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General Disarray
05-27-2007, 07:34 PM
To start off:
I am not a bottom
About two days ago while browsing the general discussion I found a topic where a little argument was taking place. Apparently some guy who had been way out of line asking innappropriate questions towards one of the TS women on this board was finally getting a retort. The Ts women was explaining to him how much of a jackass he was, and then she posted the last part, something to the effect of: "You're just a faggot ass bottom"
the woman who posted this had said prior to this post that she felt that bottoms were fine and just exploring what they can do sexually with their partner. Whereas here it becomes an insult...

Is there a general dislike towards bottoms?
And if there is...
Why is there a general dislike towards bottoms? ( is it because some women feel they aren't being viewed as women by them?)

05-27-2007, 07:57 PM
among the girls, I think there's a kind of disdain towards guys who want to be the receiver. In their personal lives the girls seek out guys who are masculine and are intitially unaware of their tgirl identity. Hence, you're basically dead before you strat if you meet her at tgirl party.

Among escorts, the preference is to top the john. I wish I had a buck for every girl I met who wouldn't bottom for me. The excuse is "I only do that with my boyfriend".

05-27-2007, 08:45 PM
if youre a bottom you automatically fall into the 'closet gay cock bandit' cateogory... if its correct or not is a different matter but by the looks of it round here its largely correct

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-27-2007, 09:12 PM
About two days ago while browsing the general discussion I found a topic where a little argument was taking place. Apparently some guy who had been way out of line asking innappropriate questions towards one of the TS women on this board was finally getting a retort. The Ts women was explaining to him how much of a jackass he was, and then she posted the last part, something to the effect of: "You're just a faggot ass bottom"
the woman who posted this had said prior to this post that she felt that bottoms were fine and just exploring what they can do sexually with their partner. Whereas here it becomes an insult...

Is there a general dislike towards bottoms?
And if there is...
Why is there a general dislike towards bottoms? ( is it because some women feel they aren't being viewed as women by them?)

Hey I posted that. I personally dont like the general tone of your thread. :evil: As if, questioning my stand about bottoms which I've clearly stated was fine with me. So to clarify, Here's my take on this whole bottoming part:

I believe its ok if guys would like to "experiment" and try to "bottom" for his girl. BUT its NOT ok for guys to pressure a Tgirl to meet him and have sex with him especially when they only met for a day online. That makes a guy look desperate hence the bitch bottom comment!

There is a big difference between a girl doing this on her own free will vs. being manipulated or pressured into doing it!

Also, it's out of line when guys you've only known for a day through PMs ask you personal question like: Are you really a tgirl? Are you on hormones? Are you STD's free? Can I taste your cum? etc. Which could have been reserved for the 2nd, 3rd and so on chatting online. :evil:

Besides, you've read a sample of that guys PM to me. Which are mostly about sex (him wanting to suck, taste cum, fuck ass and be fucked) and when he could get it..It's pathetic!



05-27-2007, 09:35 PM
if youre a bottom you automatically fall into the 'closet gay cock bandit' category...

That's just the truth, point blank.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-27-2007, 09:46 PM
if youre a bottom you automatically fall into the 'closet gay cock bandit' category...

That's just the truth, point blank.

:roll: OR Here's a TIP: Maybe if you guys could "downplay" being bottoms..It might just work to your advantage? And the girls would even initiate it..Just a thought.



05-27-2007, 10:08 PM
these threads crack me up ,lol....

05-27-2007, 10:09 PM
if youre a bottom you automatically fall into the 'closet gay cock bandit' category...

That's just the truth, point blank.

:roll: OR Here's a TIP: Maybe if you guys could "downplay" being bottoms..It might just work to your advantage? And the girls would even initiate it..Just a thought.



Well IMO there's no such a thing of being a bottom, i think when a girl makes a decision of becoming a woman she wants to become a woman and as a woman she's supposed to be the receiver otherwise she would still be a gay dude fucking guys and those girls that only top i don't even consider them to be women, IMO they just some dudes doing it for the money or for their own pleasure and one day they will eventually go back like that brazilian guy Lisa Lawer.

05-27-2007, 10:15 PM
flabbybody I hate to disagree with you on that.

I am a top in and outside of my relationships as is most of my tgirl friends.

I think the comment is more towards being mean.........Most think by calling them a "fag" it would bother them more than anything even if she doesnt believe the comment to be true............More of a term used towards an insult than the truth.


Tracy you are so far off its hillarious! Sexuality is NOT black and white there are many fine grey areas. Just because a ts uses her cock doesnt make her any less of a preop transsexual. She just happens to be comfortable with her cock..........I became a transsexual WAY before I knew anything about escorting and or porn.................

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-27-2007, 10:25 PM
Well IMO there's no such a thing of being a bottom, i think when a girl makes a decision of becoming a woman she wants to become a woman and as a woman she's supposed to be the receiver otherwise she would still be a gay dude fucking guys and those girls that only top i don't even consider them to be women, IMO they just some dudes doing it for the money or for their own pleasure and one day they will eventually go back like that brazilian guy Lisa Lawer.

Well this really boils down to different strokes for diffeent folks. So I can only say my point of view as I cannot speak for others. I used to also think that way. Being a woman means not allowing any guys go down on me and give me a bj. Also, I used to only take (bottom) and not give. But my perception of things changed after being with a guy for 3 years and then 2. Both guys were "straight" and have never been with a girl like me. But in the span of the relationship, I would be a in denial if I hid the fact that both "entertained" thoughts of bottoming. And at some point through out the duration of our relationship..Yes it happened. I dont think topping them made me less of the woman that I am or them any less of the men they were. But I believe that doing those "forbidden' things evenmore so made us bonded deeper. And that's what relationships are about. Being able to experiment and enjoy things with your partner. Otherwise, they might just entertain those curiousity outside the relationship.

So as a pre-op transexual, I dont believe that girls like me should not enjoy sex (getting oral and giving anal) just because we dont have the neccessary equiptment i.e. vagina we wished we had. :roll: I dont believe in on way (guys only gets oral and tops girls) type of deal. I want a fair share of the whole pie. :evil:

Ok so You and I have different take on the matter. So does that mean, because you believe girls should only take and not give..does that make you more a woman than I am (assuming by your handle that you are also a tgirl)? I dont think so.

I think the comment is more towards being mean.........Most think by calling them a "fag" it would bother them more than anything even if she doesnt believe the comment to be true............More of a term used towards an insult than the truth.


Oh I meant every word I said to that guy Wendy. He behaved quite like one. Also remember that this guy is married (present tense) and is looking for a gullible ts to cheat with.



05-27-2007, 10:35 PM
Damn, people, it's sex!

I know tons of GGs that top guys with strapons and whatnot. They love it. Hey, and guess what?!? They have VAGINAS and dress all girly and are very fem....because they're women!!

Cripes, enjoy it all. Why deny yourself, it's so inane!

What, if you become a tgirl, sex becomes a one note thing? Some people like things, some people don't.

If anyone tries to say that because you're one thing that you can only do it one way, do me favor. Slap them upside the ahead and tell them to get a life.

Stop repressing yourself...don't you get enough of that from others?

05-27-2007, 10:40 PM
Also, it's out of line when guys you've only known for a day through PMs ask you personal question like: Are you really a tgirl? Are you on hormones? Are you STD's free? Can I taste your cum? etc. Which could have been reserved for the 2nd, 3rd and so on chatting online. :evil:

Besides, you've read a sample of that guys PM to me. Which are mostly about sex (him wanting to suck, taste cum, fuck ass and be fucked) and when he could get it..It's pathetic!



Guy's an idiot. A lot of them are. Then again, quite a few of the girls are, too.

05-27-2007, 10:42 PM
these threads crack me up ,lol....

But not up your crack?

05-27-2007, 10:49 PM
i will sum up this thread real fast , KRISS....most times guys just search out the wrong girls, lmao.....u guys just need better instincts,lol...just because the girl is hung doesnt mean she likes to fuck guys...

05-27-2007, 10:55 PM
I'm sensing a new poll in the near future. lol

05-27-2007, 10:59 PM
I'm sensing a new poll in the near future. lol


What's the use anymore? So much peer pressure, self-hatred, lack of self esteem, fear of being true to themselves...does it really matter anymore? Is one more poll going to solve anything? Nope.

