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06-11-2007, 11:01 AM
Why Bush Should Pardon Paris
Sherman Yellen

Forget Scooter Libby. He's hung out to dry. Much too complicated for Bush to pardon him now. Yes, the Republican base wants it, but a pardon always admits guilt, and that's something that the Bush people cannot, never have, and will never do.

But Bush has too much in common with Paris Hilton -- too much natural sympathy with her to let her twist in the wind or languish in a Los Angeles jail. He should pardon her if he acts on his principles and his past behavior. Like Paris he moves from one folly and misadventure to another without regard to the consequences, never suffering remorse or understanding the consequences of his acts. The Los Angeles police calls such folks 51/50's -- armed and dangerous mental cases who can injure themselves or others. But we call them news makers or Republican presidents. Here goes -- my short list of reasons for Bush to pardon Paris:

1. Her activities distract the public from the war in Iraq in a big way and keep us all calmer. In jail she can't do this successfully, but free she can work her charms on the public mind. There is no insurgency in Iraq, no economic conference, no atom bomb in Iran, no starvation in Darfur that can stand up to the attack of Paris on the news media. She is far better than the surge in spreading the Bush optimism, and since we don't have a Michael Jackson charged with interfering with the underwear of small children to keep us amused and outraged these days we need our Paris free. Who thinks of the three thousand and more American solders dead and the thousands of casualties, not to mention the tens of thousand Iraqi maimed and dead when we have Paris, reminding us that life goes on in its merry way - particularly among the rich and famous. Why worry, America? As Rick said to Ilsa in Casablanca, or was it Ilsa to Rick? "We will always have Paris." And so we do.

2. Paris is responsible for keeping thousands of reporters, commentators, publishers, lawyers, Judge Judy and all those cable-news-sanitation-workers employed. Not to mention those pesky undocumented aliens who tend the family gardens and cook America's restaurant meals. So we can all live vicariously through the wealth of our betters without solving our immigration policy as long as Paris is free.

3. Paris stands for all that Republican legislation which attacks the inheritance tax and calls it the death tax. Think of where Paris would be if not for grandpa Conrad's hotel money.
Just another working girl in Vegas paying off the cops to loiter in the casinos and hotels. And she is such a fine role model for poor young girls who seek a lucrative career with no discernible talent but beauty and an interest in recreational sex. Speaking of sex - and that's always fun - she's a straight woman - no Ellen or Rosie - our Paris does it the right way, the American way. Say what you will about her, she will never demand to be married to Nicole Ritchie or Britney Spears. That in itself should earn her a pardon by Bush. We also have a duty to protect her from Large Marge and Big Betty in prison who wish to turn her into their prison bitch - the unspoken fantasy of our cable newscasters. We've all seen those prison movies. Although Bush as Governor never saw a prisoner on death row he wished to pardon rather than mock - here is a chance for him to show a bit of mercy to a girl who needs some. After all, she is our Princess Di, a martyr to privilege, our own first class train wreck.

4. Like Bush, Paris has her pornographic tapes. Hers was that plain, good 'ole American screwing (alas, I have never seen it, but I have heard tell it is right up there with Scarlet and Rhett in Gone With The Wind), while his pornographic tape is Abu Ghraib -- the torturing of prisoners -- which reveals his stalwart resolve to protect us at any cost - even if it means destroying our constitution and our traditional values. Together, their tapes record their misadventures, and the tapes don't seem to have hurt their standing in the great world. He should pardon her as a fellow tape maker, advancing the art of the American documentary film.

5. Paris, like Bush, has been nailed for DUI behavior. Only Bush's driving misadventures managed to get suppressed by his wealthy family. In this he has a friend in wife Laura, "Our Lady of the Libraries" with her youthful vehicular manslaughter - ready to stand with him behind this pardon. What's a few too many behind the wheel? The worst that can happen is that you kill a few innocent folks - far better than killing embryonic stem cells in the name of medical research, right?

6. With the public clamoring for Paris's incarceration, Bush can show once again that he doesn't give a damn about public opinion - that he is above it - by pardoning Paris. What a stick in the eye to those Democrats who keep sniveling about accountability and his failure to get rid of the egregious torture-loving Alberto Gonzales. You show 'em George!

7. For Bush, as the father of young daughters, the Paris pardon will send a message to the world that he still stands by his family values no matter how tested they are by a girl's violation and contempt for the law.

8. Our President with all his youthful misadventures with drugs and alcohol must sympathize with Mrs. Hilton and pardon her child. Here is a mother whom he can understand, one who regards her darlin' daughter as a martyr to the press, and has, like his own Barb Bush, turned a blind eye to youthful, coke-snorting hi-jinks. Momma Hilton may not be up to the high standards of a Barbara Bush, who shared her son's supreme indifference to the suffering of the Katrina survivors, but Momma Hilton is a Junior League version of Mama Bush who will stand by her child through thick and thin. Bush must stand up for such mothers and their tribulations by pardoning their progeny.

9. Remember 2000? Bush was the man all the men in white middle class America wanted to have a beer with - and so he was elected to rule the world. And a groveling MSM helped him do so. Paris is the girl that all the girls want to have a Cosmopolitan with and all the men want to go to bed with - and so she rules the news - which in our publicity culture means ruling the world. And a groveling press helps her do so. Despite their tsk-tsking, the MSM's admiration for the girl shines through - and a free press must be allowed to follow up every lead. No one will ever accuse them of neglecting to follow up on Paris as they did on the WMDs.

