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View Full Version : I've just read about Viagra - is there anything else?

06-09-2007, 08:47 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm new on this forum after I just discovered it yesterday & would like to say a big 'hi!' to everyone. http://www.smiliemania.de/smilie132/00000293.gif

I've been taking hormones for almost three years now (Estradiol Valerate 4mg / day & Goserelin 10.8mg quarterly injections).

In the past I never seriously considered using my willy again, but I've recently started to get interested in living as a she-male (especially since I have started working as an escort and I keep getting asked whether I can get a hard-on, whether I can come etc.). About three years ago I started taking estrogens and anti-androgens and of course everything has gone pretty limp. At the beginning of the year I changed the hormones I was on and my testosterone shot sky-high (23.6) and the estrogen levels were far too low (just over 200). I felt absolutely terrible and don't want to have to go through that experience again. But YES, I do want to be able to get hard-ons, and even have the possibility to come, as long as that doesn't mean upsetting my hormone levels again. As much as I love feeling feminine, I have come to the realisation that what is between my legs doesn't in any way affect my femininity.

I just read about Viagra and I am pleased to hear that it helps towards getting things standing upright again. Now, I am sure this has been asked a million times before on this forum, but there are so many threads and I wouldn't know where to start, so I'd just like to use this opportunity to ask what other options there are for getting erections.

Or have I got it completely wrong and does Viagra only work with T-girls who aren't on hormones?

I'd very much appreciate any input that can help this little puppy out of her confuion!

Jennifer XXX

06-09-2007, 10:20 PM
Well there are similar drugs in Levitra and Cialis. You can do some online reasearch, but by all means ask your doctor about this, mixing e.d. drugs with your hormone treatment could have consequences.

06-09-2007, 10:56 PM
I concur with lumberjack. The big advantage to Cialis is that it's good for between 24 and 36 hours, while Viagra is good for about 4 hours. I've found that V is a bit more of a sure thing in getting and keeping an erection under stimulation, while C is less so (not that I have a problem in that area, lol). If you're escorting all day/night, C might be better, but if it's only the occasional client, then V might be better.

06-10-2007, 01:33 AM
I've just read about Viagra - is there anything else?

Well, there's always... the cruel shoes.

06-10-2007, 10:53 AM
Thanks, I'll check for infos about Levitra & Cialis. Must admit, I've never heard of them, but then the States seem to be far ahead of the UK when it comes to this sort of thing.

Guess it will be difficult to find out on the net about how these meds react in combination with the hormones I'm on, so a visit to Uncle Doctor sounds like a good idea to me

Never thought these questions would ever be an issue to me as I always thought I was a 'normal' TS, i.e. taking hormones for a while, having surgery and jsut being a 'good' girl in a monogamous relationship without any kind of escapades in form of escorting services etc. (and no, I don't want this thread to lead to the usual pointless discussion about the definition of 'normal' and 'good')...

Lotsa luv,

Jennifer http://www.smiliemania.de/smilie132/00001744.gif