/getting bitter

05-27-2007, 11:12 PM
It does seem that ALOT of girls don't want to top guys in their personal lives.....certainly not on a majority basis. As it's been said here and many times before on other previous topics, "WOMEN want to be WOMEN", in this case both literally and figuratively, and as such, there just aren't that many women on the planet that really and truly want to be on the top 75 percent or more of the time, GG or TS girl. This is the REALITY.

This porn stuff, this escorting, stripping, all this adult stuff, this is all fantasy. I admit, I like the fantasy, it's a nice indulgement (is that a word?), but it's what it is.

As long as you enjoy the fantasy, and understand and accept it as fantasy, don't let anyone tell you that it's wrong. More likely than not, they've got their own fucked up fantasies to deal with.

05-27-2007, 11:25 PM
As long as you enjoy the fantasy, and understand and accept it as fantasy, don't let anyone tell you that it's wrong. More likely than not, they've got their own fucked up fantasies to deal with.


Exactly what I'm saying.

if you got the equipment, use it, enjoy it. And, yeah, if someone considers themselves "female" then they will probably want to be the fuckee more often than the fucker. It's just common sense.

Now, the spectrum of transsexuality and sexuality is diverse. I mean, damn, you take 5 guys and truly find out their kicks, what they dig, it's going to be different, very. Same with girls. Same with transsexuals.

So, I'll say it once again...anyone that says you have to be a certain way sexually because of your sex is a moron.

And, just for the record, I'm a top, but there's no way I'm going to deny myself or my partner all the enjoyment we can have. Life's too short.

05-27-2007, 11:27 PM
I'll bottom for you flabbybottom - or anyone else!


TS Jamie

05-27-2007, 11:28 PM
So, I'll say it once again...anyone that says you have to be a certain way sexually because of your sex is a moron.

... or the heir to Jerry Falwell.

05-27-2007, 11:30 PM
So, I'll say it once again...anyone that says you have to be a certain way sexually because of your sex is a moron.

... or the heir to Jerry Falwell.

Hahaha! Exactly!

I should go through that thread and see how many pots were calling the kettle black.

05-27-2007, 11:38 PM
these threads crack me up ,lol....

But not up your crack?

i will sum up this thread real fast , KRISS....most times guys just search out the wrong girls, lmao.....u guys just need better instincts,lol...just because the girl is hung doesnt mean she likes to fuck guys...

OH NO MAN, You got me all wrong Buckstrap. I know all that stuff you are talking about. Really my comment was childish humour and nothiung else.
I merely TRANSPOSED the words in your post as a lame joke because i have the sense of humour of a ten year old child. THAT IS ALL I MEANT.
The line in my signiture is not AIMED at this topic, it has been there for weeks.

I am not complaining here. I think EVERYONE on this board has things that 'don't add up' about thier sexual preference. it's all interesting and NO-ONE is right or wrong.

SO BUCKY, when addressing a whole bunch of replies to this topic, you shouldn't quote MY name and then refer to "U GUYS" .

lmao.....u guys just need better instincts, lol..

Who exactly are you talking to? It certainly isn't me.

What did you imagine i was trying to say? Who are these 'wrong girls' that I have been "searching out"?

I like debate. i find it interesting. I really don't care what people do with thier cocks or asses but sometimes i like to play 'devil's advocate' and stir it up. sometime i just like to be childish, i find it amusing and a few others do to. sometimes i think i have tourettes.

05-27-2007, 11:41 PM
It does seem that ALOT of girls don't want to top guys in their personal lives.....certainly not on a majority basis. As it's been said here and many times before on other previous topics, "WOMEN want to be WOMEN", in this case both literally and figuratively, and as such, there just aren't that many women on the planet that really and truly want to be on the top 75 percent or more of the time, GG or TS girl. This is the REALITY.

This porn stuff, this escorting, stripping, all this adult stuff, this is all fantasy. I admit, I like the fantasy, it's a nice indulgement (is that a word?), but it's what it is.

As long as you enjoy the fantasy, and understand and accept it as fantasy, don't let anyone tell you that it's wrong. More likely than not, they've got their own fucked up fantasies to deal with.
As I mentioned earlier in a (hugely ignored thread,lol) girls DO look down on guys who like cock, in their personal relationships, because it is a common belief that guys who like cock cannot be faithful/cannot control their appetite for cock.They will do every dick swinging girlfriend you have! They are drawn to it like the Millennium Falcon caught in the Death Star tractor beam!

05-27-2007, 11:42 PM
The whole "bottom is bad,top doesn't count" thing is ancient,cultural and widespread. It's not a surprise it carries over into the TS community.

Alexander the Great's father sent him to be w/ female prostitutes because he was turning into what we now call a bottom. In the Greek world it was fine to have sex with a man/boy/transvestite as long as you were the top.(I don't know if it broke Alexander of his "bad" habit.?)

Part of my family is from the Middle East,same thing there today. You're still straight if you top another guy/etc...,gay if you bottom.

You have to realize it's a sexually segregated society? There is generally no chance of having sex w/ a woman unless you're married. Men have needs that have to be satisfied. Ironically if you come to the West all acts w/ a man are generally considered gay. Why? You can get sex from a woman in the West.

In the prisons here in the States same standard. Once you're out any kind of sex w/ man is generally considered gay.

I've seen similar standards on the streets all my life. If you make Bobby blow you,you're straight and he's a fag. Anal is iffy,it generally puts you in the gay category,top or bottom,FME,unless your partner is TV/TS? If they're going to dress and act like a girl you can treat them like one. You can use the old out,"I thought it wuz a gurl?" and it's cool.

I've got to admit,the whole bottom thing when it comes to a TS/TG's makes me wonder if the guy involved isn't finding a way to get fucked in the ass without considering himself to be "gay"? If you want a dick in your ass or down your throat,you really want a man,IMO.

05-27-2007, 11:45 PM
dont worry i knew u wre joking..im sure everyone knows i was talking to the general public of the board... :lol:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-28-2007, 12:09 AM
Guy's an idiot. A lot of them are. Then again, quite a few of the girls are, too.

Yes that is correct E. ;) LOL

I just find it a bit funny how some girls says that when a tgirl decides to become a woman, she should restrict herself and succumb to stereotypical female role. :roll: Yawn.

And when someone goes over and beyond a typical womanly role and tops a guy then she's just but a gay male. Allanah, Jennifer Paris, Wendy and the list goes on and on (girls who are very vocal and likes topping guys) would definitely disagree. ;)

Guys are into tgirls for a special reason..we have dicks and we know how to use it! Is that such a crime? No it's not! If heterosexuals can enjoy their sexuality..why cant transexuals do the same? I mean, afterall we are the best of both worlds. ;)

What turns us off greatly is when guys act so desperate are more keen on meeting us for sex and not really meet us as a person. Now if you are just seeking girls who loves to bottom 100% of the time and give you (service) orally then why not go get a GG instead? There are some GG's who enjoys giving bj's and having (taking) anal sex



P.S. There are Post-Op transexuals who thinks and feels that guys who are into Pre-Op's are just gay men..Now isnt that unbelievableand twisted perception? LOL

05-28-2007, 12:31 AM
I like TJT's answer. That's really good. Also HJT has some good points too.

But I disagree that if a guy wants a TS strictly as a bottom that he should just go get a GG. I know a lot of people feel that way.

And I find many men who are interested in TS escorts are interested from the standpoint of being a bottom or being dominated. Othere's aren't and for all intents and purposes treat a trans-girl the same as a girl-girl.

I don't think it really matters so long as everyone is happy with whatever arrangement works for them.

I know I prefer being bottom, but occasionally I'll top. And I enjoy using strap ons same as a GG. My partner Jessica however is completely a top.

Which works out really good for us... (giggle)

But it goes back to the thing that other than "street sex" it's really more about the person than the genitals I think. I date guys who aren't at all interested in my boytoy. And others who wouldn't give me the time of day if I didn't have one.

To me as a professional courtesan it simply doesn't matter. If someone wants to enjoy my company I want them to have the best time I can provide and make their fantasy come true.

I think everyone is what they feel they are. If you feel gay, OK. I don't. I finally decided that I am a straight, bi-sexual, gay lesbian.

TS Jamie

05-28-2007, 12:55 AM
Guy's an idiot. A lot of them are. Then again, quite a few of the girls are, too.

