "reason"?


07-28-2007, 05:20 PM
No semen is produced by testicles not prostate....


07-28-2007, 05:46 PM
I thought it was just the sperm that was produced in the testicles and that the semen was produced in the seminal vesicle.


07-28-2007, 09:13 PM
Why can't you cum if you get the orchioctomy done? Isn't the semen from the postate, not your testicles?

And another question, do they perform the operation for any TS who wants it or do you have to have a "reason"?


You have to get a letter of recommendation from a mental health professional certifying that you deserve to get surgery. For people without access to affordable health care this can be quite an obstacle. Fortunately there are many trans doctors that will write you a letter on your first or second visit.

You can't just walk into the hospital and pay for the operation.

My surgery was bizarrely DIY and I still had to have a surgery letter, even though it was performed by a pediatrician in a refurbished barn in rural Washington. Point being, you are going to need to actually go through the process, shortcuts probably will end up biting you in the ass.

07-28-2007, 09:45 PM
I would not be interested in being with someone who's had this done. My attraction to t's is that their libido and equipment is the same as mine when it comes to sex. Once you lose your balls, you're only once removed from a gg. And if I wanted that, I'd still be married.

But before you flame me, do what makes you feel fulfilled and not what someone says on a tranny forum. Most trangendered women who I'm friends with have SRS as their goal for their ultimate happiness. I fully support them to that end and my personal fetish has nothing to do with me wanting them to be happy.

07-28-2007, 10:05 PM
Good post Flabby. I've posted about this before myself, but I really don't care if a girl has a vagina, or a shecock and girl balls.

A beautiful girl is a beautiful girl. I'll never understand why TS girls think guys would be interested in the topic of various transitional issues. We'd like to care, because then the girls wouldn't get mad at us, but we just don't.

Why would we?

07-28-2007, 10:13 PM
A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, it shoudnt matter.... I like the guys dont care part... LMAO

07-28-2007, 10:22 PM
Here comes the honesty train, mind the gap! :shock:

If I'm in a relationship with someone (Not that I clearly remember what exactly constitues a 'relationship' anymore), I'm with them for the sum of the parts, whatever they may be. so, as to whether or not I'd date a gurl who'd had an orchi, sure, why not? If we click in all other ways, I can't see how her being lower on the nut scale than I am could make things that much different. :)

Though I have yet to personally encounter a 'T-minus-nutz' in the flesh, I've seen pix and chatted up some lovely gurls here and elsewhere whose company I would most surely enjoy in person. Just because they've had their testicles removed (Some of whom have kept them as souvenirs...Ewwww! :shock: ) doesn't mean that thier intelligence, humor, and personality went in the same jar.

From a sexual/intimacy perspective, I do love the cock and enjoy the various states and events that relate to same. Again, having no...er...hands-on experience, I can't say how I'd react to/feel about post-orchi dick behaviour (Or lack thereof). I once latched onto a male lover while he was involved in a telephone conversation and because he was more interested in the convo than the activity (Self-centered, faggity-assed bastard! :x ), he didn't maintain an erection or pop. Even so, we both seemed to have had fun in the activity. For penetration play, this could pose some difficulty, but otherwise a non-issue.

...the abilty for a preop ts to orgasm...

If you mean the ability to experience orgasm, yah, that's important. I'd like my girls/gurls to *POP* in such a way that I know I'm driving right. As for whether or not they shoot a warm lotion on my face or back, nice, but not required.

does that make me untouchable to guys that like Transexual females.

Um...I'd touch you. :oops:

07-28-2007, 10:26 PM
Yes, edit: girl = woman as well.

Don't get me in trouble, Kira. I can sense the rolling pin being pulled from the drawer. Good thing she's on vacation.


Over and out.

07-28-2007, 10:42 PM
And another question, do they perform the operation for any TS who wants it or do you have to have a "reason"?

Generally speaking, most doctors in most countries will treat orchi the same exact way they would treat SRS *even* if the patient can prove they are already completely sterile from years of hrt use or if the patient can prove that there would be significant health benefits from the lower hrt dosages that one could use after an orchi.

Some doctors have different/unusual/etc requirements for srs, its the same way for orchis.

Now some srs surgeons in the past have charged more for srs for patients who have had orchis because it has the potential to make srs harder (or the results less perfect) due to scaring of the tissue etc etc- certain orchi techniques are far worse than others in this regard.

You have to get a letter of recommendation from a mental health professional certifying that you deserve to get surgery. For people without access to affordable health care this can be quite an obstacle. Fortunately there are many trans doctors that will write you a letter on your first or second visit.

You can't just walk into the hospital and pay for the operation

That is an overgeneralization, I know at least two surgeons in the US who will perform orchis for trans patients (and a few other demographics) without any letters, rle requirements etc etc

At least one of them does, pretty much, let you walk in and pay for the operation. (I say pretty much because I believe there is some kind of pre-procedure consultation, which at times has been done over the phone... but we're not talking a full psy evaluation or anything formal in the sense typically thought of for patients trying to get "permission" for srs).

07-28-2007, 10:53 PM
Sounds pretty complicated. I'm considering getting it done in the future but since it prevents you from being able to cum, I'm considering not doing it. What other things can you and can't you do after you get it done?


Rod la Rod
07-29-2007, 12:06 AM
Sounds pretty complicated. I'm considering getting it done in the future but since it prevents you from being able to cum, I'm considering not doing it. What other things can you and can't you do after you get it done?


It does not prevent you from cumming or having an erection. It is true after a certain period of time, without Testosterone, one no longer produces semen, (a load), and the erection is not as big. This is what allows for multiple orgasms in the same way a GG is able to have unlimited orgasms, one after another without a period of recovery.

I know from personal experience as a male, on a good day, I can cum maybe once every half hour. Perhaps a maximum of 3 or 4 times in a night.

A Genetic female or a eunuch who is no longer producing semen between orgasms, is able to cum over and over without a recovery period between orgasms.

07-29-2007, 12:18 AM
Sounds pretty complicated. I'm considering getting it done in the future but since it prevents you from being able to cum, I'm considering not doing it. What other things can you and can't you do after you get it done?


It does not prevent you from cumming. It is true after a certain period of time, without Testosterone, one no longer produces semen, (a load). This is what allows for multiple orgasms in the same way a GG is able to have unlimited orgasms, one after another without a period of recovery.

I know from personal experience as a male, on a good day, I can cum maybe once every half hour. Perhaps a maximum of 3 or 4 times in a night.
A Gentic female or a eunuch who is no longer producing semen, is able to orgasm over and over without a recovery period between orgasms.

Rod, I don't think its the lack of semen that enables some girls to have multiple orgasms. Like I said in an earlier post I have been able to orgasm as many times I have wanted since I became sexually active. Even when I would ejaculate, I could orgasm 14-15 times a setting if I wanted. And it remains the same now.

There are some books for guys to explore multiple orgasms, The Multi Orgasmic Man comes to mind.


Rod la Rod
07-29-2007, 12:43 AM
For me as a male an orgasm is associated with an ejaculation. Yes, it can be prolonged and delayed. But once I finally shoot my wad it takes time for my body to recover.
I can't imagine being able to ejaculate 14 or 15 times in a row without a pause.

Alison Faraday
07-29-2007, 01:05 AM
Hi Vala,

I'm just going through your posts at the moment to confirm that you are who I think you are....

Right, I've read enough.

An orchiectomy is NOT the answer for you at this moment in time. After 2-3 years of hormones yes when you're liver is breaking down God knows what, yes. But, it's not something to do on a whim by any means.

It will mean that you'll have to take HRT for life. If you don't take them then you'll be at risk of osteoporosis and heart attack, and all of the lovely side effects that post menopausal women go through.

I simply don't think this is the answer for you at the moment. But who am I to tell you what to do. All I remember is going through these similar discussions with you months ago on here.

Transition, change your documents, get on HRT for a few years, then do it. Do it because of medical necessity, not because of a passing choice that's come up in conversation.

And stop wanking 3-4 times a day!!

Sorry to sound so blunt but you did start threads like these; http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=18599&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0

What do you want to do?

07-29-2007, 06:06 PM
Hi Vala,

I'm just going through your posts at the moment to confirm that you are who I think you are....

Right, I've read enough.

An orchiectomy is NOT the answer for you at this moment in time. After 2-3 years of hormones yes when you're liver is breaking down God knows what, yes. But, it's not something to do on a whim by any means.

