View Full Version : So I got it done....

06-16-2007, 11:12 PM
At the grand old age of 33 I got circumcised. Hurt like hell. I have to say I cried. Boy did I cry.

Anyway looks great. Glad I had it done.

Cheers for letting me share that. I'm sure none you give a shit but its nice to get it off my chest.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-16-2007, 11:23 PM
That's simply awesome! Cheese..err cheers! :P



06-16-2007, 11:23 PM
At the grand old age of 33 I got circumcised. Hurt like hell. I have to say I cried. Boy did I cry.

Anyway looks great. Glad I had it done.

Cheers for letting me share that. I'm sure none you give a shit but its nice to get it off my chest.

Congrats. I got circumcised at the age of 6 :)

06-16-2007, 11:24 PM
Why did you have it done?

06-16-2007, 11:27 PM
Don't know. Just always wanted it done. You know like some people want their noses done. I thought fuck it. It would look better and its easy to get done. Vanity I suppose. Wanted a porn cock. Us Brits don't get circumsied at birth.

06-17-2007, 12:04 AM
I've always wondered if an uncut member feels more pleasure?I've read somewhere(think it was on some anti circumsion site?) that there are nerve endings in the foreskin.Let me know the next time you get some. :lol:

06-17-2007, 12:08 AM
Good question! It's a deal I'll let you know. Needs to heal fully first. I can tell you something though. Fucking irritating having the end exposed in your pants for the first time. Makes me fidgit alot. People in work wonder whats up with me. Makes me laugh.

06-17-2007, 12:09 AM

Circumcision 'reduces HIV risk

Circumcision can reduce the rate of HIV infections among heterosexual men by around 60%, a study suggests.
The South African study, reported in Public Library of Science Medicine, found it had a protective effect for some of the 3,280 young men involved.

Circumcision is thought to help protect against HIV because cells under the foreskin are vulnerable to the virus.

UK experts warned some circumcised men in the study still became infected and condoms offered the best protection.

HIV infection rates are lower among groups in Africa who practise circumcision, but it was not known if this was due to cultural differences.

There is a danger that people who have been circumcised will feel that they are fully protected from HIV when they are not

Deborah Jack, National Aids Trust

When the foreskin is removed, the skin on the head of the penis becomes less sensitive and so less likely to bleed, thereby reducing the risk of infection.

Studies in Uganda and in Kenya are also investigating the link.

Trial stopped

The South African trial, conducted by a team of French and South African researchers and sponsored by ANRS (the French National Agency of Research on Aids), took place in the Orange Farm area near Johannesburg, where male circumcision in adulthood is a common but not universal practice.

Just under 3,280 young, sexually active, uncircumcised, heterosexual men who took part in the study were offered the chance to be circumcised and then monitored for HIV infection.

Just under half chose to be circumcised.

The researchers planned to test all participants for HIV at three, 12 and 21 months, to see whether there was a difference in the rate of new infections between the two groups.

However, after 18 months, the number of new HIV infections in the control group was 49, compared with 20 in the treatment group.

The researchers decided at this point it would be unethical to continue the study.

It was stopped and the uncircumcised men were offered circumcision.

UNAids has said the trial found promising results, but more work needs to be done to confirm its findings and "whether or not the results have more general application."

'Not a condom substitute'

Keith Alcorn, of the National Aids Manual, said: "Although this study showed that men who were circumcised were less likely to become infected with HIV, it must be stressed that circumcised men did become infected in this study, and that circumcision does not provide total protection against HIV.

"I don't think that any country will be moving towards promotion of circumcision for HIV prevention on these results alone.

"Two further studies in Kenya and Uganda have yet to be completed, and will give us more information."

Deborah Jack, chief executive of the National Aids Trust, added: "There is a danger that people who have been circumcised will feel that they are fully protected from HIV when they are not.

"We need more research and clear guidance, as circumcision can never be a substitute for condom use."

06-17-2007, 12:13 AM
Don't worry I'm not planning on being more reckless. Quite the opposite infact.

06-17-2007, 12:24 AM
Good question! It's a deal I'll let you know. Needs to heal fully first. I can tell you something though. Fucking irritating having the end exposed in your pants for the first time. Makes me fidgit alot. People in work wonder whats up with me. Makes me laugh.

i was the same first time i had it done. it feels really tender at first but fine after a while. it must be because its not used to long exposure to air or other materials apart from your own skin

06-17-2007, 12:27 AM
So when did you have it done? What age? Are you pleased with it?

06-17-2007, 12:33 AM
Congrats. I think I was circumsized shortly after birth, lol.

06-17-2007, 12:36 AM
Cheers for letting me share that. I'm sure none you give a shit but its nice to get it off my chest.

Off your CHEST?!? Jeez, guy, what did you have circumcised?!? :shock:

Kidding. :lol:

Welcome to the League of Bareheaded Gentlemen.

06-17-2007, 12:38 AM
You guys, you're all so funny. Glad I can give you a bit of amusement. Like the court jester.