Yes that is correct E. ;) LOL

I just find it a bit funny how some girls says that when a tgirl decides to become a woman, she should restrict herself and succumb to stereotypical female role. :roll: Yawn.

And when someone goes over and beyond a typical womanly role and tops a guy then she's just but a gay male. Allanah, Jennifer Paris, Wendy and the list goes on and on (girls who are very vocal and likes topping guys) would definitely disagree. ;)

Guys are into tgirls for a special reason..we have dicks and we know how to use it! Is that such a crime? No it's not! If heterosexuals can enjoy their sexuality..why cant transexuals do the same? I mean, afterall we are the best of both worlds. ;)

What turns us off greatly is when guys act so desperate are more keen on meeting us for sex and not really meet us as a person. Now if you are just seeking girls who loves to bottom 100% of the time and give you (service) orally then why not go get a GG instead? There are some GG's who enjoys giving bj's and having (taking) anal sex



P.S. There are Post-Op transexuals who thinks and feels that guys who are into Pre-Op's are just gay men..Now isnt that unbelievableand twisted perception? LOL

I'm with you Hara. Why shouldn't tgirls (and their lovers) be versatile? It's about pleasuring each other and one's self, so why shouldn't both sides use any equipment they can use (and want to use).

Of course it's about more than just what each person in a relationship does with their plumbing. Sex, in a longterm relationship at least, should be a demonstration of love. If a girl hates even touching her cock, the guy can demonstrate his love by acting as the top and never mentioning the idea of her topping him. If she enjoys topping, that's fine too- a TS topping a guy doesn't make her any less of a woman or him any less of a man.

As long as the guy doesn't go on and on about the girl's dick and pressure her into using it on him, then whatever floats your boat. Me, I consider myself versatile, but I've never had the chance to either top or be topped (hey I don't live in London, LA, NYC or Thailand like some lucky people, so most of the girls I know I can only speak to on the phone or via the net). But the most incredible sexual high I got with a tgirl was a 69: we gave each other the most immense pleasure simultaneously and it was almost like we connected on a different level. Not all girls might want to do that, but I guess that that's what floats my boat.

In addition, let me say that I agree with much of what whatsupwithat has been saying too.

Labels aren't important. Just leave your inhibitions and your prejudices at the door and enjoy the ride. It doesn't matter how we do it, as long as we can make the earth move for a little. And then, perhaps, when two people really connect it'll be more than simply sex.

05-28-2007, 01:04 AM
But the most incredible sexual high I got with a tgirl was a 69: we gave each other the most immense pleasure simultaneously and it was almost like we connected on a different level. Not all girls might want to do that, but I guess that that's what floats my boat.

69's are the nirvana of sex!!

05-28-2007, 01:07 AM
But the most incredible sexual high I got with a tgirl was a 69: we gave each other the most immense pleasure simultaneously and it was almost like we connected on a different level. Not all girls might want to do that, but I guess that that's what floats my boat.

69's are the nirvana of sex!!
Agreed. Is that what you and Nelly Snores are getting up to lately? :D

05-28-2007, 01:10 AM
But the most incredible sexual high I got with a tgirl was a 69: we gave each other the most immense pleasure simultaneously and it was almost like we connected on a different level. Not all girls might want to do that, but I guess that that's what floats my boat.

69's are the nirvana of sex!!
Agreed. Is that what you and Nelly Snores are getting up to lately? :D


Sadly, Nelly is a puppet, so she doesn't have a bottom half. As such, things haven't been going well. i'm getting real tired of having to do everything myself. :P

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-28-2007, 01:18 AM
LOL funny post back and forth. Whatsupwithat, get Nelly Shore some fleshlight and stick it on her lower half. LOL That would be a great substitute for her missing bottom half. LOL ;)



05-28-2007, 01:21 AM
LOL funny post back and forth. Whatsupwithat, get Nelly Shore some fleshlight and stick it on her lower half. LOL That would be a great substitute for her missing bottom half. LOL ;)



OMG! You're right! The Fleshlight!

Hara, you might have saved our relationship! Thank you! You are a doll...not a 'real doll'...because those are just messed up...but a doll! :)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-28-2007, 01:23 AM
LOL :lol:

Aww..thanks E! Glad you liked the idea. LOL :P



05-28-2007, 01:26 AM
sucka4chix said,

As I mentioned earlier in a (hugely ignored thread,lol) girls DO look down on guys who like cock, in their personal relationships, because it is a common belief that guys who like cock cannot be faithful/cannot control their appetite for cock.They will do every dick swinging girlfriend you have! They are drawn to it like the Millennium Falcon caught in the Death Star tractor beam!


That may be true, that TS girls feel a man who wants to bottom or likes her cock ALOT/TOO MUCH will be unfaithful, possibly....But that isn't the main or FOREMOST reason.

Again, Women simply want to be a "woman" the majority of the time.........the majority of the time. Its really as simple as that.....again, for the most part.


05-28-2007, 01:30 AM
Hara_Juku Tgirl,

Can you tell us, in your RL relationships, away from porn, escorting, or other adult stuff, Which do you do more, Top or bottom?

I hope you don't mind me asking and demonstrating my point.

If you do, then just tell me to STFU. lol

05-28-2007, 01:32 AM
LOL funny post back and forth. Whatsupwithat, get Nelly Shore some fleshlight and stick it on her lower half. LOL That would be a great substitute for her missing bottom half. LOL ;)



OMG! You're right! The Fleshlight!

Hara, you might have saved our relationship! Thank you! You are a doll...not a 'real doll'...because those are just messed up...but a doll! :)
Ah yes, the Realdoll. Hey someone's gotta be buying those things at several thousand a piece.

And look at their page. They're:
heat resistant up to 300 degrees (just in case you have a tendency to put your girlfriends in the oven by accident),
odorless and flavourless (so you can sniff their armpits if you like, but they'll need plenty of sauce if you want to eat them),
nontoxic (this is good if your girlfriends usually try to poison you) and
affordable (compared to divorce settlements and child support, I suppose).
And they come in different styles- blondes, brunettes, guys and even transexuals:

And not only are they elastic, but also they won't complain if you do this all day long ^^^


05-28-2007, 01:35 AM
If you do, then just tell me to STFU. lol


Just don't call me a "faggot-ass bottom" ok. :lol:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-28-2007, 01:41 AM
Hara_Juku Tgirl,

Can you tell us, in your RL relationships, away from porn, escorting, or other adult stuff, Which do you do more, Top or bottom?

I hope you don't mind me asking and demonstrating my point.

If you do, then just tell me to STFU. lol

I *think I've already addressed this previously ARMANIXXX (If you would read the begining of the thread and other threads before this one). LOL But incase you've missed it..here's the answer: In RL in an LTR I prefer to bottom, also oral both ways (straddle a guys face/69?). That to me is pretty much "starndard". But when I get that urge or my bf gets that urge and both of us wants to do things differently (not to be monotonous) I'd top ofcourse..maybe top and suck him both at the same time! Not to mention being naughty with him while out and about. LOL

Does that answer your question? LOL :lol: I hope it does. ;)



05-28-2007, 01:45 AM

On a completely different note, love your tag. Saw Lou a few months ago at a private show he did in Brooklyn. He did "Candy Says". It was beautiful. On another completely different note, I think it will be the only time in my life where I sit a row ahead of Bono again.

/threadjack over

and here's a big guy eating a big hamburger...

05-28-2007, 01:46 AM
Now if you are just seeking girls who loves to bottom 100% of the time and give you (service) orally then why not go get a GG instead? There are some GG's who enjoys giving bj's and having (taking) anal sex



ermm, hara, you got some phone-numbers of such chicks at hand? i always keep looking for those at all different places but never seem to b lucky ;)

05-28-2007, 01:47 AM
I *think I've already addressed this previously ARMANIXXX (If you would read the begining of the thread and other threads before this one). LOL But incase you've missed it..here's the answer: In RL in an LTR I prefer to bottom, also oral both ways (straddle a guys face/69?). That to me is pretty much "starndard". But when I get that urge or my bf gets that urge and both of us wants to do things differently (not to be monotonous) I'd top ofcourse..maybe top and suck him both at the same time! Not to mention being naughty with him while out and about. LOL

Does that answer your question? LOL :lol: I hope it does. ;)



marry me.