It will mean that you'll have to take HRT for life. If you don't take them then you'll be at risk of osteoporosis and heart attack, and all of the lovely side effects that post menopausal women go through.

I simply don't think this is the answer for you at the moment. But who am I to tell you what to do. All I remember is going through these similar discussions with you months ago on here.

Transition, change your documents, get on HRT for a few years, then do it. Do it because of medical necessity, not because of a passing choice that's come up in conversation.

And stop wanking 3-4 times a day!!

Sorry to sound so blunt but you did start threads like these; http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=18599&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0

What do you want to do?


Yes, I know, I am considering it for the future. I've heard about the liver damage and such. As you said, it may become a neccessity but I find it's easier to go through it if you prep yourself mentally thinking that you may get it done someday than one day ending up with no choice.

Could you please tell me a little bit more about the whole liver damage issue? I find it hard to locate anything on it online that is decent. Does it happen to most transexuals or only an unlucky few?

It's ok, I believe what you say. Yes, I remember our conversations, I found them quite inspiring and uplifting. I've read your bio on your website about all your surgeries and the things you went through.

I have stopped doing it that often. Sorry about posting those type of threads, I am a bit of an overly sexual individual but I thought that guys like it when stuff like that is posted. I guess not.


07-30-2007, 04:36 AM
Stop wanking 3-4 times a day says the tgirl porn star. Ah Alison, that is good advice I should try as well. I might be able to get more done around the house...

I would think that transitioning is a series of milestones, but each transsexual person needs to decide for themselves how far they need to go. I hope that most ppl, especially those barely in their twenties, limit their transitions to reversible cosmetic surgeries for a while first.

07-30-2007, 05:25 AM
to me i love the breast and the whole person and also enjoy sucking on a erect cock only, mmmmmm come on over my dear, lets chat sometime

07-30-2007, 09:06 AM
I hope that most ppl, especially those barely in their twenties, limit their transitions to reversible cosmetic surgeries for a while first.

Yea, because we all know how for all of us, its just some passing phase to get back at our parents. :roll:

07-30-2007, 09:57 AM
In a heartbeat. But then, the physicality is only one part of it. I'm attratcted to what and who I'm attracted to. Yes, I'm a guy, so naturaly the phyisicality is important, but there is so much more to it.

07-30-2007, 03:22 PM
I hope that most ppl, especially those barely in their twenties, limit their transitions to reversible cosmetic surgeries for a while first.

Yea, because we all know how for all of us, its just some passing phase to get back at our parents. :roll:

Ya, you pegged me. I was totally going there. :?

07-31-2007, 02:43 AM
I hope that most ppl, especially those barely in their twenties, limit their transitions to reversible cosmetic surgeries for a while first.

I don't intend to be mean but that's the argument/statement that is routinely used in the medical fields to try to prevent young trans patients from transitioning.

Alot of people will say the "just don't let them do anything that can't be reversed" argument/thought without putting any thought into it.

Nothing that can't be reversed? Under that logic no hrt for anyone in their "early 20s" (or earlier I am assuming) since long term that can lead to sterilization.

It is precisely those sentiments that have gotten some parents over the years in legal trouble for letting their kids (minors) start hrt before 16/18/21/whatever other arbitrary number.

I have known medical professionals who think it should be illegal to let anyone under 35 transistion because "they're just little kids that don't know what they want" (as if that's part of the equation?).

For a girl that is sterile from hrt, been on it for years etc, there is no legitimate reason for keeping orchis out of medical reach or playing the "we need X amount of letters" type games since the procedure 1- isn't gonna make the patient any more sterile, 2- hrt is safer at the lower dosages one can take after an orchi (or srs), considering that we're on hrt for all extensive purposes for life- it just "makes more sense" for a patient who needs/wants an orchi.

07-31-2007, 02:57 AM
I hope that most ppl, especially those barely in their twenties, limit their transitions to reversible cosmetic surgeries for a while first.

I don't intend to be mean but that's the argument/statement that is routinely used in the medical fields to try to prevent young trans patients from transitioning.

Alot of people will say the "just don't let them do anything that can't be reversed" argument/thought without putting any thought into it.

Nothing that can't be reversed? Under that logic no hrt for anyone in their "early 20s" (or earlier I am assuming) since long term that can lead to sterilization.

It is precisely those sentiments that have gotten some parents over the years in legal trouble for letting their kids (minors) start hrt before 16/18/21/whatever other arbitrary number.

I have known medical professionals who think it should be illegal to let anyone under 35 transistion because "they're just little kids that don't know what they want" (as if that's part of the equation?).

For a girl that is sterile from hrt, been on it for years etc, there is no legitimate reason for keeping orchis out of medical reach or playing the "we need X amount of letters" type games since the procedure 1- isn't gonna make the patient any more sterile, 2- hrt is safer at the lower dosages one can take after an orchi (or srs), considering that we're on hrt for all extensive purposes for life- it just "makes more sense" for a patient who needs/wants an orchi.

No one under 35 should transition? Do some people actually think that is a good idea? That is a really bad one and I hope they never approve it, not only would it lead to a lot more suicides and depression, it's bad enough that the hormones and such are restricted without "proper" counciling and such. Just give people what they want/need. I'm sure there are a lot of TS's that get rejected for no reason.


Rod la Rod
07-31-2007, 02:59 AM
I would think that transitioning is a series of milestones, but each transsexual person needs to decide for themselves how far they need to go. I hope that most ppl, especially those barely in their twenties, limit their transitions to reversible cosmetic surgeries for a while first.

Does "reversible cosmetic surgeries" include FFS, (facial feminization surgery)? This is a procedure that does not require approval letters from Psychs. etc., would be very hard to reverse and impossible to hide.

I know of at least 2 people who have had FFS and have "detransitioned" back to a male, (androgynous) persona.

It will be interesting to see in the future what happens with the growing number of TSs who are having this fairly new radical surgery.

07-31-2007, 03:07 AM
I would think that transitioning is a series of milestones, but each transsexual person needs to decide for themselves how far they need to go. I hope that most ppl, especially those barely in their twenties, limit their transitions to reversible cosmetic surgeries for a while first.

Does "reversible cosmetic surgeries" include FFS, (facial feminization surgery)? This is a procedure that does not require approval letters from Psychs. etc., would be very hard to reverse and impossible to hide.

I know of at least 2 people who have had FFS and have "detransitioned" back to a male, (androgynous) persona.

It will be interesting to see in the future what happens with the growing number of TSs who are having this fairly new radical surgery.

I thought that the male features of the face would return if you stopped transitioning.


07-31-2007, 03:10 AM
I would think that transitioning is a series of milestones, but each transsexual person needs to decide for themselves how far they need to go. I hope that most ppl, especially those barely in their twenties, limit their transitions to reversible cosmetic surgeries for a while first.

Does "reversible cosmetic surgeries" include FFS, (facial feminization surgery)? This is a procedure that does not require approval letters from Psychs. etc., would be very hard to reverse and impossible to hide.

I know of at least 2 people who have had FFS and have "detransitioned" back to a male, (androgynous) persona.

It will be interesting to see in the future what happens with the growing number of TSs who are having this fairly new radical surgery.

I thought that the male features of the face would return if you stopped transitioning.


Rod la Rod
07-31-2007, 03:12 AM
I don't think so.


07-31-2007, 12:11 PM
Well one other thing also, I forgot to add. I would love to get into adult films but the orchiectomy will limit or even prevent me from getting involve and damn it i wanna fuck on cam......

Maybe we should make a movie of girls who have all had orchie's and we can call it something silly like 'Fucked by a Eunuch', or 'She has no balls and her dick is still bigger than mine'

OK girls - I'll produce it!

Check out our web site and get in touch.

TS Jamie :-)

07-31-2007, 12:24 PM
I hope that most ppl, especially those barely in their twenties, limit their transitions to reversible cosmetic surgeries for a while first.

I don't intend to be mean but that's the argument/statement that is routinely used in the medical fields to try to prevent young trans patients from transitioning.

Alot of people will say the "just don't let them do anything that can't be reversed" argument/thought without putting any thought into it.

Nothing that can't be reversed? Under that logic no hrt for anyone in their "early 20s" (or earlier I am assuming) since long term that can lead to sterilization.

It is precisely those sentiments that have gotten some parents over the years in legal trouble for letting their kids (minors) start hrt before 16/18/21/whatever other arbitrary number.

