View Full Version : Darfur, Genocide, and Global Warming

05-30-2007, 12:59 AM


05-30-2007, 01:55 AM
Thanks for the links, chefmike. Despite the protestations of an increasingly small minority, global warming is happening, and mankind appears to be the only reason for the rate of change. The Western World can either sit idly by and watch our TV's as millions starve (as we largely did in the 1980's, and scientific evidence suggests that it may have been pollution from North America and Europe that caused the African drought that triggered the Ethiopian Famine), and watch countries go to war over ever dwindlng water resources (and you can bet your bottom dollar there will be a war in the Middle-east over the River Jordan in the coming decades), or we can try to lessen our impacts. Famine in Africa, and probably Asia as well, will trigger a refugee crisis the likes of what we have never seen. And where do you think all these people will head for?

It will be far more humanitarian, and cheaper, to act now.

The (Stern) report says that without action, up to 200 million people could become refugees as their homes are hit by drought or flood.

Unfortunately, I'm of the opinion that the Christian Right want to see major death and destruction around the world, as it's a sign of their "End Times". White_Male_Canada wouldn't happen to be very religious would he?

05-30-2007, 02:36 AM
Unfortunately, I'm of the opinion that the Christian Right want to see major death and destruction around the world, as it's a sign of their "End Times". White_Male_Canada wouldn't happen to be very religious would he?

Who cares?

We pretty much ignore the hyena in question, unless of course we're really bored, and we feel like rattling the White_Mounted_Canadian's cage...although this only encourages the pompous, prevaricating, pantywaist putz...as he obviously craves the abuse...actually he fuckin' comes back for it again and again, like a dog eating it's own vomit... :P

05-30-2007, 06:01 PM
Knockout global warming!

05-31-2007, 11:06 PM

06-02-2007, 01:07 AM
And now even the chimp-in-chief has capitulated and humbly submitted to Global Warming dialogues! 8)

06-29-2007, 09:19 AM

06-29-2007, 05:21 PM
:lol: You morons make us laugh so fucking hard, you just don`t know :lol: !

Coulda swore Sudan was engaged in a civil for for over 38 years, pitting the
SPLM/A against the muslim government, it`s sharia law and it`s backing of the Janjaweed army .

Not that is comedy !

:lol: It get`s even more hilarious ! Rape is due to global warming ! :lol:

"Sweden experienced a quadrupling in the number of rape charges in the space of a single generation. Yet Sweden's largest newspaper Aftonbladet recently indicated that the spike in rape numbers was due to the "warm weather," which would presumably mean that these rapes are caused by global warming."
