View Full Version : Exposing A Bitch: The WMC Challenge…

06-22-2007, 06:07 AM
As any of you who’ve been watching Rogers and White_Penetrated_Prevaricator debate over the last couple of weeks already know, he’s accused Rogers and I of being the same individual. Now, those of you who’ve been active on the P&R forum for any length of time are already familiar with White_Closet_Case’s penchant for backpedaling, dishonesty, and cowardice. Still, some are new and could use a demonstration of just how inadequate everyone's favorite spineless little cupcake truly is.

WMC, I challenge you to actually stand behind your assertions/statements. Here’s how we do it. Let’s have the mods compare Rogers' IP with my own. If they match, they permanently ban me. If they don’t, they permanently ban you.

What do you say, cupcake? Care to man up for once in your life? It’s okay; everyone already knows the answer. Let the backpedaling, distractions, misrepresentations, or evasion begin.

Once again, White_Dissembling_Dullard, you are my favorite little bitch and have been demonstrably owned. If you duck me, you clearly show – yet again – just how weak you and your afactual, vapid blatherings truly are. If you accept, you’ll get banned.


06-22-2007, 07:20 AM
I don't mean any disrespect but being that most users utilize DHCP it can only proove to be an exercise in futility.

06-22-2007, 09:07 AM
why doesnt he talk of canadian politics.....

06-22-2007, 09:09 AM
Because there hasn't been anything interesting in Canadian politics since Margret Trudeau flashed her gash back in '76.

06-22-2007, 02:39 PM
As any of you who’ve been watching Rogers and White_Penetrated_Prevaricator debate over the last couple of weeks already know, he’s accused Rogers and I of being the same individual. Now, those of you who’ve been active on the P&R forum for any length of time are already familiar with White_Closet_Case’s penchant for backpedaling, dishonesty, and cowardice. Still, some are new and could use a demonstration of just how inadequate everyone's favorite spineless little cupcake truly is.

WMC, I challenge you to actually stand behind your assertions/statements. Here’s how we do it. Let’s have the mods compare Rogers' IP with my own. If they match, they permanently ban me. If they don’t, they permanently ban you.

What do you say, cupcake? Care to man up for once in your life? It’s okay; everyone already knows the answer. Let the backpedaling, distractions, misrepresentations, or evasion begin.

Once again, White_Dissembling_Dullard, you are my favorite little bitch and have been demonstrably owned. If you duck me, you clearly show – yet again – just how weak you and your afactual, vapid blatherings truly are. If you accept, you’ll get banned.


If we lose White Pantywaste Canada...........then who can we gang up on ??? The P+R section will be no fun anymore!!!.......Oh what to do, what to do???............................................. .Wait............there's always Gayone the minor at large

06-22-2007, 03:36 PM
I don't mean any disrespect but being that most users utilize DHCP it can only proove to be an exercise in futility.

You really don't know a thing about the internet or how TCP/IP works, do you? Even allowing for DHCP, it would be very easy to track both the service providers used and our geographic origin (or if Rogers' account is being operated via a proxy server). I would be more than happy to take part in any challenge along those lines. My point: the mods can easily, and definitively, verify that Rogers and I aren't the same individual.

Don't worry though, Guyone; everyone knows from historical observation that your boy truly is a pantywaist and just not up to the task of backing up anything he says on any level whatsoever (intellectually speaking or otherwise). I, on the other hand, am more than willing to stand behind my position. I think it’s safe to say that my point has been made.


06-22-2007, 04:06 PM
why doesnt he talk of canadian politics.....
What are the stats on Canadians and belief in creationism, anyone know? Could it be WMC's an American disguised as a Canadian? :lol:

To get 'em to take your challenge, Quinn, I think you gotta skip right to the double dog dare.

06-22-2007, 04:24 PM
To get 'em to take your challenge, Quinn, I think you gotta skip right to the double dog dare.

LOL... At the very least. I might even have to resort to the dreaded triple dog dare.

We all know the pattern now. Remember when it came to light that – after obsessively characterizing numerous posters on this forum as gay – WMC's closeted ass liked to be topped by men (more hypocrisy)? He denied it, specifically asserting that numerous different people on this site were responsible for setting him up. He was going to get the IP number for the "gay" account and match it against different IPs from this site to prove that it was one of his many detractors here. I wonder why he never backed that up either. :roll: Five words: no shame and no integrity.