I have known medical professionals who think it should be illegal to let anyone under 35 transistion because "they're just little kids that don't know what they want" (as if that's part of the equation?).

For a girl that is sterile from hrt, been on it for years etc, there is no legitimate reason for keeping orchis out of medical reach or playing the "we need X amount of letters" type games since the procedure 1- isn't gonna make the patient any more sterile, 2- hrt is safer at the lower dosages one can take after an orchi (or srs), considering that we're on hrt for all extensive purposes for life- it just "makes more sense" for a patient who needs/wants an orchi.

No one under 35 should transition? Do some people actually think that is a good idea? That is a really bad one and I hope they never approve it, not only would it lead to a lot more suicides and depression, it's bad enough that the hormones and such are restricted without "proper" counciling and such. Just give people what they want/need. I'm sure there are a lot of TS's that get rejected for no reason.Vala,

I will agree with Sarah and Vala. The arguments used by the medical community in large part are wrong. This is one of the primary problems within the trans community, a significant lack of understanding by the "gatekeepers."

That said, as a Dominatrix (sometimes) I have on occasion (quite a few occasions actually) had people contact me with some really strange requests. I've had guys (meaning people who identify as men) want me to help them get on hormones for fetish purposes. One even wanted me to "force" him to have a sex change.

These are the kinds of people the SOC are designed to protect. People who may be exploring fetish fantasies to the point of reality. Unfortunately it hurts the rest of us.

As to when someone should transition. If I'd felt I could transition when I first figured out what was up my life would have been markedly different. But I felt pressured by society back in the 70's to "be a man" so I really tried. Until I reached the point where I'd rather have been dead than to "be a man" one more day. And then I transitioned.

Fortunately I'm in a position to help my partner realize her needs at an age when hormones and surgeries will make a difference in her life. And hopefully to offer some advice to others when I can.

She was able to catch and begin to change things when she was young enough that she can live her life as the woman she is and be 100% passable in any situation short of full nudity, and many if not most transgirls have to ask if she's a GG or not.

So yes - the earlier people can go on hormones - once they are sure of their desitny and need, the better.

TS Jamie

07-31-2007, 08:59 PM
I hope that most ppl, especially those barely in their twenties, limit their transitions to reversible cosmetic surgeries for a while first.

I don't intend to be mean but that's the argument/statement that is routinely used in the medical fields to try to prevent young trans patients from transitioning.

Alot of people will say the "just don't let them do anything that can't be reversed" argument/thought without putting any thought into it.

Nothing that can't be reversed? Under that logic no hrt for anyone in their "early 20s" (or earlier I am assuming) since long term that can lead to sterilization.

It is precisely those sentiments that have gotten some parents over the years in legal trouble for letting their kids (minors) start hrt before 16/18/21/whatever other arbitrary number.

I have known medical professionals who think it should be illegal to let anyone under 35 transistion because "they're just little kids that don't know what they want" (as if that's part of the equation?).

For a girl that is sterile from hrt, been on it for years etc, there is no legitimate reason for keeping orchis out of medical reach or playing the "we need X amount of letters" type games since the procedure 1- isn't gonna make the patient any more sterile, 2- hrt is safer at the lower dosages one can take after an orchi (or srs), considering that we're on hrt for all extensive purposes for life- it just "makes more sense" for a patient who needs/wants an orchi.

No one under 35 should transition? Do some people actually think that is a good idea? That is a really bad one and I hope they never approve it, not only would it lead to a lot more suicides and depression, it's bad enough that the hormones and such are restricted without "proper" counciling and such. Just give people what they want/need. I'm sure there are a lot of TS's that get rejected for no reason.Vala,

I will agree with Sarah and Vala. The arguments used by the medical community in large part are wrong. This is one of the primary problems within the trans community, a significant lack of understanding by the "gatekeepers."

That said, as a Dominatrix (sometimes) I have on occasion (quite a few occasions actually) had people contact me with some really strange requests. I've had guys (meaning people who identify as men) want me to help them get on hormones for fetish purposes. One even wanted me to "force" him to have a sex change.

These are the kinds of people the SOC are designed to protect. People who may be exploring fetish fantasies to the point of reality. Unfortunately it hurts the rest of us.

As to when someone should transition. If I'd felt I could transition when I first figured out what was up my life would have been markedly different. But I felt pressured by society back in the 70's to "be a man" so I really tried. Until I reached the point where I'd rather have been dead than to "be a man" one more day. And then I transitioned.

Fortunately I'm in a position to help my partner realize her needs at an age when hormones and surgeries will make a difference in her life. And hopefully to offer some advice to others when I can.

She was able to catch and begin to change things when she was young enough that she can live her life as the woman she is and be 100% passable in any situation short of full nudity, and many if not most transgirls have to ask if she's a GG or not.

So yes - the earlier people can go on hormones - once they are sure of their desitny and need, the better.

TS Jamie

The whole logic is filled with nothing but fallacies. Just because there are some crazy people out there that will hurt themselves with something, doesn't mean we should go and limit access to it to the general population.

Think of all the stuff we'd have to make illegal or controlled under the argument of "well some crazy person could do ____[fill in the blank] with it!"

A crazy person could stab themselves in the eye with a screwdriver, that doesn't mean we should be required to get psy evaluations to buy screwdrivers.

Ok, I get that the drugs used in hrt require a prescription so some medical professional, on some level, has to make a judgment call on rather or not to write the slip- this I am not debating, however that reality does not mean that hrt should be kept out of the hands of, say people in their late teens, or that someone needs to go through the BS you'll find in most universal health care systems (like in the UK) to "get through the process"

<soapbox rant mode>
Personally I question rather or not we really even need a prescription based system for most of the drugs that we over regulate in our system... western governments are addicted (almost in a clinical sense) to over regulation, especially in certain fields. It doesn't take a specialist to notice how much of a joke the FDA is, and how political it can be.
</soapbox rant mode>

07-31-2007, 09:15 PM
No semen is produced by testicles not prostate....


Totally wrong! A vast majority of the semen that is ejaculated during orgasm is produced by the prostate. The testicles are responsible only for producing sperm cells, which then travel within the semen produced by the prostate to its eventual home in the womb among all the little girl eggs :)

07-31-2007, 09:57 PM
To be short..


If i want a GG ill just get a GG. The allure for me is the duality; same reason post ops dont hold any real attraction over GG's for me.

08-01-2007, 04:28 AM
If your a total top like me than that wouldn't matter to you but if your a versatile or bottom guy u might or might not find it desireable

Buddy Wood
08-01-2007, 05:13 AM
Not only would I date a TS who had her orchiectomy done - I did date a ts who had it done.
She was completely feminine and passable and one of the hottest t-girls in San Diego. She still is. But nobody even knows she is one. I personally don't need to see cum and I don't bottom - so what's there not to love. She got hard enough for me. And her sweet sweet ass was always eager to make up for the lack of vagina.

For any tranny loving guy who falls under the same category as myself I think it's really a non-issue.

And as a pornographer - I'd definitely shoot you Kira. We'll make up for the lack of cum in other ways. We'll get more cum for you to swallow.

Buddy Wood

08-01-2007, 05:21 AM
I hope that most ppl, especially those barely in their twenties, limit their transitions to reversible cosmetic surgeries for a while first.

I don't intend to be mean but that's the argument/statement that is routinely used in the medical fields to try to prevent young trans patients from transitioning.

Alot of people will say the "just don't let them do anything that can't be reversed" argument/thought without putting any thought into it.

Nothing that can't be reversed? Under that logic no hrt for anyone in their "early 20s" (or earlier I am assuming) since long term that can lead to sterilization.

It is precisely those sentiments that have gotten some parents over the years in legal trouble for letting their kids (minors) start hrt before 16/18/21/whatever other arbitrary number.

I have known medical professionals who think it should be illegal to let anyone under 35 transistion because "they're just little kids that don't know what they want" (as if that's part of the equation?).

For a girl that is sterile from hrt, been on it for years etc, there is no legitimate reason for keeping orchis out of medical reach or playing the "we need X amount of letters" type games since the procedure 1- isn't gonna make the patient any more sterile, 2- hrt is safer at the lower dosages one can take after an orchi (or srs), considering that we're on hrt for all extensive purposes for life- it just "makes more sense" for a patient who needs/wants an orchi.

No one under 35 should transition? Do some people actually think that is a good idea? That is a really bad one and I hope they never approve it, not only would it lead to a lot more suicides and depression, it's bad enough that the hormones and such are restricted without "proper" counciling and such. Just give people what they want/need. I'm sure there are a lot of TS's that get rejected for no reason.Vala,

I will agree with Sarah and Vala. The arguments used by the medical community in large part are wrong. This is one of the primary problems within the trans community, a significant lack of understanding by the "gatekeepers."

That said, as a Dominatrix (sometimes) I have on occasion (quite a few occasions actually) had people contact me with some really strange requests. I've had guys (meaning people who identify as men) want me to help them get on hormones for fetish purposes. One even wanted me to "force" him to have a sex change.

These are the kinds of people the SOC are designed to protect. People who may be exploring fetish fantasies to the point of reality. Unfortunately it hurts the rest of us.

As to when someone should transition. If I'd felt I could transition when I first figured out what was up my life would have been markedly different. But I felt pressured by society back in the 70's to "be a man" so I really tried. Until I reached the point where I'd rather have been dead than to "be a man" one more day. And then I transitioned.

Fortunately I'm in a position to help my partner realize her needs at an age when hormones and surgeries will make a difference in her life. And hopefully to offer some advice to others when I can.

She was able to catch and begin to change things when she was young enough that she can live her life as the woman she is and be 100% passable in any situation short of full nudity, and many if not most transgirls have to ask if she's a GG or not.

So yes - the earlier people can go on hormones - once they are sure of their desitny and need, the better.

TS Jamie

The whole logic is filled with nothing but fallacies. Just because there are some crazy people out there that will hurt themselves with something, doesn't mean we should go and limit access to it to the general population.

Think of all the stuff we'd have to make illegal or controlled under the argument of "well some crazy person could do ____[fill in the blank] with it!"

A crazy person could stab themselves in the eye with a screwdriver, that doesn't mean we should be required to get psy evaluations to buy screwdrivers.

Ok, I get that the drugs used in hrt require a prescription so some medical professional, on some level, has to make a judgment call on rather or not to write the slip- this I am not debating, however that reality does not mean that hrt should be kept out of the hands of, say people in their late teens, or that someone needs to go through the BS you'll find in most universal health care systems (like in the UK) to "get through the process"

<soapbox rant mode>
Personally I question rather or not we really even need a prescription based system for most of the drugs that we over regulate in our system... western governments are addicted (almost in a clinical sense) to over regulation, especially in certain fields. It doesn't take a specialist to notice how much of a joke the FDA is, and how political it can be.
</soapbox rant mode>

Very well said, you all!

Since my mom is one of those old fashioned people who doesn't tolerate anything non-straight, I was forced to the "be a man" path as well but since then, my mom has gotten used to the things that aren't "normal" so it's gone easier than if I would have admitted what I was many years ago.

And I have a question, what does one do if they're rejected for hormones, I mean rejected for people who really are transexual but they weren't deemed "perfect" by the suits and such? By that I mean in terms of getting them at any and all costs.


08-01-2007, 04:36 PM
order horse piss pills from England. That will show your mom.

08-01-2007, 06:01 PM
Not only would I date a TS who had her orchiectomy done - I did date a ts who had it done.
She was completely feminine and passable and one of the hottest t-girls in San Diego. She still is. But nobody even knows she is one. I personally don't need to see cum and I don't bottom - so what's there not to love. She got hard enough for me. And her sweet sweet ass was always eager to make up for the lack of vagina.

For any tranny loving guy who falls under the same category as myself I think it's really a non-issue.

And as a pornographer - I'd definitely shoot you Kira. We'll make up for the lack of cum in other ways. We'll get more cum for you to swallow.

Buddy Wood

I loved everything you said Buddy, but the last paragraph sounds HAWT. YUMMY! I will be giving you a call soon.


08-01-2007, 07:14 PM
order horse piss pills from England. That will show your mom.

Cool! Thanks for the tip.


08-01-2007, 08:45 PM
Since my mom is one of those old fashioned people who doesn't tolerate anything non-straight, I was forced to the "be a man" path

I don't think forced is the right word for this context. You weren't forced, you could have moved out, you could have tried starting to transistion while hiding it until you had to move out, you could have just told your mom to deal with it and did what you could until she kicked you out... you had any number of options.

There are limitations obviously (for instance you can't go on hrt if you don't know hrt exists...) but that doesn't mean staying home with your mom while not doing anything was the only option.

If you're worried that an orchi is gonna impact your ability to perform, what are you going to do if/when hrt does essentially the same thing?

I suspect <boardline soapbox rant mode> that the purpose of RLE is more of a test to see if trans patients can handle being ft in a situation where everyone in public sees them as a freak (hence the traditional protocols that have extended rle as a prerequisite for say, hrt). Since the patient, if they can handle that, thus can handle the worst it is going to be socially for them- as from there it can only "get better" as the patient goes on treatments such as hrt, hair removal, plastics, etc... I take major issue to this method of thinking but it is the only logical reason I can think, for requiring a trans patient to go FT for say, a year before hrt or at all before ffs (when ffs is required for the patient to pass). If you need hrt or ffs to pass, RLE isn't "real life expierence as the opposite sex"- its "real life expierence in society as someone dressed as the opposite sex who doesn't look the part" and all your experiences from going to the grocery store to employment are not going to be ANYTHING like what "life is like for the opposite sex"</boardline soapbox rant mode>

08-01-2007, 11:42 PM
Since my mom is one of those old fashioned people who doesn't tolerate anything non-straight, I was forced to the "be a man" path

I don't think forced is the right word for this context. You weren't forced, you could have moved out, you could have tried starting to transistion while hiding it until you had to move out, you could have just told your mom to deal with it and did what you could until she kicked you out... you had any number of options.

There are limitations obviously (for instance you can't go on hrt if you don't know hrt exists...) but that doesn't mean staying home with your mom while not doing anything was the only option.

If you are rejected you should at least find out why you were rejected. When I was in highschool I tried to start hrt the "normal way" through doctors and shrinks and it ended up just wasting my time. I had worked every hour I was legally able to under labor laws while in HS to save up all that I could because I knew my parents weren't going to pay for shit for me (my dad growing up wouldn't pay for anything for me even if it was medically required to live unless he was ordered to do so by a court). Paying for therapy (what insurance didn't cover) out of pocket I realized I was being given the run around.

There were no shrinks in my area with expierence with a GID patient, no specialists (I found out there was one in the area a few years before- but he had died from cancer or something), so I ended up using normal therapists whom at first made it very clear that they have never had expierence in this area- but that they were willing to work around that and would take me as a patient. Time and time again for quite a long time I kept having these shrinks after 3, 6 or 9 months go and say something like "you seem like a clear cut case to me but, since I have never had a trans patient before I am not about to risk my reputation by diagnosing you or writing you any letters... and no I have no one to refer you to." After enough of that I realized I was just wasting time and money, went DIY, some 6 months after that my GP wrote me slips, and I go to my GP for blood testing every year and that has been the end of my hrt concerns.

Their rejection justification being as crap as it was (afraid of risking their "reputation" as smalltown nobody shrinks) was still a reason (even if it wasn't a very good one). In a large city you should (should) be able to go doctor shopping and eventually find a shrink that has expierence in it and isn't going to put their personal or religious predispositions ahead of your quality of life. But if every shrink you come across (ones with expeirence in the field and are known by other girls first hand to be ok for GID patients) continuously turns you down... I would be concerned.

If you're worried that an orchi is gonna impact your ability to perform, what are you going to do if/when hrt does essentially the same thing?

I can prove I was sterile before I went on hrt which made it easier for docs (say GPs) unfimilar or inexperienced with GID to help with my hrt treatments, like has been stated in some threads recently I too was (and am) of the ideology that going on hrt before going ft "just makes more sense." I simply feel that it is unrealistic to merely grow ones hair out and step into different clothes and expect the world to be tolerible, nice, and nondiscriminatory even if that is the so called initial "reason" for say, rle in the eyes of some medical professionals.

