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05-31-2007, 05:37 PM
No New 9/11? Here's Why...
Philip Giraldi

Nearly six years after 9/11, the nature of the terrorist threat against the United States continues to be elusive. The radical Islamist groups that constitute "the enemy" have been identified and laid bare in the pages of leading newspapers and magazines, complete with neat wiring diagrams that demonstrate who is connected to whom and by what. From the political right "central fronts" of the "global war on terror" are invoked coupled to warnings that street warfare in Baghdad is preferable to fighting in Peoria, while the political left argues that the central front is actually somewhere else. If the global war on terror is little more than a pious fraud equating to political shorthand for something that is apparently too difficult to describe, does that mean that terrorism doesn't exist either? Alas, no, but still, the actual connection to the American citizen leading his workaday life remains unclear. Is it time to build a backyard bomb shelter, start collecting duct tape, or begin stocking up on cans of chili con carne? Or, alternatively, is it time to take a deep breath and stop thinking about terrorism, permitting one's eyes to safely glaze over every time Fox television news features Ollie North updating the viewer on the "The War on Terror"?

There is only one thing that is certain: there has been no major terrorism incident within the United States since 9/11. Whether this is due to the vigilance being exercised by the White House in defense of the United States and its citizens or owing to something else not quite so emotionally satisfying is the basic question which every American should be asking, particularly as the vigilance part is costing the taxpayer some hundreds of billions of dollars every year. If officials in the Department of Homeland Security know whether there are actual terrorist groups operating underground inside the United States, waiting for the opportunity to unleash mayhem, they are providing little in the way of evidence. But if such groups do exist, it is by no means clear what they are waiting for and there is precious little hard fact to suggest that there is a serious or imminent threat.

Consider the following: In the nearly five years since 9/11 there has not been a single arrest of any terrorist suspect who actually had the capability or resources to carry out the savage act he might have been contemplating. In recent terrorism cases, a California cherry picker named Hamid Hayat who allegedly had once attended a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan but might have lied when asked about it has been convicted and faces up to thirty-nine years in prison. Other highly publicized recent cases include last month's Albanians in New Jersey who may have been motivated to act by an FBI informant in their midst; June 2006's seven Miami Haitians who were largely entrapped by the FBI long before they were capable of doing anything and were even then described as "more aspirational than operational;" the September 2002 so-called Lackawanna Seven who once visited a Taliban training camp in Afghanistan; and the March 2004 conviction of three men in Virginia, admittedly supporters of Kashmiri independence groups, who had been arrested after being detected firing paint ball guns at each other in a nearby forest. And then there is the strange case of "dirty bomber" and "enemy combatant" Jose Padilla, who has been held in prison for five years, who allegedly has been tortured and might be insane, and whose terrorism credentials are so flimsy that the US government has finally admitted that it cannot make a case against him except on charges of conspiracy. Nevertheless, he continues to spend his time in prison, habeas corpus and his rights as a US citizen under the Bill of Rights be damned.

It is possible to cite numerous other cases of so-called terrorism convictions that just do not amount to anything. Indeed, while one can reasonably argue that anyone who even thinks about a terrorist act should be safely put away in prison, none of the known terrorist cases equate to a credible threat against the United States. The Department of Homeland Security has even admitted by implication that most of its terrorism cases are anything but serious. When twenty-four Pakistani men were arrested in London in August 2006 in connection with an apparent plot to bomb civilian airliners, senior Homeland Security officials were quick to commend Britain, confirming that the arrests were "the real thing" of actual terrorists, a clear implication on their part that other arrests that have taken place in the past have been something less than that.

The lack of any notable arrests of any serious terrorists in the United States suggests that the domestic terrorist danger in the form of home grown Islamic radicals has been grossly overstated and, quite possibly, does not amount to a serious threat. This is plausibly the reason that the United States has enjoyed relative security over the past five years. It should be recalled that 9/11 was carried out by visitors to the United States who by-and-large did not gravitate to the local Muslim community to cover their presence and activities, meaning that they did not trust local Muslims to be supportive. To be sure, the increased security at ports of entry and the difficulty in obtaining a visa if one is a Muslim, have certainly inhibited the ability of foreign terrorists to enter the US and carry out an attack, but the real danger to any country comes from locally grown radicals as they attract less attention, speak the language, know the culture, and can take their time to identify weak points in the security procedures. It is also more difficult to operate aggressively against them from a law enforcement point of view as to do so raises legitimate civil liberties concerns. London's transportation bombing in July 2005 and Madrid's train bombings in March 2004 were carried out by local residents, possibly aided and abetted by advice from al-Qaeda and its affiliates. The alienation of Muslims in Britain and France continues to be a subject of much attention in their media, and rightly so. Available evidence suggests that American Muslims have not been so radicalized.

