View Full Version : Maury and Transsexuals

03-09-2005, 07:34 PM
How come when he has F2M transsexuals on, the show has a serious theme complete with dramatic music and the works. In contrast, the show we all tune in to see (M2F transsexuals) has more of a circus air to it? Even the program description is different (eg Transsexuals vs Audience tries to guess men in drag).

Interesting indeed.

03-09-2005, 07:49 PM
I just seen that show today. Im with you 100%, been sayin it in previous post

03-09-2005, 08:24 PM
AMEN! I would like to see the show take mtf show a little bit more serious once with family and getting to know the girls.

I hadnt thought about it until I seen the show today too.


03-09-2005, 10:16 PM
I said something abotu it in a previous post and got ridiculed. Instead of all the paternity test shows that he seems to ahev everydamn day, maybe a M2F show with a serious tone.

03-09-2005, 10:44 PM
I said something abotu it in a previous post and got ridiculed. Instead of all the paternity test shows that he seems to ahev everydamn day, maybe a M2F show with a serious tone.

LETS NOT GET AHEAD OF OURSELVES. Those paternity test shows are hilarious. There's a girl that's been on there 9 times already with (I think) about 25 guys and not one has been the father. I wouldn't want to miss the episode where she finally meets the lucky stiff.

03-09-2005, 10:47 PM
Yea, they are funny, but damn. Its like every episode every day is paternity test. The afternoon geekmakeover show was pretty funny yesterday. Just I can only sit through so manypaternity tests!

03-09-2005, 11:19 PM
Here in new york the show comes on twice a week. 70% of the shows are paternity test. LOL

03-10-2005, 01:55 AM
LOL, I thought NY would give maury more love! We get him twice a day. Once in the morning at 11, once at 5

el hermano
03-10-2005, 02:14 AM
argh. Maury Povich is the worst. At least Springer is up front about his tastlessness.

03-10-2005, 09:00 AM
trust me they rotate the real girls on those tranny episodes.....called decoys, lol... that singing chick has been on like 3 times that ive seen.....was interesting being there behind the scenes except 4 getting up that early....

03-10-2005, 10:25 AM
I don't live in the US so I've only seen Maury once or twice (Jerry Springer has been shown in a few countries outside the US, but Maury seems to be a very American phenomenon). I wasn't impressed.

I feel that these programmes (Maury, Springer and one or two others) are more akin to circus freak shows than serious exposes of important social issues. One can only watch with a sense of ironic detachment a show about an emetophiliac (a vomit lover) scouring the country for his "vomit girl", a show where the audience screams "you go girl" and pumps their arms like mechanical monkeys. Certainly I have sympathy for many of the the people who appear on these shows (and who am I to criticise their choices or habits?) but I don't believe anyone who guests on such a show is doing themselves a service by exposing themselves to vitriol and ridicule.

I do, however, really like the way Jerry sits down after his hatefest of a TV show and starts waxing philosophical about how we should all try to get along. That part of the show should come with canned laughter. After all, half the time during the show, Springer is sitting back and chuckling at what's going in front of him. He's pretty happy- laughing all the way to the bank, we call it.

So, here my advice to the girls: I know popular wisdom says that any kind of publicity is good publicity, but sometimes popular wisdom may be wrong. Why degrade yourselves by appearing on a TV show that presents you as freaks. It does neither you nor transgenders in general any good.

It's simple: Boycott these shows! You deserve better than parading as oddities to entertain the morbid curiousity of an audience often happy to watch a TV show presenting mostly what is wrong with society without considering what can be done to make it right. Do yourselves a favour and stay away. You deserve better than that.

03-10-2005, 08:58 PM
Maury isnt in the same caliberas Jerry Springer. Jerry Springer is basically a freak show. Any time someone is on that show its an indicator that someone is going throuh something rediculous. But Maury actually has decent shows sometimes. I just would like to see shows with TSs doing more than the "Guess who is who" shows. He had a pretty nice show with the FTMs, but Ive awlays wanted a show with the same compassion and understanding for the MTFs. Maury isnt the person with "Transexual Hookers battle their pimps"

03-11-2005, 12:04 PM
LBCDO wrote:

Jerry Springer is basically a freak show. Any time someone is on that show its an indicator that someone is going throuh something rediculous. But Maury actually has decent shows sometimes.

I'll throw up my hands and admit I haven't seen an episode of Maury for a few years, but I have heard about his recent shows. I still feel that M2F transexuals are doing themselves no favours appearing on these shows.

He had a pretty nice show with the FTMs, but Ive awlays wanted a show with the same compassion and understanding for the MTFs

Well that's it really. A lack of compassion and understanding is what's wrong with society's attitude to tgs (and to many other people who differ from the societal norm). I think that unless that changes, girls like Allanah should stay away from these programmes. Try and get a spot on Oprah maybe- that's a more serious show and one that can actually shape public opinion in your favour.

The point of shows like Maury and Springer, I think, is entertainment. Oprah educates the masses. She brings in experts to talk about serious (and not so serious) issues and always treats her guests and her audience with respect. You watch Springer and Maury to be entertained, maybe even to count your blessings becuase your life is nothing like that of some of the guests. You watch Oprah to be educated.

Hopefully society will come to accept and embrace transexuals (M2F and F2M, pre-op/non-op and post-op) and the people who admire them. But I don't think Maury Povich will be a great help in that.

03-11-2005, 02:31 PM
i think people here take things way too serious . do u think maury is there holding a gun to these girls to do his show... where do u think they get alot of the girls phone #s(not all of them) ?????? the eros guide maybe???? its all about promoting something something that they are doing.... keeping themselves out there.....do u think they are looking for for females that get clocked as transsexuals(they use the same women also , just change their look)..... the guy and the girl that maury kept asking if " it was a man or a woman " at the show i was at ,was friends of the show hanging out backstage where we were... the bottom line is the show is free publicity...i mean allanah and gia have been on like 10 times combined...and as for jerry springer , u dont see the same girls on there...unless it was a classic episode before it became a total circus...some of the girls do it once for kicks just to see themselves on tv(maury).... so everyone just relax a little bit and its gonna be ok....what do they say now??? i think the quote goes , "THE ONLY BAD PUBLICITY IS NO PUBLICITY !!!!