05-28-2007, 01:55 AM
Hara_Juku Tgirl,

Can you tell us, in your RL relationships, away from porn, escorting, or other adult stuff, Which do you do more, Top or bottom?

I hope you don't mind me asking and demonstrating my point.

If you do, then just tell me to STFU. lol

I *think I've already addressed this previously ARMANIXXX (If you would read the begining of the thread and other threads before this one). LOL But incase you've missed it..here's the answer: In RL in an LTR I prefer to bottom, also oral both ways (straddle a guys face/69?). That to me is pretty much "starndard". But when I get that urge or my bf gets that urge and both of us wants to do things differently (not to be monotonous) I'd top ofcourse..maybe top and suck him both at the same time! Not to mention being naughty with him while out and about. LOL

Does that answer your question? LOL :lol: I hope it does. ;)





Yeah, I probably owe you an apology, not for asking you that, but because I already knew.

I just wanted to hear you say it again.

Me happy.

05-28-2007, 01:57 AM

Apparently everyone else is too.


05-28-2007, 02:10 AM

On a completely different note, love your tag. Saw Lou a few months ago at a private show he did in Brooklyn. He did "Candy Says". It was beautiful. On another completely different note, I think it will be the only time in my life where I sit a row ahead of Bono again.

/threadjack over

and here's a big guy eating a big hamburger...

Watching Lou Reed and sitting in front of Bono on the same night? Wow!

I think "Candy Says" is a beautiful song. Reed touched up transgenderism in a lot of his songs both with the Velvet Underground and afterwards as a solo artist ("Candy Says" was recorded by the Velvets in 1968, I think, and "Walk on the Wild Side" which also mentions Candy Darling, came out in 1972, but there were others). But that song is the most gentle of all, both in its melody and in the way the lyrics really make one feel for the girl in question (Candy Darling died of leukemia-possibly caused by HRT- in 1974).

I first got hooked on Lou Reed when I was 17, after being blown away by "Walk on the Wild Side". I know many of his songs by heart and can play a few on the guitar (albeit badly). After listening to "Candy Says" again recently, for the first time in years and for the first since I became I member here, I almost felt like crying for her.

Thanks for the threadjack. I now declare this threadjack over and challenge you to a duel for Hara's hand in marriage.


05-28-2007, 02:26 AM

I've got to admit,the whole bottom thing when it comes to a TS/TG's makes me wonder if the guy involved isn't finding a way to get fucked in the ass without considering himself to be "gay"? If you want a dick in your ass or down your throat,you really want a man,IMO.


Are we still on that kick?

Are we still unable to get past the fact that guys, obviously many guys here, want to engage and/or experiment with a TS as a bottom and NOT want to fuck men?

Why is that so hard for some people to understand? I would think guys here that have this sentiment should understand more than anybody, that sometimes you simply want something "different".

And I don't want you to think that I'm attacking you TJT, cause that's not really my intent here, but I kinda wanna understand your point of view on this.....its kind of interesting to me.

Is it because you are not understanding the difference between wanting to "BOTTOM" vs wanting/being a "SUB"?

Fill me in TJT, I'm curious on your take.

05-28-2007, 02:44 AM
No,I'm not offended.

I look at as a matter of it being a psychologically safe way for some guys to deal with their latent homosexual urges,ie;"They looked and acted like a girl,so not really having sex w/ another man."?

I don't those guys would be interested in the same girl if she was post-op?

That's going to piss some people off,but I think deep down a lot of "straight" tranny-chasers see the girls they pursue as just guys who look like girls?

BTW,I am a Dom,so that may be part of my take on the matter? I never thought about it that way.

LG,"Femme Fatale" is also about Candy Darling.I've always had the feeling she was Reed's girlfriend in that '70-'74 period,but I've never heard or seen it confirmed?

05-28-2007, 02:51 AM
you mother fuckers put to much thought into this, just for the record it is just sex, ok. There are straight guys that would never go with a t-girl but like to get pegged by there girlfriends. It is only sex, and sex only, It has nothing to do with being a faggot or a straight guy "straight guy? that goes with t-girls?"

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-28-2007, 02:51 AM

Apparently everyone else is too.


That's good to know ARMANIXXX. I'm not trying to please everyone here (though it's comforting to see guys are likeminded as me) but just be myself and know what I am comfortable doing with a partner. ;)



05-28-2007, 03:15 AM
Thanks for the threadjack. I now declare this threadjack over and challenge you to a duel for Hara's hand in marriage.


You know Lou had a transgender girlfriend. He has never really owned up to liking the girls, though, IMHO.

As for Hara's hand....the gloves are off! *slap*

05-28-2007, 03:19 AM
Thing is with me when I see guys who want to be fucked is the cleanliness, they or at least the majority of them have no idea how to prepare themselves. This is a big turn off for me and that part of the session usually ends prematurely if an unhappy accident occurs. Hairy arses another big turn off but on the occasion that someone prepares themselves and shaves/trims it can be enjoyable although not in the same league as recieving.
Outside work I enjoy guys who aren't interested in the least to get fucked, I couldn't imagine having a relationship with a guy who likes to take it, that's just me tho', probably my selfish streak :)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-28-2007, 06:08 AM
Now if you are just seeking girls who loves to bottom 100% of the time and give you (service) orally then why not go get a GG instead? There are some GG's who enjoys giving bj's and having (taking) anal sex



ermm, hara, you got some phone-numbers of such chicks at hand? i always keep looking for those at all different places but never seem to b lucky ;)

No but I always meet girls (GG) online and in real time who are such flirts. LOL And tell me kinky things..Though unfortunately I was never into girls. My GG friends I know for a fact are like me I suppose. :lol: But some are already married and or dating some guy. ;)

Im sure you can find someone by your neck of the woods, no? LOL



Vicki Richter
05-28-2007, 06:10 AM
You know Hara_Juku I love you. I love you especially when I am drinking - which I am.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-28-2007, 06:13 AM
As for Hara's hand....the gloves are off! *slap*

I now declare this threadjack over and challenge you to a duel for Hara's hand in marriage.


LOL Is this where I come in and say, May the "best ass" wins?!? LOL J/k I'm pretty oral and I like some kink from time to time (you guys should be too!)..soo May the "best dick" wins? Haha..:lol: ;)


Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-28-2007, 06:20 AM
You know Hara_Juku I love you. I love you especially when I am drinking - which I am.

LOL Awwwe thanks Vicki. You've always been such a BIG sweatheart to me! Muahhh, kiss, kiss.. Luv ya Mama!



05-28-2007, 06:34 AM
You know Hara_Juku I love you. I love you especially when I am drinking - which I am.

Oh no. Youtube cam and some glasses of wine, might not be such a good idea. I'm just saying.


Vicki Richter
05-28-2007, 06:47 AM
You know Hara_Juku I love you. I love you especially when I am drinking - which I am.

Vicki, I'm sorry to butt in here, but why do you never answer any of the guys when they ask you a question?

What questions do they have?

05-28-2007, 09:33 AM
You know Hara_Juku I love you. I love you especially when I am drinking - which I am.

Vicki, I'm sorry to butt in here, but why do you never answer any of the guys when they ask you a question?

What questions do they have?

One? Or two?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-28-2007, 09:40 AM
LOL, this thread is funny as fuck, which TS is gonna come on here and admit to enjoying topping...

really :lol:

Then you're NOT reading much Silvester cos they have! LOL


I am a top in and outside of my relationships as is most of my tgirl friends.

this is what i like :lol: Ive fucked this ass soooo good too......lol

I love me a juicy ass




Jennifer Paris

3. TsVanessa69



So tell me Kelly, what do tg's get out of topping? We get off? lol What do you get out of topping? I do both topping and bottoming..VERSATILE.

And many many more..LOL



Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-28-2007, 10:01 AM
Hara_Juku Tgirl, you made a lot of guys on here happy :wink:

Are you a closetted "bottom" Silvester? LOL :lol:

Are closet case homophobes more likely to be tops or bottoms?


Wax play for closetted bottoms

If you are a closeted bottom with a hidden desire for SM, you can pay $100 at a day spa and get your fill of wax play. Paraffin baths are all the rage right now for the wealthy and trendy. Little do they know that if they just embraced their kink, people would be more than happy to coat them in wax for free!

Wax play can be a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing form of SM. It is a deliciously sensuous activity that can send a bottom flying. It is also messy, sticky and quite a lot of fun. However, because of the potential for serious injury learning the proper techniques and safety precautions is a must. My motto is have fun and play safe.

