View Full Version : Exposing a Bitch: The Queen aka quinn Challenge

07-05-2007, 05:30 PM
Queen aka quinn aka our VillageIdiot Said:

You see, I know that you copied and pasted much of your initial post from part of a post on a blogger’s site (http://www.jayreding.com/).

You`re lying, as usual. So I say prove it or leave HA.

Take the challenge sissy, prove it or get out.


07-05-2007, 05:39 PM

07-05-2007, 08:14 PM
your silly the post you deleted used same words as an part of post on jayreading.com. i read it before you removed it. you had those same speling eror that was on jayreading site at time. you deleted you post after quinn told the truth on you rogers put a post about it to. other posters probably cought you before you removed the post

thats why quinn put the link for us to check. thats why you removed it so fast after

07-05-2007, 08:15 PM
your silly the post you deleted used same words as an part of post on jayreading.com. i read it before you removed it. you had those same speling eror that was on jayreading site at time. you deleted you post after quinn told the truth on you rogers put a post about it to. other posters probably cought you before you removed the post

thats why quinn put the link for us to check

Prove it you fucking liar of a joke :lol: take the challenge :lol:

07-05-2007, 08:23 PM
your silly the post you deleted used same words as an part of post on jayreading.com. i read it before you removed it. you had those same speling eror that was on jayreading site at time. you deleted you post after quinn told the truth on you rogers put a post about it to. other posters probably cought you before you removed the post

thats why quinn put the link for us to check

Prove it you fucking liar of a joke :lol: take the challenge :lol:

no pesons on this forum ever call me liar. you are called a liar by many many persons on the HA your history is prove enough. here are persons that point out your lies

Problem is , lies don`t hold up to the facts.
That's probably why no one believes a word you say either here or in public!

Nice try _Canada, but I wouldn't give up your day job. Like I said, lies and half-truths, simplifications and straw men. But no doubt you'll keep at it, just like Stewie below, and Spooky Mulder in the X-Files.

hahahahahaha so funny specialk, your wit has made my day - Don't Listen to WMC - "she" is a piece of sh*t

My opinion has nothing to do with it. You keep making this allegation without offering even a shred of evidence that it's true. You just make this unsupported assertion and say, "So there." Then, when I call you on it, you post one thing and claim that it's another. You're dishonest, Michael, and that bugs me.

The only insults I take here are those from White Male Clusterfuck... cause everybody knows he's mentally challenged.

I have read 'my' Constitution, several hundred times. Now explain this to me. Where did I ever state that civilians do not have authority over the military. The only person in this ongoing debate that brings up the question of civilian authority is you, yet you continue to use it as a 'strawman' to divert attention from the fact that you have no answer to the questions that are repeatedly posed to you.

As to exposing an intellectual shallowness by calling opponents names…

Man, I must nominate WMC, as the most retard fuck in the Universe! You're not actually from Canada are you? Maybe you are, and you live in a hut on a melting ice pack on Hudson Bay

Once again, you are either misstating, or misrepresenting the facts.

What can I say, you’re so confused and desperate to obfuscate that you now your mixing lies with diversions, accusations and bone-headedness.

Let’s begin with the lies: you never mentioned the 15 micron line…an irrelevant line to our discussion…until a few posts back…long after you already claim CO2 was absorbing as much as it can and no higher concentrations could absorb more...go back and look.

Let’s look at the diversion and accusation: I never mentioned VOCs, HFC, and PFCs. We’re talking CO2.

Let’s look at the bone-headedness: The 15 micron line is outside the window of infrared transparency. As long as it remains outside the window it’s relevant to the issue of further warming. That one line is already doing all it can to warm the Earth. This is in fact you’re original argument, but restricted to the 15 micron line. So of course the other two absorption lines which are within the window are now more relevant. If we dump higher concentrations of CO2 into the atmosphere it will be those lines that will have the task of soaking up more energy. Perhaps you could enlighten us as to what makes two higher energy lines minor, in this regard, relative to the lower energy 15 micron line way outside the window.

You have firmly established yourself as the most unpopular member of these boards. People are not laughing with you, they are laughing at you. You are our comic relief.

ive lurked here enough to sea you loose this argument to lg trish and other persons. why should i repeet what evryone now knows. you change your position and contradict youself many times in other arugments you loose now no one takes you seriously. you do it to youself.

all you do is insult and try to be tough guy. you make antigay remarks and insult persons sickness you are low person and is why all persons on the HA dont respect you as an adult man. you are sad and no like youself

huh..... still see dead people, white powder male canada?

I want you to read this editorial carefully, and stop with your repugs bullshit.


Ouch ! Be humble, you're a loser.

Ongoing debate? Perhaps the ongoing debate that White_Pinhead_Chickenhawk and his ilk need to be concerned with is the debate between themselves and their own hypocrisy...

No wonder no one responds to WMC anymore...Mandy posts a good article that raises some interesting points, and he reponds with an off topic diatribe.