10. And finally, when Bush pardons Paris it will be the last chapter of No Child Left Behind. Paris may be old enough to understand the consequences of her acts, but she must not be the child left behind to rot in prison for a month, when she can rot in public for the rest of her life. Her failure to be educated properly, despite the private schools and tutors, reveals the failure of the American educational system and justifies more rigid testing of the young. More homework, America, or your child will become the next Paris with a condom in every backpack. She serves as both a source of admiration and a warning - a terrific combo.

11 & 12. Just as Bush urged us to shop our way to freedom during his war, Paris Hilton has lead the charge. She needs no American flag in her lapel to reveal her patriotism. She has replaced our national pride of WWII with our national Prada in the war on terror. As one who loves this country it warms my heart to know that the young, such as Paris, are doing their best to protect our country in its time of trial. As the Republican candidates have shown us, Americans want optimism - mixed with a dash of terror - and who is more slap-happy-yet-scary than Paris Hilton? Selfishly, as the grandfather of a 2-year-old toddler who is more interested in Dora the Explorer than Paris Hilton, I would like to see Paris out and about to exhaust her shelf life on the newsstands before my beloved child comes of age. I hope she can do that in the next decade or we are all lost. They used to say SEE PARIS AND DIE, but my motto for today is FREE PARIS AND LIVE!

06-11-2007, 12:12 PM
Why Bush Should Pardon Paris
Sherman Yellen

Forget Scooter Libby. He's hung out to dry. Much too complicated for Bush to pardon him now. Yes, the Republican base wants it, but a pardon always admits guilt, and that's something that the Bush people cannot, never have, and will never do.

But Bush has too much in common with Paris Hilton -- too much natural sympathy with her to let her twist in the wind or languish in a Los Angeles jail. He should pardon her if he acts on his principles and his past behavior. Like Paris he moves from one folly and misadventure to another without regard to the consequences, never suffering remorse or understanding the consequences of his acts. The Los Angeles police calls such folks 51/50's -- armed and dangerous mental cases who can injure themselves or others. But we call them news makers or Republican presidents. Here goes -- my short list of reasons for Bush to pardon Paris:

1. Her activities distract the public from the war in Iraq in a big way and keep us all calmer. In jail she can't do this successfully, but free she can work her charms on the public mind. There is no insurgency in Iraq, no economic conference, no atom bomb in Iran, no starvation in Darfur that can stand up to the attack of Paris on the news media. She is far better than the surge in spreading the Bush optimism, and since we don't have a Michael Jackson charged with interfering with the underwear of small children to keep us amused and outraged these days we need our Paris free. Who thinks of the three thousand and more American solders dead and the thousands of casualties, not to mention the tens of thousand Iraqi maimed and dead when we have Paris, reminding us that life goes on in its merry way - particularly among the rich and famous. Why worry, America? As Rick said to Ilsa in Casablanca, or was it Ilsa to Rick? "We will always have Paris." And so we do.

2. Paris is responsible for keeping thousands of reporters, commentators, publishers, lawyers, Judge Judy and all those cable-news-sanitation-workers employed. Not to mention those pesky undocumented aliens who tend the family gardens and cook America's restaurant meals. So we can all live vicariously through the wealth of our betters without solving our immigration policy as long as Paris is free.

3. Paris stands for all that Republican legislation which attacks the inheritance tax and calls it the death tax. Think of where Paris would be if not for grandpa Conrad's hotel money.
Just another working girl in Vegas paying off the cops to loiter in the casinos and hotels. And she is such a fine role model for poor young girls who seek a lucrative career with no discernible talent but beauty and an interest in recreational sex. Speaking of sex - and that's always fun - she's a straight woman - no Ellen or Rosie - our Paris does it the right way, the American way. Say what you will about her, she will never demand to be married to Nicole Ritchie or Britney Spears. That in itself should earn her a pardon by Bush. We also have a duty to protect her from Large Marge and Big Betty in prison who wish to turn her into their prison bitch - the unspoken fantasy of our cable newscasters. We've all seen those prison movies. Although Bush as Governor never saw a prisoner on death row he wished to pardon rather than mock - here is a chance for him to show a bit of mercy to a girl who needs some. After all, she is our Princess Di, a martyr to privilege, our own first class train wreck.

4. Like Bush, Paris has her pornographic tapes. Hers was that plain, good 'ole American screwing (alas, I have never seen it, but I have heard tell it is right up there with Scarlet and Rhett in Gone With The Wind), while his pornographic tape is Abu Ghraib -- the torturing of prisoners -- which reveals his stalwart resolve to protect us at any cost - even if it means destroying our constitution and our traditional values. Together, their tapes record their misadventures, and the tapes don't seem to have hurt their standing in the great world. He should pardon her as a fellow tape maker, advancing the art of the American documentary film.

5. Paris, like Bush, has been nailed for DUI behavior. Only Bush's driving misadventures managed to get suppressed by his wealthy family. In this he has a friend in wife Laura, "Our Lady of the Libraries" with her youthful vehicular manslaughter - ready to stand with him behind this pardon. What's a few too many behind the wheel? The worst that can happen is that you kill a few innocent folks - far better than killing embryonic stem cells in the name of medical research, right?