06-22-2007, 05:48 PM

06-22-2007, 06:03 PM
You really don't know a thing about the internet or how TCP/IP works, do you? Even allowing for DHCP, it would be very easy to track both the service providers used and our geographic origin (or if Rogers' account is being operated via a proxy server). I would be more than happy to take part in any challenge along those lines. My point: the mods can easily, and definitively, verify that Rogers and I aren't the same individual.

Don't worry though, Guyone; everyone knows from historical observation that your boy truly is a pantywaist and just not up to the task of backing up anything he says on any level whatsoever (intellectually speaking or otherwise). I, on the other hand, am more than willing to stand behind my position. I think it’s safe to say that my point has been made.

I wasn't trying to pick a fight or side with any one. I was just pointing out a FACT. You can post from your account at home, then go down to your local internet cafe and sign on as someone else. Different IP address. You see because IP addresses don't follow people around, but in reality...WHO HONESTLY GIVES A SHIT!!!

Besides I have enough trouble dealing with this pederast specialk.

06-22-2007, 07:16 PM
You really don't know a thing about the internet or how TCP/IP works, do you? Even allowing for DHCP, it would be very easy to track both the service providers used and our geographic origin (or if Rogers' account is being operated via a proxy server). I would be more than happy to take part in any challenge along those lines. My point: the mods can easily, and definitively, verify that Rogers and I aren't the same individual.

Don't worry though, Guyone; everyone knows from historical observation that your boy truly is a pantywaist and just not up to the task of backing up anything he says on any level whatsoever (intellectually speaking or otherwise). I, on the other hand, am more than willing to stand behind my position. I think it’s safe to say that my point has been made.

I wasn't trying to pick a fight or side with any one. I was just pointing out a FACT. You can post from your account at home, then go down to your local internet cafe and sign on as someone else. Different IP address. You see because IP addresses don't follow people around, but in reality...WHO HONESTLY GIVES A SHIT!!!

Besides I have enough trouble dealing with this pederast specialk.

LMFAO... You clearly do give a shit or you wouldn't repeatedly post on a topic you obviously don't even begin to understand. Moreover, your command of the FACTS is even more underwhelming than usual. FACT: if I were driving down the street and logging in as Rogers from an internet cafe, that would be very easy to trace geographically – as both accounts could be traced to IP numbers coming out of Warner Robins, Georgia. As previously stated, I would be happy to engage in a challenge that took such factors into account. See how easy that was, stupid?

Look, I know your sycophantic self really wants to try and save face for the only other remaining Right-wing extremist on the P&R forum, but all you've done is make yourself look dumber than usual (no simple feat). Seriously, it's been many years since I've worked in IT, but I do hold both Microsoft and Novell certifications in TCP/IP. Should you wish it, I would be more than happy to disabuse you of any ridiculously uninformed notions you may have. Once again, it would be easy for the mods to conclusively establish that I’m not Rogers, which is why White_Prevaricating_Poltroon will never accept. Like I said, my point has been made.


06-22-2007, 08:57 PM
WMC, I challenge you to actually stand behind your assertions/statements. Here’s how we do it. Let’s have the mods compare Rogers' IP with my own. If they match, they permanently ban me. If they don’t, they permanently ban you.
Glad to see your calling the White_Male_Cockslut out, Quinn. I don't fancy him continuing to undermine my posts with unproved allegations. And I doubt you want that either. And as for Want_Male_Cock alleging that trish is in on some conspiracy against him, well that's just more of his crazy talk. :screwy As long as the mods don't give out my IP and location to anyone, I'm happy. I'll even post a thread on the Membership Services board requesting they do the check, and they can report back so that everyone can see. There will be little doubt about or IPs being even closely similar, so guyone has no need to be concerned. :wink:

The problem is though, that even if Crazy_Wanker_Man does take up our offer, he won't stick to it. I mean, a Christian wingnut who likes transsexuals AND taking it up the shitter from other guys, says all you really need to know about him. The fact that he constantly lies and cheats just fits the profile. In Ancient Rome they used to brand false accusers on the forehead with a "K". Maybe the mods could put something like "serial liar" in the field above his handle to warn others about him, along the same lines as the Ancient Romans would have done? Either that, or he can pay us both a thousand drachms. :lol: 8)

