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06-12-2007, 08:58 AM
In South America. If you have any advice :P

06-12-2007, 09:11 AM
If you have sleeping problems, I suggest Harold Shipman. No for surgeries, a friend of mine wanted to know if I knew any good doctors there, however I don't. I do not want to steer her the wrong way.

I also told her to go to www.inhousedrugstore.com for her hormones, but I wasn't sure if thats the best place to go either. I've always got my hormones from a doctor. I know a couple of my friends go there, so thats what I gave her.

06-12-2007, 10:27 AM
lol then if this person is really a friend arent you steering her wrong if you dont know personally? best to tell her you dont know and can only recommend what you do personally, such as tell her to go to a REAL dr. to get the hormones.... -j

06-12-2007, 11:01 AM
lol then if this person is really a friend arent you steering her wrong if you dont know personally? best to tell her you dont know and can only recommend what you do personally, such as tell her to go to a REAL dr. to get the hormones.... -j I told her that spill already, you know many girls refuse to listen to that. I told her about a doctor in her area that I used to work for, but she doesn't want to pay the blood test costs and what not. I warned her about the dangers that could occur, but she isn't wanting to listen.

06-12-2007, 11:03 AM
i agree, you only get one chance sometimes with this,. dont want to regret for the rest of your life something that went wrong with a cuttrate quack.i get my hormones online from canada from a website ive been going to for 2 years,but only cause i researched the hell out of the benefiets and downsides of hrt and t-blockers. and i got a lot of advice from people on what dosage, the only reason im not going to a dr is i truelly cant afford it. you can really mess up your liver if you dont know what you are doing.

06-12-2007, 11:08 AM
i agree, you only get one chance sometimes with this,. dont want to regret for the rest of your life something that went wrong with a cuttrate quack.i get my hormones online from canada from a website ive been going to for 2 years,but only cause i researched the hell out of the benefiets and downsides of hrt and t-blockers. and i got a lot of advice from people on what dosage, the only reason im not going to a dr is a truelly cant afford it. you can really mess up your liver if you dont know what you are doing Very true, and I told her all this. I used to work for a doctor, that did hormones. I tried explaining to her why they do blood-tests not only to check for high blood pressure, but also to check your hormone levels and other things that may go awry. Furthermore how going to a doc to get hormones could also help to let her know if she needs more of a certain T-Blocker or less than what she is taking. I stressed that she would be oblivious to this information, but she doesn't seem to care. However I have empathy for her, and realize the horrific agony you go through when you aren't on hormones and how precious those little pills/shots are to you lol I do not agree that you should go online, but I also am not going to be a police officer about it.

06-12-2007, 11:17 AM
yea i agree i was fortunate a friend of mine helped me with a dr appt for the bloodwork so i knew everything was a go, i just couldnt keep up a 300.00 a month or so estrogen and spiro bill so ive been online but i knew like 4-5 people who bought from it so i knew it was legit.even though i know i shouldnt im trying the best way possible,. some girls are just so damn hardheaded ;-)

06-12-2007, 11:31 AM
yea i agree i was fortunate a friend of mine helped me with a dr appt for the bloodwork so i knew everything was a go, i just couldnt keep up a 300.00 a month or so estrogen and spiro bill so ive been online but i knew like 4-5 people who bought from it so i knew it was legit.even though i know i shouldnt im trying the best way possible,. some girls are just so damn hardheaded ;-) That is for sure, and it would be different if this girl was just an online friend. I could easily ignore the comments or messages, but this is a girl that will be a future roommate so I'll be seeing her on a day to day basis. I told her I'd muster up what I could find for her, and I got that website from a friend on myspace. I wasn't sure of how legit the site was or their services, so thats why I posted it publically, in case there were any bad reviews from other girls. I also told her that she should go to a surgeon that was specifically trained in FFS surgery, but that didn't seem to alter her views either, so she is going for the cheaper route.

Yeah you are lucky that you have had the know how of what hormones were at least about from a doctors stand-point first. I think she should spend the extra to get that, at least for awhile. However it's her choice that matters in her life.

06-12-2007, 11:51 AM
The SoC does allow hrt prescriptions after 3 months diy,

London Guy
06-12-2007, 01:42 PM
If you have sleeping problems, I suggest Harold Shipman.

Man, you are a mischievous fellow! :lol:

06-12-2007, 08:56 PM
The SoC does allow hrt prescriptions after 3 months diy, thats how I got on hrt threw doctors and how I got insurance coverage for the costs associated with it. I found once I was on hrt, every gp I come across is more then willing to help monitor my dosages, bloodwork etc and my insurance has no trouble fitting most of the bill.

But before you're on it, gps especially are usually uneasy about prescribing it, especially if the patient doesn't go threw a shrink in the process and I've found the shrink process to be a slow, annoying, useless run around wasting time and money. I did the shrink route for 2 yrs and every shrink ultimately ended up saying some kind of "well, if I were more experienced with GID I'd write you referral letters but, considering how few patients I have had with GID I am not going to risk my reputation despite originally implying this would not be an issue.." When I finished highschool, my patients ran out and I just went diy- best decision I ever made.

Speaking from expierence with plastic surgery (be it not for trans related stuff), make sure as hell your friend knows not to shop by price so much as quality and the doctor's abilities/past patients/etc. Just because a doctor is cheap doesn't mean they aren't as good, but on the flip side just because a doctor is cheap doesn't mean its the best surgeon to use because it would allow you to "get the procedure done and over with sooner without saving up as much." Yeah she's had the GID testing, she just doesn't want to pay for the blood tests. She is looking at the cheapest and fastest route for her to take. I tried telling her that you should be on hormones at least 2 years before even thinking about getting implants, but she refuses to listen. She has the idea in her head, and her goal of when things will happen. I don't think anything I say or anyone else says will stray her from her path.

06-12-2007, 10:35 PM
the cheapest way is to do it right the first time... if she refuses to listen to what you AND EVERYONE THAT HAS RESPONDED THUS FAR... tell her you cant help her anymore then you already have and wash your hands of it and let her look up the info on her own bc shes obviously un-moved at this point.

TrueBeauty TS
06-12-2007, 10:53 PM
The only Dr. I know of in South America. I wouldn't recommend him, though.