6. With the public clamoring for Paris's incarceration, Bush can show once again that he doesn't give a damn about public opinion - that he is above it - by pardoning Paris. What a stick in the eye to those Democrats who keep sniveling about accountability and his failure to get rid of the egregious torture-loving Alberto Gonzales. You show 'em George!

7. For Bush, as the father of young daughters, the Paris pardon will send a message to the world that he still stands by his family values no matter how tested they are by a girl's violation and contempt for the law.

8. Our President with all his youthful misadventures with drugs and alcohol must sympathize with Mrs. Hilton and pardon her child. Here is a mother whom he can understand, one who regards her darlin' daughter as a martyr to the press, and has, like his own Barb Bush, turned a blind eye to youthful, coke-snorting hi-jinks. Momma Hilton may not be up to the high standards of a Barbara Bush, who shared her son's supreme indifference to the suffering of the Katrina survivors, but Momma Hilton is a Junior League version of Mama Bush who will stand by her child through thick and thin. Bush must stand up for such mothers and their tribulations by pardoning their progeny.

9. Remember 2000? Bush was the man all the men in white middle class America wanted to have a beer with - and so he was elected to rule the world. And a groveling MSM helped him do so. Paris is the girl that all the girls want to have a Cosmopolitan with and all the men want to go to bed with - and so she rules the news - which in our publicity culture means ruling the world. And a groveling press helps her do so. Despite their tsk-tsking, the MSM's admiration for the girl shines through - and a free press must be allowed to follow up every lead. No one will ever accuse them of neglecting to follow up on Paris as they did on the WMDs.

10. And finally, when Bush pardons Paris it will be the last chapter of No Child Left Behind. Paris may be old enough to understand the consequences of her acts, but she must not be the child left behind to rot in prison for a month, when she can rot in public for the rest of her life. Her failure to be educated properly, despite the private schools and tutors, reveals the failure of the American educational system and justifies more rigid testing of the young. More homework, America, or your child will become the next Paris with a condom in every backpack. She serves as both a source of admiration and a warning - a terrific combo.

11 & 12. Just as Bush urged us to shop our way to freedom during his war, Paris Hilton has lead the charge. She needs no American flag in her lapel to reveal her patriotism. She has replaced our national pride of WWII with our national Prada in the war on terror. As one who loves this country it warms my heart to know that the young, such as Paris, are doing their best to protect our country in its time of trial. As the Republican candidates have shown us, Americans want optimism - mixed with a dash of terror - and who is more slap-happy-yet-scary than Paris Hilton? Selfishly, as the grandfather of a 2-year-old toddler who is more interested in Dora the Explorer than Paris Hilton, I would like to see Paris out and about to exhaust her shelf life on the newsstands before my beloved child comes of age. I hope she can do that in the next decade or we are all lost. They used to say SEE PARIS AND DIE, but my motto for today is FREE PARIS AND LIVE!

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Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton in Munich, May 2005.
Born Paris Whitney Hilton
February 17, 1981 (1981-02-17) (age 26)
Flag of United States Flag of New York New York City, New York, USA
Occupation Socialite, "entrepreneur", "actress ", recording "artist"
Website ParisHilton.com

Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981) is an American celebrity, socialite, actress and recording artist. She is an heiress to a share of the Hilton Hotel fortune, as well as to the real estate fortune of her father Richard Hilton.

Hilton rose to fame when a home-made sex video of her was leaked onto the Internet in late 2003. The release of the tape, later titled 1 Night in Paris (2004), attracted worldwide publicity and contributed to the success of Hilton's Fox reality series The Simple Life. As an actress, she has appeared in several minor roles, most notably in the horror film House of Wax (2005), and in 2006, she released the self-titled album Paris.

In September 2006, she was arrested for driving under the influence and subsequently sentenced to 36 months probation and had her license suspended. Following subsequent arrests for driving with a suspended license and speeding, Hilton was charged with violating her probation and sentenced to 45 days in jail.

* 1 Early life and family background
* 2 Media career
o 2.1 Sex video and rise to fame
o 2.2 Actress
o 2.3 Recording artist
o 2.4 Other business ventures
* 3 Personal life
* 4 Civic involvement
* 5 Legal problems
o 5.1 Restraining order
o 5.2 Driving violations
+ 5.2.1 Jail sentence
o 5.3 Copyright violation
* 6 In popular culture
o 6.1 Parodies
* 7 Filmography
* 8 Discography
o 8.1 Albums
o 8.2 Singles
* 9 References
* 10 External links

Early life and family background

Born in New York City, New York, Hilton is the oldest of four children of Richard and Kathy Hilton. Her younger sister is Nicky Hilton, and her younger brothers are Barron Hilton II, and Conrad Hilton III. On the maternal side of her family, Hilton is a niece of two child stars of the 1970s, Kim Richards and Kyle Richards. By marriage, she also is related to Zsa Zsa Gabor and Elizabeth Taylor. Her paternal grandparents are hotel chairman Barron Hilton, and his wife, the former Marilyn Hawley; Hilton's paternal great-grandparents were Hilton Hotels founder Conrad Hilton and his first wife, Mary Barron. When Conrad Hilton died in 1979, he left nothing in his will to his children or other descendants. Barron Hilton contested this decision and prevailed in court in 1988. The value of Paris's inheritance has been variously estimated at between $30 and $50 million. [1] [2]