More at: http://www.lovelifeleather.com/WaxPlay.htm



05-28-2007, 10:08 AM


hara, I won the duel. So, uhm, yeah, uhm, I'm your husband now.


bad girl!


05-28-2007, 10:15 AM
hara, I won the duel. So, uhm, yeah, uhm, I'm your husband now.


bad girl!


What about Nelly? You just kick her to the curb like that? That's pretty messed up! Guess you never really loved her...

05-28-2007, 11:15 AM
i lol at the threat title. bottumz iz deh ghey

05-28-2007, 04:14 PM
As for Hara's hand....the gloves are off! *slap*

I now declare this threadjack over and challenge you to a duel for Hara's hand in marriage.


LOL Is this where I come in and say, May the "best ass" wins?!? LOL J/k I'm pretty oral and I like some kink from time to time (you guys should be too!)..soo May the "best dick" wins? Haha..:lol: ;)


Interesting way of putting it. I suppose I stand a chance. Then again they do say "It's not the meat, it's the motion".

Now whatsupwithat thinks he won, but he's mistaken. I was just getting my beauty sleep. Plus I hear that Nelly is down at the gun store as we speak.

And don't forget, I mastered Kung Fu. I did, back in the late 80s! Best video game I ever played. :lol:

05-28-2007, 06:57 PM
Now whatsupwithat thinks he won, but he's mistaken. I was just getting my beauty sleep. Plus I hear that Nelly is down at the gun store as we speak.

And don't forget, I mastered Kung Fu. I did, back in the late 80s! Best video game I ever played. :lol:

Are you taunting me with your Kung Fu, good sir? Me, the ultimate winner of Hara's hand? I see our duel, of which I was the winner, was not enough to convince you. Perhaps it is time for us to get serious. I challenge you to a game of...

05-28-2007, 07:25 PM
Now whatsupwithat thinks he won, but he's mistaken. I was just getting my beauty sleep. Plus I hear that Nelly is down at the gun store as we speak.

And don't forget, I mastered Kung Fu. I did, back in the late 80s! Best video game I ever played. :lol:

Are you taunting me with your Kung Fu, good sir? Me, the ultimate winner of Hara's hand? I see our duel, of which I was the winner, was not enough to convince you. Perhaps it is time for us to get serious. I challenge you to a game of...

Actually, I only recently found out that Yahtzee is a trademarked game- I thought it was an old game. I'm okay at. I'd probably beat you at chess, though.

Also, I can read and write back to front and upside down. Sadly, it's not very useful.

But considering that you live in NYC, I live in Europe and Hara's in LA, I guess one could borrow the words Jorge Luis Borges used to describe the Falklands War: "two bald men fighting over a comb".

Anyway, I won. And Nelly's gone for target practice. :D

05-28-2007, 07:37 PM
Tracy you are so far off its hillarious! Sexuality is NOT black and white there are many fine grey areas. Just because a ts uses her cock doesnt make her any less of a preop transsexual. She just happens to be comfortable with her cock..........I became a transsexual WAY before I knew anything about escorting and or porn.................

Someone who gets it! <Hearty applause>

05-28-2007, 08:34 PM
No,I'm not offended.

I look at as a matter of it being a psychologically safe way for some guys to deal with their latent homosexual urges,ie;"They looked and acted like a girl,so not really having sex w/ another man."?

I don't those guys would be interested in the same girl if she was post-op?

That's going to piss some people off,but I think deep down a lot of "straight" tranny-chasers see the girls they pursue as just guys who look like girls?

BTW,I am a Dom,so that may be part of my take on the matter? I never thought about it that way.

LG,"Femme Fatale" is also about Candy Darling.I've always had the feeling she was Reed's girlfriend in that '70-'74 period,but I've never heard or seen it confirmed?



But here's where I don't follow.

I understand the actual specific act of topping vs. bottoming is different, but the premise is still the same isn't it? If you take that sentiment, "You're messin with a TS therefore you are messin with men", then, I don't care what you do with one......you are still with a man.

So, with that sentiment in mind, How are you somehow LESS gay if you fuck a man?

05-28-2007, 08:40 PM

If you do both (top and bottom), are you then something of a "half-gay" variety?

05-28-2007, 09:30 PM
I like to bottom with a TS though I've only done it once. Here's how I am (but by no means how other guys who like to bottom for TS's are.) This might break certain illusions that some people may have, because some here are making generalizations about guys who like to bottom for TSs which in my case aren't true (I can only speak for myself because I know no one else who shares my interest there.)

With a t-girl, I'm much more interested in getting plowed than doing the plowing.

Am I gay? Depends on your definition. I'm not attracted to 99.9% of men. Only rarely does a guy strike me as someone I'd want to have sex with, and it's usually a somewhat feminine-appearing guy. What I imagine doing in such a gay encounter is both topping and bottoming with equal interest. If that falls under the heading of gay then hell yeah, I'm a flaming queer.

I'm attracted to women, and prefer more "real" looking ladies--MILFs, Girl-next-door types, BBWs... but I like some of the movie-star types as well.

I'm not interested in S&M though I have an interest in bondage, but only as a fantasy.

I wouldn't mind being thought of as gay if the person thinking of me that way didn't have antagonistic feelings toward homosexuality. However, I don't think it would be very accurate. "Bi" would be closer to a fit if someone felt the need to apply a label.

The thing that turns me on the most about getting hosed by a shemale is the feeling that she's very attracted to me, and in our encounter is too horny to see me as anything but a fuck doll and she's pressuring me, maybe even forcing me a little, (but not in a mean way) to open up and let her in. If she's uninterested in reciprocating after she squirts in me, that's just fine, but other than that I have no desire to be humiliated or treated with disdain after the fact.

That's not how I'd want a gay encounter to go. In a homosexual experience, I'd prefer the sex to be more mutual, each of us as interested in getting the other off as in getting ourself off.

I do have the same fantasy with women as I do with shemales, though. I'd like to be seduced in a kind of reversal of the classical roles of men as the persistent, insistent aggressor and woman as the reluctant "almost-victim." Especially is the woman is a generation older than me.

At work and in general I have a fairly dominant, type-A personality when I'm dealing with people. I do have APD (avoidant personality disorder) but keep it hidden when I'm not online.

Well, if you made it through all that blither, I applaud you. Maybe more than you wanted to know, but I just want to give one "bottom-for-TS" guy's perspective as clearly as possible.

General Disarray
05-28-2007, 11:01 PM
About two days ago while browsing the general discussion I found a topic where a little argument was taking place. Apparently some guy who had been way out of line asking innappropriate questions towards one of the TS women on this board was finally getting a retort. The Ts women was explaining to him how much of a jackass he was, and then she posted the last part, something to the effect of: "You're just a faggot ass bottom"
the woman who posted this had said prior to this post that she felt that bottoms were fine and just exploring what they can do sexually with their partner. Whereas here it becomes an insult...

Is there a general dislike towards bottoms?
And if there is...
Why is there a general dislike towards bottoms? ( is it because some women feel they aren't being viewed as women by them?)

Hey I posted that. I personally dont like the general tone of your thread. :evil: As if, questioning my stand about bottoms which I've clearly stated was fine with me. So to clarify, Here's my take on this whole bottoming part:

I believe its ok if guys would like to "experiment" and try to "bottom" for his girl. BUT its NOT ok for guys to pressure a Tgirl to meet him and have sex with him especially when they only met for a day online. That makes a guy look desperate hence the bitch bottom comment!

There is a big difference between a girl doing this on her own free will vs. being manipulated or pressured into doing it!

Also, it's out of line when guys you've only known for a day through PMs ask you personal question like: Are you really a tgirl? Are you on hormones? Are you STD's free? Can I taste your cum? etc. Which could have been reserved for the 2nd, 3rd and so on chatting online. :evil:

Besides, you've read a sample of that guys PM to me. Which are mostly about sex (him wanting to suck, taste cum, fuck ass and be fucked) and when he could get it..It's pathetic!


I know
I didn't list your name for a reason, he deserved it
I just wondered how it became an insult

05-28-2007, 11:25 PM

So where is this alleged topic/thread?

link please.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-29-2007, 12:11 AM



05-29-2007, 12:13 AM
whatsupwithat, you should upgrade Nelly from puppet to full-blown inflatable doll. might help that relationship a lot!

