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View Full Version : WTF? This is why we have hate crimes!!

05-24-2007, 12:30 AM
I was in Kentucky at a truckstop (yeah, I'm currently a trucker-- yuck),pulled in to take a nap about 1 am. This pick up truck follows me to my parking space. I'm thinking "What the hell does this red neck want?". I turn to get in the sleeper and I turn back around and this clown is standing beside my truck bare-assed, groping his butt-cheeks. I started to just ignore him and go to sleep, but I decided having this quack outside wasn't cool so I rolled down my window and said "You need to take that shit somewhere else, before I call the cops". He jumped in his truck and took off. I think he had a bra on too.
Now he was standing in a parking lot with a hundred trucks doing this stupid shit. Is the desire to do homosexual acts so strong that fags resort to this shit. Guys constantly leave messages in bathrooms to tune to certain channels on the CB for blow jobs. Do guys want a dick in their mouth/ass so bad that they just solicit sex from any slimey guy driving down the highway? That shit is disgusting!! Made me sick and I was slightly traumatized! I know I might sound slightly hypocritical since I like transsexuals, but there is a time and place for shit. I really stared into space for a few minutes thinking I could not belive what had happened. What if I'd had my wife with me, or a kid?
This is why people have disdain for fags--- stupid assed behavior like this. The next guy might jump out his truck and beat his ass,but he'd be wrong I guess. And yeah I said fag 'cause that's what he was--- I don't feel like using euphemisms, I'm mad!

05-24-2007, 12:38 AM
If he'd have been a gorgeous ts or female 10 I doubt you'd have give this response :)

05-24-2007, 12:46 AM
But go away with the made up bs story,there is no f***king reason to excuse a hate crime i don't care what the reasons are but it sounds like you have some deep fantasties there pal no need to mask it with hate.

05-24-2007, 12:54 AM
If he'd have been a gorgeous ts or female 10 I doubt you'd have give this response :)

But they don't wave it around at truck stops.

Eleventh Avenue, maybe, on a sunny June day, but usually not truck stops.

05-24-2007, 01:00 AM
If he'd have been a gorgeous ts or female 10 I doubt you'd have give this response :)

But they don't wave it around at truck stops.

Eleventh Avenue, maybe, on a sunny June day, but usually not truck stops.

Your probably right but that wasn't my point.

Definitely not my point lol

05-24-2007, 01:07 AM
Be go away with the made up bs story,there is no f***king reason to excuse a hate crime i don't care what the reasons are but it sounds like you have some deep fantasties there pal no need to mask it with hate.
Idiot. I don't have to make up anything, or justify myself to you.

05-24-2007, 01:14 AM
If he'd have been a gorgeous ts or female 10 I doubt you'd have give this response :)
Well, I thought about that and it would've been similar. If I had been looking for a T/S and went to a T/S hot spot, that's different. But to have a TS just come up to me in public and ASSUME I want her and act like a classless freak in public---- Naah, I don't think that would be a TS I want to get with.
I really don't know what shook me up more, this guy doing this to ME or playing himself like that. Don't you have any respect for yourself???

05-24-2007, 01:48 AM
Yes I respect myself.

It was my light hearted assumption though that if the guy in question had have been a ts 10 knockout you might not have given us this response.

Not justifying the mans actions by the way he was totally out of order and a call to the authorities rather than kicking him in would suffice.

05-24-2007, 02:00 AM
[quote="sucka4chix"] Made me sick and I was slightly traumatized!

Traumatized ??? Suck it up and be a man you pussy. You were probably traumatized beacuse the guy gave you a hard on...Advocating a hate crime is idiotic !!!

05-24-2007, 02:16 AM
If he'd have been a gorgeous ts or female 10 I doubt you'd have give this response :)

But they don't wave it around at truck stops.

Eleventh Avenue, maybe, on a sunny June day, but usually not truck stops.

Your probably right but that wasn't my point.

Definitely not my point lol

I know, but I have a wise-ass quota to fulfill.

05-24-2007, 02:24 AM
Advocating a hate crime is idiotic !!!

I don't think he's either advocating or supporting any kind of hate crime, but the concept that such actions/stereotypes can lead to them.

It goes to the "Gay panic defense". A lame-ass twist in the legal sewage that gives you some kind of pass to beat and/or murder someone because you were afraid you might be/be thought of as gay.

Ooooooh, I so wish I could have played that in the late seventies:

"I totally regret my actions, your honor, but I couldn't help myself! I panicked! I had to beat the crap out of the motherfucker because I was afraid people would think I was a....LAWYER!"

05-24-2007, 02:42 AM

05-24-2007, 02:44 AM
Be go away with the made up bs story,there is no f***king reason to excuse a hate crime i don't care what the reasons are but it sounds like you have some deep fantasties there pal no need to mask it with hate.
Idiot. I don't have to make up anything, or justify myself to you.

lettem off the hook hes alittle retarded up in the head, besides that hes just a kid, probably hasnt even had a good fuck or a decent blow job yet.

Be go away with the made up bs good one kid. I guess next your gonna be saying "me sucky your cock, me so horny"

05-24-2007, 03:00 AM
Be go away with the made up bs story,there is no f***king reason to excuse a hate crime i don't care what the reasons are but it sounds like you have some deep fantasties there pal no need to mask it with hate.
Idiot. I don't have to make up anything, or justify myself to you.

lettem off the hook hes alittle retarded up in the head, besides that hes just a kid, probably hasnt even had a good fuck or a decent blow job yet.

Be go away with the made up bs good one kid. I guess next your gonna be saying "me sucky your cock, me so horny"

Why don't you go straighten your wig and begin your transition for the umpteenth time and leave decent, thinking people in peace "Boo"? You're a sad, fat, ugly waste of flesh, with nothing better to do than ruin a thread with your lame commentary. Move on, fat ass. And have a good day! :D

05-24-2007, 03:03 AM
Be go away with the made up bs story,there is no f***king reason to excuse a hate crime i don't care what the reasons are but it sounds like you have some deep fantasties there pal no need to mask it with hate.
Idiot. I don't have to make up anything, or justify myself to you.

lettem off the hook hes alittle retarded up in the head, besides that hes just a kid, probably hasnt even had a good fuck or a decent blow job yet.

Be go away with the made up bs good one kid. I guess next your gonna be saying "me sucky your cock, me so horny"

Why don't you go straighten your wig and begin your transition for the umpteenth time and leave decent, thinking people in peace "Boo"? You're a sad, fat, ugly waste of flesh, with nothing better to do than ruin a thread with your lame commentary. Move on, fat ass. And have a good day! :D

awwwwww whats the matter TJ? must have hit a nerve :wink:

05-24-2007, 03:08 AM
:shock: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :shock:
Hit a nerve? Not quite. However, you do have an effect of me, I admit.
You scare the hell out of me... I trust you can see why. Aren't you scared when you look in the mirror and see this looking back at you?

05-24-2007, 03:38 AM
[quote=sucka4chix] Made me sick and I was slightly traumatized!

Traumatized ??? Suck it up and be a man you pussy. You were probably traumatized beacuse the guy gave you a hard on...Advocating a hate crime is idiotic !!!
Yeah that's what I said traumatized. Everything you put in your brain, through your senses has an effect---every stupid rap lyric,every loser reality tv show, every insult from dumbasses on a forum.And the effect of this act was confusion--- didn't know what to think about it...trauma. Just like getting robbed at gunpoint--- Just because you MAN-UP and say it doesn't bother you, doesn't mean it didn't 'cause damage. I'm wise enough to know that, one day you might be.
And no I wasn't turned on on any level and as stated above I'm not advocating anything. Just pointing out how things happen so YOU won't get YOUR ass kicked next time YOU do some stupid PatrickFromNYC shit!
Just looking out for you and your type.

05-24-2007, 04:01 AM
Be go away with the made up bs story,there is no f***king reason to excuse a hate crime i don't care what the reasons are but it sounds like you have some deep fantasties there pal no need to mask it with hate.

you have too many verbs in that sentence

05-24-2007, 04:23 AM
Be go away with the made up bs story,there is no f***king reason to excuse a hate crime i don't care what the reasons are but it sounds like you have some deep fantasties there pal no need to mask it with hate.
Idiot. I don't have to make up anything, or justify myself to you.

lettem off the hook hes alittle retarded up in the head, besides that hes just a kid, probably hasnt even had a good fuck or a decent blow job yet.

Be go away with the made up bs good one kid. I guess next your gonna be saying "me sucky your cock, me so horny"

It's called a mistake fatty kinda like your entire existence but how can you can me retarded when it took you another post to come up with that lame insult,i bet you learned all about good fucks and blowjobs from daddy and the rest of your family right LOL!

after some serious thought and being told im a fat fag, I have decided im no longer going to be taking female hormones nor dressing anymore, mainly because of jennifer justice and what she said it really made me think about me actually being a girl, well it was a long shot. But what she has said is true to her word so im just taking the time to point out that im giving up all my goals and ambitions of ever becoming a women.