I see medical science isn't your strong suit. hey, but at least you're getting good at character defamation.

I've had enough of your arguments and tedious repetition of words like "EnviroGestapo". I am sorry that you have not yet realised that you do not know what you are talking about.

For everyone that reads these posts, it must be made clear that WhiteMaleCandada is truly without a point....and those who tolerate his foolishness must see this as time goes forward.

WhiteMale could not respond to the issue of John Howard not "putting up" sufficient troops to make his so-called support of the Iraq war, instead he relies on moving to what i call "shiny keys" (diverting the point to something not relevant to the issue but instead becomes a direct attack on the person being discussed......

Again, why are you here on this board. Why don't you go somewhere where right wingers will make you feel like a king....of the other dummies.

nice way of trying to divert from the fact that you know nothing about systems

That you, Micheal, would call anyone else gay is hysterical. Know what I mean, White_Closeted_Male.

I think WMC's real name is Timmy, Quinn. Whatever it really is, who cares, I find the guy repulsive, and that's just from what he writes. He really does seem to have a big thing about owning other guys sexually, maybe that's what turns him on about transsexuals? And from what he's said himself, he clearly is active on far more boards than this one. You've definitely hit the nail on the head about him, Quinn, he's a hypocrite and a fraud!!! Not only does he frequently lie to others, he appears to frequently lie to himself. They call that being deluded!

Hey, I_love_Cristina_Bianchini, I see you've come to the exact same conclusion as just about every other poster on this forum – save for WMC’s two NeoCon confederates. Chesterton's – oops, I mean WMC’s – "debates" follow an all too familiar pattern where he will initially make numerous factually unsustainable assertions, which then invariably get obliterated by real facts. This, in turn, invariably causes him to fall back upon secondary assertions, usually based upon selective reinterpretations of his initially disproved assertions. Once these secondary assertions are crushed as well, he falls back again, with the same pattern repeating itself over and over. As the “debate” drags on, White_Morphing_Male will change his position more times than hooker at an orgy. We've all seen him do it during a number of debates – like the climate debate, when Trish bitched his ass – and we’ve most certainly seen it here. It just gets better and better.

No wonder they even make fun of him on the General Discussion forum. Essentially, his NPD fueled ignorance is the gift that keeps on giving. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Yep Quinn, WMC is a bully, and like all bullies he's weak and insecure, that what fuels his N.P.D.! Like I said, a very disagreeable man who doesn't get along with people here because they see right through him, and apparently, the same also applies in his Professional life. I wish you, and everyone else, the best in your arguments with him!!!

Little Stanley, was right. This man is nuttier than a fruit cake. Wouldn't surprise me if he fucked baby seals and clubbed them over the head while saying it's my right as a Canadien fruitcake.

Prior to this point I had considered WMC to be intelligent, articulate, and well-informed, despite his untenable, questionable, even hateful conclusions. However, going back to edit a post (which is an historical document, albeit in a casual and fluid forum environment) in order to undercut his opponent's point of view--a sort of post-pre-emptive strike--is bad form and undermines his argument for those who have followed the course of the debate; only those coming to read the thread after the fact might be fooled by this tactic.

Christ your such an arsehole.

First of all, I never said that. Nice try. :wink:

Second of all, it would have saved everyone a lot of time if you would have just told everyone you were a troll right from the begining.

White Canada Male - honestly I don't know what your doing here besides trying to boost your own self-esteem by trying to prove how intelligent you are. This is a forum for those that like T-girls and politics. You only like politics so why don't you just go to another forum and let TFan do all of the dirty work for you. At least he shares your sick political perspective and likes Tgirls.

Middle finger people like WhiteMaleCanada (MFP's are people that you give the finger when you see them or hear them around) are never every concerned about what a foreign leader has to say unless they fall in lock step with the stupid thoughts they generate in their fevered brains.

I've tried to abstain from responding to this post and have given up trying to read the messages. But I have absorbed the slant of "White_Male_Canada".

Jesus, you're a pain in the ass. Get a job or a hobby or something. Who gives a flying fuck about what you think. Reflect on that! I don't give a fuck about what I think.

I said you're a pain in the ass. I was wrong! You're a talking ass.

Hagel ? That the one who compared the US armed forces to Nazis?

Nope. You can't even bother to keep your own bullshit straight.

I strung those letters together on purpose knowing dolts like you would get tripped up. For fucks sakes it`s a Colt AR-15 A2 Govt model w/H-bar. I suppose you don`t even know the twist rate?

Thanks! You reminded me of the old PeeWee Herman line: "I meant to do that!"

Heehee. Cracks me up every time.

The A2 is a nice weapon. Twist rate is 1:7. Do the bayonet lugs make you feel like a real soldier?

What is it with you angry little people? Can`t stand the fact that there are others who really don`t think socialism and collectivism is the be all end all?

Personally, what makes me angry are liars and dissemblers, particularly those who are abuse my country and hold my fellow American citizens in contempt. I don't much care where you are politically, but you're a liar, so I feel compelled to demean and humiliate you.