05-29-2007, 05:17 AM
Thing is with me when I see guys who want to be fucked is the cleanliness, they or at least the majority of them have no idea how to prepare themselves. This is a big turn off for me and that part of the session usually ends prematurely if an unhappy accident occurs. Hairy arses another big turn off but on the occasion that someone prepares themselves and shaves/trims it can be enjoyable although not in the same league as recieving.

Good points. I'd want to be super-clean inside or it would spoil the mood for me also. If I was going to get together with a t-girl, I'd have my whole body waxed first, LOL! I'm a total drain clog. :lol:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-29-2007, 05:24 AM
I know
I didn't list your name for a reason, he deserved it
I just wondered how it became an insult

Yes thankyou. I got your PM. I just think he was wrong that's all. Once a guy online at some site pissed me off (Myspace I think). I got him back by contacting his wife who also happens to be on there and showing her what he wrote me as attachements. The wife didnt knew her husband was hitting on trannies. LOL :lol: I think they broke up or something. LOL

Yeah I could be a CUNT I know..:lol:



05-29-2007, 05:27 AM
Yes thankyou. I got your PM. I just think he was wrong that's all. Once a guy online at some site pissed me off (Myspace I think). I got him back by contacting his wife who also happens to be on there and showing her what he wrote me as attachements. The wife didnt knew her husband was hitting on trannies. LOL :lol: I think they broke up or something. LOL

Yeah I could be a CUNT I know..:lol:




Message to self: Do not get on Hara's bad side. Scratch that. be positive. Stay on her good side. :)

05-29-2007, 05:57 AM
Once a guy online at some site pissed me off (Myspace I think). I got him back by contacting his wife who also happens to be on there and showing her what he wrote me as attachements. The wife didnt knew her husband was hitting on trannies. LOL :lol: I think they broke up or something. LOL


That's really amazing. I've had people be rude to me as well, and at the time I was so pissed off I think I actually would have broken up their marriage if I'd had the ability to do so. Fortunately I have never had that opportunity, because I'd feel terrible about it afterwards. Everybody's a rude asshole to someone at least once in their life. I just wouldn't think that merited telling the wife about his affairs. Does anyone really expect to go through life without ever being pissed off?

If I had been the one to tell his wife, I'd feel responsible for breaking up their marriage and by doing so fucking up the rest of both their lives, as well as the lives of any kids they had, and putting their friends and family through the vicarious suffering. That would be my view, but others might say he broke up his own marriage by breaking his vows in the first place. There's an element of truth there but I'd still feel remorse for all the long-term suffering that might never have taken place if I hadn't ratted him out--his wife might be just that stupid.

Even if I was some sort of sociopath and couldn't feel remorse, I'd probably worry about making people want me dead, which I'm pretty sure most people in his position would feel about the person whom he may blame for screwing up his life. Because if someone screwed up the rest of my life just because I was rude to them, I believe I would kill that person, even if I didn't think I could get away with it.

If I had any advice, it would be to make sure you get your revenge anonymously from now on, for your own protection. Or, you could learn to deal with your anger like an adult. No, forget that, it's too fucking hard. I speak from experience LOL! I've been trying to control my temper for 30 years and haven't seen any progress yet. :lol:

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-29-2007, 05:58 AM

Message to self: Do not get on Hara's bad side. Scratch that. be positive. Stay on her good side. :)

LOL :lol: I'm really nice tho E. Just dont take me for a spin and play games with me cos I know how to fuck back with people! ;)




05-29-2007, 06:08 AM
LOL :lol: I'm really nice tho E. Just dont take me for a spin and play games with me cos I know how to fuck back with people! ;)




Grrrrrr. On a lighter note...Adobo!!!

05-29-2007, 06:09 AM
Hmmm, i'll just bet anything that Hara is very sexy when she's angry! 8)

I'll bet she's sexy when she's angry if you are are not the recipient of that anger.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-29-2007, 06:34 AM
Yes, while I do agree with you johnnyshemalelover on some points. I actually felt like I did him and his wife a favor. I mean, the guy was looking for a tgirl to cheat with right? I believe secrets like this would eventually come out and his wife will find out sooner or later (Maybe not as soon as when I told her about it but it will at some point resurface no matter what). So I actually saved the woman an even greater misery if she found out years after the fact.

I dont know, but I do have a problem with married men trying to hit up on me for "dating" LTR? when he is already taken. Probably cos my Dad has done that to my mom countless of times and fathered kids left and right. So I dont put up with it. :evil:



Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-29-2007, 07:36 AM
Hmmm, i'll just bet anything that Hara is very sexy when she's angry! 8)

Men! Grrr :evil: LOL I once dated a guy who gets turned on when Im mad at him. And also when I curse at him in a different language! I dont understand why but he does. LOL :lol:



05-29-2007, 07:53 AM
I like to be cursed at in Spanish during sex, personally. Once, I had a girl try cursing at me in German... that was a turnoff like no other, let me tell you.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-29-2007, 07:58 AM
Hmmm, i'll just bet anything that Hara is very sexy when she's angry! 8)

Men! Grrr :evil: LOL I once dated a guy who gets turned on when Im mad at him. And also when I curse at him in a different language! I dont understand why but he does. LOL :lol:



What language did you curse at him in?

It's called tagalog (Philippines national language) which is primarily mixed with spanish curse words M77. LOL ;)

Like: hijo de puta, Chupa me, puto, pendejo etc.



05-29-2007, 08:00 AM
I like to be cursed at in Spanish during sex, personally. Once, I had a girl try cursing at me in German... that was a turnoff like no other, let me tell you.

I have to agree.

No offense to the Germans out there, but the whole German accent/language combo is not very sexy.

05-29-2007, 08:01 AM
It's called tagalog (Philippines national language) which is primarily mixed with spanish curse words M77. LOL ;)



Salamat. :)

05-29-2007, 08:02 AM
I like to be cursed at in Spanish during sex, personally. Once, I had a girl try cursing at me in German... that was a turnoff like no other, let me tell you.

Did you feel like you were in a WWll movie? :lol:

Unless you've entertained visions of banging der Fuhrer, I would say leave speaking German out of the bedroom. 'Nuff said on that.

05-29-2007, 08:07 AM
It's called tagalog (Philippines national language) which is primarily mixed with spanish curse words M77. LOL ;)



I'll bet it sounds hot. 8)

It's a very harsh, biting langauge. On a side note, I love how I can understand Filipinos even when I don't know what they're talking about.

"Ang lahat ng tao'y isinilang na malaya at pantay-pantay sa karangalan at mga karapatan. Sila'y pinagkalooban ng katwiran at budhi at dapat magpalagayan ang isa't isa sa diwa ng pagkakapatiran. "

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-29-2007, 08:10 AM
I'll bet it sounds hot. 8)

It's a very harsh, biting langauge. On a side note, I love how I can understand Filipinos even when I don't know what they're talking about.

"Ang lahat ng tao'y isinilang na malaya at pantay-pantay sa karangalan at mga karapatan. Sila'y pinagkalooban ng katwiran at budhi at dapat magpalagayan ang isa't isa sa diwa ng pagkakapatiran. "

Wow! I'm impressed whatsupwithat. Hmm..Now if you could talk dirty in tagalog we just might have something here. LOL I havent heard that in sooooo looooong..Haha :lol:



05-29-2007, 08:17 AM
Talk dirty in Tagalog

I think I have a new song title.

Filipinas RULE THE EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-29-2007, 08:26 AM
On a side note, I love how I can understand Filipinos even when I don't know what they're talking about.

Hows that possible?

The inflections, mannerisms, and the fact that there are English words smattered throughout. See, I lived with a Filipina TS for 13+ years...I didn't have to know what was being talked about so much as I could see and hear it...if that makes sense.

But...the two words you need to know are:

pangit - ugly
guapo - handsome/cute

If you hear the first in relation to yourself, walk away. The second, stay where you are. :)

05-29-2007, 08:28 AM
Wow! I'm impressed whatsupwithat. Hmm..Now if you could talk dirty in tagalog we just might have something here. LOL I havent heard that in sooooo looooong..Haha :lol:



The secret..Google! ;)

But I do know some...hmmm...

