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View Full Version : Transformers The Movie

06-28-2007, 04:09 PM
took out a few hours to go catch Transformers tonight.....

So far every summer movie weve gotten here has been awful,from Spiderman and Fantastic 4 to Pirates each one has been simply lame,so I wasnt expecting much from Transformers....WOW was I wrong!

This movie proves that kid movies dont have to be insepid plastic looking piles of trash.This movie totally kicked ass! Mind blowing visual and audio effects enhanced this flick that something for everybody,killer cars,hot girls,big guns,chase scenes,one liners that were actually a bit witty....just a fun movie to watch.

I know that if i was 10 this would be my fav movie of alltime.....every school boys dream come true.

06-28-2007, 04:27 PM
Had Corporate General Motors passes to go last night and didn't make it. Of course, every GM Dealer in the Denver Metro area got a shitload of passes and the IMAX downtown just won't hold THAT many people. Got there too late (1 Hour before start time). Oh well! What irritates me is that I didn't get my "Movie Theatre Popcorn" FIX!!!!! Damn it!!! :frustrated

AND, I had to pay for PARKING!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead

06-28-2007, 04:42 PM
Had Corporate General Motors passes to go last night and didn't make it. Of course, every GM Dealer in the Denver Metro area got a shitload of passes and the IMAX downtown just won't hold THAT many people. Got there too late (1 Hour before start time). Oh well! What irritates me is that I didn't get my "Movie Theatre Popcorn" FIX!!!!! Damn it!!! :frustrated

AND, I had to pay for PARKING!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead

06-28-2007, 05:34 PM
I can't wait to see this film!

06-28-2007, 08:36 PM
One for the Bittorrent for me; I like trashy effects and movies without any clue as much as the next dude, but it's just not worth any $ from me.

Pirates though....but that's cause I'm a BIG Depp fan, always enjoy Mr J Depp whenever he shows up in a movie. :wink:
and I don't mind looking at Keira Knightly either.
although they should feed her on occasion. girl's looking like a stick-insect lately. a pretty bug, but still about 15 kilograms underweight.

06-28-2007, 09:32 PM
I can't wait to see it either.


south ov da border
06-29-2007, 02:25 AM
We had it at my job last night for the LA Film fest. It's not bad at all. I was kind of skeptical at first with all the additions and changes but after being there for it, I liked it.

It's gonna make booooooooooookkkkkoooooooooo bucks...

06-30-2007, 04:44 PM
This movie will flopped,no one wants to see a classic turned into a cgi fest with bad acting.

06-30-2007, 05:01 PM
Just saw Transformers myself at this new theatre, with a gigantic screen (i mean, not imax, but fuck!).

It was great for what it was. Just a big, noisy, sledgehammer of a thing, with hammy acting. An awesome popcorn movie.

But seriously, watching it, I just thought "this is like the definition of why Al-Qeada hates America", lol.

07-01-2007, 09:26 AM
I am the thread killer, all tremble before me!