Hey pinhead ...what up??? Still going to therapy for that liberal cocksucking fetish of yours?????

The rest of the comments are just laughable. Clearly this person can't be serious.

This question is for the "white male in cananda"....
How can you be so reactionary and yet come to a tranny board?
Its seems ALL the closet cases are in the republican party.....or whatever you all have in Cananda.
Your a fucking idiot.
Your probably some fat hideous beer belly grumpy fucker......
I can always rely on the fact that the conservatives have the most closeted people among their ranks.

Dude, if we thought like you we would still think the earth was flat.

because WMC has even less than he has intellect.

Michael, this thread is moving beyond merely irritating to boring. I’m going to reply to this silliness once more. If you need it repeated for a third time, then you’re going to have to find somebody else. I don’t have the patience to work with the developmentally disabled.

You dumb fucking liar.

Well if anyone should know it's you, your the biggest dumb fucking liar here by a million miles, eh "Prof." (allegedly)!

I don't want to seem like an intellectual snob and no doubt you'll tell me that I'm avoid the debate. But there is no point debating with someone like you who lacks a basic understanding of something but seems to think that he knows everything. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, WMC.


Let’s see:

You’ve misrepresented my assertions and you continue to misrepresent them when i make them explicity clear. That's why the fucker, fucker. And you misrepresent the assertions of the IPCC. It’s idiotic to claim, as you do, that the thousands of climatologists involved in the IPCC assessment believe that CO2 forcing is responsible for all climate changes in the geological past. I’m not saying you’re an idiot. I’m say you’ve got no integrity.

You drop names but you give no substantial arguments of your own. What formula do you use?
Your odd locutions (like “that chart in no way defines exponential growth” or "proves exponential CO2") and your repeated insistence on mundane phrases (“usually given in Watts per meter2”), which I suppose you suppose makes you sound like a scientist,
your inability to distinquish between a curve that exhibits exponential behavior over an interval and a theory from which exponential behavior can be deduced,
your inability to comprehend that a derivation from first principles (which you continually demand) is not a proof (experiment and methodical observation come as close as we get to proof in science),
all the above, indicate your unfamiliarity with the topic upon which you labor to pronounce. It’s horrifying what little integrity you seem to have.

You’re always on the edge of accusing anyone who disagrees with you of being religiously bound to their own view. Now i agree it's closed minded to be blindly bound to your own perspective. But judging from your other posts in this forum you're something of a religious zealot. So just what does it mean when you accuse someone of being a religionist? What kind of loopy criticism is that? You simply have no intellectual integrity and I simply have no more reason to continue of this discussion.

But before I go, hold out your hands….palms up, sweetie…yeah, just like that…HERE’S YOUR ASS.

God, Michael, you're tripping over your own bullshit again.

Unbelievable. Well, if you can't be bothered reading and replying to what I've actually written, then I'm sure as hell ain't going to keep returning the favour to a low-down, lying cheat. . . .

Radiation absorption is logarithmic. Once a wavelength is fully absorbed it is saturated.

and since when do logs saturate? seriously why do you even try to talk maths and physics if you clearly havent got an understanding of it?

Let me just say congratulations on qualifying as a Certified Tranny Expert for making over 1000 posts. Interestingly, not one, it seems, has been on the topic of transexuality and most have consisted of tedious drivel.

I think your warning's come too late for WMC, specialK. He does seem to have a large amount of "guys in leather" pics on his hard-drive. Until today I'd only seen some of his cowboy pics and thought that was just because he's a cowboy scientist (allegedly), but after seeing his gay biker pics today I think we're all starting to see the real WMC emerge. After him freely admitting the following, I think its a sure bet that he's active on at least a few boards far more gayer than this one.

“Then I found this Forum and decided to piss off all the lemmings. One of many left-wing boards I like to enter.” White_Male_Canada.

People, you must understand that White_Male_Canada is in fact a radical serb (so called "cetnik"). As such,he's always looking forward to see the entire west world being more radical, more christian,more conservative and more fascistic in general. Every single move from red to the blue block is something wonderful to him, in his understanding it is just a step closer to radicalisation
of the christian world. It sounds crazy, but that's it.

While you were out boating I was repelling from 100 cliffs(sans harness,repell seat) and static target practicing with my trusty AR15HHBARGvt model.What I do or how I train in my spare time is none of your concern nor does it matter.

Wow...it sounds like you guys in the Canadian boy scouts are really intense...fuckin' major....dude....

And BTW, Rambo...it's rappel not repell...

:lol: :roll: :lol: :roll:

"You are now logged as White Male Canada, Pat Robertson"

When people abandon the truth, they don’t believe in nothing, they believe in anything.


Love your new sig, Michael. So utterly appropriate to you.

A misquote, and not Chesterton.


In any case, you've ingnored my responses to your skewed, illogical arguments and have replied with inane rhetoric. It seems to me you lack both a sense of humour and the ability to make a reasoned argument.

