View Full Version : Pelosi never stood a chance with Iraq funding bill(SFgate)

05-24-2007, 08:39 PM
Why Pelosi never stood a chance with funding bill

Edward Epstein, Chronicle Washington Bureau

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Speaker Nancy Pelosi suffered the most significant setback in her five months running the House when she backed down in the legislative battle with President Bush over paying for the war in Iraq, but even some of her critics suggest she and her top deputies had little chance of prevailing.

After more than three months of deadlock over Bush's request for Iraq war funding, Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., were forced this week to drop their effort to tie the money to a U.S. troop withdrawal and readiness standards for units being deployed into war.

Without those provisions -- which the House and Senate had passed before Bush vetoed them -- the leaders found themselves slammed by the anti-war left and mocked by Republicans.

The result was so distasteful to anti-war Democrats that Pelosi herself said she won't vote for the war money today when it comes to the House floor.