I really did want to be a women deep down but shes totally right ill never be a women in any way or aspect so again im giving it all up. So with that said i Guess ill focus my main goals on school and work and just living the normal life of a man.

In a way I should be thanking her and everyone for the rude comments of truth it was truly a wake up call.

LOL you weren't kidding by it being a long shot but its good you admitted the truth,you just can't cut it as a girl you barely cut it as a man.

05-24-2007, 04:28 AM
you just can't cut it as a girl you barely cut it as a man.

Wrong. The truth is, he can't cut it as a girl or as a man. However, he has proven he can cut it as pathetic, so all hope isn't lost.

05-24-2007, 04:40 AM
A thought occurs.
If I walk into a parking lot, take down my pants, and start waving my dick at some random woman who, in response, whacks me in the head with a blunt object -- everyone applauds. (as well they should).

A guy does it to another guy, and if he hits him for it it's a hate crime.

The punishment for being an asshole should be even, I think.

05-24-2007, 04:55 AM
[quote=sucka4chix] Made me sick and I was slightly traumatized!

Traumatized ??? Suck it up and be a man you pussy. You were probably traumatized beacuse the guy gave you a hard on...Advocating a hate crime is idiotic !!!
Yeah that's what I said traumatized. Everything you put in your brain, through your senses has an effect---every stupid rap lyric,every loser reality tv show, every insult from dumbasses on a forum.And the effect of this act was confusion--- didn't know what to think about it...trauma. Just like getting robbed at gunpoint--- Just because you MAN-UP and say it doesn't bother you, doesn't mean it didn't 'cause damage. I'm wise enough to know that, one day you might be.
And no I wasn't turned on on any level and as stated above I'm not advocating anything. Just pointing out how things happen so YOU won't get YOUR ass kicked next time YOU do some stupid PatrickFromNYC shit!
Just looking out for you and your type.

Thanks for looking out for me LOL but I grew up in hells kitchen and believe me I can take care of myself.

I will admit I was probably too hard on you though. Its the liberal use of people being "traumatized" over everything that is making Americans a bunch of wimps. Its a pet peeve of mine. Peace.

05-24-2007, 04:56 AM
:shock: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :shock:
Hit a nerve? Not quite. However, you do have an effect of me, I admit.
You scare the hell out of me... I trust you can see why. Aren't you scared when you look in the mirror and see this looking back at you?

WTF are you talking about snake boy? between you and the kid you both make fucktards look like celebrity's, God can you both be anymore stupid? please!!!!! im begging you both! :D :lol:

05-24-2007, 05:22 AM
you just can't cut it as a girl you barely cut it as a man.

Wrong. The truth is, he can't cut it as a girl or as a man. However, he has proven he can cut it as pathetic, so all hope isn't lost.

LOL so true fatmagic is the type of pathetic loser that plays the sympathy card he knows deep down he can't cut it as a "fat fag" as he once said and he knows even deeper he has no chance of remotely looking like anything feminine,all the you can do it girl sympathy isn't going to make him look feminine.He is just a lost cause!

Oh yeah he talked about jennifer and made threads about her because he probably wants to be like her but only chance of that happening is hell freezing over or pigs flying,he will always be the unpassable fatty!

05-24-2007, 06:25 AM
You're not talking about the truck stop on 64 just east of Winchester are you?

If it is,I think I know who you're talking about? That guy is a defrocked preacher,gets arrested all the time.

05-24-2007, 06:48 AM
you just can't cut it as a girl you barely cut it as a man.

Wrong. The truth is, he can't cut it as a girl or as a man. However, he has proven he can cut it as pathetic, so all hope isn't lost.

LOL so true fatmagic is the type of pathetic loser that plays the sympathy card he knows deep down he can't cut it as a "fat fag" as he once said and he knows even deeper he has no chance of remotely looking like anything feminine,all the you can do it girl sympathy isn't going to make him look feminine.He is just a lost cause!

Oh yeah he talked about jennifer and made threads about her because he probably wants to be like her but only chance of that happening is hell freezing over or pigs flying,he will always be the unpassable fatty!

""cries"" ""im heart broken, just heart broken"" :wink:

05-24-2007, 06:50 AM
You're not talking about the truck stop on 64 just east of Winchester are you?

If it is,I think I know who you're talking about? That guy is a defrocked preacher,gets arrested all the time.
Nah, I-71 outside Louisville in Pendleton. Maybe it was that famous Kentuckian on here, LMAO.

05-24-2007, 07:16 AM
you just can't cut it as a girl you barely cut it as a man.

Wrong. The truth is, he can't cut it as a girl or as a man. However, he has proven he can cut it as pathetic, so all hope isn't lost.