I suspect <boardline soapbox rant mode> that the purpose of RLE is more of a test to see if trans patients can handle being ft in a situation where everyone in public sees them as a freak (hence the traditional protocols that have extended rle as a prerequisite for say, hrt). Since the patient, if they can handle that, thus can handle the worst it is going to be socially for them- as from there it can only "get better" as the patient goes on treatments such as hrt, hair removal, plastics, etc... I take major issue to this method of thinking but it is the only logical reason I can think, for requiring a trans patient to go FT for say, a year before hrt or at all before ffs (when ffs is required for the patient to pass). If you need hrt or ffs to pass, RLE isn't "real life expierence as the opposite sex"- its "real life expierence in society as someone dressed as the opposite sex who doesn't look the part" and all your experiences from going to the grocery store to employment are not going to be ANYTHING like what "life is like for the opposite sex"</boardline soapbox rant mode>

Sarah, thanks for writing all of that it has given me a lot to think about and such. However, I couldn't just move out for many reasons, but the main one is that I didn't turn 18 until early this year. I couldn't have hid it because my mom is one of those parents who thinks you're doing drugs if you're hiding something and makes a big deal out of it.

I think I have a problem there. I am going to a Doc who is NOT a gender specialist, he is the head of the department but your words have had me concerned (I am extremely glad you informed me/us of this) however. I will be sending you a PM with more info, please read it and reply as soon as you can. Thanks!

About performing, I heard that you can still perform on occasion with HRT, even that is better than not at all. With the orchioctomy, it's never again.

You have a very good point. I've explained this to everyone I could that there's more to transitioning than putting on women's clothes and having long hair.


08-02-2007, 03:28 AM
Not only would I date a TS who had her orchiectomy done - I did date a ts who had it done.
She was completely feminine and passable and one of the hottest t-girls in San Diego. She still is. But nobody even knows she is one. I personally don't need to see cum and I don't bottom - so what's there not to love. She got hard enough for me. And her sweet sweet ass was always eager to make up for the lack of vagina.

For any tranny loving guy who falls under the same category as myself I think it's really a non-issue.

And as a pornographer - I'd definitely shoot you Kira. We'll make up for the lack of cum in other ways. We'll get more cum for you to swallow.

Buddy Wood

I loved everything you said Buddy, but the last paragraph sounds HAWT. YUMMY! I will be giving you a call soon.

I just saw your video on shemale yum Kira, it was a good tease. 8) Have you done or will you be doing anymore shoots with YUM?

Did you WANK???
No new vids, that was my first ever photoshoot, until I talk with buddy wood, I have no plans. I will be going out to LA this fall, hopefully I can do a film.

08-03-2007, 10:37 AM

08-03-2007, 08:15 PM
I think I have a problem there. I am going to a Doc who is NOT a gender specialist, he is the head of the department but your words have had me concerned

You really can't say if a medical professional is wasting your time with the run around or just making sure you're "meeting their definition of a patient to grant 'permission' to transistion"

You have to make a judgement call after a while in rather or not going is worth your while using a given shrink or doc. There is no science behind it.

About performing, I heard that you can still perform on occasion with HRT, even that is better than not at all. With the orchioctomy, it's never again.

Those are huge over generalizations. If by perform you mean erections sure, some people can have no problems after years of extended hrt, some can still after an orchi- but there is no way of knowing for any random person if they'll be able to do so after either. One of my best friends started hrt virtually the same time I did, its been some years since- and I can still get erections while she (at least so she tells me- I am going to believe her because she is my friend and I have no reason to think otherwise) can not anymore.

IF you define performance as shooting white cum, I don't shoot anything... and I never had an orgasm prehrt so I really have no way of knowing if I ever had the ability to do so (again, my situation is unique because I was born without a prostate- one of several birth defects I have- and this is why I and my doctors knew I was sterile before hrt).

But my point is: if you shy away from an orchi because it "might make you permanently limp"- then what are you going to do if hrt does that? You don't know if it will or not... are you going to make that gamble? Are you doing it for the 'right reasons' if getting hard takes priority in your mind over hrt?

Thanks for the reply on the subject. I am going to outright ask because if I just waisted 4 months of my time, then I won't be waisting anymore.

Yes, by perform I mean being able to cum. I don't care what color the cum is, white and thick is better but whatever I have I will be happy about. No, ereticle issues are a secondary concern, if I have to give up being able to cum and get erections in order to be happy with my body and myself then I will. I prefer getting anal anyway but you usually can't experience an orgasm from anal stimulation alone.


08-05-2007, 11:27 PM
Hi Kira,

To answer your question (as a fairly experienced TG dater) .. NO .. it wouldn't & shouldn't make the slightest difference at all.

When all's said & done,you're dating someone because you like them .. find them attractive etc .. whether they're Fully-functioning,Pre-Op,Post-Op or whatever is neither here nor there ..

Would I date you ? .. if you lived in UK .. too bloody right I would & be proud to do so ... :lol:

Bye for now,

Poacher xxx

08-06-2007, 12:01 AM
I'm surprised about the answers here. I figured that every guy would find it an important reason that a person have certain things like a working cock, ass and such.


08-06-2007, 10:55 AM
Hi Vala,

Pleased to meet you .. and also pleased to learn that you're surprised by some of the answers generated by the original question ..

It gives one hope that there are still TG women out there who've not become totally disillusioned with all men .. it just goes to show that some men do think with organs other than the one between their legs .. :lol:

I liken the "equipment" (for lack of a better description) of a TG woman to,say .. the wrapping on a box of Chocolates or a sandwich .. eye catching,very nice to look at,attracts you to the "product" etc ... but how many of us keep the wrapping & throw away the Chocolate ?

For me personally,it's what's "inside" which is important .. the outer shell is just one part of the whole ..

Surely it's more important that a prospective Date or Partner is fully functional as a person rather than just as a sex object ? .. unless of course that's all one is interested in ... in which case,I guess it would be important that "everything" is in full working order ..

Bye for now,

Poacher xx

08-06-2007, 06:00 PM
Hi Vala,

Pleased to meet you .. and also pleased to learn that you're surprised by some of the answers generated by the original question ..

It gives one hope that there are still TG women out there who've not become totally disillusioned with all men .. it just goes to show that some men do think with organs other than the one between their legs .. :lol:

I liken the "equipment" (for lack of a better description) of a TG woman to,say .. the wrapping on a box of Chocolates or a sandwich .. eye catching,very nice to look at,attracts you to the "product" etc ... but how many of us keep the wrapping & throw away the Chocolate ?

For me personally,it's what's "inside" which is important .. the outer shell is just one part of the whole ..

Surely it's more important that a prospective Date or Partner is fully functional as a person rather than just as a sex object ? .. unless of course that's all one is interested in ... in which case,I guess it would be important that "everything" is in full working order ..

Bye for now,

Poacher xx

Nice to meet you too. Yes, I know making assumptions about people is wrong but it's nice to see that there are some different opinions.


Vicki Richter
08-06-2007, 08:22 PM
Vala - I think the problem with you is the fact that you admittedly masterbate constantly at the thought of being a TS and equate it with kinky sex. You even were telling others here that you were a full fledged TS not long ago. You are not a good TS candidate because all you ever worry about is the fetishy aspects.

Why aren't you posting FFS questionaire threads? You seem too tied up in the fantasy elements and not reality.

Having liver damage isn't a worry for most TS, it is understood that it is something that we most likely will have to deal with to some extent in order to be more attractive as women. Unfortunately for me, some days my liver hurts so much I stay in bed all day. I should switch to injections which are much safer, but I am scared of needles... Dumb huh?

I will probably get an orchi in 2007.

08-06-2007, 08:30 PM
Vala - I think the problem with you is the fact that you admittedly masterbate constantly at the thought of being a TS and equate it with kinky sex. You even were telling others here that you were a full fledged TS not long ago. You are not a good TS candidate because all you ever worry about is the fetishy aspects.

Why aren't you posting FFS questionaire threads? You seem too tied up in the fantasy elements and not reality.

Having liver damage isn't a worry for most TS, it is understood that it is something that we most likely will have to deal with to some extent in order to be more attractive as women. Unfortunately for me, some days my liver hurts so much I stay in bed all day. I should switch to injections which are much safer, but I am scared of needles... Dumb huh?

I will probably get an orchi in 2007.

My thoughts EXACTLY

Alison Faraday
08-06-2007, 08:54 PM
Well, someone had to say it.

If you want it Vala and it's right for you, then you'll do it. You don't need other people for either acceptance or guidance. No one else can do it for you. And no one else will be there to pickup the pieces.

Independance is your priority.

08-07-2007, 01:16 AM

Surely that's the whole point of a "Forum" .. for people to publicly air their views in a constructive manner .. without things degenerating to the level of personal abuse ..

