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View Full Version : Susan Stanton - Live and on Video. (frmr city manager fired)

05-26-2007, 08:44 PM
Remember the story of the transsexual city manager city manager Steve Stanton? Well it's officially Susan now. Susan is really making the rounds to. Talking to congressmen and such and such. Good for her. Furthermore I hope good for us. I hope her skills in politics will help to precipitate positive change.

The video's speak for themselves.

YouTube Video:Susan Stanton in Washington D.C. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlVqL7Qokw0)

Terminated employment: Transgernder City Manager S. Stanton (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3dATTKiC3M)

At least she seems happy. :-)

05-27-2007, 08:04 PM
Thank you for posting these Youtube video links, Brenda.

I will say that I am pleasantly surprised by how good she looks as Susan (after seeing pictures of Steve Stanton in the previous articles regarding her firing as the City Manager of Largo, Florida).

I think the second video is mistaken in that I am pretty sure that Susan has not had her SRS/GRS yet.

She does look very presentable as a woman, and is very well spoken.

Here is another (positive) YouTube video link that I found that I think may be worth watching:

Creative Loafing Covers Steve Stanton on Media Talk

I will be going to the Be-All in Chicago ( http://www.be-all.org/ ) this coming week just after Memorial Day (Tuesday - Sunday) and she will be there:


Susan Stanton, Largo, FL

Our special keynote guest speaker for Saturday lunch on June 2nd at Be-All 2007 will be Susan Stanton.

Susan was the former city manager for Largo, Florida and it was just recently that this story of Susan’s bravery unfolded. After years of personal frustrations over her gender identity she decided to advise her employers of her decision to change from Steve to Susan Stanton. Her employers then decided how sinful and untrustworthy she was and relieved of her position with the city after 14 years of service. This story has been making news all over the country and we are honored to have Susan as our special guest this year.

Please join us for this wonderful opportunity to meet Susan and make her feel comfortable, as this will be her very first transgender conference. Once again, we are very fortunate to have this brave person in our midst.

Remember the story of the transsexual city manager city manager Steve Stanton? Well it's officially Susan now. Susan is really making the rounds to. Talking to congressmen and such and such. Good for her. Furthermore I hope good for us. I hope her skills in politics will help to precipitate positive change.

The video's speak for themselves.

YouTube Video:Susan Stanton in Washington D.C. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlVqL7Qokw0)

Terminated employment: Transgernder City Manager S. Stanton (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3dATTKiC3M)

At least she seems happy. :-)

05-27-2007, 11:12 PM
I am not going to talk about how Ms. Stanton looks. Other than to say she looks about as good as can be expected for her circumstances. She really ought to work on her voice though.

To be honest looking at the event's schedule it sounds like it does not sound like much I would be interested in. However mabey I will drop by since it is in the city I live in. It's bus fair.

05-28-2007, 12:33 AM
I am not going to talk about how Ms. Stanton looks. Other than to say she looks about as good as can be expected for her circumstances. She really ought to work on her voice though.

I only mentioned Susan Stanton's looks because female presentation is something that is important if you are going to be the public face for a cause. I was pleasantly surprised at how good I thought she looked in female attire and with a short blonde wig. That look really works for her. I didn't mean to make fun of her, and I hope it isn't being taken that way.

Susan's voice will probably get better over time. Deep Stealth (Andrea James and Calpernia Addams) sell a DVD / CD combo called "Finding Your Female Voice" that I have. The small part with Andrea's demo of switching from a male to female voice is pretty amazing.

According to Andrea, it's just a matter of taking the time to practice, practice, practice. It's one of thoses things that's easy to put off, then if you have to suddenly and unexpectedly go full time you don't have the hours of practice behind you and can only try to talk slowly and in a quieter voice...

Well, it could be worse. It could be me instead of Susan Stanton representing us.

The Be-All is for us older girls to get away from our wives and dress and be the "girls we know we are" :) for the week (well, from Tuesday to Sunday noon).

There are a few hot T-Girls like yourself there, but they're the ones who started early and were blessed with great genetics. They make the rest of us in our 40's and 50's and 60's look like guys in dresses by comparison.

Well, if you stop by, if you see someone who looks and walks like Lurch in a dress, and talks like a Marine drill instructor... That will be me. Stop by and say Hi!

05-28-2007, 02:12 AM
I only mentioned Susan Stanton's looks because female presentation is something that is important if you are going to be the public face for a cause. I was pleasantly surprised at how good I thought she looked in female attire and with a short blonde wig. That look really works for her. I didn't mean to make fun of her, and I hope it isn't being taken that way.

Please you would never be suspected of making fun of her. I could make fun of her but what would be the point.

As for her being the face of transsexualism. The face of transsexualism is the face of humanity. For their is not a single group of people that is 100% lacking in transsexuals of some kind. She can no more represent all TS's than I or Allanah, or any one else. How ever if one person must be choosen why not choose someone who is a bit less remarkable and more average?

The Be-All is for us older girls to get away from our wives and dress and be the "girls we know we are" :) for the week (well, from Tuesday to Sunday noon).

I was afraid of that. Sounds like the kind of place where I would alternately be hit on/ yelled at for "reinforcing stereotypes about transsexuals via my lifestyle". :-? Sounds like big fun.

There are a few hot T-Girls like yourself there, but they're the ones who started early and were blessed with great genetics. They make the rest of us in our 40's and 50's and 60's look like guys in dresses by comparison.

HA! Hot T-Girls like me? If you say so. Catch me after I have been digging irigation furrows in my garden, all muddy and stinky. I am like totally Androgynous looking then.

Well, if you stop by, if you see someone who looks and walks like Lurch in a dress, and talks like a Marine drill instructor... That will be me. Stop by and say Hi!

Come on you don't look like that at all. Don't be so hard on yourself. Sure I will probably be in the city at least one of those days. Can't hurt.

05-28-2007, 06:27 AM
Seriously, you shouldn't have any problem.

It's just that, coincidently, Susan Stanton would fit right in the statistical mean of the demographic group that attends these kind of conferences - middle aged, making a good income as a professional, married, with children who are in their teens or 20's.

I try to understand that everyone has their own situation, and I try not to take myself too seriously.

This is my more typical "walking around attending seminars" attire...

05-30-2007, 02:59 PM
Brenda, Wendy, thank you for the information.

Oh and by the way, you both are hotties. :wink: