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General Disarray
05-31-2007, 01:38 AM
could you have sex with an asshole who looks like brad pitt/Angelina Jolie?
Could you have sex with someone who has a sparkling personality but looks like an asshole?
How much does it matter to you?

05-31-2007, 01:46 AM
could you have sex with an asshole who looks like brad pitt/Angelina Jolie? Yes, maybe once or twice. Or five or six times...But no more. It would just be good sex, but after a while you need more than that. So yes, but not over a long relationship.

Could you have sex with someone who has a sparkling personality but looks like an asshole? Does she have to look like an asshole? I mean if she just looks okay the answer would be yes, but if she looks gross then I would find it difficult. I might do it if she wanted me to- if she was a really sweet girl but was depressed becuase no one liked her. But more than a few times would be difficult again.

How much does it matter to you?Looks are important, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There's someone for everyone, I think. Personality is very important if you want a relationship and not just looking to get laid. Over a long term relationship her personality (whether she is sweet, kind, clever and funny) will be more important than whether she's hot or not, but initially looks can play a major part. Sad but true.

05-31-2007, 01:48 AM
You've heard the saying - "No matter how hot she is, someone somewhere's sick of her shit"?
Personality's everything in the long term.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-31-2007, 02:19 AM
could you have sex with an asshole who looks like brad pitt/Angelina Jolie?


Could you have sex with someone who has a sparkling personality but looks like an asshole?

Possibly..If I'm buzzed, even more! But I dont drink..Haha..

How much does it matter to you?

While a great personality is a must in my view..it also helps when someone is "easy on the eyes". ;)



05-31-2007, 02:20 AM
could you have sex with an asshole who looks like brad pitt/Angelina Jolie?
Could you have sex with someone who has a sparkling personality but looks like an asshole?
How much does it matter to you?

1. Hell 2 the no. :smh

2. Well I wouldn't want them to look like death
warmed over. But a great personality can
compensate for someone who isn't that
physically attractive.

3. In the long run, I am more concerned about
their integrity, character, intelligence, and
sense of humor. If they fall short in those
departments, it's a moot point as to how
good looking they are.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-31-2007, 02:21 AM
...double post Grrr.. :evil:

05-31-2007, 02:22 AM
As much as looks do!

05-31-2007, 02:23 AM
could you have sex with an asshole who looks like brad pitt/Angelina Jolie?
Could you have sex with someone who has a sparkling personality but looks like an asshole?
How much does it matter to you?

1. Yes, I´d fuck her only because she´s an asshole
2. I don´t know, make-up is a miracle

05-31-2007, 03:14 AM
Either. Or. As long as they're clean, semi-attractive, and fun to be with.

05-31-2007, 03:28 AM
Personality comes first when it comes to actual sexual encounter. A beautiful girl/boy that has a bad character is not attractive to me - I look and act at her/him like she/he is a rotten furniture in an old house or a piece of rock in a desert.

I think this world would be a better place if people with bad destructive character "die out". And you can also accomplish that by not having sex with them and deny them any tenderness - because otherwise they will take it as a personal compliment to their character.

So, no. Even if someone is most beautiful but has a bad character, chances are higher I put my fist in his/hers face (to mess its "beauty" up a little - hehe) than my cock into his/hers body.

05-31-2007, 03:33 AM
I feel that personality is number one! The most beautiful person can be real ugly if they have a bad personality. Looks can attract someone but personality is what keeps the flame burning.

Jennifer Paris

05-31-2007, 05:39 AM
I feel that personality is number one! The most beautiful person can be real ugly if they have a bad personality. Looks can attract someone but personality is what keeps the flame burning.

Jennifer Paris
110% true.

05-31-2007, 05:45 AM
I got past #1 when I was about 16. Ain't worth the hassle.

Great personality and average looks will win out every time.

Now really good lookin' and crazy,that one can draw me in.

05-31-2007, 05:59 AM
I prefer to date more average men then men that are really good looking with huge egos!

05-31-2007, 06:00 AM
If we are just talking about sex, then personality is not all that big of a factor. But it is hard to invest the time and energy to get close enough to have sex with an asshole.

Personally, I don't like to have sex with anyone that I don't have a bond with. I've done it before but found that afterwards I feel like 'damn, I could have had a V8'. It just ain't that fulfilling. So if a person is an asshole, that would get in the way.

