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View Full Version : [mma] UFC Lightweight champion and challenger test positive

07-19-2007, 10:16 PM
source: http://www.sherdog.com/news/news.asp?n_id=8333

This is crazy, Sean Serk and Hermes Franca tested positive for steroids. They were both tested for their lightweight championship fight that was earlier this month. So many mma fighters have tested positive for anabolic agents. Even Royce Gracie tested positive for Nandrolone which is a illegal substance in according to the CSAC.

Some would say (Joe Rogan) that people should be able to do whatever they want as long as they accept the risks and consequences of their actions. Most view stereoid use as a form of cheating in athletic competition. What do you guys think of all this?

07-20-2007, 06:25 AM
this is a shock to you?? :roll:
All one needs to do is watch any MMA event and the dudes who are juicing far out number the guys who arent.

Shit i went to a smalltime local Muy Thai event in NYC in January and sat there thre whole night picking out juice heads,and this is at a local event w/ little or no prize money so the fact that the UFC dudes are doing it seems quite obvious to me.

Except for Cabbage,I think most of the rest are juiced.

07-20-2007, 12:24 PM
this is a shock to you?? :roll:
All one needs to do is watch any MMA event and the dudes who are juicing far out number the guys who arent.

Shit i went to a smalltime local Muy Thai event in NYC in January and sat there thre whole night picking out juice heads,and this is at a local event w/ little or no prize money so the fact that the UFC dudes are doing it seems quite obvious to me.

Except for Cabbage,I think most of the rest are juiced.

Yeah when you put it that way it makes much more sense. But Royce Gracie ??? I guess that is what I find most bizarre because back at UFC 1 he has 170 soaking wet and dominated everyone with his skill. Now e is taking roids just to be competitive.

Cabbage definitely isn't a doper. Tank has mentioned many times that he doesn't take any supplements.

I just hope mma doesn't become another sport where doping is synonymous with it's name (ie cycling, track, baseball etc...)

07-20-2007, 01:00 PM
if u are a fan of MMA u will enjoy this story.

Years ago back when i was still in LA my boy Eddie Bravo saw me at a club i was djing at and he looked at me and asked me what shit i was taking cuz i was big as a house.

I told him

He thanked me and told me I inspired him

Short time later he went to Abu Dhabi and handed the Roycie his ass...

do the math.

07-21-2007, 05:57 AM
if u are a fan of MMA u will enjoy this story.

Years ago back when i was still in LA my boy Eddie Bravo saw me at a club i was djing at and he looked at me and asked me what shit i was taking cuz i was big as a house.

I told him

He thanked me and told me I inspired him

Short time later he went to Abu Dhabi and handed the Roycie his ass...

do the math.

wow thats wicked, so you're friends with Eddie Bravo? *jealous*
He's a phenomenal ground fighter. Your story just goes to show that conditioning wins more fights than technique.

What stuff were you taking? I'm sorry because i don't know anything about roids but i heard somewhere that they shrink your cock. Haha, I find that too funny to be true.

07-22-2007, 03:07 AM
Except for Cabbage,I think most of the rest are juiced.

LOL and Ricco Rodriguez too!!!!

07-22-2007, 03:15 AM
With the champ and the #1 contender out for a year or so (at least in Nevada they will not be able to get cleared to fight) due to suspension, how does the weight class move forward??? Shame since it took forever to have the UFC reestablish it all.

07-22-2007, 03:17 AM
Except for Cabbage,I think most of the rest are juiced.

LOL and Ricco Rodriguez too!!!!

And Kenny Florian. I guess he will be up for the title at 155 versus ????

07-22-2007, 03:49 AM
Well BJ Penn was set to fight Sherk for the title next. So maybe he will get a crack at it. Kenny could get a shot, Joe Stevenson seems like he could be a contender, same with Tyson Griffin.

I'm just dreaming here a bit but I think it would be cool to have a tournament for the title. There's enough wicked lightweight fighters in the UFC to make it interesting.

07-22-2007, 07:43 PM
royce gracie was a shock. sean sherk, not so much. ufc had one of those all access shows on sherk and it showed him going through a crazy workout routine and eating all organic food to get the best performance, but so much for that. now it looks like the only way he ever got through that workout was to juice.

i think juicing really takes away from what a guy accomplishes no matter what the sport. what's really sad about this incident is that both guys (sherk and franca) were juicing.

on another note, how do you feel about diaz vs gomi being turned into a no contest cause diaz was high was fcuk? do you think it helped with his pain tolerance when he got his orbital broke?

07-22-2007, 08:00 PM
I think it really could have helped his pain tolerance. But I don't think it would have helped his reaction time (even though he slapped on that gogo really quickly) or his mental game any, unless he's one of those pot smokers who tokes up every day and doesn't even seem high. So it's debatable if it was performance enhancing or not. Either way it's illegal and he's supposed to be a professional athlete and play by the rules.

On a side note I'd love to see Nick diaz back in the UFC or take on more top competition. The guy is tough as nails and always goes balls out in every fight. If he improved his punching power and wrestling a little he would definitely be a championship contender.

07-23-2007, 12:04 AM
i like diaz too. the ufc has this policy where if you lose a couple of fights they can let you go. it sucks cause diaz was more exciting in his losses than some other guys that won their fights. plus he likes to tell it like it is and the ufc doesn't always appreciate that.

07-23-2007, 09:29 PM
I agree with you guys on Diaz, he is unorthodox and exciting be it win or lose. Hell, I would have thought Gomi had blazed one up based on his performance that night LOL!!! I don't think the weed use in any of the fighters is a tool to deal with pain, I think it's simply tokers who should have said no farther out from the fight.

07-26-2007, 02:05 AM
were gunna get some amazing matchups though with the merger, the pride guys are gunna seperate the TUF mediocrity from the bone..sucks they cant bushido in LV, 205 would be the sickest event.


08-16-2007, 08:41 AM
Crocop vs Kongo,who takes it?


08-16-2007, 06:48 PM
Crocop vs Kongo,who takes it?


crocop..im sure hes been training in an octagon, he looked lost against gonzaga...randy is in for a rough one, i dont think he can make it past 3...gonzagas a badass thats got game at every aspect..randys a tactition,i am interested in seeing his strategy