All of the above is not to engage in sophistry over the question of terrorists and terrorism. Even though terrorism cannot destroy the American Republic unless we Americans help it to do so, terrorism definitely exists and even some grandstanding politicians surely speak the truth when they assert that there are large numbers of Islamic radicals out there who wish to do the United States harm. Some would delight in blowing up a city and killing half a million people, if they could. That they have not done so is not a tribute to the Patriot Act, to illegal NSA Eavesdropping, or to the Military Commissions Act, none of which has actually led to the arrest and conviction of a single viable terrorist. It is mostly due to the fact that nearly all of the six to eight million Muslims living in the United States are undoubtedly peace-loving and wish this country no harm.

05-31-2007, 07:41 PM
What an elaborate crock a shit that is! We haven't had a terrorist attack, because after 9-11 we invaded two Arabic countries, Afghanistan and Iraq, and now have our eyes peeled on Iran at the moment. So, their attack backfired. They attacked us to try and persuade us to change our policies in the Middle East, and in doing so they now have American foot soldiers on the ground scattered throughout Afghanistan and Iraq. You noticed that the Muslims who wanted to attack Ft. Dix were American citizens, so how can you claim that all Muslims in America are peaceful loving people? And for that matter, because of our significant military response, foreign nationals will now be hesitant to attack America, because their country will be held accountable and retaliated against. Thanks in large part to our Commander in Chief. Some Muslim bullies sucker-punched us in the nose on 9-11, and Bush had the balls to not only punch back, but bring the wrath of America down on their heads.

Why don’t you stick to what you know ChefMike; like cooking and trannies?

05-31-2007, 08:02 PM
We haven't had a terrorist attack, because after 9-11 we invaded two Arabic countries, Afghanistan and Iraq, and now have our eyes peeled on Iran at the moment. So, their attack backfired..

And for that matter, because of our significant military response, foreign nationals will now be hesitant to attack America, because their country will be held accountable and retaliated against. Thanks in large part to our Commander in Chief.

Wow, never underestimate the neo-cons' loyal army of dumbasses. You a good, godfearing Christian InHouston?

05-31-2007, 08:30 PM
We haven't had a terrorist attack, because after 9-11 we invaded two Arabic countries, Afghanistan and Iraq, and now have our eyes peeled on Iran at the moment. So, their attack backfired..

And for that matter, because of our significant military response, foreign nationals will now be hesitant to attack America, because their country will be held accountable and retaliated against. Thanks in large part to our Commander in Chief.

Wow, never underestimate the neo-cons' loyal army of dumbasses. You a good, godfearing Christian InHouston?

He's one of the few US citizens who continue to be apologists for the gang of neocon, chickenhawk, and war-profiteering crooks and liars soon to be exterminated from the whitehouse like the vermin that they are!

05-31-2007, 11:32 PM
What an elaborate crock a shit that is! We haven't had a terrorist attack, because after 9-11 we invaded two Arabic countries, Afghanistan and Iraq, and now have our eyes peeled on Iran at the moment. So, their attack backfired. They attacked us to try and persuade us to change our policies in the Middle East, and in doing so they now have American foot soldiers on the ground scattered throughout Afghanistan and Iraq. You noticed that the Muslims who wanted to attack Ft. Dix were American citizens, so how can you claim that all Muslims in America are peaceful loving people? And for that matter, because of our significant military response, foreign nationals will now be hesitant to attack America, because their country will be held accountable and retaliated against. Thanks in large part to our Commander in Chief. Some Muslim bullies sucker-punched us in the nose on 9-11, and Bush had the balls to not only punch back, but bring the wrath of America down on their heads.

Why don’t you stick to what you know ChefMike; like cooking and trannies?

