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View Full Version : Want to be topped but scared of the size

07-19-2007, 12:50 PM
I know this sounds a contradiction but I want to be topped by T girls with
big cocks 8.5" plus but I am afraid it will hurt and waste both my money and the experience.
I tried a a girl with a 9.5" cock (real 9.5") and although it looked fantastic and turned me on I physically could not take it, she was reasonably patient but without ripping my hole she could not get it in .
I have been with smaller girls and the feeling was good but it wasn't the same turn on as looking at a huge pussy pole.
I know about practising with dido's and butt plugs but that is not practical in terms of when I am able to make the visits to escorts....
It remains a dilemma.....

Tony; horny but frustrated

07-19-2007, 04:50 PM
"a huge. pussy. pole."


i hope some girl tears your ass up bad, kinda like you do, but in a far less nicer way.


07-19-2007, 05:05 PM
oh do grow up. its a cock. not a 'pussy pole'.

07-19-2007, 10:40 PM
first of really it is a cock but ok never mind that.

if you want a bigger girl you're going to have to relax and have her be patient and yes you are going to have some pain but it will turn in to pleasure (at least for me it did) i started of with a girl who's pic i will attach if i succeed who was verry large and i never ahd any anal experience but it was great good luck man

07-19-2007, 10:49 PM
:lol: @ "pussy pole"

C'mon, Jen, that has just a bit of cuteness in its inherent vulgarity, don'tchathink? :)

Man, it's not a size issue with you so much as it is a relaxation thing. If you're clenched up like the Lincoln Tunnel at rush hour, there ain't nothin' gettin' in. Your experience with a smaller gurl worked because you weren't all geared up for the big one. Kick back and relax first, before you get to the down-n-dirty. Try to relate to the gurl on a human level, not just a passing "pussy pole". :wink:

Best of luck.

07-19-2007, 11:04 PM
bearded one is right i talked with her first we had some wine it helped she was ultra friendly and patient but relaxing is the key

07-19-2007, 11:40 PM
Here's a suggestion: next time you go for "a huge. pussy. pole." bring your favorite dildo along and have her loosen you up first with it. Once you're feeling good and relaxed with a size you're comfortable with, then she should have an easier time of it.