What may be "right" for one person,may not be "right" for another .. so,if it's "right" for you & provided you harm no-one else .. my advice is .. "Crack on" .. :wink:

My ex (who is currently Pre-Op) and who recently contacted me (I think she wants us to get back together) is due for surgery in late October this year ..

Will I feel the same about her after surgery ? ... I guess I will,I never really stopped loving her,despite our splitting up & in fact couldn't bring myself to throw her photos away (we were together for almost 2 years) ..

I only mention this to illustrate my earlier point about what's on the "inside" being more important (to me anyway) than what's on the "outside" ..

Will we get together again ? .. who knows ? .. anything's possible ... :lol:

Bye for now,

Poacher xx

Rod la Rod
08-07-2007, 02:16 AM
I guess I am the only one on this board who actually prefers a girl with an orchy. I just don't find hairy balls and a saggy scrotum to be attractive on a girl. But thats just me. I am more attracted to feminine passable TSs.

I had a LTR with a TS, (eunuch) and it was great. She was capable of erections and orgasms. There was just little or no ejaculate. She was capable of multiple orgasms like a natal female and enjoyed sex very much.
I find that to be a turn on.

08-07-2007, 02:50 AM
Vala - I think the problem with you is the fact that you admittedly masterbate constantly at the thought of being a TS and equate it with kinky sex. You even were telling others here that you were a full fledged TS not long ago. You are not a good TS candidate because all you ever worry about is the fetishy aspects.

Why aren't you posting FFS questionaire threads? You seem too tied up in the fantasy elements and not reality.

Having liver damage isn't a worry for most TS, it is understood that it is something that we most likely will have to deal with to some extent in order to be more attractive as women. Unfortunately for me, some days my liver hurts so much I stay in bed all day. I should switch to injections which are much safer, but I am scared of needles... Dumb huh?
I will probably get an orchi in 2007.

I was curious if you had looked into the option of using the estrogen Patch Vicki. I have been on the patch since my transition, started 3 yrs ago... I do know that is a safer option than the pill, if you have a fear of needles.

The only problem I have had was that they tend not to stay on as they say, so I've had to use a clear water proof (3m) bandage over the patch. That could be a problem for you during your filming or shoots they can be visable. A positve is that you replace once a week, vs taking pills daily

I have tried getting on injections, but my Dr wont prescribe. She says patch is safer option...

08-07-2007, 03:29 AM

08-07-2007, 03:56 AM
I guess I am the only one on this board who actually prefers a girl with an orchy. I just don't find hairy balls and a saggy scrotum to be attractive on a girl. But thats just me. I am more attracted to feminine passable TSs.

I had a LTR with a TS, (eunuch) and it was great. She was capable of erections and orgasms. There was just little or no ejaculate. She was capable of multiple orgasms like a natal female and enjoyed sex very much.
I find that to be a turn on.

It's nice to hear a guy speak about the benefits of dating a girl who's had an orchie. Alot of the guys I've seen have been very pleasantly surprised, even though they were not looking for a provider who's sans testes.

So many major choices in life involve consequences, good and bad. It's hard to say, would I trade the progression of my transistion (which I'm pleased with) for ejaculate? Would my clients prefer I was able to ejaculate over my level of femininity? * Most probably wouldn't.

*Often times a common complaint my clients have voiced is that previous experiences with other TS providers left them feeling like the ladies were not very feminine. For some reason many of these guys perceived me to be more feminine than their previous experiences, which may or may not be related to the surgery.


08-08-2007, 09:57 AM
I'm at the point where I'm about to chainsaw and/or dynamite mine off.

Anyone want to buy them when I'm done with them? :twisted:

08-08-2007, 01:54 PM
I guess I am the only one on this board who actually prefers a girl with an orchy. I just don't find hairy balls and a saggy scrotum to be attractive on a girl. But thats just me. I am more attracted to feminine passable TSs.

I had a LTR with a TS, (eunuch) and it was great. She was capable of erections and orgasms. There was just little or no ejaculate. She was capable of multiple orgasms like a natal female and enjoyed sex very much.
I find that to be a turn on.

I have never had muliple orgasms yet.... GIVE ME A CALL!

08-09-2007, 02:44 AM
I'm surprised about the answers here. I figured that every guy would find it an important reason that a person have certain things like a working cock, ass and such. Vala,
o dos
Well allow me not to disappoint! I wrote a long drawn out response to this thread earlier, but since I did it on an I-phone it's somewhere floating in cyber space. I've sorta lost my angst but I'll try to recapture it!
To answer the question first asked in this thread,lacking the ability to spew big,wet,juicy,frothy, hot and nasty cum is not a deal breaker. Neither is necessarily lacking a lovely set of balls. However, lacking the ability to maintain an erection is! Does any of this make you untouchable? Absolutely not! Asking is the cock more important than the girl is a loaded question that
brings politically correct sympathizers out of the wood works. " Of course not,you should love someone no matter what's between their legs/ it's what's on the inside that counts" they whimper. This is the over simplified illogical tree hugger response.READ: bullshit! If you've ever been in a relationship you know that love is only one PART of it. You can love and be all hunky dory and if you never plan on having sex maybe hunky dory will get you by. But if either party wants to have sex, it might be a wee bit important that what you have in your pants be what your partner is looking for. I'm repping the guys who like a t-girl who has something extra in her pants and I'm tired of having to defend myself for liking my hung angels hung. Oh the irony! Do people ask straight guys if they would like their girlfriends whether they had a pussy or not? No! That would be preposterous. You expect your girl to have one. So excuse me for expecting a t-girl to be packing the goods. And just because a girl has balls (Rod), doesn't mean she has to have a hairy man sack. Girls have chins...does this mean they have to be hairy and chiseled like yours? What a moronic statement. Guys like me should actually be applauded, for we like t-girls for what they are---- something beyond a GG, not turning our nose up because she has a cock (and/or balls), as if she should be ashamed. Not trying to make her a GG (which she can NEVER be BTW).
And any guy, no matter how much they are applauded here, that thinks it doesn't matter what a girl has or doesn't have is NOT NORMAL---sorry. You're a freak. The key part of any sexual relationship is SEX ORGANS.So if you can get turned on by any kind of sex organ, you're a freak---or you're Captain Kirk, who can fuck anything. Would a gg (or a TS) say it didn't matter if their man had a dick or not/ if a man came home and told his wife he was gonna cut his schlong off, do we think that would go off without a hitch? You're talking about changing the entire sexual arena. You can still love them but your sex life is probably over, and that's not cruel, that's factual.
And about doing porn, cumshots are called the money shot for a reason, but if you're hot you're hot. I've seen plenty,make that all,lol of the tranny porn and some girls don't cum-------so!! I've seen hot hot scenes with girls that don't cum, and boring scenes with girls that do.Some girls are just sooo sexy nothing matters. I jacked off millions of gallons to this Brazilian chick who just writhed around and showed her body---- no cum shot, no dildo---- but she was sexxxxxxyyyyy!
Kira you're a hottie with or without balls and I love a tall girl (I'm 6'3" also) so do your thing,ma. If someone tells you "no" go find someone else. There's so much porn out there--- midgets,grandmas, etc., there's no way I'll believe no one will shoot you just because you've had an orchi.
But please, whatever you do, don't do the fake cum shot!!!!