LMAO I'm glad you think they are feeling our wrath b/c they aren't. It wasn't a sucker punch because its known that thats how they fight and that they were in the country and we ignored it and they chose to ignore it b/c the government is corrupt and not fighting over oil, but global dominance....you think the guys they elect in Iraq are thinking of the best interests of Iraq? NO...they are what you call dummy units that...I'm not even gonna start on the propaganda bullshit. Anyways, the war is shifting in the other direction. They barely even fight anymore. 80% of US casualties come from IEDs now which means there isn't that much fighting anymore...just us getting blown the hell up. What good is killing the guy that set the bomb if he took out 6-12 guys. Theres no military solution to holy wars. Were forcing our beliefs and way of life onto people that are willing to die for their cause and thats exactly what they're doing and taking us with them in the process. It's 9/11 all over again....just with us in a different territory. The government and military just shields a lot of it and lies about there motives and casualties on both sides. If you know anyone in the military over there or in the CIA they will confirm this information. It's not exactly Top Secret.

05-31-2007, 11:54 PM
Wrath...violence creates violence. We're seeing that in Iraq now. The US government is just breeding future terrorists. Look at the big picture. Afghanistan is now dependent on the drug trade. Our government didn't finish the job in Afghanistan, and decided to invade Iraq for no reason. Stretching our government's resources. The Taliban actually was against the drug trade in Afghanistan. Bush is a joke. He has his own agenda, and it's obvious. The next president will spend their time cleaning up this mess. Or trying to. The damage has been done. I'm really fearing the worst now.

05-31-2007, 11:57 PM
Wrath...violence creates violence. We're seeing that in Iraq now. The US government is just breeding future terrorists. Look at the big picture. Afghanistan is now dependent on the drug trade. Our government didn't finish the job in Afghanistan, and decided to invade Iraq for no reason. Stretching our government's resources. The Taliban actually was against the drug trade in Afghanistan. Bush is a joke. He has his own agenda, and it's obvious. The next president will spend their time cleaning up this mess. Or trying to. The damage has been done. I'm really fearing the worst now.

I completely agree wholeheartedly.

06-01-2007, 01:43 AM
We haven't had a terrorist attack, because after 9-11 we invaded two Arabic countries, Afghanistan and Iraq, and now have our eyes peeled on Iran at the moment. So, their attack backfired..

And for that matter, because of our significant military response, foreign nationals will now be hesitant to attack America, because their country will be held accountable and retaliated against. Thanks in large part to our Commander in Chief.

Wow, never underestimate the neo-cons' loyal army of dumbasses. You a good, godfearing Christian InHouston?

Nope. I'm an Atheist. I believe in what I see, and not what I'm told.

06-01-2007, 02:04 AM
Nope. I'm an Atheist. I believe in what I see, and not what I'm told.

Could have fooled me, because you're spouting the 30% line word for word.

After personally seeing the towers fall in front of my face, smelling it for months on end, burying only memories of my friends, I, very quickly, saw through the lies of the Bush Administration. As did most NYers. Just as we saw through Rudy's very quickly, as well.

Perhaps you had to be here to feel the way I do.

I think, in the beginning, you had to be from here, you had to have experienced it personally to truly understand how the deaths of our friends and family were being used as a puppet in a larger game. Of course, the rest of the world saw how wrong our actions were. Sometimes, here in NYC, it felt like we weren't even part of America anymore. None of what was happening, how people were voting, the polls, made sense.

Now, most Americans have awakened and realized the truth and the tragedies that have spawned from 9/11. I hope someday, you will, as well.

06-01-2007, 02:23 AM
Nope. I'm an Atheist. I believe in what I see, and not what I'm told.

Could have fooled me, because you're spouting the 30% line word for word.

After personally seeing the towers fall in front of my face, smelling it for months on end, burying only memories of my friends, I, very quickly, saw through the lies of the Bush Administration. As did most NYers. Just as we saw through Rudy's very quickly, as well.

Perhaps you had to be here to feel the way I do.

I think, in the beginning, you had to be from here, you had to have experienced it personally to truly understand how the deaths of our friends and family were being used as a puppet in a larger game. Of course, the rest of the world saw how wrong our actions were. Sometimes, here in NYC, it felt like we weren't even part of America anymore. None of what was happening, how people were voting, the polls, made sense.