06-17-2007, 12:41 AM
"Circumcision 'reduces HIV risk "

I can understand this but I wouldn't promote it.I mean it may be safer but it ain't the safest way to reduce risk(as we already know).I guess what I'm trying to say is these type of studies are insensitive to the uncut.It's sorta like something is wrong with you and you're gonna catch it unless you have a piece removed.I feel like those who are uncut should feel that they have something magnificent and beautiful in all its glory and it should be seen that way(just like those who are cut).

Just a thought

06-17-2007, 12:46 AM
I must admit the post about HIV is a bit strong considering I started this as quite a light hearted topic. I prefer it when you lot take the piss out of me.

.....oh yes and did I mention if hurts. It bloody hurts.

06-17-2007, 12:52 AM
I wonder how does the breeze feel on Big Ben?or the morning stiffy? haha ;)

06-17-2007, 12:54 AM
Do you think that "study" really holds any weight Peggy????

06-17-2007, 01:12 AM
After seeing it happen on me yes you're right, it is mutilation. Hope the little man will recover. ha ha

06-17-2007, 01:18 AM
Welcome to the helmet head club JF :!:

06-17-2007, 01:20 AM
Do you think that "study" really holds any weight Peggy????

I think there is some merit to the research.

All total from 40 studies there is now compelling epidemiological evidence
which shows that male circumcision provides significant protection
against HIV infection; circumcised males are two to eight times
less likely to become infected with HIV.

There are studies by Anthony S. Fauci of the National Institute Of Health,
the World Health Organization, the South African trial, French National
Agency of Research on Aids, an Australian study lead by the Monash
University of Australia, as well as pending trials in Kenya and Uganda.

Furthermore, circumcision also protects against other sexually transmitted
infections, such as syphilis and gonorrhoea, and since people who
have a sexually transmitted infection are two to five times more likely to
become infected with HIV, circumcision may be even more protective.

UNAids has said the trial found promising results, but more work needs to
be done to confirm its findings and "whether or not the results have more
general application."


06-17-2007, 01:20 AM
Cheers SpecialK. Glad to a member.

06-17-2007, 01:24 AM
Out of those agencies, the only one that has any merit whatsoever is the National Institute of Health. Ive read a few of the "studies" over the years and I find them highly subjective.

I honestly dont buy it. The data screams cooked.

06-17-2007, 01:27 AM
This site provides a rebuttal of claims that circumcision prevents HIV infection.


I strongly lean to the hypothesis that circumcision will curb
HIV, but I would encourage folks to research the matter

Sorry to jack your thread.

Enjoy your new aeorodynamically enhanced penis. :wink:

06-17-2007, 01:31 AM
You might lean towards it, but the medical evidence suggests otherwise....

I know that given a choice, i would have never had had mine done.

But unfortunetly my parents *really* dont have 200 IQ between them...

06-17-2007, 01:41 AM
Blackadder - Why wouldn't you've had yours done? I'm intrigued.

06-17-2007, 02:37 AM
Did you know that some people restore their foreskin by manual tugging and/or wearing a device?


07-01-2007, 10:50 PM

Condoms prevent HIV, lack of a foreskin does not. There are also quite a few studies that indicate that Erectile Dysfunction is much more prevalent among the circumsized.
I prefer the look of the uncut penis generally, but i know from experience that having a foreskin feels much better than not. Al i have to do is skin it back all the way use lube and downstroke only. Its a different orgasm, and can be intense, but doesnt convey the sheer range of nuanced feeling i get from my turtleneck....

07-02-2007, 02:22 AM
omg NO! POOR KITTY. :(

I've seen studies that say circumcision can reduce the risk of infection by 2%. The thing is... 2% is not a statistic. It is a margin of error.

People ask if you lose sensitivity.
You lose a piece of nerve-filled mucousal penile skin that's 3" x 5" across. What do you think? Then the head of your penis dries out and becomes all calloused and insensitive from rubbing against your clothing.

And yes, people do restore their foreskin. I am one of those people, and I have to say that since I have started I've become marginally more sensitive, masturbation is far more pleasant, and orgasms are about 5x better.

...Then there's the idea of using religious dogma to force your asinine beliefs on defenseless, non-consenting children... that kind of bothers me a bit.

I don't mean to sound like a bitch. I just have very strong feelings on the subject.


07-02-2007, 02:34 AM
Damn, you people sure jacked dudes simple and innocuous thread.

I too was born in a third world country back in the late 60's where it was considered best to not trifle with unecessary operations no matter how simple.

I considered getting a CC back in college when this girl I was really into said she would never touch an uncircumcised guy with a ten foot pole, let alone give him a blow job. I let this phase pass and, well, later in life after I went through my "lifestyle change" I turned into a bottom anyway and since I have a nice bottom I figured I did not need to get CC as urently as I once thought.

Congrats anyway. I hope it gets you more blowjobs.