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View Full Version : EU probes Google grip on data

05-25-2007, 07:51 AM

05-25-2007, 08:44 AM
Fuckin police state, the average brit gets filmed by 300 cctv cams daily... Along with identity cards, hugest dna profile in the world, and now they wanna put sattelite tracking in all our cars to pay for road tax. The PC brigade say "if you've done nothin wrong, there's no need to worry"...

And yet we still have one of the higest crime rates in Europe...Go figure.

But, back on topic.
It's no wonder they want to hold on to it for as long as possible.
The information they collect must be worth squillions in targetted advertising and predicting future buying trends, before you even look at the privacy angle.

05-25-2007, 04:51 PM
Fuckin police state, the average brit gets filmed by 300 cctv cams daily... Along with identity cards, hugest dna profile in the world, and now they wanna put sattelite tracking in all our cars to pay for road tax. The PC brigade say "if you've done nothin wrong, there's no need to worry"...

Right. Every liberal I know is demanding that the government take away our civil rights in the name of fighting crime. :roll: :roll:

(That really called for a double.)