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06-10-2007, 12:55 AM
No, no, no. This is not a thread to post your dismal disappointing experience with (insert escort's name here) last night, but a thread to actually warn your fellow HA posters about products out there currently that do not live up to their billing. Penile enlargement kits, pain killers, colognes, etc., are to be discouraged if possible (humorous anecdotes are permitted, though [Hee-hee]) since they all react differently with their host, so nip it on that front. Try to stay relatively current -- Don't buy the new Chevrolet Vega. It sucks eggs! is a generation too late, don't ya think? ... Got it?

I'll begin.

I never got around to sending a letter off to the distributors of this DVD set, and did not return it within the 30 day return period due to the complete redeeming performances that are in it, but do not -- I REPEAT -- do not ever get an inkling to order Ed Sullivan's Rock and Roll Classics the next time it surfaces on a half hour informercial right after you've wacked off to your favorite t-girl DVD in the middle of the night. Yes, there are some great performances, but a few artists such as Smokey Robinson and Sly Stone get the proverbial shaft. Their performances -- which were the hook that got me to purchase it -- for one reason or another are truncated to an extreme, with Smokey being reduced basically to a few opening notes of one song. I would argue that the trailer showing Robinson perform on the commercial was just as long. Sorry, but I expect to not only see Ed introduce the artists, but also to see a song through its completion. Is that too much to expect? This seven set DVD isn't worth $39.95, let alone the $119.00 I think I paid for it about a year ago. If you like seeing your favorite 50s and 60s artists perform their songs in fragments, this DVD set is for you. For the rest of you, save your money!

Fuck you, TimeLife !!!


06-10-2007, 01:08 AM
Windows Vista, nuff said

06-10-2007, 01:11 AM
LOL! Go-o-o-o-o-o-od one!


06-10-2007, 01:11 AM
[Nobody is dumb enough to waste money on those ads, thats plain stupid, ]

06-10-2007, 01:13 AM
By the way, Johnny. Of all the photographs taken of Paris, is that the best one? That's the one being bandied about a lot.

The one in your avatar, that is. :)

06-10-2007, 01:16 AM
I found a few and this one just summed it all up.

06-10-2007, 01:19 AM
[Nobody is dumb enough to waste money on those ads, thats plain stupid, ]

I've got a wedding to run off to, but excuse me? What are you insinuating?

06-10-2007, 01:26 AM
OK, i got one.
A couple of years ago I heard an add on late night TV that I fell for. It is Enzyte. You know, the one with the skinny kinda geeky guy BBqing and walking around the swimming pool and his wife is standing there with a big smile on her face. And then he jumps in the pool and gets out and all the women smile and the other men drop their jaws. Hahahaha.
Well I bought some thinking i was gonna be Mr. 10 incher. What a joke that tuned out to be (and yes, the joke was on me). It does absolutely nothing, at least not for me. The stuff is totally useless. And on top of that, after my initial dissapointment I forgot to cancel my subscription to this wonderful product and they sent me a second month supply and happily billed it to my credit card.
I have since canceled it, but if any of you guys see that commercial, don't fall for it. How they get away with advertising stuff like that is beyond me. I guess thats the only advertisers that the network sales guys can find to put on TV on late night.

06-10-2007, 06:55 AM
OK, i got one.
A couple of years ago I heard an add on late night TV that I fell for. It is Enzyte. You know, the one with the skinny kinda geeky guy BBqing and walking around the swimming pool and his wife is standing there with a big smile on her face. And then he jumps in the pool and gets out and all the women smile and the other men drop their jaws. Hahahaha.
Well I bought some thinking i was gonna be Mr. 10 incher. What a joke that tuned out to be (and yes, the joke was on me). It does absolutely nothing, at least not for me. The stuff is totally useless. And on top of that, after my initial dissapointment I forgot to cancel my subscription to this wonderful product and they sent me a second month supply and happily billed it to my credit card.
I have since canceled it, but if any of you guys see that commercial, don't fall for it. How they get away with advertising stuff like that is beyond me. I guess thats the only advertisers that the network sales guys can find to put on TV on late night.

I remember the campy commercial, and I forgot the product spiel for it. Maybe others also had the same experience, hence its demise. I'm not going to ask what you paid for it. :)

06-10-2007, 07:51 AM
OK, i got one.
A couple of years ago I heard an add on late night TV that I fell for. It is Enzyte. You know, the one with the skinny kinda geeky guy BBqing and walking around the swimming pool and his wife is standing there with a big smile on her face. And then he jumps in the pool and gets out and all the women smile and the other men drop their jaws. Hahahaha.
Well I bought some thinking i was gonna be Mr. 10 incher. What a joke that tuned out to be (and yes, the joke was on me). It does absolutely nothing, at least not for me. The stuff is totally useless. And on top of that, after my initial dissapointment I forgot to cancel my subscription to this wonderful product and they sent me a second month supply and happily billed it to my credit card.
I have since canceled it, but if any of you guys see that commercial, don't fall for it. How they get away with advertising stuff like that is beyond me. I guess thats the only advertisers that the network sales guys can find to put on TV on late night.

Hey, it worked for me! I'M THE GUY!

06-10-2007, 08:54 AM
I just remembered getting burned on another item: When I bought my new truck a few years ago, not only did I get the extended warranty(which many consumer advocates warn against purchasing without researching thoroughly as they can be less expensive away from the dealer), I had the windows etched for "security" reasons. What a joke and major ripoff, and there are people out there at car dealerships making money off this and actually sleeping well at night ?!

06-11-2007, 01:32 AM
Amish Veggies.... I've stopped at several Amish veggie stands to get some home grown food and also to support the "purest of the earth". Yesterday, on Rt. 10, just south of Pottstown, I stopped at a stand and bought some strawberry jam, and fresh picked strawberries. It wasn't until I was loading up my goods that I noticed some cars hidden behind the family barn.

Rip Off.

Penile/breast enlargement, weight loss magic, money for nothing...... i hate all fakes.