Now, most Americans have awakened and realized the truth and the tragedies that have spawned from 9/11. I hope someday, you will, as well. :claps :claps :claps
It's powerful to hear this from a New Yorker, man. Thanks for the post.
As a European who can only imagine what happened, your account really makes me understand how it must have been and how you must feel now.

As a person who was against Bush from the start and who realized how America was making enemies and putting its people in danger, I now hope that Americans will reclaim their country from this corrupt administration and that the US will become a friend of the world once more, as it had tried to be to an extent under Clinton and as I thought it could be under Gore.

I have been to America and have American friends. I think America has the potential to be the greatest and most-loved country in the world. But sadly, today it's not even close.

I hope you all make the right choice at the polls next year.

you've got my respect


06-01-2007, 02:56 AM
Maybee this is another post , but did anyone see the documentary , LOOSE CHANGE , That really brought our position as to what we are doing now as to where we were on the day of ...

06-01-2007, 03:36 AM
Nope. I'm an Atheist. I believe in what I see, and not what I'm told.

Could have fooled me, because you're spouting the 30% line word for word.

After personally seeing the towers fall in front of my face, smelling it for months on end, burying only memories of my friends, I, very quickly, saw through the lies of the Bush Administration. As did most NYers. Just as we saw through Rudy's very quickly, as well.

Perhaps you had to be here to feel the way I do.

I think, in the beginning, you had to be from here, you had to have experienced it personally to truly understand how the deaths of our friends and family were being used as a puppet in a larger game. Of course, the rest of the world saw how wrong our actions were. Sometimes, here in NYC, it felt like we weren't even part of America anymore. None of what was happening, how people were voting, the polls, made sense.

Now, most Americans have awakened and realized the truth and the tragedies that have spawned from 9/11. I hope someday, you will, as well.

It means a lot to read this from A NEW YORKER. I agree totally with this assesment of the situation. This is the ONE subject that i actually bite my tongue on here at H.A. and ONLY because of the NY-centric nature of the forum and high number of new yorkers that post here. I kinda figured that any views I may have could be a little offensive to people who 'were there'. It just depends which 'conspiracy theory' you believe.....the neo-con theory or the more likely, realistic, slightly obvious one. I think mr bin laden is currently residing in his trailer, getting ready to film his latest video monologue in the same hanger that they filmed the moon landings in

06-01-2007, 04:54 AM
What a bunch of bolshevik propaganda! The reason why the towers fell is because of a weak US presence in the world during the Clinton years. The first time they tried to blow up the WTC - - - no response, they blow up a couple of US embassies - - - no response, they blow up the USS Cole, no response There was no response because democrats are the biggest chicken shit bullshit artists on this planet!

06-01-2007, 06:03 AM
Maybee this is another post , but did anyone see the documentary , LOOSE CHANGE , That really brought our position as to what we are doing now as to where we were on the day of ...

Yeah I saw it. That documentary was badass. they are remaking it with Charlie Sheen narrating it now though. Definitely a must see.

06-01-2007, 06:48 AM
Maybee this is another post , but did anyone see the documentary , LOOSE CHANGE , That really brought our position as to what we are doing now as to where we were on the day of ...

Yeah I saw it. That documentary was badass. they are remaking it with Charlie Sheen narrating it now though. Definitely a must see.

I haven't seen it yet. I'll make sure that I do, though...and with the usual exceptions of BushInc apologists like Intheassholeoftheworld and gumpone, there were some great posts in this thread.

06-01-2007, 07:10 AM
It's hilarious to watch people stand up for Democrats or Republicans. Collectivelly (sp) they are actors, lawyers, faces waiting for their terms in public office to end, waiting for the big pay day. When they're out of office. (ironically the actor we had as President wasn't one of them, but members of his cabinet were).
What is the key to that pay day? Insider information.

9/11 happen. It wasn't an inside conspiriacy. But it happened. We jumped on Afganastan. Good call, they were there. But they retreated to Pakistan. But we didn't follow in full force.

Our fucking Saudi allies asked us to get our bases out of their country so they could insure their continued oil production. No problem. We'll take over Iraq, they're a bunch of patsies and set up our mid east operations there. (Remember Afganastan is land locked).