Rod la Rod
08-09-2007, 03:55 AM
I'm surprised about the answers here. I figured that every guy would find it an important reason that a person have certain things like a working cock, ass and such. Vala,
o dos
Well allow me not to disappoint! I wrote a long drawn out response to this thread earlier, but since I did it on an I-phone it's somewhere floating in cyber space. I've sorta lost my angst but I'll try to recapture it!
To answer the question first asked in this thread,lacking the ability to spew big,wet,juicy,frothy, hot and nasty cum is not a deal breaker. Neither is necessarily lacking a lovely set of balls. However, lacking the ability to maintain an erection is! Does any of this make you untouchable? Absolutely not! Asking is the cock more important than the girl is a loaded question that
brings politically correct sympathizers out of the wood works. " Of course not,you should love someone no matter what's between their legs/ it's what's on the inside that counts" they whimper. This is the over simplified illogical tree hugger response.READ: bullshit! If you've ever been in a relationship you know that love is only one PART of it. You can love and be all hunky dory and if you never plan on having sex maybe hunky dory will get you by. But if either party wants to have sex, it might be a wee bit important that what you have in your pants be what your partner is looking for. I'm repping the guys who like a t-girl who has something extra in her pants and I'm tired of having to defend myself for liking my hung angels hung. Oh the irony! Do people ask straight guys if they would like their girlfriends whether they had a pussy or not? No! That would be preposterous. You expect your girl to have one. So excuse me for expecting a t-girl to be packing the goods. And just because a girl has balls (Rod), doesn't mean she has to have a hairy man sack. Girls have chins...does this mean they have to be hairy and chiseled like yours? What a moronic statement. Guys like me should actually be applauded, for we like t-girls for what they are---- something beyond a GG, not turning our nose up because she has a cock (and/or balls), as if she should be ashamed. Not trying to make her a GG (which she can NEVER be BTW).
And any guy, no matter how much they are applauded here, that thinks it doesn't matter what a girl has or doesn't have is NOT NORMAL---sorry. You're a freak. The key part of any sexual relationship is SEX ORGANS.So if you can get turned on by any kind of sex organ, you're a freak---or you're Captain Kirk, who can fuck anything. Would a gg (or a TS) say it didn't matter if their man had a dick or not/ if a man came home and told his wife he was gonna cut his schlong off, do we think that would go off without a hitch? You're talking about changing the entire sexual arena. You can still love them but your sex life is probably over, and that's not cruel, that's factual.
And about doing porn, cumshots are called the money shot for a reason, but if you're hot you're hot. I've seen plenty,make that all,lol of the tranny porn and some girls don't cum-------so!! I've seen hot hot scenes with girls that don't cum, and boring scenes with girls that do.Some girls are just sooo sexy nothing matters. I
Kira you're a hottie with or without balls and I love a tall girl (I'm 6'3" also) so do your thing,ma. If someone tells you "no" go find someone else. There's so much porn out there--- midgets,grandmas, etc., there's no way I'll believe no one will shoot you just because you've had an orchi.
But please, whatever you do, don't do the fake cum shot!!!!

Wow! I just read this load of crap. You are attacking me? Calling me a freak? First of all I was stating MY PREFERENCE. Nobody is attacking your obsession with BIG COCKS. I am happy for you. Congratulations.

I am glad that you "jacked off millions of gallons to this Brazilian chick who just writhed around and showed her body---- no cum shot, no dildo---- but she was sexxxxxxyyyyy!"

'Guys or Girls would you date a TS who had a Orchiectomy"

You see I am talking about ACTUALLY HAVING SEX WITH A PERSON. Not jacking off to a video.
It is clear from your post that you have never met or actually had sex with a TS. You know nothing about Transsexuals.

FYI, TSs with an "orchy" still have erections and orgasms. All of the TSs that I HAVE ACTUALLY KNOWN AND HAVE HAD SEX WITH, like to be treated like women, NOT SOMEONE who is special because they have A GIANT THROBBING HARD COCK.


But yeah, if you ever do actually meet a TS, tell "her" that she will never be a woman and you are mostly interested in her BIG hard cock AND BALLS. That should really impress her.

To each his own asshole.

08-09-2007, 04:48 AM
The only time I called you out was when you condescended and said you don't find hairy balls attractive.But, if any other shoe fits please wear it.If you had read the post like you claim you would see how ridiculous your above response is. I love how people represent themselves as respectable but when exposed for what they are resort to cursing and name calling. So predictable yet so trifling.

08-09-2007, 05:17 AM
That's exactly why I was surprised about the replies from guys. Regular guys would not want a GG if she didn't have a pussy so I'm surprised so many of the guys into TS's wouldn't care if her cock worked or if she had balls or not.


08-09-2007, 05:41 AM
I guess I'm mainly attracted to the penis, a pretty face, and cute feet.

So I would say you are in the same desirability as other Transsexuals, for me.

08-10-2007, 02:14 AM
I prefer a girl with and orchiectomy. I agree that sex organs are important, but for me her sex organ is her ass. Her tits and dick are for fondling and visual stimulation. It adds to her beauty, but really not important beyond that.

08-10-2007, 06:56 PM
That's exactly why I was surprised about the replies from guys. Regular guys would not want a GG if she didn't have a pussy so I'm surprised so many of the guys into TS's wouldn't care if her cock worked or if she had balls or not.


Jesus Tweedeldee, just because someone says something stupid doesn't mean you have to repeat it.

08-10-2007, 07:02 PM
Asking is the cock more important than the girl is a loaded question that
brings politically correct sympathizers out of the wood works. " Of course not,you should love someone no matter what's between their legs/ it's what's on the inside that counts" they whimper. This is the over simplified illogical tree hugger response.

Damn, you told us.


08-10-2007, 09:47 PM
That's exactly why I was surprised about the replies from guys. Regular guys would not want a GG if she didn't have a pussy so I'm surprised so many of the guys into TS's wouldn't care if her cock worked or if she had balls or not.


Jesus Tweedeldee, just because someone says something stupid doesn't mean you have to repeat it.

I'm just making conversation. Plus, I honestly think that it matters what the person you're dating has down there, at least most people think that way.


08-11-2007, 03:03 AM
personaly when i date someone its not for what they have in there pants , but i have to say that its alot more fun if she does get hard and can use her tool !!! i have dated alot of tgirls and for me its more exciting if they get hard .. but thats a personal opinion we dont think all the same and one answer is as good as the other one !!!


11-02-2007, 05:12 AM
Alright, I've been a lurker in the shadows here for a while. I know this thread is a little old, but I figure it's time to insert my 2 cents: perference is preference, whether you want an "intact" girl with penis and testicles, or one who has had an orchiectomy. For my taste, both can be very attractive, without balls just makes a smoother, more "ladylike" appearance.
Oh, and I think a video series with girls with no nuts would be very nice. Maybe call it "3 cocks, 2 balls" and have 2 girls and one guy?

11-02-2007, 07:44 AM
I Don't think an orhi would make any Hottie less desirable.

11-02-2007, 11:15 AM
I still would. But it would be a shame I would have no balls to suck. hehehe

11-02-2007, 08:05 PM
I still would. But it would be a shame I would have no balls to suck. hehehe

While it is true that we have "no balls to suck", we have something else, which is (for me) where the testicles used to be a very sensitive area that feels incredibly good when sucked, licked or nibbled on.

11-02-2007, 08:07 PM
If i had an orchi i'd have to have the Dr. put a zipper on it so i could put my extra house keys there. I'm always thinking....always.

11-02-2007, 08:37 PM
Ok - so what's the concensus here?

Apparently guys who see T-girls as girls, and not as cocks attached to boobs don't care if the boytoy works or not because that's not their interest.

And guys who want to be topped want a rock hard cock, preferably attached to a Brittany Spears look alike who doesn't take hormones.

Or am I misunderstanding things?

TS Jamie :-)

11-02-2007, 08:55 PM
OMg hell yeah you seem like a down to earth girl and are hot as hell ! love ya !

Night Rider
11-02-2007, 10:52 PM
Of couse Kira....it wouldn't bother me

07-27-2014, 08:50 AM
Here's a Question I was thinking about while I was drinking a few margaritas today. Is the abilty for a preop ts to orgasm and maintain erection important enough that you would not date a TS LTR if she had her testes removed. Is the cock more important to you than the girl.
do you need both, or is it irrelavant and you don't care. Ive noticed that first question I get asked is can you get hard or cum....

Yes I had Orchiectomy, (testes surgically removed) but i still do get erect, but no visable orgasm... are we now out even less desirable that total fuctional TS
does that make me untouchable to guys that like Transexual females.

Kira Harden


Hi Kira! I have two answers but 1st let me explain my issues / preferences:

I'm attracted to the femininity of any woman. Regarding a TS it's erotic to the fullest! But I think it would be less enjoyable based on how I have been stimulated in the past. I have a friend now who has had an orchiectomy and this is how I came to this forum, simply because I wanted to know if a TS could still have an erection 'and' ejaculation.

You see the ejaculation is not a requirement but it is what I was exposed to in my 1st experience with a TS:

She was just as beautiful as you are Kira! We started the usual kissing and foreplay-stuff, and her flicking my chest opened some 'doors' in my head. Her tongue in my mouth forcibly made me think of how it would be if you put herself in and how wet things would get with me not being able to stop what I knew would eventually happen (I'm picturing it as it would happen to me if I were about to cum in someone's mouth) and then I led to where I was finally persuaded to give her oral. Since I had not done this before, the stimulation was from feeling her satisfaction and feeling it swelling in my mouth (she was on her back while I was in between her legs and she held me down by holding my hands) and being under a sheet while we are in the dark and the wetness of her precum and my not being able to resist this new good feeling I had never felt before. At some point all I could do was get aroused by her pulsating in my mouth and her gyrating movement of your beautiful body.