LOL so true fatmagic is the type of pathetic loser that plays the sympathy card he knows deep down he can't cut it as a "fat fag" as he once said and he knows even deeper he has no chance of remotely looking like anything feminine,all the you can do it girl sympathy isn't going to make him look feminine.He is just a lost cause!

Oh yeah he talked about jennifer and made threads about her because he probably wants to be like her but only chance of that happening is hell freezing over or pigs flying,he will always be the unpassable fatty!

""cries"" ""im heart broken, just heart broken"" :wink:

So i guess the scientific question do whales have emotions is finally answered,thanks fatmagic for contributing to science :wink:

05-24-2007, 07:18 AM
I don't think I've run into that one? lol.

The guy near Winchester is notorious. He hangs at the truckstop or the two rest areas nearby.

Some kid stole his car,(and his clothes),while he was romping naked amongst the picnic tables at the eastbound rest stop one night. That's what outted the guy.

I've never understood the fascination gay men have with truckers?

05-24-2007, 07:21 AM
you just can't cut it as a girl you barely cut it as a man.

Wrong. The truth is, he can't cut it as a girl or as a man. However, he has proven he can cut it as pathetic, so all hope isn't lost.

LOL so true fatmagic is the type of pathetic loser that plays the sympathy card he knows deep down he can't cut it as a "fat fag" as he once said and he knows even deeper he has no chance of remotely looking like anything feminine,all the you can do it girl sympathy isn't going to make him look feminine.He is just a lost cause!

Oh yeah he talked about jennifer and made threads about her because he probably wants to be like her but only chance of that happening is hell freezing over or pigs flying,he will always be the unpassable fatty!

""cries"" ""im heart broken, just heart broken"" :wink:

So i guess the scientific question do whales have emotions is finally answered,thanks fatmagic for contributing to science :wink:

I didnt know whales had emotion either did you?


Bahahaha I love you kid :lol: :wink: you make me smile and laugh to much, God I should fight more with you.

05-24-2007, 07:29 AM
Who says "Bahahaha"? Maybe one of those stereotypical cartoon bad guys, but what human being in their right mind... Oops! Never mind. And you're still an idiot. Have a nice day, fat ass, non-passable man! :D

05-24-2007, 07:33 AM
who sticks pictures of guys dressed up in a snake costume as there avatar? 31 year old fat grown men that stay in here all day and have no job during the day and sit there at there desk. jacking off all day teheheheh :lol: :lol: :wink:

05-24-2007, 07:37 AM
How is it you can know how much time I spend here, unless you're here everytime I am? Of course, I bet our situations are very different. You don't have a job to go to, day or night, I'd bet. And what I do, I actually do from home. So, another of your stabs at me has failed, just as your transitioning has to date. Reload, take better aim, and shoot to kill. You might just hit a nerve one day, fat man. 8)

05-24-2007, 07:40 AM
How is it you can know how much time I spend here, unless you're here everytime I am? Of course, I bet our situations are very different. You don't have a job to go to, day or night, I'd bet. And what I do, I actually do from home. So, another of your stabs at me has failed, just as your transitioning has to date. Reload, take better aim, and shoot to kill. You might just hit a nerve one day, fat man. 8)

That or i click your profile and read your post and the time of day you post :roll: :roll: "only a 31 year old brute like you would ask such a questions" Im starting to "love" you just as much as the kid

BTW i work in telecom take a clue hehe :lol: :lol:

05-24-2007, 07:41 AM
That's one freaky story. I never heard of such a thing happening before.


05-24-2007, 07:44 AM
How is it you can know how much time I spend here, unless you're here everytime I am? Of course, I bet our situations are very different. You don't have a job to go to, day or night, I'd bet. And what I do, I actually do from home. So, another of your stabs at me has failed, just as your transitioning has to date. Reload, take better aim, and shoot to kill. You might just hit a nerve one day, fat man. 8)

That or i click your profile and read your post and the time of day you post :roll: :roll: "only a 31 year old brute like you would ask such a questions" Im starting to "love" you just as much as the kid

BTW i work in telecom take a clue hehe :lol: :lol:

Congratulations, fat man! Bravo, indeed. You searched my profile, blah, blah, blah... Way to prove you've got all kinds of time on your hands. You work in "telecom", huh? Yeah, okay. What rational person searches through someone's posts to see what time they made those posts? That's right, a loser with no job to disrupt them from that pathetic task. You're sadder than I thought.