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-29-2007, 09:29 AM
Wow! I'm impressed whatsupwithat. Hmm..Now if you could talk dirty in tagalog we just might have something here. LOL I havent heard that in sooooo looooong..Haha :lol:



The secret..Google! ;)

But I do know some...hmmm...

Do you know what "Malibog" means? LOL How about "titi mo malaki"? LOL :lol:




05-29-2007, 10:47 AM
Yes, while I do agree with you johnnyshemalelover on some points. I actually felt like I did him and his wife a favor. I mean, the guy was looking for a tgirl to cheat with right? I believe secrets like this would eventually come out and his wife will find out sooner or later (Maybe not as soon as when I told her about it but it will at some point resurface no matter what). So I actually saved the woman an even greater misery if she found out years after the fact.

I dont know, but I do have a problem with married men trying to hit up on me for "dating" LTR? when he is already taken. Probably cos my Dad has done that to my mom countless of times and fathered kids left and right. So I dont put up with it. :evil:



Good points. You probably did save her more grief down the road. He should have told his wife before he started that and let her decide then and thhere whether or not she wanted a divorce.

05-29-2007, 10:52 AM
Hmmm, i'll just bet anything that Hara is very sexy when she's angry! 8)

Men! Grrr :evil: LOL I once dated a guy who gets turned on when Im mad at him. And also when I curse at him in a different language! I dont understand why but he does. LOL :lol:



What language did you curse at him in?

It's called tagalog (Philippines national language) which is primarily mixed with spanish curse words M77. LOL ;)

Like: hijo de puta, Chupa me, puto, pendejo etc.



I had a girlfriend from the Philippines. Her dad did something similar to what your dad did, but he actually had another family with kids and all. Broke her mom's heart, but she didn't divorce him because she felt it would be wrong. I wish I could have met that woman, she sounded like a saint.

05-29-2007, 01:24 PM
the same shemales and shemale lovers who don't like to be judged for who they are , go and judge others because they like to be topped while they like to top and vice-versa , go figure :roll:

As I mentioned earlier in a (hugely ignored thread,lol) girls DO look down on guys who like cock, in their personal relationships, because it is a common belief that guys who like cock cannot be faithful/cannot control their appetite for cock.They will do every dick swinging girlfriend you have! They are drawn to it like the Millennium Falcon caught in the Death Star tractor beam!

I've been in LTR with a shemale for 2 wonderful years , she liked to top and I loved being her bottom , I was faithful only to her because there was much more in her than just her cock 8)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-29-2007, 03:56 PM
I had a girlfriend from the Philippines. Her dad did something similar to what your dad did, but he actually had another family with kids and all. Broke her mom's heart, but she didn't divorce him because she felt it would be wrong. I wish I could have met that woman, she sounded like a saint.

There actually ISNT a divorce in the Philippines (it being a predominantly catholic nation). Only legal separation sweety. If she was the 1st wife, Id say she was wise. By PI law, If her ex husband dies and he is loaded then she (1st wife) and her "legitimate kids" heirs most his possessions/properties. ;)



05-29-2007, 06:03 PM
No,I'm not offended.

I look at as a matter of it being a psychologically safe way for some guys to deal with their latent homosexual urges,ie;"They looked and acted like a girl,so not really having sex w/ another man."?

I don't those guys would be interested in the same girl if she was post-op?

That's going to piss some people off,but I think deep down a lot of "straight" tranny-chasers see the girls they pursue as just guys who look like girls?

BTW,I am a Dom,so that may be part of my take on the matter? I never thought about it that way.

LG,"Femme Fatale" is also about Candy Darling.I've always had the feeling she was Reed's girlfriend in that '70-'74 period,but I've never heard or seen it confirmed?



But here's where I don't follow.

I understand the actual specific act of topping vs. bottoming is different, but the premise is still the same isn't it? If you take that sentiment, "You're messin with a TS therefore you are messin with men", then, I don't care what you do with one......you are still with a man.

So, with that sentiment in mind, How are you somehow LESS gay if you fuck a man?

Where did I say I believed "If you're messin' with a TS therefore you're messin' with a man." ?

I'm talking about the motivations of the various men who are attracted to a MtF TG. If you're primary attraction to her is her A)having a penis,B) that it be functional and C) your primary desire is to be topped by her and her functional penis,well.......... Those guys are looking for a safe way to experience getting a dick w/o seeing themselves as gay,IMO.

However if your main attraction to a TG is that you consider her a woman and view her dick as an accident of biology,you're motivations are quite different.

Now if you like to have sex with guys and only guys it doesn't matter if you're giving,receiving or hanging from the ceiling,you're gay.

Does that clear it up for you?

05-29-2007, 10:57 PM
No offense to the Germans out there, but the whole German accent/language combo is not very sexy.

I dunno... I've been into a German-rubber-fisting-pissing-porn kick lately and there is something about that harsh German female domina voice that gets me kinda hot.... Even if I have no idea what's she's saying... :D

05-29-2007, 11:54 PM
this may sound like its in favour of being a "bottom". but i dont think taking it as a guy is always about being homosexual. some like the feeling of being dominated. and the factor that the prostate (as we all know) is a sensitive area when stimulated correctly. i have a gg fiancée. she does not know my feelings towards transexual women and i dont know if i should tell her for fear of her reaction. i would not cheat on her for anyone either.
she does however know that i like anal stimulation and we sometimes use a strapon during sex. sure, some will say it means im gay but how can it be when i do not find men attractive whatsoever. as i have said in another post i am unsure of what my sexuality is classed as being as i am attracted to transexuals as well as gg's

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-29-2007, 11:58 PM
Very well said. Alot of guys associate prostate stimulation = gay and being submissive = gay. Sadly it's not really the case. Glad you are above the stereotypical male and enjoys his sexuality. ;)



05-30-2007, 12:07 AM
yeah its really unfortunate that the single minded people see it that way. im open minded. i have 3 likes sexually. gg's, transexuals and latex. there is only two i have tried and will more than likely only end up trying as like i said i would never cheat on her and i am also unsure weather i should tell her of my transexual desires as i dont want anything bad to come of it.

oh and you look gorgeous in your photo hara

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-30-2007, 12:23 AM
Thanks traumatism. :P



05-30-2007, 12:29 AM
yeah thats always a nice feeling. my fiancée has done that to me a few times. i just stand to attention when she feels around back there.

05-30-2007, 12:49 AM
Well I am versatile, best way for me.

The Truth
05-30-2007, 01:22 AM
I think a lot of people equate being gay with being a bottom. In my opinion, being gay is about your sexual preference, whether you like men, women or both. I know a lot of gay men who are exclusively top. They identify as gay men because they are sexualy attracted to men.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-30-2007, 05:46 AM
Yep! I agree. ;)

Gay people could be tops and or bottoms also versatile. When a hetero male tops is is straight. But when he bottoms he is gay. And when he is versatile he is Bi? LOL :lol:

So how about women who tops (with other women and or men)? Are they gay too? Cos If we go by stereotypecasting, women recieves but never should give therefore IF she always bottoms (recieve vaginal/anal) she is straight?




05-30-2007, 06:32 AM
How about vers tops/bottoms, what the hell does that mean?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-30-2007, 06:51 AM
TS's who added something constructive to this thread:

Hara_Juku Tgirl

(all of whom benefit financially from the TS scene)

TS's who post on this board:

Mystique Evolution
Kelly Shore
Yasmin Lee
Jennifer English
TS Beauty
True Beauty
Alison Faraday
Alison Dale
Hilda Brasil
Lisa Paradise
Olivia Love
Sunny Dee-Lite
Saigon Lee
Tara Emory
Juliana Dominguez
Mia Isabella
Nicole Dupree (nee Arianna)
Holly Sweet
Joanna Jett
Khloe Hart
Vo D'Balm

... go figure...

Go figure what? Only 3 brave one's chimed in on this thread topic who's benefited one way or the other from the TS scene? LOL Because it's obvious to me that all the girls listed above has. ;) :lol:

So what is it I'm missing Silvester cos I dont get what you're trying to say here. :?



Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-30-2007, 06:53 AM
How about vers tops/bottoms, what the hell does that mean?

It means monday he tops then tuesday he bottoms and so forth and so on. Its pretty elementary really. LOL ;)

That's what it means. :P



05-30-2007, 06:54 AM
Are you trying to say that you're surprised more ladies didn't comment on this thread given the number of women who post here, Sil? Cuz that's how I read that...

