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View Full Version : hair removal

03-13-2005, 01:23 AM
hey all...I guess this is more of a question for the TS's that frequent the board....anyways...I am wondering how alot (most) of the ts's get rid of their hair on the balls & also the ass crack. I for one don't like my balls hairy, and its been my experience that most GG prefer the "smooth" look. I have used razors before...but ya gotta be damn careful & no matter what I wind up missing a spot or 2.

Are dipilatory (spelling?) products like Nair ok to use?

03-13-2005, 09:09 AM
I'm lucky because of my asian heritage. To remove all unwanted hairs...use regular johnson & johnson baby oil and rub it onto your area that you want to shave...now do not apply all over the place...just work one part/region at a time, then use your razor (DO NOT REUSE THE RAZORS after you are done shaving the areas you want!!!) afterwards, i usually rube some noxema :D maybe not in the ass region but like my legs or what not.

I hope this helps you out.