So where's the money? Halliburton. Oil Companies (thank you our Saudi Allies and our politicians with money is oil companies). Watch the "green companies" spike as Bush mentions we must deal with global warming. Who owns shares at that moment.

It's the money. It's your money. And both parties seek to separate fools from their money. And dip their beak in the spoils. (And my Limey bretheran don't jump on me without telling me what John Majors has been doing since leaving public office. And wait to see what Tony Blair ends up doing.)

We got shit for choices for public office. Similar to Rome and England prior to the fall of their empires. But we the silent majority, have allowed that to happen. We have become retarded and galdly eat the shit we are fed by the media. And what we are fed is sadly tastelest but allows our bowels to move on a regular basis without discomfort.

Go Hil, Go Obama, Go Milt, Go Rudy, Go Johnny Mac (watch your step there old timer) oh wait it's the guy from "walking tall".

Man we've turned into a bunch of idiots. And we still have the best military in the world but we duct tape their mouth and take away their weapons. Why? Cause if we let them loose, we'd have our leaders' money in the wrong companies and wouldn't make a profit.

06-01-2007, 07:26 AM
You noticed that the Muslims who wanted to attack Ft. Dix were American citizens, so how can you claim that all Muslims in America are peaceful loving people?

OK, that's 6 out of 8 million. That means .000075% have been proven to be non-peace loving Americans.

And for that matter, because of our significant military response, foreign nationals will now be hesitant to attack America, because their country will be held accountable and retaliated against.

Did I miss the invasion of Saudi Arabia? al-Qaeda has no national boundries.

Some Muslim bullies sucker-punched us in the nose on 9-11, and Bush had the balls to not only punch back, but bring the wrath of America down on their heads.

And that has helped us how? Opened the poppy fields in Afghanistan again, destabilized the Gulf region, empowered Iran and Syria, cost US taxpayers $ 500,000,000,000 US, cost us all of the moral goodwill and sympathy the attacks generated, killed and wounded thousands of our soldiers, alienated most of our allies and left us in 2 conflicts with no end in sight, and almost no prospect of a good outcome when it does.

06-01-2007, 10:23 AM
What a bunch of bolshevik propaganda! The reason why the towers fell is because of a weak US presence in the world during the Clinton years. The first time they tried to blow up the WTC - - - no response, they blow up a couple of US embassies - - - no response, they blow up the USS Cole, no response There was no response because democrats are the biggest chicken shit bullshit artists on this planet!

The towers fell under Bush's watch. Bush had received documents warning of an attack like the one that was to happen on that day and he chose to ignore it.

The US presence in the world is not weak, it's fucked up; you're making more enemies daily. There were people partying around the world after the 9/11 attack, because they hated the US so much.

So the US invaded Afghanistan to get Bin Laden. So where is he? Why hasn't he been caught and brought to justice? Why is Afghanistan as badly off now as it was before the Taliban were driven out? Why is the opium trade even stronger?

So the US pre-emptively invaded Iraq for a whole load of false excuses, despite UN opposition. Saddam was driven out, but Iraq is even more fucked up than it was and now Americans are dying too. And now everyone's talking about the new Vietnam- can you see the light at the end of the tunnel?

Your allies are abandoning you. Your friends have become your enemies. Most Americans don't even have a passport- why the fuck does America need a strong presence in the world?

And if it does want a presence, the US should be a leader and a peacemaker. Clinton tried to do and was partially successful. But the man in the White House now has set the standard for failure. The US should stop wars, not start them. The US should be a friend to everyone. Right now America is a big bully.

06-01-2007, 03:29 PM
I didn't know you worked at the whitehouse.

American is the welfare office to the world. Every sap on this planet walks up to the teller window and gets a check.

Just a thought but for the sake of global warming wouldn't it be beneficial if we just let nature take it's course once in a while?

Time to thin the herd. Hey the Red Chinese are doing it and you love & respect them don'tcha?

06-01-2007, 04:08 PM
guyone said:

I didn't know you worked at the whitehouse.

American is the welfare office to the world.

What a pile of old rubbish. Do you still believe that? America gives a great deal of aid, but per capita, other countries lead the way.

Every sap on this planet walks up to the teller window and gets a check.
Is that how you manage to pay the rent?