Hilton moved between several exclusive homes in her youth, including a suite in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in Manhattan, Beverly Hills, and the Hamptons. She attended her freshman year of high school in Rancho Mirage, California at the Marywood-Palm Valley School and her sophomore and junior years of high school at the Dwight School in New York, but dropped out,[3] and eventually earned a GED.[4]

Hilton began modeling as a child, appearing first in charity events. [5] At 19, she signed with Donald Trump's modeling agency, T Management. [5] Hilton has worked with modeling agencies such as Ford Models Management in New York, Models 1 Agency in London, Nous Model Management in Los Angeles, and Premier Model Management in London. She has appeared in numerous advertising campaigns, including Iceberg Vodka, GUESS, Tommy Hilfiger, Christian Dior, and Marciano. In 2001, Hilton began to develop a reputation as a 19-year-old socialite, being identified as "New York's leading It Girl" whose fame was beginning to "extend beyond the New York tabloids". [5]

Media career

Sex video and rise to fame

The leak of a three-year-old home-made sex video of Hilton with her then-boyfriend Rick Salomon a week prior to the premiere of her Fox reality series The Simple Life attracted worldwide attention in late 2003. [6] The release of the tape led to speculation that it was a deliberate publicity stunt, [7] but Hilton has strongly denied such claims and stated she was "embarrassed" and "humiliated" by the publicity brought by the tape. [8] The sex video, subsequently called 1 Night in Paris (2004) was later released on DVD and Hilton received directorial credit. The film earned three AVN Awards in 2005, including "Best Selling Title of the Year". Hilton originally sued Salomon over the release of the tape, but settled out of court in July 2005. Hilton was reportedly awarded up to $400,000 and planned to donate a percentage to charity, [9] although in a 2006 interview with GQ magazine she stated that she never received money from the sale of the video. [10]

The Simple Life premiered on December 2, 2003, starring Hilton and Nicole Richie, the adopted daughter of Lionel Richie, and it became a mid-season success for Fox. During the course of the season they lived with a family on their farm in rural Altus, Arkansas. The show featured Hilton and Richie working at a variety of blue collar jobs, making out with local men, and performing menial tasks associated with farm life. The pair's resistance to appreciate and engage in the "simple life" was a central theme on the series.
Paris Hilton at the Cannes Film Festival in 2005.
Paris Hilton at the Cannes Film Festival in 2005.


After the success of the first season, The Simple Life was followed by two more seasons on Fox. The network then canceled the show after a falling out between Hilton and Richie, but the show was consequently picked up by E! Entertainment Television for a fourth season, and another season is scheduled to premiere in May 2007 on E!.[11]

Hilton has appeared in minor and supporting roles in the feature films Nine Lives (2002), Raising Helen (2004), The Hillz (2004), and House of Wax (2005). Her role as Paige Edwards in House of Wax won the Teen Choice Award for "Best Scream" and earned her a nomination for "Choice Breakout Performance – Female".[12] She also earned a nomination for "Best Frightened Performance" at the 2006. Hilton landed her first lead roles in 2006 with the straight-to-DVD releases National Lampoon's Pledge This! (2006) and Bottom's Up (2006). She also appeared in cameo roles in films such as Zoolander (2001) among others.

Hilton has several upcoming theatrical releases in which she is the lead role, including The Hottie and the Nottie (2008), and an untitled superhero movie involving Stan Lee. Plans for Hilton to lend her name, and also star in a cartoon series which follows the animated life of herself, her sister Nicky, and her dog Tinkerbell are in production.[13] Hilton has also guest starred in episodes of The O.C., The George Lopez Show, Las Vegas, American Dreams and Veronica Mars.

Hilton has also appeared in several music videos, including It Girl by John Oates and Just Lose It by Eminem.

Recording artist

Hilton began working on an album in 2004 and her self-titled debut, Paris, was released on August 22, 2006. Although the album reached number six on the Billboard 200 for a week, its total sales volume has been low.[14][15] Producers for Paris include Greg Wells, Kara DioGuardi, Jane Wiedlin and Scott Storch. Hilton collaborated with Fat Joe and Jadakiss on the song "Fighting Over Me". The first single from Paris, "Stars Are Blind", produced by Fernando Garibay, was released for download on June 20, 2006 and peaked at number eighteen on the Billboard Hot 100; "Turn It Up" and "Nothing in This World" followed as worldwide singles. While All Music Guide commented on the album, "it's more fun than anything released by Britney Spears or Jessica Simpson, and a lot fresher, too.", critical reception as a whole has been mixed.[16]

In August 2006, it was revealed that artists Banksy and Danger Mouse replaced 500 copies of Hilton's debut album in various UK record stores with their own parody remixes and cover art. Along with completely reworked liner notes that included topless photos of Hilton slathered with slogans like "Every CD you buy puts me even further out of your league", Danger Mouse has replaced Hilton's original songs with his own remixes.[17][18]

Hilton is the founder of Heiress Records, a sub-label of Warner Bros. Records, which she created in 2004. Heiress Records' only release as of yet has been Paris, though Hilton has said that she plans to sign new artists in the future. According to June 2007 news reports, however, Hilton has been dropped by Warner Bros. Records, because single and album sales did not meet expectations. Furthermore, a Warner reprensentative was quoted saying, "We are not expecting any new Paris Hilton material in the foreseeable future." [19]

Other business ventures

In the autumn of 2004, Hilton released an autobiographical book, Confessions of an Heiress: A Tongue-in-Chic Peek Behind the Pose, co-written by Merle Ginsberg, which includes full color photographs of her and gives her advice on the life as an heiress. Hilton reportedly received a $100,000 in advanced payment for this book. Some in the media panned the writing as amateurish, and the book was parodied by Robert Mundell on The Late Show with David Letterman. Nonetheless, the book became a New York Times bestseller. Hilton followed it up with a designer diary, also with Ginsberg, called Your Heiress Diary: Confess It All To Me.

Hilton has helped design a collection of purses for Japanese label Samantha Thavasa,[20] and has also been involved in the design of a jewelry line for Amazon.com.[21] In 2004, Hilton was involved in the creation of a perfume line by Parlux Fragrances. Originally set to be a small release, demand was high and necessitated a wider release before Christmas of 2004. The launch was followed by a 47% increase in sales for Parlux, which was predominantly due to sales of the Hilton-branded perfume.[22] After the success of Hilton's perfume, Parlux Fragrances released several more perfumes with Hilton's name, including fragrances lines for men.[23]

Hilton lent her name to a chain of nightclubs known as Club Paris in 2005. The first of which in Orlando, Florida has been a success, and a second club located in Jacksonville, Florida opened in July 2006. Hilton was fired in January 2007 by the owner of Club Paris, Fred Khalilian, after she had failed to attend several scheduled promotional appearances.[24]

According to Forbes Magazine, Hilton earned approximately $2 million in 2003–2004,[25] $6.5 million in 2004–2005,[26] and $7 million in 2005–2006.[27]

Personal life

Hilton was engaged to fashion model Jason Shaw from mid-2002 to early 2003. On May 29, 2005, she announced her engagement to Paris Latsis, a Greek shipping heir; the engagement was called off five months later. Thereafter, she began dating another Greek shipping heir, Stavros Niarchos III, but in May 2006, Hilton publicist Elliot Mintz informed the press Paris and Stavros had broken up. In an attempt to rediscover herself, Hilton imposed a ban on sexual activity for one year starting in July 2006. She told Regis and Kelly: "One-night stands are not for me. I think it's gross when you just give it up. Guys want you more, if you don't just hand it to them on a platter."[28]

In July 2006, Hilton was photographed kissing her best male friend Brandon Davis, the man who "ranted against" Lindsay Lohan on national television, five days later.[29]

In January 2007, Hilton's private life again created headlines with the launch of ParisExposed.com, a website that featured images of personal and medical documents, video, and other private material, allegedly obtained when the contents of a storage locker rented by Hilton were auctioned off due to lack of payment.[30] CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 discussed footage obtained from the website which features Hilton using several ethnic slurs.[31] On February 3, 2007 Hilton obtained a temporary injunction against ParisExposed.com, closing down the website.

Civic involvement

In November 2004, Hilton participated in Sean "Diddy" Combs' Citizen Change campaign to encourage youths to vote in the presidential election. She drew criticism after it was revealed she had neither voted nor registered to do so.[32]

Legal problems

Restraining order

On March 8, 2006, Brian Quintana, an event producer, was granted a three-year restraining order against Hilton after he testified that she harassed and threatened him.[33]

Driving violations

In September 2006, Hilton was arrested and charged with driving under the influence with a blood alcohol content of 0.08%, the minimum at which it is illegal to drive in California. Hilton's drivers license was subsequently suspended in November 2006,[34] and in January 2007 she pled no contest to the alcohol-related reckless driving charge.[35] Her punishment was 36 months' probation and fines of about $1,500.[36]

On January 15, 2007, Hilton was pulled over for driving with a suspended license and signed a document acknowledging that she was not permitted to drive. [37] On February 27, 2007 Hilton was caught driving 70 MPH in a 35 MPH zone, again with a suspended license. She also did not have her headlights on even though it was after dark. Prosecutors in the office of the Los Angeles City Attorney charged that those actions, along with the failure to enroll in a court-ordered alcohol education program constituted a violation of the terms of her probation.[34]
Paris Hilton's booking photo.
Paris Hilton's booking photo.

Jail sentence
This section documents a current event.
Information may change rapidly as the event progresses.

On May 4, 2007 Hilton was sentenced by Judge Michael T. Sauer to 45 days in jail for violating her probation. She was required to begin her jail term June 5, 2007 or risk a doubling of her sentence.[6]

Initially, Hilton planned to appeal the sentence, and supported an online petition asking California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for a pardon.[38] In response, various opponents started a petition to maintain the sentence.[39] Both petitions attracted tens of thousands of signatures. Paris later switched lawyers, and dropped her plans to appeal.[40]

On June 3, 2007, after attending the 2007 MTV Movie Awards, Hilton checked herself into the Men's Central Jail of the Twin Towers Correctional Facility in Los Angeles at 11:38 pm PDT. From there, Hilton was transferred by authorities to a special section "reserved for police officers, public officials, celebrities and other high-profile inmates"[41] within the Century Regional Detention Facility, an all female jail in Lynwood. Hilton was given the inmate booking number 9818783. With credit for good behavior, it was anticipated that Hilton would only serve 23 days of her 45 day sentence.[42]

