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View Full Version : Attack of the Passive-aggressive Internet Crybabies

05-30-2007, 07:53 AM
What the hell is up with all the internet crybabies? They say their piece, you respond with a different point of view, and they cry like a toddler who's just wet their diapers. The saddest thing about all of this is that the passive-aggressive internet punks here seem to mostly be living in their mommy's basement, way past the age at which they should know better. Of course, there are those who are younger, and seemingly have nothing better to do with their time than jump in a thread and insult whomever, then cry about it. This is all well known, of course. The question is, why do these nancyboys cry about it when someone points out the fact that they are obviously dickless pussies?

While the natural response to being insulted is to counter with an insult of your own, these punks always seem to be inviting the inevitable ridicule, which we all know that these thumb sucking twerps are begging for...

These wimps claim to have fought any number of "internet battles" over the years, yet they cry foul whenever they are called out for being the pompous, prevaricating pussies that they are. Why do these wimps crave the ridicule? Why do you punks come back after a cyber-beatdown like a dog licking it's own vomit? Bigger than all that, if my responses to what you have to say aren't positive, why do you continue to prove yourselves to be jackasses?

It's time to just say NO to dickless passive-aggressive internet nancyboys like these... I'm gonna throw out a couple of names here, and of course these are just pseudonyms, and certainly not meant to portray any passive-aggressive pantywaists who currently whimper for sympathy on this forum...






05-30-2007, 08:10 AM
What's the matter?


You should be used to that...

05-30-2007, 07:48 PM