View Full Version : Is a good Wank important to you?

06-11-2007, 05:40 PM
Do you wank for the sake of it?
Do you perfer to have a build of a story as you wank? for the best feeling?

06-11-2007, 05:48 PM
Do you wank for the sake of it?
Do you perfer to have a build of a story as you wank? for the best feeling?
Interesting question...

I like to put on a little Barry White, have a little champagne, a little foreplay with the big boy, whispering sweet nothings, then jerk off while reciting an iambic pentameter and jumping up and down, bobbing my head left and right and wondering that the fuck kind of medication you are on.


Seriously, dude, do us all a favour- go get yourself some lube and spank your monkey till he pukes. Because it's not even funny anymore.

06-11-2007, 06:46 PM
This is a regular poster "beleive it"

06-11-2007, 07:04 PM
I like to put on a little Barry White, have a little champagne, a little foreplay with the big boy, whispering sweet nothings, then jerk off while reciting an iambic pentameter and jumping up and down, bobbing my head left and right and wondering that the fuck kind of medication you are on.

Please tell me there's a velvet smoking jacket involved there somewhere as well.
Worth putting up with the B.S. questions for the imagery! :lol:

06-12-2007, 01:05 AM
I like to put on a little Barry White, have a little champagne, a little foreplay with the big boy, whispering sweet nothings, then jerk off while reciting an iambic pentameter and jumping up and down, bobbing my head left and right and wondering that the fuck kind of medication you are on.

Please tell me there's a velvet smoking jacket involved there somewhere as well.
Certainly. It's velvet and hand-stitched. I also wear velvet clubs. My big boy deserves only the best treatment.

The most satisfying thing would be to spin around at the point of climax until I get dizzy and fall and hit my head. Then I won't have to endure polls like this anymore.