This went on for hours - I was lost at pleasing her as she let me now how good it felt, and 'that' turned me on as well. Finally I came and when I did...I ad noticed that she had cum many times in my mouth without my knowing it. The amount of cum as I took my mouth off of herself was huge load I was shocked at how I never detected her multiple cums (could have been 7 or 100 for all I knew!) but that was what I learned to expect from having that experience.

I did not do it much more after that but it is seared in my mind as to whenever I am with a TS - That she would enjoy ejaculating in my mouth over and over during oral. So here I have met a serious girl now who just told me that she had an orchiectomy in order to not have to take hormones. I have yet to be with her but all of a sudden I cannot wait to take my vacation in the Philippines and take her out and have her spend the night. I love how she says that we will have an 'unforgettable' experience so since I've always (though being strait) had these visions of being with a TS, I wanted to know about the cumming.

Now that I know this procedure prevents ejaculation, it makes me depressed that I was willing to experience that experience again with someone I can really get into things with, only to find that it won't happen. And it's not that I'm selfish or anything, it's just that it feels like a letdown and I don't know how to re-associate my first time without that experience.

The other problem I have, is that the 'partner' of the person with the orchiectomy - has NO WAY OF KNOWING if the TS is truly 'having orgasms!' - That is my pet peeve because the TS w/orchiectomy will be having a private session. She will know if I have came because she will SEE MY EJACULATION. Even a GG has ejaculations, so that's why I am taken aback by the 'lack of' display of the TS's satisfaction.

The only other way IMO a TS can make me forget about her not being able to ejaculate is by topping me until I might cum. And 'even in doing that', I have been told that a guy can 'feel' when his mate has cum inside of him and that feeling the TS cumming inside of him can make him go out of his mind. So again, I'm associating the ejaculation process in my experience. But much of my learned satisfaction has been from SEEING her cum or even tasting / feeling it. With an orchiectomy this is just not possible. There HAS to be some way of that TS 'showing' her body has been pleased and it is by her ejaculating.

I still have to think about things with my new friend, because (although she did what she did for good reasons), it seems our whole lovemaking process will only be determined by my cumming, and not by hers ;-(

07-27-2014, 10:43 AM

07-27-2014, 03:20 PM
more thread necromancy!!!!

the presence or lack of balls is not a consideration if i were trying to date a girl...what matters is her looks, personality, intelligence and demeanor.

if i was talking about hiring an escort though, that's different because i might only hire a girl that is fully functional because that is a single discrete act and when it comes to escorts, only her health, looks and ability to act interested in me matter...i couldn't give a fuck about what she is really like outside of the hour i am paying her for.

Dark passenger
07-27-2014, 05:48 PM
I would feel like something is missing. Don't get me wrong, I love a beautiful woman. I've had issues in my past marriage because even tho she was gorgeous, I've always been turned on by fully functional TS women. Yes looks and compatability are important, and I would still date a girl who has gone thru an orhi, but I'd still crave the turn on from the functioning parts. The reason TS women blew my mind in the first place is because from the outside all I saw was a gorgeous woman, but when she got undressed, the cock blew me away. I couldn't believe my eyes. Everyone has somethin that turn them on in a woman, nice eyes, nice ass or tits or whatever. Jus my opinion but I'd feel like I wasn't fully satisfied sexually without the rock hard cock or cum shots.

07-27-2014, 06:38 PM
I would feel like something is missing. Don't get me wrong, I love a beautiful woman. I've had issues in my past marriage because even tho she was gorgeous, I've always been turned on by fully functional TS women. Yes looks and compatability are important, and I would still date a girl who has gone thru an orhi, but I'd still crave the turn on from the functioning parts. The reason TS women blew my mind in the first place is because from the outside all I saw was a gorgeous woman, but when she got undressed, the cock blew me away. I couldn't believe my eyes. Everyone has somethin that turn them on in a woman, nice eyes, nice ass or tits or whatever. Jus my opinion but I'd feel like I wasn't fully satisfied sexually without the rock hard cock or cum shots.
Thats cool.you love and need hard cock and cum more than i do to be in a great relationship.

Dark passenger
07-27-2014, 06:48 PM
Let me put it this way. I love big round nice asses. Love em. But I've had awesome girlfriends who have asses flatter than pancakes. I loved em to death but it didn't make me stop craving bein able to grab a nice ass, or like seeing a great ass in small shorts. I think you are gorgeous. As are any girls. But everyone has that certain thing that they really dig. I said I'd still date a girl, I'd jus still desire what she couldn't bring to the table that I like. No disrespect, it was jus my thought that's all.

07-27-2014, 07:09 PM
I hear yah. im not offended by trivial shit that has nothing to do with my personal or love life. what eva floats your boat bub

07-28-2014, 11:44 PM
Non issue for me. I don't "bottom" anyways, so it makes no difference to me.

I just want a lady, don't care what your "arrangement" down there is.

Could agree more...:iagree:

07-28-2014, 11:47 PM
Depends if she is nice or not......

07-28-2014, 11:50 PM
Im not a big fan of a tranny cumming in my mouth anyway, altho a facial is kool sometimes. If a tranny can not get a stiffy, Im just not into her than. I like to fuck trannies, sure.... but first Im into sucking them and licking them so I can get rock hard.

07-28-2014, 11:51 PM
It's not a dealbreaker at all, just like being post op wouldn't be a deal breaker. Although I think being fully functional or being fully post op are equally more desirable.

07-28-2014, 11:55 PM
Actually prefer non functional.....

07-29-2014, 04:01 AM
Here's a Question I was thinking about while I was drinking a few margaritas today. Is the abilty for a preop ts to orgasm and maintain erection important enough that you would not date a TS LTR if she had her testes removed. Is the cock more important to you than the girl.
do you need both, or is it irrelavant and you don't care. Ive noticed that first question I get asked is can you get hard or cum....

Yes I had Orchiectomy, (testes surgically removed) but i still do get erect, but no visable orgasm... are we now out even less desirable that total fuctional TS
does that make me untouchable to guys that like Transexual females.

Kira Harden


Hi Kira,

a girl having an Orchiectomy wouldn't mean much to me. as for the cock meaning more than the girl it depends on the girl. I've been with some really beautiful women who had great cocks. however, their personalities left much to be desired - so in that case, yes! the body would mean more than the person. I'd much rather spend time with an "average" looking girl with a great personality vs a hottie who's a head case

07-29-2014, 06:27 AM
I got picked up by a girl like this in a club. Its was nice. If the chemistry was there I could get past the missing parts but my ideal girl has a big shooter with a nice load (at least when she is off part of the HRT cycle. Cum is cool.

07-29-2014, 11:18 AM
I got picked up by a girl like this in a club. Its was nice. If the chemistry was there I could get past the missing parts but my ideal girl has a big shooter with a nice load (at least when she is off part of the HRT cycle. Cum is cool.

i guess i agree with that...

the secretary in my dept, as i have mentioned before, is functional but let's say she had an orchiectomy, there is no way that would get in my way of dating her because she is a wonderful woman...but that is because i know her for her qualities and not just her looks. in a case like this, that she has had orchiectomy is not an issue because her balls "did their job" before she had them removed.

but to use your example, if we are talking about 1 night of fun after meeting at a club or whatever, and i expected a girl with balls, i might be a bit disappointed.

07-13-2016, 12:30 PM
I prefer non-functional pre-ops. Missing testes are a plus for me.

Same here. Girls with a tiny clitty only are much more sexy :salad

07-14-2016, 12:33 AM
Isn't that what Kimber James went through before she became a post op? I don't remember ejaculating in her later videos, she just seemed to maintain that everlasting erection? And Hell yeah, I would fuck the hell outta a girl like that! 949969

07-28-2016, 08:05 PM
The TG woman I was dating in Brasil for two years never got an erection while we were together. It didn't bother me. She was just a really nice person to be with.

07-29-2016, 01:26 AM
With or without,doesn't matter as long as I like them...Same with penis/no penis, boobs/no boobs.....For me it's all about the PERSON,not the parts.