Looks will have you trying to find the good in an asshole. How many of us have tried to get to know some personal lacking personality. If the girl is pretty but a little boring how many of us would pass on a chance.

05-31-2007, 06:05 AM
she either ticks both categories or shes not interesting

05-31-2007, 06:08 AM
LMAO @ some of the replies. Lying to others is one thing, but to yourself??????!? Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

could you have sex with an asshole who looks like Angelina Jolie?
is there a guy on this forum that HAS NOT had sex with a fine ass chick who acted like an asshole?!? LMAO
to answer the question, hell yes because there is nothing like the look on that bitches face when she's getting it rough from behind (mod note: see http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=20594&highlight=rough+behind for verification of fine chicks) and suddenly she's not an asshole but a "thank you for this orgasm I am about to receive" dame................

Could you have sex with someone who has a sparkling personality but looks like an asshole? AGAIN is there a MAN on this forum that HAS NOT had sex with the sparkling personality chick with the ehhhhh looks?!? It's called late night quickie or rainy day pussy!!!!!!!!! You fellas know exactly what I mean, you're horny she calls you to bullshit with the"what are you doing?" convo, which essentially means: "come tap this pussy please" and you go do your thing and leave..........

How much does it matter to you? It doesn't matter, it is what it is. Humans will always give in to sexual desire and the need of the orgasm sometimes makes us make irrational decisions that we either later shake our head at, or we smirk at during something to take our minds off the boring, tedious task in front of us..........

05-31-2007, 06:17 AM
LMAO @ some of the replies. Lying to others is one thing, but to yourself??????!? Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

could you have sex with an asshole who looks like Angelina Jolie?
is there a guy on this forum that HAS NOT had sex with a fine ass chick who acted like an asshole?!? LMAO
to answer the question, hell yes because there is nothing like the look on that bitches face when she's getting it rough from behind (mod note: see http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=20594&highlight=rough+behind for verification of fine chicks) and suddenly she's not an asshole but a "thank you for this orgasm I am about to receive" dame................

Could you have sex with someone who has a sparkling personality but looks like an asshole? AGAIN is there a MAN on this forum that HAS NOT had sex with the sparkling personality chick with the ehhhhh looks?!? It's called late night quickie or rainy day pussy!!!!!!!!! You fellas know exactly what I mean, you're horny she calls you to bullshit with the"what are you doing?" convo, which essentially means: "come tap this pussy please" and you go do your thing and leave..........

How much does it matter to you? It doesn't matter, it is what it is. Humans will always give in to sexual desire and the need of the orgasm sometimes makes us make irrational decisions that we either later shake our head at, or we smirk at during something to take our minds off the boring, tedious task in front of us..........

jesus christ, JWBL, this is an internet forum. take it easy with the truth.

05-31-2007, 06:32 AM
is there a guy on this forum that HAS NOT had sex with a fine ass chick who acted like an asshole?!?

AGAIN is there a MAN on this forum that HAS NOT had sex with the sparkling personality chick with the ehhhhh looks?!? It's called late night quickie or rainy day pussy!!!!!!!!!

ill raise both hands to that... or actually fulfilling my duty as the german guy around here ill only rais my right hand to that
anyway point is by the time i would be pissed enough to go hogging or pissed enough not to be pissed off id be too pissed to use my penis for anything else than pissing

05-31-2007, 06:45 AM
my bad E, but you of all people I know can relate...................LOL

I'd rather tell the truth and have folks say "fuck Johnny" than bullshit

05-31-2007, 08:46 AM
Johnny,I never found the work/money it takes get the great-lookin' bitchy ones worth the effort.

That's why I prefer the crazy variant. They may burn your car and stalk you for years,but the sex is amazing and you've got great stories to tell if you live through it.

BTW,I put Angelina Jolie in the good-lookin' crazy camp. How else do you explain Billy-Bob Thornton tapping it?

06-01-2007, 12:44 AM
@1) yeah sure, actually i d really enjoy fucking a real pretentious bitch. face-fucking her wildly in order to make her gag (and after hopefully she didnt bite off my dick) then

i would give her really rough anal.

so hopefully shell remember those special moments for a coupel of days whenever she tries to place her gucci-ass on any available seat.

@2) depends on the number of beers. one too many and theres no more fucking possible.

but beeing a man and always keen on fulfílling bad cliches i will tell ya, almost no chick is too ugly if ure in need and shes willing.

yeah soudns like a nice way of taking revenge lol