20. Of Laws favourable to the Liberty of the Subject in a Republic. In popular governments it often happens that accusations are carried on in public, and every man is allowed to accuse whomsoever he pleases. This rendered it necessary to establish proper laws, in order to protect the innocence of the subject. At Athens, if an accuser had not the fifth part of the votes on his side, he was obliged to pay a fine of a thousand drachms. Æschines, who accused Ctesiphon, was condemned to pay this fine.58 At Rome, a false accuser was branded with infamy59 by marking the letter K on his forehead. Guards were also appointed to watch the accuser, in order to prevent his corrupting either the judges or the witnesses.60

06-22-2007, 09:52 PM
:P :P

06-22-2007, 10:46 PM
Well, boys and girls, it looks like I called it in my initial post. Everyone's favorite poltroon is running like the little sissy he has repeatedly shown himself to be and opting for evasion. In celebration of this latest metaphorical bitch slapping White_Mounted_Pantywaist has received, I'll be bumping this thread with celebratory posts until I get bored or my work load gets too distracting.

To get the celebrations started, I would like to thank everyone who made this latest bitch slapping possible: my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Kaufman; my mother and father; my wife's cat, Jasmine; my fellow HA posters; and last, but certainly not least, God.



06-22-2007, 11:39 PM
I guess you're not Roger since you have no idea how to mask an IP address. You can educate yourself @ 2600.

06-22-2007, 11:41 PM
specialk not only are you a pederast but a moron as well. Can't you do anything original?

06-23-2007, 12:10 AM
specialk not only are you a pederast but a moron as well. Can't you do anything original?

Yeh kid...like changing one word in your post makes it original.......oh, and thanks for the material minorboy.

06-23-2007, 12:46 AM
You really don't get it do you?

06-23-2007, 12:53 AM
specialk, did you fuck the guyone up the ass, is that what he's trying to say?

06-23-2007, 12:55 AM
I guess you're not Roger since you have no idea how to mask an IP address. You can educate yourself @ 2600.

Is this more of your not giving a shit. LOL... That’s what I thought. Anyway, part of being stupid – which you and White_Mounted_Male most certainly are – is being predictable. It takes very little to determine whether or not someone is masking an IP number, coming in through an anonymous proxy server, etc. if they’re doing it regularly when accessing a forum like this (Rogers posts frequently). As previously stated, I’m more than willing to accept a challenge along those lines.

I’ll tell you what, cupcake; I’ll make the challenge so incredibly simple that there can be no resonable excuse on technical grounds. We’ll have the mods look at Rogers’ IP number. If it matches my own, originates from the same geographic location, is being masked, comes from an anonymous proxy server, etc., they can ban me. If, on the other hand, none of these things are in evidence, your hero White_Penetrated_Poltroon gets banned. Now there are no possible excuses left for the weak kneed backpedaling… Still no acceptance. What a shock :roll: Once again, my point has been made.


06-23-2007, 01:55 AM
Does the sanitarium know you guys have access their computers? I guess not.

06-23-2007, 02:12 AM
I wasn't aware that White_Mounted_Canadian had foolishly accused Quinn and Rogers of being one in the same. I've barely had time to check my own threads lately.

And Quinn, what's a yankee like you doing way down south in Gawjuh? Surely you didn't relocate from Manhatten to Gawjuh...shades of green acres, mon...

06-23-2007, 02:45 AM
Does the sanitarium know you guys have access their computers? I guess not.

LMFAO...... So what you're saying is that you've run out of excuses for your lone and thoroughly discredited compatriot. It's okay; anyone who's familiar with said pansy's history isn't surprised in the least. Thanks for helping me make my point though.


06-23-2007, 03:31 AM
I wasn't aware that White_Mounted_Canadian had foolishly accused Quinn and Rogers of being one in the same. I've barely had time to check my own threads lately.

And Quinn, what's a yankee like you doing way down south in Gawjuh? Surely you didn't relocate from Manhatten to Gawjuh...shades of green acres, mon...

Believe it or not, I've actually moved down to Georgia. I still have my flat in NYC, but it's on the market and should be sold within the next month or two (hopefully). The rest of my domestic holdings are now restricted to Georgia (I've been selling off my other holdings for over a year now). Why? Fishing, golf, green grass, a nice little lake/pond, and simpler living.

I'm currently looking for a place in Atlanta to take care of my city based needs. Eventually, I'll be dividing my time between here, in central Georgia, and the city.

Yes, it's a serious change, but I've convinced more than a few of my friends to follow me down, and the long-term investment opportunities here are vastly superior to those in the Northeast.


06-23-2007, 03:58 AM
Congrats, Quinn. I hear that the commute in and around Atlanta is a bitch nowadays, but aren't they all?

06-23-2007, 04:07 AM
Congrats, Quinn. I hear that the commute in and around Atlanta is a bitch nowadays, but aren't they all?

Thanks, Chef. And, yes, the traffic in and around Atlanta can be brutal. It's cake though if you don't drive during rush hour.


06-23-2007, 02:22 PM
specialk, did you fuck the guyone up the ass, is that what he's trying to say?

Yeh Trish....he's been gettin' up the ass from everyone in P+R since day one....errr gayone :lol:

06-23-2007, 02:58 PM
specialk, did you fuck the guyone up the ass, is that what he's trying to say?

Yeh Trish....he's been gettin' up the ass from everyone in P+R since day one....errr gayone :lol:

You've got him so flustered that he even forgot to call you a bolshevik!

06-23-2007, 05:57 PM
Ooops. Sorry I forgot...


06-23-2007, 06:32 PM
You've got him so flustered that he even forgot to call you a bolshevik!

totally made my day

06-23-2007, 07:17 PM
why doesnt he talk of canadian politics.....
What are the stats on Canadians and belief in creationism, anyone know? Could it be WMC's an American disguised as a Canadian? :lol:

You've got it right, Trish.

He has called me several times a "Canuck" and made political statements that showed his ignorance of Canadian politics.

WMC is no Canadian at all...
...could be from Alberta, though.

06-23-2007, 08:35 PM
It's time for day two of our bitch slapping celebration. In addition to the usual entities, I would like to thank White_Prevaricating_Poltroon himself for making his latest humiliation so amusingly easy. Sissies, you gotta love em.



06-24-2007, 06:18 PM
That's right, people; it's time for the third day of our little bitch slapping celebration. Cheers...

http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/2415327/2/istockphoto_2415327_celebration_toast_with_champag ne.jpg


06-24-2007, 11:51 PM
That's right, people; it's time for the third day of our little bitch slapping celebration. Cheers...

http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/2415327/2/istockphoto_2415327_celebration_toast_with_champag ne.jpg


Your quite the party animal Quinn..........Good for you! Watch out for the cops at check point charlie looking for DUI's :lol:

06-25-2007, 02:43 AM
Still no reply from sissy _Candy yet, Quinn? I wouldn't be surprised if she's gone and asked the mods behind our backs. Maybe we should ask them and see if someone has requested an IP check on us? :?:

06-25-2007, 04:37 AM
Still no reply from sissy _Candy yet, Quinn? I wouldn't be surprised if she's gone and asked the mods behind our backs. Maybe we should ask them and see if someone has requested an IP check on us? :?:

Whether he checked or not is irrelevant. Here's why:

1) He didn't bother to ask for a check in the first place because he knew that he had nothing to work with.

2) He did ask for a check and was informed that he had nothing to work with by the mods – otherwise we would have heard about it.

So far as your own credibly independent identity is concerned, don’t give it a second thought. Such a notion was never in question. The only poster on this forum who regards White_Prevaricating_Poltroon as having an ounce of credibility is guyone. Besides, the purpose of this challenge was to further humiliate cupcake, not counter a claim which lacked so much as an iota of credibility to begin with.


06-25-2007, 05:21 AM
as far as im concerned everyone on teh intarnets is just a figment of my deranged mind

so youre all the same guy... every single one of you is wmc and gayone all wrapped up in one

06-25-2007, 03:26 PM
as far as im concerned everyone on teh intarnets is just a figment of my deranged mind

so youre all the same guy... every single one of you is wmc and gayone all wrapped up in one

You take that back, muhmuh! Take it back before I make you!