Luke 6:41-42 41 And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "Brother, let me remove the speck that is in your eye,' when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck that is in your brother's eye

Your own spiritual blindness is showing.

Dude, were you dropped on your head when you were a child? WTF.


Nothing like having a plate of mixed nuts on the coffee table.

. . . theres no reasoning with WMC or inhousten or guyone, total nutcases...........

Still waiting for a reply from WMC, trish? You'll only get one from him if he thinks he can trump you. The man, or should I say shit, has not integrity!

You are pathetic.

Question for White_Male_Canada: If all you do is claim Jesus heals the blind and spout right-wing politics, then what are you doing on the HA boards? I have never seen you post any pictures of shemales or discuss them. Using a TS website just to discuss your own politics defeats the purpose of joining HA as opposed to FreeRepublic.

So answer me: why do you post on a TS website if you never or rarely discuss T-girls?

You're the most retard fuck in the Universe. It's official.

visit a doctor, man.... you really got mental problems.

There's that conspiracy talk again. Do you realize it makes you look stupid?

Why don't you read up a little on the subject before spouting any old rubbish? Just because Rush Limbaugh says something doesn't mean it's right.

But, just to go along with the analogy...we'd find out. It's called research for a reason.

From you we just hear more obfuscation and hedging.

YourCanadianDaddy, you are misstating the facts, but since Hannity always does, its understandable you would too.

Do you read this stuff before you cut and paste it?

"...likened to David Cameron for the way he dropped traditional policies to modernise his party..."
"...based his appeal around reforming rather than overhauling Sweden’s social welfare system..."
"...he beat the left on their home territory of popular state-funded health, education and social care services..."

The point of that story is that Reinfeldt won the election by moving the Moderate Party to the left.

And the title of your post is nonsensical. Sweden's Moderate Party and the Alliance for Sweden coalition that it leads have literally nothing in common with the neoconservative movement. Truly, not a single thing.

You should stick to demonstrating your ignorance of U.S. politics.

So tell me it’s not true. You don’t go back and revise your old posts to make your arguments anticipate your opponent’s objections, do you??? What a bad little boy you are! I don't even know why anyone should argue with you now.

Yeh, the fucking tosser waited till he saw I was logged in, then he edited his last post. WHAT A FUCKING SNEAKY BASTARD!!!

It is a tactic as old as time. when some person, or group of people disagree with you, and you are unable to refute their claims, simply accuse them of some nefarious act or belief. Then, in order to make it seem real, repeat the charge loudly and often without regards to the truth or falsity of the charge.

You are doing a very good job of ignoring the questions and simply restating your claims.

Now I ask you what should be a simple question. How do you justify this staggering leap of illogic, a leap that Evel Knievel would not attempt. I eagerly await your reply.

Where in my statement did I say Ann Coulter was a US Senator? Why are you also using quotes from someone that has a bias? Of course, the publisher is not going to admit they are wrong for publishing the material. I thought it was funny when your proof of plagiarism of Joe Biden was some amateur website.


Your arguments aren't subtle, they are incoherent and non-existent.

I doubt this retard´s into T-girls. He´s just here to spread this bullshit. Seems you got too much time, WMC.

Touche!!!! You Ms Katt are the perfect foil to White_Man_ Inna White Sheet or Your Doody or what ever the f#$k he's calling himself this time around

For God's sake, Michael. You're just going to repost the same shit I knocked down two days ago? You can't find anything new to cut-and-paste in here?

Talk about picking your words carefully. You didn't talk splits or percentages or past history. You said, simply:

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was pushed by more Republicans than demorats.Check the vote count

NO BS. More Democrats than Republicans voted for the Civil Rights act.

You either misstated or misrepresented what the reality was.

Then, scrambling to cover being called on it, you start namecalling with insults, try to impugn my source (which wasn't Wikipedia, for your information) without addressing its accuracy, start flinging irrelevant and incorrect crap about Kerry, and post a mean,and demeaning but meaningless picture of Hillary.

He never admits anything.

To this day he remains a pompous prevaricator of prodigious proportions....

the truth? the truth? he can't handle the truth. never could...on any subject.

dont waist you time. you cant talk about whats reel with him hes in his own world and has no integrity. its why people ignore him

Felicia saved your skin by pasting the 1st and not delving into the historical aspects? Hardly.

Aww, the conversation is over? So you have no substantive argument to offer at all, just baseless slander? That's shocking, Michael. I'm shocked.

I didn't say Felicia saved my skin, I said she saved me from unraveling the issue of the separation of church and state for you. I don't need my skin saved, thank you very much.

I really have better things to do than banter with you since you're obviously right and we're obviously wrong. Gawd, I just love newbies on this friggin' board. Sigh.

The overwhelming preponderance of evidence always sends them scurrying away. (quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est)

I believe it was the overwhelmig preponderance of irrelevent crap that drove your opponent on to better things.

white male canada you just posted this shit for attention because you don't even normally post here,please crawl back to your politics section and keep posting your bullshit there.

Where did I say this? Nowhere. I said no such thing. Please, read what I wrote before you launch an attack against a position which I did not take.

The truth is usually the exact opposite to what WMC says it is.

Are you mental?

Oops, turns out you might be.

Ok, do you even think before you post?

In fact that's not even an answer, merely deflection, much of which we've heard before, some of which is full of shit.

Right, _Canada, I'll try and keep things as simple as possible for you, because as Quinn appears to have rightly said, you do seem to be a dullard. Maybe that's why you cheat, because you can't keep up with the intelligence of the rest of the posters here?

no persons on the HA beleve you for good reasons look how many times many persons call you a liar. the huge list is only some of those persons so sad for you white-male-canada

07-05-2007, 08:25 PM
your silly the post you deleted used same words as an part of post on jayreading.com. i read it before you removed it. you had those same speling eror that was on jayreading site at time. you deleted you post after quinn told the truth on you rogers put a post about it to. other posters probably cought you before you removed the post

thats why quinn put the link for us to check

Prove it you fucking liar of a joke :lol: take the challenge :lol:

no pesons on this forum ever call me liar. you are called a liar by many many persons on the HA your history is proof enough. here are persons that point out your lies

you`re so fucking stupid :lol: you can`t even read :lol:

07-05-2007, 09:54 PM
ROTFLMAO…. All I need to do is point out that other posters saw what you posted before you deleted it and called you on it, just one of whom mentions it above (Rogers also commented on it). That’s the problem, stupid; other posters saw it too. As Svenson points out, the reason I posted the link to the website you copied it from to begin with was so that other posters could compare it all, down to the identical mistakes. It was also the reason why you, in a panic, immediately edited/deleted your initial post (6 edits no less) to cover up the truth. Once again, multiple posters saw you do it and called you on it.

Furthermore, you have a well established history of editing your posts to cover up your lies and mistakes after they’ve been exposed – either adding or deleting information, depending on whether your initial statement has actually been quoted in a response or not. Here are but a few of the numerous comments by other posters concerning this conduct:

You added this crap to your post after I had responded to it.

Prior to this point I had considered WMC to be intelligent, articulate, and well-informed, despite his untenable, questionable, even hateful conclusions. However, going back to edit a post (which is an historical document, albeit in a casual and fluid forum environment) in order to undercut his opponent's point of view--a sort of post-pre-emptive strike--is bad form and undermines his argument for those who have followed the course of the debate; only those coming to read the thread after the fact might be fooled by this tactic.

So tell me it’s not true. You don’t go back and revise your old posts to make your arguments anticipate your opponent’s objections, do you??? What a bad little boy you are! I don't even know why anyone should argue with you now.

Yeh, the fucking tosser waited till he saw I was logged in, then he edited his last post. WHAT A FUCKING SNEAKY BASTARD!!!

You see, White_Dissembling_Dullard, it always comes down to your word – the word of a man called dishonest at every turn by dozens of posters – versus those of people who don’t have anything approaching a similar history of dishonesty. Your pattern of calling these people liars, in an effort to deflect attention from your being caught bullshiting in the first place, is also familiar to everyone.


P.S. LMAO at “Queen.” As in the past, you’ve once again resorted to copying someone else’s material when you’re feeling particularly desperate (in this case the insult used by Monica Fox). Thanks for your tacit admission to being so overwhelmed that you can’t even come up with your own material. You really are making this too easy for me..........



07-05-2007, 11:56 PM
All I need to do is point out that other posters saw what you posted before you deleted it and called you on it...



For one thing, just because the kook brigade says it`s so doesn`t make it so. Unless you pull out a screen shot and prove it you got nothin` queen.

Secondly, and here`s the "Fiesta resistance", I`ve made a fool of you and your butt-buddy Sven, YET AGAIN ! :lol:

So fucking dumb, can`t even read, yet this VillageIdiot comes into my "topic" and gets serious about the "challenge". 8)


Like I said previously, I'm going to push this until we eventually both get banned by the mods. – at which point the P&R forum can hold the type of debates HA used to have regularly[/quote] 8)

07-06-2007, 12:32 AM
ROTFLMAO…. All I need to do is point out that other posters saw what you posted before you deleted it and called you on it, just one of whom mentions it above (Rogers also commented on it). That’s the problem, stupid; other posters saw it too. As Svenson points out, the reason I posted the link to the website you copied it from to begin with was so that other posters could compare it all, down to the identical mistakes. It was also the reason why you, in a panic, immediately edited/deleted your initial post (6 edits no less) to cover up the truth. Once again, multiple posters saw you do it and called you on it.

Furthermore, you have a well established history of editing your posts to cover up your lies and mistakes after they’ve been exposed – either adding or deleting information, depending on whether your initial statement has actually been quoted in a response or not. Here are but a few of the numerous comments by other posters concerning this conduct:

You added this crap to your post after I had responded to it.

Prior to this point I had considered WMC to be intelligent, articulate, and well-informed, despite his untenable, questionable, even hateful conclusions. However, going back to edit a post (which is an historical document, albeit in a casual and fluid forum environment) in order to undercut his opponent's point of view--a sort of post-pre-emptive strike--is bad form and undermines his argument for those who have followed the course of the debate; only those coming to read the thread after the fact might be fooled by this tactic.

So tell me it’s not true. You don’t go back and revise your old posts to make your arguments anticipate your opponent’s objections, do you??? What a bad little boy you are! I don't even know why anyone should argue with you now.

Yeh, the fucking tosser waited till he saw I was logged in, then he edited his last post. WHAT A FUCKING SNEAKY BASTARD!!!

You see, White_Dissembling_Dullard, it always comes down to your word – the word of a man called dishonest at every turn by dozens of posters – versus those of people who don’t have anything approaching a similar history of dishonesty. Your pattern of calling these people liars, in an effort to deflect attention from your being caught bullshiting in the first place, is also familiar to everyone.


P.S. LMAO at “Queen.” As in the past, you’ve once again resorted to copying someone else’s material when you’re feeling particularly desperate (in this case the insult used by Monica Fox). Thanks for your tacit admission to being so overwhelmed that you can’t even come up with your own material. You really are making this too easy for me..........



07-06-2007, 12:38 AM
:lol: Just too fucking funny, and EASY. HILARIOUS ! :lol:

Queen aka quinn aka our VillageIdiot Said:

You see, I know that you copied and pasted much of your initial post from part of a post on a blogger’s site (http://www.jayreding.com/).

You`re lying, as usual. So I say prove it or leave HA.

Take the challenge sissy, prove it or get out.


07-06-2007, 01:27 AM
are we back to the repetition game again?

07-06-2007, 01:31 AM
are we back to the repetition game again?

Is turn-about fair play? Actually, that`s not the point but the point was missed by the other two spammers.
They just don`t get it.

07-06-2007, 02:45 AM
ROTFLMAO…. All I need to do is point out that other posters saw what you posted before you deleted it and called you on it, just one of whom mentions it above (Rogers also commented on it). That’s the problem, stupid; other posters saw it too. As Svenson points out, the reason I posted the link to the website you copied it from to begin with was so that other posters could compare it all, down to the identical mistakes. It was also the reason why you, in a panic, immediately edited/deleted your initial post (6 edits no less) to cover up the truth. Once again, multiple posters saw you do it and called you on it.

Furthermore, you have a well established history of editing your posts to cover up your lies and mistakes after they’ve been exposed – either adding or deleting information, depending on whether your initial statement has actually been quoted in a response or not. Here are but a few of the numerous comments by other posters concerning this conduct:

You added this crap to your post after I had responded to it.

Prior to this point I had considered WMC to be intelligent, articulate, and well-informed, despite his untenable, questionable, even hateful conclusions. However, going back to edit a post (which is an historical document, albeit in a casual and fluid forum environment) in order to undercut his opponent's point of view--a sort of post-pre-emptive strike--is bad form and undermines his argument for those who have followed the course of the debate; only those coming to read the thread after the fact might be fooled by this tactic.

So tell me it’s not true. You don’t go back and revise your old posts to make your arguments anticipate your opponent’s objections, do you??? What a bad little boy you are! I don't even know why anyone should argue with you now.

Yeh, the fucking tosser waited till he saw I was logged in, then he edited his last post. WHAT A FUCKING SNEAKY BASTARD!!!

You see, White_Dissembling_Dullard, it always comes down to your word – the word of a man called dishonest at every turn by dozens of posters – versus those of people who don’t have anything approaching a similar history of dishonesty. Your pattern of calling these people liars, in an effort to deflect attention from your being caught bullshiting in the first place, is also familiar to everyone.


P.S. LMAO at “Queen.” As in the past, you’ve once again resorted to copying someone else’s material when you’re feeling particularly desperate (in this case the insult used by Monica Fox). Thanks for your tacit admission to being so overwhelmed that you can’t even come up with your own material. You really are making this too easy for me..........



07-06-2007, 03:04 AM
:lol: Just too fucking funny, and EASY. HILARIOUS ! :lol:

Queen aka quinn aka our VillageIdiot Said:

You see, I know that you copied and pasted much of your initial post from part of a post on a blogger’s site (http://www.jayreding.com/).

You`re lying, as usual. So I say prove it or leave HA.

Take the challenge sissy, prove it or get out.


07-06-2007, 04:46 AM
All I need to do is point out that other posters saw what you posted before you deleted it and called you on it...



For one thing, just because the kook brigade says it`s so doesn`t make it so. Unless you pull out a screen shot and prove it you got nothin` queen.

Secondly, and here`s the "Fiesta resistance", I`ve made a fool of you and your butt-buddy Sven, YET AGAIN ! :lol:

So fucking dumb, can`t even read, yet this VillageIdiot comes into my "topic" and gets serious about the "challenge". 8)


Like I said previously, I'm going to push this until we eventually both get banned by the mods. – at which point the P&R forum can hold the type of debates HA used to have regularly 8)[/quote]

WMC reminds me of Richard Nixon. Anyone else get that impression?