In an unexpected turn of events, Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca signed orders on the morning of June 7, reassigning Hilton to 40 days of home confinement with an electronic monitoring device due to an unspecified medical condition.[43] Sheriff Baca commented on the release saying, "My message to those who don't like celebrities is that punishing celebrities more than the average American is not justice."[44][45]

The same day Paris was released from jail, Judge Michael Sauer ordered Hilton to reappear back in his court the following morning (June 8). At the hearing he declined to be briefed by Hilton's attorney in private chambers on the nature of her condition and sent her back to jail to serve out her original 45-day sentence. Upon hearing the sentence, Hilton shouted, "It's not right!" and started screaming for her mother, who was present in the courtroom. She was then escorted out.[46][47] Concern about Hilton's condition has led to her being moved to the medical wing of the Twin Towers Correctional Facility in Los Angeles where she will spend the remainder of her 45-day sentence instead of the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood.[48]

Copyright violation

In June 2007 British reggae band UB40 started legal action against Hilton and Warner Chappell Music for plagiarism due to similarities between the song "Stars Are Blind" and their 1990 song "Kingston Town".[49][50]

In popular culture

While Hilton has been quoted as saying that she is the "iconic blonde of the decade"' and comparing herself to Princess Diana and Marilyn Monroe (a claim she later denied in the May 2007 issue of Harper's Bazaar),[51] she will reportedly appear in the 2007 Guinness World Records as the world's "Most Overrated Celebrity".[52] In a poll conducted by the Associated Press and AOL, Hilton was voted the second "Worst Celebrity Role Model of 2006", behind Britney Spears.[53] Critics have alleged that Hilton epitomizes the title of famous for being famous; echoing that sentiment, the Associated Press conducted what they called an experiment in late February 2007, trying not to report on Hilton for a whole week.[54]

On May 11, 2007, a statue by Daniel Edwards entitled Paris Hilton Autopsy was revealed at Capla Kesting Fine Art in New York featuring her dead, naked, and with her legs spread. The sculpture is aimed at stopping young women from drinking and driving.[55]


* In the South Park episode titled "Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset," Paris shows up in South Park to open a new store and attempts to purchase Butters after her dog Tinkerbell commits suicide.
* In the computer-animated series Bratz, more specifically the episode "Kidnapped!", a parody character named London Milton appears as one of the guest characters.
* In the The Simpsons episode "Homerazzi", Bart mocks "Paris Texan" (a Hilton parody character) in a store for the sex tape she was in.
* In The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, London Tipton, the daughter of the Tipton Hotel's mega-rich owner, is a parody of Paris Hilton.[56]


* Wishman (1991)
* Sweetie Pie (2000)
* Zoolander (2001; cameo)
* Nine Lives (2002)
* QIK2JDG (2002)
* L.A. Knights (2003)
* Wonderland (2003)
* The Cat in the Hat (2003)
* The Hillz (2004)
* Raising Helen (2004)
* House of Wax (2005)
* Bottoms Up (2006)
* Pledge This! (2006)
* The Hottie and the Nottie (2008)


Cover Information

* Released: August 22, 2006
* Chart positions: #4 CAN, #6 U.S., #6 SWE, #7 SUI, #8 JAP, #9 AUT, #18 GER, #24 AUS, #29 UK
* RIAA certification:
* U.S. sales:
* Singles: "Stars Are Blind", "Turn It Up", "Nothing in This World"

Year Title Album Chart positions
2006 "Stars Are Blind" Paris 6 15 7 3 4 5 18 7 9 7 16 17 12 8 93 6 3 1 12 4 1 1 23 5 - 16
"Turn It Up" 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Nothing in this World" - - 32 - 38 55 - 34 - 61 - 20 - 1 - 7 44 - - 1 - - - - 1 32

* 1 "Turn It Up" was a club-only single. It was ineligible to chart on most charts (except specific Dance charts, such as the U.S. Billboard Hot Dance Club Play, where it reached #1) due to this.