I for one am unique, just like everyone else out there. :D

06-25-2007, 04:04 PM
LOL @ Muhmuh. If your imagination could create a figment along the lines of White_Mounted_Pantywaist, I would be more than a little worried as to your sanity. Be afriad; be very afraid.

Now, on to other matters. What time is it? That's right; it's time for the fourth day of celebration. Today, we'll be featuring some fireworks:




06-25-2007, 04:26 PM
more lies and cowardis from white-male-canada. so sad for him to be joke person on the HA

06-25-2007, 11:36 PM

06-26-2007, 03:31 AM
white-male-canada is trying so hard to take focus away from his geting pwned but still cant back his lies. so sad and funny

my english is getting better?

06-26-2007, 09:24 AM
i'm still waiting for him to try the science experiment in his garage with his car running and all the doors and windows shut..maybe he could tell afterword if carbon was bad for him after an hour or two in there?

06-26-2007, 05:29 PM
Well, fellow forum members, when I'm right, I'm right:

What do you say, cupcake? Care to man up for once in your life? It’s okay; everyone already knows the answer. Let the backpedaling, distractions, misrepresentations, or evasion begin.

We are now in day five of our celebration – a celebration made all the sweeter by the accuracy with which White_Prevaricating_Poltroon's efforts at distraction and evasion were so easily predicted. Let's go with more fireworks to celebrate the sissy backing down.




06-26-2007, 10:30 PM
Hello again, my fellow Forum members. There has been an exciting development regarding the challenge. White_Prevaricating_Pantywaist has officially declined.

With this final challenge related victory, I would like to again thank everyone who made it possible. Special thanks goes out to our little jellyfish of a poster, White_Dissembling_Dullard – whose craven nature played a particularly crucial role. Anyway, now that victory has been conclusively finalized in this matter, I will celebrate by bumping this post with various images. I will leave it to you, this august body of posters, to determine what if any meaning might be attached to the aforementioned images:


06-26-2007, 11:17 PM
You plucked and cooked that Canadian chicken good, Quinn. :lol: 8)

06-27-2007, 12:38 AM
Nice, Rogers. Here's one that takes a slightly different approach:


06-27-2007, 01:20 AM
I do one


06-27-2007, 02:34 AM
LMAO..... The best yet, svenson. Here's another subtle hint:


06-27-2007, 06:39 AM

06-27-2007, 06:43 AM
me again


06-27-2007, 07:05 AM
Not bad. Here's a good one:


06-27-2007, 07:09 AM


06-27-2007, 07:12 AM
LOL.. Here's one:


06-27-2007, 12:53 PM
me again


06-28-2007, 04:08 AM
Love the Simpsons. Anyway:



06-28-2007, 04:55 PM

06-28-2007, 10:40 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: 8)

06-29-2007, 03:25 AM
The theme tunes of everyone's favorite sissy:

"... in the time of chimpanzees you were a monkey... with beefcake pantyhose... you're a loser baby..."
"... you're a creep, you're a weirdo, what the hell are you doing here..."

06-29-2007, 07:58 AM


06-29-2007, 05:32 PM


06-29-2007, 07:31 PM
ROTFLMAO.... A plucked chicken is so perfect. How about this:


06-30-2007, 06:28 PM

07-01-2007, 02:11 AM
specialk not only are you a pederast but a moron as well. Can't you do anything original?

Your lucky to getting a warning...underage boy!!

07-01-2007, 08:30 PM
It's very clear to me now that _Candy is nothing more than a lying attention whore:

07-01-2007, 09:31 PM
Damn, Rogers, that's a great pic. Here's another:



07-02-2007, 10:30 PM

07-03-2007, 01:17 AM
LMFAO... Uh, svenson, the idea was to be somewhat subtle because it's funnier:



07-03-2007, 03:50 AM
i thout the mask was funy becaue white-male-canada hides heself like a coward person


07-03-2007, 05:47 AM

07-03-2007, 10:34 PM
book for w-m-c


07-04-2007, 06:38 AM


07-05-2007, 04:52 PM

07-05-2007, 07:33 PM
a good one


07-05-2007, 09:56 PM
Here's one for you Sopranos fans:


07-07-2007, 02:45 PM
Actually Quinn, there is no point in even wasting time on a fuckwit who keeps changing his opinion then pointing out mere typos I made to me as if I am the one in error. If I were to point out all his typographical errors and mistakes in grammar and syntax I would be wasting my whole life on this forum.

