View Full Version : Memorial Day

05-28-2007, 07:44 AM
Today is Memorial Day, a day of parades, BBQ's, baseball, beach trips and far too much driving. It's a 3 day weekend. It is also a day to remember those who stood up for what America was, is and will become.

We should remember those who died and honor their service and sacrifice. We should cheer the men and women marching down Main Street behind the high school band for what they have done. We should pray for the men and women who stand for us now, in harm's way, whether we believe they should be there or not.

I'll march today with men who served in Europe and the islands of the Pacific. Men who flew planes off carriers and patrol craft from Iceland. Submariners and deck hands. Helicopter pilots from Korea and Vietnam. A B-52 pilot, and marines who fought through Hue. There will be men and women from Grenada, Panama, the first Gulf War and the Balkans. In front of all of us will be a one armed young man who came back from Afghanistan before Christmas. And we will honor him.

To Chef, Quinn, ThomBergeron(sp), yoda, Scubasteve and all the other vets here, I honor you for your bravery and courage, for doing the difficult because you felt it was your duty. I'm proud to be in your company.

05-28-2007, 09:32 AM
Likewise, Oli. All my best to you and yours, brother.

05-28-2007, 05:40 PM
I thought you bolshies only celebrated May day?

05-28-2007, 10:47 PM
have a good one, Oli, Chefmike, Specialk and all you vets out there.

05-29-2007, 01:43 AM

05-29-2007, 02:18 AM
have a good one, Oli, Chefmike, Specialk and all you vets out there.

Thanks Trish, but Im not a Vet. I once played one on TV though :wink:
I had a lottery number back in the early 70's during Nam, and my number didn't come up. Lucky me?

I extend a big tip of the hat to all those men and woman who are :claps

05-29-2007, 04:28 AM
I thought you bolshies only celebrated May day?

Could you possibly be more of a clueless, dickless, cowardly, and totally irrelevant punk, gumpone?

Not bloody likely....

Your drivel may even one day surpass White_Mounted_Canadian's delusional pablum.

And that's saying a lot, gump.

Well done, cretin.

05-29-2007, 06:20 AM
Boy someone got out of the wrong side of the rock this morning.

05-30-2007, 06:38 AM
Could you possibly be more of a clueless, dickless, cowardly, and totally irrelevant punk, gumpone?

Not bloody likely....

Your drivel may even one day surpass White_Mounted_Canadian's delusional pablum.

And that's saying a lot, gump.

Well done, cretin.

05-30-2007, 01:17 PM
I have to disagree with your initial definition of Memorial Day, Oli. Although I usually am not one to put too much attention on wording, in this case I think it is important to point out how you worded what Memorial Day is all about. I think it's important because it embodies the way most, if not all, American's view Memorial Day. It is not "a day of parades, BBQ's, baseball, beach trips...and ALSO a day to remember those who stood up for what America was, is and will become." It is first and foremost, indeed ONLY, a day to remember. Sad as it is that we choose one day out of a year to do so...but that's for another conversation. I'm sure the men you marched with appreciate you taking the time, but let's be honest...the men and women who are in harms way now need more than your prayers. They need action. Many of them are still under the spell of the "American Dream" the "Greatest Country ever" and that helps them to put themselves, their family and friends , as well as their fears, in the back of their minds and push forward to die for a 'cause'. What is the cause? They don't really know themselves, they can only regurgitate talking points that they here from the zombies back home. (Sometimes those very same family and friends, but most times the politicians and so called President) The ones who have realized what is going on are trapped and can only suffer in quiet desperation hoping they will make it out alive, and in one peace to come back to a country that was very ra-ra while they were gone, but once back switches their focus back to American Idol, shopping, and fuel for their gas guzzling vehicles. Make no mistake, American's are truly lazy, and one of the most ignorant people in the world. In my opinion, we may even be the worst...because we have the power to affect change but our incredible laziness, both physically and intellectually, make us comfortable with letting our 'leaders' make all decisions for us, and tell us how we should think, and spend out free time. Has anyone even heard about NSPD 51, for example?


Gone are the days when American's and the gov't REALLY cared about US vets. Yes, I am one myself. Now it's all lip service and yellow ribbons. Keep your ribbons, use them to wrap a present for the vets when they finally come home for good.

So how about forgetting about the BBQ's and day off sitting at home looking at porn, reality TV, or going to buy all that crap at all of those 'bargain' prices. I'm sure the vet's would like to be there with you, and not off fighting, and dying for some bullshit 'cause'.

Wake up guys & gals.

05-30-2007, 01:59 PM
So much hate and so little time.

05-30-2007, 05:51 PM
let's see, how does this work? neo lumps all liberals into one antique category for which he insists on using the derogatory bolshevik. he then proceeds day after day to spew his blind and absolute hatred for the bolshies. and then when someone responds in kind, neo is hurt, surprised, and accusing
So much hate and so little time or perhaps, neo, you were just describing your own predicament.

05-26-2008, 07:40 AM

A Happy Memorial Day to all my fellow Veterans.

Thank you for your service, sacrifice and dedication.