Sorry, but you walked straight into that one. :D

Time to thin the herd. Hey the Red Chinese are doing it and you love & respect them don'tcha?
Time to thin the herd? Isn't that what psychos say just before they go on a rampage?

Oh and about China, I don't think highly at all of them- a regime where human rights are trodden on, where people are jailed for speaking up and where communism and capitalism at their worst intermingle.

Just a thought but for the sake of global warming wouldn't it be beneficial if we just let nature take it's course once in a while?
Yes, but shouldn't that mean not pumping pollutants in the atmosphere as well.?Or are you happy to ignore environmental concerns and 'let nature take its course' as long as the poor fuckers who suffer are the Africans and the Asians?

06-01-2007, 05:14 PM
al Qaeda felled the towers because the U.S. had troops in Saudi Arabia, the home of Mecca. Our intelligence agencies told us this and al Qaeda told us this. shortly after the tragedy, Bush withdrew those troops. End of threat. But not the end of his manipulation of the induced paranoia and fear to further his own not so well thought out ambitions.

06-01-2007, 05:47 PM
Maybee this is another post , but did anyone see the documentary , LOOSE CHANGE , That really brought our position as to what we are doing now as to where we were on the day of ...

Yeah I saw it. That documentary was badass. they are remaking it with Charlie Sheen narrating it now though. Definitely a must see.

I haven't seen it yet. I'll make sure that I do, though...and with the usual exceptions of BushInc apologists like Intheassholeoftheworld and gumpone, there were some great posts in this thread.


full version before they took out the unlicensed footage.

06-01-2007, 05:59 PM
What a bunch of bolshevik propaganda! The reason why the towers fell is because of a weak US presence in the world during the Clinton years. The first time they tried to blow up the WTC - - - no response, they blow up a couple of US embassies - - - no response, they blow up the USS Cole, no response There was no response because democrats are the biggest chicken shit bullshit artists on this planet!

Ditto! Bin Laden himself called the United States "a paper tiger" after we pulled our troops out of Mogadishu believing that if you punch us in the nose, we’ll run. You know, and in all fairness to Clinton, why not? I mean, Mogadishu wasn’t really worth escalating into a full military battle at the expense of losing more troops. After all, we were just trying to nab a warlord there, and not invade the place. So I can understand where Clinton’s mind was at the time. Most people back then would think “To hell with this place. It’s not worth it.”, and just get the troops out. Unfortunately, and unbeknownst to America at the time, this move emboldened Bin Laden into believing that the United States could not politically afford to retaliate against a rogue enemy that wears no country’s uniform. So they punched us in the nose again on 9/11, and this time we came at them will a full fury. Why? Because this time they didn’t attack a military target, they attacked thousands of innocent civilians right before our eyes on our own soil. That calls for an immediate retaliation.

What I find interesting in topics like this on this forum, you rarely ever hear the blame being placed directly on the hijackers and/or Bin Laden for that matter. It’s always America’s fault, yet only during the Bush administration and everything was done oh so correctly during the Clinton administration where so many events led up to this. It’s not America’s fault, it’s not Bush’s fault, it’s not really Clinton’s fault either. When we ran to the defense of Kuwait, Bin Laden was personally offended when the Saudi’s turned down his offer to fight the Iraqis with his militia. Then, he was even more offended when the Saudi’s allowed the Allied forces (not just American) to stage in Saudi Arabia. To Bin Laden, that was unacceptable for Western forces to be on Arab soil and to fight an Arab war. What can you do? He’s a simple-minded son of a bitch. This is when he started to plot the 9/11 attacks. No one really believed such an attack would be pulled off. Sure the CIA was catching chatter about a big event that summer, but the CIA hears chatter about possible attacks all the time, and they didn’t have specifics about the 9/11 attacks.

I also read here on this forum of people applauding the opinions of the New Yorkers here. However, I heard one New Yorker in a video on the streets of New York on 9/11 say “We’re not going to stoop to the level of these zealous pigs who did this.” She knew where the blame should be placed. Why can’t you other New Yorkers on this forum? When the democrats get full control of the White House and congress in 08, then I suppose they’ll be happy. I can only wonder though, that it’s possible the terrorists are being patient and waiting for a democratic and more passive president to launch another attack.