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-30-2007, 07:07 AM
Let me just say this. Any so called TS who derived pleasure from fucking my ass outside of the paid scene, I would be highly suspicious of, shades of grey and all that..

OK fair enough. But how could you be so full of yourself and think that any of the listed twomen would do your ass pro bono Sil? And what do you know about us girls getting any pleasure from doing it? Majority of tgirls who are in the sex trade fakes a few moans and groans for $$ and to get a following of regular clientelle. Soo..:?



Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-30-2007, 07:19 AM
Pee whore! LOL :lol: Who's to say none of the girls really enjoyed themselves outside non paying? LOL ;)



Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-30-2007, 07:47 AM
I dont need no rescuing. I've already walked a mile in their shoes (my inputs would be as good coming from as an insider). I think your whole problem is being too paranoid and judgemental for someone who's got 2 close CD friends and yet you are suspicious of REAL tgirls deriving pleasure from topping? That to me is comedy! LOL :lol:



05-31-2007, 02:06 PM
I had a girlfriend from the Philippines. Her dad did something similar to what your dad did, but he actually had another family with kids and all. Broke her mom's heart, but she didn't divorce him because she felt it would be wrong. I wish I could have met that woman, she sounded like a saint.

There actually ISNT a divorce in the Philippines (it being a predominantly catholic nation). Only legal separation sweety. If she was the 1st wife, Id say she was wise. By PI law, If her ex husband dies and he is loaded then she (1st wife) and her "legitimate kids" heirs most his possessions/properties. ;)



Thank you for the info... Yeah, that makes sense--she was his first wife. Though, I think the main reason she stuck by that dick was for the sake of the kids. What a sweet, self-sacrificing woman... The husband was an actor over there, but I don't know whether or not he was making a lot of money. At least two of her daughters got jobs in Canada, so they were able to send their mom money and I guess she was doing pretty well.

Eden taught me a little Tagalog... the only words I remember are pek-pek, soo-soo and tee-tee (I don't know the spellings...)

05-31-2007, 02:16 PM
No offense to the Germans out there, but the whole German accent/language combo is not very sexy.

I dunno... I've been into a German-rubber-fisting-pissing-porn kick lately and there is something about that harsh German female domina voice that gets me kinda hot.... Even if I have no idea what's she's saying... :D

Are you a Nina Hagen fan? Many of her songs are in German--some are sung in a powerful, gravelly voice, and she does, in some photos, have a certain dominatrix thing going on...

Hara_Juku Tgirl
06-01-2007, 01:14 AM
Thank you for the info... Yeah, that makes sense--she was his first wife. Though, I think the main reason she stuck by that dick was for the sake of the kids. What a sweet, self-sacrificing woman... The husband was an actor over there, but I don't know whether or not he was making a lot of money. At least two of her daughters got jobs in Canada, so they were able to send their mom money and I guess she was doing pretty well.

Eden taught me a little Tagalog... the only words I remember are pek-pek, soo-soo and tee-tee (I don't know the spellings...)

LOL@the last part. Those are pek-pek=vagina, suso=breast and titi=penis! :lol:



General Disarray
06-01-2007, 01:15 AM
Thank you for the info... Yeah, that makes sense--she was his first wife. Though, I think the main reason she stuck by that dick was for the sake of the kids. What a sweet, self-sacrificing woman... The husband was an actor over there, but I don't know whether or not he was making a lot of money. At least two of her daughters got jobs in Canada, so they were able to send their mom money and I guess she was doing pretty well.

Eden taught me a little Tagalog... the only words I remember are pek-pek, soo-soo and tee-tee (I don't know the spellings...)

LOL@the last part. Those are pek-pek=vagina, suso=breast and titi=penis! :lol:



06-01-2007, 12:01 PM
Hara_Juku Tgirl, General Disarray:

LOL, yeah, I guess you can see where my mind was! :lol:

She was really hot... And had many other good qualities. We were talking about getting married, but we decided we weren't meant to be together long-term. We both did get married, but not to each other. I lost touch with her. I hope her life is all she dreamed it could be.

09-12-2007, 06:19 PM
*bump due to some good laughs I had rereading ......

09-20-2007, 04:41 AM
*bump due to some good laughs I had rereading ......


09-20-2007, 06:43 AM
This thread depresses me.

So let me get this straight. All of the tgirls are doomed to never find the guy they want because they want a guy who doesn't like dick.

And all the guys that like tgirls are doomed to never hook up with one (without paying money), because they want a girl with a dick.

And if they didn't want dick, they wouldn't want a tgirl, but then tgirls would want them, and try to convince them that they were beautiful enough that they can overlook the dick. And most won't be able to overlook the dick, and they'll flee. But those that stay... like dick! Aaaiiieee! And the tgirls won't want them anymore.

Discouraging really.

09-20-2007, 06:54 AM
Either way it leaves someone buggered.

09-20-2007, 08:38 AM
This thread depresses me.

So let me get this straight. All of the tgirls are doomed to never find the guy they want because they want a guy who doesn't like dick.

And all the guys that like tgirls are doomed to never hook up with one (without paying money), because they want a girl with a dick.

And if they didn't want dick, they wouldn't want a tgirl, but then tgirls would want them, and try to convince them that they were beautiful enough that they can overlook the dick. And most won't be able to overlook the dick, and they'll flee. But those that stay... like dick! Aaaiiieee! And the tgirls won't want them anymore.

Discouraging really.

welcome to Planet-T !!!

09-20-2007, 10:56 AM
Why do we always have to label each other and stick us in catergorys?

Top/bottom , straight/gay , etc etc.

At the end of the day its sex and you do what you like,what gives you the most satisfaction so regardless or labels,just enjoy life,and live and let live.

09-20-2007, 02:05 PM
A TS who's a top isn't my preference. I'm not interested in getting topped by a TS. To each his own.

09-22-2007, 04:31 PM
I dont think theres anything wrong with a tgirl recieving oral sex ar giving anal. After all they are not really girls and not really guys. They are beautiful unique beings. Girls recieve oral sex from guys anyway so whats the problem with a tgirl recieving oral sex? In my opinion sex is sex and if u enjoy it then go for it and if u dont then steer clear. I prefer to be bottom on occassions but if i was in a relationship i would be top and just switch roles when we're both wiling to do so. Dont worry about what other people think just live youre life how U want!

09-22-2007, 04:49 PM
This thread depresses me.

So let me get this straight. All of the tgirls are doomed to never find the guy they want because they want a guy who doesn't like dick.

And all the guys that like tgirls are doomed to never hook up with one (without paying money), because they want a girl with a dick.

And if they didn't want dick, they wouldn't want a tgirl, but then tgirls would want them, and try to convince them that they were beautiful enough that they can overlook the dick. And most won't be able to overlook the dick, and they'll flee. But those that stay... like dick! Aaaiiieee! And the tgirls won't want them anymore.

Discouraging really.

__________________________________________________ _____________________________




TRANNY LIFECYCLE : Moderntimes............Oxygen Channel, Friday @ 8:00 p.m. pst.

10-09-2007, 03:44 AM
This thread is full of great comments. I just had to bring it back...

12-01-2008, 05:09 PM
:roll: OR Here's a TIP: Maybe if you guys could "downplay" being bottoms..It might just work to your advantage? And the girls would even initiate it..Just a thought.



Geez! How can I "downplay" my desire to bottom for a beautiful girl with a handle like mine????

12-01-2008, 06:18 PM
:roll: OR Here's a TIP: Maybe if you guys could "downplay" being bottoms..It might just work to your advantage? And the girls would even initiate it..Just a thought.



Geez! How can I "downplay" my desire to bottom for a beautiful girl with a handle like mine????[/quote]

I think she means not to sound desparate.

12-01-2008, 10:22 PM
:roll: OR Here's a TIP: Maybe if you guys could "downplay" being bottoms..It might just work to your advantage? And the girls would even initiate it..Just a thought.



Geez! How can I "downplay" my desire to bottom for a beautiful girl with a handle like mine????

I think she means not to sound desparate.[/quote]

ummm, yeah, I think I got that - sarcasm at work here . . .

12-01-2008, 11:01 PM
my TS girl and I have a question :

sometimes I top her which means that I am straight.
other times when she tops me , I am a faggot.

what am I ? we are confused :roll: ..................................... :wink: