View Full Version : Anyone here Cut, or self-harmed themselves?

05-25-2007, 09:41 AM
I know this may make me sound crazy, but I have been cutting myself lately (mostly on the arms/wrists). I am seein some counselors and trying to take care of things but it can be hard. I was just wondering if anyone else out here has ever had any similar issues? And what your experiences were/are with it.

Please don't troll or flame this thread. It is a serious question and I would appreciate serious responses. THanks everyone :)

05-25-2007, 03:38 PM
I saw the title and clicked on this post, and unfortunately see that there have been no responses to your post yet, so I'll respond with something, and bump it to the top.

First, keep a notebook / diary of when you do this. Also your feelings when this happens (before and after) and anything else that may relate to this. Any doctor is going to ask about "stressors" - things that make you want to cut yourself.

If you're a young TG/TS, I will take a wild guess and say that it may be related to that..

Being where you live (Boise, ID) may be a good place to get away from it all, but maybe not so good for being a TG/TS. Are there any GLBT (Gay Lesbian Bi Transgender) groups out where you are? You need to find some kind of support system.

Visit the web sites http://www.LynnConway.com, http://www.TSRoadMap.com and http://www.DeepStealth.com (specifically the GenderLife forum - http://www.genderlife.com/forum/ ) to read as much information as you can on young transitioners, and perhaps send an e-mail to them asking for advice.

I know this may make me sound crazy, but I have been cutting myself lately (mostly on the arms/wrists). I am seein some counselors and trying to take care of things but it can be hard. I was just wondering if anyone else out here has ever had any similar issues? And what your experiences were/are with it.

Please don't troll or flame this thread. It is a serious question and I would appreciate serious responses. Thanks everyone :)

05-25-2007, 04:29 PM
When I was younger I used to cut myself but it was
part of a very controlled and concious series of
magickal workings based on readings from Austin
Osman Spare.


05-25-2007, 04:55 PM
A friend of mine in high school used to stick knives in is legs, and hit himself on the shoulder and hands with a hammer. He never went for any treatment (that I am aware of) but he is still around and recently got married and is in his second year of a carefully thought out and set up business of his own. He's still a little kooky - but only in a good way.

It's really just a symptom of other things bothering you, and it does'nt have to wind up bad. Stick with the counsling and remember that there are tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people who have done the same thing for one reason or another. It's really not all that rare.

05-25-2007, 04:58 PM
One of my kids did when did as a teen. It was related to depression which is the family curse. Once we got that under control the cutting stopped.

Good luck.

05-25-2007, 06:58 PM
My advice...

Just stop, really...seriously, just STOP.

you don't need a counselor, you don't need drugs, you just need to stop.

Try this...next time you get the urge to cut yourself, don't, plain and simple. Go for a walk, run around the block, masturbate, pick your nose, something, anything.