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View Full Version : Harry Potter must die!

07-27-2007, 07:13 PM
Personally, I don't give a fuck if the little shit lives or dies. I've never read the books and can't really understand what all the fuss is about. The films were okay.

Apparently Harry gets killed. Or maybe not. Actually, I won't say, but it's on Wikipedia.

Yeah, he died. Failed to get his eyes checked and upgrade his prescription. Caught a buzz ball up his ass, knocking his glasses into a horses ass. He crashed his broom into a giant dustpan with a pile of blond hair.
Sorry to be a spoiler. :(

So how would you like him to die? Having a broomstick rammed up the ass? Falling to his doom while playing Quidditch? Hacked into pieces by Voldermort? Slipping on a puddle and falling on the sword of Gryffindor? Suffering a fatal heart attack while being anally assaulted by Hermione with a giant strapon?

What do you think? How should Harry die?

Harry Potter fans, please note: No offense is intended.

07-27-2007, 07:26 PM
If the little fucker is going to die it better be banging the hell out of that hot little fuckslut Hermione*! At least that's how I'd like to go! lol!

*note, a "legal aged" Hermione!

07-27-2007, 08:16 PM
"Die wizard, die...."



07-27-2007, 09:05 PM
that should do the trick....

07-27-2007, 10:02 PM
Die Dear Harry,

07-27-2007, 10:17 PM
Personally, I just don't get it. Many fans of the Harry Potter series don’t just casually enjoy it, they go crazy over it. From my perspective, the series is mediocre at bet. Like I said before, I just don't get it.


07-27-2007, 10:27 PM
From my perspective, the series is mediocre at bet.

maybe thats exactly the reason why it is so popular

07-27-2007, 10:30 PM
OK, this is a bit sick, but I just visualized Harry attempting to relieve his lust for Hermione and his conflicted sexual orientation by anally pleasuring himself with his Quidditch broom and going too far....

yeesh, like I needed that image. Thanks, LG! Did switching back to Dr Evil bring this on?

Quinn, I agree. I have no real problem with Harry Potter or JK Rowling: she's gotten millions of kids to READ BIG BOOKS, she's now richer than the Queen of England, and the books aren't half bad (they hardly qualify as great literature, but they are a couple of cuts above pulp). I have always thought it a shame, however, that she gets so much attention, not to mention money, while her 5000+ pages of Potterism shed less light, and with far lesser literary skill, on the concept of young wizards attending a school for wizards and maturing than Ursula Le Guin did in the single 180 page volume Wizard of Earthsea nearly 40 years ago. Roke far surpasses Hogwarts.

07-28-2007, 12:53 AM
OK, this is a bit sick, but I just visualized Harry attempting to relieve his lust for Hermione and his conflicted sexual orientation by anally pleasuring himself with his Quidditch broom and going too far....

yeesh, like I needed that image. Thanks, LG! Did switching back to Dr Evil bring this on?

Quinn, I agree. I have no real problem with Harry Potter or JK Rowling: she's gotten millions of kids to READ BIG BOOKS, she's now richer than the Queen of England, and the books aren't half bad (they hardly qualify as great literature, but they are a couple of cuts above pulp). I have always thought it a shame, however, that she gets so much attention, not to mention money, while her 5000+ pages of Potterism shed less light, and with far lesser literary skill, on the concept of young wizards attending a school for wizards and maturing than Ursula Le Guin did in the single 180 page volume Wizard of Earthsea nearly 40 years ago. Roke far surpasses Hogwarts.

Pretty gross imagery...but funny...

Regarding the last bit: Agreed, I suppose...

And yes, I think I've gone into a my "evil" mode....


07-28-2007, 12:59 AM
yeesh, like I needed that image. Thanks, LG! Did switching back to Dr Evil bring this on?

Pretty gross imagery...but funny...

Regarding the last bit: Agreed, I suppose...

And yes, I think I've gone into a my "evil" mode....


"Missed you boss"


07-28-2007, 01:04 AM
I read it...he lives...grows up and has babies with Ginny. so...there.

07-28-2007, 01:08 AM
I read it...he lives...grows up and has babies with Ginny. so...there.

I know that! I read it in Wikipedia. But guess what? You've just spoiled it for everyone!


Haha, I knew you would react to this thread. But if it's any consolation, you're one of my favourite Harry Potter freaks. :D

07-28-2007, 01:15 AM
HAHA i wouldnt call myself a freak freak i just read em hehe...its just another book to me but i think they are quite good.

07-28-2007, 06:32 AM
In the soon to be released reunion show for the characters in Harry Potter, it will be revealed that Harry gave up wizardry when he fell in love with Mister Ed. One night after a performance, Harry caved in, and agreed to be a bottom.

That was the end of Harry Potter! He was split in two! Even Dumbledorf was dumbfounded.

Mister Ed wandered back to Wilbur's stable in search of his true love...Carol.