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06-28-2007, 06:57 PM
You know who you are.

If you see me in the bathroom there are 8 toilets available. I'm on toilet 7 and the first 6 are available. There is no reason in the world you have to prop yourself @ toilet 6 when I'm on 7. Go use toilet 1-2-3 or the handicap stall that is available.

See these dividers in the photo. They are partitions.


There is no reason in the world that you have to lean over and peek over MY partition to see what's going on. It's none of your fucking business what I'm doing. I'm shaking off the excess urine, wtf else do you think I'm doing?

The next guy I catch pulling this shit, I'm straight fucking you up. With your silly ass shirt, "Strictkly Dickly". Fucking homos. :roll:

Craigslist M4M

06-28-2007, 07:05 PM

06-28-2007, 07:07 PM

LOL!!! Great scene...he reminds me of a young Deniro

06-28-2007, 07:51 PM
There's a load of walled-up anger in there, dude. a lot of pent-up agression.


afraid that a guy that sees your dick might turn you over to the evil beyond comprehension world of gay-butt-fucking?

or maybe it's 'penis-angst'? someone might commend about size or the lack thereof?


Better save all that macho steroid agression for some REAL issues, instead of walking around like a fuckin' time bomb, ready to bust some sorry-ass drunk ass, cause he might see a wee inch of foreskin.

I suggest seeking professional help. As in: a shrink.
or ask the doctor -when you see him next time, after your weekly electrshock-therapy- to double the dose of medication.

Or just do whjat you already intend to do; bust someone's ass for dickviewing and spend the next few years getting your ass VERY CLOSELY examined by a bunch of bikers in the slammer.
makes you wish you just ignored that poor lonesome homeboy when he took a peek.....

get a life :roll:

06-28-2007, 07:54 PM
His avatar just makes this OP so much more ironic.

06-28-2007, 08:57 PM
There's a load of walled-up anger in there, dude. a lot of pent-up agression.


afraid that a guy that sees your dick might turn you over to the evil beyond comprehension world of gay-butt-fucking?

or maybe it's 'penis-angst'? someone might commend about size or the lack thereof?


Better save all that macho steroid agression for some REAL issues, instead of walking around like a fuckin' time bomb, ready to bust some sorry-ass drunk ass, cause he might see a wee inch of foreskin.

I suggest seeking professional help. As in: a shrink.
or ask the doctor -when you see him next time, after your weekly electrshock-therapy- to double the dose of medication.

Or just do whjat you already intend to do; bust someone's ass for dickviewing and spend the next few years getting your ass VERY CLOSELY examined by a bunch of bikers in the slammer.
makes you wish you just ignored that poor lonesome homeboy when he took a peek.....

get a life :roll:


Unisex has a very valid point and from your reply it appears you might be one of those individuals that likes to dip your head over to the 'other' urinal and gaze in admiration. Just because a bunch of men are sitting on a forum admiring or talking about transgendered women does not mean we want some closet faggot watching us drain the lizard making us feel uncomfortable the rest of the night................

Dude (meaning Unisex), Madison Square Garden during halftime at a Knicks game when I was 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ever since then I've used the stalls, fuck that.

06-28-2007, 09:03 PM
Shit Unisex....I'm the guy that does that to you, JUST to make you nervous. HA_HA_HA_HA!!!!!! And, now that I know, for sure, it freaks you out.....I'm gonna be on your ass, like white on rice!!!!! :claps :peanutbutter :banghead :actionsmiley :moon

06-28-2007, 09:05 PM
we may have different definitions

to me urinal is where you stand and there is this bullshit little white or silver divider

the stall is the toilet with the door you can latch closed so you are in complete privacy

06-28-2007, 09:20 PM
its a horrible situation...especially at the gym...its a breeding ground 4 closet cases...let the record be str8 that i have no problems with gay people... just like those ones staring at u in the urinal...the ones who gives u looks like they are going to try to turn u into a lamp shade in their apartment :twisted:

06-28-2007, 09:27 PM
Well Mr Johnnywalkerblacklabel

I'm NOT one of those guys sneaking peeks of a guy's dick, because:
A: I go to proper toilets, not urinals
B; I'm a straight dude wich happen to like TG's as well and looking at a guy's limp dick pissing urine does nothing for me.

guess you're another one of those highstrung paranoid homophobes with an agression problem

the way you react and completely MISINTERPRET my posting and go way over the top speaks VOLUMES to me

another totally messed up person with rage bubbling inside that should seek help and/or get a life it seems


the ONE thing that truly baffles me is how you people get totally riled about something that isn't important at all.

what's next: beating up people cause they ocassionally stare at crotchlevel when you meet them in the street?

or going to 'fuck up' someone cause it's wednesday, or bjust because you can??

beating up the wife or kids cause you spend the day wedged with your face tight in the crack of your bosses ass and you have to take it out on someone??

angermanagement, guys. and professional help. and lots and lots of prozac. :roll:


06-28-2007, 09:29 PM
LOL... Unisex, try and use the urinal or shower in any Bally's in NYC. You don't know what being stared at is until you've been in that environment. Just ignore it. If it truly goes over the line, simply look him in the eye and tell him to get lost. It's really not that big of a deal.


06-28-2007, 09:49 PM
I think that if you are posting here then there is a much better chance that you wouldn’t mind someone looking at your junk in a public bathroom than if you did not post here. That is not an accusation against anyone but merely a conclusion I’ve drawn from looking at the content of this site.

Of course no one should have their privacy violated, and that is a violation of privacy. But the fact is that you would fuck someone who could use a urinal.

So, if this young man who violated you was pretty enough, maybe put on a little eye liner and coifed his hair then who knows. You little faggot could become mon petit cheri meet me in the last stall. You could meet the love of your life in a public restroom( joke if you didn't get it). Bottom line if this happens to you enough that you have reached the point of frustration then it’s probably because of your choice of bathrooms and as another poster has already said the words ‘get lost’ can do wonders.

06-28-2007, 10:28 PM
Well Mr Johnnywalkerblacklabel

I'm NOT one of those guys sneaking peeks of a guy's dick, because:
A: I go to proper toilets, not urinals

LOL if you go to 'proper' toilets then you really should not have even replied to this thread. Based on that response you wouldn't know anything about this situation so again STFU. No offense to the rest of you but some things are sacred:
1. don't smack another dude on the ass after a good play in any sport
2. don't ask if you can share some of your buds gatorade after a game
3. don't stand in the urinal right next to the one I'm using (because the stalls were full and I HAD TO GO) and use it when there are 10 other fucking urinals empty in the bathroom

and Smashy times 2

The content of this site has little to do with someone literally invading someone else's privacy. Whether you see it as such or not a man's evacuation of bodily fluids (LMAO at that) is personal and should be respected (really either sex). I guarantee you that if a dude had to go somewhere in the woods because there was no toilet around and some random dude as you put it 'in eyeliner and coifed hair' came up and watched him urinate he'd
1. get pissed on
2. get the shit kicked outta him
3. get pissed on again while writihing on the ground in pain

06-28-2007, 10:36 PM
C'mon, name names...Who is this cock watcher...Piss or get off the pot!

06-28-2007, 10:50 PM
2. don't ask if you can share some of your buds gatorade after a game

I'm almost afraid to get involved in the first flame war I've ever seen devolve into threats of golden showers, but...no Gatorade sharing? I'm just curious why that one is as sacred as keeping your eyes on the prize.

06-28-2007, 11:28 PM
I think this may quite possibly be the first "don't you fucking peek in my stall" thread ever posted here...and not a moment too soon, I might add...

06-28-2007, 11:33 PM
lol @ chef

Cymru, dudes can afford a 1.25 bottle of their own gatorade, I'm not going to let you put your "I dont know where your lips have been" smackers on my bottle, lol

get your own

06-28-2007, 11:36 PM
Fair enough, I guess I was just surprised to see it ranked up there with ass-slappin' and piss-spyin'.

06-28-2007, 11:43 PM
I have not tried to imply that if you enjoy the content of this website then you have to enjoy having your privacy violated in such a manner or that you cannot complain about it. I’ve merely posed a proposition that you can agree with or not. My proposition is this:

If you enjoy the content of this website then it is well within the realm of possibility that you would fuck a person who did the exact thing being described because you would fuck a male. Transsexuals and cross dressers are males aren’t they?

If you are thoroughly disgusted by the content of this site then it is still within the realm of possibility but it is highly, highly improbable and on the fringe, more so than if you like the website.

If you agree with this then I see little retort for you except ‘yeah, I would fuck a male but not the male who did this to me”. And that is fine but then I’ll say if the person was pretty enough, you wouldn’t be mad in fact you’d glad. And if you had to be honest with the person that did it then they could reply ‘well, I could change my clothes, put on some make-up, change my hair and paint my fingernails and toenails’. And then what could you say ‘Get out of here faggot and come back when I can like you without feeling bad about it’?

So you have every right to complain. But if you complain about it here then this is what I’m going to drop on you. I don’t like the behavior either but don’t forget that you came to this website to look at other people’s cocks.

06-28-2007, 11:52 PM
Transsexuals and cross dressers are males aren’t they?

At least for the first part of that question, a lot of people on this forum (and not just the girls) would probably say that, no, transsexuals (or transsexuals beyond a certain stage in the transitioning process, etc., etc.) are females. Genetically male, maybe, but that isn't necessarily going to be the standard for sexual identity used here.

06-28-2007, 11:55 PM
I don't know who that was directed to but it's truly some 'assumed' shit........... there's folks on here that log on to only look at sex changes so what would you categorize them as???

either way this is getting way off topic, partially because of me, I apologize Uni

back to the ORIGINAL topic, cuss the muhfucka out, embarrassment does wonders in a public setting

06-28-2007, 11:56 PM
I'm sorry. It was directed at you. Are you one of those people that you describe?