Could be true …

06-02-2007, 12:57 AM
You noticed that the Muslims who wanted to attack Ft. Dix were American citizens, so how can you claim that all Muslims in America are peaceful loving people?

OK, that's 6 out of 8 million. That means .000075% have been proven to be non-peace loving Americans.

And for that matter, because of our significant military response, foreign nationals will now be hesitant to attack America, because their country will be held accountable and retaliated against.

Did I miss the invasion of Saudi Arabia? al-Qaeda has no national boundries.

Some Muslim bullies sucker-punched us in the nose on 9-11, and Bush had the balls to not only punch back, but bring the wrath of America down on their heads.

And that has helped us how? Opened the poppy fields in Afghanistan again, destabilized the Gulf region, empowered Iran and Syria, cost US taxpayers $ 500,000,000,000 US, cost us all of the moral goodwill and sympathy the attacks generated, killed and wounded thousands of our soldiers, alienated most of our allies and left us in 2 conflicts with no end in sight, and almost no prospect of a good outcome when it does.

Very well said, Oli. You nailed it.

06-02-2007, 01:16 AM
No he didn't.

06-02-2007, 01:38 AM
You noticed that the Muslims who wanted to attack Ft. Dix were American citizens, so how can you claim that all Muslims in America are peaceful loving people?

OK, that's 6 out of 8 million. That means .000075% have been proven to be non-peace loving Americans.

And for that matter, because of our significant military response, foreign nationals will now be hesitant to attack America, because their country will be held accountable and retaliated against.

Did I miss the invasion of Saudi Arabia? al-Qaeda has no national boundries.

Some Muslim bullies sucker-punched us in the nose on 9-11, and Bush had the balls to not only punch back, but bring the wrath of America down on their heads.

And that has helped us how? Opened the poppy fields in Afghanistan again, destabilized the Gulf region, empowered Iran and Syria, cost US taxpayers $ 500,000,000,000 US, cost us all of the moral goodwill and sympathy the attacks generated, killed and wounded thousands of our soldiers, alienated most of our allies and left us in 2 conflicts with no end in sight, and almost no prospect of a good outcome when it does.

Very well said, Oli. You nailed it.

Definitely a great post on Oli's part. One thing not mentioned was the severe the damage done to our conventional deterrent capability. At best, it will take decades to repair. Seriously, if you don't get it by this point, grab the nearest hammer and do yourself a favor by braining yourself.


06-02-2007, 05:18 AM
It only makes sense if your synapses are misfiring.

06-02-2007, 05:34 AM
It only makes sense if your synapses are misfiring.

Awwwwwwwwww, did Oli use too many numbers and multisyllabic words for you, Gumpone? Sucks being part of that intellectually stunted 30% of the electorate, doesn't it?


06-02-2007, 06:01 AM
I wouldn't know but I'm sure you can give me a first hand report. The city provides you with a special bus, right?

06-02-2007, 06:16 AM
I wouldn't know. . . .

No shit you wouldn't know. That lack of comprehension comes with the whole not understanding numbers and multisyllabic words thing you have going on. :P

Anyway, I'm off to get some sleep now. I have to get up early so I can take the bus with all the other helmet wearing folk. LOL....


06-02-2007, 07:33 AM
That’s our guyone…only quips…never any reasoned argument…never any analysis…just lame little one liners as short as his dick. But you have to forgive him, he thinks he’s THE ONE who will defeat the agents and lead us out of the virtual world. Actually he’s just a little squirt who’s fighting age, demands we keep out troops in Iraq but is too cowardly to back up his opinion by joining them in the field.

06-02-2007, 09:56 AM
Why mince words, trish? Gumpone is a a fucking cretin, and a coward to boot.

06-02-2007, 04:44 PM
Hey, neo....join the armed forces in Iraq and see if nature takes its course.

06-02-2007, 09:22 PM
I feel sorry for you both. So much pain and sorrow in your lives. Opportunities squandered, lovers vanquished into oblivion, and the only thing to look forward to is just a few more summers before the old ticker gives its last pump. So your only recourse is to take it out on the youthful dissenter of parasitical behavior. That's okay I understand.

06-02-2007, 09:23 PM
Would you like me to run to the store and get some Geritol for you both? I understand those walkers are quite cumbersome.