1. ^ Kellman, Laurie. "Roberts Hearing Has Paris Hilton Moment", Washington Dateline, Associated Press, 2005-09-15. Retrieved on 2006-12-25.
2. ^ Goodman, Ellen. "Paris Hilton's Tax Relief?", Washington Post Writers Group, 2006-06-15. Retrieved on 2006-12-25.
3. ^ Barry, Evonne. "A million reasons to be Paris", The Daily Telegraph (Australia), 2006-12-30. Retrieved on 2007-02-01.
4. ^ Welty, Karis. "Biography of Paris Hilton", Associated Content, 2006-04-07. Retrieved on 2007-03-07.
5. ^ a b c Porter, Charlie. "New York style: 'Is this article going to trash me?': Heiress, star of the social columns and now a top model . . Charlie Porter meets Paris Hilton", The Guardian (London), 2001-02-16, pp. Guardian Features Pages, p. 8.
6. ^ a b Associated Press. Paris Hilton sentenced to 45 days in jail. CNN. May 5, 2007.
7. ^ Luscombe, Richard. "Sex video gives hotel heiress publicity money cant buy: Paris Hilton embarrassed at scandal which conveniently coincides with launch of her TV show", The Guardian, 2003-12-7, pp. Observer News Pages, p. 23.
8. ^ Rush, George. "'Embarrassed & humiliated' Paris burning with shame", Daily News (New York), 2003-11-18, pp. News p. 3. Retrieved on 2006-12-24.
9. ^ Serpe, Gina. "E! Online Paris Sues to Cover Exposure", E! Online, Yahoo! News, 2007-01-30. Retrieved on 2007-02-01.
10. ^ "Paris Hilton to Magazine: I'm Celibate", Associated Press, ABC News, 2006-08-05. Retrieved on 2007-02-01.
11. ^ Paris and Nicole to serve as camp counselors
12. ^ [1] "Teen Choice Awards 2005 nominees and winners"
13. ^ Paris Hilton's 2D adventures
14. ^ "TOTAL 2006 Releases To Date". Retrieved on 2007-03-16.
15. ^ "Paris Hilton's album sales tank". Retrieved on 2007-06-03.
16. ^ Discography - Paris Hilton - Paris CD/DVD Billboard.com
17. ^ Paris Hilton targeted in CD prank BBC.co.uk
18. ^ Danger Mouse, Banksy Burn Paris Spin.com
19. ^ "Paris Hilton dropped by label", 2007-06-02. Retrieved on 2007-06-03.
20. ^ Paris Hilton Biography (2) Filmbug.com
21. ^ Paris Hilton creates jewelry line Msnbc.msn.com
22. ^ Form 10-Q for PARLUX FRAGRANCES INC Biz.Yahoo.com
23. ^ Celebrity fragrance watch: Paris Hilton & Andy Roddick Nowsmellthis.com
24. ^ Hall, Sarah. Paris Bounced from Club. E! News. January 5, 2007.
25. ^ Paris Hilton ranked 55 among The Top 100 Celebrities In 2005
26. ^ "2005 Celebrity 100", Forbes Magazine. Retrieved on 2007-02-01.
27. ^ "The Celebrity 100", Forbes Magazine, 2006-07-03. Retrieved on 2007-02-01.
28. ^ Paris Hilton Swears off Sex
29. ^ Paris And Brandon's Mysterious Lip lock
30. ^ Paris Hilton's new sex tape
31. ^ Anderson Cooper 360 - New Paris Tape
32. ^ http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/264804p-226754c.html NYDailynews.com .
33. ^ New Restraining Order For Paris Hilton. CBS News / Associated Press (2006-03-08). Retrieved on 2006-09-21.
34. ^ a b "Prosecutors' Motion To Revoke Paris Hilton's Probation", FindLaw, 2007-04-30. Retrieved on 2007-05-04. (in English)
35. ^ "Paris Hilton's Misdemeanor DUI Charges", FindLaw, 2006-9-21. Retrieved on 2007-05-04.
36. ^ Paris Hilton pleads no contest to DUI charge. MSNBC.
37. ^ Paris Hilton checks into Los Angeles County jail. Associated Press (June 4, 2007).
38. ^ Hilton backs online pardon appeal (May 9, 2007).
39. ^ Activism: Free Paris/Jail Paris Petition Round-Up. Defamer (2007-05-08). Retrieved on 2007-05-20.
40. ^ Jeremiah Marquez (May 17, 2007). Hilton Drops Probation-Violation Appeal. Associated Press.
41. ^ Staff Writers. Paris gets time off for good behaviour. News.com.au. May 17, 2007.
42. ^ Cohen, Sandy. "Paris Hilton Checks Into L.A. Jail", Associated Press, 2007-06-04. Retrieved on 2007-06-04.
43. ^ Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Press Conference. Fox News Channel. 2007-06-07.
44. ^ Deutsch, Linda. "Police take Paris Hilton to court hearing Friday in Los Angeles", CanWest Global Communications, 2007-06-08. Retrieved on 2006-06-02.
45. ^ Sheriff Baca also added, "Under our early release program, she would not have served any time in our jail, or would have been directly put on our home electronic monitoring system, [..] So the special treatment, in a sense, appears to be ... more time in jail."[2]
46. ^ Paris Hilton going back to jail
47. ^ Hilton Starts, Ends Week Behind Bars
48. ^ Paris Hilton ordered to LA jail's medical wing
49. ^ UB40 sue Paris Hilton over copyright
50. ^ Paris in UB40 rip-off row
51. ^ We'll always have Paris Women.timesonline.co.uk
52. ^ "Showbiz Tonight", CNN, 2006-09-16. Retrieved on 2007-06-20.
53. ^ "Spears and Hilton Named Worst Role Models", The Daily Dish, SFGate.com, 2006-12-29. Retrieved on 2007-06-10.
54. ^ Jocelyn Noveck (2007-03-01). Even ignoring Paris Hilton makes news. The Associated Press. Retrieved on 2007-05-05.
55. ^ Paris Hilton Autopsy Educates New York City Teens. Daniel Edwards - Paris Hilton Autopsy. Capla Kesting Fine Art (2007-04-26). Retrieved on 2007-06-09.
56. ^ The Suite Life of Zack & Cody - Taking Over the Tipton. DVD, Movie, Video. Barnes & Noble.com. Retrieved on 2007-06-09.