06-29-2007, 12:07 AM
I'm one of those people that doesn't like a man approaching me, looking at me take a piss, or slapping my ass during a game, that's just me. I like transsexual women but that does not mean I come on here solely looking to see some dick, I think that's a sad definition of the male members of HA.

06-29-2007, 12:11 AM
About a year ago I had a similar thing happen to me. This big fat harry guy comes up next to me to piss and takes a look at my package.So I give him a dirty look . In reply he rips a huge fart. My jaw dropped and I give him a WTF look. I could'nt bielive the look he gave me back. As if I were looking at his dick and blowing ass kisses! I didd'nt shake it off .I just got the fuck out!

06-29-2007, 12:16 AM
Please be sure that this is not an attempt to demean you. But I did not say solely. So you did come here at least partly to see the cocks of others, and my assumption was a pretty safe one. Is there something else about my statements that you take exception with?

06-29-2007, 12:22 AM
About a year ago I had a similar thing happen to me. This big fat harry guy comes up next to me to piss and takes a look at my package.So I give him a dirty look . In reply he rips a huge fart. My jaw dropped and I give him a WTF look. I could'nt bielive the look he gave me back. As if I were looking at his dick and blowing ass kisses! I didd'nt shake it off .I just got the fuck out!

06-29-2007, 12:23 AM
Transsexuals and cross dressers are males aren’t they?

At least for the first part of that question, a lot of people on this forum (and not just the girls) would probably say that, no, transsexuals (or transsexuals beyond a certain stage in the transitioning process, etc., etc.) are females. Genetically male, maybe, but that isn't necessarily going to be the standard for sexual identity used here.

This doesn't need to turn into a semantical debate. They have cocks and they can use a urinal.

06-29-2007, 12:34 AM
Transsexuals and cross dressers are males aren’t they?

At least for the first part of that question, a lot of people on this forum (and not just the girls) would probably say that, no, transsexuals (or transsexuals beyond a certain stage in the transitioning process, etc., etc.) are females. Genetically male, maybe, but that isn't necessarily going to be the standard for sexual identity used here.

This doesn't need to turn into a semantical debate. They have cocks and they can use a urinal.

It's a stupid debate

the whole thread had nothing to do with transsexuals, I'm sure if Candis Cayne walked up and pissed in the urinal next to Uni he wouldn't have made this thread, WHAT IT IS ABOUT is someone Uni was not attracted to, walking up to the urinal RIGHT NEXT TO HIS when there were several EMPTY urinals. How the fuck did this get to "oh well you come on HA to look at tranny cock so it's ok for some random douchebag to piss next to you when he doesn't have to?!??!?!?!?!?!!?"

06-29-2007, 12:36 AM
just say "you like that dontcha bitch?" and mind your own biz, do your biz, and get out... for someone who likes chicks w/ dicks you sure are nitpicky about someone w/ a dick looking at yours... boobs or not.

06-29-2007, 12:38 AM
I'd just say, "Take a picture it lasts longer".

06-29-2007, 12:39 AM
Jen stfu and come help me take a piss, you know I need 4 hands ;)

06-29-2007, 12:43 AM
Being a gay man, I was often nervous when going in bathrooms. I looked straight ahead, picked out a square on the tile walls, and just prayed that my eyes didn't wander.

One day, while out of the corner of my eye I see someone doing something kind of weird, and I want to look, but I think to myself, "You wouldn't want him to think you're queer or something and get gay-bashed."

Know what happened? The guy was pulling out a knife, he stabbed me and took my wallet. I sure as hell wish I had looked. I know there's a difference between some guy checking out your junk, but try to consider the fact that some people just like being aware. If a guy's eyes wander to you in the bathroom, it doesn't necessarily mean he wants you or anything; he might just be assessing who all is in that room.

The one thing I have noticed since just starting to casually observe in bathrooms, is how many people DO stare at your junk. This may sound like a really stupid idea to you, or one that you may think, "Why the fuck should I have to?" But you ever think of just using a stall?

06-29-2007, 12:46 AM
Ok, JohnnyWalkerBlackLabel and that's the retort that I expected "I would fuck a male but not the male that did this to me" and doesn't that seem silly to you? If you had to say that to the person who did it would you feel foolish? I would, so much so that I would be disinclined to even bring this up on a transsexual forum and certainly not in such a caustic manner as hey faggot whatever...

06-29-2007, 12:46 AM
so, whydidnt you piss on his pants - just to make a point.

ps: real man dont use toilets, they piss on trees in public

06-29-2007, 12:48 AM
Ok, JohnnyWalkerBlackLabel and that's the retort that I expected "I would fuck a male but not the male that did this to me" and doesn't that seem silly to you? If you had to say that to the person who did it would you feel foolish? I would, so much so that I would be disinclined to even bring this up on a transsexual forum and certainly not in such a caustic manner as hey faggot whatever...

LMAO, I'm locking this thread because I now know who this is..............Uni made his point