He asks us to prove that he edited his original post on McCain-Feingold - that was his challenge to you. But he proved it himself when he wrote:

The initial story was from a news source, I added, removed and modified text from the USSC decision and the story. Big fucking deal.

This wasn't the first time he was spotted copying text from a "news source" (and we've all seen the kind of news sources he uses), nor the first time he edited his text. And it was not the first time he was caught doing either.

It is hilarious how he blames everything on the kook brigade. Can we all be kooks? And even if you and I are kooks, Quinn, where does that leave people like Ecstatic (who I have a great deal of respect for), whatsupwithat (who seems like a very cool guy) and others. Are they kooks too? Or just normal people with a working brain and the ability to distinguish chickenshit from chicken salad?

He says we went off crying to the mods. I did not complain to the mods about his disgusting accusations (and though he said that others had already used references to pedophilia, a quick search seems to suggest otherwise), although I did have a chat with JWBL about looking into the Politics forum and helping to bring some peace. When the mods finally did something, we had a chance to stop the flaming. Bozo created more threads and fanned the flames. In fact, I reckon he has created more new threads in his time here than any male HA member. Pity for him that most go unread. It would be better for us if they all did.

The debate is over but one man in Canada still doesn't know it, much like those Japanese soldiers who spent 30 years in the jungle unaware that their country had long since lost the war. It's pretty pathetic.

I suggest we stop feeding this troll. Maybe he'll fuck off back to his cave eventually.

07-07-2007, 05:03 PM
Actually Quinn, there is no point in even wasting time on a fuckwit who keeps changing his opinion then pointing out mere typos I made to me as if I am the one in error. If I were to point out all his typographical errors and mistakes in grammar and syntax I would be wasting my whole life on this forum.

He asks us to prove that he edited his original post on McCain-Feingold - that was his challenge to you. But he proved it himself when he wrote:

The initial story was from a news source, I added, removed and modified text from the USSC decision and the story. Big fucking deal.

This wasn't the first time he was spotted copying text from a "news source" (and we've all seen the kind of news sources he uses), nor the first time he edited his text. And it was not the first time he was caught doing either.

It is hilarious how he blames everything on the kook brigade. Can we all be kooks? And even if you and I are kooks, Quinn, where does that leave people like Ecstatic (who I have a great deal of respect for), whatsupwithat (who seems like a very cool guy) and others. Are they kooks too? Or just normal people with a working brain and the ability to distinguish chickenshit from chicken salad?

He says we went off crying to the mods. I did not complain to the mods about his disgusting accusations (and though he said that others had already used references to pedophilia, a quick search seems to suggest otherwise), although I did have a chat with JWBL about looking into the Politics forum and helping to bring some peace. When the mods finally did something, we had a chance to stop the flaming. Bozo created more threads and fanned the flames. In fact, I reckon he has created more new threads in his time here than any male HA member. Pity for him that most go unread. It would be better for us if they all did.

The debate is over but one man in Canada still doesn't know it, much like those Japanese soldiers who spent 30 years in the jungle unaware that their country had long since lost the war. It's pretty pathetic.

I suggest we stop feeding this troll. Maybe he'll fuck off back to his cave eventually.

Your points are well taken LG. White_Dissembling_Dullard's extensive list of detractors includes just about all of the most respected posters on the forum. Hell, even one of the mods recently made light of his pariah status in a post a month back. Either they are all right or he is. We already know the answer.

Anyway, now that the 4th is over and my wife and other guests are returning to NYC & New Jersey, I'm off to Buenos Aires for the next week (tonight). I might check in while away, thought I don't know that I will have time due to a rather full itinerary. Barring unexpected free time, all of this can be dealt with when I return.

Until then, take it easy, my friend, and enjoy the summer.


P.S. While we are at it, this one nearly made me piss myself from laughing so damn hard:


07-09-2007, 05:51 AM

07-10-2007, 06:24 AM
Paranoid personality disorder, LMFAO!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: 8)

Yours truly
:wink: :screwy :lol: :lol: :lol: 8)

07-10-2007, 08:38 AM
when is he gonna get over american politics and go take the test in his garage to see if carbon emissions are bad?

07-10-2007, 04:38 PM