05-24-2007, 07:46 AM
How is it you can know how much time I spend here, unless you're here everytime I am? Of course, I bet our situations are very different. You don't have a job to go to, day or night, I'd bet. And what I do, I actually do from home. So, another of your stabs at me has failed, just as your transitioning has to date. Reload, take better aim, and shoot to kill. You might just hit a nerve one day, fat man. 8)

That or i click your profile and read your post and the time of day you post :roll: :roll: "only a 31 year old brute like you would ask such a questions" Im starting to "love" you just as much as the kid

BTW i work in telecom take a clue hehe :lol: :lol:

Congratulations, fat man! Bravo, indeed. You searched my profile, blah, blah, blah... Way to prove you've got all kinds of time on your hands. You work in "telecom", huh? Yeah, okay. What rational person searches through someone's posts to see what time they made those posts? That's right, a loser with no job to disrupt them from that pathetic task. You're sadder than I thought.

Simple my little 31year old fat man, Its called digging up dirt to make you look even more stupid. :lol: :wink:

ANYWAYS loser............. heres how "long" it takes to look at your post and times you posted. :roll:

05-24-2007, 07:53 AM
Simple my little 31year old fat man, Its called digging up dirt to make you look even more stupid. :lol: :wink:

If that's what you call "dirt", you're even dumber than your previous posts let on. And you might want to check your grammar the last few posts before you start calling anybody "stupid". I'd blame the public school system, but I'm pretty sure this isn't their fault, as it's rather clear you were born a moron, and were likely beyond the ability of even the most dedicated teacher to help you from the time you took your first breath. Well, night! Things to do tomorrow. Be sure to read up on all my posts from today now! There's a few zingers in there... I always go the extra mile to amuse my fans.

05-24-2007, 08:08 AM
Simple my little 31year old fat man, Its called digging up dirt to make you look even more stupid. :lol: :wink:

If that's what you call "dirt", you're even dumber than your previous posts let on. And you might want to check your grammar the last few posts before you start calling anybody "stupid". I'd blame the public school system, but I'm pretty sure this isn't their fault, as it's rather clear you were born a moron, and were likely beyond the ability of even the most dedicated teacher to help you from the time you took your first breath. Well, night! Things to do tomorrow. Be sure to read up on all my posts from today now! There's a few zingers in there... I always go the extra mile to amuse my fans.

public school????? didnt go fatman. If you want to go into the educational aspects of my life then keep talking I promise its not gonna be a pretty "sight" for you.

If you havent noticed "zings" really dont work in this forum and alittle hint when you try to"zing" someone be sure to underline Increase the font or be so blatant in using the simple quotations on that keyboard you have, If your trying to "zing" me then your not doing it at all.

anyways fatman I have work in the morning unlike you. Ill pick this up tomorrow, Have fun jacking off to shemales till 5am. toodle's princess

05-25-2007, 12:10 AM
This is why people have disdain for fags--- stupid assed behavior like this.

Why are you assuming he's gay? From what you described, he was fondling his own ass in public and maybe wearing a bra. There's nothing in there that strikes me as gay. Some people are into humiliation and the thrill of getting caught doing something "bad" in public.

05-25-2007, 01:54 AM
This is why people have disdain for fags--- stupid assed behavior like this.

Why are you assuming he's gay? From what you described, he was fondling his own ass in public and maybe wearing a bra. There's nothing in there that strikes me as gay. Some people are into humiliation and the thrill of getting caught doing something "bad" in public.
Notice I didn't say pople have disdain for gays, but for FAGS! The fact that he did what he did qualifies him as a fag, which is a term meant to be an insult. However, the fact that he was a man showing himself to a man and not a woman strikes me as someone who, at the minimum has gay tendencies. He didn't pick a woman to do this to, and he chose a site predominantly inhabited by males.That was no accident.

05-25-2007, 02:24 PM
This is why people have disdain for fags--- stupid assed behavior like this.

Why are you assuming he's gay? From what you described, he was fondling his own ass in public and maybe wearing a bra. There's nothing in there that strikes me as gay. Some people are into humiliation and the thrill of getting caught doing something "bad" in public.
Notice I didn't say pople have disdain for gays, but for FAGS! The fact that he did what he did qualifies him as a fag, which is a term meant to be an insult.

Ok.... Well... I can't wait to see the responses to this one.

However, the fact that he was a man showing himself to a man and not a woman strikes me as someone who, at the minimum has gay tendencies. He didn't pick a woman to do this to, and he chose a site predominantly inhabited by males.That was no accident.

If I got off on exposing myself, I'f likely pick a place full of men as well. A woman would be a lot more likely to call the cops and the cops would probably be more likely to throw the book at me if there were women around, don't you think?