View Full Version : Giuliana gets abortion question as lightning strikes

06-06-2007, 06:34 PM
Get the message Rudy ? 8)


06-07-2007, 07:27 AM
he and romney came across like flip floppin northeastern shits before the over-righteous..."i like the way romney looks".."he looks presidential".."guiliani says the right thing but i could never vote for him cuz...."the repugs best hope is this thompson from tenn....ron paul might as well start a third party now cuz he raised too many ideas for the republican mindset...tancredo,brownback,gilmore,huckabee,allt oo unknown or far out right to win over the middle of the road-independents...ron paul could get this part of the vote...all in all no clear reagan charade.

06-08-2007, 07:18 AM
i watched that video... and just watching him is irritating. he is such a scumbag.