07-06-2007, 01:00 PM
All I need to do is point out that other posters saw what you posted before you deleted it and called you on it...



For one thing, just because the kook brigade says it`s so doesn`t make it so. Unless you pull out a screen shot and prove it you got nothin` queen.

Secondly, and here`s the "Fiesta resistance", I`ve made a fool of you and your butt-buddy Sven, YET AGAIN ! :lol:

So fucking dumb, can`t even read, yet this VillageIdiot comes into my "topic" and gets serious about the "challenge". 8)

Like I said previously, I'm going to push this until we eventually both get banned by the mods. – at which point the P&R forum can hold the type of debates HA used to have regularly

WMC reminds me of Richard Nixon. Anyone else get that impression?

You have no clue too?Tell me you`re not as stupid as the villageidiot and sven. Have no idea why we are laughing so hard that queen and sven replied to this topic? 8)

07-07-2007, 06:22 AM
All I need to do is point out that other posters saw what you posted before you deleted it and called you on it...



For one thing, just because the kook brigade says it`s so doesn`t make it so. Unless you pull out a screen shot and prove it you got nothin` queen.

Secondly, and here`s the "Fiesta resistance", I`ve made a fool of you and your butt-buddy Sven, YET AGAIN ! :lol:

So fucking dumb, can`t even read, yet this VillageIdiot comes into my "topic" and gets serious about the "challenge". 8)

Like I said previously, I'm going to push this until we eventually both get banned by the mods. – at which point the P&R forum can hold the type of debates HA used to have regularly

WMC reminds me of Richard Nixon. Anyone else get that impression?

You have no clue too?Tell me you`re not as stupid as the villageidiot and sven. Have no idea why we are laughing so hard that queen and sven replied to this topic? 8)

Who's "we" WMC? Unless you've got multiple personalities or a bunch of conservatives stuffed up your asshole, I can't imagine there's that many of you. And yes you're outnumbered, not only by us "kooks" who spend our time here but by other respected posters who also consider you an asswipe: Ecstatic, whatsupwithat, Felicia, seanchai and so many more.

Fact: You almost always edit your posts after you make them. Often once, sometimes five or six times. The reason you need to edit is to amend or change your views (I know it's not for clarity or to fix typos since your posts remain unclear and full of typographical errors even after the 5th edit): you shift positions more often than a rally car's gearshift.

Fact: A number of posters saw that you had initially posted out something else and then wiped it off. There is nothing to prove.

Fact: It is well known that you cut and paste text without giving references, using quote boxes or italics and without clarifying that the text was written by someone else. Several of us- including myself- have proven you do that. It seems to betray a lack of orginal thought as much as anything.

Fact: Your crazy accusations angered the mods. Your topic was wiped out, but now you have insisted on bringing up the issue of McCain-Feingold and fanning the dying flames because it is obvious, once again, that you want to start a fight.

Fact: Nobody gives a shit about McCain-Feingold anymore.

Fact: This debate is over. You lost it long ago.

Fact: Don't bother replying. I'm paying no more attention to this thread and suggest that others follow suit. It seems you are incapable or discussion and only interested in arguing.

Fact: A nice cup of STFU would do you some good for a change right now. And that, my friend (and I use the term as loosely as possible) is a fact.

Have a nice day, but don't come crying to me if someone kicks the crap out of you for being an annoying shit.

07-07-2007, 06:50 AM
All I need to do is point out that other posters saw what you posted before you deleted it and called you on it...



For one thing, just because the kook brigade says it`s so doesn`t make it so. Unless you pull out a screen shot and prove it you got nothin` queen.

Secondly, and here`s the "Fiesta resistance", I`ve made a fool of you and your butt-buddy Sven, YET AGAIN ! :lol:

So fucking dumb, can`t even read, yet this VillageIdiot comes into my "topic" and gets serious about the "challenge". 8)

Like I said previously, I'm going to push this until we eventually both get banned by the mods. – at which point the P&R forum can hold the type of debates HA used to have regularly

WMC reminds me of Richard Nixon. Anyone else get that impression?

You have no clue too?Tell me you`re not as stupid as the villageidiot and sven. Have no idea why we are laughing so hard that queen and sven replied to this topic? 8)[/quote]

Who's "we" WMC? Unless you've got multiple personalities or a bunch of conservatives stuffed up your asshole, I can't imagine there's that many of you. And yes you're outnumbered, not only by us "kooks" who spend our time here but by other respected posters who also consider you an asswipe: Ecstatic, whatsupwithat, Felicia, seanchai and so many more.

Fact: Opinions are like assholes, they all stink and I expect nothing less from leftists on a left wing board.That proves nothing. If this were a right of center board you be on the other end of it.