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Paris Hilton
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Album: Paris (2006)

Singles : "Stars Are Blind" · "Turn It Up" · "Nothing in This World" · "Screwed"

Related: The Simple Life · Tinkerbell · 1 Night in Paris · Confessions of an Heiress · House of Wax · Bottoms Up (2006 film) · National Lampoon's Pledge This! · Heiress Records

The Simple Life
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Starring Paris Hilton | Nicole Richie

Tinkerbell | Kathy Hilton | Nicky Hilton | Richard Hilton | Natalie Reid | Lionel Richie
Places Los Angeles | Malibu | Altus, Arkansas | Sonic Drive-In | WBFF

NAME Hilton, Paris Whitney
SHORT DESCRIPTION American celebrity
DATE OF BIRTH February 17, 1981
PLACE OF BIRTH New York City, New York, United States
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Associated Press
Screaming Paris Hilton Sent Back to Jail
By LINDA DEUTSCH 06.08.07, 3:30 PM ET

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Screaming and crying, Paris Hilton was escorted out of a courtroom and back to jail Friday after a judge ruled that she must serve out her entire 45-day sentence behind bars rather than in her Hollywood Hills home.

"It's not right!" shouted the weeping Hilton, who violated her parole in a reckless driving case. "Mom!" she called out to her mother in the audience.

Hilton, who was brought to court in handcuffs in a sheriff's car, came into the courtroom disheveled and weeping, hair askew, sans makeup, wearing a gray fuzzy sweatshirt over slacks.

She cried throughout the hearing, her body shook constantly and she dabbed at her eyes. Several times she turned to her parents, seated behind her in the courtroom, and mouthed, "I love you."

Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer was calm but apparently irked by the morning's developments. He said he had left the courthouse Thursday night having signed an order for Hilton to appear for the hearing.

When he got in his car early Friday, he said, he heard a radio report that he had approved Hilton's participation in the hearing by telephone, but he had not.

"I at no time condoned the actions of the sheriff and at no time told him I approved the actions," he said of the decision to release Hilton from jail after three days.

"At no time did I approve the defendant being released from custody to her home on Kings Road," Sauer said.

This is a breaking news update. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Screaming and crying, Paris Hilton was escorted out of a courtroom and back to jail Friday after a judge ruled that she must serve out her entire 45-day sentence behind bars rather than in her Hollywood Hills home.

"It's not right!" shouted the weeping Hilton, who violated her parole in a reckless driving case. "Mom!" she called out to her mother in the audience.

Hilton, who was brought to court in handcuffs in a sheriff's car, came into the courtroom disheveled and weeping, hair askew, sans makeup, wearing a gray fuzzy sweatshirt over slacks.

She cried throughout the hearing, her body shook constantly and she dabbed at her eyes. Several times she turned to her parents, seated behind her in the courtroom, and mouthed, "I love you."

Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer was calm but apparently irked by the morning's developments. He said he had left the courthouse Thursday night having signed an order for Hilton to appear for the hearing.

When he got in his car early Friday, he said, he heard a radio report that he had approved Hilton's participation in the hearing by telephone, but he had not.

"I at no time condoned the actions of the sheriff and at no time told him I approved the actions," he said of the decision to release Hilton from jail after three days.

"At no time did I approve the defendant being released from custody to her home on Kings Road," Sauer said.

Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

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Los Angeles - (Ass Mess): Greek shipping heir and former Paris Hilton fiance Paris Latsis is reported to have made an official request to visit his former betrothed in LA's Twin Towers jail just as soon as shrinks sign her off as stable enough to receive visitors.

Hilton however is under a 72 hour curfew which bars all outside, contact even with family, until a full medical and psychiatric evaluation is completed on Judge Sauer's orders.

Latsis, 27, told Athens reporters today that he felt Hilton "sure could use a friend right now" after a media circus publicised her total humiliation at the court of LA District Judge Michael T Sauer.

"It's been over between us for a couple years now," latsis said today.

"But we're still frineds - I hope! - and as a friend I'm mad at the way she's slid down so far the slippery slope.

"Maybe she got into all this trouble because she was depressed after our breakup, who knows?

"She certainly acted a whole lot weirder thatn ever before in the run up to the parole violation bust.

"I'm putting in an official visitation order request, sure why not.

"But it can be pretty hard to get in these days.

"They make you give a urine sample 12 hours before, you have to get sponsored by three local approved officials like a judge or a politician or a priest, then you put up a kinda bailbond of $5,000 at the prison check-in, then they frisk ya before you get past the turnstile.

"But hey! I'm willing to go through all that, if that's what she wants.

"I'm hoping the mandate will come through by Thursday if Arnie signs me in like he promised my Mom, and Senator Fienstein seconds that.

"Watch this space to see how it works out for me."

06-11-2007, 02:36 PM
Why Bush Should Pardon Paris[/b][/size]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Watch this space to see how it works out for me."

That about covers it, then! :shock:

06-12-2007, 05:18 AM
Why should Bush pardon Paris?

Multiple blowjobs, and who knows after alot of practice, she may become good at it.

06-12-2007, 09:00 AM
Clinton would definately have pardoned Paris!

TS Jamie

06-12-2007, 08:16 PM
Paris, The Hero


06-13-2007, 02:08 AM
End the persecution of wealthy skanks. Free Paris!

06-16-2007, 12:46 AM
What Would Paris Do?