You almost always edit your posts after you make them. Often once, sometimes five or six times. The reason you need to edit is to amend or change your views (I know it's not for clarity or to fix typos since your posts remain unclear and full of typographical errors even after the 5th edit): you shift positions more often than a rally car's gearshift.

Boo-hoo, best run to the mods again and complain about the edit function.

A number of posters saw that you had initially posted out something else and then wiped it off. There is nothing to prove.

And that proves what? Absolutely nothing. I`ll pass a polygraph on this one. The initial story was from a news source, I added, removed and modified text from the USSC decision and the story. Big fucking deal.

It is well known that you cut and paste text without giving references, using quote boxes or italics and without clarifying that the text was written by someone else. Several of us- including myself- have proven you do that. It seems to betray a lack of orginal thought as much as anything.

Spell check yourself nitwit. You seem to suffer from a lack of orginal thought yourself

Your crazy accusations angered the mods. Your topic was wiped out, but now you have insisted on bringing up the issue of McCain-Feingold and fanning the dying flames because it is obvious, once again, that you want to start a fight.

FACT: The mods did not delete the topic because it was embarrassing to the villageidiot and the statement that M/F would be strengthened by the courts instead of being eviscerated. The topic was deleted because of official complaints.

FACT: No one told me I could not replace BOTH original topics.

FACT: The kook brigade lodged official complaints. Do a search, type in pedo. Those posts are still there and involve others in the kook brigade. You`re busted junior.

FACT: I`ve never ran to the mods to bellyache like a crybaby.

This debate is over. You lost it long ago.

FACT: You`re as delusional as the villageidiot who stated M/F would be strengthened by the courts after all was said and done. The exact opposite happened as I stated long ago.

Don't bother replying. I'm paying no more attention to this thread and suggest that others follow suit. It seems you are incapable or discussion and only interested in arguing.

FACT: You have no idea what this topic was meant to demonstrate.

FACT: You dearly wish for an exclusive left wing P&R section. Keep lobbying the mods, you may get it.

07-07-2007, 08:31 AM
You have no clue too?Tell me you`re not as stupid as the villageidiot and sven. Have no idea why we are laughing so hard that queen and sven replied to this topic? 8)

WE????? I think you're alone pal. Time to grab the piss pail and go outside and empty it! And while you're at it, take a deep breath. Time to go down to the corner store and get an ice cream.

You aren't from Canada are you? Drive the twenty miles to Butte. Go into the diner and ask for some eggs over easy. I think you're going nuts. And I'm starting to worry about you!

07-07-2007, 06:24 PM
You have no clue too?Tell me you`re not as stupid as the villageidiot and sven. Have no idea why we are laughing so hard that queen and sven replied to this topic? 8)

WE????? I think you're alone pal. Time to grab the piss pail and go outside and empty it! And while you're at it, take a deep breath. Time to go down to the corner store and get an ice cream.

You aren't from Canada are you? Drive the twenty miles to Butte. Go into the diner and ask for some eggs over easy. I think you're going nuts. And I'm starting to worry about you!

Still have zero clue?

Hint, it`s a demonstration. And the joke is on the VillageIdiot who actually bit, hook line and sinker. 8) So bereft of acumen the VillageIdiot bit again in another topic. It`s become so easy I almost feel guilty exposing queen for the anencephalic it is. 8)

07-09-2007, 06:13 AM
Who's "we" WMC? Unless you've got multiple personalities or a bunch of conservatives stuffed up your asshole, I can't imagine there's that many of you. And yes you're outnumbered, not only by us "kooks" who spend our time here but by other respected posters who also consider you an asswipe: Ecstatic, whatsupwithat, Felicia, seanchai and so many more.

Fact: You almost always edit your posts after you make them. Often once, sometimes five or six times. The reason you need to edit is to amend or change your views (I know it's not for clarity or to fix typos since your posts remain unclear and full of typographical errors even after the 5th edit): you shift positions more often than a rally car's gearshift.

Fact: A number of posters saw that you had initially posted out something else and then wiped it off. There is nothing to prove.

Fact: It is well known that you cut and paste text without giving references, using quote boxes or italics and without clarifying that the text was written by someone else. Several of us- including myself- have proven you do that. It seems to betray a lack of orginal thought as much as anything.

Fact: Your crazy accusations angered the mods. Your topic was wiped out, but now you have insisted on bringing up the issue of McCain-Feingold and fanning the dying flames because it is obvious, once again, that you want to start a fight.

Fact: Nobody gives a shit about McCain-Feingold anymore.

Fact: This debate is over. You lost it long ago.

Fact: Don't bother replying. I'm paying no more attention to this thread and suggest that others follow suit. It seems you are incapable or discussion and only interested in arguing.

Fact: A nice cup of STFU would do you some good for a change right now. And that, my friend (and I use the term as loosely as possible) is a fact.

Have a nice day, but don't come crying to me if someone kicks the crap out of you for being an annoying shit.

the truth all persons on the HA know lg and ezed are right :claps :claps :claps :claps :claps :claps :claps so alone an so sad..............